Newspaper Page Text
IV?ettiBork tmem Hxibunt ^*h\**r^ r?. . a ? .e ?ea a.? ir r- f. ? l A J_?** - - GUARANTEE Y Osa Money Kack If Von Want lt. I , ? i.aJ / ?V?, t. ar.???n? l _ First to Laat ? the Truth : News - Editorial* - Advertisement? WEATHER Fair to-day; fiir and warmer morrow. / u 'I /.'?i/'/rl oa ?""/' ? \> - __-__"__* ?f ^a7lVfP la Mew tare, CUr, WeeeeB. Jieee> CUf, l\\\ V\ .25,271, .?iVTr^irT", MONDAY? JANUARY 24, L916. ?? o:sh ( ,vN J -.? ???.w, .?? <. Turks to Admit Sinking Persia, Is Berlin Report SENATE WILL TURN LIGHT ON ALL JUNKETS Reprisal to Follow Attempt to Stop Thompson Inquiry. WHITMAN BACKS SWEET, IS CHARGE Governors Trisco Vouch? ers Held I' tiotl .May He Opposed. . - , ? ? ? n? i ta end te th? tear lec I in a !? derart ? ? ' - tha ?latlve ?'?? '???" state'? I ? I ? ? ? ' ' ' ? i ? - | ? man arrived ?any - th? ? taned eal ?peed ???*? bad hii Hen i rnoi :?' in,? "hf n vrr? Meld I p. ? ed to approve I '-? : ?? ,' | on a t then ? committee for ? r. A : I it that : - - ? . . . ive rot y ft ? ? : that eraa a ? ?moi H ??? em ?" New ? ? . ei ?? ? Iverware, ? . .. Man It la .'. | ? eel I?ullllC ? ? . .. " t i the limit ? ? ? feel? ? ?roof w n?'n he ? rnnimittee ? ? ator Sage ?: mittee. i ,.<i?r? laajalry. o-. ?T ? . at I - home peeling L-egie be a. - I am [.' rl g al ? ?d j<?b ?pendit ire? of all : . i Beth . m mitte? ?: ? I have read, I I ' rong In or ?f. - talei ; I ? taken te . their owi rl tilv b? lim I their -g Senator ? th< Gov ? eheir? .- committee Republican Sen? ? i rkerJ with h'.m a ? li i.- hon anetei ? man ? I e oil I ? ? geea the ' ' thi way ?aa Geed Work. ? rl li.- kaa tarted out to . . ?? a ko.,?i *".pul eft If I.? did '"'1'i.ur.l ?u ?aaae? I, .?lumo ? Stole Thieves'Honor in Robbing Friend of " Canada Blackie' Outcast of Outlaws Robbed Mrs. Field, Prison Reformer? Welfare Leaguers Spur I hint?Disgorge Jewels and Miscreant. Mandate to Underworld. I Same boorish erackaman, unmindful of the fact ihnt Mrs. Anna T. I Field wa?. the friand and biographer of that map-ter yegg, Murphy., i.i... ' t ri- h::. ';( ... ; \u* strayed mi t?t 'r.i'n professional courtesy last W< ni ? ' ? broke into ' ? ??? arta? ?timan ktpl her jewel? and it ? ? safe. No? tba Mutual Waif ara League, of wl ch Mra. ! leid li a membar, li outdoing tha polico in h vigorous searrh for the rulpril nn.1 Ml |3.000 worth of loot. tireat iva? the convulsion t'nat shook : tha underworld when it was learned that the friend of Thomas Molt Oe? borr.e and hi?, fifteen hundred 'rut ?hile charcal al ? ? g lia.i l>re-. plundered. So heavj ?ra? tha moni iturbanca that thi world ha? h??on ia ?e.i for a time to a plane, anti :* no?-- busy run? I Iowa, Inataad o? sheltering, the rrook. Loud anathema riaai fron . where the aing ehoruac the ( : : < perpetrator. And M ra ? - h refern aloud ht the Insinuation thai l ? I in prison reform may bavt tared by the ??|: ia rather 'rot,,,. tid at her home, IM H ! E eet, Brooklyn, :.'>>er I had ritten a bun, another reaker ahould rub me. It ia i to think that I ke ai ? ence in mj The mi * had nothing do with the crime ?tide. ?? i are haunting the : : ?..? .? o| ?? of i covering the stolen property." The only bit of bit? Field wear? besides her wedding ring , in a ?olden heart, praaented to her i>> thi Sing Sing priaon? it ara? late Tuesday nigh I or earl] Wednesday morning when the robber] tted Since ?be entered th? :? "im movement, Mr? Fiel? i ?..i her jewel?, f??r the iw1 For a tl he kepi them in i ? ' ' .I'll? ol being ob ged to ko te thia each tlmi : in weer her ornament? tu B dinnei or the theatre caused her tc remove them to the aa/a la the eflei ? haeband, t'hurle? M. Field, -i lawyer, ol BO Broad Street On '\. -. ay morning? when Mi. Field entered hi? office, he found the ?? ?