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WHITMAN HUNTS P, S. C ELIGIBLES Thompson Inquir) Notoii d?_ He Says, Has Made Vumi %fm?d to -?.ccept Ulll DECIDE 1 Ml QP RILI N rms WEEK , Djj Secretary, w ouM Nol Place l ndei \n> t ob n?? He Declares ers - - theii ? ? ?\ i -. "'or - * ? ??? ? . i ? . ? ? ? tees ? - ? , ? ? - \. He ? . ? t thi A. i ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? ge K CORN OUT OF BANKRUPTCY ? Itoi I ? ? e 1 1 rom .. \e ? t 'rom ? il . . g .... Th? ... . ? ? ? ' FOLK F. AID OWH CLEAN-UP - to Impro-e -tation ? ditioaa. ? . . r,*< cil ' eh moi ti ? ? ? ?. ? terday resenl ? ? - .-, ? ? on of ? ? l'B rien ??? ? is pu* ?. . . Hippodrome showing ? - h* the ?um ? ? I ? .'. ri? r?? v- r?gulai from the training '??.?iisca ar ?i instruct the i i boxing, wrestling, etc., :>n?i one pal i ' > ?>ni each 4-tetii*" ? .> ' . | . k . \- has been estas ? . ? les, so they ma; i tun tru? men of the i . h ?? i, poi t Regardina r1'?- ha? \ on ? in ? ' and bal h Ing fa." ti< . rrever pi ? r pros .. ? .. - . . ? the othi Rro? ? '.' ? ? . ., ?> r. - ,? . ? play for 1 !.. ? h*. , ? ? '? t ? ' a SHOT IN SUBWAY TRENCH Workman Strack Bj St raj Bi While m Braadwaj Hale. Icing .? at 1 ? ghl ?,., aftel "i u i H''?. ??.,? ?hot in thi by r-ome an? -, gl< * a ?. I cl at St. ^ - ?*? kep a ere ? . 4 l'.-r. rtiv? .... II?-. dqua is 1 ? . . . rhen PORTO RICANS ASK CURB ON GOVERNOR Bill in Congress Increases Hi Powers Instead ol People' Says J. K. Reynolds. Porto Rii E to an Sa ? -?.-. ? ? -, ? ? '. ? ? ?, Porto Rlcans.' ? ? r Yeag * g ? ... . . v ? to com? ek to prot i tak? ? - ? heai e guest rag? t of . ? lecoi ? ? . ? . ? v ? ? ? .. .? s not a g get ' i ? P ? the ties, and . j . ? ... ?s.atehor.. ; th? stai m de nee. i ? ? he 1 . ?". HUNGER VICTIM FREED FOR SMASHING WINDOW Woods Defended h\ Deput\ Police Commissioner Lord. I wind the attent n g ' n thi ? ' the cry ging li throug los ' ?" i i ' Broth? era. at treel M arrei Is poureil out tale i true end ng I ? ? rcted . ? ' ' the ma rdei .?. s arraign? - ef P ? ? ly, your honors, p? ? ?. gai led as ven ' : ' lid the < os I isc ? ??? " ? modi *-:? *i pathy, nr.?i it hai wa-ted. ' 1 am coi vii red ti si ' I .- msi plight *.. - - grii gos ng t hat eral i Out ,, . t oi ? elped on- ?.: .c have also ranged to ? ' ' ?' ed guill .-.;.- it the cou ii I - ? a ? ' ? lustic? Russell ???chai .-? re wit confr?res and -. -enre. ? HospitaJ Leap Kills Woman. Ida . iix, o ? ; i ? \ ? ? ?i , Bi??" ? a patient th? '?'? MB Bgtoi ... d.o?l yesterday from injui ? ? ??? ? hurled herself from ,-? fourth *-*? ? ' * doe boob aftei i night. Mrs. t'ami-a, who was dslirious from fsver following an opei I leaped ant the '4'indo-v daring I .... cs of the nurse. ??aow^r??-?M--?a?-------a?------???-------fj|?-----??-------------^ LIOURS are leaden or golden, accordin' to what you put in 'em. A little VELVET will put a lot of gold into yo' hours. /f - tyvsasrTTT^A pVERYaoodqualily P'^Ji* *** ?-f choice Ken- ; ??$1 tucky Hurley tobacco \ ?you get immediate use of the most useful thing money can buy? rh e new Encyclopaedia .?.it--.. ? ? ry-vr V ' ,?"i? '.4ia*_440? T31 ;S^i ,X". I', -^ latB-^ifa** !V' ?>t-i>T'%i ?* .; ??y re f- ' * ?*"5 a "Handy Volume" issue ?it a popular price The Britannica Is a Utility like light, water and 11 ? ? - telephone. It v?ill do <<?r yon efficiently v h ?i von cannot do for yourself. It i*4 as useful .i?