Newspaper Page Text
tfCO?RT CHIDES DR. HUTCHISON Fdison's Expert Warned (0 Cease Discussing Explosion In Print. s-afS COMMANDER SAYS HE SAW SMOKE r^gtrtdldJ's Icsti mfiUt FlVf Men in Uns ?rital Qnwt.oied. er Keeie l:.r' ?*"'*' ' jm ard et* - a alec that there waa he ox I of the ? ' Capta aident r' t?? I ? not amenta such as idei - ? * ?y ba? litan ?-ries. ?' ? I Pe? thii at the . - nn later? ra v.? ra ?-?? ? ? I ,. - -.- ? . ? fen formal hi .- .. ? an to i teal 1" - Kebulie??". ? not If 01 , ana oi ? ?? ? j red ht ? ? Edi ? were ? . f notei I .irt. ? - ? ? i ? ??'- ?vy. ? -'.--lor. * the L-2. ??j "" ? ? ' ? ? in H.'-l'ital. ? ? ? - mber r test that of ? ? - ?- hull ? - ? ? ? ' thus ' ' ' VS. VV^TF.H POWER IN PRIVATE HANDS rations Control Halt in Tsc. ' ' ? .- com ? . ? ? rior i" ? ? talla ' - ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? rn. I RUBBER-NECK STORK BUSY Thin! t.nalTa T.? It?. H?rn In QpfllHj a Hsmun- .V Huile Vrl.f. Bridgeport. ? oan . Jan to. Tin? ?- "ik left n b*b\ jfira?To ?I Umiiiuih Si ? ? ?dater quarter? to-daj Tw? were espeeting th? event report tiiat mother snd chflti sra doing well. Ah h tributa to t-i* mor? arj ' the lata P I Bai nurn, tin-? long necked Infanl ?s. rhrlstened Pbineas eaa |i te '?? the third born |n captivltj Sadie, his mother ha? had two other children, bath of whiim sir healthy, but not ?i? aromiaiag ?? Pblnea? It*- I? perfectlj ? I, sad " ' n half mi hour old lie ?tood v,i In th? can snd pohed hii head ?>ut to look st Bridgeport. SHOT KEEPS HIM FROM CELL Man Bads i if<> r? Dot actives t ?iiie-d b\ Wounde-il Wife Arrise. Five -year-old Ross I SI-doBS elUBg !?? bar mother's skirt? yeaterdai ?mil tried tit push bach her raging rather, ?ho ? ? elaahiag at ?he woman'? faca with i\ rasar shot her. Mr? Cordon? ran from their homo, ?r i?*? East 116th at, to the Third Branch Dotectlva Bureau ami collapsed. DsteCtivea arriad buck to the Cordon? hom? heard s shot. Break ng la, thes found that Michael Cordone had killed him ? Neighbors asid thnt the fordone? hs.l ouai t.- lines moving lnl tha flat, bul wen unable to se? ou; I for the troubla Mrs? i ord? ns Is si ouslj wouadsd, but may racovei "CY" DAV?S FLAYS PLUTOCRAT WORLD New York Newspaper More Harmful Than Centipede, Texan Tells Mouse. ?"- i '."-. 'r-': . it -.a- 1 Wai J sn, 20. ", yeloBa" Davia, of Tr\s?, Informed an astonished House o: Representatives to-day that the New York newspaper "Tha World" voiced *' ?- "-????hetie taste of th' ' SI ... . ? Bowing toward I proa? gallery, the Ifin i to "The World'?" "af!- duoua, erudito, r.r.,1 versa? ra ng i , than waat on I other oh nasci ?' ? ?? tha peopls ol i ist ?tat? lea? harm n . ? World' - ? ? ? a annoyed linual ? for a quar? ter variety. }i> bii n i fared. I week." r! a Texan as f a ailkei fl tha I i < teei cant t ollar, and ' became a rational asnaation. of the varj ? ?us lensibilitie? of th? ' ? ? ?ted dude? ?'<-?! .i" I beg to sa; thai ' gard for the rbelowt are ? - a family throat which wai the cause for th? I thei ? I th? following ? ? ? - .a ?[.? t I the tn i west ? t ? , ~. ? U > r," 4 ? peg) a ? its 4 | .. a'?*e. ????ft . -,f..i ? ? , - i -Sod * ... .