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<f??*i ??V Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adam?. This department ha? entered the aecond atage of service to Trihune reader?. Primarily it wu intended merely to separate the aheep of adverti?ing from the goat? and hang a bell on the. goat?. But now it goes beyond mere identification. It embrace? a human nature ?tudy of both ?heep and goat?. You ara invited to aaaiat For every letter printed in thi? department de?crib ing experience??pleaiant or unplea?ant?with advertUer? of merchandise, excepting only patent medicine?, The Tribune will ?end $2 00, payable in any merchandiae of any Tribune adver t.aer. For the molt important letter each month a special prise of $50 00. payable similarly, will be ?warded. Name printed or withheld?a? you prefer, but muit be aigned or we will not know V4here to ?end the priie order. Addre??: The Ad-Vi?or, The Tribune, New York. .??ome time ??.-o i vas ?aployad by* a." a magasine i"b ?t? in Saw York City fn tl lored people, and I \t?r. sant out to look at t4to machines which were then advertised la ? S tu York City, \ ftn lited i Ihe executives were oui to lunch and and office boj a. . ? . . It, and aha 44 .k ? ?it?, moat unfortu er, did not knoa 1 the intereat of a i . But the 1 e 1 wai t the offlci ? the littli ? ? ? he young 1 to the ? ? . his privatt office, greeted 1 most . ? tral ichin? er to one of tVeir salrsmen ami instructed him to ., \ . : k.nap ch- . ? the 1 terai ? | j-ft? ? regai dless of col . ?id-Visor is aware, v"UI ?? ? ? Leide from any question of the ordinary de? ? . f the first 1 ay), the ! ? ? the ? with bis c intr or anythii g el? te was simply rnd solely a ; live customer, and, a- entitled t ever? How mat riders, of the employee in thi I much amusement in their visitor (and lost a good salel ? and Mr 1 i. -? >*-. ? ? ? dollar? I ... t becoming ? t, but, being 1 ? '. 1 ? t til ? formed that 1 ? lb? re? ? treatment more J. M K. B t v . I J. M. K. ??t ? ? v. ? for his own error of judgmi ? ? ? . ... 1 .... ? at the Mai rVare Case." ? re Ivan un' ir h ici. times during t act n for 1 me. ?y a? I ha i : 11 ? . . I t as it 1 regret oxee? ? evenini Tu? . ? theatre resull ? ? re, as also 1 ? rete evidence 1 A!:: ' \ -?us. ta large volume . : .. theatrical ma ? t ri : by this Ihe way, 1- mattci . ci.-.-ni.Talion !'?? theatrical managers, who may not i eir ga?era! un? ?...1 In this h ...? anrj ?g ? i t ... Slatei ? it 1 ad a went ' I thei ?? ? I thought the1 . j worn t!.. and they cou'..i not t-\ ? ' ' ? W R. ? 1 a (leal- trade motto the fake iif.I and h 1 to be particular alunit to . '. .1 ' ? ? r> it. The counterfeit "Slaters" is running true to the form which ? ? ted when The Tribuni ?I there, as Bel forth in The Sunday Tribune <>f August 8, 1915 '. a able to I ia an advei nt . ? ? for writ? .. ? I, N. J. The 1 ? ? : ? 