Newspaper Page Text
?0OITH FACES BLOCKADE CRISIS ****** Mri,r U-f spi'i *>" sc.i Issue. to WILSON WARNED 1 NOT rO PROTI ST ,M,1(.,,r of British PuWk i s Ui5tH ' s*>^ 1"mi' " Newspapei vKTHl R S DRAPI H ? ? bas ? troubled ?ill be ... 1 ?' . a ? ,V . itrang? ' ' - Am? ? ? ? ? .? real cal :: ol vea an ?rt * ' j - aa il ? i '? preaa. a ? - ? - - ? ? ral ai-.d ? - ? rotin ? ? II > ? I - - ?". and ?ear i o ? , refer? I - - ? te I tanl ? . ? ? . on i - ? ? ? - ? - ., - -1 ? ? If fal-thsi eppoHtntitic?. of ?lo'lar maktuf. "Ths patlaace of ;h? t*nt? ?.b ?uit-ii?' ?a .*,' laueted. i'h-? ministen sre going te o? '..i,-.*,: lo -??.j? the loophole? ........ ?. . i?.??.*?! ir ?.. m belie?.-? prompte?! h H t loop .4 Win h ? , 4 abinrt Split on l*-*.iir ?i ournala rarrj ?dltoriali ? but 1 he language i - tew ? ? rhere me man) a ference >.f opinion *?? : t h -ti the Cabinet on the qusstlon of ... ..i \ oatsidi : Miior Sir I ii Urey i much leal . ?? .'.<? , i th< Ho? a<? ,? ' ? to an ke ' ? liga on i g for b?t*i ter e re of I.i don a?.*??ni?. <?? have be <*?.nr at ? > N'o ?"if ?un tot ? i ipp- about | rai m tore ' . ?, ? a i lettllng rsgu? iboul meseursi relie foi et trol There '?* ? ? ? -i at the bi eh i ?pu thst o\ ' e mono?? ??>* the deatrudlv* rmd .nfi?; deparuaeati woul? be making I ta own ap? ? ? pla a ? . 4 ? hit the limit? ....... rt ? obodj w, ii--*- . wo , i f th? genei -1 buei mi ? h ''? ' the - . ? ? ? aoh i ?? ? | ? ..?!"? g bul com ? a' era aalt ti ding * ? >? .. "h," thst ? ??< , . . ? ai .... Irish Conscription Vainly Urged by Nation's M. P.'s ' n, i ; The ] ? eedingi -. n the House sf Ce day resulU ? married men tlthou| ? ? ? - Ireland the hi. *? ?-? >? ... i ? acted witl lies Jsmee 1 'ham here, . Dt* ision '. Bi moved tbia amendment; srul tt avns eupaarted by Joaaei ?'ra;ip. of the East vision of I Both Mr. Chambers end Mi Craif ?I'kjrd that the a1 ? r'.a*cd on -he;i" countrymen by 1 of the bl ! be remove lopesled to John Red? mond, leadei Nationalists, ice hi? ? Re ?*. Irr'.Rr..: '.?.?'?i bo unworkabli a efforti . *.rier- to he . " Mr. Red? nrould be to p s? nt? l ?? hand* ?' i "?".'? ? ct'.bip minoi ty of ? ? its in Ireland wh tl .; to prevent I undermine th- ?* ieh pi ? . Secretary f? he 1 on les, < . * f the bill, es thai ggested ?at a greet g 1 ? ? ,:.*-.?:?? iT*e? of the Iri-h penly snd i r the war," hi a* PBlH. The only amendment accepted was ? ? ..r-j led befi re . rember 8 | loqoith gs Bl?dg<-?sheaid be regarded andes "he ,- marrisd n ?? ? - a - | , - ' ? ? .. ' l ? g . ??? . . . ng st i ? ? ? - ? ? ' g )-. '?? the bill being . on. LAURIER AFFIRMS CANADA RESOLVE Promises Opposition's Aid lo Press War to the End. PREMIER CERTAIN OF FINAL VICTORY i loyd George's Preparations Certain t?> Win, Say? Borden. I I !'? pi???- on af natie of rniiR.h? to continue to ever] -?t???ir.|<- effort le ?end *-'l ? ' Gnat Britain antil the m ? lo t - ictoi oui com ? 11 ?? i on was ? i ? to day. Uni hj s ? W rid Lai lead? ? nf the Oppo? litio i. Robert Boi den, Pi o leaden mad? il ? i inued ?? ? ?hall b? no | tical o,uei ? i Sii W ?if rid l.iiui .i r le? lare? l ? ,.?-?..?. ?;;??'" land had be? n than offset by th? lucceaa Britiel r. ea, where with? ?. , ? ; ? ? n.' a ail ing fleet . ul rendered 11 e German a i it had been . ? - - ? . ottoi !!? red 1 <?? ?? le then . ?4>t! II. ? did no! thi ? on Id bo - .Il? eo mall group i .. ? ?a ','?'