Newspaper Page Text
?Van ijml? ?Tribune Pliai i? Leal?the rral N "v?Edltoriala ? \? , ?? -o n t -i> w i \n* \in ti tan a ?a. V'.tll?". ? -. ? , , I - ' ? ? 4 ? 4. - . ? 14. NHOOS l'ai? ?\ la-la '? ? j * r-v. ?ti i rr-tin t : ' -..,,, . ? i eo i i*. . i -. > ai I. M ? ? . . a- t .t ??An-.? - . .- ?? . ? t\; SV M? AT i n a .. t? HIT OM.1 . ? a.?.- ' " (. , . . . - . . a, ., . ? M v . ? ? . s un M a Sfoerf* Osa Ion fan pnrclif.--. ?? t : rhaadiee ndvertiacd ln TU! TR1H? XI t. ,11, absolute BofC-t] il diaonttefa I noaltS in any case TRI ?'RIM'Nl. guanntcei la pa? ?oui moaej h*-k uprn rrc-ut-M. No red tape, no quib httag. Wa make tfnod i?romptl> it the ?>?i vert leer dur? r?.t. The Railroads and Prepar??dneas. Thru a tO ? ? | two ? ? ..- i (Continental There n ; ? .. - ? ? i ? ? ? ? ? r the purp? ? ? an india] r factor It i? the rr.ain de-j - tranaportinc troops and for g and supplying thcni. In military ..ii? arr* therefore rcc ry i 1er the ? rainent. It is one f the ma leasoi the Civil Wi - paniah '.hat our milr.. pro*. i- ' . ?' of the a er the Wai ? The a ith other ' short ? probiem hav? . . led in and pul ? Presid? Wilson, V - . ... ... absolut? y nee? ? ? panish War. \ ? ? I . ?? ? ? th Mr. Gtsorge : pi of the Peni . .i ? Pel '? a* ? ? ?-, .?vor any trail ? ' ? ve an . ? as long il:..- from ' ? Jf? ? rom Philadelphia to : . ma movem? men on such a me Idea of tranaportation facilities I I ' ..- ia Ra ? ? . . . ? : ? paration fur nur railroad facilitiea. With un . ? ?? ? ? ? of thn ta ?? neral's - it war? . ? rhe government ailroads. Bui .. ? ? ? ii :. V\., ihington arriera, quires a nourish? ? and credit of Since tn? y or ? an ? ? ? .?'i...- ? ? ? facilities :- a * for the Ii Inter? ? ?? ? .'-,,- ?..> ha? * ailroads aln enemies. It ? - . ght to loarer ? to the ? tiding country. ?dent Will to 'in? rail? ? - - hearts ai.d the minds o; the I 11 itate Com? i OBunisaum. . '. 1. r.'J-i. ii ? : .-'...i afiele the in v.*ar u a matl f i It h;u! late . ? tsh aaide ? . ? . y prepai? -? ? Il . lowed to forpet ..lue of the i ? ? ; ?:' More Cabs, Not Higher Fares. !'?-.. the 1 txicab Bureau in of I hind a ? . . t a mint pi .. to bring ] .? - 0r Mitel. n incraa n taxi .-. ... - of the In ? ? npaign ,i ? ?? , ?n '??? | re ? t tl Maj r, who ! ,i- troublei ? ough i t hi oam, in I i ? . Board of Vldermen, a hlch bave the i i i : i -ii. dear. In an] ? ? the taxieab peo? 11 ? might I attar d "oti their attention to caring f<?i th?- larjr?- at'l profitable buai . which iht?y aeem no*ar tn enjoy. The pri'si-ni rat-rs of fata are not, par? Lai??, an low at, tiny ?moulu be o. event unlly will be. but they will n?*t Vi* n to the foiVMV ha?ir? of nirn"y ?vi'.h, In othar -und?, the* tnors or '.?*?i: : si li factory to the public ".\ atioi. gl hotel and -.a-.ri-n*. stan<li bo any Indos the tax bios an d( ' | .1 flourishing DUgilMM 0 the ? \ its scale. have gustainad tho ordix when 11 has loon nttftokod from OM i lother until thors geomi left, hi i coneoiva ? point for further legal V. '.ii' .- ...cil". "-v. .- '...'ii' tax - . ? If the varkmi c?