>pen. Some une had ? ? ef the deal of bii ? r, Howard Wlllett, had *uken the ? ? ? one of, ? - ?? . ' ? ? and bed opened the <!?>??r wi - .. ! About - , ? . ? \ belonging '?i II ? ?ihiiai: "f her t ngagemenl ring, '!.??. ? i '< an ? ;. . hand 01 .>? ?'??al and I ring, tha gift of Mr. Crescent, an ei'iraRcment . and several article.? o? lalue. ? belonging t<> Mr. Field and Mr. Willett B ? -?len. eve that it wai . . I ?r the irked optimiati "11 ?nought home to them the BCi ' crime better than almoi ? g eist could Afii r ,; the police, the friend of th.- all ' 'he Mutual :ri h the thief, "\\ - i: t.j And ' 1 .- job," BB? i.f Hie !? ... : member? 'old her jrestt 1 day. "Dont you werry, Mr?. . ? t, all ', ? ? An.; . ? '-at ? Ing. STRIKE MENACES ALL U. S. ROADS Pay Increase and Shorter Hours or We Quit, Union Demand. t St railroad en ? end rail roa - I c up . ' ? threatet ? " fter Mai compai ? ' their ? worken for an eight-! . time and a ba!-' I j in ? ? .- eo intry, I i con? ceded, facea the proba bj ? - ? . ? ?real bi hoods .f I f I '. comot a Flremi Hailrtiad ConJuetora ai .1 ol Trainmen, when nie referenda ng taken by t h ted. then ! ,i\ e the al ?':?..? granting i I millions of d ?'Ian to I g thi th.? four con which include virtually all th<< traffli their If compi ? "and? which, it ia expected, s made upon them on March 1. officials of thi rompa' there were fuur way?1 of raising thi sary r< venui. 1 hej are! To reduee the wages of the 1,600,000 i men not actually empli rain ser? vice. Ta Suite Problem. To reduce ? ? ent nterest divid? aeurity holden ? ? ? d other ira? ? demand? d by tl ?? public. To ask thi t rat? dution, i ? ? ea in one : of the laat two proposals, They admitted, however, thai some solution must he found almost lmmp ally all iifiiihi em? ?, were In fat or of the demands for highei wsgi would benefil directly thereby, ["hey ? -.. coi ce< ? that | . ? .tig directly by th?? in? ? . ?.?...(??.i probably stund liy the ? ? Ir. un effort t" re? the opinioi [ public com ? ? .?!>;'' ' and pa isengei ral ! the roads are preparing a gii licitj campaign foi tit? purpose of ?et ting all thi fact ? befoi i tl peopli Heretofore the railroad offlc i ? have been backward in "Baking public thing not absolutely eeeentlal t.. theli . m ? ?. fare. But it ??? ? at all the i videnee ? the pre lent controvei i) >> i uld be paaai ; ? ? . " . lea that their i might, for once, bi with th< ? Seek Sympathy af Public. The raili aadi ai c bel let ed I o ? ted a ? lee eou rae in this ri since th?? sympathy of tin? public alone expected to win tha strike for one side or the other. In the event of a t-triki? a ho'itile public could compel tha ? militia and the at legislation that would eompel the sub. m ?es ion of the roads. Should sentiment I < ..ill il I'D (>?