1 heaitai 1 I s? rhe High? r Tril ? , v J? - i] letter, with wl . rcular ; 44 ill not:, i the story ia to be j. \ ? . ' ARTH! R P. HANK1NS, .\ Lively little sell? mo, this of Mr. Alexander Jeaaup, "Authors' Adviser.*1 He advartiaea for manuscripts for rn> (unborn) Blue Moon magazine, iou send him a 1 : " P ??*? he writes (a form t ai editor of the Blue Moon he sees real posaibi [ties tory which 1 ? revision ," will ,(i ( proper literary fon "] re to have your ation in this magaxine, I t to ro? ar-, the charge for re* ? - manu* , . Other? ' retui A ,, ? Pooh-Bah, this 1 The Editor Magazine, being a reliable ' '? him oui futuro. 11 may interest Mrs. Maty K. \\ Wlnatm Churchill, Edwin Markham, Nathan Haskell Dole, Richard U (Willi.-m .- ai id John Burroucha tt> know thai the) ? ?> rei_ j t-rencea"*|l>i' Mi. Jesbup'a decidedly qtM?}>vlitorary enterpriae. MAYOR HURT IN FERRY FIGHT ?lerne? (?Huilai Hit ?in Head with It?.Ille ?Three \rrrtaled. i ?ir, .? \ ouag men ? he entei tained paasengers an the ferryboat Recheeter yesterday afternoon with songa snd kk ai i m 11 ited ? ben the bout ?i |a !.. Foi ty-ei eond treat an ? ? ?.- n beer be etTYctui? meen? of persuading Iheir audience to contributs caah Henrj I' ?Vesterbrach, Mayor ?>f Midland I'm-a. was itrucli en th? head and knocked insensible before the boal >i?>u took * hand m tb.> proceedinga and whistled for police aid. when they were ??Trained In the West Side .'"in i the pnsonei ?? told ' " . " ? Barlow they wer? John Williams, Hi'i'.i-. Neville snd rlsrrj K . . ... will ri ceivs a bear , ? ? moi roe HANGING BY HIS LEGS, SAVES DROWNING MAN Patrolman. lopsy-lurvy. Him? self Forced to Await Rescue. Patrolmen Thomai Waugh lowered bimsell to the Esst Rivei si Slaty seventh Street yesterday and ?e ? i the hand? of a -nun who WS8 strug ? :. The me But the 25(1 pound ed of this s ? ? could wl ich he ? 11. ii ii in the .'..?? i il min . riana ? ?? and sided them . ound i i ? ive the ?? had ? . i to i? "\?-i from I Plays and Players of the Film World I ? ? ? ? ?. . \ ;'??. ? provi ' a ' I ? . '? Mai t 1 g com? ? ? ? ! ? . ? : ? ? ' Lawrence s ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ton each on ? . ? ? \ ? M tha? , Si r Hem ? on ? ? ? t). Hoyl - ? '? ' ? : feej ? ,' ' ? i the gl ... g Cumi from t . ? ? ? ' A. GLEASON TO TELL OF WAR Will I'ictare Fightina il?- Haa Seen to \i(l ? hildren's In ml. point Park \ ? '? ' ... ' . ? ? Mr ?.. re is given for ? fund ? ASKS HELP FOR DERELICTS \\ \. Whittag. Seeka to Solve Problem tit III.Illl'll--. 4 iVhiting Park / ' ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? "A g man c M r u I ? thei met ..... it be pul 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. HER DEATH LAID TO FRAUD PLOT Stenographer's Fate Told in Letter Which Is Made Basis for Damages. HONDURAS TIMBER WRANGLE IN COURT Director ??f Mahogany Concent, Who w rote t?? Stockholder, Sued for $25,000. Like many other Central American tl.m? hrid i'v Thomas \\ 11.?? . : ? ? i Broadway, for eommer I irai haa ?? :? arak? allegations " eonaptraey and ? . turn ara given ? ? of Mrs H estai Broa rapheroftl ? m ? i I |< lu i .t*. 