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^BALKED Ifl OSBORNE CASE , ol Getting New In g?? Abandoned? It ussid, by Prosee ut or ff?TEAD. HE'LI NAME trNKNOWN' CULPRITS "?.,.,? Hfli.nJ liulKliiu-nt HC ^Zsaactt ? Oel-Kilve. ? '?'' rs ? . *:iess \ * ? 1 * ? Household Words ? ?al to P'jbhs: ? - ..ished coomei ' ? ? s em? brace?! ?--growing Com] Met, there is no net tiah them, ?vn to you now ? '':* ??re common kaowledl ? 'hey are liter? ally he I words in ?es of \ irk. Wat - - . ? ? ' moot i erlooh Um itrenj ???: ? r . - fS. Jstor ( (TompcnuJ Troits' fi - Personal Trust? FIFTH ?' . . ? I .1 t ?? rt ? ? i ? .. e rea ion ? ii> anothai und ahj Mr ? boi . outd t.. plead lo ? ' ? II .".1? ? tlHI |??' I'll?' I ? l'.'i I .*; ihr . I Bags of ft?>nt . it? 11 om w ' Its IMaiae th*?( ? . ?,'..? ,1 in?, nt ii?. last session, was In anything but accord with Hi?1 Pli \ ry bi .i w il .'??? .i Pail?n, VVI er tl.ii !><? tt h.', i' la a fact I >1 ? i d ? ? d icussion (lu* grand jurj room became ao i intr.i (luit ?4 ?>. . ,v waiting t.? I'' ? ? ? ? t'r ?>in the adjoining I '.ru (lien . ba in-'ti .1 m tl.?' ? ' . . . ..!..!' Mi 1 :.'.!.?!?,. representing Mr Weeks, continued ? to ara ? . ? , ?; the grand jurj n:nur. ou| luatici i . liiati declared tlmt hr would order Ihem - ? . *." "?',!. ? ed 1 ob .??> iinii?. id not given V, m an opportunit* (.' nubn-ag the e court ai ? ? '. ? ? ,i r , ? laks ill?' ? ? "True, i ri "hut I hues ? - ?I. In rea . on, thai ,: i appensd la ? ted '" all ? ' i i ?? imanaga ? ? ?> at baaed . r. n^ M i i .?borne I'?.! . ? , ne 1 ad - "iK-ht that i denied 11 aa Ki'on ?*> a plea waa mad ?. oidei giving Oa tes ?.>..',! be granted. PARKHURST SILENT ON FRAUD CHARGES \i Hearing luesday Creditors Will Urge Immediate Salt* of Candy Factory. . ! ,.? ? Presby ? busineei activi* ? \? Idow liv a petition in the Brooklyn to ha\t> the -.. ? . tu ring ? . .,? 4? ;,M \ ice ipt In bar >r. Parkhursi ' rgi rstora ti ? candy ror by thi thry knew ? ? ? laid she wai ' -ix per l ? rt h, and ? .... Btisfled. I, v. ai m party i -, " Hat ry 1 for Jamet Gray. Icy for thi \- ? ? .-.. lady ? ? : anj. ?-H? Indig 11? - petition h? Bttacl Mr 4'ray. : .?tp?l he ? .. | \ facturing ? re, i f gi ? give 1 lera beei ? ? wl fn the ling 1 . ; ii factoi are i i h? g at ! rlai A. . Mr. Schutt?.' ?. ? ? - ? -SaT -4 Popular Model of wNewat Phonograph The STYLEG $100 AEOLIAN-VOCALION W/E ?nvite you to"hcar this superb model W i f the Aeolian-Vocalion--- the latest and greatest of all phonographs. In depth and rich? ness of tone, in structural beauty, and in the Wonderful new phonograph privilege it gives you of your ou tl personal expression, this instrument far s??rpasses any phono fgraph hitherto produced. Aeolian - Vocations cost from $35 to $2000 ventional Styles $35 to $75, without the Gradu?la; $100 to $350 with Gradu?la; Ait Stylten $37S to $2000. with Graauola and other important and ex' lusive advantages. / rrrns as low as $5 duan; $ ') per monlh? a | ? -file \,,ii to heat the Kt ian?VocaHoa whether you evei puri hast one or not. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY Aeouan i i.mi & W. 42nd Street, New York M l?K't i ? .' ,,h Aitnuc Exclusive Features The Sound Box, ?which produces a ri? her, deep? er tone than any other phonograph possesses. 