(e 2. it.I.niiti ? AMERICAS HARK TO SPIRIT OF '7o Build World Declaration oi Rights on Revolu? tionary Model. ?Veal ingten, Jan. 29 A formal pro ? ? * laying down for the ac tlic entire world the prin of right and justice which, in ' minent au ? ? twenty-one re: . Hi mi iphere, should be followed 'n the eonduct ef Interna? tiona] eifaira to pre ? i beei made by the >\mei lean In I tutt ternational law. The document ir entitle'! "The Declara. of the ? ? of Nations," and li founded en the principlea of the American I'er laretion of Independence, adopted July 1. 1776. ? on of the declaration, which ? the righti oi neutreli aa ? . and which mighl I ?? ?d ai an "interne? . . on of ?ndependei ce," un m nouncemenl by Dr. Jame? Broern Scott, ? the Institute, rhairman of the jo late and Navy Neutrality Board and secr*tary ef tha Carnegie . or Intt n al ional Peaee. II wai adopted a? t h?? ? ? don of tha Institute, held la connection with ; nd ur.iier the direction of the Second Pan-American Seientil ? -Congreai en Januar] '?? bul ita publication was vkithheli) until to-day. Knot Honorer) Preeldeat. The institute ed ' 108 tative? from the ? : ? ? ' a. ional Law, which I . Be? . of the .went ) \ ? ? The is Elfhu i:??"'. for mer Si t ai . o Mate. Beeide? 1'r. ? Mi Rool and 5< cretarj 11 \: ? ? i..?. member? an i ? ? .rv uf State and Ani ? tnce, and Dr. I.eo S. Rowe, of the Univeraity ef Penni ni? Following the aanouncemenl leal ?reek ol Secreter? -Lansing'? luggc thai th? institute etudj the qui I ? and neutral duties, m,,I the tion of thi mt mom iium In which he expressed hi? atti imataneea ui der which several of the American governments have eulTi II ? nip through the oper? : tropean i" gi re::ts, the itioB i- regard? d here a> having the ?.-ie .? ' -' internal ? ? it it was framed by a body whose members represent the in? ternational law opinion of the Amer? ica atrii taken h? a - K} Indication of Pan-American -MUdarity. Although f'amed hy h privat? body, the declaration nevertheleaa ia under? stood to expr?s? tha attitude toward ??.?i;,' onal law of the Ameritiancon? tinent, ae i! imera are drawn from g the meal em ? ? ?ritie? ?nel law In the! i respt in fad, il thai when .?? of the declaration vk?- presi nted to '-he be Ij i ex< cutive .?.. with a. tien that :t ? . i aa " ? \v -" ..? Declara? .?;??,? . ? ?-? mbera I ? u liinil OU ?... ??? t>, - "I'.inn ?? L CAR UPSET ON HARLEM BRIDGE Dangles Thirty Feet Above River as (iirders Creak. MANY STRUGGLE BUT FEW HURT Women and Children Flung About in Trains ?Signal Ignored. >> ere the Second ami Third Avenue ? i scki meet an tha saw draw? ? the Hat lam River al 129th ? ?. feel above tl i water, two trail . ... d ill weathei ? tardaj ? .ti: one ?.. r ?? ,.? urncd avj steel \> ark ? In iid<. : ? i . . ko itonea ma n Ing eat ?rete ? ter, the paaaengera wen hurled againat the windawa in a screaming, fighting man?, in fher<? w-is no thought of ? children. Below them, visible through the beams and ties of the bridge, ran the murky waters of the Harlem. A un-hon* sent up a puff t.t smoke through thi ? a ' 1 ???' ?. ?? cries of "Fire!" were added to the groans of pain and cries of terror. Many Stared, but Few Hurt. Hut the number of Injured i.' nature of 'hoir hurts were oddly ?."? proportion to tl.e panic and the circumatances. No one was kill? worst injury being a broken leg. Only four victima required hospital I ment. Many lesser hurts and tases of, fright, aii told ?bout twenty, wen treated by ambulance doctorg. The . egident occurred near the si.ops <*rgt station for ?ram erews on the e!e?a'fd Structure in l'.'i'th1 Stree', .