- . ,- a ? ? a a . - one's" poem eauaed * ?. tat and no one cared ro queation any ?uch .- detail a= ?. ?? of the wor I raaumahly for "vasl or "ve?ture " SEES CITY POLITICS IN PURE WATER PLEA Wcstchester Senator Calls Wag? ner Rill Sentimental. ? ? - ... . Alhary, Jan. 20.- Senator Plater, of declared to-day to prohil * ? ititul i in the Crot?n water? ? started as a ; ticsl affa it .- ? ; ? ' Now Y01 '?? - ' rapped both I Senator Wagner for . school, lit i tos lous to givi when top to thinl thai thej leek to con? trol th? m of upp?- r Westchei tor Count; It i recognized bj i i - one that in ten yean Weatel ? County will have a population of half h mil , and in twentj of a t peopl? Any att? mpt by advance i ? ? attempt t of the e* ? -...-. -.'Pt v.ater? ..mi ?,-r,.. g populated by are farn ? n bui I? iges, by institutions, pi are go rraining ? Hills I ? ? Home mu Mount Kisco \ t go, York town ,:- ."?- "? ag< must go, and ?o ? and villagi - - ?lay ?!' taries of I "The qu( I ed is not on? ? all this lai ; ? population ? - City m '? ?'III us the people of Weatchestei I ? tn allow this hea*i y liaml . to be I i RHODES ELECTOR CHOSEN tratst roag, Colasabla, 'IS, Eisetsd? MacKsasie, Coraell, Mteraative. ' ' ? I o D. Ai . I I . who a .. ?':'.-n Columb ?? Ci ? t?r day (?? to maki I ' ? ? elect? to F Beta ? . r -.'an WSJ it . '?, Head. He alao b I? .-?? i to | rum and tha at He played bas? ball d - i or yeai In the 1916 "Columbian" Mr. Arm appear*, ? ith tha nick? ? ? "1 ?.ni roll of common It City Club to Hear Thompson. ? man of th? pecisl legislat >nimit ? Pul ? ? , will apeak bef? ? * i " i OW f.* H '. IBCll - ' ? clubhouae, ?'?"? Wi st 1. ? ' ill We H-'. ' -. of Public Ctilit , 40 MOOSE UNITE TO DOWN ENEMY ?Senators and Representa tives (iet Together to ? ??lit Old Guard. WORK IN UNITY FOR (iOOI) OF ALL Bind Ilicnisclvcs to (o.upcratr i" t Bmpalgn for Presldcn liai Nomination. ,"-*m It* Ma i ? Omtat Washington, Jan. SO. Any anaatelaa , that the Prograaaive moveaent -?a? dead ei submerged 01 that th? expect ad reun?,,,, of the Repablicaaa aad Progreaeives would mean the eamplete triumph ..f the coneervativea, was dla i" night, when it ??.?- learned tluit nmriy "011-, m-rmbera of ? angreai bad organiaed t" flgbt for Progi principlea. Their agreement ewtot? bath the ?r-si?.ii of Congreaa and thai campaign, on.i la intended to enhardi . nat? the interest? of all of them to tb?s [ good of the reuse. Eleven Senators already have joined 1 the movement Borah, of Idaho; Cum .min-, of l"?r.. Kenyon, of lov/a; Grenna, of North Dakota; T.. Follette,! "f Wiaconain; "lap*?, ?,f Minnesota;' Sterling, of Bouta Dakota; Narrte, of ska; Worha, of California, an.I Poindexter and Jonea, of Washington. With them am mara than twice as beta of ie Uouae. The objects to be. attained are stated by one of the leader?? of the movement as follow?: ? -?operation on * ir>; ?.at,?*? pro gramme alonp Progr? aive 1 Cooperation in the campaign fe Presidential nomination, ao more than one Pi trt ? Republican ? hall run in at.y state. ? e?peration on a platform c* prin? ciple*, und general poli? ?es at the next ?ition. t'rganl??