'n.m . gan . ? uni? on obtained h A ?'? W, . .. nt and sh ...??'. i ?. t ited in tbs ? can Ri ';:- did ? ? ' \ . . ;?? ia ther stockhol 1er, that Duck .... . - ... .. un tatemenl ? . . ? ? . ead : t here, s ' ? ' ; ' ? ? ' ' ? ' I ? s* Uucki i ? ? Brown ? ? ? er to bu ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t his a 'l'LT.I. ? " '? the 1 ? that 1 . ? ? ?^S^BBSBSBSBH COLUMBIANS EARNED $55,313 Report of Summer's Work Shows In . reaee <>f 117,-MI Over III I. ? ? - \ i ? ' ?. i that a v to t re t ? ? ??cting a i to fortui mer i ? ? ... ? ? FASTOR ?UITS TO FIGHT RUM Hill?. Sunilm Wim S\rn?-ii?e Mlaletef la ?nil Sabl?n I i...: i' Tin' Rot i ?r Jama ; l mpi Inghsm, in un "i ? Paul' l i il ? ";'.->i ? bui' ii. '?? ? . ' eoi.? '" New ?feiu ? ..!... nertnt. rtdi nl of the n i ' ropc ? .? .! n let of the Antl Saloon i ? n. i" I ?i Empi ingham prea ! ? .... i , , ,.,..i . , ?, . da.? and on February l will begin hi? work In New If ora, h w.i. RHI Sunday'a antl bun,'.? 1er mon, Bccording t?? William II. Andei mu. ?tut.' superintendent, which iaflu i i. . .- pa ?lor tu make the light against liquor traille his life werk. I 'i Ko,pi ii,-1 mu i. the first "' dsIned clergyman of the Episcopal Church to take up i ha a ork. I ?r r- i ?. ;. r ?nal .im 'k :i i born in Eng land snd naa been in '?'? i*racuae f i I I ? ? i When St Paul's, ? b ich he has d from debt to be the wealt and strong? I congregation in i? m ned he wa ? coming to "i ork Iai ge . it -, nducom it? were , ?' ,'ti ,? ?.1 ermon \< lerday Dr, Empnngham said! "V. bat led me to this decii ion I M? .i? M\ people in England are giving lb. ID toll ?'? to .nun 'iy, l um sn Ameilean eitisei I ean not do . myself for my country In time of peace te protect her it.Hii a dreadful foe that not only de? as of n iw men, but I ruina thi The liquor t ? i ? id Prohibltioi i ? Inei Itabli CHIEF S AM IN JAR ON DEATH CHARGE Mortality Rate Among the Claa Causes ??ires, in Africa Pilgrim BriagS Nk'ws. Chle eel est?t to the ? ? .- ice, i - In BH | : : Afrie tril f / 'ta band ef i ? . r . . .'? I '.iH'.ll arrived The 1 ' -, ? ponsib " for - charge, ; ? I i . II. Lev i ? . 11 ...... ? ? - ? Wei) ! ? itinn to I ' ? ' ?'.?'the ? WHITE ATTACKS GARY PRIZE Steel Share Gifta .?i Bridge Mian Bell ??lavea, He Baj - la Sei moa ' i ? ? ?'? '.'? P - ? who ? . ? ? '? | i ? teel Corporal ' i ; , worth $117, ? ? York. He ? PLEADS FOR GREAT HOSPITAL llinrk l.rii'-re Tells Mount Si aal l'i "inr?. ?if City'? Medical N'eeds, *i"oi tal ii ? of the ; '? ie and M r. Br . ' the ? . . 1 ? \ I \ , ? .'