Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTFtT y.?i',i Monay Pack I! You Want ll ? IVTcwMarli '<F-?v. ?m At '?Mid: ?*"^gP" (M?mne WEATHER Fair and ?old to-day. snow to? morrow; -vest to aouthw?>?t winds J?ia.l r.erorl ?aa tag* a First to Last ? the Truth : News ? Editorials ? Advertisements 1 |\M - ."> .26 5. I? ?pari-,*,? mm Ihr I rlhiiii?. \aa n | TUESDAY, JANUARY is. 1016. a a ? ONE CENT ill in "Sen T. rack ? it r. Sreeek, .Irree-r f Itr ...., Moi.>i.r-ii *l>.?<a|i?-? Taao Ceate. Montenegro, Abandoned by Allies, Sues for Peace ALLIES AGREE ON BLOCKADE; NEUTRALS HIT France and Ital) Won 1,1 Britain's Wexs o? iron Ring. U. s. TO JOIN IN PROTEST ^ministration I ears Anti Britisti I h Ibrcak ?n gress. ? - ? ? _ ?? -??? ii ? -, i ? ... ? - ? ? . of a" eelini ? ? i -? - , teal ? posit I ? now ' ? '. . ' t I I ' ' - ?'r- < , -ii ii,. . ' ? ? ? Gen ' .?'. i.? Brit iah \ ? ' ? ? ? ? ? AT$K1N NEAR RABBIT STEW ' *?* '"?-?.I I..-.4 h -i, trouaee1 ''? " .4 I-, ii-, - ? ? ?"?asi ?h. r th? pre. ? - -. Bitter Cold Descends on City; Kills One, Fills Lodging House Cirrat South \\,w . I ro/cn Over. Imprison.?* thr Charles w. I ind?e-?Frost Line Drops to Gulf ol Mexico /n?> t<- ()hl?> Knri i a ?'miel.' a >.>?? 1 IF thS r.??vt '?w ,1a* ? ?reath? i mi? i.* ,.\ - -', There ?h? ?. foistaati ?? . v and su'kinp nii*r4"'.r\ ?, ? ?' - - ?" . "iioM ? ne! .:- ?en si . arm? onslaught ? ?it ? est ei morning At * O Ht 1 ' 1,H'* t ni| en ? and 3 ? from ForarastST Sear? (fed at the cold snap - ' ? day, ? it*?, local m-.-?*<?-, w. dnet r " .he 1 Wei , . . . . M iften oon. Mr Hirsch ?ras good i e f - ed and was sen o? er of 4 e firm or Joseph H rselri ? ? . ? . ? - r> v ' | Fror* ? .. I '" > ^ ?'?(>? ? rear Sand; Hook foi hour?. ? r:-> d-r-i o? Avenas K ,nd Ninety.seeond . coa?'. .i - . tcrnoon. Ry?i*?r ?ay une (0 "he Fort Ha'. "reek Hespiti .- . . ? . f Iva hu? ilred m? shivered i tVfnT.. the Mu? Ifii r He? 1 -'v' RiVei SI ?' . fifth ? -rrf? last ni-flu. until they wpv?. admitted tun: to ?our. ? ? sths and bei Des] ?te th? - ? g ?old, Car rVsrr mc ? ere f\i?.- ted th? ofl.? si? ?i ? I: light o I? than tl n ?vint? a? ? ? su ...'W ape ??fir :'?;.. Rettei businei tlei si -..?,. f man .? 4 ? opstBt? ;ob? sr a??l?r ?"! .i- Pel rht? ?*i<" ron*e Thi? i-:'-, rtrnn.-r, ;\r- -?or?? ' watathr? ? ihiv? red - t?l in an icj bli ? ? t' ?t seal the raereur; ?I- ? ?r- degri ? '.era Indlanapel ? register? I - ? ?-???:?? ratui ? ? - .? t foui * ... stures ?ver? the i <M>1 eat of II ? ... red th? eet'u g line <i".' ? ? ? i lie Gulf ? Mexic? . _n? I - ne ?-.f zen? tempera! ire? r.? far ? ? the Ohio Rivet prevailed evei Meet stem ? iweai . r'-r-iT - ie (?Ulf ?.. .-h. ? t night it vas ?ta n-?* ^ ?? v. hen Gn. th? first time 1 the school ?' Oreai i;'-?4 ':>,-? night ? a' .? : Pn-r.'. ..' ?*? ? f foil .? vessel is in no ?mmeil'a*?- <.??'?,??? . ? ?. ? < stance of tugs eo-, clear. ", ? ? i ? beui d to r-' e .?