Newspaper Page Text
, ? hTtatee. eren If i a ? a to undt i ' he German Bj ethei ?They think thai ? .- nd . -. responsibility t! af |i 1 ? ? r : ' ! \ ' S. ? ? 1 eei i ? . Bt ? Ko part ir efl I r-n the questions I and Am riaa ur ? a .-??e Oermeni ha net . ? k? ? tuatl in, and .he faith m the i ir ?? . ? adherence the . ? merit! ? warfare, de s the Perria Thii a- ? ? ? ? I '? '.. t H be knoten ?: ? t caaes of . ther hips i ? M ? -? rranoan ? - ? ? ard. ai having n lh? Ci?i aw;.:: LANES IN RUNAWAY CRASH Secret, in and Hia ?Vlf? Shuken l'p When Bete Be li.'t. \\ a? Secretary i I the li ' were badli ? r. carriage.n which they were riding rma5?? i p post n hep the horse? becami Labor Asked to Oppose Taft. Oraji ? ? ni off ?? nomination i ? (putt ladfe. Upon recommendation el Ike -jwaarel execul e? board of the ?.'entrai Federated ''nlon. the ortroni zation se?nt out yesterday at for n aational campaign agalna. ? i HUNGARIAN PLEA ASSURES LOYALTY Adopted Citizens Protest Unta.niess ami Selfish? ness of Native Horn. Ill ORT TO FOUND RULING CLASS SEEN M.iss Meeting Will Demand Square Deal and Share in America and the ?Flag, Wltl eai to filled with indefinite eb? BCtioi . tal . ? freedom In esent ?tnte, and with mi'd? da ? to have tm tl ?' , which it hit? nlway? i oi Id," a commit! Americana mol at the Hotel Bt fl inlay and laid ; I tre, Sun? day :.'" (BOOB. the ] I meeting ?rill ral the signed a: th" close of the conferem-o. I Isi ?'.-<: i ? uoualy t<? protosi ittempts of a self ig . lament of our po| - to ap] ropriate the Stute? and the Americ-in flag." other purpose? of the -threatened ? "To denounce the tempt? to ?! de and .; ? : t Me O?l IB?N ?V C '( ). Last Week Inventory Offerings with COMPLrlMENTARY 1 ()" Disc'Ol'.NT Fine Household Linens Linen Sheets and hillou) Cotts Handkerchiefs Dainty Lingerie Bed Spreads Blankets Comfortables Lace Curtain* Transparent Draperies Upholstery Fabrics Real Mahogany ?Jeds Sanitary Bedding Oriental and American Rugs ?VZni Street West. Near Fifth avi-mt '? us i i ?et ic? ef condemning ? i in?? ,'f aitl ana foi ? >. ? ? and loi .t\ thlag foi Wim h BBOtl i IBM i? lauded und pun?, d "To declara n? on Amerieafl .he i 1 ? ?' .?? m icting thousand? oui ? ti ten? for the real oi fancied ? , fenci ? of a fee before hearing n ? .nal " Po expose the pernlcloui effort? ? 11 [i o Mid devotion h "? stanch rltltei by ? I tonel) and persistent!? vilifying a - them and th? It raci " I" di rate to all the world tl the Am? rie i cltiaen of Hu? garlan a gifl i?, and alwaj ? haa ??? i n, , Ian abiding, living .h.? heal in hi to the aer . ? of tha Ri public i?? fullj to call the attentioa el oui l'i' .lent and of our national legialetare I ' ' ? ICt .to i nl.'. hi ? and tl Cl r ?\ : pBthy. With a view of ?topping ?n. on " tmong tha ?ijrner? ai tkls arate are: Joseph Aaslander, 0, D. tsetrko, 11 Rev, \\ llliam D ?korovany, Ike Ra hen l' i herni. ky. ?Lawrence Ho the Rev. Kaiman Kovaee, the it?' ?En bb< Komjathy, the Ri ? John Li kece, Louii Bsombethy and Andi ? iv Marcus Braun, chairmen ? th? reeept on rommlttee, will isat ticket? required for admission, ? WILSONS RETURN FROM YACHT TRI1 President to Map (Jut Wester Trip lii-Jay. Washington, Jan. 23. ?The Maj it ?? net,. jreid abou . k to-night, and '?! <? '?> ? . : v. pre .Inven u ? w hite H' .-? lh . ..m ng the tri] ^ "i ktow :, Va.? yestei day after ? \\ i .