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First to Last - the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements_ ?SfSxt V' ?-?.-?.?-?(?!.. ,?t,?.i!1,? sATiuiiAV. jam Aitv ?.??_?. mi?. ? ~ ""? ci:nt.:;;.ii?:";,:.-::: ::r,:r Montenegrins, Renewing Battle, Call on Allies for Aid VULA BANDITS SWORE DEATH TO AMERICANS Leader- Vfcreed in November to Kill All ?n Wexico. CAPITAL KNEW OF THE PLEDGE Sippressi News Here and Relit ti on Carranza to Stifle Plot. Da? n "' \ ' N ? Prci - ?? m ? B ' ? 'Ifipe n n ? - ? i ? ? ?ntlon'i ? . ? I ? e I about ? Csrrai ???inert? *?re be .-. ? I Wad i * whoM - <-f the ... '? ? re be ' M ? . . I 'Ja, h! ' .1 that I | -. < ity, th com ; ' ? ^"r- lo I .n-n.p Keaolt. . ? ? of action nrran/a to know. to m 4 " I ' ' " ? els, but offl ? -re ?a ?'re no such a movement ' -., , Dtpartmsat ? ??, ami "'0THER AMERICAN KILLED m?".Sh*" ?i Msskaas Uhile I**1** Bt?U? (attle. ? .. D - ? ?r this ? not ' ''??'? han. a ? v-'-^i n,.?u wa, killed. Sothern Cannot Play Romeo to Any Juliet Save Marlowe Wiles lUn-CM Closes Distinguished Shakespearian Actor ? Career?1 le May Some I imp Open Own 1 heatre in 1 aOIKton, I le 1 lopes. i.rsH. leathei Iraaka i lad Is the them home, it 1 ? Street, j eaterday - ? ?? . -. .limit? tliHl !? Mm lo? i . atermlned to leu ? age fon ' ? looked r? i i ? library in the I? ears before his licath. n? ? plana for the future, - I - ? ? ? ng frota the acting ? ;>'.?>? Bhakeapeare without ? n ." the actor ?n-.:. ? ? ? ft ? . - .a-, two reara ???*? t have ed that the tima bad come to fulfil her dream of going to live In the I country? > . aha loves. treat gin the ?is. w after I have cvmpleterl . . le New York, end . i W t r,' K . "Tor two year. I sysd aniu i engagei re witli ? ;tt ihe was ealth il a'.', that matters to -.? 01 Id. 1 aii resignii . ' I ? be a good tlesl of a phei contii ued Mr. Sothsrn reminiscent, v. "We have to i thing? that sri ill drive the I r.iinnry i ? gethi a, my a ifa am! I - houses. She ?as nor ugh to live n hoteli roar!, so that a stall i rvants trav ellod ahead of us to furnish ?ml pie pare n lnri'?a house In every Imvn thai ?ted. "Ir I,?., long boon mj ambition to ,\ ?? theatr? of mj ?'?*? n In Sam i ,irk. : t the \- '<?? uni. public Srlll no' support a ? ? ' ? dtSTOi of r.,| ?' "I'ii vi'i nr.,1 M-rv SothsiH expect to ?. our connection with ths stag??" "?'ertainlv not!" sni.l Mr Bothetrn "Our lift? has been so ?trenuous tha* ?, are anxious to look about ?ho ?? for n ?4* ri r ! a". to Itttdj ,ri ?ju .?*t I ioi ? '?.? of tha beautiful things that \? e have minu??!. Later I may attempt t?. pro,! e? plays In s thaatra of n ? * in l/Oiidon. 1 do not know. Hut M 1*1 then) will never act airain. I am rcr ? . ? i> ? ? ? on, "thai other a? ton will como forward to preaent B ?-i as mv wife and 1 I still the a:- bit "i ' I every icreat actor and ?u-tres* v. ? ? : ?a something to hi? We has*? ?lone our pari, and It will not stop with us. Others ?rill come forwai up the gsuga where W? i r.? e ?hopped it. "hur seiir? Mrs Sothern had t., , great ardahip i.o*,,r,. genius "-.a-? recognited, There a i ?.' r ?? ;?? : and troubla at i rit sbilit* in the ? ? ; ?4, i , : of tha el agi ,i J " :r actOl I, a- :. ' r ' .?-.