*' to ? lid to the II, nised tha the Op] deairabl? | ? : ent measurei - ?? Rob? i i! ?! ?? ? apnaee I i tua I ? oecesi of tha I, for, nlthoiijrli tlir lislanrr? of the -. appeal>''i to l><> on ih-j - ?'.- ??? I - German* .-> far, they hud ?1 r'-ppariitli'ii at i foided ?lliea to meet th? pnpanl na which Germany liml been i ?ho manner in ? ? ? " ? ? .-? teeri ng and il ;.'r? ml'. ;? IO.OO0 wen ' ? . -i.'lient thsl It - :, ?? ... :?i i he ire, recently authoi i- ? ? ;. - i ? . crasa | ?? \ at tin i.s'o o:* T\- ii thousand a week. Englai ' the Pnmier added, ' loj ?? ? ?. ml ? d him 'h;.* the pn - 'H'.nif completed wen mch : ' ' ? \llies mu?t. - ? - ially bo def ated. Th? spirit of esolul I thi ighoul Eng? onfli mi?il hTi ? tl ? i ? ???*.?? -Uliei i ? ?-. e complete rieten*. In ?'-?- h la, h? ? i ' indnd ?id fifty fad * lining out amnvi ? ,. r t? .. supnll ? ppliea the Adminltj hu? furniahe-d art| gull '-O'ii St -lohn an.I Hal FRENCH DECORATE SEA HERD (.old for Olympic'? ? ?nt-iin. IN ho Saxerl Crea fruni l -l?oat. ! .' French co c aa - ded n gold n 1 Ca? Bertn Hayea, ?r the Bi I ,. , | . .f th? Freneh steamer Provincia, 11, - ober ??, ISlSi I ?????*.,. ? pt-.'a-l^J * ! ^p. is in safe keeping. But there are a great number of little unfortunates who ???ally LIVE ON THE STREETS and who get the wrong ''?"d of training and education there It is for these other little boys that the Boys" Clubs are :-n? organized and equipped. To Larry on this work properly we have undertaken to ?* $500,000. by January 21st lor a new building, for ^mnasium apparatus, for books and magazines?for the Pessary equipment to care for the boys in a careful, effec Sfe wav. ker h Wont yoa help in this splendid work of building Utos* i ?? ?f? 111114?-.-; I ?"?-?-' IS tiaaoc |',IK? , ?2! : oys.' You are invited to visit the Boys' Club at 161 Avenue A, to see for yourself what wonderful help is heing given the other link fellows. ? ? ?own to SrnJ contribution! to K. N. POTTER, Treasurer, 1 ' Ho?, s ?.'lub Anonation of ?Ww York . 5 Wall Street f AMERICAN WOMEN HELD BY BULGAI Mrs. I arwell and Miss Mitch Mill al MOMttlr. 1. lei i. Mi VYaltei F . s Chicago iwipaper ? si re??pi ind Mil Mit? ' ell, alte sn Im .un. are being detained si Mease by tb-> Bulgariana, aeeordiag '" '"in cial sdvieeo reaching Athen? *. Solon ? n .1 pi.r.l, of December ; asid thai Mrs, l srwell nn.i mi?? Mi? sll v"?i? ssfe m Monastii ffhstl I thej were being detained or nn?* malnlng there relontarily has not l.? knosra. Mr? Parwell and Di r Korbi , .h. American Red Croes ri*. ?rere m Monsitlr when the Bulgaria un.i mart ?ai.t i.. he rougl ? ? ? . ITALIANS RENEW GORIZIA ATTAC1 Aiislrians Admit Evacui lion of Trenches at Oslavia. I'?. -, Jes i ; Thr esptai i "' Hi . man tren, '..o? m Oslavia, WSSl of (.? ? /\a. by the l-aliana. ;? admitted Vienna (?-night (?winj?; ?,, the conr.e rrate.l fire r.f the Kalian batterioa, t 1 report .j?\ - the poi ? or ?rer? ? ? Bated Rome ;. i, g| ? *..., anno i ? .. ? ' *.i l on ?> toe ?.',',?.. ., i . , . ?? to the reesptore ?r. iches v huh rere '?'? * mon I month ."*?-?i Aeeordiag ?o ?.. - ??'rien I. . the T'hI ar s. | ,? \n.. ril , !oi?c? haie boon ?ory hoar] "Along " ? nr' e frentia | hav? been ar?Uery netum?," ?