<.-> ?)? r,? |: . lo'give at tanee fagging the in- i jured and frightened passengen out o." their perilous place in the wrecked' Il wfi? il the overturned car that ? ? if the Injured ones wen found. Although the front platform of ot ' the trau-- ?a; reducid to twisted iron and splintered wood, the nioiormau ' iped unhurt 11 -. motormai ras Albert W eher, of Bat ."?? a Avenu? Upon hl n waa placed ? en of the miahap, He train from tin? Third Avenue art bu ai d ton htm ? I ? .-i iver bridge. The signal wa> set againat him to itop, for ind Sc eond At enue Ira .-.?, w. ?" '.'? ,."i Kuth, of 2447 Sec? ond avenue, '.he mo'..: I rain in ( rash l pacta ( ar. i. itead of pauaing to let that . ?? bei Weber plunged \ ....:? ? ? ?? real i ?? iticond i'?f m Ruth's tram, upsetting I "I sa? the lignai act agaii I tried t.i ?.:.'|)." Weber "but er stuck ami ! eouldn't 'y me and could only hope that it re 1 n\\ it.' Weber kept his nerve. .!<" il a man sen em] loj ed ? t Intel bot gh for t years. ered on ? : bin fellow trainmen in the u.un inces from Harlem n. pital wei.?. at tha 11 ene, in < t.f I>r?-. I fraget and found two iven-ear t I with .? i ? .-.ti ed ;u. ? ngei i awa I i g Among all ? .- . ? pai ? ? ger , thi G family cont i ibuted ? hi se of II ?? ? found It b< tea iiy I i tain ? ? thi hospital. Family (.ne?? ta Haapltat Mr.-. Dorothf 'Irai.ari. . ' (82 Ka?t 14)at Street) had a broken \<c and many ni'-, on hi t ' BI I. hi ' h John, had a broken arm and nun it . r/h ? ? - '.??:. Loretta I ! ra of 471 St N'ieholaa Avenue, had a broken wriat Tha fourth to go to tl an Da maneky, of 60 fering from a sprained ankle. rreated bj docton on thi - em I r cuts un ti bruiaei wen Harria Bel 4 Weal 106th Street; Charles Fenster, B97 Southern Boulevard; Max Huffman, -: 11 La-- i 16th Street ; Aaron Let me, -...!?? gs Street, 'I hi Broi S'oonan, 8041 Perry Street, !? ? ?'.ronx; Emily ?,' linn, 112 German P I ? and her mothi Uuinn; Phi i Rabin? i I Eaat street, and John Walker, 0 but Sev< ' ' ? i ? In additioi then treated Thej ? ? their nami 1 h. ? tracking ???.??.? indirect;-.- reaponaible for the accident, bridge and tracking ? ? ?'.-?. were laid out to .. It, ul-ti furnished a nadj solut an to ? i ??afrit- pnblem. New.-. tailed express third tracka r.M- at the bridge over the local tracks, on which the mnash-iip oc r ii red. ?... that travel wai within a few minutes, while the work ne went on. h>- running tn ? overhe t the expnai acka use ;.' the time, dm was Bu Frank Hedley, genera] i?'.an?irer of] the lnt< at the on was caused bj Wi ar nt i.. ? .. gi al i i nein t \i i.i -1 \ i i if t not l il. \ n \>rn c ot-i i ink 4 S .-.?.,,. ?? . ?? ' . . ? ? . f ? nil B'way ?A4v? TEUTONS TAKE ALBANIA PORTS Antivar?andDulcisrno Occupied by Aus? trian Troops. KIN(i SOUGHT PEACE AS RLS1; Wanted Armistice So That Montenegrins Could Re? treat, Says Premier. In: dun, lea. ? The Austrian?, In their resumed Montenegrin offen al va, have .. rlatic seaport.? of Antivarl a:.d Duleigno, according to a Bd to ?la1. tVii af Dulelgne, I I port nf Scutari, anta of tiie Serbian are . i in the '? ' ? off from tl ?l,ey have drawn from the A -.