- i, r ?? great i gh, they ? .:? the I stage and in t the ? nut liiur?! on piafe S ?oliiniii I DIVORCED HUBBY BEG FOR HIS MAIDEN NAI* Plea (?f Man Who Took Wif Name on Marriage Oraated ll" your rame is Mr comes, say. Mr. }'ar.khur*t upon yi msrr;-iee te M aa l'a- khurst, may ? retake your maicien name after divo from the lady 0f the dominai Vt?. y-'u n ?y. sceoi ling 1 Ig? J< F Hjrlsn, of the Count*! I !yn. where such carter sri-p ' . ; ???'.. Brool ''-i to marry Misa Do then Bernhard in Maryland advanced ideas and n'ou'i to bf ging vins, t, she 1? to t tere his plea w. the effect he, bv mar riage, ? ? '. ? ? rnhard. Last July th ? - - Aug ? BURGLARS FELL GIRL AS SHE ENTERS HOM Thieves Then Pack Up $100 Valuables and I lee. Ret 71 St. Jam i, a! 10 o'clock la II Herrn, eights? ' ' ' ???.. g il ? ; I lor, Befon - < eould cry to h. broth? ? ? ? ocked do* the butt ol .1 CBUI rbanci Iwo hurt-la rack, ? . and <? I to the froi Hei heard by s neig . . ? ... id bi mi ied. I ?l be? ?i . Her brother . . WALL STREET BETTING ON U. S. STEEL DIVIDENI Odds Given That One Will B? Declared on Common Slock. So Kreat is Wall Street's interest n the outcome of the meeting of th? t'nited States Steel board, next Tues day. that yesterday there was consul ?rable bet1 ?? hether a di. nient ..n the common stock would be re Fred Schnmm, the betting commie er, offered three to two that t dividend would bo declared sad evei -?;, that the rate would I" at least ! per eent, or an a 4 per cent basis. weakness ol the stock mai - Thursday waa accompanied bjr rumon that BO BCtion OB Ins junior t-hare? would bs taken Wit) ? ? rise, revei tion and thi pi availed thai lend. MRS. DE FOREST LOSES FIGHT TO ENGINEERS Court Holds It Cannot Compel Election by Society. Mrs. Nora Btantos Blatcfa Dal ? , daughter of Mrs. Karriol Bta I Blatcha yesterday lo-it her action to compel the American Society of Civil Ki-.grneers to admit her to aai membership. She wan s junior .nein ? In deajring the application of Mra ?er-t for a writ ol la. J sa Ii srbarg? r said "II authority In this COUtl ti rj ,,,?? ?or to eleel or admit any parson to membership." Misa Rlatch was th? Brat woman r. rec< t.. ,-r,, ,,' . .ii enginoei froea Car I Lell University WOMAN'S SPUNK FOILS BURGLAR Beaten and Fainting, She Calls Mer Son, Pour, to Start Chase. -.ret Borthwieli s - gel luppei foi her husban.l I Jii ? " . lh< elevator to take he to the second floor of L'??.'? Central PsrVj ? g. She ran up the : the ?loor of hl ghtly aja l ? ora .r tide ?.?me a rip ping, ? look n* several fresh ? ioor eaaing and ? ? i through ? '? in wil vas a ranching ard "U'hat an oing 1?re" G a' lira. Borth right I'm Eddy," ha re ? ???1 the sideboard Mrs Boi tha ich is twentj ? ? rears old, blonde and pretty, bul ol slight stature. When ">he grabbed the ?, lar by I.:- left arm he swung around ? ? . i gh1 Hei screams wei <? by the impact of his Sol Drag g hei .. - - he made hue. left her si moat ? .ri the hall wai Uiiii ir I mie, awakened frm a ft i ? Crimson on the t...-?i floi ? ? him, His ^-. faintly, "Call . -, .i mm ? call i homai ." he ihl .- foi help. Entei ?'?.' ? maa, the negro ? ?,, three leaps of four -?? .: I -> ear behind birr. As he . d up, th.