Newspaper Page Text
. . IRANTB1 M *"*' m%aca * ... Want it te. r-' ? ' twm ^i^^twk ^&gm <?xibmt WEATHER. Unse'tlerl today; cloudy to-m'.rrow. I rcsh southwest winds. ft ??; I . First to Last ? the Truth : News - Editorials - Advertisements i\V\ V* *'~i "iW l< ?i??ri,hi isia I ' 14? I I U V \ l\\l II'V *?1 Hill' >:? ? I \ I ' t I' VI' ?" Oem ?orW ' '" > ***** i-r... ? n | \\* >( ?''?'?W. Ihr 1,11.,,,,-. \.,,.| I MII'Xl. .1 \ > I AKl _l, I'.?!!!. I Ml a t la>l ,,?,, lloLol^n PwfclfS I-, I...... Villa Reported Captured; May Face Firing Squad ROOSEVELT SOUNDS CALL FOR NATION Announces Mis Stand on Wide Range of Questions. MAKES . PLEA FOR BUSINESS Universal Service and Vu ; iacy I'rged b\ the Colonel. J Under the -?? Ye? toeehed on ? .; Coa ? - ? ? aal irai of il ? it the rat? ' ng In the alfil r ?javera? ationa ar.d ' - anJ - -j . ? . of r'r? ? aa be r own Surely fron? : : r?. W c ? - divi I ? 6 oui ? way a ? i : ?mm do juatiea to ? - I and ? i of; * ?i ward ? tnrlard * I iriu-tri. taon ? - . I ?? . - a divi ,nt all -.tribute to the ? -, truthfu ? ? ? \t '? must ? ?? mu-t . each in any ? 'I ? i1 ?ervi lone] said, ... ? .. t ' ??- i II?. Olio . t * tan : . ii mach ? a par with * ???** uo,.,;., (ljlunio HOSTILE FLEET COULD SHELL HTH STREET Minor t.rnoral *?\ eaa cr. chief of tbr eaaet artillen itrlafoa ?>f the arm?, laid the House 1 ommlttee on Militai?. Affairs Ibat ? aOOtlle fleet ? oui.i He off Rackawaj ?>n,i leap r?b?*IN into Fourteenth Street. Man? hattan. 4 olonel Ka-ai^eTelt. In a letter 1?*? the National Security 1.cague, point? ed out that the na??? th?? tira*t line of defence of the l nite*d Mates? can be used wisely lor d?*fenc> only at? an offen?.i?e hrm. The countr?. ho SaM, iiiu?l have ??nple coa??4 da^ fem?"?. h\ lOO.oOO men. He called th?? WiUon prnirammr "a I'.tiHi programme*' and "?ratlrel* In? adequate to our nc?*d- " .-**e? retara Ilaniels told the Honae Naaal ?.?mmiltee that the I nited States licked factUtlea for emer? gency naaal preparation on a large acale, but that if the nation pre? pared in time It could impoae lim? ited armament on the rest of the -aorld after the war. An anti prepare-dne-a.?? meeting ??? held at \N aahingtotv, at which . ?? ?aid l.arriaon \illard and ae?era1 Kepre?entatiae5 denounced the Pres? ident?, programme for defence. The full nraa of the day relat? ing to prrpar**<lnc?>*?, ??ill be found on page 1. TSETSE SLEEPER YAWNS AT DEATH Doctor bettered by Drow sine>s After 7 Year I itfht for Life. ?- by the Incurable "-.eeping ? " I . of 14 k street, Brool *?t two broad shouldered and pow i Morris i heir at ng away the little lifs ?? .. ? ??? left him. His eeica bas ??.ed away to a v. cary I I \? .'-. - >,. lost the use of his leg.?. It Is a effort now for him to raice his hand. All day lo*..- ; in blanke*-, he .: while ... bes. .-s ago, the physicisn'i lovs -acccir; to a party of pro-pector?. While canoeing on an equatorial river l?r. Perveil tten on the hea.l by . ? tea fly, .. ' ? : of the ale? wound wai I . to fe. . t. He there placed himself the ha Pestent Institute. \\ !.. *. thl - there told him M nearly cured a?