Newspaper Page Text
PEACE COSTLIER THAN WAR--T. R. Colonel Denounces Wil son's Programme as In? adequate to Needs. DEMANDS A NAVY ABLE TO ATTAC K Insists -"htl Is the True Defen? sive Power, and UfgCI Universal Service. W a -. . h call 1 A . . i ; , ?? thai tod.?-, S'ationa ? ' ' ? ii .rahenini rha call ? 4 B - lOUd . ' ? . .' : he t*ai?i r navy pro-:. wai , ? ? ? .- , ? " er i ca? Rapa WiUon. r '. ' . - ? ; V. il... took ? l'< . i ? [ A ? ? I ? War ' the count . tarrying a Mr. Wright ?ne l T.iV-eal mtmtl ? ' ? ? r. rr ' warfare \ i ? -? pai ild "that wa hould . Hawaii, th? i . s ? g Wi-' i |j . ? ? a r.f manei I ig? ? _?k 'h.'m " V 'o t h? ir ? .-.,.. re pai -. WH I I ni" ?ional law . letter follou . ... ten ahoald non fat clearly before ? regard? national ? '? : 1 . Pi a question ? r in a . it mai ? be? n ? ? ?ken b> arhethi r ?1 1 . loat t that tin? ? thi ? .n-t than tt V I Jrut? h be? n mostly sit 1 v the ? . ' rl .m Ame* Bul . '-.?Kire-n an Inst ? ? Mach Proaert) P<"-ir..>r<*. ? emiaaar ea ol ?. property dcsti - pert) Iur ? '.' 12 -, : will I ? ? \ Itl :tti ?l . ; oui n am ? ... r? , Arabie, \ thi Vasak? ? ? .. i . ?'-'-?'?-. i couple the lr... W ar'a Toll 1- Small? "Neu-, the ? tal numbei I ? - I ? ? ? ? ? ? I . ' ? this natli ? "ii which . ? - ? i ? ? - ? than Faragut'a float -?^:r''-J i . ? ? rie? If ai ? ? ? ? ? ... ? l ? ... ? ? ? ? ? ! ? ' ' ? II. f.-n. .- 1- the l.'(-ni4-i't '? incur ? ? lights? lonthi have .- e \t?.r t terna il iiroh! ly mor? ? id re? a ?i ? ? - ? . ? . i ' ? ? ? t ? a Chauffeurs' Outfits im lili . I ' RT v?a ( bauffcurs' Ka Special $43.50 ?Direr? oof, 5ui'f anil Cap to Mate h KT.i:\. neat, ?**??." fit ind d ? . ? ?? ? ? ? -. r loi thai eai if l-,'-. :.* a : -.<?-.? . ? -1 ? ? - ? ' ? ' ?? ? ? p ol . It .*'..! iledu - ! f g i ? ? $4 ? BO, ? $25 ?>0 . . $1650 i? 00 I with two | i ? Trr . ? ; -$?.'50 xA i 1er Gi de it $57.50. $75 ? i . ? 4 'M?th 00 .. d $125.00 $.'0 , d $22 BROADWAY AT 49th ST. ? h?ros to mid defends thitt upmi? th? presen 1 time i? engaged in p . m ? h .-\ natt fallacy. It i. the simple anal li ? ruth thai i ufa e opii ... ? i ghteci mi ni ? I .. not I ? . ' in mitlgatii i atrociti? i fr |'ra-\ eating ?loii-if l'v aggr? iv? mull le lh< esa? l degree that i . th arhleh would b? ocal .un vt i??. ilTiciently i: opinion bas bi en afa ?. t. gai da Ri la lum, a? rei Arme -., ? Poland No i - ? ? i contrai*) ?vit if h?' takea the troubli I" w a a Sal Baglac " l *. t ? ? re f o r ? ? ' t m. id? tat? faahion I > ami lo yi ? th? ? ' ? .-.r t .ii.i-r. !' Gardner on tl ? . ? .; -.. an moi I world*? jrcloi befoi i ? 4 ? ri..h bava sat lupine a I I ape ol ?i.y II . actual I ' ' ? at been . ? s rifl is gun, one i -.i - ? Am? or na? ir because of an] rurred in this war, and i 11 ?ti ?' h ?, ? ) el bi - n tab? - I the ti. .-i--... : \ prei ?hortaignu We 1 4 . ' . irded the van ..'-. a , Ited HIl t i . ir.i? the lari -. ..?.,. 1 ? '. .? ihould 4 * . r n??r i. tar) policy si ? ^ ? n , | ? ? il ? . of yea I but it ? ? ? ? that it can I I rbe ?. t r ?i t- '-. i ? t ? i f ' eftclent d fence. " i-1? i .... ?nten y as a bluff art '?e I ? Ita rea va ?? .