* burglar luitged eased each ol her so qu ? ri.ilhi'i had time '" lOJ When he eaw lira. Borthwlek ??ill and pale hallway, Thomas at to do. He dupli? cated the burglar's speed In geti . i ich don nata n For ? minuti ? arid --rek BtTOUnd the ! in the ,, ? Inii k lar daahed out, ran r.> \! chai l on the corner of Ninety ? - and jump? I ? ?r- with 'I bon ? rhere was a brii ,. back room. I ord cam to 1 ... tor m;?.''- assistance, however, and the ? ,. ,? mat over. priaoner ?aid that he ?a* Rob er' Bell Hasaler, a i hauffeur, of '>'*> u ei t End Avei i Patrolman E Porter made the arrest. Mrs. Horthwick was carried to the i ; ..? ? ,r:ent of ti I TO r ,. r os ? . n h? re she sooi i egained Harry McE? that three brooc ei eel with itolei from - ? ,? lidebo r : On his ?raj to the po McEwen met Hi .. ; '1 hey ha,! bl*OUgh ? I ? glar 1 entil ?? i by M rs. I'.dr tin? - .li rumie Stepped ,i in the story ... ? "1 unk. mi something ?i""r. behind thai radiator," ? in' youngatei ci ed Pati olman Poi t? r then dl ? os ered a ji mmy. WOMAN ADRIFT AT SEA I'. S. Warships Inratrurted to Sear, h fur Mismng \meriean. San Juan, P. It , Jan. IM. Admiral I . ? 'er, ?'?.rninanding the A*U' tic fleet manceuvr ng .?t I ilebra, aa Instructed ' ? fleet to searel I \??.. i name not givei va a ? a pa* iei ger in a Ihomaa for the oring ?aland of Tori 'm lure last boat, \? h Ich arriad .? four, r,? proviaione, only ? small -upj'lv of ?ii'ir ar;ii tint or,.* Ufe? | belt. ? ?a- :?.?. basa heard iron, sinca, r SWANNENTERS THOWPSONWAR Begins Inquiry Into Committee's Bilt more Hotel Bill. STATE SCANDAL LID QUIVERING Powerful Interests Trying to Balk P, S. Investiga? tion, Says Senator. ' ' to block the investi?*?*. the Tkompaon committee will leaii tu a state-wide Bcaadal, tho-?? eoavei with the situation declarad law?, night, ? " . of ?graft, bi ibery aad pe? ? irled ba< '-. ?.? : Prominent legialatora, public '' ill and men high in a', involved, Yesterday*! \ elopmcBl i were; -'?: -tul lre..r?a-? 1' ThOBipSOfl ?. the traction interests of New- York City ol I" , the movement to ilis ??i-?-dir ? ttee .mi! -.?>|i .? - I ition 1 ? i ? * -. '? ' -wain Itart? : h John Doi ?Btiga the 1 homp son coi ttee'i Biltmore Hotel bill. ? b i hs will aid him . ery waj Senator Thon;: ? I -.'-.I to the attack ci. '? i addeui C As-i-Mili'., accusing him, among other th nga, si trj irig to force him . iploy a stenographer who ? nave made 120,000 oat of l . A pu l hompaon bad b? en off? . ? . . ? gai ...-??. i *.???.. B Pub ?? Servil ? I in tin- i ? ? "The m eleratora ?re aaalnai mi wai the laughing comment made by senator Thompaon yesterday at the cloas of thf d;t> '.. Investigation by his (omm ? ? ? ? l?g Plghl on Hand. But throughout the intervisw la which this significant atatameat was made the Senator from Niagara made ii i lain that h ? er I i? - had mors than a mere light on then- hand.. ?i didn't know- that thm iavesl |S ? o? had been started bj Diatrict At . Bwann," sbiJ Senator Thomp? son "1 -.? a- i ? > r?tce ? to con? fer about the criminal charges mBde by th-.? con I Robert Col? , ate ft sod, bul i othing elaa a aa I . tried ? ,! Itmore ?? . - out on me I'm the only ... . ? ? get The fact i? that the lergeaBt-at? arma of th? ? ag the eui of years, made out the pro rata apportionment. Lost June, after the . -.. for thi ? the committee, I ordered that ?here after the ore rn ta method be aban? doned. sn?l each man be charged with what be actually incurred '?All thi. is done for ?