> any one .rioculated with gel hope to be, l>r. Perveil returned to the ("oiigo. Two and a half yean ? .r :.???! and he In ' . . to .' .. kga r. he returned to again the diseass recurred, ? me in a much shorter period. He touml on fa arrival in France that \?ar had been declared. There we room for 1 overcharged hospitals of Paris, I fought off the deadly languor ar ; ? . Englai d. London filled with ed. At laat the ? ng i room scrum was ' g**s 'lini ? l?r. Perveil then hurried to Belgium collect the money due him the Congo. '1 ha with which his com* : bis ? arnlngs had ab , ? . pay i i received for trie \eat? of wort which will cos? htm bii - ( >.r.? Intiasrf on page ?, mlu-no 1 E. H. SOTHERN DECIDES TO LEAVE THE STAGE Will Make Permanent Home in Warwickshire, England. I H, Sothern w-ill retire i'r?.in the f the pi ? t i ? ?.. ?ho \?a - Julie Mar go to "M era Ick I :re, Eng where they will -irake their per? ? ? ? home. . h? ir t me, said Mr. Sothern la I be spi nt in Mr. ? 'ayinj th Theatre ? g ol , road tour of flvi \? r. . Monday. 1* wa to an of his im] Il In '? id i',"M"er in ? .' ?.f "If t Were K will be t 1 n which he w ill net. Mr-. Sothern retired fro i the gC on accourt of ill 1 .. b? ' ? * ? "... there contempl?t? .1 a i .-aid laat ' ? | ed. but a e her M r. s ' beei ? ' Cast Port iet ?? r | en . hle1 by Mi. Sot hem -a. si M??i\Kl> PI.*. LTD i. I M, De ! Uj. uai i Advt. MONEY STOPS P. S. INQUIR? | -THOMPSC Senator Ob.struct On Eve ol Uncovei ing Graft, He Say. ASSEMBLY MAY HALTCOMMITTI Speaker ?Sweet Accused Threatening to Hold U Extra Fund Asked. "Ther-. I. a h.g boodle in !t for man -?-ho can Mop th? In?? itifa that this committe? l Thoapaoa ? ? ? I 'lie investiRal committee did not amplify his st ? bul added this by va., i ?' planatl "Thia comniftrrr?. ?h-tr activitie. mena? ? - ? til threat I \ ?? bly hold up an at appropriation, ii on the eery of u h? | irruption ami ecas t th? tata bj th? rat ?. I 'he pr.ofure broil; on ma (.?? cml this Investiga! en transferred to Speaker St*.? "Wh** . disclose if Spra Sweet allow? the Aaaembl] I the money will make the work of I-exow eommlttea look email, And ? y reputation that if we pet I io I - iri\ cit.gat loi and it is up to Speaker Sweet anil 1 bly we will ?-how how the ?, of New York han lost between $1 0 end tte\Sf*. >l be? ?n-te el I t exiat between the 1'uh Commiaaloa ar.d the public ? vice corporations, and that it la pi aibla to eav? |6,fl 000 annaally properly adm mi storing the Pub i en. Th? Senate is yolit behind this Investiga! it the 11? and the As.-irnbly are Beea "1 he Accelerator" Hand. in com m . -.'. '.o ii iked thai bit name be n it "1 . ? .'?-. . \ ,r' Ii plainly aeen. B - out now, anothei leg committee will i-omplet'? tl ? eellent s ttee trail of graft in whi? politi? .. men or' the Black Hoi Cavalry itrip? profited at tht pen -'? '?;' c< rtain public ul city and tl ? . . - ... , poratiom ha? ? t?te ? : Ing men ha? ing infli member? of the 'I hompa? mittee to thia city I u ???? I ? to ?toi reatigation where It i?. The $30,000 additional naked for b i cnohl ? ? ? ta in' aatlgal ?on, Sem tor '11 aid leaf nighl To this comparative! vnall Bum, ni \?iw of what can b 'ion'- with It, would be a t.! erare t . . Mi. '1 hompaon. "Ther rtain intereata in Nee York I ?ho want thia Inveatigatlon stoppe? It i- to the people'? Intereet that i continue Will the people or the cor poratiom nIn out'."' Thai Hotel Kill. ! iplaioing the chargea of Aaaembly man McQulstion, of Brooklyn, wh? objeel ? ?ing 1 led for room am ...- ? ? < Biltmore Hotel, t on said: "it 11 true thi ' McQuist Ion ? ? ? ?? el tlir? Biltmore. But '! . irioua to me that he waited unti - ? -. monthj elapa? d, t< iii? kiik. Bui it ha? been th? i r<? rat.