-,- . ; Rome Htatenier.!. "Oui Are Bgsll Port Raibl, in the Seebsch Valley, d "(1 fur" Of I npoll 4"d reai,).?.,! the *iglit of on.???-. the heighta around O * -.'i? ceuntei '? ? ?? de? <* -.1 the recaptar? ,? ? .- orth e th? ?g the < ... Priaonera tak? n roi ;.i m tha ?nem ???? , ,.-,i and *.. lered )?? ? "On *' ? ' ?? ? io there I n? been r change. "K-iPtT. ae.oplanes reeterdsy di.?pp* bomba on inhabited placei : the lowi 1 -<>! ... H... t ? . . .? ? ., T'ne lurtrien ati ' ? ? i .! ? ac< along the r? ar , . aa near th? i I ? ? . ? luit gariai ? ?? *r.. " ungai iar aer?ale ?? !'- a . . apt ?' e Lui;....... ?.. ??. . and drop] ?d I th?- en? BRITISH PUSH CLOSE TO KU1 I ..m ?iiiir.l |ia.r i the Ruiaian foreei ive - - be?? ;. ..?a nilieted r> ? thei M litar* obeerven have beei expeel m(( far tome '.me developmenti >->f notable charseter in t hi * re-fion. Who I.. .? r'.l I> : > ..? Wai I el r*V"''i o " e i ?unrr?. t)d "'' ' ?'' '>">" ! '?'? armiei and aent te ?rg? .'?:?. ? .?(..*> m ?mated in I ? .... addition! ?ttenl I _ . the ' I ? . pi rrarm on? ha\e Yir-' and thl .:r Ire intS ? ?? intei :or ;? bail s "' tempted. The move ?| doubtleee ii ai unctioi aith the Bril ? opere ? i or? <- in nearbv M e.opntamin and th? ? in sei ??? is Persia. ? 11? enemy yeetei ?; I *<i Hi? attack? agi I - north a i ? of the Arase R ? ?tat? .., r., aui troo| ? , i m tail ed i ? -? '?"?-' i '?' '?' e-, rn-. ?er the Ide Vail?1 v ere obi e- ? b don i | ret reel lome kilometre ? . thi Araee we inflicted R?en' i".? es >.po.; the enemv in h find to-hend I ghtii s in ad anced poeition? ??d ? Inrfre quantity of 01 i" "?n the I saessaa the Furki r.iad? tnn attempts to rro-i the right banh i fcrkha* ? River. Both i ? . ? .? Ruaaian oftl ? ?tajt? im.,-, "i, ??. lighting of the . ? | |6' i oner i and eapts north I * :. ? g rertridgi SUBMARINE SEA COW TO JUMP WAR FENCE Uflderwater Milk Transport for Oennany Feasible, \ vor-rl?. Say. That auirgestiorr of a nbmarlno ses CO to bring co i I n k to i - . ping ikon more a f by 1 ? ? ? ? . for 1 s. ipmenta. Java iai lane through Lieutenant Com? mander Crs si the Bi sohl) n n?' y \hkI. "If the ?ubmarme were COnetructed for the purpoae, there ig no .?rientrf.c masoi - I l ild not "rate a voy? mr? ?.'1I.-4 il ? Atlant .- srith -? eargo," h? opined i lea of a e< mm e r u i g sew, b it ni... ? ? . ggeited 1 o "' i , .... . I of clover. H rould ?'H' I, ;,.. ire of the aater? ? ..? .- pieh.? toric apecimen of "herbivorous man?* toi.; aerenian mammals." Or \on *-.*<? h -i. .1 ?>? terdays "We ?re determined te gel mill to the sa? Germs , Auato ia-Hsagary ?i.d ,? Po end. Wi are ?till hopefuj ?ha i berate arar pos ! ?>i ee *? .11 lared b Or? al Britain *i?d ? * KLAR ADMIR.M. APPOINTED Senate Appro? c? \\ ilaon 'e l hone of f, ft. Harria lo hu???-*ed Stanford. Washington, Jen 11 Prssidsat Wil? ios ?<?* *day naatiaated I'red.r.c R. Har? . chief "f the l.ureau Of Vard? and Dachs of the Navy Daaartssont, .?,-; ths rai'k of rear admiral, r tr F.ier ".i'r.'ral Stanford, wl ? term ol I ? v. . . . . I . : \<:n .-al *?ta foi d probably ?ill be eseigned to duty n? the Mi?!.- fslsnd V am Var?l in ronrirrtu-n "?'itli extet.U ?iijr farriitiea tbSTI '?' ..'