>mpanias w? ul i sook ] parity fron small profits on ? large thoj would be bottai oll m the Ii a- .m h K to "?turn t? old ?'">" ?' ?? lifforanl service and charge). Sortit? of the German Fleet. Rumt rs of nr ng 1 s> nl N -??. bave latolj been res *.? -A*- tl:nt meicl ??' ' ? selg 1" -." ? I .ii the Do -:i!T", bjf SO!? ? ' ? ' it'.i!.'- :?tt 1 li ' British Admin rv, '.ho (?*;? hiph too ?loot mack three *-<irti>-s .*. failed u> tir.d the o? em.. they kept along the cont-t by ?? uth of the Elbe and through the B ? ? ire out thai I ? been ... .- ,unfj exa i" :.r: t, we sow, ?s.... i ? up the bny, r.r.ii tb? . ' : bsck .?c If tho Gerrnan-; had bei or a trial of Stren, ould not h.ivo boon much difficult] itter. Bui cruising it; the ! .- ring under the ' l of ? . -;. f Grimi - I Kugelb ? ??.? behind th< n ?. : ? ?'. .. ? .'.ay t<* pror an oiicoun'.oi. ? thii ?nd have "? casionally b _-. ? ! | . lyve m people, who . ?? : ? - heir cos? earh days of the wa e not reconciled \<< the minor pa t it has b? ? more than a r. half. Tho food ; ; "? r impatii pedient , arry out in ?>r< ? wovor i .?? -arently pressing. ? ? no long ? ? ? - tal red Britl . and ?t humi lativc inr.j tence. Nor a- I ?I wi ? pired writing Il - i ? . i ? 'ho fleet ? self, Th er Tag . . ? e si ? ; t he K Cai ?? morrow." Il to mi s hear i'r.. tun? to the < :?;.*. ora nia ? ? ? roy tho enemy. hecoi ditiona ? ?1 it true, be niu Th v that these littl? mo; . leel r.:. any dai **i roui ? . But th " to ri - : that i?' thi re is to be ;? bid fi command of the i ea H m condil have i ? -? ?- es. Il ?m e, when a e heai i ierman floot returfling fro ? ? we may pri ? hat ti storj ly for the gratiflcati? [f there i I ?? ? it will prol . ?? wit ii Drinkint? Under Difficulties. . B tain ha* 'caused perplexit ??? here in tl Rain? . I ? ; .. ..?? ? ? ?. police and the magistrat? greed thi thai poii t Bui ? then a doubt has s as I how long i. eal may last or what thi ? ? "drin ? ? 'i h Btj man i I chi the !?? had ? tpired. Ha* in I ad a pull at tho al?. boul i" tak a bite, whan some one called him to the tel? phone. With the bread and cheese --til! ii 1 is han?l ho hurried ??fl", loavinp tho al< nished on the lia:-. i)n his return hi .. ; what was left ii his gig prom] ted, I* wa . ter half s he 1 ten the law t, "il - deai ? thi 1....1 remov? .1 the plate." In -omo instances the issue is not a? howevei Tho treating cla 1 ? have been the cause of man; ' llties. Tho othiT (?ay a tavornor 11 Scotland was charged wil I it ng par? ating m Ins premisas. A i-? ? ? ? ? la constable, disf nisad a workmen, had witness? 1 the transaction . . " ? IH h? r he wai trial his couns? the . on Liable whether his, too, had had s drink. IHe replied that he ha?l. but that he paid himsell ' '? 1 paid it il at the time," replied tl??> lawyer, Mbu1 did the the I 'Thi ted questio lawyei ted thai a rep? , . tativeof the govi n nent had, in fact, broken the law in order to si < : ; t ?.an. I The Sheriff befort whom thi cast not Tied wan evidently nt a loss, but Ott! ?M ' natttf short by fitting th?