* the oth *t public utilities you depend on so mm li d as indi ?pen able. Perhaps you say that you have poi .il.t.. ?? lioul i' f< r .i long time. I liai is jusl whal your grandfal i probably said about ihe telephone. '. an you afford todo without ii a in' longer? Win* would ???. .?i * to do without running *??..? ter or telephone service aftei oner having them, even if his home had been without thrni for years before*" Practical, everyday people who have used the Bri i mnii .< sa) : fie i did we tret met along, u ith ? I I t ne ,?"?'? " Or they call ?i 'The n osi useful .' ??.; thai ever i \me into the house." A Many-Sided ?Service l'he Britannica differs from other utilities in being useful and necessary iri more \\ .?*? s than any other one thing '"'i can have ?n the house. Il gives you the ? < ,.f the besl expert advice in r-vrrv he! I and on ever" - I ?jeci. I . Britannica -sen!?-" mal ea vi i more efficient. !i helps you do your own work quickei and bettei -it ?a concentrate, stored-up energy, a Btore-houst o( live. valuable information, a true "power-house." Because it supplies yon with the means of caving time, trouble and energy. The Britannica puts .i' your jtervice expert advice ,1-- the telephone connects you with your physician. You need il for the unforeseen emergemry a** wi-ll as fur the countless everyclay things thai >"u k tow you want help on. All the difficulties that < an present themselv* * to j"a are problema other people have had to meet. Men and women the vrorld over have worked, earh of them for year', some of them tlieir whole live?, to solve these problem?*. Their experience is in the Britannica tot you to profit by. They are at your rail when you have thr? Britannica. For Si down and to i? nts a day for .i few months you may own i his wonderful service. It j., at if for that small sum yon < ould ? .ill by telephone the best authority or expert in the world to answer any question thai ?ame up, to pive you advice on any sutV je? t von wanted help on! Do You Want Help in Your Day's Work? You can pet i? in the Britannic n just a?? mnnv other people have d"ne. I-'or instance, a North Carolina cotton broker said that the arti. le on < lotton v as worth the pri? e of the whole set. A New York lawyer got just the information he needed in a lawsuit about iron and t-teel. He couldn't find it anywhere else or get it front his client who manufactured car-couplers. A manufacturer of flavoring extracts learned from the Britannica enough about his own business to 6ave the cost of the whole set. (He and ?SStnoOS fl" mentioned ?n this par.ivraph p.itd at lea't three HtaOt ?i* much as y?*? need pay J or the BritOUOtCO Do You Want Help at Home? Planning a houseof remodeling one, fitmlying decora? tion or ventilation, you get expert advice <ind valuable suggestions from the Britannica. Equally useful i* *.? you will g?'4 from this same Wonderful, all-around -ervice on the care of babies and children, food, diet, cookery, rules for health, directions for first aid to the injured, study aid?? and supplementary reding for school boys and girls and for young men and women in college. An owner of the Fntannira, who w,n hern in Denmark, *-o*- "I" my ?oiintrv in-aead of '-?cyclopaedia1 we sav 'familjeliok,' that n 'family book ' The Prit,.nnica if- an ?deal family book.' " Improvements in ?Service i >ther utilities have been improved, cheapened and made more convenient by long and gradual processes, so that \-.e hardly notice the change. The aervke of the Britannia h.?s been ?mpfwed wonderftillv fast if1- the last few year?