--id appeal snee a . ? ? . the V'.rk I: .. i i : i ited ?.' ? ?? lime the M y .; up to n wharf nearly t!n entire ; VVh i' nt waa working i ? ? apeechei I ? later 'Ms ? eck tha IVI tl '... f. i ??.',? waa 1 to-daj ? | it t) e detailed plan? I ge 1 e will addreii li Nee Iforl and the Muidle Weit. A col ? lern trip ? thi Pn Id? at i?> ?morrow i ??? ? route ? i to include n brief I I FIRE GUTS BOSTON THEATRE "Dadilv It.rig Legs" Murned Ou. Si.'iiii. Time a. the In muiit. ; he '1 remont Thea? tre, the oldeat playhouse la the ci'v stsi'ing legitimate productions, wii- the I .. ,re which ? he front i Ever) ? ? ? ? wall of th it : roved, Ineludii rtics .. ?. eh Henry ? ? ' ?i ? I ? . . ? . since 1888. ? I ? ?nd til ? o t all i ? ? Founded L82(? t ? \\ Greelev I?mmi Sf^e9 <*?/? 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street ( barge Parchases Madt During the Halante? of the Month Will Appear on Billa Kendereil Munh 1' FINAL Clearance Sale FOR S tart in? To*Day * r ?' ' ^ /jrrv Suit and Overcoat Going Out at $17.50 Ml Hand Tailored The Suits The balance of our Autumn and Vint* r S Smartly tailored, of the bettt r sort of mat.-nais, w ?th thai degrt e of perfection \\ hich is of all Lord & Taylor clothing for Men. Nol a Suil in the assortment but what will "mate up" perfectly with the higher priced ones you bought earlier in the season. The Over coat s Are ,! nal and conclusive words in ' ? tei . Is and finishing. Chesterfi '-;. and many of til?- fine Kni1 ( oal- of medium and heavj weights. Drizzle proof, loose Swagger Coats, with .-haul collars and convertible storm safe collars. As finely tailored as master tailors . . uld finish them. The Suits and Overcoats Men Need Now Vo Alteration Char oes MEXICANS SHOOT BANDIT SLAYERS Durant Die Curtlng Amer? icans and Akers, Their Victim. TOPPLE INTO GRAVE THEY HAD TO DKi Brother! March a Mile at Dawn to Face Nrlnj? Squad In Juarez Cemetery. in. IbM-pasa '?> t . TMu ? I El Paae i ai . Jaa. B. Curaing all americana, am! especially Berl Akera, the Aaserican they had alala, Bernard? and Ffilfriro Pursn, Moxirnns, wi?re ? I ..f -o rleath by t Carraaia Bring squad in th? Jusrer. Cemetery this morning, The two men fell Into the -?rare which they ha I baea reenlred ta i the slaylag ef an unanaed American eraa aieng? I The bodiea were exkumed this after? noon bj the Joarei aathorltiea la ea? nbl? the United States custom?, eol? lector, Zaeh L Cobb, and " delegation from Akera'i hume, la Yaleta, te a repoli might be nade officially to Waehingteu und to ?he peo|.lt- nf Veleta. The ex?cution of the Dsraa brothers occarred jmt as *i?wn was breaking over Joan At .r. o'clock, manacled and ! bj a detachment of Cai iraaa aere taken front tho Jaarei jail to the eemeterjr, met? than a mile away. As the procession paaaed thrnuirh th?? ?treeta num., eai ??. iaeluding among whiiro were many a mi i fell in at th< nf the .? ?' gaard. Borne <>f the . : i., h trail lag in of thi Joarei jail all night to witneaa execnl ai thai a bad bei n much ? ..- Iciala would i call il ?' i crowd of ?^l.tseers wn ??.I ta enti r the ? i metery, but all of them witneaaed the execution from a boil and hoard ion of Amerieai ? aran as he stood befoi? ? When Ben cana and the / . "evera? Kederii sd?