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THE BALLET RUaSSE AND HAKST IN BLACK AND WHITE-THE NEW OPERA, "GOYESCAS." cf-CCMr-, R ?aJ-?D ?EUNUCH \ZADE." I SINE. PROGRAMME OF THE BALLET RUSSE (la BM '? ri?r?rtorT of th? S.:.? ie 1 Ballet Ruase preaei te ; f< i . 1? th? i -??? ' ' ? - ? . .?sian n at t si Boston to take the ... : I ? ? .-. .... Lon from ? - ' " ' .?nt??d - I ________________J-M ? I - - ? f the ma? il the ? ballel ' " ice to ? ? ? "Pa? ly. It : ?jnian (.- but ? ?. ?a'a'BaBB^LBBBWiri ? 'o be ? . ? ^. -.wkk . lb? BBOUn __^_^k__W-ft[ atid (?bitcia^^^i^'SSBH B ,--??/ o? i?-?,-t.:.g a: ? ? :'? ? - ? ? , i ? . mpleted I i of Be laiime will la-a-^^^^^^^^^^-a-aa.*?? mmmmmmmmmmml ? ? I I?,*) .' "'?'? ? * "h% ? ,^?m?r : "i?"*"* "m>i?-,i de Nuit," and and Fri d'Ai .' U K i'"*'"'."?'''"???'I ?le Nuit," and ?-rax?, . ? A RUSSIAN FOLK DANCER. "Goyescas," Dance Opera to Have Premiere Hen Named After the Artist. Goya, the Music Was Written [ the Composer Before the Librettist Made the Book? Schelling Has Made the Music Familiar. By H. E. KREHBIEL. THE PUBLISHING corporation ol (and awk known a-. G. Schirm er has sent out I the 1 the '? score ol "Goyescas," the opera by ! . irvhii h :- ' its first perform; ? ? at t! litan Opera House next Friday evening JPamphlet ai are admirably printed an.' . rably < ted, and those wl to become intimately acquainted with the new work wi ? well to acquire them. Thereafter no ly will b ? ?? " -repare one i r the promised pl< ???re. We I i ? ..??- easil mprehended . through 1 ? cal score ml i v that 1 pose? id built up a work i n a si i ?es -, and it great surprise to learn from an article written by the libretti: elf that he had made the book after the id wri ten 1 musi -a very unusual proceeding, this. In fact, we ca ? ly a singli nd 1 t was never > score or more years ag .. al compi ttist brouj peretta ol ently i portent al the 1 ly. In it tin- ; ed in isi . ht .- foi u:.e reason or i led 'II: isii al ver of hail "1812, and he was prompt ? say thai tl mposer to writ- I hat tin ? ed to do his work aftei a failure, and it was not I fterward that the i o t h e re vi < tated them and wondering how hi had f und tl ? ? - the wonder will not be so great in the ; era, f ^ mm h ? I I '. n heard in the tais of Mr. Schelling. Th< statement ol also makes comprehensible the paucity of a i .era. As a matte. fact, I lay meet twice in the midst of 1 h what should he action is ? i by the choi ? ? ? .:. invisible duel, and the opera < :. woman lamenting over the killing of her lover, n for the beginning, middle and end of 1 I ly wi! ?? clear to : I ?? -?? ? ?. For their enterta and ed . they will have, we fear, to depend upon the w hich promises to be fascinatii n of Spanish types ? in ited by th< whoi pera is named. The story invented bj thi I only in an . ly ingeni ner, i- bl it ei in a duel, like that of . that simple fad can recall '? tures in am ? to ai mi is not eai ly comprehi litl ? un es of his racti re nol reated 1 I but are only typical of his period, We : I wish to ?1 r- , ipei i ? ? ... ? g ti.;;t its title farfet i ! never have been had not Se?oi Gi I his pianoforte .pieces suggested by the painter's pit I ires . -? ? t bring 1 i iur mental \ isii m any of the ? -? | ! gil al <>r artistic, of the f gi ? ? '. the literature of Spanish | . ; - . da ? anything lit ? lui hich ondo ?le Amicis describes in his I.k, "Spain and the ? iards"; picture- which that aut I have painted "with flashing eye?, and foaming mouth, with all tl demoniac"; in which the Italian author saw "the ? ? ? : can reach before it is transformed inl I yond . | int the brush is flung aside thi ttle 1 s. Anv ? ? terrible than t: liter ? - i nine-? blood." Neither can ? : (as we imagine we hear it in the piai thi artist as our own James G Huneker ? him in his book, "Promenades of an Impressioni man who "picador, matador, banderillero by turns in the bull ri . stabbing affray es aped in the disj ??If he was a dompteur of dames and catl Huneker, "he was the same before his canvas. tame to hand serve.1 him as a brusl up ?n .. ? loth, a spoon with the lattci he < - re, May 2, 1808, in the Prado. 