- of the co??t. I | i are I he ? oprti, ?nd menta already are re ?y mile? of the fa Vienna also report? that tha Mon ?. ? tha leal ? i mi-offielal cnnimu atio that a .??rable part prlB army hi to ?urn rea fighting ed in the moa tricl . Teuton? Admit ?Yara Ki>iiniption. A s eommunteal at Bn . ! from .' admia from Teutonic source!? that fight,ng ha? beer, returned in Ma. '< ' . ? Acvordl .if to thll " ?port a c?' a of the ei/r':i li r T ? ; > refuBC 10 ? ? i com ? A Vienna "I' may be ? the K : riR- of Montenegro hai not withdrawn his un -hould ? . ? the Mon ?' ... dB of the A lat? ian ? ? I ?.;?... in 1 . i ' ? ' i the Cologne "Volks /??.'. the An g?>? ? delay ? .. period .! . ? rei : red ?? to i eaume . grai i ?'.in ... ? 01 '.i ? ? . ? ' ? Autl ? . an ne? gotiate. Peace Talk a Ku?e. Premier M I Hon te? al ?? ! "H hi? arrival at ii that King 1 ? ? e ? ? .?. :?? ?,-?:.! . : . \ | ? . ? o ? ? .. ? . . .. .. i i u ??? lo enable her to ? ? ? -????".. ?n b> the Austi fced to have gave t hi ? .re the ' : , ? ? ? with thi' Si i tari. ? ? ? ? sixty Deputiei : Bar . One of thesi ? . ? ?? Fit ta ? id ' : tssocia. . o A1 ba n i a < M Vil ta Bailed fron which t . ' ? ni? and ? ?? He ?aildltio t the a?t I ene| M. Vitte . ? . . Leen i re effecth The Havai ? ? al Ron ? ? ' . ? ' ? ? I ' : . ? ? which the i the i mi ? - ?ramii ? i ? ?. Mount I Cettii Beaujrjil U? Gain I line. g to . ? ? , ? takei fur an arm as tenet a and Scutai .. ferenee wil -. : ?? . to Ales '? A H Steh from Lyon? ?: re I an ace int of e atatei H ih f Monti i . . >:.?!. : . . the WB) the Adria. ? V i ?pon . I I catered tuati u .... ntg i as thai ted to Pi ???i.i ni'.-?! .n pase I, ??alluma 1 SHIFTS IN U-BOAT CAMPAIGN I-GERMANY. ay 7?The Lusitania was sunk, with the lost of over 1,000 lives, more thou too American. August tO?The Arabic WUS sunk, with the loss of SO lives, three American. October ti?Berlin disavowed the sinking of the Arabic and pledged that no liners would be sunk with? out warning and that Uvei on board would be safe ! I north <i. II?AUSTRIA .Vo'i mber 7?The liner Aneona was sunk, with the loss of tOO lives, :." American. November 10?Vienno admitted that an Austrian Submarine hod sunk flu Anemia. December ?9?Vienna disavowed the Aneona sink* ing and pledged tin safety of lives at sea. Ill?TURKEY. Decembt r SO?The Persia, was sur!; without warn? ing, and more than 200 persons, among then' an Amer? ican consul, lost their lives. January 10?Germany, who had given her pledge not to sink ships without warning, denied that her sub . * /,-,,-. ,,?1, rating in tht MediU rranean, flu re the ?'? a "'as sun';. January 21?Austria, who had given her pledge, d that hi >' submarines n't re concerned in the sinking. January 2>?Turkey, it is now reported, "''?I as? sume the n tponsibility for sinking the Persia. Aero and Seaplanes Raid Britain Twice in a Day Kentish Coast Attacked by Fliers?One Person Killed, Six Persons Injured?Invaders Escape from Pur? suing .Aviators and Land Guns. M ?m \KIIH R S. DitAI'KU. 1.7 ' a ? ?? i ? Ira ?? ? ; '.?.-.don, Jan. 2^.?-Heellie > i?ruf ? made two raid? ?n the ea.-.t >??ast o Kei * to-day. -Early thil morning a : aeroplane dropped nine bemba OB h t')wn, killing one Ban, wound ! ing two men, a and tl ree chil drei., and damaging ?ome private prep art Twelve hour? later two leaplanei ; mad? an atttick OB tho ?ame ? but without effecting any damage a . Ities. Hrltlsii naval and on ?ne? gat i ehaae, b .1 the rsnW. aacaped. The-? "?. re tha ill it n '; ea land ainea October 13, when Zeppel i bombed the London district, kill" ? wounding more than ISO pi-Moi*. I lu . ?? of Ki ? form? the southern* part of F.ngland, to the the rhemes. The point or, | ? ? ? f K??.t nearest London part of the metropolis i? included In th. , Aft] '"lie? from the cent! i of ? The hrlght moonlight and tha u!