- a, ?r, offeni force in 1 I 't?> w?r ur. for our OS ? Free.! Of a : ? te military establishment wh ? ii ? force It is -> b> creating i? ?officient arms that ..-.?? ir fleet ? ways l ? ? t< li the plana ?*? should never, un.;. : il u ? ; ame of foi . - ? . and may bi I eliewl lie? a that w? base ear milit* and nsvnl programme upon . . ? . Ilawi Pai ama l ai al and ? r-ludiiiR all the point? the fi' . our on West II il ?a. "To free rhe navy vte need nin| ? ' the navy, the fact ment in the Preaident'i ? o< borne oui by the ?tat menl I -v * Genet Board .'! t navy. 1 or example, I e Pi i thai ??? ben thi? pr? | . i ? . the contrai . and that 1 a ? In oth? ' ? It nil. ? ? immc It i- enl i to "'ir - ? ? a propos ? ? thing effective Immed ? | entirely li ? to trust thi the ) be made i I i icceet ing yesi ? igrsa? nai never l?-< willing to can*) ? ?: ? . i ad ? General Board. t nt 1911. 1 far? ? betwa? ia act . sppi ? ? ? great \t tl ? h y devait pnr.ent ol ? ? ... . ?? - than avai j the prop?. Dg Ol th? nav> Speed and Gun-t Seeded ? a '?..? - r..-. ?rd Is !*T train : ? serva ci tri . .r w; ?M half s d is fonaidabl . ? formidsbli Predeii baa i ? ' vn that a th thre? - ? isdi ' ' i nai '-h th? ?an - i li r'.( f thi . ? . I ? - ' ? ' ?he-, ? i u pe n o x i "oui and rirn* I powi Igair.i . ri '. ? i a: the pr?s "Wi f?ed th? beb' ty-j? ol sea-goi:. ? ? ? , ?r immer.!?* de ; valoptnent of .... aviatloi ? ? ?-? lei bow'i ol oui esopl? undei ? [hat it tota, ? . ? ? ? . ? - I r th f lurpau?! ir trsngti f iha eftV I thi ? . r.'-.a.r ; thi ?rr ; ?? r*-* . ' th? r? J sr.? ??*?? n palsi r.avj a ... -, . . - -. | ' 4 -?'.-- 01 th | - * h -.- ?? ? .-- ?ai ear'. thai li ti m..'-.a--T training It ? aftei ta? agi ?f ?:xte? for i i - ?j *.* n i *.-1 ? f ?. foi ?VI r? - , :. :* ? hi--, i ui t . *f?-"?.ar am./ Si a ? . men?a relatively 1 the ? -? that the | ? ??e weald ? nt i ? - ?. i at ire be icy thai .... ted at ai ist ai much proi id eon 1 I lhas It would b? merely sr. ... , f th? nal -. .-..*? i ? i v**' ai to daring th? period of ? It mig r -,- . men. w? innot ci t men I ?sen ' l Inter??? , i put ire? at ? i ' ... i riv? rmanenl | . ight no? . ' - i right ? ? of it? h in u-si and in pest ARMY TOO WEAK TO DEFEND ?. S. Oeneral Weaver Says Foe Could Shell New York from Rotkaway. ONLY ONE 16-INCH (iUN GUARDS COASTS Philippines Prepared for Siege Of Maska Invites Attack. .i m r? -.-? .- ? arm 1 Weahlagti I That the T'nlt ed Sta?,.?. \? ? ''i :*, preatat army and defeneea, woald not hn\?. the allghteet ehnnre ' ?,,-,.?<? In a erar artth a llrel ??in?*. **uro| eai ia the teat ? 'n..r ? ?rivet? ? aftai ?General E. M Weaver, chief ol * ?? Caaat Artillery l"\ Ion of 'he War Repartaient, and - G -rni w H ' ?iter retired ? before th.* militari eoiaaaltteee of the H ??? and SenH'e, respective!?. eral Weaver ?id Reekauray i' , near New Vork, -.?a- a dunp? i point for naval attach, becaUM an en - might He off 'her?, and threw Into to irtaenth Btn et, la Me ?? I I ? now being t-nken," ?aid lie'i? r.? .'