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TRILLION KISSES OVERCOME JUROR Dazed l\\ Rapid - Fire Smacks in letters. Me Vanishes?Trial Stops. MARTIN'S MARRIAGE WADE "DOLL" ILL .Miss Clarke Sa>5 He CaOnfcused 1 ator That Ho "Must Have Been Cran." aon Martin'* V-.??e? te ble ?' > ? ? had .4**i?t nark yes I - 1 ? - r? hearme; the 01 teck I roher by .-????? Btarlotul) * ha.? to he day. Dring a hnef rece?? de r - - Juatiec Li ; - ? u--'dere'1 away or ?*at loot. He ? H vtai believed ? -. ?? on tha? - | . the tl ? ? ? i - e ? ! | ? - ? - | t - r - me to anothe womai Ml - paid Martin led her to t- - . g ta marry her, 11 ?>a? ? she called him on the -r AatOr that ?he ".earned be had married, anil, accord ?.-ke, Martin expressed '?? reg? e ?tep. Martin, said - t - ? day, March : he hi gl 0 ?a? ill. He tri? * Miss Clarke ? v - ? f the me arke *-*as ? - Bui i? ? ? bei fing that hi i ' - ? ? i 4 g t first n fi'le It - ? ! a let ? : OFF BOTH TICKETS ?ictiol Ulehigan i ? - - . cre? !.. "?i ' ? - - A OOMMUaiTT BABY. THIS W ..??ion ?.i Moatclalf Uked lo I aa ? iMtri ITakaaxsra Pesiadllag, ?? telalr, N J . Inn 11 Mrs l'an ( iel Logan, of ? Talbol has nade aal to 1 Moni clair to aitl her ? ? f her : .' She ?: ireo . ?or the " forthcoming, , -?i um r ? , a?, to i el she saj - fallen ? him a good home If Ana provi LOSES GAME SHE REFEREES Wife "f ? nplnin 4>f Royal I iignieer" In Boekej Cositeet. ' ' IV ^?-T?ith to Th? Mt".n f. Btamford, * enn , .inn. 17. lira, i . rior? Irwin, of Montreal, refereed ai I ' - In i hockey game betweei ti-ama repieientinjr Btamford andToko -.t Tokeneke, te da;, H?i ream ? ? ?' off -p.*. d ? tl intl ? ? a, a t'-iw*-ard the Bad of the gam< a hand in the contest, relie* I 1111 '?*? . md .t ' um 4 | ? ? t. Slam? foi ^n Ir neera, played a wing for th? team ? Mr. and Mrs J s Gillaapii ? ' Norotoi Cs In?-h i soon 1 :n th? European irai SLINGSBY CASE AGAIN OPENED l n^lisli I States Depend on Le? gitimacy of I rrutcnant's Son. In the Appeals to-riav '?lete wa? ' ? ... e a th ? sn infant bon Charli ? ? ? ? - ' ? ? ? Utorni ? robat? ?? d ?... 4 ? I .- ihn was . It Is ex?-"?? ted hearing. ? ? I ard Car? ? ? .? | i ? ? ? erl HADLEY ON HEALTH TRIP Missouri Republicana Conaider lllm "?ill "f liare fur Nomination. . - Ea-G ' of his her?? ? - clubs ? * thai Mr. H i ? ? Hi Ci \ inner at (JhutxJiills ?ftf-* * ?V^-r?*^L* 5?^:^f ' m ?i n? . *wJ!F?~i ^i". Unequaled in Y Popularity for Dinner I'.i dine .-ii Churchill's is t<> derive so much gri ati r pleasure than ?><?s-ail?!?