-? among ? I '..']. ? Hotaling, the Si i ?.?rant at ol the ? < nate, who wa reapoi ? - charging M.-i' list Ion a i'h ? it 1 eat and a room ... ip) ,'d ; ? i ... ? i?.-- . I have been al . | ? .-..' inc comm ? ? I iii.l in tin instand eppoi t pro . ? ? ttee, 1 Icen yeai H'hltrldgc star tYlteeea, 1 \\ \\ h it ridge, i ? ? dent ? A ? in;.' Railroad ? on pai , wai r ' . i : . r - on eoiiirn It tee, ' ri ?. ! ? \taa a diaoppo ntment peel io niattiir r?| Alba He wai not asV..?'l ?o name the Sena? tor \t'"i?i he to h Senator 1 v i wai willing to voti for a . ?? : ' K in il for Mi" ( . ami the 1 ? ? . I he reason It ? ?sas that thi di ad. I ho inciden) occurred In 1883 or i--r. tori ??; ih? leaii ? ' ? was a i ..iiiinii-?ii ,,n page I, ra?ame I fUU \ I lll.VK M'KIM, ? \ I I H ib? ? ?-C .t na. glaaa stoppend . '..?s ? A4vt < CRASH TOO REAL, SHE S Movie Artraaa Leaped from Span, I'latt Auto Hit Her. Mlsi Jean Art?.- ba.i |as1 jumpe ths Spu?.'. n I'uwil Bridge, sa pa i. moving picture elopement, Uaeee aha m,.unte.i a motorcycle pilote I Rodman I.a\4. who Jampa from scrapers f.-r the Almo. Along cam iaiitoinobile, ewned by Frank II. r j son of the lots Senator Thomai Platt There wa- a collision. That not part of the scenario. MISS Acker was injured. $1*? Worth, ?>ie decided. Thu amount I sought t?. collect in the Supreme (' yesterdey from Mr Platt. ! DIES AT WEDDING PEAK \ge?i Gatel at Anniversar) liropa i After Making Spce? h. "1 wniiil.'r if I a.v i ! 1 bo at your a Iveroary twenty unu from to-nii You know, nans "f u? bnawa bow | ! wo may be hers together." Yd ?erirk ?ians, of hi West Klg foartb Street, ha.l made this ren at the eoaelustea of a brief add at the thirtieth Wedding annlven of Mr an?! Mra. Marcus Werthelmei the Campai Rest Roam, 104th Bt an?l 4 ohimhu- Avenue, last night. he ?at down be suddenly pale?), an man at an adjoining table spratip, I Ii * listance. A phyaiclaa ???..? n ; moned. but Mr (?an? war? deal bef th ? phyaii an ar rived. SUNDAY CRUSADE SHE! GOLD ON FACTORY GIR] Mill Owner Raises Waged Af 1 llittini" Sawdust Irail. ? Tret.*-' . '? ' ' Ins th aand j.-'rl?a of the 1'. A .-tr*..- Weol Milla are the first to re?e' ? | tial benefits front the I vival. J- William Footer, the super tendent and member of tl rail Tuesday night. sddreased *h?- hop tneeting a tcld the girls that beginning with 'I v oa)< every on.- employed by the |" would receive a substantial wags c?ense. ?ra'i? plan* :? one of the lai f Its kind in N< and h the reputation of ?iealirg fan..' employes. Mr. l??ater. however, ??.mt show proper ths for t wort of the evangelist in getting hi to surrender to Gad. A meeting in t St nday campaign was arranged at t to-da i told "f the pa I . had taki . ' I religious reviv? l?e sard he bad hit ths trail, an?! ?OU Ike every employe to <lo tl. ?Ling ?f possible Then the a II wi was broken tt-si ths gii I to get more ? WILL GIVE VILLAGE Sl.OOO.OC lax < ell?Ktor, Who Inherit? f?!.(100,00 to I urn Hcn.l.ii l"i. I ? -uire Fred 1 K,r!,>, who has pent 1 t ti oft;. ' estei pay U| ... ... . ?. -,;m-. ii? snni meed I about to gr.e them SI.11"".""" That wa' his cheerful way of tellini his felloe tisens that he had ? '..'iiii by a:. . ' ' Try, of Kildare, Ireland An Engtisl lawyer went ? ? tar a fi mmm ?; ,\ ., - | | . ? ', ' ? ? - Of SqUln K irb] hip to the deed woman Knby produced an old ?urn'.:.' Bibb that bore en inscription written b* tnd eontaii ed a picture of i round-faced boy wearinf ths regimen tais of Ihi tiienedier Guard.'