? ??? ' ' i- n.'.lv thi- situa at.on At Par Roehauray Baach, New York, und at San 1 ih* , ?? I v. e are plan ning to Install alataaa-ineh gana that >\ , ommaed every appraaeh and will | equal in range any naval ?it.', i ow on b??i.rd any battleahip "\\ bila \?e i?re waitng f<?r those (run ?,, t- tu. !*. ?v?. plan t.) moeat on hiirh elevation earriagea, with a l.>nLt m-i tw.-ii elm h iruiiii now ?t . 1?....k. i bl BO Will he r'.?H?i!rd r, and will temporar? ily relieve the litaation. it n. laaTii into consideration, a'.?", >'? , . .? hai I ?> ? advantaj-?' ?? ? I 1 naval can?. I one in a? uf fire. .Natal t.unnery L#M tffertiae. f ia net aartUu? larl) h.urr??? ? ' ' eationa a ? t* Raeent ? :. . , . n the Dardan bat nava . N .?.,. ??! '...-, to i ? '? Neu \ i.rk porta with the larger f feai of attack, ? ' ? ?? "1 fa) ?"'??!?? t Ami aat i*<? r11 ; ca* '? Miara an enemv eould Anieru-an .. b| Reare? -I ?. - t?te ??? eiiticiae public ? iver "I d" not thi: ?? ??r ?OUld . . - .>. -r? >\t ne* _-*_??? ?a -" 11 ?? land ? Representative Kah* ... g A oral VYeairei it .. ai ; | at ?' laaaa, t.-r in? ?tance, aould h? a prol ? for the mo? i ? ? .m Hold Philippine! f'ir Year. ?? 11 ?? polic) of the department in the Philipi Hatea ha? (?-en to le to hold out far six. . ? . , M.?;?! the i] "i ir?-?-Lt?'i Island, ?. ?;,?? key to the Philippinei and all tl ? i ; i. land.? ?in enl rated * ? ? 4 ' ? ?? .,?;'.; i..' . iligc ! ;?> ?ui render " ?red that ...i a,; ? : ? . er any circumata ? been - . .. rations," 'it genera] aar.i ... ... ? I ? , ? ev.-r seriou I. ? -i?ra *..-.: W| BUSt -, . . .' .v ?r- ',-> :.t,ve tbi . .*> ? .? * ?,.i i aai is no time la left -r .' ' ? ?ra'ion of vsr. 'W ...r r?,. - . .,.- ar. . . ? . ,- that the b??-: ?.? ? a ?-,* ;,,hti n latveraal service, dietributing djf"nc? io ice ? ? .a piala ? ?>*. -1 ?oun ??'5 it aot | l ready for thla. lie seat . ' ?t ? roiui teei '-re- l.kt :. * ?a Arm: t Sot WbUe ' ?o n?,; ?p ?lata i oats ?. iie C?nfrer-slonai Pi-trlcta P.aats. "M- plan -> . i ? i te ! ?? i the Ped ? ? ? ' grei- *. ? arber? vat fulnesa "f thi ' ?jn?,'.' ia all I get ??.??? . ...??' ?h m ? ' war !- -ui? B?si ? -, for? i_-1 eaptratl in at tl ? I i i aa? ever. : libia mea ai pe. , . b aa bai - I With aa I . . ? ;r?:.| Ir t?S .and - ' ? ? | latoi ? ? itefl f! -? : - fren ?? ? r?(f_,?: ?r:-.? i?r ' a * itevei lauree wai post :' '? BC U the') abilit) , a *. m -? . lereai ? . ? ? -. . - ?.* ? sffleen rttbooi iirtui ? " ' ? ' '-? ? tea *.:.?! -.ha', . . ? eh ? aa i ? a- ? ? ' lev atd while mar.i a-? ?.-?.-. ???,?? leore? of attn.-. - -? 1 * "renert .4*,- , -? attic in ala ,? . ? -*. - ???? - ' .--? ?? auld ??