11< .. ibre on all fours. Reckless I never feared king or devil, man or Inquisition. ed out for him, but he had disappeared, aftei ? thrust in the hack " The drama hid '? music is an infantile production compared wi which the composer of "Goyescas" has denied t teristici >j Spanish mi The ?'hicatro Symphony Orchestra, o i - ? er, j'fr?orm?? mpoi by Enriqu ? - . . ?si tl ?i? its kind produce?! i America. It ?al a symphonic Meat Bfl "l'ai.te." In his ariu'.ytleal D01 i i tin? lu on-raw me Felix. Horowski, ai excellent critic ami musician, wrote o ?.i.'' eotnpoaer, who aras bom on .lu'y 27 i 1^07, at Li-rida, t'ataloniai "The com i ..?* tkia work obtained bin musl ? .il trainlae n*. Bareeloaa, el the hnn<i? of Juan oautiata Pujol ?nd Pelip? i '. In l^s? he ?real to Pai piano plai lag ol , aaoi ? firs! n? il"l Cai mai .' wi t time at t '. 1898. '1 he work, written in three Iduced,' wrote - eorreeaoadenl for The ! ; In? -' Loa loa, ISW), 'quite 'a ?cnsation alike among amateurs and ? on accoi- ? - . ? Hure? text bj Ij under the dm " ? ..?. Har ?i m l"li A : . ?cas,' is ic1 ? ? by th?- Metropolitan 'Ter? any of New Yoi ta ha .?> ?!. th? music - us" is predon nanti? da ? n so pel - ict t entation of . ? and a fa ea net at all cucf'.im to the MBCCBtiaB ci the A NEGRO IN "SCHEHERAZADE." CALENDAR OF THE CURRENT WEEK. BlTs'DAY---Metropolitan Opera Hou s?, 8:80 p. m., eoneert| Aeolian Hall, 8 p. rtn., concert by f-yrnjihony 8oclety| Cornei?:i? Hall, 8 p. m., concert by rhllharmonlc Socletyi Ritz-Carlton, 8 p. m., concert by Society ef the Friend? of Muaio. MONDW Metropolitan Opera I! on a?, Ti48 p. m, German op?ra, "Tr1s?Un und laolde"! Century Theatre, 8:80 p. m., and reit of th? week, Diagbiloll Russisn Hallet i Aeellea Ball, s p m.,. piano recital by Percy Ora i .-er; B:1B p. m., violin recital by Maximilian I'llzer. TUESDAY Aeolian Hall, 8 p. m., song recital by Leali Crnv?-ure| 8its p. m., concert by the Flonznley Que:-'; I': i.ceBI Theatre. .1 p. m., ,- ' tel by I'iiul Reimers; Harris Theatre, I p. m., long recital by M le Jena) I in fee WEDNESDAY "?' tro] Itan Opera Roaee, 8 p. m, Gernefl oper?, "Der Rosi Hi S p, n?, sons; recital by Robert Maitland. Till RSDAY Opera Rouse, h p. m., Russian opera in Italian, "Boris ('"dounow"; Aeolian Hall, 8 p. m , recital by Ju i t lausaen and Albert i Hell, I p. ta., eoncert by Pbilberaaeale Oreheetraj Aeolian Hall, h p, m., eoneert by Kylie Choros Society. FRIDAY Metropolitan Opera House, S p. m?, I perl .unco in America of Enrique i opera i ? ? ". '?? p. m?, eonci Pi lacees Theatre, il p. n . little. satt i:ii\. Metre ?litan O opera, "Is Tra \. ??-"; 8 p. m., German opei arnegia Hall, 2:30 p. m . piano rectal by Jos- :" 1!" eon rt by Run an Symphony i >reh? itra; Aeolian Ha Berliaer? ENRIQUE GRANADOS. ANNA FITZIU. FERNANDO PERIQUET, Composer ol "i is Fosi ess." Librettist ol "Go iscas." old dftT.r-i which ? ? from the mem il ??than I i to which ... ? ? ? ira, in tl.f mil of it-t in the cpera, and s<> It wa?, In Shakespi ? ? to |ud| ? ? m from "Twalfth Night" I i : - ' I atay a monts longer. lam'. ?? ' - ?-.-i-..-, it mina I' th' world; I deli^-lit la masquai and tl ar. Sir Toi j Art thon good at the?? t ? Sir A \t any man !n Il'yrla. ir the degree of my bpttf-r?; and yet I will not com para a I S.r : . -?rellene? in a gaillard, Sir Ati I raw Faith, T can cut ? caper. Sir Toby tnd cut the mutton '? S.r Andrew And I think ? ! ??