. Thl ?quin ' ths village has share.; his troubles, snd that it is only fan that it ahauld tOiHre h!; good fortune. JOHNSON'S CHANCES DIMMED Wilson Said to Have "lielded to Pro? test Against Appointment. ; sarask la I Waahl igtoi Jan. John sen, Jr., of New York and Brook wil not be appointed the - . Poetmaater Morgan, of New "fort I declared to night by a m eloae toui h with 1 tua ? '.'. its i ; ' ? , : , ision not to .?end in th? . t i emmai aftei proteats that camo by mall and tele graph. It ?a? aaid that Senater O'Gorman v o'.iid proba ? i up behind a ' Powers, ;? \?w York lawyer end bu?i IId ' i. -tiator back l..\?.*r-, il probably wauld mean hi.? appointment. I GREEK KING AWAITS NEXT ALLIED MOVE IJItimatumTimcLimit Expires?Censor Hides News. M()NTENI.;(iRINS RESUME ATTACK King Nicholas and Sons to Fight to Last Italy to Aid. 'lit- < ? TU Tri hu-o ] London, Jan ?M. MenteaegTO, follow? ing the breaking off of peace nogotla tions with Au-tria, has resumed opera? tions, H waa announced In Rome to ani have ? " en their place? nt the head of their troop , del tied to flgbt to the let ral r the bmit te the Igno? miniosa terms offered by the (entrai Powi Over the dev? lopmenta in Greece the ??"I ol the eoBoorship continue? to be tightly. The time limit of the llltin.n- -i ; rr--r"lt4-r| \ ?a two da] age, ha i ? pired, ? .'hat action has follow? 1 ha! lion of I u Conatan? pro-German party pera'", howi ? coi eluaion dran out in Athens yesterday to an '?orrt"?por... Th.- . .[?on the I- - ?? m the Balkana ? "in all the id out, of n nation ? v.'.?<'h tl I A: ? l.a\e exerted on (?reeee. This F fees a! ? ae far aa ta ikett the posit ana it? self, though it ia - "'. believed that the ? ?> lowers have committed them the Vealaelea movement for rthi F the King Th? interview of King Constantin? I r .*. place in this morning*! newspaper?. "The Iiaily .' which make? the Interview its ladei the beading, , "An Angry Outburst bythe King of 1 ?r. ' ilae ia) ? ef .r e.i.-i.r ?ally : "It Is abunda:.*!y avideal from trie inter'. ? ? , ! by King I enatantine raun aad American Joan lie ?'.-.-.:?- the 1 re taking tfT their protec ? 1 the King with lively al ia nor a!' | " I be < ondll lor - Ul der which the a ? ' ..-. en? u i"? 1 and. aoon will be I tl Boil are an anomaly without parallel in modern warfare, und ii Ititude equally ai i Inn,, toward the neutrality of <, ? from the occupation ?>t tin Sa ... ?? ? rail? aj I ^ >? been cut, bridg? ? certain of her ial borrowed and to h 01 pal unilrr temporary UTI ' "Such !.. ' ' ' and need not be .- call for no def? ? ' I from I , e Greece has no one ?o tiiHiik bu< ?? l he Da . ?? argue? tl at faith with .-M'Hua and ? . ? ? loa? the ( Pe? nauta by breaking a proi that the ?m eupa been a' the in vitati "If ' lei ?? an ubmarinei h ??? ? ba lea on the Greek eoaata," "The Daily ., -? "they ran it be hunted i ? the Greek raUwaj : .r... Auatrian? and Bal? n ? they mu-t be obstructed er de ? d. was the obvious and ? ?,. ,i ?.- rorollarj ef I; i A lea1 ai th? Ini Itatlon of M. V( il Saliniea, And when ena hia < ouatry to im he show? himself itrangelj ? hia r.'p itation for honesty ? -? I ! ? Italian goi ernmi I ha decided to extend genei .1 toward I organiza! on of th.