-???ir? fr"i- Perth Ami".;. rhere ii .rai ger of freeiing. i arge - ?U tens of POLICE COMB CITY FOR GIRL TEACH V. Ido? ?'cl Mother I tars i Lo-t 4 Da\s. Wot | oui PI, ? ? ? ? ? ? ; ? . ? ' " ' . ; ' ????.'?; ?' ? ? . < ? * '. ed 01 ' ' ? ? P thai ? ? ? ght? ? ? . . ? ... r ? am BIG BEAR AROUSES WINST1 \nniirtl mi Bold * IkihiIht ai < ?.ininei Ma* SkoaMsi Inas T?i-nieht. l , lai I", Fri. '.. ?rter, eai . . rill? and s home i . ? reported ? . | .. ... miff' ? :- ? n:.J l?t. ... .? ?-. -* im 11 ox ii rov ? e an i m al i ng near Cr ? ? ? ? men eari i >.r..' ?*pr? . ent's nol TAKES UFE TERM FOR |8.6< ? , m Vk? ni Sa>s Sum Was Hue Ihm ?ii/i- linn li'iir? in Sing .-?nig. ? . .... ? i, e Morrisanii rft of i . . ? , " ? "..' i : ? ?: Victor Pe? , 713 Third ? . nol suilty. saying U back afar- Ils minatio;, i. ?? ?? ... .. ,. I. ... ?ne icfngei ?taa? VASSAR DAISY CHAIN ABOLISHED BY SENIC Decide Iraditional Selection Prett\ tiirK Is Uiidemocrat Ian. 17, enioi . . . {to ? ? ? ling 1 .- ? ? class 1 the D? Chi 11 at? - ars .he sentiment hno i ' growing ' i' t nail reduced iti ,r to ? "1 gii . '.pli": . ?vere labelled D the real fi -II".. general . , the ei ?1 'I'' . . I final sr. ? ........ ? ? ? ?oarers of the chi < caused 1 ng ? tudent ei eeping with tl eral t'aaaai tee. Miss I . . ?| ' oui d? world v." Dais*) ? to be ? no ? Ol ourse, ? te gl ? i ? esthel '? ? i1 we arc icoing phomor? - \.fw the ? ind can 'laiNip?. \ rit i reat? i . HOMES WHERE WIFE I? Man \\ hi. \|?i??-ars I litre Onlt un l?i ?in ?.??s Naturalised. \ mai 's home is where his a ? i-eclar? d Jusl i ;-??) m Whi r lay in granting ? to Jo i, ? ? ? !???'- papei ? ;.,i - . ' oi' un err? I ,,;.jir;i) 1 ?'Hi . ? \?. ... -, ri ? "? ?dene? that be !n ed in Manhattai r,-; Whit Plains. "Any ol i ? ' ? ? i tion bur? "Nona al all," eter." ? i ? ? ? . papar-?." sai? tin? court "A ''i??' BLIZZARD BLEW HIM A WIFI Wann Vele? Greeted Catll?Nl Po? liceiuai? >t?..ii I ?i Be HI? : iffii 01 ? . ? Het .? ?J'Briei .-? Ilouten Streeti I . ? : ? ' i - - ging irmi ... poor man, ;? ou . . i ? ? i ? . lag tO laid a pieasi ? ? I'Bi ien p * I and sa i prett; I . ram ?i sitting ? . toui ng ca? '?huh ' ? \ e U 1 , ? i Until.i.. I "I pi I'Mifl Oil," '"V ? : . ? j ?aggntttlatiBBa. 12 AMERICANS REPORTEDSHOT Fugitives Hear of New .Massacre at Dolores. SAY RODRIGUEZ IS STILL ALIVE (iuitierre/. Who Bleu Up runnel, Captured in Juarez. -. a. '.,??'-, , ?Ian. IT. I '??- ? ?re '"?*" ? ??s night I tn -, eans nr ' r ?or I? . to >bi ? . namei .?' f v ? renon ? : to hare heei ?ho? to deal ? ;? ' ? ? ? e? ? !*?r| re. Ill that a hand i V-lla hat. i ked the ? g loam of '' ??? . g air of th? ? . - . -, a ? ? .., g the A *., |?e three. v s, 1 e seen? luari they v ? ? com ? learn ?