Newspaper Page Text
Conduele?! by Samuel Hopkins Adama. 1 hi? drpm Inirnt he* enleieil the ?e?ond stage a?f service In lutuin- ?esder?* Primarily it van? intended merely lo separata ihe sheep a?f aalvet ti?>ng fi??m the g.aata -and hang a hell on th* g?*At? But iii?>a it g.?e? hrvond n.ere identitif ation. It rmbracf? a human natuie stud? ?>( both sheep and goat*. You are invited lo assist. For evrry letter printed in thi? department describ? ing expetiencea pleasant or unpleasant--with advertisers of merchandiae. ext-eoting only patent medicines, The Tribune ??'ill ?end $2 00. payable m assy aaerefcatastiae of any Tribune advor ti?ei Foi the asael important letter each month a ?pecial prisa of $50.00. pitiable similarly, ?! be avtjtrded. Name printed or vaitbbeld .aa a ?>u prefer, but must be ?igned or we will not know sellare t.? send the prise oidei. Address: The Ad-\isor, Iha I i ibtSM, Ne?* York. .- ? te the mariner induct their adeertieing department? You i to the i that the only per? eptibl? ITei . o { ahoea and > aa at M-00 pal .',".?' ,;ie same statement in the third time. In the ov? rlooked, but n?**-"" j?. g ? Imitat Hearst'i I r paper how * ? feel pel Al FREP S. EIS SI i l> - opportunit) to make clear The Tribune's ?I | ? ? P . iii.'.i th? mer e i t? elf is , unqui stiom ? the advertiser's enthusiasm fur 1 - ' iwever, the rieht t.i express its own opinion li : variance with the advertiser's views. - - . that any purchaser of ; glas ?ho*? has a right, !.. The Tribune advertisements, to exped $? or $8 footgl ont. If he is not satisfied that he t-S such valu? to The Tribune anil pet hit* money lack. [ l-Visor is aware, an imitation of Mr. . -ho.!.*-. imaker'a will <*,o more to hoH t! - ?? II of their ly wil - e 1 was at the < I "A'anamakct'?. - I -, f..r .*'.. which - ?? the gloves, i acy label. Answering my inqui , 1 t not are ev? ?.. II. II. The rule of i-in-1 e-right" could hardly be ? this amusing instance. In rase the cocksure should se? this paragraph, The Ad-Visor would he chain-' olumn wherein to expr?s? her emot ? i riatmaa i their ftere - " vr>arf*r in ? iftl r react ' 111 .; ' ' , SHERMAN F. ??' Herewith il ? ? vif Quaraatat tin- pr/cc of ovary thing wa sell tn he as low as or louer than the sume article or pattern Lao he bought anywhere else. II to .: day, .< a eck or a month later \ou find the same thing lower else" here, make 1 claim upon u*? and it will he allowed at oolc. ' II hat brooder guarantee con he given? It covers ever) line ol merchandise we sell, and under ? ?n\ circumstances the patron ol Loeser's is prot?t ted. I verj claim covered b* mir guarantee is allow cal m i,11111?. with thanks fur the information we receive. Wg full) realize thai there is ?nil?, nue sentiment in business?COM IDI NU . after t h <-. t the entire structure is built upon prices and quality. Every pur ? hase mad? <>t ii?. ?arrie*? with it W INSURANCI I'Oi KN