- remnants of the 11 lid that fully rl mi hate aln ad) reached a i i orfu 1 he Stefeai Ageac? an . K ng ef Italy, .luring :. to Brindis!, held a coa? Sei biaa ? bad an An <??' ? i nch statement. r> here ta*da) by wireleai from Paria ?? | Mont? negnn army ? ??? ? r rapitu ati ?!. and, in f?.. t. that ne formal for peaci ere < i ,, mi pace * < "Iimm I Winner of $50.00 Prize I o day lin* Tribun?- arinoum es the result ?>f ih? Ad-Viaoi ?Content tor De? ember Ihr prize-winnin?* letter, .?*- choaen l?y three judges Irom tn.iny ex? ellent entries, together with our noti? e ?if the award and the mi? i es.sful ? andidate s appreciative acknowledgment, ia printed on Page '?. It you h.ivc ever ?Mitten .? letter to I he ,-\d \ isor, nr think you may some d.?v.. he pure to this interest mi* ?innoun? ?-nient <>1 one *_: i r 1 n lu? k. &hc (Tribune first m Last?the truth: V#? ???/. ditorials? it/? ertt^ement*. MEXICO'S BANDIT CHIEF. F - M General Francisco Villa, the peon who became a revolutionist, reportad captured by surpri-e aa he !oiti?red In Chihuahua. BRITISH URGED TO HaP WILS01 Advice to America Impe tinent, Says London "Chronicle." London, ''an. 21. "The Daily Chre lele" d?--\otes the mo?t prominent p.?: , tion on its e.litorial page to-day to i at Prealdeal Wilaon an db foreign policy. "The Chronicle" d ?lure- ri;,?1 Mr Wilaon orcupie- a po? tion <?t' exceptional difleulty, addin that **if the British presi sad publ a little more trouble to unde stand him and wer?? mors conscious i the absard --a great r public on what Its President ought I ? -.?nul.I be much to the edvatttaf of the Anglo-American future.'' Discussing t:.?' EngUah attitude tea ar?l the United ?*??'?'? "The 4'lu. "There l| a section of the Hrir i ish press that is not treating th I nit,',| States strictly a? a neutn They have treated ths Unite v ?rere one ??:' the "A recent number of an An ?..rrine contains a symposium ttiv Ing the reaaona of English why America should come into the ?vat This i- a pieee of gratuitous imperti We ha-?' M to ad vise Americans uhat line of policy the] ! r-hould pursue." "In the future," the editorial cor. ! tinucs, "the United State.? t'urthe "'e il regard to atrooi ties for which ample apology or othc ? reparation ha? not been given. In th< meantime the German-Americaaa ern ].!??>? every kir,?l of underhand devitt in the h?pe of creating a prejudic? agajnat Grant Britain ami causing, i - ble, fric';.?rr and ni'.?iiiidt*4SjtTand:n; between u? sad ths United States. "We rn.?v be ^ure that the ctien : nt\ ai . ? of every indi ? huh we commit uni It tl ey may theii po -" mi propaganda I ? he American p i "I'r? sident U ;. tea what ii apparently the unenviable paaitlea of .. ? .- neither ?.ule the thanklesi role of the neutral who aims at being Impartial. "'America has objecte?! to the 4'ermnri submai ne poliey, while they nay she r. rmitted Great Britain to develep new mil ?da ol blockade bj tha axer tea power. (,n the other band, Greal Britain and her Allies, bava permitted to draw unlimited supplies f munitions I ? .: . ? ? Ceneda i i irts I i has put up s I from Blitiah irilii sncee wil ad aith the ling of / ? - ? iur ? \ ? - ewa ba ? rrati even when it waa no than Indel ..I of Amer? ican opinion baa been embittered by the disloyal ar,,1 provocative activity of a section of German-Amei ???? the accomplices of tha Ger mari and Au-tria". embassies ii' com? mitting outrages, creatiag riots and al -? nstigating i I war in Amen.