1 he Sgntpnenetie Horn elimiaatas all phono graph stntirii' y and pre? serves the beautiful ton? al characterises of all instruments and voices. 7 %t jVesl Automatic Stop. With two simple move? ments it "sets*' a lecord to stop and also stsrts it playing. I he Revolutionary Grad? e?la, ?which give? you the privilege of espesasen tmwtek lets you plag the phonograph, in fact llns i? ? feature which you can use or ignore on record? a? sou ?ee lit ??""'.* , JlJJiiijj??it?. CHAUFFEUR TELLS OF MOHR KILLING - Slopped His Car to Let Doctor and Emily Burger Be Shot. WIFE PR?MISED ?S?r>,000 FOR MURDER Crime Planned fur I wo Nights 1 arlicr. but Healis Says Ho 14>st Mis Nerve. 1 lj ? .??:'.?? Hi t Prni ideaee, R. I, ,iHn. 20. Haw Di C. Franklin Mahr wH- ahat t<? death ?t I ? on h lonely road ?a? t.?i?i t.? day . George W Haalia, tha doctor's negre chauffeur, who asserted that lira. Elis? abeth Y. Mohr, ??n tri?! far the mardei nf her husband, ha.l li ? ? e,t linn and the negro d?fendante, Cecil Victor Brown and Henry II. Spellman, to kiil I?r. Mohr , and hi.? c?iiii|iaiu<?n, Miss Emily Burger, foi I 1,000. Haalia *-?ii?l that st i? meeting with Mrs. Muhr ?it h.r boaSS, Mrown \'.a promlaed * .*. ? ?a ? ? ? for shooting Dr. Mahr and Spellman 11,000 t?.r shooting Misa Burger. Il?' ??' t?> ?.-rt 12,000 himaelf foi r? * < ? p i > ? t ? i; the automobile. lie aketched the motoreyele trip which lie and Brawn mads on the night when they picked OUl the ?.pot where the murder war? t?> he committed and told of the tr-.p of the cat ?o ths night the .?..?-?or ?h? slain. Hsalil then told o? ?!r?\ lag Dr Mohr anil Misa Hurger te Briatol OB Augual ?l, the night of the murder. "When I gol to a bush In ?ho read about half way he'ween t?*o li|iht?," he testified, "1 stopped my ?"ar an?l got out, ? turned out my headlights an?) put my . ghta on oo I roul.l see the engine, Then I heard two shots an.I I ?aw I?r. Mohr leaning toward Mis* Burger, with his head covered with blood 1 said, 'Oh, my Gad!' Then I m? Miss Bur ger atari to gel out an.l she fell ,nto '.he roadway. I picked h? r up. Kcc??gni/r-d Spellman, He Sa>s. "A bullet whitiad over my left shoulder and *rurk her She fell again and l picked her up and eai i ? her to the side of ths r?.a?i. I recog ni7.ed Spellman behind tha <ar to the lefl Bid? 1 itoppc ; the first machine that came alotii/ and t.u.i the : i 1 . ? r. i, hold-up." Healii aaid he purposely stalled his engine on thi pot where the ing took place, and that it war? Mrs. ktti .i .. i?,.? .??.?i iMi,i t,, ? ? eai had been held up, Sha prom? ised "t" stick by him to her last dollar" if he got into trouble, he asserted. "All you ??ill ha\.. to do is Btop the car. George," tha witness declared Mrs. Mohr told him. 11. -.*;,! that whi bad failed ?.. stop the uutomot. ? agreed, two nights before ths murder ?lohr haiio him hurry with ths g, saying "Thia ia my laat chance; up t nth." Healia wan cro---examine?l for almost four hours and wai atill undergoing - leal at th.- hand of John .1. g? raid, of eouaael tor Mr-, Mohr. ? ..urt adjourned r""r tht da? \ . the afternoon Mr ! it* g< i. i ri d tions rapidly at the witness, hut Heal i : To many queatlom the witneaa rr plied: "1 dan t r? member " I tnce, af'?'r saying ?ha* be would not tell ? get cut of murder, he admitted that I s would tell a lie if .some on, I ' Mr. Pitsgerald attempted to compare "? situai on with that of thf Meeker .