< d his . ?' : ' ers. % tl I ? ? lentifled was . ? The .1 to? r '; irial. ? red to rn. el Demand h ... been made of I ent that I other Mi eclai ed by "?d in ? at San Loi where '?? Downi ? on Ak- f. b il that only 1 to nia death. CALMLY TAMES EASE WHILE 2 SUFFOCATE Man Arrested a:id Woman and Child Saved fron Cas Death. John Lavateky is locked up a ? ? William i org, mi ? i ' -i tempted f< mis aasault, Mrs, Margaret G widow, told the i aetory ol I h ., ;. el ? arres! I . ;ii.I her . I son ii . i room al he? hoi i ? ? rester day. John Mai ?er, thi ?,, had gone to the bourn formel ebum, I the i ?..II' ind ? u.. t.ui > i - turn? I . room. In room, ? ? i. :, Lavatakj ted, seem n^iy unan ai tlon. ' aman, Marnier forre.i the i m, a I the a unan Id were i ? Lavatsl ?r, he I to I ' ? ? ? Mrs. Givia ' ? ? . giving ? band La1 tskj ; ad i ?: i- ? i- Id ng indeflniti tin I II ? . ?? had d ?-.I from illumini ting gas | ning on the thai Mr Givia wai bn rding to Actina :? . ' ' isid thai I when ited. STRIKE MENACES ALL U. S. ROADS ? iiiiiiniit-ii (rosa page i be witl the road i, ,? * the emploi ers |. ? ? espense of SI 1 ,.j(i v.t. . ble. -.-:?? bt hrt en eiaplo; ? ij and workei to be a sei that 1 ? la at .- - mi ??? - t.t look eriata. 1 : theii ef the Pennsyl*. ania i ?ad, us thai ? ? ' ' ? ? ? . ?' ? , . .,,;,. .|. : i i.. ! ? >. .i ? mai ? that the freighl -. o u 1 d b e - te i to in 1 r, or 25 pei ? ? ? ? ? ? . Id v ? ? ? ?. ? ? ?i , ? ? ? ?., t it ; f 874 pei ? !.. ? - | re i ? ? a o'iM be a Ida l t?i their payi : ? '.hat ii toi rutilo.i ? tl . f men between 1 and i ? l '. 11 need by ? ? ? ties I that the avi ne? ? ? - ... t boni engineei who ; .... . ...... them in their ia . ? bj the circulation \>t uns fact. BACK TO FOLD GO PENN MOOSE Philadelphia Leaders Urge Independenti to Vote with Republicans. WANT MOVEMENT TO COVER STATE Promoters Frankly Admit Tltey Mope to Nominate Roosevelt -SO Defeat Wilson. [nr TV.-arai'?! ?? UM ri'"i'? I Philad rlphia, Jaa. ??. k "b the fold" movement among tha Week? lagten i Pregreealve) party men ami la? dependent? In ;i i - eltj are? atarted to? i ich*., when a eommlttee of aighl i. pendente e ho hav? beea li tha leadership ef the R ?ngton I'.-ii4' and tha ra? loa ? reform , and who m the la I ? lei I ?'> mud ' up largely the lea lei hip of the Franklin party, laaued a tornea! arg? i ?. i- the Ind? pend nt Kepublii en ? i I Philadelphie i" take part m the R< n prii ' i to the end < i might ? oil rightful pla ? in ?h.'ir i Thia action came directlj as - result of a dinner rec ally tendered by John C. Winston to B large BBBlber '?? il do? i. deal 4 in th? Manufeeta ? : ?' Club Th" Hat el Baaaea ? mod to the , m |i el idad > H. John? . (vrthoi H I ei, Charles L He? . . Charlea P. J? r k aa, Cyrui I?. I. ? , )i?., John C. WinatoB. Ot orgi D. I ?? D Allaaaa, 4 ai ta Z anee 1 H rper. | for unity of purp. Bfld BC? I, | ranka nt ? i ,. ,1 \S ,ir '.? . ' ?? IB tha m. at and th< Republican Com? ? .uid the "reepenatble" k ad P.nnej - \rgi Btly reB I <t the " mi on Bn re of gi? i ? eo and support i ifl intelligent and do? . ? ?! . Rep lb n raitl nance to a local " sngai in polities i . , ? Independent i freely lent it npnificsi ? ??i and . ? nation to I Coi rent Ion for ? ? ? F red i ' '? f the le] ente, li "Thl? a pri whei . lo "in prn? and we i ?get it mi ?? ? ? ?' ?. 1 lieana will im ? away." "Ia thia me I Repub ." Mr. ?'I i; ? I'm I in to . ,? ? Colonei i net. ill I can ? ? Compromise with Moose Says Ex-Oov. Murphy I . ! -. ', ?aO Thl i, J together. " Give end. go both the 1 - per ? ... ? !.. . . p ... by . x ii..\ - ? i.i r ? nel ? ommitti . ' ' ? . Hotel ?II.. ? ' ? . '':??' arid take tl " ? ' i ' will be e i ? h the non '?.'