*?! at Winner. The alli?e already lia- e held I4*rveral informal conferences an.l one dinner. ??tire the organization was formed. Another dinner will he held on Satur plans 4 111 le work? 1 ? ice the pected to show results ?1 in ette ami Cummina have been working :' convention delegation. Undei agreement ona of them will dr? no that tlrere will be DO Prograaaive eate and a solid delegation will be insured. The old line leaders also have been working hard in North and there was danger that with thi Progr? si ? - led an 1 line candidate might -lip through, .r.r conditions obtaii state-. .' haa beei reached aa to who will withdraw in any of tai ? - "ment ? at no fear la felt that the man decided on ? : make tb? aaaary ren The allies do nor believe ?? !. or them to make any Si 1 la Tight, after the convention meet?. The demonstration of their irity and strength, they think, will be ? 1 such. roi the - ?? a rfiil reunion ? ..'. Neve 1 ? they a par? d 1 '? ' -' ' ? it on. The reunioi and cai earneatlv and ? Baapecl l??x*??e-.elt Influence. A 1 .? cion is felt m some the influence 1 I : iced in the allia ' li vigoroui ' . ? . ? would .-.'.;, bod) " I ch had . ? the C. Se the Cummins ? ? ? ? Pr< lident, ave bi . itei e ouM bi ? ? ,,i if, . r .? bei , it I ? that the 1"" un could not effect of 1 .the tesl ? ? .... tted will be gi I that would not 1 ? and if the. 1 - - could whom the old linen moat . ? ver, that It will not bi te -'.?',- ? ? - ? 1 ?.'... ? 1 \ ? ? I Americai to b? ' ? ? . ? ? a- n whole -*ht out - powers, for 1 ? Amer 1 I ome, for ad?quate ?le ding ?? ? rii-ni. ? ? ? ? ? . ? I n 1 be added the recognized Pro elf gOT I humanit?r 11 lation. er f?ndame ti ol R publi protection, ? er? Bernstein Loses in Jot? Contest. I'wo Jcc B< ? t real . Bernsteil I ght Terry M '.; and George Dixon twent) years ng.., call? ?! on " trat? ? orrig in yesterday to ask that the injury I be reel 1 Joe Hernstem N... 2 ? ed ? thi offices of a I Broadwaj theat 1 ical manaj ? -r.? Fielder Revokes 1.490 Charter-. 1 ??. ? ? ' K pr< 'lama ? 1 -, oked of 1 ,490 - ed to pay corpoi ? ? ut t?*.. years of *h !. ? ' Irans on Company. A concern ? charter hue been annulled * be re-1 1 WILSON TO TEST HIS LEADERSH1 Coming Tour His First A pearance on Stump as Propagandist MLS DEFENCE PLAN IN GRAVE OANCil And Closely Bound Up uitli Arc the President's (dances f?>r Another Term. irr-4in Ttie ttUm e l>. mam 1 Waahington, Jan. M Preeident *\ -.oti's deeialon to make defence a p sonal laaua with Cangraai nn?! the p. pla, und t., stake hli tottering poiiti fortun?e on It, became clmr ta-ai| a itfa the announcement of an Itlnen t?.r a atumping tour which will bre nil the precedente ?'" his adminieti tien. For tlie Drat t ? riie? sin. ?? l.a U ofllee Mr. Wilaon will ?;.. b. f??re t people an a prepagandlot, and when lna flniabed be ?-ill kr,. whether not he Is the leader of I party a of the country. I ha tour announce! to - I u hi gin m N."- y..11 ? e)., HU,\ ? carry him a*? far weal as K I* will include i leVeland, < Laula, Kur -as City, .??' .1, I Moii\ea and Davenport Polio lependini i 1. he v conaidei -.. ? lude M s and Denver; ? Prei W son will apeal -? on Januarj I g | rat can prepar? ? \ . he v .Il H.I, ... ..., pictu Poard of I red > at the ti 1 : can pai| Oth? -. | ' ? i ?' ? I'M ?lei lates !'