-?? In New York, asking Healis if ha did not know that certain pei ioi - g ? out of the Backer ?-a-e by putting the' >.nto toma one ala? i ha however, halted this line of inqv Told Hi? Stary si? Times. Heali? admitted he told I th<- Attornei turntal s;y times. He denied thai be was t?.'..i ha wai t.? gel ?,'? with tWO ;,?iirs if Mr?. Mohl '.'.a* convicted, arid al-o denie?) that the At torney General had told him he wa to convlcl tii" woman. The chauffeur averted that he wa?. ! doing all that he could to help himself by "telling the truth now." while ad-1 mitting that ho t?.]?i several newspaper-) men who interviewed him at Warren that Mrt?. Mohr had nothing to do vith the murder. 4'ro-*?-exair,*,r.ed by William 11. Lewis.! of count-el for Brown, Healis admitted' that he had made two confessions, the first inplicatir.j- only Brawn. Afked what he **as to get for turn ?< -*ate'- ??*. ???once, Healis replied: "Nothing." He then added, in reply t.. 'if rt . r . ?i a prrue-l, nur? ftm la a .; " Mansion Coffee a pound (Making a? saty-t-ra i. -, '/??ne? Back on Request Five Pounds Delivered Free ALICE F00TE MACD0UGALL "?Kt Only U't>fia>?. Caftt tmporttt lehn 1441 138 Front Street. Best at 24c ? ?liie-ttin-,, ti,,.- |10 a,x|,r(,(ri| tn Jiiil for life. Misa Mmtim Wilson- who iti Mohr'a housekeeper, and who hsi regarded ??? n leading witaosa f? m??i.'. is ?aid i" be III m Chicago. ? THONE STRIKE AT C0LU? t.trN. in ll.?t?|t. He | ,, | ?,t .-?H il? liiSimnl. "Mai ningi Id? 1100! Why <!"? ' gel me thai nambej. Central * I l he) don'l an wei ' \\ by, th ( olumbia I'nivei l'i>r more than tw,. honra ye?i th.' t.'lf| In.?i, central? about Set City listened to lueh Impatien mai ki. ? eauae of the trouble lay I i??? i thai the lei? p on? operators ? univerait) suddenly v.;.Ik<-,l o il V' I .'liiiiiln.i la t nighl II ara? thai the ???. ?.? Iti hboai .1 girl? b? angr) .??-' t ami in? Idenl and qui ?i?. Int.- m th? afternoon befare operator? ?rere obtained ? LED HIM. BY CHIN. TO AL Widow \.iii?i?l of 11. Mini. M-1! ?Mil Pilot in??? Matrhaeay. Beeaua? Mi Mai ? Mi?? aatlin ki his Ihi? and 11? kled hia chin, Reorg Hoi ton, an eig ? eai old Uat< pilot, man rd hei accord In ? ilimonj ni until of hi? cr? ? Supreme Court Jusl ea J. . ion . oung ni \\ hit? Plaii - yi tei H "i Ion, " ! o 'i., d on S< ptember 1914, two month? after bl? matrim? adventure, ia alleged te have d.le hia propertj to hiii bride erhes he ill and mi ntallj incompi ? Mrs. Hoi ton, a in. i? luiif k? ol her Int. hueband, t?.1.1 the court had married him for purely altm t esaon?. She admitted thai been a bride on two previou? occa?! Suit to have the deeds ?ci aaide brought bj Mi Horton's daughter, Jane Am Dickie, ? >' Wl ite Plaina. DODGES SLAPSTICK TO WARBLE G0SP1 Reverend Vaudeville Sin? Here from West to Save Sin tiers with Irish Ditties. Put ill .1 .1 it. In hia off hooi ? f' pssitn ??. i mote ?lie harp, o r a publii performance In middle of ? ? tree? n that ?truraei r ai d a linen ? phod, So rhe author of the Pro?r ng the Kong of Song? long for? 1 dgai Sheldon did, 'I berefore ? . i ? rrenl nf the Scripture? point finger ol eoi n at the Rev. I 1er ?oi linging pel ion, ? deserto?! hit Congregational <-"ngre tion at Portlai I, On ditties for the Keith vaudavi The i. ? ? i ? ? ??