-?? Be ?? | irpoae of d cert ng attention from the mam issue. I he mam laaue comniittee continue it. investigation? have already remoted three ? ? ... ,.,.,_ an,j ue ? bed the pro ogue of the 11 iwi thst the I'ub b Com? has fa led in i ta dut j in ? i district \ ? i our work tt i- i r angS ? ' . fundamental eond liona, nnl if ws are lo 'ru-i wo will have doBe our duty bj the p? pie a I I ? corn - munity hul BOl until then. Powerfal Intere-n?. Hurt. "I realize tha' ? ?r -,. . ? - the work ? ? ? ? . .-? <?';?: tS '. :? d 'i !. Ich v. B cannot complet? ta appropi ? terferei srith In i thai. of that - that thi. backfire did ? - moni i." At ? ? ? i -?aid: ee corpore much stri tha the 1 '.ow I am get I ing an .(leu what the Tub;.? Service i ommis < niitiniieii o i mnta I, aeeasaa .' V?NNA DENES PERSIASINKING No Austrian U-Boat Concerned, Penfield Is Informed. MYSTERY NOW SHROUDS CASI; Germany Has Already Said Her Submarine Was Not Guilty. \ :eniiM, taniiniy 22 Tha gOVOtra ment ha- informed Frerlerlc C. Pea Held. the United State.? Ambaasador. that no Austro-Hungarl.) e ?as ron - lag ?if ti,?' i''IB SI . nr A Oriental Line Bteamer I'ersia. W i bingtoa, Jar,. 22 '?'? ?' ? .? ' ? ' enial that l er eubmarl ii the i', the queatiOB Of "-abat caus ? . ? on ut the reasel, sgain ? ? ??. Germany in* an - .nan submarines have reported and none of them wan ble for the aii Austria's statement probably means itic eon bet .4 ? ? the 1 eutonic p? eri . ? ? ' ? tee over the Pi tragedy, in leaal two Amen can ! ? ere i hi -?? ' ??? ?? I ? en i i'poi U from Der man lourc? thai irnal explosion sent i. None of the sur 1 that he had ?a.'en a sub ? 'formation ? . of a toi ? i \ h lo have all ble inform?t.?m regarding the ;i. i...f'ire proceeding further. 1; va? regarded ;?s probable to-night that the commi.: ti< ? forward in the near future. ? Austria has piom?*ed to punish the submarine ??? ? o di troyed the Ancon;? I had halted and ? .'? r. on board ami to make re| lor the An? ri , ? ? ? " idemnitj The eonti I i if the Un ted I it merchant veaaela must not be <le I and iri-.vs are In eafetj is accepted without ?o the communication hu? been regarded relea gen ? complete eon? to ? *? ?' lei anda. , ranee , ..nie? will clam. ; any in? ? of life on 1 a h a a ?..-. De? ? ? dent. Il? .ra of many of the Lui victirr, I lalma. final deeiaion as t?? whether inaai compel - int of poli? ?es PB ?! OUI chilli ti. SCO *" ill rest ?a ith Secretary Lani Bg ? ?' ,i pointed sul to ?lay that ? ?a ?s puni on care ty for it? destruction usually ? than to tl ? ownera, but il ?ras said . iments in Juetifl i different course la 1 ? I ? ? . .. tmnity for the Luaitania vii sptanee ? ?? '? ' tatei hirers on the gol ' non .'. \-r--? r, ?.ment ' ? ? ??:,,.4 g .' of the tragedy, BRITISH E-BOAT SINKS PLANE AND WARSHIP Destroy! Aero in Adriatic and Torpedo Boat. London, id pateh to the ,-?? rdegraph < ompany fron* ?., a r 111 o ? . ? and also an Austrian torpe?lo boat which went ??