/a the v a.? strunt' I i n Illyi Sir V . -'? f -?? art? fh?">e , ! |7 \> | . ? . ,:.!o* What 1? the fai ? r!>e? ? . | mu t of thi G ira i ? i ly an? r?t I ' . 1 : i origin ol Id dance an ? ? ?? . imei ' . monly aayi that the Spanish word meani 'go an 1 t give any au? thority for bar al iance It a ' It ?'tis po??ab!y known in a- I ; 111 I I ? a re: I .t ar? ? ? i a triviality that i? ?hameleai ' Lot si as ta from Vi. ?y.t . u? . ?omen, lOOBf ????. 0.4? ??>"' LOUISE HOMER. - : i tl ? ' I ' . ? ei - : ring? to tl , tating t .? ? : i The ????.! ? I ? <a llleary : their Bseve? ? roluptuouaneaa of their at ?utirig the BBMteat tima with < heel?. 1'nrlneri tease and ?sn treat and punue each other by turn?. Suddenly t'.e bsui -? i, si 1 <?ch s ? v remaining . . i tra at - ruitar, t ? ' . . ? ? . the ? ete, l tup] : th? dmc?'. a, fill the a] with ecatasy.' The muiic whirls along toattaued on^it? p?af?, I PERCY GRAINCER. Pii t, Aeolian Hall, to morrow arte.? t\?n.--f?e. far H'i-r N-v I. n O ? I .' ? I--. Pah'.o Ca presentli i? Se?or ( nie bar? foro the ??:??? di oi Mu.'ic at R ? Carlton, 3 p. m : \, m p.-- , . ? l '.?.-?'ta I-a. a * f . t? ? Thr?? >, Tro.a ? ? . ? - ? . ktr. ' . a ? i : . . ? I Mr. Cra I . ? . s .... .N.t. '.. MONDAT. n rteltal Gilbert Bpn -?? ? i it, al Ai Ha;;, in the traaingi :.:?>: . flal . i ? ? ? t ? . ' t ? ? ;?? ? ; rey Grainj m.: 1 , Ml ? -?. ? l lia , . - u . t?tu 1- ? l U (?M hit.?Minimal........???* A WOMAN OF THE HAREM IN ".SCHEHERAZADE." The Concert Programmes ?o of the Coming Week Philharmonic, Granados Music, Percy Grainger, Louis Graveure, Flonzaley Quartet, Symphony Society And Josef I lofmann To Be Heard. SUNDAY. Concert n" Il pera House, (j p. m.: 0,?"t !?? to ? 1. - . W?b?r Caro Nom? ?.'-:? ? Vio:' ? , .Ti'-haUiwakj Air. M ?1? Lat?.*? - ' ? I.. a. h au a- -? . i u-t . ? ? i? ? Latea Vu?, dl Prima Btrauia ? (.a;?: ? \ . : T... ! '. R Concert by Symphony Society al Aeolian Ha I, r?i?iA?/.i IFuppeU) (new; E.-at I i I ?: ht far t h;??- 1 t?-v?r [AStaJI r* ?-. . : Ait? -. ? : ... i ' au t ? - . ? . r - . t . ? '. . -? . . r Tl ESDAY. B ' .? recital by Louis Graveur?? in 't . Hall, ?< y. m.: t . l-?i? ? ' . . . . ... : ? - l l ? - . ? la'. , ? I---I Kl'l -t . 1 ? can ? Il ? ' - ? . ? ? i t .- .. l'ir ein ranr? : ' I ? . ri r i V ... . . I ?-?!?. nxaley *-,:??:" ki '. ' tip. 59. M reell r Paul B e, 3 p. m : Caectnl ? - y- 4 ? '?? I ?. Ulli 1 I I? '. .t .... ... WEDNESDAY. rt 1 rd it Aeolia ? ????'. Ha.ii l?a' . - bad i . r -? ? llanto-* I ? 1 . . Wolf r?r I hi . THURSDAY. Joint re? ? : '?? t Spa m?, il-. Ato;.an liai!, o p. m.: i ? . ... i ' - : 0 r- ? - - - Habanera . ? : v. llv ! 1 . . . leaf Ha?.H - ? r- - - FRIDA1 (or Ai ? Pia . ?Mi BDAY. ; tin at -, m. : .? ! > ? I. .. t. - ! ? I ' 1 ' Aeoli.f in.; .V CmHa A u.a.?I. 0 ... i,r?:?? A RI 51A?N PEASANT. MASSINE. CONCERT NOTES. A* !*s aee i it ptlea concert of the ?i l : in(r at Car Hall the i. . I . inphony So t A ? "or, a j },roTided in . -.un luprano, K ;. a iietsova, among ling a ?ong ?re ? r iv Mas?? Seta Mm?. ..'szr.iswske, ?i piano c?>n .-/ of the real i \ I a-th by I ?va been IB BS Bor :.; r " w.ll be i : by hi? ? :n A it. Beta ti. . : < ? ? - ? *u th? . Hartaaaa, the a promenade, . "eral intro ? l ? based on a run* ? pre ? ; 1- la ^' th* ? ? the moon. ? ? .-.?humann, : Bes?is. ?? i Bvtfe. ? -; a; rand aesl artibt I Far? i . i rar . i air - ?ene?, ? ?cheat? I ?ay in Pel ? art? ? Of). 6'; ? ? 15, > in rj ? on the ? ') will ? Hall on In prometas Hrahm? - i ? m .y 'h* .-.i the r. while . ?nciud? ' . | II ?! ? Ar . ,r ,n A r- '??: i 111 ? to r ? ? anut ? l.-etouven ' v I 1 - . > ? T>l\ 4 T . 4 ? I x BBS 1 . I > I > a .4 k t.- i. S . B-ataSi*