. :?? d In my Jud ? ?,. , . . ? ... !? ".if ? Mr. P rk up; . be I ?? BURNS NOT ON TLOT TRAIT. Denie? He i? i? > I rfperate with Federal <>!:?.???-.. 1 am J. Run t resterd his r. tura fn >>.? hingtoi a report m German i ? " I hi i -a,.i t?te D< ? ' ?. na. call unon ?. I ? I r. M c A ? I .1 uly, <?? Lieh onlj ' ? ? s kn ??' ' publ ely on irn? said: ? ? ? i f some men ? i ? message rice to I ras thi one of our papers thej ? . nd .Tai ?! \?. re ?atis - ? "? v local f Just '? ' u of 1 T. T. 1 . , th? ? tyled Gi ly a .if. .?. da) ? Frat. i J Stati i mar?I ? lismlsti Line ret 8 ?? . . - ? ? ? nd thi fug live. LORD ABERDEEN HERETO-DAY With Hi? Wife Will Seek Aid for Si '? trisa Rablee. * ? ?. i v. Ian. 28. ? 1 .!??? n. ? ? Gei eral of ( ?nd ', Irela ? t.iii :, noon for N< V?.rk. ? they Will I ? ? ? . ? the i ? - i. i ?? ' ' iction ? -; '??? . . rvi.iau a ;ik. 1 U P PRESIDENT BADLY Hl A. L M.ihler in Critical Corail from nul Whll? Sk.lln?. ihr Mapa. tfcs Mtaas I Omaka, Jaa. U. A L Mekh r, p ni.ut <.f thu (Jalea Peett? Ralli i?, . In u critical eoadilIon ut tac manuel Hospital here, na the resell u lull while skntinif on n local I lagoon early this morning. Com sum nf the brain aad probably ol serums iajuriea rsri'ler his COndil Ifi i . Witl i ? rifa ind h i mother ln*l Mr? u \v Smith, Mr. Mohler moto to flu? pni ' Ha ha.I In" i 00 he aal v a ff i moment rhei hi heavily, striking squarely on the b of bis (?? ad R wai ten w Inuti i for?? aaaistance waa ob ained to <:i the Insensible man t<i his nutomob when he was Mskad to the hospital. STEAMER POLLENTIA GOES TO THE BUTT: Her Crew Sav d as Freight Foanden Off CaTe Mac ?. Halifax, N B? Jan. 23. 1 he Brit freight steamer Pollentla, which I in .?!. ri poi ted m di ti -??? abo Jt unies off Cape Race, lour according to s wue.eea meeai i . . u Ul 'ii boai d ?? - a i ? u, i An asi liagi laid that i learner Giuaepi re ba Po ' ting I muden i i I r en P : to have been ii the ?? ... ,i .??. i In ralty. I . , . ..v.., |j left Neu I oi * Janua Gen ... Early .... ter beg to eettle. rhe ca il.ed I . ; . . pj Verdi that ins ?u p i euld i :, .' ,,,? only asl irttin i A bo . ? . i n is little si ? ' me sines the Verdi hi. i b< t s idii g by, she was mai I to I most sdvantageoua po i ion were launched '?'. i? aide P n pp. iloua trip, the dec ir ere almoat level wi.h tin? sea, ta I ! ndangei ? i . ., Verdi. Evi y, ami when a i he i' ' ird tl : ? found ' >I ? '. a ma had been lost Hal : man read the deck af the rescuin m '?? n the TAKES UP TSETSE FIGHT I>r. lee Will Trj to Save Woakeaia '?, ?rt un of Blei ing Si knee -. Grov ? 1er the In i of I ig - ? ... in hi : rat til able i i ? .1 mother of the ska mai posun ii ' Di i . f "Hi ?. n i ..? u . .. "With mi ? Dr L iid : .... ,.. * ? nick ? ? . ? i'-1 . ? ?i hi? Dr Lea aid : "1 ihall us< ? ? rto untried 1 here will be ? d cl ?r con? ?tai ' ?? on hand at Dr. Pervi ? ; ?'? .i v e >k i iha . kn >w if ? Dr. : ? Fifty eighth ? ' n au laful In .. MEN ARE FUSSY ANIMALS Bavea'l Learaed Beat VYaj to Du - ' ?le i biag ?? Baya Dr. Weizmiller. "M n are awkward ub.-ut ? he i ousa merely sai iso * bave ! ways ut' doing imple tl .id Dr. Lou i 4 mill v. ph ? ? tor Christian A ?. rday after - " i hi i n d i ? r ta i ad 1 ? . have to be l hief or r ibbi rs or carry an umbrella. "'. ha man who | I r, can gel dre d si d o ? ? - ? . He d . OU Doc Cook Here Ap;ain. I r Fredei k A. Cook, irtfa Polo fame, ii aboard ?he iteamei Ki :. which arrived Amer? ramme Is did last night H s ral the I ? ' ' t to permit him to i . ? SAY SWANN SEE! TO CHOKE INQUI? Investigators Insist \U of Tammany and R. H Back Hotel Bill Row. PROSECUTOR DENIES POLITICS IN HIS At Aski )"? Senator's Aid. Ht Asse He Will Not I terfT.' wM Eximi alioii of P, S. (.. A merry roui I ?