> landlord and ramarklng that the mm point raited "might be n matter <?f imiu'ry at the prop? e* time." Thi law || su new that there oie ns ye*, no precedente to barn opinions on in doubtful eaiea? It eeeme, however, thai m doubtful fiiBCP the rule is to d?fCidl : gainai the acengad. New Transil Lines. Operation of the nea exprem aervice m the elevated lmo.? bring! into eompl* ?tion one phaae of the dual subwaj .con It is n diatii 'i advance In th? t?ity's tranail faeilitiee, and inevitably muai relieve the overcrowded subwa) as ?won as traffic can equalize Itaelf thai it, ..? ? -o?. as the " - ni. ? ' ol the - etioni : Ifectad can v.->' th? i tage of changing their habits of tra? I Dfcouraa, -?rill nol ? ?? ptwrnanant, for traction expert) ? aaiomatk the tat? m II ai ? ????" I ranal! f?cil ity I'M-- ta il er growing patronage in this city. a< this cil i ? lime will be as congested ai the old elevated line? in the rush hour.-?. In the mean time the .-'??'! d and Third Avenue expresa service especially should be attractive and a g? i ?:,,,!:- to the i ? .? Broi -. < ' ? i Weal Side t |i ?!? w ill i ol be ticeahl h< .??.??? ?I with the old a'hieh manj Washington Hi i .' ? ;,.'.: ."Wa\ One I ? e done very aooi te traveilei of the city. That portion : the Eaal Sid ? ara; now t pletcd north of Forty-a? ?nd Ik? in operation. Ni plete sen ici ould 1 ? gi ?? n, to be would l ?. ? irtuall). i buttle '.?;? '. ? ' ? ? ' - i.?i,l be made with the pi ? Bubwaj al Grand C? .;?;il Station by a v all;, so thai those who ?riahisd to nti le outh would be able to do Bj such an arrangem? ' ' be cil ;? and the ? ?uld obtain th.? brin? fil of i of a huge plant : i-,v idle; I . ? rabie section of the up] ' Side would ha - ?? ??? brand ne?*? trai ich would ? and elevat? d I ? The Germ Duel. The i basil our p.- ftst i .?????apoiis in favor are not tl ? ial y aas? with the du ?tl ej do not come within the provisions of the Sullivan llier. Those who rememl rith atal ? I laol in which illow? d ' aeh a harmless looking little p I and stood re gaachoth? he who h,-ti! : the poisonous on tl feel There i- an echo th? cha ei ge, I ich a ( hi? ll 1 the Health city. The pi ? with - it his ability t< n > ?? will l.ot; : ? ? ' ' ? 8 if gei of common type, three ol pa and I wo of them pathog? ? md, thron . . ? . i I, ? ?;" us will personell* r.mine and I iltur? and pick out th?- three harml? ''Fourth, - faith in our ebil-l the harm . from ? will inoculate ? three cultun ? ? Of cour c, tl i proud 1 fight," hut the ] ' .- ' ? eresl .? .i : . ce over the . gil .* * ? ' kill rath' to cha al i, Thei e is a hinl here, nir, of the gradual idenl tioi .1 wil h n ilitai : eth , with this ? ige to the public, that %\ itti every d? feated in a du? as a of beat b? I ibles. [I .? re] orted thai tl s Rev, Di ? ? ? manort Peaee Tribunal. So now v. o know why be i 11 ?- ? . ?. ? ? ": ? . ... ? ? * ?n ng a great? i ? ? One Shining Example ? ! : . ?tehii ta I ':.. : d to resort to legal t< ? : the town of Ard . dan ?in Immed at? pealed to 1 . a ? ?? ' that al the close f the year Ai ? i the vie? ? rork ? ? es thai than upoi . ? . .?en hi own to the comps ? ... : ferei the great ex- ?. losi and ? ting nown to i " .luiiUa i :? | EUROPEAN CLAIMS AGAINST MEXICO Are They To Bo Collected from Us After tho Wnr Is Over? i,. the Editai of I: ? 1*1 ?baas Bir; i i.'.?.