> I of wind made ideal condition? for ihe del h early thia moi - uer.? ? : - came from a l leimen -?ium, ocrosa Uie Channel, to the Ei gl!-'i eoast town. No mi defer ? . . -? ? '.,..??? | mode itatoment on the Aral a second statement dei-lar?? I ll the ?nti-uerial gun? opened a hen. . idera and th? British naval ? - ? ? '.hem off, Bombe Caaeed lires. "The IVai Ornea announce? thai ing advantage of the bright no?' a ho'-il? aeroplane rieited the ea?t m ' of Kent at 1 o'clock tiu> morn it.',-." u?ys ?he ft?? official Bceount "Alter dropping nine bombi ?^ ?UCCeasion it made .(T *u ?eaward. ?'No i.aval nr military damage wa? done, hut 'here wa? ?ome damage to pnvatc property. Incendiai y bomb? -, which were extingui<-h"d b> 'J a. m. "The following casualties occurrel: man killed ami two men, one woman and three children ?lightly la? i he War Oflea announcement con cerning the second attack ?ay?: "Following on the aerial attack SB the ea>t ?-.?ast of Kent earlv this morning, two hostile seuplane* medo . nd attach upon 'he ?ame local after noon. "After -' nder a heavy fire the : i lera d ?appeared, punned by al and military ma' ?. ? ? -i.v effected no damage, and i.? eaaualtiea have been reponed." Talk of New 'Plane. Heretofore iiermany ha? relied pria elina for aerial attacks on England. >?f late, however, there ha? heen much disCOBOlon In E .?,' I of a new t>p<? i>f (ierrnan aeroplane, the - r, which has been ?aid to ? I ? ? " aircraft af the Allies r ngl il ???iper? ?tated !a?t week that the ih a;rmeii wer? outpowered sad ,:::e?l. Harold J Tonnant, Parliamentary . i retary for War, ( iiuliii"??,! nu page 1. ?oluinn I AEROS, RAIDING METZ, FIGHT OFF 10 FOttKER? 24 French 'Plaies Drop 134 Bombs on Barracks. Pari?, .'an. 23 "Two of our irroup , ? ? oplanea, compr . machine -, bomb irded I I ? rail ? barrack the French oil ??i >ne hundred and thirtj launclu'd againit the ab n .? bombarding aero| supported by two pr? ? .ronn, the pilots of which durinfj trip < ngaged in ten tambal - ? rs. "i?ur aenplanes were violently I . . lad along the whole of their courae, bul returned undamaged as? cent one only, which was obliged to make a landing to the southeast of Met " PULLS IN FIRE ALARM TO SWITCH ON LIGHTS Sitffried Then Hides in Bin While Invalids Shudder. -?fried Bathfelder had worked two - ?- an orderly ? the German H?? pital, St N V.tnue and Stan hope Street, Brool "Turn on the lights,*1 the ?uperin a*/ening ? \ . itch." ? fried walk) I ? ie hail and When the I ? ? rushed into I -, tal witl long id and flft ta gat nervoua. There n> no panic. liter ?? ?? excitement -va? ..-..-r they found gfi ? ! hiding :n 'he eoalbin hi iha ciliar. U-BOATS PROWL AGAIN; ENGLISH GUARD CYMRIC Liter -Escorted from British Port by Patrol Craft. ? i n re act re h, rding ' ? ? rmric, which arrived from rday. The ship ? i ? Bril tda ilty to ....... boeta t ? ' ? lier to tha ?pen ? i hu rricai i on .January IS, Wl ittered bel foi I ght hour?. Among the ISSS gera were V I ,r tia, an Aaerieafl a-, later who servi 1 the Flench fl\ing rorp?; ? hji:? n army, and H. I. J artut ..