against the possible loss <>t ? single penny under an.? circumstances which ?an or ma) arise with in thirt\ days, is an> further argument needed? Can there possibi) he a safer store than one where such insui an? r- .n en ? .' prompt funded her i and i I thi ? ? there! those st res who d . ? .1 t.? buy I.ka in ;.? not s them by their rer to all ? Lain the pub We do ' ? isional ? fiction ;. .any of the popular ? that Loeser document is! ?ind whal s re ' light it th "lowest ] ms in which, even -. et, .... the hunt of a uter. I wa "eel at home i yet b? ? . . line, "The 1 te of i ? I.. ?r .... rd in the ? llj ?'moi . rf.'p) - \ ? i far aa I ki . Sol ? the wail ? .? r in | g paper 4 Tl 1, Gt ! a new and eery twist to the thi ? I ord ?*. Taylor*a, hut 1 ondi i ?? ? tore a fri? ttentioa if ti . then made tl - ? - . ? ? . 1 '8-cent ? IM' ? ? LLY. I ho difficulty an.-.'r? from t . . rchandise by customers. A woman will catch ? p | t over to i ? lot*, shopper for ? ta ai 1 then I ? ?.t counter bearing r ; ... ' misplaced art liftk-ulty. Pr< left under ti,<- wrong | fol? i"\\ .?: . Hr.. the store suffers I the laUlt Ol tlic public 1 TRIBUNE TRArs FUGITIVE Plan la l i?*i? t'eaatr) la Drag t sse I h? art ni. ugh et Idence pi ocured by 1 be Tribune Bureau bf Investigations, l ??i ill" Filippi, of 237 1 aal 107th Street. lima t.i in? -, ,|i nid! apeciallet, ? ) ..i tha? . lili- arreated Wednesda) nighl l- Paaquale M.?uno. of the ".I Branch Detective Bureau.I ?. d with i lolatlng ; ectiem i ead "? "f the Harrison Im? baring cocaineI m In? poeaeaeion while unregistered rdaj be appeared before i ommii ?loner lloughton, it in, set the heai i k for Januar] ?'.' at S e'doea p m . sad ? fixed bail nt M.tKM Detective Morse, who haa bees peral ing n ?th The 11 ibene Bureau of Investigation! In securing evidence -' dental faker?, was informed on Wed ? ' ? afternoon thai t llippi in? tended to sail for Italy Immediately. Ha al once called upon Detective Ma ? ft.i-, it I . ti i nt t.' l' ;'. ippj '? ? ? ? home, forced his way into the roomi ai I found the "profeeaori1 hiding in ? om. lie finally prevailed upon Filippl te ?? i him and tooa him to the Tomb*.. Marino said that Mr?. Filippl and '? ovanna Maria, a daugh ?. ? ?'. red some re - atance i ' ?? daughter already bun been held ? ( ?' bail for tnnl in General Bee charged with practising deatlatrj ? ithout a license. 40 GIRLS ESCAPE FIRE Many l rsp triun Baralag Factery, but \in?,? \\ .is Hurl. . i trappe I I SI I '?!: i iterday, ruahed to tbe ? .'f the ken leiped from the ? | *' r into the nrtns of men on ? ? lewalk. The blur?- was cm the ? floor of a three Btoif brirk bul .1 j ?? . eupied by Mareua Goldamith, facturei ' - ' eures. I |1 ? :-een jumped, snd none van hurt. The factory was burned. The loss Plays and Players of the Film World * - ".<?.i * i IVar picture, " '?' - Boae," . ' ?erber and Frank B .