-'ruc? tion ??i one of t?? n?\a b?ui?^'. BRITAIN BLAMES WILSON, NOT U. S English (iirls Say Peopl Are Noi Denounced for War Attitude Mere. TALKS OF ?SUFFFRIN? MAKE HEARERS WFEI Reconstruct Fraac?, Voua I niissMrlcs Beg, by Saving Mor Children. "Perl ???? | mi liste bcxMi told I hi England condemns the American *" H?He daring the war. We loot, I" ren?e v.e jndftr? Ameriira BOl h government but by Its eitisens " I llinor Fell and Miai Ploren? \\riiy Sel ofleld, t.'.f. Enfl fit I have recently coma to Saw Yen I ad ' . : e atarving ?ii..-. "i I i am '-. addi i sed esterda afternoon i i.n .tu.'iieii a ith en?- I si it.?- ludio of Mi i M Tonetl ISS ?-...s- i ortii th Stm -. i hey 'old i simply ?t-'i vividly ?? f tha suffering thi had themselves aeen ?n Prance thi mon than ":.e ef theii listonen cria feelinf tha reality <>f ?rar for tha - r - ahila the emotions ef 'lie mt? Che ?' r practica "If ?s-e are defeat? o mon ." .. ... ! ' r ian s die Ural ... fought againal tha A- . an ? We lost, and now we ari? Aghl tha principia of fi se loi estai llshed then Men don'l affei tartars for n atrip < Hlai Scnofleld said tha' iha I i I '.'if.I aftei bei ? orh in tl:.. i . pi ? ' "neii can mon de? pi aasen da I mid take nterei but ? ne. and thro igh all the hard hii , ? ... . i m ? I ' .. . . chilili ? " . , ? ; ?' * ?" I :. eh Id ? .'? ?"? ' and foi ei ntlj a whole year in Fi ? ? Women in tha aria ? ? Gen ..:.. Aui ?'. Turkiah and Bulgarian organi ? -, ? af tha city mill |-r^a;.i-t ? ? i.tha ai n fair to ba held at Madisoi re Gardai r ? am Han : 10 to 21 t< gering eoua 1 \- ? ? i. . ?:, , , . ? i u.1 ? ' -.Mda . ii - : .. ' \i h meet mir .? ? ? held al the I'ni ? . : '?. i ed ' s .i am i ,-. a ? ? .. . of the . ' . i thai Ben ard ' ' i . ? : I and that ... . - - - , . Ira. Arnoli ontribu ,.' (50 and lei :, . ? 191 10; Un. B? ri A 1100 !', . -. ef foi Fil I i ie, haa is ued ?> spi | fr.., 'ifiji In : ?i'? nif h fund i> 115.000 ?-Mi which te buy ismi implr m *? :, t s foi the women ef Pnnes n they rih-, ??? r- thi lend and kee| themselves ?t! childrtm fro tai I The Lafayette I ui d wfiicl is 11 I . r . ft S I ?' J| I ' H - !.? . . . , r? gnvt m. n ?n v, ? r tha treasai er meed 'tin' tl i th oth? ing to *-'"'.. made tre total fund -.??.?i.? ? r th s 'arto ol 155,000 sacks "' ? . valued ?r eppnximately $250, 000, tin? re)',.' ship i lehes 4 led jres terday for H?l pi um. Th<? cargo wai ? - reaull of th? re< enl record bna rampaign conducted In Pittsburgl -, ? ?? ?n t't i ?? n !'? ? Relief in B? , . ,. -, . -. f Irania in? contri i ? ? * -i "ri ? ergs iban of ?' ? mono) "??? i - trib ited by the I 1.0? 0 a m< riean She? Tin Plata ? ompenj FIND KITCHENER'S GALLIP0LI ORDER i urtts Say Value "f nriti-?li Boot) if tais $10,000,000. |tpi |ii?, .l? i. i'- tv irele - - to Saj \ ille, N. *i. i ? ? awing ordei ii? * iifon found m th.? British ramp ar Sod nl Bahr, on the Gallipoli Peniuaula, recently evacuated bj Entonta troop-?, m?. ?. tha Ovenees Agency: ?.-?." ,i ii ll'-ndquarter?. April ii of Prance and of i abou to for?a s I inconq bei I "r i K ? hen lea? i ' ... i I i . ? Th? - hola n orl I nil ?? atch '.our ad? HAMILTON." An offlriHi stati i I ii lid by tha tish Wai Ofleo mya: "DHrdanc'lc? front: A ho?tile ship on ! da) anaueeei fully shelled Sad Bahr. Our seaplanes 'iioppe.l bombs o? ?'"