-. The new eleventh edition with more in i' and of better quality has been sold right along at a lower price than previous editions, and quality and quantity considiered, at a lower price than anv other encycJopaedia. Now the more convenient and compact "Handy VottHUe isi-ue ol the new edition is ?-?ticreil for 64'",' lesa than Hie FREE BOOKLET COUPON ritannica big-volume form. It Is Three Times as Easy to Buy and just as valuable because it contains every? thing in thr *-er costs three times as much. The Utility is More Usable The m ? Britannica is the first encyclopaedia to appear in .1 form thai is not repellent, awkward and in? convenient . The word "encyi lopaedia," like the phrase "un ibridg<t"d dli 'i"ii.irv.'' probably brings to your mind's eve ,1 fin ture of a heavy, 1 umbersome volume or shelf after shelf of auch volumes. The "Handy Volume" Britanmca, printed on India paper, light, thin, strong and opaque, changea ?ill The \ .! unes are only an inch tHi? k and the page is only 8| inches high arid o*} im hea wide not .is big as .1 magazine page, inste,ni o? being as big .is the p tge ol an unabridged ?li' tionary. A "Handy Volume" weighs only 21 ounce-? -j lb. ?* or.). Thar is a good deal less than the average weight "t a iv' el. It is dboii! one-sixth the weight of a volume of the en< j ' lopaedia printed on he.i\ y paper and with the old-fashioned, awkward,big pip?'*-. Bur. everything in the big, awkward volume is in the light, attractive "Handy Volume" which ?"-is 6.?/; le-*-, it is exactly .is usi ful bc4 ause it has the full io?i' ',. t,{ the contents ol tli?** bigger set, and much more u < ? imp 1 >le because in ?maller 101. I.? u:\- rtttttt 1 r? ??j., Sataa * ????1 Ct ] HARVARD LAW .SCHOOL CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS Nov. 15, Gentlemen: The new form of the eleventh edition of the Fncyclopaedia Britannica is nothing less than mar? velous. To put that great work in such small com? pass and in so useful a form is of itself an achieve? ment; to do so and yet make a page which I can certify is no more trying to a pair of bad eyes than the original edition, is a landmark in bookmaking. Von are doing a public service In putting these in? dispensable volumes within the reach of everyone. Vours very truly, Ros( ok Pound i r, /,,.... maaad it tn emiaeat talk -fl? mt ,n train ? a-.d ,j I '., i - ? - ' : r-n: ? An Incomparable Value Ror 150 years the Kncyclopaedia Britannica has been the world's standard. It has always cost more than other encytlopaediaa. Vet more copies of it have been pold than of all other encyclopaedias published all over the world. It was always so much lietter. Now that its supremacy is still more marked? _D Now that it is published in such a compact and con renient and wonderfully usable lorm? Now if is cheaper and more convenient? It Is Yours for Only $1 Down Plenty of Time to Pay the Balance You make small payments for twenty-one months ? as lirrle as $".,M? a month. Thar means only 10 cerrs I d.iv for this short time. But you make no payment i-x? ?*pt the $1.430 down until you g*** the set in your o'.vn home. Then you pay at the verv time you ire using the Britannica and getting actual value out of it. Vmij run no n-1' We lak<* all the risk. Or, *o put It saothsf sray, aa d?