.??? ? A i '? ? O'Gorman Aims it Loan Shark-; ' ; ? . iry laws i to l ? - ? '? ' ? RECTOR'S "AMERICA'S LEADING RESTAURANT" To Dine Well M.ik?' To-nighl TOUf Rector Night. A l.i Carte in Main Dining Room. Sp?ecial Dinner in lJ..II Room de Luxe al $1.50 a Cover. Knit rtainmenl .md Dancing ?>n Both ?' loors. BROADWAY & 48TH ST. 7 MEN'S FAITH DEFIES 12 KINGS Aged Inmates of Hebrew Home Have Prayed for Peace Since War Began. OFFER SUPPLICATION 15 HOURS EVERY DAY Blind Patriarch. 90 Years Old, I.t-ads Group Will Continue Till Strife Is Ended. All day long the tovon wiaa men pray : ii ,'!>? for peace. 'I heir whit? ln'nr.1?, li.-unit Itieh lit thi? old pi of larael might have irora, atreaai down to tin) narrow irMi? about ..... i)... electric l?gate ef *l.? Home of the Jacob, 303 Eaal Broa i ? . ? ? tpot upon facea where thi ng hi?' being oftened by ?ho to ? ' ? ? erj .. ? ? ? lorning until 9 ut m?' ' the a? - men riee to Je , God of that the atrifa m Europe may end. So : bey have began. Be ' will pruy until the natioaa, or they ? ? ' peaea .i will hear In tine the pleadings : ? i treat Him. ndei at the si hi tarred the - | "They ara ? i. ? ? ? ... !" : ? i !.. ? ted and loftei < '? i I that I . I the 1 er*. ? II .? i ninel ' ' ? Outsid. ? i'ork - rough the . ' i . ? ' ' ' ' en e\ ? . ? ? ? ? I ... door. "Th. | added ? Around the Map Into Bellevue. I '. lew wh a t of 15 SI. 03 It : -i ?? II \?i ?.It.H I SOUSA msmMzmm KOW ifxiKOTC N ? 01 *Z ST. V L?X.tW?. 3W LCXING1 ' ? LL?. SWZ ? FANN?E WARD in * THE LHEAT ? - THEATRE FRANCAIS ,, 1 a (Irya ? l i . ? *:LE POUSSIN'' WIHO I MER* | MalNTYftl a heath AI A /- 17 HEMII d- VHtfH M4IK A L. A U fc. i *?i?m ,t CO "The i NEW PRODUCCN Mi)H . .?.'KETT and EOI - Ol.ONIAL t0l4 Punch &. Judy S ;. ? ? ?*.*-?>TRFASURE ISLAND r -?. ? .... 481H ST. JUST A WOMAN PLAYHOU ->c GRACE MAJOR mm SAR BA8A .4 - , Ai.ofSfc. AT LAS i LYRIC " ' PRINCESS VLKY Ouu? E??IE THE BLUE PARADISE ?CA'? ft KA?1NKA lit II -I Mil \ I HI HFI i I M I ride*. Nesl - -Bei m i m ACTORS'FUND ANNUAL BENEFIT i ? COMED? , . , 1? ? lllll.iT.4IV /"?II/-I ! aoutlag sen ? tl lag tl si ?">'!?. H . ,| m a ? - ?? ?.. " '? ba -a? tekea te ? H ; tal for eaamiaetlon ? Man and Wife Killed by Gas. i rd Hid I ft? ess fear? and I i ?? lf< ? Lillian, I fl -. ' ' ' n their aparte t, ? I oui tn Street r bee lated by | ? ' ( ' ' .... t ??. ,-.,. eocfci t>r tht i turned on, It '?>" thought, by N| \\ I'ORK'B I IXOISO Mil lilt? NEW AMSTERDAM last BATIBSgS win * Sal I I I A CT O JOYFUL LAM O TIMES OF THE JOLLIEST TRIP OF YOUR FIFE! HURRY-UP WEEK! DON' .OKI LEFT, OR YOU'LL REGRET IT -JUST 8 -MORE CHANCES TO PASS AWAY A NIGaHT AS W BY MAGIC! IT BANISHES ALL CARE? SWF.EI'S YOU OFT YOUR FEE I WITH ITS ROLLICKING SPEED A NI) RIOT OF BEAUTY' HURRY-UP! ALL ABOARD FOR DONT WAIT DON I 6E LATE; YOU CAN'T AFFORD ?0 HESITATE! BCCINNING i?