? liles II?- Hani;, i. ? Pri . ? ? . ? ? ? ent I ? ? Sud ? ? ? ? . ? own i fortunes w< there ??* n for pr? paredness, thi lien?? ??a? falling a??. by da House wen nd the lefrr ? .1 dailv b whili ma ? In 1 ga the ? nt f< Ink? . 'al!, ..?...., i rent t hi ?? < ? u1.1 d ? ng to i uppoii i. and h. ? BCl paign. Tb ? ., fl cere, too, ? t g a i their prerogatives, were li .'?? ? ? . . ? ie army prs . on, hi ? the fai I ? a wi . ' of prei in the ;?? i declai ed that 1 ? Reelection at Stake. Pri . bn'l! ? ? .?, ?4 -". ? ship He had di lai ."1 I had madi il 'he only ? ? ? I ? ? raed 1 . f'.r it, ri'.r prav ' I p .-? 1 ; r -. I I I could not to . ? be ' I hei . . . ? previou ... Bryi ? ' ? due, i my dii ' I ? - ? . | .. ? - ? ? - he has bi Hn s moil : ? the pi ? i " ?s g? n I" ? ' ' ' ' getl . i . . --. If Sir. Wilson I e ready t.j turn im. On 1 er hand, they adm * ? ? t will | .- ' ? the 1 tue cai ? ?.- . . f ma ? ? . ally, an I one both . i ?? r it. II,,; -. b in ti i ' and di it ditch foi rh< ? ? complet.? I with the prev : . e, and retry alight .? to an* ? " ? ? t. the and thai ? ? unabli f the ts this .? ill be enough t.> ?a-, e , ELECTROCUTION IN BATH TUB i <>( g itUnd Mtin't Head Tsachss Llgfctlag Pistara ami < nrraat Mil??. Pari J? if' i oa, Loag I !.." I, Ji ? ?-'" I c. Predei Ich Pui I? k, on? of tl a be I i knowa baeiaaaa men In the villas?, waa ! ? I?-, troeuti ?! m th? bathroom ? r In* ?? sarly thii morning. Hs was landing with oa? fool In i? ?el ?1 bal i tub half i ||i ,i u th wati r. His ? "M. T fool reated .ni th? sdgs ' f the ' ib \\ ben hia heed grssed sn elsetrl? ' KI I li vtiiro wit li tli4- eui r?Bl ' "ti bis body completed the circs I Mrs. Parish beard - ? ? on? fall in tha bathroom. 8h? found the body of I er baabaad In th? i ub II for? bad l?. 'ti --riirf'l by the cli ti Ic ear? real sad bol h hl fsel ?er? bora? d, A phj ilclsn laid ?ath had bs n ir.? tancoas i i electric light Rature ol brok? i bul the bui ni d oui :.lumen; had blai -1 i ed tl a I M r. Parich a a? foi tj i vent i old, sad in magi r of the Pur cl i ' IL . I ' '? . . : .'. lit' leave? bii wife and three daughter . ?DEFOREST AND DANIELS CLASH OVER DEFENCE Iraitors In ((ingress, Sayi In? ventor Secretary Defends Wilson. Sj NsenwS la 1 ' , 1 roiitnii, .'.. .1 . .Inn 20 Sec re I . . : Bad Lee de I rest, of 'i mk, the '? ? t, vied wil i each other bars to*nlghl i . i ? i- -i"n of national defi re the l renton f ngi net rs* ? ub i -t condemned the i I ? : at> 1 .-?. to protect Itsell aity, ?inle Secretary Daniele waa edl ? oplimiatic i ?? it v ?ci" n if a foreii ? ,.i ? the I'nited .! ? - ' i I . i andlen? ? ?.,. hund? ed, an I al preparedn? i i I with ? ore enthusiasm I tha ? ' M t. Daniela up . pol ii and said 11 i the 1 proposed. .' i de l oreal ? tha United ? i .n der on the -, ? , until II hasn't a among I na of 1 red that ? rrei . ||. . ? neter bloa mon i and declared that ? it 1 - . ... the ol irging ? ? . ? ? ? WARSfflPTOG?IDE RELIEFTOT?RKEY U. S. Vessel to See That 8 Missionaries Reach Post in Safety. CARRY MUCH NEEDED Ri;i) CROSS SUPPLIES Members of Syrian College staff Seek to I.lohten War's Ter? rors Among People. If tha Vasllefs ("on?tsn'inos !mv<i New York ?Monday, she will have on board sight American missionaries ' for Turkey. The Greek steamer I mat at Pir-nus by the V. S. ?S. ? loinss and the eitfht members of th? party, with<is of dol?ais' .if Kc?l ?"rosi relief supplies, will be taksn iiraet to Heirut. Red I rata suppling have not beer. ihippsd to Turkey for four month?. Dr. I . St, John, American Red ('ro?s apodal sgent, has letters from the Brit? ish, Italian and French ambassadors i?'rnnt lag *afe pas.-iage to the part/ until it ii on board the American warahip. Permission to have the lie? Moinsa meet the (/reek steamer ha.? been gfBBtsd by the Sta'e Department. Dr. Barton, si tho Red ?ro?s, lays that if neri'Sfary a warship will be obtained for the entire trip. This may be r.eces sary in ease war Is declarad b??tween ths Allies and (?reece before th? Con? stantinos sail?. ? embsrs of the party are eon ? eeted with the Syrian Protest ?nt Col I. ? r it, S* i .a. I'r. Ward i-i carrying tlie much-needed medical sup? plies, snd msy be released tor medi csl work among the distrssssd Turki Za ' will possifa com. any him. i?oth were arlth the :? expeditiop to ths Bass Canal -.ear and worked among the wounded In Constantinople during the ?"ii.mmrr. I'r WniM has the conflijenc? of 11 i nal -is anxious to '?hit aid once more. . I?r Ward arid Miss Van Zaii'i* ?1rs. N'ieolav and - ? ?. Kathsi ?bs? Profeaaor Jame* rflcol, M ??s Margaret H?si an? Klee Margaret Weet The Syrian Prot? ' i I vre i fifty years eld 'his ?,. . ? .. ? brute it.- leim cei ten niel in U th.. war. H . sd (j reeks, l'ersiun?, Egyptians, Jews I n r ka. Armen lai ' Ibyssinian? l h? r?' m? man than twi Btudents stud-ring or workmir York now. The colle* tunde? by l?r Daniel Mir"?. than ninety ;,...r. old, '??' It I fHmil lar eight on the ca s? udenl ? of '.? lege are I . ? an,I doing hoapit ark on bath side? in the war, and have made a record for officiel l?der flre I lu- ? . r?an Prota itanl Co larga it af Amei legaa, an.i ha- beei i peearful in awakei g t i Near I GRIP GERM LOST AT WHIST TABLE Country's fixperts in Thre<* Day Championship Play Mer?* Kven Forget lunch Time. Mora th.?n a hundred whist fan?. members of * i ' al he America, are a* ''? i Hotel M for four ?lays of their favorite indoor apart. The play, which began W? day night, >. ? ' arnpioi: ,'? m, ? ?? A ? ?? Faber Trophy ?? ??? al lu a. ni ? ? The ???mer . are in the jority, aren't : nren't rea?lin|- thi rtoes it matter Europe when the morning ??'. carda are b? Th??v have r.iir.c fiai ' go, SI 1 -, . -, Hamilton . < sued i , ? e Eastei " ai . haven't tn ? led a tournam? I yeara. Mi, and M ? attendance record. They ha misse?! a tourna-: I When lunch tun?* . seems to km leisurely lui indulge in, A - coffee ui'n a it' the morning* . man?l <?f the ''-'?'? tilings they don't eo u I carea for t' I a plai yeaterday with ? a:..I re Tea ti Knickei ' ? 11 ' Tork haa had the i ? ?? i terroi ? ., ? 9 Lei , R. L. Pai and II F,. Frost i.r,' | ive a .? ' td >ni. Four women i, Tl r ??' u ere Mi i. L L Mcl oil, Mr? C. C. . Mr-, i.. B, I'oynton ar. I Misi .'?'