- ? - ?? ? ?nied iri a ' I ? : >ay," at the Bay Shore of \ ? g Pa appear a*? ? ?n.l daughter ? ? I Is mous Playei -' i id ire, " i . . u . a Ijjj .... Ma? Murray, of Leaky films, will I're.i ntial tion ol and i ? . ? . f the natio tl isday aftei m ? N ovemb? r. i .' ?seph Vanr" I n? sold a five pr? feature piny to Vitagrapl i roducting the play. HearingB on the proposed censorship bill i ? K'ednesdi - ? f 1 ' . g film mi ?oil-committal. g Ai ^ I irst," in ?? t the Ki a . ?\ho Is ? .- i ritei home after all, there'i i o placa Jual 1 STAR WITNESS A STAR BOARDEI New Haven R. R. I <><>< Bills to Keep VVeeks's In formant in Regal Style. CHARGES PERJURY IN ACCIDENT SUIT! Iireen's Alleged KftOWledg Which Pricked Several Damage Verdict! WOi Way let last'. John .1 Breen, once an Induetrlou lineman on tin? New Haven RallrBB? then ngi'it f->r h lawyer seeking per ?.?rial injury rmipia i? to dny n geBtlc mnn of leisure, exhibiting al! th" SBl ward arideacee at preaperitj that sr eompaay that fort?nate state 1? ?B?, through no brilliiint Wsl ??????t f-ini?.. no inberitenee ol weeltl or discovery > ' hidden gold lbs Breen'a mstamorphosia ???. bi .' The rare goad fortune of be coming n wltneai for the ,.i I? -? it? ' f ?-a T*ork, under the ?in.; . I I n der eh I ft eakn, Dii trict Attorney of Weotcheater ? arai all ?hat was naceeaary. Altbourli Breen is elaaaifled n? s witneaa for the people, Mr Week., ail ? Iti that be arranged for the Haven to pay Breen', billa for an <-.x pensive suite in the (arlynn Arm? wj ire rin'ri? In addition to the ? : ti Breen enjoved service, of attendants. dinner? and if Btatementa of others ?.re to be believed hu unstinted supplv ion, Mr. Week? announced ls?t evening that his witnesses ar'ually had ni b. turned over to the San Haven Rail i ??in! ?ii d Its detect!? ??- foi safe keep ing. He said the dete?.i . r ? ? county's The roa? ; ed to pa ? Funds of the p. But thil exactlj the told une . j esterdaj n hen Bre? ? ? ty Judg? H ? ; ibba's .' r, in 'I he Bron ?. ol Walter Peek, charged vitb - ry Hi??? n i ???.-? ; I ? ? 104 West ] : - et, bei ause of th? of the ; i . . ? . ? ? ,t I i ??:??. penses, bul had provided its ? . - Witness ?admitted ( aatly. ,r , - ras not being ad by the i for n ?tneaaea instead of il uriou - enjoyed for moi e ? Breen d ? said t ii?* he Lad I he i gl I I ' i ? tail ?' tne ?? as lie liked, aid di rangement the ? Ha' e? He aire?, I I for *- 508 aa pa costly wil ? H- ? en lei icrriee of the Ne ?? ar. aid to Thomsa J. ? ? orb wai to obtain i ? jarj easel. foi a i i< h hi ?? ? 1 In per fees. 1 cifferei Breen la aa I to repr? ntat I l T red to ma ? I anybod g him 1 et? ony. T h e r ? road were sel aaide, ? otabl] . ne foi * of ? 'sear Fried, a ! nemai arma in ai luiniedia'' ame I Annual Sale I lingerie and Corsets x~v: S GT s et Mc CutcheoE's tj^z. Wink ?'M iniiiitlis past we havt I?? in receiv? ing weekly shipments of new Kreuch Lin? gerie, we have Jit Un s'tiiK' time been adding tn mu* wiili" ?uni varied stocks of American ??