** elsewhere thai it ?s In such favor for Dinner as to b< unequaled. from it? distinctive uttnoaphcre, Churchills .us its popularity for Dinner to the supri ni< ? s ce of its cuifiine in ;i la carte service and fDinner a! v/.!?< e<mihinetl m lili tin su riitr merit of its captivating ( 'abarcl I'm : tllv popular tor Supper. Dancing i?n il'Kir from nine o'clock. ( hurcl v rial hurwheon .-it r " son nl in Rallroom ? ith I hinein^ ? njoys high f';i\ or, as 11-,i of its Afti I' ,' Unih i ? ?.,-^< More fhxir ef faste u r?n f ?A ?rxxdwav Insfif'ifion Bfi?APWAYAT 49?STREET miu liiiu.r.if iiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii YOUTH KILLS GIRL FRIEND AND SELF Providence Couple Mail Quarrelled-- Slayer Be lieved Insane at 1 ime. VICTIM DAUGHTER OF MILLIONAIRE Miss BndlOllg Had Known Com? panion Six Years Double Murder at Chelsea. Mass a -rvlf?r??Tih ?ft TTir THBS I I'm- ... nee, I. . ' v '*? U? llaaa M. Budleng ? "? old, ? a- iter of Jame? A. Bodlong, of Kv hum, a million lire ? hot and inatantl-i killed ?a her horn? ?o-day bj Cr< ssv s V "?'? hltti? i tv one. ?on of lrn ?> dealer. 'i OUBg Wh ttioi turned the re-vol Dieted ?i lories from which hs died - i . . ; .tal. The ta o had been '" 'nr ? '? the ur | bad recentl] | - ? ? ad I he change il e acute an I foae to r W] ittiei and wenl ' snoi her man. \- two i?x al gal ? ? '?'. Whil sr left travelling bag, as he ?'ii -o do? bought a *' e BudlOl )? home tvhorf he waits ' I pstali getting - ? *h her' ? Wien Mies Budleng went down?"-? ?? the ms I admit! .... . ? to the pa i I ? -tie floor. Mi ? H ... _? ??. lave tolii ? . \ M ' s. ?- tO 'he I I ? . ' M ears, hs .- ? en ?he ? i si ? the J. 1 h**o ? mill cltlei o Mother and Daughter Slain; Lodger Believed Murderer tea, Mass M Ball? .- levente? -1 ? ter Annie v ' ? ? - ? home, wa? wound? It? ly il ths poliere sat - murder a: police believe Tarjlsn ihot the probably recovei husband, a,. I - i1 place WOODRUFF ESTATE $951.563 Will of l.ate lieuti-nant Governor Leavee Prop?srt*i lo H'ido-s and -?un. in i te of the late T r th; L. f al one timo N'tn ?fork I ? Kel ... ed a gro \ ? the d< I ? ' ? ? low a ? ? ? >n, u im ? ? ilk of \ ' It Coi . ? ? ' ? tat? ' I th? late Mfi-ed rbill t of the pui ? ' an ; R fc.'-iier bomi on Raquette n the Adirondacl ????? ? 9,687,744 LIVING IN NEW YORK STATE 21 Per Cent Increase in Decade 5,047,221 in rhis City. , jai : ? be exact live '" . -?por* ?? ? : ' ite Prai I ? t lti.8 per cent . ? ? - ? . 4 ndical n ten 1 reaeed 20.86 , . ? ? irteri I ? . . ? i ? ? I CAFE BOULEVARD CITY MASQUF ABFOOINO Hliakian-aeAre lele 4 nmililllrr .\|?|i?mM IM HI age f??r rrrfnnniiiue. No? >'.? r k ? '.t\ "a. maeaae, written a* Perej MaeKajrQ te mamen-orate 'l"? torceateaary of 8hakaspaar*?'a death, hai ?" 