??? of the eaemj off ? . i iland of l.pmnu? I. ...- captui mount to al ? TO REOPEN PACKERS CASE lorii?n ??fli.f Committee Eatertataa I heir Kt-pretrnlatit e. p Caftli is I ? ftssoBs I Ur ion, Jsn. |7 I haadlet P. Aaaar? ion, who >? renreseiiting the ? Ir.L'ajro - ken tat eatertalaed at lunch "?"? ot ?ral'sr rl < o. ? ? ? af Ofh? rhii 11 - ' ' ? ?' ? ' II aloed ?t $20,. can.- -"?.me to a i ending laet ' linn 'noi furrhni seisnres. amounting to ?bout $5,ooo,o?iu, ha%e been i s la ?i?- Aadereeu 1? thoroughly ac? quainted tt the Foreign Office, having ! on yariou? American rommii .ndlina ternal ?rial q icatioi ? r Seas ? High Com? t of ? n the State Depan I or.settled gueations irith ?.rear Britain I Alfred T. I'nuti. who a .iied the parlier?' caei batl taring Bad Il rsaiihst' -a .th -11 lia UtUtU I BARALONG STIRS REICHSTAG lorelgn .Secretary Vnm \ engeance for Vassal's "Misdeed." "ler?n, .Ian. 17 fhy v.irele??, to Sav villa?, N. V. i Announcement srai made n the Reichstes to-day by Dr. Alfred /1 nun i ?! an, I nder Secrete . foi I ? eign Affaire, that the Germen gavera? ment would "most eertaini- find -?y? and nieaiiM r,f ifettmn at ifection for the -Looking mied? ed attributed to 'he crew >.f 'he Brill h patrol b.iat. Bira-? lea*. I)i /.:rnn ermaa ?aid that all political partie? in Germany condemned not only i r'i? OCtlaa of the Hara^n^'?. ?row but. 'he reply of 'lient Brt,?in to th? (?er-> man note reopectlng the incident, Herr NViike, a Socislill member, laid i hs Srishod to ruai.?* a pro?"st |n the asms sf h?- eeuntrymen who ?r?; boa** ins aim?, a^..'r:?t the attitude of Great 1! r !tl r? GERMAN AEROS RAID DVINSK IN STORM Russian Attacks in Galicia Lnd ed. Says Vienna. Lenden, Jan it. tie?p<te terrific i u?rm . which render milltery a. alone the >/r.?atri na?t <?r' rhe , ten front impaeaible, Gersaaa I : ? ri ? i lok, Kurten? hof .ir.?! I?' ?nsl P( 'r?.i/rn'| make? th'? official to night, but ... rhe ? mage * ss done. 'urthei . Galieie ere Vieans .-?? - the i ., . ? ii h ? . **h-"<?- Art ' ? ??? alio i; ' been in prog real a its <??' Hi-;.-? and east sf Fi Ii dric Petrograd snaouneee, while lucceecful ,. , - ave bien inri ???! out on ?he' of La' r em is end Dubcliozki, north? ?? ' el Dvinsk. ?? \ trO'Hangarisi ti sopa the diati ici es I of Barim le dro ? i ? i ? r 11 an ed*r? ? ? I n" Itioi . ' : ? ? rt. "filled up < ? .?'..-. \ ' ? BRITISH REPORT GIVENCHY GAIN Sixteen Killed by Allied Bom? bardment of I ens. Sa\s Berlin. London, Jen. IT. Exeepl f"1 n ?n.a bomba sad at Givenchj betwi and "?? ? Gei I, the ?"in ? e calm ilong th? ? eat front ? "i .. . . ? ???! ac . . . ? i . ? ? . ? . ? .? | I ..'? .. ? '. ? ?? n.le ,i com ? bined i aith bombe, rifle i, '?'- ? and trench mortar? at. the ?ame place " " ' ellenl resal? i. "Oui bombardmenta have been etTe?.* tire a* Prelinghien and at Zwertelen, and r,"ir; of FprCO, '???'here a larg?. "re ? ,nd the enen". ' I 1 ne.. Il? ? h irl lery wei ec) ?re al > pre.- ' ..... ? : rded h I end end r ? cteen p< ? ? i ?re - ?lied o led b? -1 ? Ils. v" report of the ? folio .. --f*..- al ? om i ' estioi ? ! : he I ranch w ..r OAcc '.. i ifjht : "In Belgium, between Weetendc ?nd ekerke. mir Ionic range artillery -.: ;..up?., who loffered ap .... able loi es .I :* ?? ?re ?',.,..?? ' ? ?? - ? our ipeeisl gui : to 1 ? ... ? ... 