< r arrived tcwa, or rsthei Bi ?ilyn, last ?e*e He begin ? *.. pr< aeh long*1 there on Jannarj ?' w Parkes Cadman of the Central C? gregal l rorh l or < . aft ? i ii*ii hii i eatorate, the Atcl ri ..iial ? ? ? gragat ' i '' of Po "'.**?. ta? Pa? ?ariag on thi itage, bet ?e -t.-. bh i-., clad in 1 dei lil sad >i Sal ??' r I f SOI g," lie mi eateida) "l bel a:<? thai I i ing .? Manj persona bave leal me N .. lag thai mi rendition r Machrei -? - ach soi i ffec ted them more than nun ? ?." - ?pc-ik'.nt. vole?1 the ministe ....... . nga of t eral. "Churchei are da .- I "Imt th? ? i yea i at th? four i ??, total rn.'i tha ? ' i amount ? Protesta ; tora in Oregon I i mai '?'! mai should want - ire of my ii ture and be i ? thing f? ? ! ;.?.-.? ' believe thi ? ah el free, but th? -. I ? ? ? ? ist? an-, ? ?" " Thi- clerical cnr"lifr ?n? l>?<rn i I ? i- He ?'i- graduated from Clil College, Shell ??Iti ? : 190 In 1909 he t-nme t Amei ii a and wenl to I tragen, ?lier i i becas i pastor of U? hinso Memorial Church. Oui .- ? boy hood he work? nd pu ? illa.'. "In ir.\ tour on the Pa? ? Coast, I i -.i id, "I often preai hed in i he moi n ing i the towne I wai playing sad then appeared hi the nf ten a m and evening ihowi at the van deville theatr? An actor's lift- hard It i- a great deal easier ?han being i minister, let ni?> tell you." ??? ? SHIP AFIRE AT SEA; A PYRE OR DERELICT I iner Stood by Blazing Craft No 1 race ?if Crew. The ?liarreil bulk of a Norweg ai aailing reaael Ii drifting lomewhere h ? ? path ni . - ? : Reers and crew tea Peala! ?ne, -ir .- -,. ???r?la\ tren? Havre, told ol ng the ? reck on the i gl I ol when aha was ablese from tern i he Penii tone rare," toward tha mya? ?.i m. i ' .?' ? r> rhera ???? ? i ? ? i decks, the CHptam i penistone could not tell whether ... be? ? ? the ere? bed be? n I rapped on I lie -.'I by all : . It) tha mt ' g th? Peniatone'i erew ickened hulk. On the blietered port ippi ared n I I pa nt? ' Raj ,? ?v..- ??.-,. Smoke arraitha glided Icrinj hoi I and vaaiah? the down Hghl When the ans roee a careful searci. en made fras tb< Penlat lae'a i..,.; for lifeboati cr rart* in th? ? ... ? eamship reaumed her com ?fork. When 1;... letn, ?!,. burned hulk was in law? tnde ' ?' 08. 2? 16. ?%l\\t(ari?&xnq $c <&*.? Cr f** se? -.a?a f\(thj\on\\ir.*A ??:.-,4.''.-5H (?lR SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE, WHO KE IUR.NED I ROM PARIS WEDNESDAY ON THE S. S. ESPAGNE, HAs BEEN CO-oPERATIV. WITH OUR RARI> OFFICE, IN DISPATCHING I \ IRV DESIRABLE NEW ST. Il IMMEDIATELY UPON ILS PRESENTATION IN Till. "GRANDES MAISONS DE COITRE." SHIPMENTS RECEIVED ON Uli. ESPAGNE WERE CLEARED THROUGH ?CUSTOMS VES lERD.Vi STYLES sUTABEE I OR sol I HERN WEAR AND EARLY SPRING DAVISON RAKES CITY'S FINANCE! ILax Bookkeeping Metho Censured in explaining .$100,000,000 Loan. BANKS TO RESCUE WITH 'PAY AS YOU GC < redit keservc IMan Advocate Mine Believes in $50,000. 000 Margin for Debt. H? 'ry I'. | of .1. I' Morgan 1 " . aid Francis I,, lime, president ? II,e First .National I'.nnk, aers wl ? yeaterday before tbs Brau a In i lain?, committee, which i? in?.. ,-.. iag city flaam? ?. i he two baahei , dise?a > ?I the 1100,000,000 Unxn ol ?d hy the city trom the VHrioi, baaka In Aagaafc li'i i. ?,, ligaidate ?"i . ?'iifii obligativas. Thai alas otfere soma opiaioaa ?? ths methods of cit financing. Referring t.. the 1100,000,000 l?