'nr i-..m abegging for ? ??'..;,-?? foe it* performance lb?* mn't.r ?v?ll t>a p to ' .? i.? n heard "i dire? loi - I ' .- ndustrii o '. i I is and ?'? ogiaphlca "f 'be city, i, th. Celebration l'ommittee'i ofllcea, 10 1 i, ? Fortj ll Ird '?'"" ' si I o'cloch. Mar) Por! i Beegle, ?-liiurtiiini of the eommitte?. ed t ha followi ng tei i nt : " I he masajus ii wi tten, the produe. Inn ?taff, Including ?.m-' of th? famous srtii I In ll i rountrjr, li en (fii(-.ii ; aeeeral thouaand people In irhooli, club hi .1 ettletaenta are el i r.iiv a? ' l"*elj i'i eparlng theii "?m 1,000 eomtnunitj actors mue! bs rhorpti for tl I II |BS ?The people begui their relehration; lh< ntuei tn?l '.'in" large, oj.rr- place H i'.'hirb tu eom|lets ?1 f?a ees you '?> ronaider thla mo?' important question Itemediatel] ?? I ira mus? fln<l lome pin. ?? i ..i ' perforo . ever given in the eitjp bj the nenple themoelvei ?? performant"e whien arill include ifoui thoueand rtora, ??hi. h ?rill be ' ?i ed by n quarter of n million people, sad will, 'or the time, brini* togethsi In on.r dramatic i auk?. ?<n.l .'????? of greater \'ew York." DEMOCRATIC CALL TO BE MADE TO-DAY Chairman Doubts Need of Con? ference, bm Will l-tt Upstate Members ??c? I be cal | .i ?ass? - State ? ommittee to i tha time and pU.*? f~r th? ?t?te con vent'ori will '? oat le day or to morrow. ? ba rman William Chareh ? h ' ?- ? r r r .i r. > thai the ron Trntinn oi rover* -e ^-.old rr he held during the lapt we?-l? of this it week of next in A i. mid tl ' mrnibrr? ..... ' He asid that 4 hhv r ' . . ? ? ? ? renominatlo f I ? i '....? ? ? ? ttee. M ... ? - . rmi l a re? v that hi ? t April, an?! anticipate ? ? un til that ? COL. DANIEL APPLETON LEADS LAST REVIEW Heads Parade of Seventh in Honor of I . S. Officers. i ??- i? .? pleton <>f ti"- 7th Regiment, Na '"uar?!. hai x\ ? the d? ? ? ? ? . ? ... ? . ?-. 'Cadet t the a . \ rnei il ' ' ? ? " i . phyaical - i ? i ? -. . ? '?? ; ? * thi id h i i li KIGFRF. R R LAND SWAP i M?mate Board si iVorl oa Drl**s Exchange n-ltb S. V, ? eatraL ' -, .. ? ' a ' Board i I ? .. ? ? , ? ... ? ? lid be 1 ' I The a and ? ? ? ? i 1 '? ' rill lie ? ? I ted 1 -?i ror in the < ' . M >. ?. L ?? .?- L '- '- L '- '- ?- U '- ?? '- f. ?- '- ?- .'- .'- '- '- ' l f? RECTOR'S 'AMERICA'S LEADING RESTAURANT" h? Dine Well Make ?To-night Your R?ector Nighl A la ?> arte in Main Dining Room *\* Special Dinner in Ball Room dc Luxe .it $1.50 <i I over. Entertainment ind Dancing on Both Floors. ?* ?.