>n t tee say ri?k. We are sa sure that you'll be satisfied. Rut if th"r?? is -nv risk, it i? our?, not ; a UTS. Otirwl Is OtSfst T-.ear that srs havs sbsotetacootSdeiKS in *!ie "Handy Volume" i?-ue ot the n?*-4 Hn*,ir:n;?.a. Satisfaction (iuaranteed or Your Money Back IsVs srs * - ? v you "ill I" arell latisfted snd nts pr?-?-..??* ta reriirn t'ie Irr?.' p?vrneni 1 f one d ?lUf snd snything else y m luve paid '?* 00 ti ?? Britaiinics accooot, -uvi snythinf you p.i>- for ? ,. ping rli irK?*s on the books, lf/?lf ar. . r'n<in sithiii three wela? > 1 ? -nil the t?et back. It is a ui*-* w.i\' to spend a dollar. Spending fi.oo does not me,m wry much to you. You probably don't ??fen ponder a long time over such a small expenditure. Perhaps you often spend a dollar and have lirtle to sh< v. for it afterwards. This time think over the expendi? ture carefully. Because you will have a ^ood ?leal to ?how for it afterwards. Our Unparalleled Offer We specialize in bargains. Bur. thi?" is the biggest bargain we ever offered and we think i* s not likely that we'll ever again be able to offer anything so ?iftraotive, such wonderful value. Tor $1.00 down you have the Britannica in your home. 1 se if and test it a* your leisure. Anv time in three weeks send i' ba k if it does not prove to be what \ ou expo ted it to be, and you shall have luck the dollar and everything ? .<*?? you paid for the set (shipping charges included |. If you ha\e thr same esperte a?*? with the Britanaka that mott people have, you will get ha? '*. everv cent y*u pav, in sati-faction, in'truction, reali-fl Stnbitioa, intellectual and maten il -erituliera ti'Ti. If jrou don't fr-'l you ??* | t your do'lar's ?A..rih one of the firat fett tintes you'i t asad the Britannl.? il v ?u feel that it 1 n.?* j to be worth what 3 1 ailt pay, or if for 1 -? ion you're n?jt ? ? ?".. 1 an?! rpr:: r. the set, aa'lllet ) . ha? -the dollar bs k. You get all the Britannica for $1.00 down. I'he whole 2u volumes are shipped at one time. The complete set comes altogether. None of its usefulness is kicking. You don't find that the things you want to know about are in volumes that have not yet been printed and that may not come to you for weeks or months. The wonderful librar?.* that fa-OOO-OOQwas invested in before any returns cirM' to i*s publishers?-that cost ??vera million an 1 ,i half before a single pjagewasjifintcd all your*? to u*?e and enjoy, lora tir.-t payment ol only $1.00 down. ?a--' K fc^M?aJ Prices and Terms of Payment A $lfio do-vu ?Br OSnaratttrr your complete sad entire satisfaction with the contents of The Encyclopaedia Britannic.? and with the ?form of the "HANDY VOLI'MF." issue. To anyone who is not satisfied for any reason and returns the set within three weeks, we ijiiarantre to return all he has paid including shipping charges . V3v (Suarantrr that the "HANDY VOL1 ME" Issue is authorized by the publishers of the new Encyclopaedia Britannica; that the contents are identical, page for page including every map and Illustration) with the Cambridge University issue now selling at three times the price; that the "HANDY YOI.l'MK" issue is printed on the same quality of India paper, from newly made plates, and is manufactured by the same printers and binders as the more expensive book ; and that, because It is smaller, it Is an easier hook ?o handle than the Cambridge issue. Printed on g**ni;ine India paper, botiad in red cloth : fi .00 ?aitIi tli<* ord? r sad ouly "l payments d $-.00 a month, or $-? M rri?h. [A satin? of $107.