>a an?i the negotiation! t',?r II aith th city afleiala, Mr. Davlsea aaidi ' We lelt that the city was n?it hrin financed in a aaj f<? uphold its rredi In 1907 v, e hail lent Sid to th? eltjf, ai? ; the administratian had agreed to cm ditions, bul had not lived up to ?inn i'??- of my t'lrm'*, BUggeatioua had ta d ?ith the city bookkeeping, "huh wa ?'.ii?! improved somewhat, but no l sa far us i*.? had expected." "What did \"ii eoasider ?i.ious ii the way the city was being financed* arakeil Beaator Braisa, chairman. "1 he financiera did not liko the wa; bonds were outflow mj;," r-aid th<* wit nesv "There wai a greal deal a money boiag spent Ih?- ."**.? ou.? |100,.1,000, and had no waj t,, me? the deli?, mil-, the hankers came for nard. We frit that a floating d< that ?urt was too large. The pnncipli waa wroag lr, time ,>f* Raancial atrin gency aach i? debt ama likely t.? ?-.??!>. ambai rasamente." Mr. I'a'.'i??>ii said the hanker? f.-l the time had com., '.?hen th?' City ahoull pay a? it went, and the BUggeatiOfl Ol the pay-as-you (-<> policv wa?, made which mal with the hearty approval ol Controller Prendergast and other eltj ?' ?? ? a?..r BraWU Hiked t!i?> hanker I in hi.? Juilt"..? borrowing by th? . ? . :?, ar;r ieipal ion of tax let I volving a lar,.*? amounl -?'- ahorl tlmi papei, and riew of th.- \ ici -?.tu.1er <.f th market. ?.., ?? iai ?? method "I linan? lag t " ' '.? Mr Dailaon repli?.. that tha pril ' -'.und. ' We Bugga ited thai iah a Una of credit with th? hank?." said the "I* ahguk feel a~? ired of being tan.-n care of it: B8I I think I can adveeatl I ?'" lid :? ?' . - ? Names ?100.01111,000 a? Margin. "What maririn should the city have under the ?lehr ni order t?> be m . ondition ?" aahi ?i Sen Btor 1< "1 don'l know a? l .-?, aid ? ? ?i;?!?-." replied Mr Davison, "hut I da know rt,..t th.- margin ihould be much greater than ir aoa -. oi hai been the eu '"" ' maintaii "Do yeu think Slim.000,. ?a -uffi eient margin?" naked the ehairman. "I should think that eras very ample," ?he reply. The maririn under the eity'l debt limit on January 1 \a.-?- BOOUl * 1 J.?""'. uno |t 1.,, ed k'i ,'.'iiia!!'. since then ?,? BOOUl 140.000,000 ??\\ i :,? . " ,n the Credil m the hank? :f a great taatrophe should itor Broa ri. 'If ? . ? ; .1 M r. Daviaoi ? ? bod) ? .m nil ? ould 1"' affect? ? ergencie?, would p.? * ail ered I ? ould be n established, I' would create a very ? : .. - iii ..?t ioa, however " ih.. witness favored legtalaiion to ebangs tbs datai for tax .? olli front May ard November to Jar'.a'-. and July, SO as ?.. ave d the M.000,060 Intereat on revenue honds which the city is compelled to Issue twice ? year in anticipation of tax levies "hf we could he a-sure?l of the ehar art-r of tie var<?us city administra tioi .' mid the witness, "I 4?,,'ild not feel so keen ah,. ? '? ^*ion, hut as ?ae can have no iach sssuraaca I think ?;.e I eg! i latlon ii m ees -ai ?. Mr Hine explained in more de'ai! the negotiatii - n gard *o the $100.. .,000 loan Hi declared that the businc "thi t?te and na rould havi been invalved unless th.* loan had bei 1 floated "I? .? rata of inter? est reasonahl? 1 '?'? of the condition ? real 1 late market at that time ?" -. . '?'.'.: Browi "We considered It exceedingly rea ,.? .. ' -., id ,'.ir IIine I ir?t Aid t<? 4 ity. "Vou considered -.?>u ???r,- acting <.r> the ?nteres:- of the city and doing lomething yon ,?? ? ?