* ..?? BROAD WAV & 48TH ST. ?IHH H I i < -i -H -H -H-? i -frH -? ? W r -f f -i R JEWS TO MERGE THEIR CHARITIES Federation Plan Revealed by Warburg Resigning Y. M. H. A. Post. BANKER WILL HEAD NEW ORGANIZATION Has Reen Quietly on Combination for Some Time. M Wart-'irr'*. ???Irnatton a? j dent "f the ',"., ir.(f lien's Hebrew ' ? atien, ?t Lexington A anua an.1 ,...?? iMoti4 sire,??, brought to li^-h*. rds s proposed federation of ?' Iah i 'i..-Itlei on which * eomm I ? ? | a* | ?. rorl ' ? rue I' tvus beaauee Of a e|?u?e in the luggeited p'an i h' e.r^y,' \ . '? o-Tle, r? of the .,'* .,'. .1 Instil itioBl fro? serving a? executive ofni-erH of i the federation, tl.a- "Ir. Warbur-? '? \n<ie,i in bla resignation to the Y M 11 ?i Although it seem? certain the fan eratlon *r,|1 he effected, it 1? lit'dor Mr, .-.'arbiair,,'? reale-nation ?rill icted t ? new 01 -ition is ?-fimplft.'.1 bl prei Ne - York la the entp t ? the eonntre in which Jewish ? ? it ion s ladii is ??- s<; eil eon Nona for their work, ?'hii-ago ha?i ? h a.I h lince 1900 a - slnee 1901 Reen be'ore that' - nnal ?. Rontoi ecn I . the i hs rept ? ore 1 York, srlth mort? than '.,000, in a th? I? ?? i eher ??-.on In t en se..a interior ad th? the i . ? eper ariablj the i aei .not hi I ? ? ? tioi a n a \ ? ? ? fork' Jen h ph lemberi got igo . - ? . ? ? i ? ould tho ? i. ? ? paciti? ihr. * rere I Hallin, Mor"",ei i Schill George Bio I Plaut, ?-'?.. irniin, \! |t< ? I'' B !.. Buttei " ... I t ? ? : I '.. ! tern, Lee Hohns, nd Mr. Warburg, : . ? of ' lary 7 ? fern 1er i.? ? ? ? .. annua. ?' of r. ot le-^. e already hs the repli? tltul Plays and Players of ?he Film World ? J. A. Borat ? Ichild, de 1 ? . id ton, ?n it beautiful ami ? . ? ?:?? world, has ... . ? . . ; ' : gh! That Pa charming a? she - s Hu? ?ill I "l.o ?. ?? K. ??? BSl ii - .' I it i - ptionally b . ?rdei ii SI .' ! ? ? I . r : i that I? ' i . ? rs . . : ? I Kith i ? ? ' ,- ns," has left th? ? - II Th"'la Bara is to h? te', a? a Mi el ico Villa. ns will olease ::""jine a watch I g 1 Marie l ?oro ? - - -.f."!1 IB il Committee '? orfcing Scheme ?.nnodnce*) the Co n ?Campbell, who "reduced "1 r? iea to be photograpl For n ? ?? | took "r tumbls to ;. ? . othei Is ahei ? ..,, .,] . ..i .... leels dowi ? tie in a til m ? ? n of A. I p Wood i i h'I of the Cumberland!," with Duit ti Km mini ind Winifred Kingston ... | i? lif ?*p. I ? \ ? ..- ition pletu aiierti ? i ?? ?!'???. Me: ? ell, mare drum i Bor itre, i Pi letising ? - ? ?- ' he ei troduee during motion pict ... M L Lanky announce?. I la Los Ang? le ?? Februar] si Fui ?I holiday, on n hieb day i the 20,04)4) motion picture mumn. ' ate their on? ? . . for thi Art?.t?' Fund. l .? 