.. Lai OUR RECORD 20 years of -successful buslnass, with mors than 5200 clients now holding over $143,000,000 af aur GUARANTEED MORTGAGES 4fc% LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. RICHARD M HURO, Pratl?ant Capital.Surplus & Pr $9,000,000 ? -' 9. I. I'l M'-'agT *? ?> -r-aMM?sBBBBBBB???????B??i????BBa^maiaBaa N .1 , WhlM Club. Su' . "Bul bach la the good old dayi af ? ?'-.:r,ga ?ere di '" ?Th '-."rH four or five hundred member? -Ahn came to ?verv I'lurnampp', and the men were in th? ? ? have to Saht te thsir p rioritp." ?s!d I I MarDonald, member of ?he Knicker bocker ' lb and winner of rnsr : rrophien. It's h's idea that whist, like ?? ?? ? ?-.. trof? in cycle?! of enrr.u. B?m?. an<i just BOW is a bad t'.tni for >,- age Si '?ken it. place, and othei SBBoyiBg thing! like the war, ???.-,.... II sa the wane aj I ths great game! woman saves papers; outwits u-caf;ain Pcsseiger Oo4 Dispatches for British from Captain Wilson. The story of the outwitting of a . fitain by a worn - ?in ha? just bf?en brought to New York. with the result that Gerrnsn state "f the sei-'iri- of important ?otl ments from C?ptalas Napier snd W ?"n ;? .* . j?re ?ted. The na? tional ??? sf ' e sranaa ,t carefully gusrded |n order to prevent new com , it s ?th Genaaay. ?in Wilson waa returning from Sophia on tha ?idriatiCUl wbsa, an he was eonvara ?? pa? ad ths psriscaps of an approaching lubmsrine, seco i ng I N- Amerii-an. "Well, they'r ???-?' said. ??archil gly at hi? l an I rru-t fan '." ?? reply. Then 'he ' told her abou* bei H? s^kci ver them to I - ? rn to Italy. I .er thee?. later being I - Lord Kitchener and Qa? ?... Captain '?'? : ? ? _. dla patch box into the water and, when ter ri -'.'.-i rr-.i by the sub mai ? ?- er?w, they announced that irr document ' had been r? The Letter That Won the $50m Prize in the Ad- Visor Contest for December ?T was not an easy decision to make?the judges have assured us of that. There were any num? ber of letters that were commendable. After most painstaking deliberation several other let? ters almost as telling were eliminated and this of Miss Shaw's chosen. For the information of our other friends, we reprint the correspondence. THE LETTER. THE AWARD. THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT. This letter appeared in The VI > ieor Dt*? .'. mber 14th; "I aal Ma* I !" I ? I ? r? I .V. Tay? lor's ;.n lii'-y ' on a'hlch I I | , , : ? ?? h s I at till ?'I.?' ?'I ? I ;.?I|I|| Mi.' m., t ? rial m ilr loi ? m, ? jnilli ? ? [had priven ih. . ?ret is- "i wreckin : wt ir, I m, ml before I lefl town t.i if !* . . Ill.'llil.ll. In ?ne .'i the sudden i ushi ? tli it crum? ble ..I in?? n turns. ""I?.ini!_' a |.r.-... .nj'i-rl summer and ? ? tend to it. rhen I < I that the lining was In a par? 1 ?' Mie iAjrd ?"a 11 lor ? ? Je. I knew it *. . i .t.- for 'h" firm to send a read) made d i to the manu facturera and I knew, too, thai my re ? ? '-ii- behind time for tl i ta : pon the task. ' | |,." e u h' re he rsm had a twinkle told me these truthi ?r. he aaid, 'an?! I ?III l he ?.i- m ni,. v. ith the jac I -. . I h name pial . tiled, cotnforta 1.1? m pi h i n ithoul * to i hi : iid, 'If * i thli istice, I do nut Ity, .un? ir. U ? : ? ? I ??. ii?? it ri p dri d " I he ? who i with perfectly straight Arma never ? . ? more poign intly. \d-i- || ? ? ranee thai my . n r propor ? with ;.ii ? thin* 1 ' ^|l t deal u'itl rs ? lure or iry ?i in such position;*? *? h? . half re I hi- officiai ind In roice and manner and word tssutned ihe g ? ? rr with whom he . ' ? - n soul to ' ? : ? e of such an ? ? I told tli- ? H rt'ii It ? ' ? be I I i, h nl about I fli 'I not i ti ? "?