( It is k oa n thai if " -, ? ? ?ve be? ? ? ? iring the la*--. ? <"?k. arri ?t eras said In ? b i huahua mai Mers follow? i after - h' ,. on the Amei es 1rs si ? ... : - ? IV-, ds I? ta lila ? ? ' agi timer cans, ar,?i ?. ill for. ? . i . . >? . ? ? ?? ? 111 ? -? i,, -re? \rrerteo. l I , ? i " ? Railroad, Pearson, ( v .'.ran? nb?,;.r : h l. 191 . ? . M? orty A o have ? Kl Pi r the ? .?.nr- unil ! t been killed, ths ? I <*f?r \ IHIStBS. [ . ? - , . ' ? . ? ii bii ? . ??? i;o.l . ? ? ? ? ? ? rie Isders ni '. i ? of the 131 ted .???..' Manuel ? i ?? .? ant I i'isnei ? . ' . '?. M. to be >??.* , | . ? ng to n ht by Bi .... . ' ...... .... reute-1 Doug A r ? ? ?'ilia ? ' I Han 4 urr-n/, I tmomt the State ' .. ? ' i*?! ?ni page ?? ."iiniin '? r SWEDEN PLANS DEFENCF hinjt |sk| Si-.ret ? nnfereme <?n ! Nri-ds. I oi'ii<.ii. .inn 17. 'i be Bared ? P liament -.-" op? ned te dsj In i ipeecb :n,i:. th>- tiiionc us -'or.-.?!. bj Reu te i '? 1-..1 ri ipondenl at St? holm Kirie. Gusta? .? -ani: "A renaidaal? straggle o! ever? ? ? " g intensil ?? bleh will d?M '?<? futiir<- of nations, ii ?at ?-. p?a 1 'ur geveinmcBl ?ara? -i I op? to abla s!?-. 1 ? '., mainl sin I he ? ?it-h ?i decided 1. 1 en i rginning or' the hi. I? il .11 ordl ? laintaia neutralitj and I ? 1,'ntr of Ha fdri, ?ner aaed I n.l a'nl ?f* m'l?! !>.? readin? <? "Sa ed?n hat felt th ? ? ITecl ? sf ? .?1 m aum?reai ways ing th? ;.i at. Belligerent? rv? tan ever-increasing degr. ebsai international la* providing ?????? ol neutral snd '??? limit?t! ?f deeds of i io!> I ? :. ,-i ,.......'*. 1 ,, 1 .. lerted, il wai ne? ii-' ?v 1 - - ..f pro*. ir c for national defence, H? gnvernmoBl ? auld ?si Psi ' appoial ip? rial delej I ?1 th? pt 1 ie of discussing nal el s seere? natui e v. ith the ?? il '. anehei WILSON HOLDS UP REPLY TO VIENNi Petniiit?*- Captain's -affidavit In puKtv? Austria's Oood l ;iit.i Sa>s U fi<?Jt Did No! Warn. '? - Ilel; -.-??? ? -?s; . r" ? piling u| the Austrian a faith, anH ',,?? i a'! f|o'-h??? ai ? - ? . a.,- , , ,, alel ? ?? has r Captain 1 I the Pi 1 1 la 1 ? i?"?r rt a that t .? Pel rol ' shall id by an Austrii ? out warn inga ii ? ' ' ? ' sa 1 ??rt--- -1 . ? ... '..i:,' .i.!- . : I being leni? ?'?';' ere ' ? . I on 1 ', ' ' ! I ?pportunH I li.''.l , niiirriit pri ? ?I te the 1 ment ol s es l - sn ? snl Pel rolite cas? 1 0? itands, add to the cumulai rffecl of rue mai unlawful ,1" .. 01 rterehant shippini Mediterrai 1.. Ai ere on bean ? of the vi \ i'UHU ... I I MORE LIGHT ON NEW HAVEN P. *-. ? . Order ft 'Ii Make Pars -? Pal ru???. L'an lee la (.'-ail ? .", ? . ? * .??? Haven a ? ?ctor. . v.i m. B ? he d ? ,r. brougl ' ' . ? Ihr 1 ? ? . el . ? ? . 1 -i . ? ? 1 ?t the cas? 1 ? rther 1 si GIBBONS URGES PATRIOTISM lanares S'atioaal ?mer?ran ii.n Cob? 111 .-in f ni 11 ?? -?