*?7.compared uitk present prut oj Cost "'dre ?<.;t?f ?n corresponding btudtUg.) Printed on Knuint India paper, hound in br-?*\n Full Sheep. Morocco-4, rai ?*it ht h-order and only *i psymeat? of (3.50 >?. month; or i''*>.."4 cash. {A r-nn? of $14471.1 orn' l"l '?'? '?'" the tore toi tont? of Ute 1 ?mbruit? ?.<??.' ??? ik* .-?"?p?)n<.in- Vtodio?. Ks*?ei ially reionuiiend?*.l to th?sc srho .??nn.t afford the J or full |p\.ant moroc 0. Bouod in sfro-?,- leather ?1 full flu? kne??, fraiac 1 like mor m? 0 to give ,. ?luralile sur?acr. Absol'it'ly S/ata-rproof. CPrinte'l on genuine Indis paper, bound in ?! irk ?<-r**?*n .1 4 Crushed Levant Moron o: $1.00 with the ord?*r and onh 22 j...'. (ratsof |4a month;Ol f** 1 M < Ssh. V# (orre'pnndm.i binding m the ( m^rtdee issue; if there were ?/ awa/s csal ooouS $"*.??, o t ttnag off iti.l.i 1.) >a:ne leather as "D" belov?, nith doth si.If?. Pri/ited on gTiiine India paper, bound in dark s*rer-n Full ?Crushed Levant Morocco f 1.00 ? ?rh the <-t let a., t ? njy .2 ? merits ot ?4 JO a month, or **>)-.<x) ?a?n. .4 ifSISf \f $17- s<> 1, mfnred With present prie of t ambrtdee i'?t.e in correttoondtne ': :?;.:r':?. I A \??ry handsOOM biadiag .if jt'ninne g ?a'skin. \ait h ?run like c*obsreb tracery. Leather, OOwr and grain?all ar-* duralile and beautiful. All toticet are figur?e to Io:l thai 'hipprne ckargri cannil bf p.. toaid. the teuttoteU -.'. begad far tkttomteut, imcht tett ?nan 60 let. W? thipfreot Chtano or ,%>:?, York, mmickemtr ?1 n'ar?r tt \?vu. To tost this service, -end your dollar, under our guarantee, with the big coupon in the right hand corner below. For more information, -"end the coupon in the lef hind comer. ___... . SPECIAL $1.00 COUPON D bnly> Sown 1 only $LOO down We teilt ??'*'?.' rod hetk, ij you ?tout them. -I ARS, ROEBI < K AND 1 ?>.. < bielgo. fr im MSd rr.e ?lie fdlosr?lg: ""I 1. Full information ahont the "Handy \nliimr" isSUC ef the Fie?*' I-h. m lopaeiiii, sample pages, 1 din| r 1 -, terms, et.-. ?' -. lu?* l.iK.klei. "The Pao ths I .a? *" ri '-'r??"'!/ ? Britann? ? Plays in the \tr.ur*. ol i" ?- \\ 'ir.en," uith ssmpk pug. - ?ad full int"rni.?ti Sears, Roebuck and Co. CHICAGO A .' f' SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. lute;. Chicago, In sceordaace with your pubHsbed off? and g.trintee?, I enclose fi.oo *? first pav men?, tor which -.end me < ? ? w ? ? . Handy Volume" Issue of the n-*w L*-lac-*cl->psedLa Britannica, nth edition printed on Itniia p-per, and bound in the binding checked Iieiow "1 A -( I ?rh; :t further pav meats of $w> a month. , B?- Fall sheep; SI further pav men-- of Ivy* m month. ? < ? Three-^Udrter rru*hed levant; 22 further p?y J meats "f I4 00 a month. i D?Pull crushH levant morocco; 22 further paysssats of I_I I450 a month. I (rial make firtl.T p.?' ments each ir.nnth on the sam<* <\tv as that of this order, remitting the amount above t t the Ml months there ihosra. Title to the hooks does not p.i-s t > SSS until the amount is pai?l in fall i If \ o 1 ??vi t * t , ? .. of the saving oflered l>y ??ur ca?'' orne?, mark the I in 1 < ?v ml ? I In the proper ?p.a?*a sbassi, err?? o i? putul pavmeiu tern ?t?te here the amount endosed?. .Vj*???* Addren F''fen. f *?