-"- - ?. ?liable as sn ?rrai aaa f war He did i L haw i ral V '?.._?. ? . fr n It, ror ?a. weald l> ceil?.'in (.'it." ..f tetMl While Oeaersl Carters recommend? (?..ti. fur th" r?galai army eonUmplats Hi,i. ,i ti is am? for?e i " it proposed ?. .i retarj ?. mIsesii ba baa ? sg , ?,! ,t radical ' tint?n-'' |M '"*' '"' ' i h foi .?li ?4M?, i. a hieh would produce . r I? glmentl sad th? r"f<?re ? greater numbt i "t util' 1 I,, | i|k h i in. I.' . ,.' . .' : ,.l thOU tand sien easd In soma European ?.mi. . i ? ? laid, arere wholly un lit? I t?? Aaiarican condition?, and ba dl missed us nol worthy ni .ilderatlon ? ' ion that IsVini ii howltsers Would ??-? ' ' * dl d tor the mobil? ti''"l'** americaa road? weald sal permit U ? ,,?? ,.f ?ut h weapons, he t?-?"'. end In Ml) d.f'ti-ive v.iar IBS i'.uutiv if.4!' . ,,,..I-., d in there would be ? ip.'ti fighting sad littla wsrfsn r'oi ?hat M'ry reason ?..? sdr ? ?t? rrdu Ing ill" ?.*?? "f tactical divisions, r. tui f r'.tf te tha lessoai of tha i Wnt Americas roods, h? ?aid, would rot permit <he hsndlil ?: S? gT< i?t bodle I p. ,, . r p irallel route? Is man) aa ?la-t the casa In l urops, and training <?f geaeral officer? f?.r Raid operntl ?na wa? Imperative II* re ? ? r ami I f the ? American army efltcei who bad ? ?., tleal dn '??:' ss in ti.. I I ear Thf? *r,?ner??l offered, and ?'hsirmai? Chamberlain accepted, hl? aervteoa in - ?> .. eomrrnttae In drafttng it? ? -1 hil Ile h "i much to do nith writing (he organisation l?w an ... ' the army now operate? SAY AMERICANS NEED TRAINING ( ..m m-]- ?I fruni puse I State-) ,-sri ,,-cr.- ,-' .- for mun a I ? ii sa "? 'if' h ? ? \ ?? ' : sni -'i. I ' ? i ? ??i ara aa thi ? ? the foea of tl ad without it. bo 1 ? .- '.War H?,'.llll-t I- I'lll ' :t ?ma tiut?, i4' Lincoln ?-wit. t; f?t this i true I .- mnot >?? dare ball Am? rl ?n and half foreign : phen ii Ineon : - ? t. tltm" 'Pati ? -i Integral >i a* rj feeling at (.11 - ?re ? ? i name foi I .. it rnnn in a war by day or b) and of hi? dut ? thro igh which their ai lof rationa muat find theii fitting i Aruue?. for "True pat riotiam earrl? a itii rt not - ?! uit'k .-.?.>-.I .- II ? | i?? ; .- i ?rill rard other nal ad will of ? "I atai for i im of duty, to oneaelf iraj and, then fare, for which is a mesm I tionsliass, "World p< a meat rest on ths wii ?'. (?t.'rl foreeight and res lacri fa '<ltla '.HW ?'.. .!-, help in sc-uririif an ? i pe? ful and just ?.tor!,i i emmunit) until il i? n II run riaki und maka effort? in ord? r ? r" htid r 11 i?, i r ? a ail t ' ''in ? "There i an ba ne real pi ?? rform o ir duty in tima of war .dnei ? to .lo our time of ? ? ?*\Vr Mutt it.- Pr spared." "0 f course, th? all typ? ? w? are ta | pi ir? But it : corpor. .' cess; ind furthei i all prep iredi ? - . nrnl fur ? lia at the 1 yet it is us? 1. ' . . ? and indasl I i . hsnd with milil .- : ? ? n a I prep ire-rj either for p?-?(-e ir war can -b? tha basis of unir., aad iugh th.- in itrnmantality .?!' hii , i ? ..* national mental system. I Bill : i In? di! trial i.r militai ? - -fie retfui itioa I ? . and that power tha national governs * * * ? ii * leverelgat) muet control ' ' cannot be atta ? .? ? effecl . ? . Il t ?-?"! power that a .. m eoi ii.? i ? ubi ' v- ? .* i iry -?! ? . / I St pi ?'?:.* r?4jf. *. .? ? .'