> mpal i ? h... lai IT. I : .. . I t . ' 1 - 1 r ? ' \ ? to I . ? ' ?rri? \ 0 ?mpal ' ? v ? . . . - ? ?? o a 1 ? I individed 1 I ? ' ses." The Chaining lower I I' a - "." I P. Ad.. ?call I The I To But that d ioi ? i litated ? ?if ?? it,?loi perpetrating i col) um" which o ? . iple pei : i read da I p, a . tore thin i paragraph si Ht * ? '??? He pn tribes tal : I foi comn on ?i .11 kinds of I grudges and gruu? ' ; I f.. ? ? to i - rower, ?Zhc ?Tribune | i ir^t to Lost "too I rot It: Sou? ??itoriah?A?*ertistmeatm, i BRITISH PUSH CLOSE TO Kl Drive Turks Back Post Six ?Miles from City. TURKEY ?ADMITS CAL CASIS LO? 300.000 .Moslems Nea for Drive on Egypt, Paris Hears. LaOnde lai '.: Relief far the 000 British troops, ndei ',"-.? - ".-? i '??? K it ? A isnearathai I tjeneral Ajrltaer's fon ng 'rp 'r.e Tigl s, bf e .|, ? ,., to I -. ??? I? I : 101 -I .-'..-. ? ? - to 4 me ?rr ent to day. s the Russian advene .. .. ire gaining ate 1 si itantinople admit? that . M*tri ir? iting the Oar's ar ? I -.. ? > ; sr for a week, w< forced te sbai don the r pon ? ? " ' * 'nniefr??." d ? s ? * : .i i ? - ? - - - rasio Te ? Jon nal1 ' '. * . ? ' SB) I "?.'. I '-. - ! ? i r ?? that Djemsl Ta-ha. es ? ? of the Turkish fore??? In Syr .-??r settling the "Jtetalli of the rZg. ? pedil lefl . ?'iii.onn i urk? Ready. [) i ???.. the earreaponde ' ? ?> < ?. '. I ,. r ,, i ? ? . '. ? . r seaatian of <? Enver l'ac Minister or' War, who 1? **? act >r. ad Isoi k'apacit; an.I to ex? ih roreea destined I Eg) pi an ? Is * d al "MW.iJOO mi : ' ? ., . s he left '. . i rki ?ve tl ? 'cated t? i. .* ": hi !a?t f? day? Announcei i I ?? i? 'iihJ.' ia Lb don yesti rd thst I i Mi ilem i hi , .?-??n besten a" Urah, on th?* Tigr twenty- rs ? bslow Kot-el Assai J Au?ten ?'hamberlam, Secretary fi India, announced n ?'??<? House of C? lay the ? ? ' ? i ? re ? B Reaarta Held Back. iperationi Je ioj .*. ? - iriiiig thf a?i' ssce to ' ??* lidered end sppri red I the War I eil," said ">lr. ? hambe ? ?? ?. ould nol be in the pwbl I make an* its i ? s ipera i i formation o< ? >? eireumstanc? ? ?? than 1 t he 111 h ilouee thai ? retir? lian, a positioi ?? ara He, i er, apparent . . ig ? ? 12th t?. whs the I ?let : sm ths a sddl 11 ... ? ? ., ?. te ..?- ?,. ? ? . up '. , ? o? ..' snd fi em '?en ?v mer up I I I of th egrs ?all, o ? ? .. - " . . ?. ? ? ? .is!) Tarks Farced ts Retreat. gating oi the neighborhood, snd oi the m '?' ' ieneral Ayr ? nemy wars elf -rai watei (Vaddi. Gei eral ? er n port? d it th? ? * - ? ? '. ? rear? pa n'"* * on si Ei ? i , ,- ? - eriou ham] I r, and I asa the ? sthei ? r< t bad. All l ... . er." ... ?}.? I ? . a nagmtud? n..?4 r.'i eationa far? "' ? reports. Pollew? a i ? itantii ople that s Russian feni 1 b 100-ralle front ?i.utli of the ira 'neni){ ?ugh i that 1 V i ? i tioi ban been iuc ? ? . - * - - Ivuluiutii vs jjta* ?!? .ulvuiu? I ALLIES LAND TROOPS 5 MILES FROM ATHENS llerlin. Jan. 17 ?by ?irele?? to ??a. \iiie, \. ??.)._Bertta n?.??sp? pt-r?. a. fording In the <)<e?i? igeacy, e-ipr??-?-i ihe belief thsf the Isnding of Allied iroopaat Phalrnm. five mile? ?roil v?.v,t ?r Athena. Is ?"