4 ..,? on ".ided the Gem treiiches ? o...Mr?. ai?' of Peronne, and a: Molin-aooa-Toot? eal "To the north of the Alsns our bat teriei esused lerieue lesees to the Germen srganlistiona on the plateau ef Vauelen and Is the region ? ?' the ? i arm. norths est sf Bei ry ?? i ., * - : ' ? . ? ? 'the ' . ?ituated ... ? ? " Bri? ?lu? ?? ?. re - ? .? le BERLIN'S REBUFF HITS FORD PARTY'S PLAN Peace Board to Stay at I lie Hague Indefinitely, if Necessity. I??.^?'.i-. Jai 1 'rer nany'i re -.. t Ford '. I '!?,?' _ ? i temporal be ted Ihe ? ace plan?, i he ?..'...-.i ? '" or kta regular meeting place, bat ss fa. f?pp??al? to the Germen M latei al Tie Hagrue ei to the Berlin Foreign "flice loi perm'? ?oi te i-ror? Germany again have been , -?, .i \ r. ? tei -ia'. i ;\%o the entire ( ? *-.?: "? ? thweatei Gei pec ii ' f roi ' ? i. military i igsin 1 inch a ge, .. . a ? ? ?t?te De t irre',.., ;,:?.. I ,. re? ? iaed to extend H ? Ameri *ai r. - ipo I ? to inciude Germeny. As ? rasait the member? spy they ".?Ml! remain at The ilajiur? an I 4?'h;' indefinitely if nece.v 101 \. Stockholm *??- selected because it was though- to be ? II rem?>ved from the vicinity of belligerent eountrteo. Dr. Chai le I >\ked and Mmr Rosiks Schwin n I to daj thai ?t '\ould he daould be * tly oi . ? SPANISH STEAMER SUNK 21 at International Naaigalion I..tier's ( re? Reported Saved. London. .Ian. IT. Th? Spani'h iteamer Be!j-;ra bag been sunk. Twen ? ? .-,-* member? <?f the <:rnm were, -aved. The ?- . on of 1 ?? asi il Decembc Engli igunl ' ' ' POLICE STATION TOO HANDY Nassaa* David Haruni. Next Door, Robbed?He Ha? Dog No?. Mine?la, L. I , Jan. IT. lohn Seaman,, the Pav.d Harm: of N'a?*au County, [ht a 1 log 1 :io ad le? from dreams ghtmi s Mee I forced ? I red dollai ? ?tei, * ? ? .i watch and | ? -?.?.or.-", v ere mlssll ., Seaman hastened to the ?'??ic. thirty feet *" sy, Th*- police, both of then:, ?? erred the burglar mast hire corre wall? they w?.re on patrol. Bah Bg the red hot itavs at.d optllted ?? ia ', J> > glance, Mi Sei oa> ?!"-* Mifidletown Oust* Democrat 1 a ' . '. : i . ?' ? i * ?..a?.. a .ir to-day ele.-? ? e-jor of Uliddletown, defeat ng Jame-, i- Caansry, Democrat- by a n.a jarity of '?8 ou? of a t-???', of ijsa votes ca*l. PRUSSIAN SOCIALIST ASKS FREE BELG1 Disorder Interrupts Sessioi Diet Women Demand V? Amsterdam. Jan. 11 1 ba tleet ..' the k idgei ' tha Prueelau Dl< day K?"e r;?e to disorderly ? awing to interruptions by Di Ueaknecht and ether Becialleta a ciriflu-tiiij- opinion?! expreaeed by l rs of different partiei on U S tion of the reform of the sloctosal Hen H.ra.'"., lodattat) la tha eeai hii .-?p-er-h ?Bid: 'We demand the i-e-i'ab?s'nmei tl e complete indep-mience of I'e?? If ?ho anemy government? are no 10 linen to demoadi for p their attitude Is in marked rontra .? ff>p1ii:jf t.rr.-A !; / n\-\i,ug ?'.? ?', rent peoplee, ??? ? s every* ben ?r manding rr.-.?..-.? Wt demand elce ? ? foi ? oi behalf of women, end s ?il secrecy ut Ike bailo! " 12 AMERICMS REPORTED SHI ? i.nt ifi'inl frnm r*!?' I M" ieai government that ? ? troops be permitted to en ? L'a -.r - territory from Naco Ktis., t i'.' " '.i aid la nn . i ha ad il ? h'hiiahua. it v,s? announ ? ? i day. The r-fu'-Hl was based on tha thai naideats of 1. Paee an gn e-ic.te.l over the recent I ' ans In I huahua and that M can troop movements in rh>> Vn States I onlr| ba Im prudent. ??pproximats .