. . . mi ? -?? ??? a? . . ? u regards *.b? ? ,. . . ?a real .' ba world it - . - '-.? regard- *h? .?svy, ?e ver? In food it I I,? ,?',': ftaj,-, ,|T0 ?)-, . ,..rrr?-y England ir-?, Tspar. .-. fail ehtli t -? ,'. ?-. rotas ?head, md 'et r?e ?a -. lean tava *of.a "?rtrkwarCL'' Denounces ?emarofues. rhea, .^r-riing -.t loci?, mttsnns ? Kr Roosevelt prataed . .* :- ?. tad is; ii * * * * ??*? ?; s. left-it at (Itat -. ; . | | | j i '?.-?cement . , ? is and i ? . , igt ? ihewn :r .-. ? Juicy Full-Flavored Delicious Stekkt California's Selected Oranges are ?old by all Rood dealers. Order today. CaUi(orniaiFnaitr.r>nwr-r.rtrhaaa? :? ?? ?? I I , 1? t ?alf-rn llf.f,rlqiiarr,rt. 13? N . Uaj-k -meat. Ch.cs?a j ti -..?j 1% Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPER! ? ri* PftOVl??NT LOAN SCX II IV Of NEW YOKK MjVH4 IT AM BBOMg . . . '?-',?. -..,._, CourtUndt As., .or. HSth **t. nirth Avenue, cor. :*th Str?-t nK???.Hi ??? ? .1: .I." ' v' - COI RivinftOn St. 4 . , - co |_,, fJtOfl St. -si llouatoo St, cur tuca it. cor. DebevolM St. v.'? ih iv., bet. 48th & i-',?. i'.,, ? , ??. . coi i ........ Av. Leiil <'"i Av , cor I34tk St ? 1 . ?,,. * nS I St, cor. Clinton St. *\Z LOANS Hll'Aii. within I 72d SU bet Lexington & 3d A*/! '& I >*? ? WEEKS FROM DATE i in Impaaalble permanentiv ?? aaw | '??.?.il leaiilts i" dealing with tbe Inetr I mentalities of Int?ntate eumuitri tha railroads, doing an Intel tat? b ?eee, ?hroagh ?he eamatl?? ?i ? forty-eight lltTereat atatea, an! ' I tha 'aniv w?v I t.? !,???? the who im ilnei ' of Intent?t?. i . . . thing pertaining to indled I ?. itive oifl? ? ' ?,,,, i i,, lleve |n h nal ?nal incorp ration law foi i 011".' I . i -raged In Int?ntate bualnei ??" in?, .i isInK '?? rmany, < oloi 11 Rao i .. ' nidi "For the laal eighteen months t ha? bo i ne te ' Imon v u ith nil m .? 11 engi .,,. , t Gern ? v i . ,,, . ' cynic ,' regard of the obligations of intern ? ?i humanity r* at. i tly aa hol'l i' t?. bo an all n? ? .?ir,?v timidity or weal ?>- is in Gen ?'?!.? Gen i ?r he re he wroi ! hold 11 fool lab thing to refuse to psj ? .. Gel man ??xnrr.ii!.. aben iirripl? should he follOWl I !>'.' Othol r. t!?,tl?. "Germany offen n ' . ' ? i German) ha b i fai ,- - of Ua m ?.enirirs* Induatl suraace, >.. I age pen ioi and home ? reaaonable. fair division ?>f ! ..? ?? een employ er i nd ? r ploy ? I, an th.? like She im? ?I-?, been far In a? ?urire of u - n 11 ?? .?av he l'as bol ??.-mi r ?die?! aad ei Above all, be ha ? been far li advan? of us In a.itli 1 requiring h?,?h fr?.'rt th.- gr Mini from the man vh.0 toils with hi hand ? lest and mosi ? natloi I not ha to Imnrovisi methods of meetine erlse In Indu ? r of meetin cri??, in war Ir would 1.,. are 11 f?.r ou buaii i mat the fart that her - ir<"'' ia in p i i heen dus ta bar eery ? i i . . . movement i hand In hand I I .. itho il thi tl ? r " TAKE YOUR GIRL TO SEE A COFFIIS Thousand Undertakers, Tfieii Wives and Sweethearts Having a Holiday. "We anti ? ? . lag >o'J and '.u'ir? with u.