> '.. "K the crews of both rra't prison? ? ? Amazing Effrontery Samuel Hopkins Adams grinned expansively when h? learned of it?then hr a story of it in detail. It is told in Ins u?ii... trrn< hant style in The Sunday I ribune. How Uberman, the mnequerndei und.? many names. tried to put one over. Not mnt*-nt with being flayed and flowed, he attempted to rent a store in The Tribune Building. His love for us was such that he longed to come and live with us! But h*- isn't mining--as is made very [ilain in ?tye ?utt?aij ?ar?bmt? -feral to Lomi the Truth. MseSB Editorials- Adverttstmantt ASQUITH APPEALS TO WOMEN TO SAVE ENGLAND LONDON, Jan. 21.?The urgent necessity of speed? ing vp tin supply of munition* ha* determined the government to put into lotee immediately plans for the dilution of skilled labor with semiskilled, unskilled and female vorker* in nil controlled establish? ments. In n statement oa the subject in the //?<*/.?'< of Cons? mons to-dnj/ Premier Asquith announced that the gov emment wets convinced that this plan offered the only prospect of tecuring o sufficit nt supply of munitions "to enablt the war tn hi brought to n speedy and successful conclusion." "Any lack of munitions," continued the Premier, "would exact n heavy toll in lives of soldu rs. It is quitt impossible that foreign supplies can take the place of the Imme production of munitions, but even if thest nourris iif supply teere, indefinitely extended, the im? mense diminu? thereby COUSCd Upon our financial TC eoureee und nur shipping would present insuperablt difficulties." BERESFORD ASKS FULL BLOCKAD Cork Up All Ports. I Says?Hits Policy of "Wait and See." I<> KORDON GORDON-BMITH, Hi i ?,', a ?..,'. . ! ' ?d in, Jan. 21. ? ommenting - la situation, Lord Bereefc i I to ?iu-, : "I ?'?i . in favor of deeli ? / - blockade of a!! enemy porta T ?ted up to now has been , te lauure. - lyatem of K.r '??' out a number of ar". elei as i traband of war opens tha door at OB to all sorts of abuses Th? far has been a farce, of ninety shi teken recently into Kirkwal!. eifrh -?ere released without even being ? amiried. As .'. is eaforood at prese the quasl-blockade only irritates ne ti als without effectively depriving t ; Power? of supplies. "Britain should come out fail t si irelj and declare a complete bloc Of Germany. Nothing must be i red to come on?. I am convine? that the British r.a\y is in a positii to make such a blockade effective. I?u ?ng the A in?-1 .rar: ? fil War we r -pe?-ted the blockade \i- ?'.aimed by tl '? ern States, sad that de -? I ?as practics paper blockade an?! r,r>\ei really elf* Hut wh..e ? uas ?n existen? Lancashire rs ???? ei - tan .ng. RltS II I oalition ? great loui of a ea less ? the coalil ? overnment I i ?i. Its policy of wait an has I???, n disastrous 0 - resu it s of the AI li?e aie al? .?'? i i ced by th rr,arr'.i of ?vente and everything the have undertaken has been doi I ' It il tune now for a resolut! virile polic] which will not leave a! the Initia e In the conduct of the ?.??? ? Lord Bereeford considere the crea i f the coalition a fata! n as the union of Usually <>p g le ads oi . ? a i ling to mov? ., ? line of lea?