* just tread yaai Wethington on the irai imic. of thii tnorutnsf? fribnae. Then* is aaetaer phase of 'hi? Ale? ???ri iltoatlan th-at It seen.? to me msj be toss? extremely s?ricas. Il II '?ia'' eititeni ? .r eoantries than Tin bars been killsd .. ifoxi? ?? ihr prop? itv of citiseas si ?tl si ti than sai ? aai bean de .trey? ?! "? Ma i ? I in? ??.. '..'..'? t.. be tr?i?- :r. th? eSSS ..f ri1K.s:;.! aad 4 at a.In. :.n?l la all probability ?I ?| ?. i, .,? i ... ? ,,| German? sad athoi i ..,ii, , eunti ' ? If t1'*'' ' '" awre ?bin likely ihn' 'ii" -? rooatrles '???>"? sfreadj :.!.??! formal preteai i aitl oui ;." sn ri--, ? and h.r ' ? S4 SH Irr- lag U ' ' i caae sgaii tea their turnt aith <?t" anotbei is corn luded *?? thai tun.- they will all br loot Irr for indemaltiee. rbeli depleted Ireaauriei make H rathei diflcull t.. coll?*c1 indem :i.n. each oiher, hut there will be so -ur-'i .i I the ws] sf thi ? slleeting lemaity from as; Indeed, they will be looking upon oar bulging pans wKk envi?n? i there not r- ':i' ,! mg? i therefore, ? ? ?. are galetly laying the foundation <?t tin? tirru- for n dir. a?;-' '' ,; later on, in ?? ill ?I? mand ? I pay ? rerj . e ?. , the* ' : :*? ' ' Mexico, .;. ?nul tua?? ?? despite ?? : Mo. 11,,, ' i n mber .el >' " took ?? c no ? m i e did ..:"' ?' l u Panama , lie r-aid thai ? told the co ' ? ? liai ... i . . m then 1 i* bee i Of M 01 ? ,r ? ,v- ' ?? and it seems to s orne oi " imol i ?i out" ihr found oui whether or not then have been ?i . protests made to our goveri bj "He ?an powers. Would ?' not h?' proper for omi knstor ? a reaolutloi of tatpiiry on th ? aab . ? GEORGE v. ; ERKIaSS. i York. Jar IS, 1916. P.-tpcr Promise!. Co the Editor of The Tribun? Sir: Tiere ca?. be no itrongei argument ? ? ; ? ? -i , , - ? puer i. thi :?* time. i ; would we continu ..? -. r ... that I mething I lid i *?*?* once for i t?ei col make even ? rri ?? ' "' el ?? Ii friendl) relation? if ?-be wr? i N'.ir erould ?-he . i .-a ?- ? Ii - It 01 - i ti 11 ?gene? ? .io,;i.'? faced desltni ? ? lid i s1 i that, for si I her, we ? * f-"i"r" to bi il ' i 1 er. * Id .Ii- the i?i see I and while leeming to iwallos? ell ? ivci we ihoold, with *"? v.i?d<iri? ? ble, prepare for adequate de \\ i- nr? ventabi.' foo VI trust aper prom i '?' ?? i ? ? i really were ? When ?he United Statei remind? hri s will say, sa s a her 1 on?.r was being weighe?) it the bslancs I I nal sal materisl interests, "A mere of paper." ? l?elpi'rm, 'a ? r . . . ? ? moral plan.' .? i " a. ? at te i"' rth the "? Germany ki snor; her any trust ??? ? rord ? iture de? U ? r ever? Gen sny attempt? :o mah ritt sgrai snti s anting ? - te in letters of blood, MRs t . rape of Belgium!" S. T. L . ' J , Jar - Handkerchiefs as Grip Spreu ders. ? - ' The Tribune, inderatand that uly the ??????: forms ol ? ?' ? ran be ?? ? ?? and ii. i]?ir?r- hai Ikei ? efi tat? ring the fln (-err*. || i periallj* true of th.