?insldere.- a? an-ipl\ ir-j pr?K?f I hat ihf ?.ntt-ntf? rnafi-i, intend >i?.|ng ?SI reme mfiim to ion?? ?he hand of f.reere. The ageary's statesaaal saya: "R??rUn new ?paper?, '-ominen: ing on the Istct ne-a? regarding i.reere. unite in ?fating that the Kntentt? ??em?< !o h?"re abandoned all regard for ?.reek neutrality and aosrr elgat/. 1 he landing at I'halernn ?4 . 'onsider-rtl a* proof that the Bat?ate i? no? going lo ii??.? extrem.? m? an-? lor forcing Greece. "Accenting te prhaie rfp.>rts. the I I i?*!, government ha? Iraaafentd l>?ri ol ihr ??ale archives to i a r?a?<-i. m Nefftkaeetera Urttwe, ? Ii. ,-r es'entHall*) ?he f.reek go\er?n ment likowlaa ?ill he transferred. ?Ihe fa.-f |i?at the British are blotrkadiog Iba ?.reeU .-?a?' tm?*f tight!? an.I Hi-? ?-ihie.-ling ?.ree.-e to ???her in. ?>nt enier..-? S i? Int?rpreted I?' I lie ..?liier. ,?? rne-a'ihig tiint the Retente i?, fom-entlng und preaeriag rlir oten I? ?on of the ?.reel, ?.nern meai >n at?ee to sebatMet? s r?? i?iihl:<-, ivitk Veaieelaa at it? !<???.!. "I.ratitiide ia iin-inlmniialt ex? presse?? In ihe newspaper* Ihst the entire arm-, nun the msjorlt> of the f?reet pogalattM are un the hing'? side, an?l ?.il! friiatrate all attempts again?; th? rountri'* so? ereiifn'- .-?nil the i\ing's life." FIND BF.RNSTORFF SUPPLIED FUNDS Kigtfs Bank Wrote von Papen of Deposit by Ambassador. ! ndoB. :ai). IT. J'rr .? U.?. . pi*?"*?*-'-:;-': of th? letters pd do?u ments taken from < ?mai! l'an ?? Palmouth. i.??-tei ?? tha Rlggs t ?;-, it Wi ?gtoi 1 ? ?? ? . ink advised \ ? ? . l.? '? ' ?posited ? ? ? edit M in I?.. . " sari) ?bruary of 1916. Karlj ii uarj ?f 1915 the German Rmbasi p..sited 13,000 to the credit sf ? ftptai!. von Papen. On three other aeeaaions ? f emboss} paid te his account h to? ?at of $..,'111". in amounts of 12-000 ? ach. Tue letter ro Captain vea Papen, ta ; German lilltai i tek? -t n Sen ii..-. ??'.; the Gernu Coi - ?? ? 0 in? . ion thai the letter va ,-. ? -.-. . t-German ? or.- ?.'. a' W-. Orleans, and gnated m 'he ?-opt tapi I I lb? imeri?ean , Embaas). In an ed tor al on th? i <?n Papen r-cne.spon.iepre. 'The Tall Mall lia - presse* th? ?pi s tkat Pro? ? (Vilson "?nus*, deriva an ai . . ?' .- from those pap? .- ? in it*.' eting ai ? a? tloi . .,? ; .- ..... r eoncerl with ?'?? Am? ues: ? [iernstorlf has di time tetween parva ng fei p :i M ''i bro'jgh*. about ? apt;.;:. *? ?-ri PBaWBa ?XBUlsioB i | g tke framework el Ameritan protests ob se i ?ral pri? llagas ?? ri lh? u o tj ?f ' i ?.' the G?. ... -. :..'., i ... '. i'* ... ip- rd ?mboees R ti th? "The ambassador did i.ot even kno* vo:, !'..? I . r leeouot the ?? Bank,*1 in smbasi - ?A? ?1 i i ? POPE TO INVESTIGATE BELGIAN ATROCITIES Cardinal \Wcier Wins Promise of Papal Commission. l ? .-... ' 17. -1 '.' each n ge coi - '? ? ? ? ,4- Bom? --ii.i- ? Srst fruit f the visit to F'.on.? "? Cardinal Mercier, Piltra?.