*?. "Nat oaal Caskel in*r." Fo pleaaaatlj i ? ? ' "light and dr\" factory of the cornjiar j It Lo ? ? ? 'on. ' ?r.e thousand i ? 11 - . - ... I for 1 days * ap| eatv 1 In black ' the caai ? ' i " \ II I Ing wa anil a Sullivan ta Th.- n.'- tat oni proi they - ? ? ? . ? lion," and ? aa the pi hang? ?4--. i !, ? .i- ?if com? : social a- ' the i brought tr air lad ? ? ? rh them. ? r in? I tat i on. i- n it of i buffet luncheon. i surround? ings that ?routa i * igenial t.? a layman. Then the social b< s. Kl * i i the gu? ~ii :.le in the 'aalst er aad a raudaville ihow f the ville tal? performant the Hex* few d nervous - ???.?? its lure, .erosi tie circuits ha but RAP NAVY PLANS AS PREMATURE :j6 Representatives Try to Cut Daniels's Draft ?ntf Appropriation. 'WHY NOT WAIT?" ?WU. BUTLER ASKS U. ?S. Has No faciliti'i's for Va it, I ast-.Minut'' Shipbuilding, savs Se? retary. - - ... i \\ ? : m<.t the House of I . ? ? proean t thi* aft.-rt. '.- i iwn by tha 1 ? 11 h 01 Congr? ' - il ' ' ' 4 ' - . in half "What i Ight baa th? ... ? ? .- - ? ? - A i ,i ... i ? ? ? ? g l -? '.-..-. I >. -1, irtmtmt, 15 to 81 : iropean war, 1 fere . ? "If ? ow tl at i ? ful and | "I agree with Butler, v. ii Fidelity and Surety BONDS .... M Broadway ma 4t.'. t- . ,. - ? I 1 ? ... - . ? I ' ' atbat ? - ? - ? ?r- ? ? ' -a? ^ssm ... ? -, - '? run ? -??.???! ? ?? | abc "I ae?l 'a mm etnwtmit n?mtm l^? Druggista keep it within easy reach (fM to meet the daily demand for " Orlyon's PERFECT Dental Cream , ? A Standard Ethical Dm ? . |?g Send 2c ata . Wm\\ I Pwfc i Dental Crea i lue. HH I I. W. Lyon & bons. Inc., 514 W. 27th St . N. Y City ?? V?IVaHBH0.gMi^BaW_BV?_nMDK2iBMIIMIirM.J^^Jj?j^g A Day The Tiny Tims Will Long Remember The campaign to raise $500,000.00 for Boys' Clubs for New York boys closes tonight. This will be a clay of generous gifts, of big hearted, practical surprises?a day our little lads of the streets will long remember. There's s'il! time for vou to do your share. The goal your committee- of citizens aimed for is yet to be reached, tlvery dollar contributed is a gain in manhood for New \ork. You can gladden the hearts of our own liny Tims and be of real help in this wonder? ful movement to Build Better Bot/% if you will Send Your Contribution TODAY. CI\E SO MOSEY Sind <-""?????>-?<?'"??? ' ? ro K. N. POTTER, Treasurer. COY SO'U ?TORS ^'lr ?**"';:'b Club Association of M. Y. 5 a Wall Street Vie trite blnttm for your subscription if you so d'tire. ,'.%a on ibis lia?. i York.?.._ . ,191 I or the purpose of providing and maintaining in ad "The Boys' ( lut" ' uildtni si i\v?snue A and Tenth M . Vv *| irk and to provide and maintain -t new bmldin-* for th< "B-aya1 Club ol i he Wesl Side," N?sw ^t ?>rlc. and in ron-nd-Tdtton o? the sul of others hereto. I premise to pay to Dm Boys' Club Aaso O? New York. L?. N. Potter, Treasurer, 35 Wali St . ? ... ... . Dollars, .is fallows: One fourth March 1st., 1916; one-fourth .September 1st. I9I6{ one-fourth ?\larih 1st. 1917; and the remaining one-fourth September \et, or ?sill pay _ _ . . . . _