-i ? i?.* wou d have cared 1 1 0. ? ?A a? t ?-. a * ? ??? - I ? . ., ? ".ari "Uli, ?sell it ?a3 l.elow the curent "' ol tares! : Mr. Mine. ' I he lid an -. .,? :a! af iBch a waj thai it weald r.ot. have t?, appeal to the twice in sei en ;? eai to -?? 1 ii from default." Mr. IIIt ?? ?id he though! ,; ?r min margin inder the debt limit I ?..' ?W,.1,000. Incidentally, he -aid that ?'? P. Morgan A Co. should !,a\e the credit of suggesting the ; ,:. for the eity financing. "You wouldn't treat the city the ?ame was a- a private customer, would you?" ashed Senatoi Brown "We treat the city much more lib ernllv." replied th? "Does th? citj rec? the ?ame rate of interest on depoi tl .? pi a*e cus - ? : thi ehaii mai ?'!'.?. ?. i ?,. . - the maximum rat? vi int. rest at thi l ii I Nar ional ?'> ? - president. "I eak for th.' othi Mr. ii ? ? de-clan I I ? ha.!. from lack ??: ? il - s! | at th? m their vaults, and I .?' there ,.? ? of the securities so , lar a- he km Mas 8. Grifenhagen, t?,rni?'r Sheriff, testified a< I ? morning session that (riff's fees shouhl he turn? : ?.. the county and the Ludlow Stre,-? boliahed Hi said ! 1- feei m 1914 amour'.! "?? "'?'?.""" and would be ? ".?? same I 1 . riff Alfred i .-tr th, wl a membei of th? . ? when th? I - ? i .?'. i 'he abolishment of the I Mayor Hit? hol again took tl ? -?aid and e.pla.'.. d lomi of th? hill.? he bad had dra-a providil : the conaalldal partnients, the abolishment <-r ?? of certain soun'y offlCOB, an?l in Ml . ?a! a centralised home rule povaei 144 il.- ?it. mm- ????---??? The Season's Newest Innovation The Saks Outdoor Skating Suit Designed to meet the special ?-*-*? C f\ needs of outdoor skating... ?$?? I eDVJ ON the lefl is ;i N'ew Vorker cutting ? figure in Ihe neu Sain Skating Suit. Its grace and mobility of line are beyond words. Its style luis nil the frosl .nul snap and tinkle of ? life on skates! t'oal fronl pleated on the bias, clamping the waist as a skate ?'lamps the sole of a shoe, and breeches as fiare as a pine. Domestic and imported cheviots and home? spuns, in rich browns and tans and greens ?and cut with the fluency of a figure 8! aks Mont-patty Broadway at 34tli Street. Phone (jirelev 2626. LINCOLN'S BOA! SPUR ILS. Hl Dozen Pursuers, with ?Spy's Photographs,Sc City?Just ?Miss Quar ' ? th all ? eoaeer ?-. in th attempting to belittle th? <?f Ignatius T. r. Lini criminal and a- a pen ,-. ? from Raymond Street Jail in hro ? ontinaed to gros* jre?t? r-i?. A oflles of William M Offley, t of the Departan ? ? gator i, apparentl. n the mitiil of at.'.bod] , tance of i I ?? '. German sp). a aere ?eking to extra t< rlmr,*' ' Two'..pai?ton ver? "ut loi for him, Mr. Offley ?aid, armed photogi appar? at at the atory pu American" j > sterday I Lincoln vi ted l i Ace and err? ? ti ment, <*h h'' i . ' th? rei " I ??. a ??r.,!. n,, | ?| had nol . ? ' .. of the governmei t. i. t waa that the ? ? ? beginning ";' an ? ? ? tig? ? Stati v- Ace in ."> i,..--. -...??? ?? q it ? ? ? ! ?e, United BtaU Attorney, Brooklyn. ? in Brooklyn t:<> sn? ?a? wil to admit giving the order by ?vl Lincoln ?a? tasen oui ; ,?? ? iped. Mr. l-'tii it I could be ol in giving Information, im' h ild nol thai I ? was 1 . ? Line i -. eft th? compi ? r appear? thai st-ippeil on r; ? sp< - Thoma? I. i hatfl? State? District I An example of Lincoli 'a boaatfu carne yesterda) from MeBride, Na?t Co., tae ; ? f Lii oln'a boo purporting to expose the Eng sei ?? ice and Gen wrote thia lat? publiehei "I an race of a ?.cut. bul Vim ?rill papers It? possible I you to communicate with me for awhi and escape ? malt.' t?rs Interesting read . . for Lii coin. Mai i,',,. ..