- Absurd? ly small fir*!iftre? of aheoi cambric unhrer : . aromen. Now it appears evi? thai thee? ail?.. Angers come into pieces of money, tableware, si . . . i < ? ? and the riter hsi place the butter ? e individnsl ill witl ' fn.grr-, from .i Isrge bowl, where they were iced, handlii | ed bre4 el i ..: thei ? worse germ I g*en pread? I thi hand L ' ? T.. do ? ? iya i ? eott ai l:o:..e, rims protl ' g .i does not thii 11 eould be I in public wit ?.er--. BUXN'ER. go, ? ? . Jsi ' Shut Out Child Made Goods. the Edit ?ne Bin All? ?? me te esrtily coi ? ? ? litar?a this i pap? r '.'? National Child i ?bor Bill." You say 1 "bumi nitarianiai '.?nnniifs in ; ?? i think that all aaai tariai . nom.. . ' ' of i | ildren under eg i ent with ? i'iea, I auggeat? . i- iu: ?.:. in Congresi "ha* i ten be insertad in tilt pur;.;- . ? i ..... made . , ? '. of g ' ( drei, under age. Bach I meat was il . ted, but foil? Yu'j.- eenso of fl ? ? ? ? ? : - : 1 hop? nth .? : ? ge the ' ade by K' ?> I. J. ? ? fork. Jsi The Tribunes War Editorials. ?' Edil.f Tie rribuas V..U are . ' ? it we have I .?'.oda a pal '*??'?? I. of article i ?. . publ rative rece?? ? ??'?? ? -. Ca?ad t one great de g so ha? been 1 ? ttie fre?*ii> ? trad paper appearing then ? ..i ! have rea.i a * . lite rat ur.. bearing upon the tub .'''"? t'.ri* i ?. .:"???.;. -o'.irie?, b . I hav? found i U compare ?vith your ov. n re .' their ..' - ? J rheir clarar ai..I II ,. . ? sie war I nation, ai the a] : ? mem? ber th I '.??'" sari ie your present policy o:' aiding the eaus? of th? Allii . GEORGE A. BTE1 l i I'vtr. Cariiag, Oatarie, .'ai.. 12, lilt. THE COMING BOND OF FRIENDSHIP. BERNSTORFF AS SECRETARY OF STATE Some ExpreaaiotlS from ? ribtine Rfacif-rs Rej-arclin.* the Pror,pect I hat the foreign Policy ot ITiis Country Will Soon P-?ss Into the Gently Guiding I i.mrls of the German ?Ambassador. ?? Editor ef Tha Tril a - Dear Sin I have read with much sal tion the military nr- Mr. Fi u H Slmondi tew days his ' g the administration' Ulies s Tha greatest danper to tha t ? Ited Mate mennce of Germany in itaelf bul Forfeiture of the friendshij Friend -, England and Prance, .? langer which Mr. Simondsj hardi. ? ? ?rates ? ine i-n ||(j pria that you aould no I it. M of US would have long ?afo ineii prepared to break with <!er maay ?nd t tha Pi atl I I neptralil l I lible. I' ?' ? sintained it muat be eoi tent, and hov eai this l?e un en tin? . red equally iple? of international law! rhe fact 1 ?r iches are criminal ar ; la charged ? Bi gland ara n ? - meanora af? ? pro| si '; alone, d< es i ?I abi Dive us from prot? t botl What mid ? g openly with tha Allies or pro? breaches of inten - lea by eil far aa the* affect Ameri? an int? rei I There i ? ? reach the conclusion thai ;; <?? sett of ahieh the admin? istration coi ? ? England are ?n fact not breache ol lav ?i : there ?a much to I"- I ? BW, In contra ? Germany'i ? able upon no pi inciplea of . . : i? bei n upheld : these I ' nlon ? upoi . ?.. . I War, in d, ' e t wee i ? | I? ? i ?'? ? ' '?' ? thence to th? led Co 1er? . . ? to the case of ,- , Hand, to be thence -hipped any. I . i .1 : M . ? A presentatioi the rea ? relied an would go fa its thai on a hlch you desire to m r that will neither nuke us the tball of German d plomaey nor expose m ?? the i : ' >St "?? n trae friends. r thing neceaaary to he kept con mdameatal i ?' law which are and inhumane and not open ? ? ? there ? ?? ? ? i ? that ? i CHAti ROBINSON SMITH. 