- : .i . KAISER IN BALKANS' On Gretre-Belgaiiea F rentier, London Bean? tor >alonica Attack. i ? , - - - Jan. 28. "The Daily N'ewe" ; ondent at Athens nays it i? rumored that the Kaiser, accompanied by roa Mucken?en, has arrive i at ?ii, on the (?reco-Muiganan fron? tier. ? \ iatro-?Germaas, it i? ?aid. ha\e neurly completed the necessary ar? rangement* for an attack on Sal?nica. An army of ' _;. i. ? t - ? ? ? rn.Ti i? r.-pnrt? ?! ??i I.- ready, ?upporteu oy bOBV) nr' lery. including tnree id-inch g?in? a TrantTS Joseph Has Bronchitis. i.,,.-.,.:.-., Un. It. A diapetch to M K ?change Telegraph Company from I Home says that Kmperor I'r ? s r..-.: ne l to hi? lAj with ? fresh attack oi brvnchitil. SAYS SULTAN WILL ASSUME GUILT FOR ACT Berlin and Vienna To Make Like Report, Is Rumor. CAPITAL TALKS OF .NEW PARLEY Note to Turkey Would Be Next Step ? (ierman Ruse Suspected. I ? don, .Fan. J.T- ling 'i> a Berlin report, the try of Marine is about to publish a statement t? the < : I \ a T .rk? i.-h rabraaiine lank Um ?? .1." -ays an axcha - I i from Ameterdam. "Tlie repoli . . itilaf itatementa are being published by the Germ?n and tuetrian admiral? tit ii it being hoped I j l ?'entrai Powen that euch a declaration trill >et?!e the Persia This dispatch baa ikH firmed from other lources. B th thi (ierman und Au-1 : H gm . emments have i .? tin l'-r-ia iu? not rank by one of their rabmarinee, at,.i inveatigationa bp :he diplomatic repr?"-entatlve ? of tha Unite.i Statet abroad have failed tu reveal the real ea'ise of the ftitatttT The Persia was sunk off the island of Crete on Decaartber .0A with ? i- m of 119 passenger I and 217 niemler-i of the crew, amonj* them Robert v>" MrNeely, American Com ! to Peral*. The ve?-el want lownwith? in f:ve minute! after a forrin> e\. plosion forward. Nobody on ?? ; claimed to have teen a I ihrnarine. Wilson Must Now Begin Parleys with Turkey ?r- - ? . Waahlngton, Jan ? an that T?rke-. | ?'".at one of her aabmai sea rank th ivrsia caused a sinking of heart ? is here to-ni|.'':it. Sud sion could mea;. | that tiermany had ajfam ?';??.-?. | the r leaving Praatdeat Wilson with nothin? but pieces of paper I far hit I : e the correspondence aril \.- ? i ?aa thai th?) ??a illy to an* other the Munie for succeed . ? -.-i the ? la hur, red humor* . The ,dea of n, labasatiM when mnet fur fineera to ram . . - - : ladicreaa. ? jested the idea that might mere? litt . i promise? that ct.- I I M?O ..i confirmation of the repart had i naf ? | !.. ' ? -i I, no a ? ' ??-..? Pre ? Mill Mara Parlar?! So act I be taken ? proof of If the i crdai ..' t, 'ii ?i ? I with the task of wi mat rictenr aa exact i - an ?Much ? ? ? ? i ? rrel i i, po? ? ? . ; by not - a week's ? - i : Wh' : ,s ~- lag ta fly ovi r her tion a - been oil i Austria waa the vii ? the ??'? I'r. ..:. nt Wilson, it led, is ... ? matter, '.. . that Gernrai y nu ? 'i e a I fairs of I lly re ? . eoi dart of the war In ca rg ?? .-alleti t.. ace? int for a srfonaed her o'-?, a I??.' a '.er; it iS done b] her own J Germany*a premises -.- <?er;. ihl may tall '???.' I liOl te brea?. those | ? ? - Vnti ne? matter hots thoroagt rrnment ? rlnced that thii I? .. ?o nothing ? tun? ? ? ? off? lor foi "W rang from >tari " . | *A ' adi ? ? . I - ? ? - that if Ui \ ?luced that then na? iuna?S vi vin?,?