- of Bol? it th? Pop? ?? cond I . irtial ? - ? irg ?. . , Cardinal Mercier t '-. e Gorma ? ? ., ? * ?- .. ' biti at ? i I h? ? ? appoint a commie* ? ... ? ipporl ? ? ipons the I ? gs of this hoi,-. ? ardi?al Mercier himself mainte? ? It ?"T. e, nagt ?n? anau.?, ' ????-- -he big bundle of psoer? he took in '??!"*'' ?'"- ? "? private and!-'? i - , . ?atiea matten wai e Cardinal would ?aj ms regsi g these a On? : .. t WS - ' loeUB BBJI of nreaei I Belgia snd of all-tftd continued Garaaa barbaitttaa. ' ARMYTRAPPEl KING NICHOLA. GIVES UP HGH Count Tteza Ai nounces Surrendei in Parliament. NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN AT ONC Montenegrins First Soufi Terms January 1?3, Says Premier. f omkm, Jai. 1 J Hr-??' on ?!? rortli. east s A .: . ???>. and "--'.'Ii h!I lin (?:' ;-.'tr.?H. eut "ff f v, ? ? I ri?. \>l".??re h o-?t. ne tri! be faced, M>M*tenegr < ha isked ? ? tria Hungary f< ? p ace, ai d h?-r re qu*??? ha.- been -"-ranted. Uta u -1 !*.:? *?->?] laying doarii of -n-mr- bj Mont?-r??-rr'? wat n*a?ir the bftl the iilienJne of peaCC ami .Montenegro accept? I the I ?mpo ied b) the dual n This announcetTiei the Hungarian Par iante * mier Tisxa, and it im sril tion on the part of the atembi the ''h?*.ih'"". Thti torn '"?', ftrat j thdrasral of a*?" belligerent trow <?-;*hei- of the ?lu?an-?-"- which ha?ra beat t'. eh'..nur arith "a. h othei August, I'.'U. Ii h-?.?l been c*4***r4*ede<l r""' lay thai ituation of Monte-negro ?? as -a critical 01 ?. ?although the are ? the little .- ? * .??a. it th* Austro-l ans uaecpiat, because .... :?*,,'< of e-ina and, il ..... . -'.'ii-'? it ? ??'? ? ? -ir?'.. ?. "... the task 'hol ? i rh'?*. In. led in t?ru*l : Be Kntire bm^doin Qccaplad. tl ready !<-? tsnegro's ? - ' sal of ?? r, irtant toan* ? ?? ? ? 1 lto ?he "-.r.ii-1 r- o*' * '* ??? ' H? ins, sr.?i the in* -.-\> I 1*4 ??y *o Meatenegro'i ehlsf -* - t ort Anti? srl Last aeeo ints I lonteaegi | even men! ..? Seal The-. . . ' . ? ' "Monten? gre ash ri.- pr? ? ba cr-at uproe ? greet Bounces ? 'We ssked th*?* beforehe i ?(fro la her .. ? leyfal ? ? - ? ? ??? as ha . - .... b ??? ssi? N.-g..nation? licc.ti haasedlatelj the prelin been laier, - . .4 . A dispatch frei i the Moni h?.I . . - [hen '.o separate \ .to a i, y h r ' "a . ? deelared i I ; ? arm;. . ? e?j ? 'aouI'I ? ght ? ~ I be am '>:\-- ? ? . - . ... ., ? any of the bel?g i . - srd the ? . pee? ?. egro entered l I ; .?" ? ? VU s thi I ? ?ori?.;?.? I wil i i . For s ..... after a id? con.ii.. rativi spars tnd ? . '??;?.? ished into Au in tai tory and toi ? . ? i ttaci ..... ? and Am ?... b? the chief ?tratie ??-?. - ttle b <?iom. Uriae n IK-tnber. I'nr .* : a^ai-*" Mai "ai ?f l bee?: si <* .? rar, al simultar c .- ? ?rith I \ ? ? . . the Tea ind Balg h< v ? >' .. i 1 itoui g far * . i, with what i :; foltS, Sa*gari thatl laal Jt'.crmir.C'i sffei*, -?-hU-ls*