15, 1916. Our Friends, the Allies. . : in? In I is cry of pro. ? for preven! .vine!. imel blindi the i ?? i d in I be i ? ? teresl ? thoroughly i ? ?? ? f ble ?ay, in? I her wond a for the ? iea< i world, and froi tl i itaet thi.-i has . . lei aad brig tter di traction and ,t | . ? ? ef a ?sal dated terror? I ? ? . red an outlaw among the aa-. and nn ene- , of -i S human rar?" '?' ? the al ties thai Howed, to which the Hryce report gives lire! evidence, tl of Amei baa beet et fort '?'? ? Id atoi sbi off all ratal b'nt the whol mal i| si i ?fence tha rights of i nklnd i by ;t v f-ak and cowai governl luty, to tl ii tment of all Americans. , ?' ? this government of ours g? ther and, : lei Hi - coi trol ' I ? tata De ? Count ; If, i the cafe-] the Gen ftom inacl our i t and coi aal Morristown, X. J? Fan. 15, 191(1. Only One Year More! To the Ed:* of T Many 1 r I lenl ink H. Bimondr* in which be eo clearly the perile that att? : pi mi ? ? '.'.:.- f rful this try i paying, and for what " worded 1? ers and hiii'y" and "watchful waiting,** whieh sour;,i but mean ah it? ly i '? * ? We have gained ? ? rly every < I th? f man] \ er a i I i beral ?? ? the . the offence aga ent aenda birthda ? i g to have milk i lerman babii getting ou -; ? I t attered at the botto i of tl n ? ?? . B il non * it count von Bernatorff i.iul so kindly advert ft that his ? | .- ? oui citl i ii thai ga of our fon Ign pel tes to Englai .?. fee bales of t.on. The je t back t man vol si t Novel And I a hat . . American men have '>? wivei mghti rs received a worse ( government treated i ith one set of out laa and thea with another II was aga ? I the moral principl? i o? tur Pre-?: lent to rec Huerta, wl all hi?, fault?, did ir ply prote t the elgn residente, io our goven Villa who i ai irdered ilxteei . ? rani , and th< had previously ? ? gove . ? rnment i our Hag a roya il ' . imanity" a scui latice 1 i--, rged BO p? I ' of 1 M< cica ... ? of govern) tent. Bui ? ibmerged 6 The onl; f of ou i to d swen and i Vera ( .1 ? of warfare i ' ?' i ' ? ' ? ' ? i the sean i th gui . ? th I nil id and s1 . go rnmenl ia aal ? ? ' ful wait . Had Theod re B I ? .?? oui government would not now i-.- erii fore the Kaisi ? birthdaj greet ? , Mi ? God, we hat e but V? oodrow Wilson! ?I ORGE il HO? ; ??; Brooklyn, Jan. 15, 191?. HUGHES FOR PRESIDENT. Reasons Whv He Should Be the Republican Candidate. ? "*";"i?? ' - ?' V II - ' ? ' YOlm I "' To get ho -? - !?? : ?? ' ' tin - ,v bi is* bee .... it Mi ? ,-???? the Pro-grell *iy ?*? Bool ' ?j total ? I . pr.'.'t.'? * he aho'.ild set th* ? ? ???:? ur '"-??? , .. ?. ro- I a -It ? ' We know Mi I " ? '?'' ' ' ' " " ' '. they realise I ""? *""?' I to "beach" ? . ? .""" i 1 ? ? ? ? ties "'"" KooFf. ? Root. Mr Hughei ,- * ?.""f. and If the Repo and 1 ? ? . pobllCSS PW Kim . ?,.:...--?? The (forman Mind. - ' ? Sir: T ? '""' r * Thej reed 1 -? i - * ? . ? ' ils .- ' * ?''*'' They ha-' - . " ' children, al ' ' r ' L ... ?? sis, fis ?ade. a Rise in Gasolene Prices. tor of 1 , , . . ? ?: ' ' r'?' for basil the i - ,4 ?s l like 11 < . , ? ell folio . ; powerful I. S, we msy gel .\?.,i "lute,, Jail. <-', til