/ ?^'.te-'MJ During tlir remaining days *>I" llu-. month the 10% Discount will continue to apply on .ill these garments. We mention in particular herewith some of tin" American lines. ?, t downs ?n Nain 6 iv **?>i>l*., tniiiiin-d with //?'-A i':\ . dainty fine em? V' broidery and Val. \ I... es. $|.00. 1.25, 1.50, i 75 t?. 5.50. / m elope Chem? ise. $1.00, 1.50, 1.85 i?. 1.3 i. Drawers m Nain s'xik, ( ambric ? trimmer! with <-m broid?ery .?nd Val. lace. $.55, .75, 1.10 and 1.50. Corset inters Made in soil Nainsook trimmed with embroidery <ii'l \ .?I lace tOc, ) >< and 8 i?. $1 00 ..n.I 2.00 Combinations ?-$1.10, I iO, 2.25, I 75, 4 73. Skirts?$ 9 ? to 4 ?0 Corsets \X r have <? very ? omplete assortment <>f (. orsets and Bra-"sirres, on %vh?4 h we .illow I 0 ]>er < rnt. di*?< <?unt ?InrinK January. flcCutcheon Special lr<?m $J.">() t?? lb.50. tiossard fronl laced from $2.00 t" 25.00 A num? ber of tlic*?-* ?irr nun h below the regular pri? es Brassleres from >0? to $18 >" Fifth Ave., 34th and 33d Streets [pe.i a-linees Ha aras Babpesaaed i -, Mr Wet ka ? ymni "ir" '?? api rert "i ?? ' d.Bees ' ndei i "' mu? ...?.-I. ? he would have N? ? n ?uorteri H al the d? tention hoepital ? IVhiti i lain . ?" al the p? nlteiil Ii,,. n..lidn'l enre for ? ithi i | ? , i ?n. , I, Week l'a errang? the r lilroadJbeeeme ?. ? i? ' i , i |th ? eral attendani r,,..,, ,?',| yesterday he had been erben peraona repre?. ? i,, mselvea ?? from th? '?>??? II. '. , ...... ,| | , led ? '??..t he gn? d ? 'i . thsal I i '" timony had been ..I i,, ?t, O'Neill Bul I ried, ,.rding to Breen, refuaed to accepl ti .- off? ? Breen mid I." wen.,"' Haven because he failed I oommiai Ions from Attorney 01 ? II.. ..t il reaume the a itn? la -rund ibib "i M Gibbeaa, sf the law ?'? neat of the New Havea, who hai I.i |? charge of the pel |ury caeei Ing out of Br? BB'a atatem? ta, 11 d !??' f iiiicbt t lint tin- expenditures In (bu an?' all the other eeaea had been l?gitim?t! and ? hat si I the ?? ouch? ri sere I led foi p.. . iction m that of th? railroad offli Mr. (.?bboi aid th? i? ? i" nee of In reatigating and .?.??iihk- for the aril uessei Involved had totalled 126,000 and might smounl tu DETECTIVE SEHT TO PRISON ll.ilpl?. I. ( lil. iiaf.i Chief, Sent no el for Bribery. ? bieafo, .'?in 20 Joba J Hslpin, ex ehlef of the I bleage Detective Be? renn, '..:,? BBtenced to day to ImpriB onmont In tha atate penitentiary for frnru f.rif- to ilnliiin ?na convicted, of hsriag ?i* r< ?'.. ! iin bee to pi otact clalrv? -ai l iwindlera from arrest .-i.-iire wa? meed by Judga ?ease Bald? ?he Criminal Court HAT.TOnOPROW AND WEDNESDAY o?