*, resistance, which ? ?. i nergi tic proseeul war. Hut while recognising the weak ' ? , . pins . ?' gel ? i rid of ? Tl . ? - to I-a ' Suit The only i. an outburst of public opir ?i, render further tenure ..f office im I . if thie tl i ie no sign ? movement would presuppose a popular leader and there ?no al ???it In public life who could ftll the i ? .'0.00?* Men for Navy. ,. :?;,... ' Commons paaaed wtl C laaion to day the supplement? al/ navy eel matee authorising an a?l m of I . ' K) men to the per.onnei ? navy. This increase is construed ? licatiag a large increase In Britain's warships and as a step toward ng a real b'.utkade. British naval expert! ll ! I to be ? . r bj the scare about German seventeon?lnch naval ? u i It has been Btly whispers I t the s Germai ' ? ' ? eoi elusioi * British na?y ?-....-?. r . ? ? ? r oui ???." i guns of bigger e - s tha i ? ??.. an lachara of j.-. |e ?? ? shipe. '1 He itorj : by an arti ritten by James I'ouglas in "The Daily N< we." I'ougias has ro claim to a te OU tativel) nava and his fear it the Britisl flfteei ? ?hers ? ? I ?? itrangod is baa? I u?- '.ption it It waa a naval gur. tl 11 - - '? ? is like \ H Pollen and 1er 1. -, nt uflaatisfad P en r;,i - the Doug aa argumi .- ? - tenl -. . ? ? ,'hers r* WOUld r.nre - I * I tibie," he ?h>-, "i( s.'?ei sa -4 were put lata von Spee's lag si p, :* would hav?* turned turtle and Amu* Ut __.? bottom." I ? RUSSIANS ATTACK ERZERUM FORTS Rout Turks in Caucasus Battle and Push on to Stronghold. ' t-. 11. J '. T h e H u ? ? .? ? ' ?if attackiag the forts of Erssrum, th? Csar*a objective i.-. 'n*- Caucasus. In a fierce battle BSBr HH>.an Kalah, twenty miies ?rnm the fortreea, ? I Turk? were routed. '"In tne coast i- . the Turks attempted so s wids fi at ro drive back our troops, bat ws re? pulsed them with heavy loi. the Rus?ian off.cia!. "<>ur pu: .red. after a Ugh*, the tOSTB o' Hassan Kalah, and then drove the Metiing enemy as far as the forts o' Er He rum, sabering or tsklng ss prison? er? over 1,">n0 Turks and cap' irr.g a gun, much ammunition and s ?arcs camp. "The Turk? who are no longer pro? tected bv tie Erseram forts are re ?renting precipi'ately in a!! direr ? | in our hands magazines, gun? and huge quantities of supplies. i where abandoned car'r dgl I weapo . .-???? ? e gio,;n.|. ? croa -I rhe road?. "i >n the southern shore o' I.ake Van ?ops drove ha? k the rarka to the r< -* of Vastan. Bouth of Lake I'rumiah we ha\e sgsin routed ;i Kurdish de snt, rig il back beyond the River l'emagara." Russian colun itiag la l'er? a : ished to and occupied the town ... si mthwesl of Tehersn end sbout an equal distance northwest of Ispahan. The garrison and the German Consul rate fled to Bou ? . ? ? areat of Th- f the Brit Meso; | -., the ... el Amaru has been the ther. " I hi rana of the ?a?t few dai . say- 4 Britiah coir.'- "lia-. made navigation and other operatioaa liflli . ? rhe Tigr ? has feet and the s'ream is th?. of a red brick A large ?harr- . ?' ? or foui has ' ? ? s'ithia a a eek, n?Kr-x i the hard ictive r.ghtir.g con ? I the Bi lovi ?' . U cnemy are mad? ? at the ground ? ... i*,. ?. r .-. . n e Bi ? ?. therefore, ? B? " ??-a ? EGYPT DRIVE HALTED BY LACK OF COAL Germans Reopen Syrian Mines to (?et Fuel for Railroad. i ondoa, Jan. 21. Oei n u '? ran ? i meet g srll ?acted t la si meed I ? bI to operate the ra road cons'r: .'iiward tkl Syria to tke ?? Ige 11 rhe desert ap g ths Cana ? a- : . of the rai'.ri'fi : I ? teen latf * 1 I ra - ? ?