'A ?.rid Film i orpors! a I Bued s psi ? ' en .? I I rerston of Cly? lection The rribune ? ted under the hi ??What Saw York Critics Baid of Ths i he i ribune bei laid i . nothing of the dim eereion, un ? be ? i aselng no! ice. rhe nao? I to thi ? pftpor i? .aker ? '.'rom th? criticism which sppeared In : rhe Tril ine when the ipokes rersion ?. premiere, rhe \ i Film i prei ? mielas I ng r I tl to It i I film. ASSOCIATE OF TWEED DIES POOR AND ALONE Apod Man Leaves Many Souve? nirs of Former Wealth. Once reputed wealthy end an ar>?oei aro of "Boee" Tweed, Rrchiard 4 roker others pronii.T.nt in the sffaira of II ? Hm".. li'l.n S. Lockwood, ie? sat* yeai l. .i- foui li sd last night In hit room m a Weal rwenty* S ? ? hotsl. Th.? onlj ? * a! tl " time th ws 76 i ei Traci - i er weal! ht-, ! prominence ?vor- found amona ef i'h?-e irii-iiiii?-.! esncelTed bank ? ring that he had been ^ member of the Gorernora, Growlera, Pequod and Horat ?? -???. mo ir clubs, all political elubi of Il ' .-.i v,l!ay;(?. In i rouna tyi Lockwood was .? er of Iks t*rm of Terwiliirer & : ood, manufacl ir? i of tafee, ?*>' Lan? ? Aa a "fork \'a ? tard, .h i ?.'.". R ar and In I h ? [Veer \ oi _ '. . ! 90S :.?* .? r? .-. ed a i itoi n'- Ural lieutene I Fron G t . ton, . BIL T M O R E i mow MiiKMN?, ?.u -ii \i ***, H H I 1 1,11 I t a 11? r I \N . .'I ?.IM. CARUSO t?!!?l TOURRFT H ?"-" GARRISON "'"-?.. O R R E L L H I I0HNST0N . . a I ? , I PHILHARMONIC ? <?-ii -i it w-it\ i ??nui ? i??u ^"^ *. . .? I I. ,?- . . '- ? I . N. tl I ri ,11 .' ?1. ?"Ji.fct.DA ffl-.RO i.i, ? u t.- 11-/1 i mm? u kmii 11 II Mi'i.i -it \ !?". MPHllM *?o .*,. ? \K?. ? ? M II \! I B '"la M .'I I \ ? Il \ I I Hi.? \f|. r:..? n Jt S B?UtB-GASALS ' . '? ? ? "l. - A. " ..r ?? ? afnllaa Hall Hitara, tft.. tan M al I, HARRIS ? ? - ,-,-?? t ?IfiTH RT Th-M ... p. SU ?Bisa Si. JUST A WO.MAN PLAYHOUSc. \ GRACE MAJOR GEORGE - - BARBARA ? i ? ? . - ? ? t' . I Ml ??'??? -MI.BFRT -, I IS. Ml ? ALONE AT LAST LI-HUJLU . -Alt?. ri 4 ? ? i. uta ar. e?i ? - -t'iur H?-i.?iff-?t.lri ... ?? ?. ('Il) O?-. Ill RUM K ~?:mm?? Our Entire Stock of Hart Schaffner C& Marx Overcoats Reduced for Clearance WK have doM a wonderful overcoat hu?rw* tl.? jason becauae wv* have had Mich splendid rtocki of the ?o-ael faportod ami domettfc fabrics, at pnen that wer. rcally ? c plional Tfthiee. And while ire know well thnt eveiy coat we hold orer until n "xt Winter will be worth mon- than ? If to-day- it u not o,rr polirv lo cany itocki over. Bo whetaber yot. need an overcoat now or not.