-a "Th- ? '.the Pr. ? ' ? ? ? ????:' nal dif H? is irred 1 and n atlei itred of ? I Gormen? ms Beaidea th? Mr,an D?mocrate, put up with ??acrful de| oeil ? -, ?. PLOaiDA, \i l i \*t .v ?>?.! ?ot-r i Raavhed I All Steel Tra?ne Dell) ' le AtlanUc ?."oaat Line. UfHce. lili h ?aaj ?A 1-1. I SWEDISH DECREE AIMED AT BRIT Alt Bans Wood Pulp Lxpor as Reprisal for Post Seizures. _ Ja . 20. The c ? ? 1 over the detention of iriterr.ation? mails i? widening in scope withotl any ligna let! ement. The Angle Swedish phase of the controversy i leting mo., attention, bat cher nu tions effected ere aal g develo? ment? i loeel Hi.d ar" prepared to in tervene erial i >mething more form? ' than the inqu I ? ? ?? ? the have already deluged tbe Foreign 01 Sweden ha-i is?u; d a decree prohib ?ting the exportation of wood pulf It goes into effect to-morrow*. Thi older is regarded a? a measure of re prisai against Great Britain for th t-eirfure from iteamahipa ef parcel pos packages destined for Sweden. Ir' the ban ia carried out a gr?a* m ereaac In the price ? land probably aril] result. A tr.enibe of one Arm of paper makeis said to day thai aboul nine-tenths of the pul? used in this country came from Nor way . a. Britiah factorial have eon .?er:?!''..' supplie? in hand, bu ur r i r they uri i ? n may b? expected the! great difleultiea will b? experienced. The prohibition t\.!l atfec' Kiighsl" ? apere, which obtain a large pro ptirtioii of their paper and material! tor pi.per makiag from Scandivanian countries, Commenting on the situa tion, "The Weotminatei Gasette" says: "This act of the Swede.? is a re? minder to those ?'bo have been urging ?. complete blockade of neutrals that ... ,i power of retaliation ? hieb may i?- even more iacenveaieal to u< ? :' nur supplies. The paper difficulty can probably be ad lusted, but ont) by com-.'-"41011s on rn suie. . e with neu tral trade ma\ BOt prow quite such smooth Bailing a- iohm peraeni fond '?> imag Preteata from Sweden, to I* -gland. and 1 ' ' ei a, have tressed eaeh ? apparently without bringing the : .itions any nearer to an under? standing than the;, were when the dis? pute began, British traders doing business with Russia ai.d Rumania are bee ?g ng th? 1- sreigi Office with pet 1 * ; ave th? ? ?. a? their buaineea ia from gn a! .. - ? post? ?' ? folien I |ta pian to have the pur ? ? f.'i ?',..-.,. .-.. intrii ? . l'ne Br ' - ? .:.rna ? that ? il eorre?| ? ? Mined at Kirksra I ? ?d ? snaored, but 1 ? mail ibted ?? ...-1 ?rhili i an el laela are being ex? For which wa? taken inte Liverpool ? arg? a perl 01 of b? - earge far the 11 ic court, had I ,?- ?f mail <"i board, and, even thougi tl ?Aj-t tramahippeda some dele) natural? ly reaulted ?> Villa's Capture Would Relieve Tension. Says Washington r- - I. . a. ? Washington, .Ian. JO. The Ma'?- I-. ? ? nl 110 cot. ?I ef the capture of G Villa at a lato hoar department, ?r, showed great interval in the report, an d remarked that, if eoi I it a ouid ge fer te relieve the tei ?n the present litustioi RViace the country that ?arraiua's gavera? I ment wai worthy of recognition. bandit leader caught idling amid his loot Captors Hurry Him to Chihuahua for Firing ?Squad. SANTA VSABEL SLAYERS TAKEN t Band Surrounded and Overpowered Before It Could Give Battle. R i?'"(r>:v. ?- i - . ? , El Paso, Ti ?.. Jai . 20, General ! tanciaeo Villa Is a prisoniM*, a?.rord? ing t.? advta - - ? " ' i to-night iron Chihuahua City. V ? ?? Bay, was rapture.! at Hat-iernia .