**. CHARLES DARNTON in the* EVENING WORLD" Says begat ? "The Gnderella Man is a play of romance nnil youth thai i? better than'Daddy Lon^-legs." In fact,il U ihc best romantic play of year?. *t\ delightful play delightfully acted DON'T MISS IT-, m%y*W'j{ s mm \S PO/ITIVELY THE BICSS/? HI? M YEAR/ OmTA I low's \ our Mind? Is It VOLK Mind? Or .1 "POLTROON REFLECTION" Of Some Other Mind? (?m It I liink Its Own [noughts, I ike 1 his Man's Mind? WHi ' PF I API 1 XPPI SSIf ' rill IR ' iWN ' ?PINK >N, LTI '? NUN Ol WI!\I IIIIV MINI i II i,ill rO THINK "I he fact is that l HI PRIDE OF WA ?."MiM i ., ? rm-' IM ; ' IN Uli MAXINI M.I I"! I I Hi A . ? ? IN WHY ? 'IV TO 111 III *? I IH- P ?' ? i RIB, IS St J ? NO TIM ' ?? !"IH SPti NLL. SUCH A SENS ITION IN IN A* ?' . AN. i Its novel ? ?' ... _. ::??-<??- t?. such an e- l thai ? ? in* . iv piece Say what i/ou like, but Till. PRIDE OF HACK' is tiranta from atari to nuisit." LOUIS SHI RW IN, CI N. . GL< >BE, ?ho ? ks he OUGHT I he I - ' i1' 'I i R1 IN " il MAXINE ELLIOTT'S THEATRE BOX OFFICE PHONE 1476 BRVA.NI MATINEE 10-1MORROW. ? IN HIS GREAT NEW PLAY 'THE PRIDE OF RACE" POWERFUL VITAL CLEAN! METROPOLITAN T? nlaM al S en N ? 1 ? . I' ? Bal, Mal . Mantin LSMSWl I ? "-?-.-? -.t i.? . Btlstsnleitr. i 14 ' il- ? i s I ???:', r il . . . Ifldt Br-ittr.. l.arrl.on - lr. . II Mon. ,? . ' Tri.?an ItsWl ? Wfd. .' ? Ru.f-nk.v.ll.r. .. t|?.. , a ... a I \ ..:. . . i - 1 ri. .1 f. e..,.? . . a .. ? l ? -Kl'. rj , CENTURY TH??TRE fkfi i i f2 :--K l-: ? ' D1AGHILEFFS ' i BILLET ROSSE TV4 I) *II?S nniLY Til MChT ' ? *" 1 I47-I1IUIII S A T M A T ' ? r.'Ai J on i. inn i. ?i-r ri/p ? ? ai t\ i. r. ? r.. . i. rtx r * s ' ?ST WI - t: NEXT MON. ' ' *>? Tiif???; -?- ' Varna, . W FI) THURS. FRI. I I.- - l ? a t . ? .'" '. SONC R?C!lAl g ROBERT MAITLAND F- ? f R nu r?.ni;ii?ii ?ivnu -.??i -\ g KATHLEEN PARLOW b- leallaa il ill, lia? \n-?r?.,.,, ,,, < g ,?M E NT H *?"??? | IRVING PL THEATRE ? ' P x l . <j ?flTAGRAPH " s!?4 ? ' fc mrroiiRoMi. -i m? \. sot - \ ? MME. JULIA CULP ,,M" BILTMORE I Kill ?4 MnllMM. Ml -I? ?I !.. Ii ? . ! IM' mitre i li'. M, il.mi; il I I. so mZmmtm. TOURRET -^i-CARRISON ??H ORRELL RUSSIAN '. ... ? - ? u [ IOHNSTON lit l>? . .1.111. .'!? .1 ? .?II? r-ll. SYMPHONY s<)(, |E T Y UHU ?I ? I I ?< ill I I l; I ..?,.!n. tat KUZNETS?VA - . . MELVILLE -LISZNiEWSKA. ?iiir.i. II,?II ?... ...a, II ill, M m ?n . in? 14, ..t ? Il ? ..i .... i I M II Kl ? ra ? I 8 S _f* S? ?. ,,11,411 H.,11. Il.l? '.Un 8URT0NHOLMES iUNDA? Mi . s M CARNEGIE HALL i'IJ.n Mai ..' 3 i ANDLEF IHKAIRr. T DIXIE*??*? ill"' "i" "M I -I M? \*i ?.aas ? \ v VERNON CASTLE Msxbe F.!!i, . ^?1-??iMiE?aJ?i] ?'HI?? or RACE ' PLAYHOUSt GRACE MAJOR GEORGE BARBARA T ? ?.t matt lap '?int. tna ?-i.? ab?nr(il"a ?la? n? ISa ?auo? - LYRIC \93: g Bah? I ... p . \ .<> Go?ll EDUIt PRINCESS THE BLUE PARADISE YVa*. .. . Our Clearance Sale of Hart Schaffner Ct% Marx Winter Overcoats Continues And are "'iint to impresa one thing about ft very strongly on your mind? Don'! measure the wrorth of these overcotti by fa lownesfl of th?' pria i al irhieh wc offer them. lust p member, no matter what you do to the prfeitfe on a Hart Schaffner Ac Marx Overcoat you can never lower its quality. Some of the irorlds best overcoats are ti tins sale. $80, $55, $50, W5 9R,0? and $40 Overcoats. vJO sl.