- W * aa opportunily for yon to act quickly Sale Begins To-dav 100, $55, I?, N? OQ-oo and $40 Overcoats ?aW ?45, $40, $38, $35 QQ 00 Overcoats ^^ $40, $.3?") and |80 OQ 00 Overcoats **wO te5, $.30. $28 and OQ00 $25 Overcoats . &** $25, $22..50 and 10-00 $20 Overcoats. -**<-* Wallach Bros. Rroa-lwav, rtimrr ?frth Third Aviv, cor. IMd 1,-w^ gujfr-, Broadway, below C),* it? bar?* -?Vi-?-W Wait l?,->th I n f \\ . 0 H ?t ?? [a E A DI KO r H l \ r K I - x *- r > ? i i r i . .r. EMPIRE . . ? NEW AMSTERDAM ??a i a i i ?. . Wlaude Adams ?^**? LYCEUM n a uDi/UfffTiior - OUR MHS. McCHESNfV. RE :? ? COHAN'S. ?? EIGEn??t?^ OTIS SKINNER B?ClEffiSEr^ "Cock o' the Walk" a GAIETY ' 1 LIBERTY \, VT'V V7 # ?a.-22! "-?-?. xock o the YVaiK >jY '-"? ST ?-?."*??-??ro m ?ti.? ja oo-ialo ' * jos?p*m ? MRS, FISK ?H80N BRIAN CAWTHORN I ^_ ( SYBIL y Erstwhile Su? Susan HUDSON . - BELASLO The Cinderella Man fue 4 ? a-a r -a . ? , | ?,.. \ , "> ', I ,--? ?.- I i IL HARRIS '.'.,;' -', r ' : lONGACRE RfffT?Vf as l^T^W fulton --. v;Av;; - ; ?nrai:Y?:niw;tsiTOH RALPH HERZ in RUGGIES of REO GAP - ?' CANDLER republic ;%', ic.^^ar * ?? ?,?:i*f ?Mi^-c.i?Eas Ulal/L-C. i- .. T-, ij.iiuii'.?. A ? ?. I II GABYDESLYS to TaWr"' i ? la?lUauJ ? I B i|4>-%f?;.J? JV**? IVP^ ?VANNEE DAiLY Va/ i ti ^1 HIP-H1P HOOR?Y SOUSAN' ? , S'ar? 1 i | K 11 Bin SUNDA* ? ?OlSi ? 4,. . :: . . a 4 ' a4TM ST rHf-TPS ANNUAL ACTORS' FUND BENEFIT -".?4 a -T-ft S OIX8 a -? ,?,Prt<-a i ??> S. ?" H ?? 111 '" ?t? a' -...:??? ? ? ? \ -?? DAMKT, r'llOll*tt_?.\ LTC1 II "".I.aTRK ? \i; i ?,u: ii \i i re n. >. SleW CAPT. FORTESCUE T, THI HAHDANtLI Id . I ' :,\?kt* MllftftE ' ?ii ?PRINCESS PAT *ll?-ICAU HIT. I w |fe ELEANOR FAINTES. STANDARD ' - 0UTCAs| Punch & Judy T ?.":_, ?T?"B:?r jfca TREASURE ISLAND -+^7- .-. it I III ?*-.,?? IRVING PL. THEATRE UiR Wall .? - ? ? Iff' hi. llil "1 BANOBDX A A. ' . a ? ?... a-, ?:, CILI M BIA. II T'a Roa?. | I' . . . P,.-, SUM. Maxine Elliotts . ? ,% ''* HILLIARD thi PHioE or RA? I ? rH ST I .a- 4 V ? .. 1 Emily STKVSN8 i THE UNCHASTENtD WOMAN HOBSO?S CHOICE CASINO. I >a I ?S Ml la? MM I THE BLUE PARADISE CECIL ?1 ?S I. ?a ' ... PRINCESS ... VERY CiOUD EDDIE MANHATTAN . , TO-NIGHT Dr Roller YSo?rsa ROTH TO ? ?itiiail . . . . Mai : MkTROPOLITAl Wat. i ?? ? -. I - ' ?,. M," a' M??*?! ', ?at ?>?" - ' - * i' 4, , IIAn. ' ? century ml r. * ens tat 4 DIAGHILEV BALLETR?SS TO-NIGHT/ WED. ,. THURS. fri. SAT. MAT. SAT. EVE. NEXT MON. ,-, TUES. 4 A ' > Knickerbockr Theatre -moj? Bnjjrlf, . - * Ti L BiLU?: bi;<kf. v ?n "PEGG1 s > ' "?-'??t? M hi l \\ n M I "',,,'irP '?] ADELE MAR6UUES -r, r - ll? f.THF.-t'?R^.^'?4W,'- . fdg'aR.?b?CM11 Locw's Am?ne ri ?*J nuca k wHirs ?V ? Palace v ;j ' t i ' a r' I* . fOLONIAL V;' ?t ?IT ?'. ? ?- , * GARDEN ...r.1?? THE WEAK , . i UITAGRAPH ? Strand J