\! ?J? ?EATSUE?OV v NOAV ??M V ill r/HURSOAV ELSIE FEKG ILSOiN . . k . IN HAM. H ? I'laAl ?tARGAREI SCHIiLLER tv??i l^ill *"f? I 0 hi I , J ! I I ' ?? B '? i. ?>?.????? ^yth-m. ? '' [______ ?? . a -VaV^^^-ffj *t?t?W.r4..V????iW ?aS?U&ki-C ? LIBERTY Juli? DON? Jo?*p?i BRIAN bYBIl. M wvaaa-a?? ?> OTIS SKINNliR "'k-ock o' the Walk' GIICTV III?? 1 1 . IS. FISKE -PLfMflm V Erstesiiil'i Susan EMPIRE taint ii\c i Maude Adans ??.., LYCEUM ?ETHEI. BARRYMORE h vi-S BlCNESNEV.' 11 ? ' . I BELA.SCO EXTBA MATIMI M N . . THE bi LONGACRE IN . ?.HEAT LOVER ASTOR ' m?^l..-'.-ii;?Jl-liC'Jl-.l'T.Y'| i . KHI ' NIBI ?? ?. BII : . ? CANDLLR - : ft?:i.g:M?i.i??iiiJHyv.^ i The Cinderella Man ? ,i i. ,kt\i.? | . a rar - ! SADIE LOVE ?:&?\ Fill TON ??* SKXTTHI BN m?,ii i ruL ? Ul1 ? - -ni? m?? ? ELTINGE REP] BLIC ???n^Vfi M i GLOBE ' GABY DEM. . ., BOOTH ? THE FEAR MARKET groe . . K| ? s r > s MAXINE ELLIOTT'S ?Ff\7''**~'*?1","l K* r ?> . ?!* i i ?V;-" Nh'vV PLAy "THE PRIDE OF RACE" ' ' ? ' 't MNNar? aal t ? ' Pria? al Saca ira m a >* ' ' . bl| a tor ..i! ! , ' "'" ' ??*? ,.'?- o' I a t.ll',1 , J rllllea ?la?? I '.i?r. ,,ar ..,., "'A. H. WOODS . ? : a J ? ?? J ,??'.? ., arfeaa na a>M on?. h BT , ? ' v" ? ~ ! ~~~ THE UIvCsUSTsENEO WOMAN MANHATTAN .f TONIGHT ___.^^i_t\i_* ?- ?-*'*??-?? 2 BITS ZKO ^iii?iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii,|?,WIIM|(|| moi ! Bros. S '*"*? ? -? i - it? rwwe.i . a? sic no? boldiag ft* ? Annual I Clearance ? Sale of 1 Hart I Schaffner ? ?&Marx I Overcoats | I he moat importai = about thi-. sale n NOT ?. ?? prices?low rag they arf | No, lireel The mon impe?. tant thing ii by Far the ??oo??. g them ?el \ ea. You'll fine | amont* them some of |? = world's lir?t overcoats. 3 Come and See ^llllllltlllllllllllllllllilllllllllll'!! METROPOLITAN " T ll| ? - ? ?' W-d. a ? Rit-n?,. ? ? ' 4 , ? . t. I 0. .".?.?. ?It ? ' . . V ? ? . I . . , '? ? fl , CENTURY THEATRE ; DIAGHILEFFS TUES. EVE. WED. EVE. ' * *u-t THURS. EVE. FRl. EVE. S.U. MAT. " " SAT. EVG. i ii? . BILTMORE I Kill XX WORM M ?I ?I? all IHK I I BII.TMOKI I ?N I " a GERALDINE fc f| |j| ^ fl 'j VI" 4 - 4--OI I || II n I I.KI'NKITT? R.K.Jonmtc: SYMPHONY taaelei j si Sea larl ? XI I I H ?i \M i: -i II i I r ? 4 . I . ? - \ ' . Ja?. ? ;.-; HOMER PPARMIC " ni-l I - I I. \ ?? -I? 4 I ? ! "t" N.-.I i i. ra t?s !?'esl I BEN ? Beethoven 9 Symphonij 'BACH BEETHOVEN FESTWH ? arnei ?? M ? ? ? "*? Harris I beatre i '? * ? ''"'" *' . . DUFAU ( ill i.UXII I. \ -nl K^'J ^ . I... ?** l'rliiif.? H REIMERS Hrellaa " SONG ?ECltl ROBERT MAITlAlj x.'.'ii.f- h in i *' ? .. ;,"/' GRAINGER ? \.'.h!r,. Hall. I.' ?> J ,:, . r siV i .?.."..,. GRAVEUlt t III Mt x \n s m?- \ ?"T;,*n" . PIL.ZEB BURTC8 HOIMEJ TO-DAY TD,,li "" IN \ ? ? I ' C!5TJ PrtiNCESSPAT v i ? ? : i 11 STANDARD . , GARDEN " '?.a THE WEAVERS THE CHARITY BALL TIC1I Mitt -, . " 4. . ? , I ' Loev*'s American Kool ,, <4l ? Sliand '? 52