-? too oui of tl.e ! ? :iri? and ot :."." tanigns Chil i State s ?? , ? ? i'sa to s Mo e ?.-??* an ? ? ? ? ??' ?>' ? i ? ? .-, i? on ? ' ? sei <t . patei I to reauin <*? .... ? . . ????-. Mormons srho reached hs ? .a-* ? from pointa in Chihuahua State, eland that tl -. had not ce ? rhey ei *'? return r(> their colonies near I ? ? ' " at come ? i ' ie /.?-? li ?? . '? ?. . e late Gen? l ? toril liuen ' - ?? .. . ?.' \" 100,000 cases of I .i ng r<i repoi t ? te Fedenl ora rials hi asa repi ti ?ra? 'I tho?? -tero 55.1 ir??" a? A?,.;h-i Calientes, Out oi population of 20,000 si "? died dui ng Dec? \ aga . ? ' ? . comba) i . - ? arlo? Husl I ? g and 1. 'rinic i o pan>. which normally employs " I sand m?n south of the a! l>o?(l>?r Hr?. Liebman an.i Olil ?-.. >'? He? ? ?inni Hospital. No*? Vo: ... ? ind i ... ither phj tion. whi jenheim ore? V ? ? : '.on will I . I - - STATE MAY PREPARE ALL BOYS FOR WA Senator Slater l-rges Commit.? to del I aits on Clan. ? ., thi ports Xew York. luced a .-. ng fa i appoii I ? s of a committee tigata the pra r?.?ability of providing military *- il tug for lad-? between fourteen ar 'if- ? ? ana yi h r- old. Pha nsolution provide? for thn m and tr*e Asaemblymen compose the committee, its duties h ?, sider and ? ? ?iii'o 11 ? i . -, _ ? ? ? on ? toi ? .4 due conce i the indi*, liai h?- f|..- ?>!or"d :?? the JTOUng meri of th -'sto, anil that they may bocoi I only qualified bj edutcation and tr?n ?ng ?! meet -"*; sntlj the n b Ity that ru?; devolve, on them rase of ttsr, bu* that the spir pline and the i ilnl, mors! an I quai11lei ay b ? ? I, ?"i ? n? - ? ? in.i. ded ail equate ba ?-., ?4 -r. i ? i ? - r ? ota r tion ii ir and foi Th- tun o 11.. - iggeeted to the capen-..? i el be ? ommittu ?? ? ? ? BELGIAN "ROOSEVELT" STREETS. THANKS SIGNS Washington, TOO, Popular Nanu in Battered Nation. : read i ni ? the is road in mo..* of I ? C '? ' ? ? ' Bel ?iun i ? one of the means Belgiai - -.i-" to expnaa their gral ? te the I nited Suites for *he aid ii has (;:\f:, them in thou di?trcs?. Roosevelt ha? only one risal In th< nu m bar of streets bearing his name Waehingten. in every Belgian town itnets, a?-H in doTfn? of tl,f?ri pul 11 i I in hiir.oi . ?" ? oui i ; ? I ?? , i \v .?-..-? t at "i -i lion I e of Mrs lam? ' ?'* H'. M | ' ?poke of hi? etpe: ? ?? s ni tone. "I wada ha? contributed 21 centi per capita to the funds Oi 'he Reljjian Kehef Commiaaion,** Mr Irwin sard, "and tha United Btates ha' contrihut? i ex:.rtl- tf.M cent?, tor each tail population, ?et, because the suppliai at? -'d h\ the ' ? : --.-?? I-. ?.? -.? ' Bva coma *. ? i body aa v r Ai ?? Brazil Extends U. S Compact Washington. Jan. 17. lh- Star, i ? partmeni waa advisad to?dai that tha reciprocity agreement between tne 1 ? "-d Mates and Rra::l had been ex? tended b>- the Braailiaa ?overnment to i U t ir".'" The agreemei *, '?.a? to be renoned annually, givei ? ' preferential ix'' to Ain.r | : . ? Colonel House Leaves London. London, .la-. !? . i M HoiiKe. Presid? ni W p ri-pr?