-?an Ger?nimo, in vYeetem < hihuahua, by General I avaao:, i f the I an i a army. ?.eneral Cava* | bean sent to garrison CusUrairiachic foUovinf the .-?laughter of eighteen Americans by \'illa bandits. The ,-. porti dM r,??t give any KC0W I of h battle. but -ai?l that several bandits aaa 1 a<l taken part in the ma.--a ? I ? 11 also raptured. Villa km known f > be in the vieinity ol San Ger?nimo. Andreas Garcia, th? '?'? ? ran I on? ?Armed the taking of General "S'illa. Hi- advicei Stated that the t.ipture was effected by Maximian*. Marque/., uho recently capture.! Gen?'ral Joed Bodrigues, on at Villa's general-*. To Be Shut In Chihuahua. Further confirmation v.a- rtctittd to-night by official-? of the American Smelting anil Refining ?"ompany in i.-patt-he? from Chihuahua City re potting that Villa and his followci-? v ? re being taken to Chihuahua ? ity for ?xeeution. Thil report, it wai stated tonight, cam?' from ?he samo source that first reported the MM? ? at Santa Ysobol, a mures re garded as entirely rehab!" by th-s officials of the company. Additional apparent confirmation ??ame to l." ni ted States fovtsnuneat oificials to-r.ight, also from t hihua? hua. That report ha- boon I'm ? warded to the stau? D?partaient at V- ashington. The ? arranza cons .' rsplaiaed thai ir?r:rtnation of tbe ? I (ho tiipture of Villa ?i- I U 'inolfi ? i .ble. iafenaation lie -el. egrapbed nr once to Chlk i i I I f ..*.. official ' leimatioi? Croni Geaeral Jacmti? rrevii . ? ? mil* itary chief of the I I At tbe ?aine time, a tire-age weS prepared to be evaat at formal i an ill sis I lea, reguestlag than at to Juare ? ?,. i" . ceeuted at th? racetrack. 1 I ., * was ? . at 'iie office ef G iabriel Gavin, coriimai.'la-? ar -faarex, trket ?-Mill he bar) received i."tif-ij-f ,.-? | eoaeeraiog tbe captar? I ? ..i'iaw ? ''-.Mil . Uaefficial bal teeming ?? - le s'i? vices from Chibuabus I ? ... .4 srbe had b it lag with a ban.I tif about one hundred n? I . r.ii Guerrero, In .-.e-tor-i ( I huahua, ?earchiag fee Assortrsai si i looting all pK'fr. r'.e. bia pal ? 11 ?at ? prised ar the Hacieade San (jcrommo, where he hail gone to leite lupplie? fag hn- sisa. Mea is t!.-- hacieade n . \ lia m.,.| -er ? -? eral eoui ? : "*? ? ;? neral I ? . i ?t ? ? rt,?h:e for a ei ben ef the bar. I ef bat lit? ? .?.en in the ilaughter of Americans at .-?ai.'.a fsabel Cavases sent a part af i is cesassaa?! in one direr?* Geroniaia ami with the remainder i .- ?i ?pot where Villa happeaed te !"? ? ? ing from his campaign, \illa wa? fir. ro| and o-, i rpew? red b< fere '? r?-. ?4 is i thai hia Ideatit) had b< eosssj knowr.. according to th.- i bil lal i ? re. port.?. . g an a'tempt at rescue by a larger force ??I -Ii Slight be near, ?.ent aps-SS I to I ? ? ,< .a for more troepe. IV?l ?ting for r*. iafercemeata bos ? led aitfc ?r toward i hihaahua ? rowds Await Captive ? hlef. In Chikoahaa tbe r.p'tt. caoeed 'ha uil.lest SMltemeat. ( gs(h. .?red in the street? u.titini* for the m? rival of tlie balidl* lead, r and ? Vitcdlf talking Of the captur.'. , according I i here, v.?? In ? -. in the (?Herren? . ? ering reci for e eaai ? , ?? .gainst Torre?n .-?ato ? D ng He had left 11 Chi? huahua S villas ? ('ait of th.- state, t?so --*, I -i ,t |e by .1 ..ti S ?' ?) ?> i ? ? taken there fai rial and eieeut ion, order-? to kill all American-? thep nr.ii m Mexico ha\e been Issasd to m$ men b> t,encrai lu'i'i^riui .?.rgutnea???