-.''.??'? i ippc ? ?. ? .tina-. ???.. late to eapture the ??uarr l" tha German mun I Se n a to i I - -1 . -I Ba I fnited Stat? I ourt for /? deli ? i ? ? of R? pf ental F rai ?? ! Buchana of Laboi ? ? ' eace Corner? a charge of co - i?h up th munition industi ? - of this count i y After a eonf? 1 ? State. Attorney II. Snowden Marshal informed him 1 wanted tlieii I to beg on Si Pati -'- Day, Mr Bsil? ?lrrw h il il-' iy mol tared pli a of not i ty 1 ??' Buch? 11..- Pad?ral i?-iar..l . nveatigatii ito thi munition plot having as witneese? II.rr . of the Equitahl? brougnl book? a it h I 11 I ai de i W t.. aterol art P. Run labor uaion ? SHE ASKS $83.333 ALIMONY limiter ? barged with latempeeaace sad ( ru.-ltt. a Id dgi port, G . - \ I ?- .---.? '... ? . Supei or t t hi George l. Broa n, ito? k brol VoMt and ird. Custody ? real I dough C. Brown, plaintiff Hah * . tempi intolera ? ty . Bi - ty, va . t $100.0? ? Seek to Rebuild Saaat?iium. ?build l Cabriola da) al ited bj Mother Patrii of thi ? r Mere). ? h eh coi d u t? : pital .- a non-aeetarian home foi tnberenlai retient*. j Continuing today and tomorrow The Annual Sale of Saks Overcoats For Men Reduced from these prices $30 $28 $25 $1} Now $18 | ./ small charge for alterations. I Q The variety in this splendid aggregation of overcoats is a theme well worthy <>t' ;i special advertisement There is practically no limitation m models or in fabrics, for tliis i rent, like all Saks sales, start?ed <>nt with surd a full cargo of assort? ments that the volume must thin out before tit?* variety is affected! Come in now and we ?--ill promise you a*? handsome a line of overcoats as you ever shw- and a Substantial, hotta tide s;i\ iasg on anv coat \ou hu\. ruso for today Men's Union Suits at Reduced Prices i Warm and serviceable, close-fitting, worst-ed garments, made by a manufacturer ??? il known ;i? a produce) of fine underwear Hegtllarll) *.'.<''. Special at $1.65 (?Kgyptian ribbed, comb yarn lTnion >uit>. Splendid fitting garments. Sizes 34 to 50, Regular price $1.15, Special at 85c Men's Worsted Sweater Coats at $3.65 It, aginr!a $6 Roll collai or ' \" ne< k style. In light Oxford. navy, maroon, d.trk preen and white. Broadway .it ->4th Street. Phone Gr?eeley lt>l(>. AUTO ONLY SPORT OF ACCUSED PASTOR And He Mm! HtVC Car to Visit Parish, Says Rector. Centre Of Church Squabble. "I a fox-hunting ad the I:. Robei ? I*. ?? bei recto i L An i Cha ? Island, yester some of hii m ? "Wouldn't it i... ?-. ? et the point tied by 1 . ? Rut I'll 1 ? ? I met ono 1 doi they get that." For moi ths thi '. drew 'i l irch, the desl , ? ? ? ?,?::?, bussing - il ? i mitai lity of the - ? i - Gr?er, tha Bev, M r. . I thi i aul .. com? .... .... er tha ?I true. I ? . ,- of ? ? against i i,, ? i, . n :??. ? >*.-? ? "" ' ' I immoral conduct, 'here I? UO a^e-tion Venus! 10? PENCIL ? ti i toter? ? -!?"?"'?? ?? 1 ?. ?. ma) he a golf elab si .1 ten? -i .- I ha? ' them ; automobile. I don ? - " ' [t la rei. ? t - it Port ? atta prying 1 r If -. * ' - ? ...... ners will I amount to anything."