- intat for I I ' MEXICAN POLICY STILL IN DOUBT Guarantee o? Safety by Carranza Officials an Important Factor. U. S. /MAY DEMAND INDEMNITY PAYMENT State Department Investigates Weport I hat Mlninj,* Men Received Passport. r ?-.m r. a T ?? .-? n-.-..'. We^.tntttor,. Jan. IT. The ?an ?ration, muse,) by published ??aterne . that it h?d absolved ?arranza from re | ipomibility in conne?:\ori vrrth the murdera ?? ,-anta Vsabet. aatharlsed the snnouncemsnt through the -? ? Departmeal ?"-')?>? that. .-- Bttltade M I ? ? . .*??>?? had or ? It ?aatsd sxprsesly thai than ?'.jundatlon for the belief t'na' ? a govornsisat would be content ? I reasonably *igorou? ?-tenipt to '?"-vri tbs murderers. The lack of evtdl e II Sgjatl I * -auae of the uncertsiaty. officials sf ?- !'? parti teat aie all *? ? . a? -o erbafhri Carra?as jr-ar? ?? te..?? ? | ? g me : ? ??.-. \ ?. a ? ienees alleged to ha ? ? - a- ?Tuaros, a- i r* ?,-,- - ? '; ? m?ul wei a ' ?? ?.. autti g W?1 rho res 'the L'mte.. Stat i - po"." t only, Stati Department - i ?taininj from Mexico .? proper .?'??-harg?? . ? rhe pon , . ? . refors, srs If it | ??r H | il e 1 i - I o f t: JO ? i provide ordinary protectli circumsti Ii for 'He deatl of the \ ran-a ?a ll| be a? ?nd punish 1 .. ponib ' ' terv? ? *r *> 'aetii I : " nd ii ? ,? General l - id oil . ? ard in g'?' : ,.'?' ?"? n ' ?? ' tog rit h confirm rit j : ? I \ lepa il il I \ ? repon at Monten irgi the to eoi ' - ' .,,..,,, f..- the pi ' ? ram i thai I??? il i . ?r>d re? lu Thar .?on h* , ? ? Citj i . ? . . iting furth? ie?a \ i ???r>.. hut I earn-' "' all Am? .. t ....... I ? -- ?n Moi t-rev ?ni I < ??r. . ielnl!? Goad order p ' "A . ( ? . ? I fen ?' 14 ?-nv*rnmerl' " ? -,...? I ?? -i.- ? ? .?.p.?- -<1>!<* bv Hie . ?I It h Of the 4 and on - - ? ? \ ? . ha?J r>eew ? .?i:,-. ,,.'??? irreaM ?'? ? i er , .?? . , ? -??r-4 r]carl'.* to I ig I . .:?*' <*- tO I? : ot . on. ! ?>;\e and that so ?;? a-ould be reached pending a tb? I h*?' pointed ?ul ? Carral i eventus ? 'f .<? ,. ,ii , . . me ? ? ... ? , oh it Kl p ?patch repeat??! , lUtemen! " iy a person r t1 a ith t lea opera'r ^ | ? I? huahue " Thii informai ? - in thai be fore the departure of th< Imatrieaai from rhihuahui? he had been -?>!?i b I . R. ?Vat on, be , | :? ' Bad thoi silled i p bad ?--? . . itbor id g ' ? r i at . reg eg m I . ? >? i '?>* ?le ie to i egard thi? ? ?>f p: oof. T. H. ,nrli - o: ? ? e j>a? has adviaed the .lepartn-ert? that if any safe con?lucts ?were ??ran1.*.i w'thout hit1 Kr.oav'.e.lge. There va? ne furher ge'.er?: r-i?eu ?ion of Mexican affairs ii re . . ? gl ?'?? ? itor Gore, ' ? ? and Ci t *.... I, . . ? ? ?? . ... ' le) i.ari pol the ,.eecii OH the *-? -a' I tOOS, A .ii.spateh to-day froai An en. a tonsil! Sill i an, at Queretai,,, , r.oiineed tha' ho ?1? foCtO ?rover' m? ' ?-. ? i i? a ard la gata." far e?o ? . , ? ts who committed as Sel ta Tsabel murders. VILLA PRICES IN PATCHOGUF. 4 i ni ruin *?iig^e?ie(i to H'llssa se >' >4.?rd l..r Baadk'S Mead. I. ,r ra'ai'.'i ?? * i Patche-rue, Long lelaad, las \.? -.1. .-. Still, tassiliarii knb'. f ,: ? " Still, propri-i'or of ? 'oca rev bus line, beiianie ,ncen?e?-i ?. ?a-, press reporta that ?jer.-rral Vil I oroered farther mei??."re?. <.f Ar. in Mexico A? a ei*i.*en of | State .- ? II in ii si ?" ne I I et . g $100 body, i . ; . > ?i n |o ?.,! Repub i ? I