- ,1 for a ain ??? waa ','?. tia ICted, bur the ab Dg to ? . - of coal h as ..--.-? Syria, a the I ini ... .i . ? , ss is limite-I \ . .-? fore. of Turku I is engaged in de ? -? AUSTRIANS OF 55 CALLED TO COLORS Will Replace Territorials Sent to War, Says Vienna. Herlin, Jan. 21 bv wireless to Sag? ! V I'he Austrian government. ,,-.. ten tor ala -? the front, according to the Overseas . . . ?as Besad ? decree ?ng the ag? limit for the co IBS of tne war at nfty-dve years Those '?''" are between the ag?--' 0< flfty and flfty ri'.e v.'*f I ? or. ,v for sis weeks < .hen on!v**in districts I .*s!"-**re wsr saaa. TEUTONS BEGIN DRIVE TO WIN ADRIATIC PORT Albania Sends 20,000 Men to Aid Moun? taineers. KIN(i NICHOLAS NAMES LEADER Threat of Revolt by Gen? eral Prevented Sur render. Lmdon, Jar.. 21.- Au.-??..*??, .-?-? have- re-urne?! ".? ramalns ot Itontaaegr '. ? .? . noirue<i tl (?ay. M?-a:-while the rs '?rins. h.'aiie,! bjrtl 1;h sons, are retirir-,- thl mountain*? toward Altxai ?a. in sxtricat?ng the. ti ha? bam iasoad to tin I ss I listan? such a? aras n Serbs. Complet?- Ifotji nefr-rin troop., ae, sod i icee, has I SOT : ? Martin..-.ich. Pi r MTcrs r. port has ot* n earn I ? ?vas (?eneral Mart?-?.*. i.-h. the army, arho refused I ign ? the paaCS K:r g '. ? . | n: ranged ? ith I Bcf irs tl ?? threat of open i ? the King was obligad t thrnw in his lot with that of his BOidkRB, or fare the '. -< of his thron?. Essad Pacha Send? Troop? Essad Pa?*l..i. the Pro\i Presi.lent <?f All>an,a. i- a!**" re* "? : from Rome to be rushing troops to the a*- F thi ha | pressed mountaineers. It iras K ? . g re tirem? r.t of thl ? ."*? rtltari, while last month the Albanian e ?a.- ?*ai?i ti haw and declared arar B ?'aria. 'ari. on w r* ? . are ret ring, is by the Albania ? Btratad there. ' tee Austro- Ha g? ranch g the genera! ? ? , while e ? - sloag 1 I coai - ! Antivari, from Geneva. Otl itrength si lift! -.?r. The titeaetgrin I onaul in Tai ? the oil a' announeemei ? I I negotiat ? botare? Monti ar.d Austria have been broken ? ; ? it Ifoateaogre ha.- de tho b;" ? r ? (ILhVial Montenegrin Ilenial. The oSeial saaoaaeeaieat fraai ?? , ? ? .?'.?: "Lasare M ter and t ,...??.'.. arrived at - Que, M ilena a h? ? ira) ? Fren? ? I ? . . ? * i ... ?t tl U- | > I rrernment hav?- . ? i .- illy re all tha Au- ris -. ?""'I " ? -. agre ??? ."? r ei "King '? si sad srith tne troop? to ?'- ? tance and fi ? ? ra - il r . \ ? i itrieeting the arms, ae haa airee ? ? ne foc ihe Serbian ar: ??*???...? ? f which . lad sari si sewi I enemy. ha\< I Itress? : thl I - g err.ment. I. M "h,; - '??? erionee anderg ? ? I i country will show hei Ity to her alli?e, aad ' -?*i ?Itfirials Leave for tr?n.. "The Pressier is waltiag a" Hr adtal for the dir n'.^ ... .? ? to arrive there to-?!ay Bad the member*? of vahich t. ? : . tra ? I.;. uns." "The Daily Telegraph's" Ifilaa SI responder:' gives ? the ... -:..r, of llontenei t:ona with Au*tria r. , loi ' - ? . ? , thi feat ?he eoi sat I . -fa'. ..... der as the ? ? KlBg sent for G? avitch to ,le ienJ the approu?.h?j t*ffths ?.-a it??.