<' I ??f all I ialatlve eommlttcci far tea or flf . ' an of I f i nor Whitl ' ' tu th? I'anunia Cape . and aa District Attor Bwaam'a afrlei low I? tigat ??: of th? Hotel ? ? miliar -a."i. 'i." .'un' on ?ay that (atio ad i i ? . i. f? will bo bis ? I ban c;m a or Robert i'? La. inn, Bro ? I on i !;i t night, WOI : g for b let ition of Di vt-.on. I ieg, i. a - ,r, wa? asked ? ucii wan i ? ? n, he aniwt-i-d: . . ?. . . d: ? ' ? ? all. '?.'? hi ? have o ' ' bod) lid be i Biitmore : our ?. Ice ?? ? ?' bill genuine. If me Distrii t AttOl . .. -. Fun t j . ' - ? in this case, I i I i ier tl ... ' m." .-?.inn'? I'u p. se Firm. ' ? ' : "I do I ?? "?son ' ? . that I a top the 1 ; . . I know a icted with t ' . - - re ?vu ? i in I :????.; . Commit llaman Black I . . :??, Hiul a man ex IS ' . he to BUI ? ??r a a 11 . ; eral Com? Ind n't the to do . ? . . tinner, and !.. then." .. '..?:?-4 had t. ., ick'e connection Hall. inn didn't k. iw Bl tek maa '. leal ' ? say when hi I Senate la A i . I ThaBapeea lUicnd* mu. ?ver a .mer bill of an t : ? Judge - on. "Wl i talk iting .- on, the that-tthe ' ? luding tha ? New \ City i it of mill i jusl .:'?.." he items listed under ? ? '?? ?t ? leg? mate. He defended all ex ? - ? -ii 20 "But not unfair," -^.-.:.i n. -The mt mbcra ef ira away from I ?f lawyer? ? Madame Waddingfon'-j A Village in the War Zone bt^ i:' '. " '? ? ? v.hat ?raj '?'?r ? to be ?>? M ex\ zrA " nandthetridof^ inv : rj ? ?ntry Bean about hi ?' country bom in Fran In the February S?ribner he CIU 101 ... | ' ' | ... em ' i - i , ' - rod s .*'.',. ? ? ? -, thai ? .... to ii ?"?, - ?? ; i. c.ottr ?? Ism ? -.? ? thai tee a -?i.! *.i,r at. t Uw.c", . | itiva cos . >'?..??. SENATORS TO WAK IN THOMPSON'S AID ('il fr. ft good job, ? - ">m!y ir.i ' ? ? ?'.; | hi * I leeply ?aa peraoi i : ed. . ... : It? It wou ti ict commiasioi rht if it ? .1. "? pis of the state i wouldn' ? mder us ? ? sion of the com? ? itl cha. . . ? - ; : ' knee mal titrai si 1-. him ' - ? t '. ?-. loa of the sil . ? What i- i Bssaay*e Inter??:? "What ? ' thi re foi '"' n rk? Thai The bitter publican met the Assembl: by the controvert i Assei ? ' ? '" ,-e ha? notbnn kindly d ,. ., The I ?, w'V the I'uh '?? *D%U H to "gel ; . :i a member wf ?*-?? eommitl to the pi fht. Asi ? .. n irr? ? ration al Thompt. n itUi - introduce 1 in I i ito id ? the P np _? ?F Caliban had ever seized Miranda in his claw?, if the arts O? Prospero had tailed and the spirit of e\il had prevailed, the catastrophe would have been like the hideous situation in the poem, "The Indictment/1 from Frederick Panning Ayer*s "Bell and Wintf." It is a -picture of degeneracy or atavism that purifie?, by its very horrors. Down andergrxrand, So t.veriiead. 1 've tite l.-e?h of a hound, 1 Va the blue of the detad Am! the cold HS we,',. I vi? i he humor of il ell To cudgel an ! stay, I Ve the dog in nie 0 ' deformity, The <\<<x and to have his tiny. / I; 1 hands blood red, For so it is The blood of the dead, And the ?.?rime is his And the iiftnda art? ?nine, And the fault is his /.rid the knife and spine And butcher? ere mine and mine. Till! BAKER & TAYLOR CO., Selling Agents, 354 Fourth Avenue Price $2.50 NEW YORK