/?? in words. -Wltl ' ' ' The "id-Visor D? ut for the big value of the work it i- ?l *-." Here is a woman of evident per- n? ?- :, .... \? especially gratified toped**? ception, of discrimination and of fair ??,|, (aalth Misa Shaw's iracbmal*) tiprcissd judgment. She aees beyond the ?,, her ?channlBg acknowledgment mere incident itself, back to the - i . , ,,?,,,,?.h pri?e n the contest store polity which it indicates, and . ,,,,,.,|,.: still further back to the relation of that policy to the purpose of The I \ \ York Tribune. i ? in?! mm um Ad-Viaor. Promptly upon the decision being "handed down," Ihr Inbune wrote tli?** winner, who proved to be Misa Adele Marie Shaw, of Forest 1 lilis ?Gardens, Long Island: "It is with gteoi pleasure tl wr inlorm you that you are en titled to the $50.00 order-check offered by lhe Tribune for the mo**t ? onstructively helpful let t-r printed in Ih?* Ad-Visor ? olmnii ?luring th?*. month ol December. "Ihe three judges hat t ? hosen yours as the letter whit !i most satisfactorily meets the re? quirements of the contest It will an ordingly be ?uir privil*?*ge to send you .m order? he? k lor ? the amount named immediately upon receipt of advices troni >ou as to Ihe Tribune advei lisrr upon whom you wish to have the order che? k drawn." THE RESULT. 1 his is where everybody's pleased ?Mis? Shaw, Lord ?5c Iaylor, The Tribune I And this is just ona month's result?YOUR letter may be selected for January. At "my rate, we will pay $2.00 ?n rin order-check "n any tribune ad trertisei f?>r .? letter from you t? us br?4 fly ol an eaperii nee equal I informative. And each month (50.00 similarly rew.irds the letter ?which best pre order-theck drawn on Lord *S* sents the most characteristic incident. Tavlor." '.i,nl mm riiii'.'imrit . > f th i* \. holly surprise ful and splend I : rom I he \<l \ i-??r I). pertinent ist this minute appeared. I ... real .1, .,\? rcome, ??? s 'ihr? ? ! , the effulgent moon is I thank you U hat ???rid? rful, dls .. ? ipired, ,?lt??^retlier nl t.-ii riotous - i nnds abilities of purchase! Hke I Ii**-' ? sensible si ir I or i galumptioue ig wrap (marked down from "ne twent? ti\<- t.. fort? -nil ? M nl I 1 I ' .- r.'i.-. time th H'ith the un? aperti .1 t.?" dollars, ! . tupid .iii'l nii'il' I'd prise nt not ' of the i ?lunui i '... ivti'l foi ? , or for a 'r.iint in 1 .".? . .. . I ? little gushii ? I he I? - selfish ? ? r : hi I ping ? * . i like the | ? real ?inl ? tu have a defltt? ite liai - ." ,, bed to Uta announ ? ? ? that the fifty baa been hat Is ao, If tl- '?l.-ptrtnirnt une for aocae -??? h th the sddresi If jrou W.loubtiag Thomas calla p to I bether '?r not I'm "aWi in' it will be S pleasure to tell g tl .ney. Itain. -. " \l>. I I. M VI! Il' -?H WV. "P. S.?Of course, I want my ?Ehe Wtihvnt tirai to Lust The Truth: News Editorials ?Advertisement