-i, $40, $38, |35 O O 00 Overcoats . ^^ s in. $35, and $30 9ft00 ()vi rcoata. ?-wO 1^35, $30, $28 and OQf>i $25 Overcoats. -*-"*-' $25* $22-50 and 1 O I W) Overcoats. -*-0 Wallach Bros. Uro-?.iw?4v. b.? ? w ? bsaiban TM*d a-*. I - lfS4 | Opt? Broadwaa. Cm ?th MS-SSI ffssl " \?.--nzg UNCH ta JUDY <-M?PlES HOPKINS MH8. HOPKINS TREASURE ISLAND '??.?I'TaTra MATINEE DAILY , $100 HIP-HIP HOORAY U SOUSAv , ? SUNDAY . withSousa MMF. J I, L '* CULP KATHLEEN PARLOW MR. and MRS. VERNON CASTLE PROCTORS : ?? il i> i . MOMi "I M?..? 4 * Ml? V, PROCTOR'S - * hi?; ? ? ? ? ? ? . - -.. 4 1 .~ . > . . ? a ? - ? ". ?1 . ' ? H A\ I. . "4 ? ? ? I - II-, ?. . . PHILHARMONIC ' Hol I ?IIMN-KV l"*?l'l I MM? I lu? \tt-*ni....ii ?I .':.?" ? ?IU.M.II. II \l I s.|M YOLAwDA MERO FIKAIIMH ? ?-' ,.-',? MS - v ' I? II ilKOVKRV. ??"? MI'IHIN*. M> I \.?t **iiii?l:i? \fl?-rii.*.,ii Ht S Vaxnt KREhLER I? II \lh??X *K*1 4 l??l IN 4 ?IV? I It in I ?KM 1,11 II ?I I ? '? - i- ? - SYMPHONY 44 \ I I I 14 I? \?IK?I-?? II. I .?ii.lnrliir. N. ?i s.I,,? \ft?vno?.n ?al .1. sill lll>.| I KM -I HUTCHESGI. ? - ; '. **r?lu-4s 1' ? - ? A . - n n i T . ,,. a i ? CURT... ??,.,???v?_. PiUSCESS PAT BaOSSOM I ' IHHIKI ?? SL HIT. | ? ? Et (?MU raiSTI S. STANDARD W OUTCAST I - " ,. . ? a A THEATRE FRANCAIS ?a .i 4r..n, EDGAR BECMAN , ?,*?'/""" GARDEN Ma I *f- I ' M THE WEAVERS . Mica 4 I r . i ri Pup Pi l- >? 48TH S'l.Ti ' JUST A WOMAN THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN ALONE AT LAS 1 COMEDY I -, ? Ms I r ,s ' HOBSONS CHOICE ??TM ST ?... . ?', * .?Vic a -,,n,?M,a,; KATINKA ACTOHS fUMO BENEFIT f R i fl ? v jas .8 .'. I M Ms at StStl Ta la. BOOTH ? . ' . ? M II sLX**i-J..i?? ??I ? v ? \ ? I a i .Bl MANHATTAN TO-NIGHT "MASKED MARVEL" IVSZKO ?anua,?Au,r? <i _.?,.?a. I? a 'lnl?h Ni.w iniih ?> i i miM, THK.i*nii> NEW AMSTERDAM .'.*; BATIBf IS T v a A WCS.tai Great Happiness Can Be Yours To-night YOU CAN MAKE TO-NIGHT ONFa OF THF. PU -VSANTEST OF YOL'R UFI Fill II WITH INDESCR1BABIF CAIETT ?.ND CHASM.- MAKE it \ GUI RED.LETTEI N I I Win NEVEI FORCF.T I A MAGICAL B.ALM FOR ALL CARE IS You Can Ha\ all Measu-? To-night of Pleasure! L'l^^flJrt^ ? al.i> .?.ir._t LIBERTY J la L I A ?. ? . 6AN3?R$0S BR ?S ?'* SYBIL r;V COHA.N ? ; ? OTIS SKINNER '?(.'oc* o' the M (GAIETY \ MRS. FISKEj Erstwhile Susan / EMPIRE. ? Maude Adams ?? LYCEUM . ' ETHEL BARRY.MORE "y'\ ??n.. ' ? ?'? ? BELASK THE BOOMERANG tl'ri V ?? !.. LONGACR!-; 'ni ri,' ASTv)R mro-iii-aiiz.v.-?M??^? I ft" gandler Bar?* ' ' HARRIS SADIE LOVE FULTON RALPH HERZ m RUGGLES of_?3-*'" L R OS E STAHL M :.LTINGE M ? ? \f\\*A.\A.I\?\T?\ REPUBLIC rsM;i:M:HB? GLOBE GABY DE S L V > ' -'*** TT?-a i..?. FANNiE W?ROin THECHt* PEVA It??** AL A CE ??as; , roLONIAL?/V;^/ Loew's Ameritan Roof ? ?i? H ? s U|^i^ Strand ;*zl>?vi i