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Anu, ?irilumc l'ir-t to, I ael the i'"'1': Sewe?Bdltoriah ? V it k ?? i : -. \i.i\ini i \m \i>\ ' isia ? - . ? ? ? ? i ? ?t ? ? ' ? . ? . ? ? T rtwl a- ? ? ?* I '.on ran | ??? laadise advertlae?! ilnt?? ? II ?I!?-? -.? ? . - C8VB4 TBIB1 ,N ! i ? i I ! our monej ?unk 11? an i. ? pe, u?> quit? VI i mpll) if tin- ...i k - . i . , ? Trie Sk'cur-ty League Pix>gieunine. It i- ? - i tar; 'ha claim l? 01 ! eau ? . ? ? with I . t to be count Mit a I ?? 1 ' ; that 1 ? the Unit ? ? ? ;. power. ? militai . r with th< i normen-- v. ailure tvhicl ' ' ? u.. It Is ?? ? f Um vt tion v to t luB?OI i a? ... tary idea a d ???? 1 tht ? <? er, Mi ' ? . -. ? ? promis? ? ?? coun .. the standing of ex-Seen y Root i? fail ? ? ' ? fau ty an ade '. ? ?muni? tion, artilli not co in the Wai Depart failure ' Mr ' r ' r it n? Tboug ... -a*oing ;. 1 eaR-up could not it. I to itself i irom e.\; I that he hat i BOl i,"' ? of his ?rork it appe- ? portant qualtfleatl > thai ditloa to the ] of coast artil? lery and - . la? arri.y tvi roBipii ei dlviaj ]",?e report of Thai is the i .;e iiio luip force for I a full tial fun? ikmi ? ' Ipairi: thool in v r catr?. toi of modi ' ? ? '? mi!il ganizal I ?eil, With 1 a real ?rst r i.d ?? Improi ivy i lines. The ?Security Li i?nd cour'? Bpp?rtseia1 ? I ? ? i tould not Le ? ? ;. ?"'.lowance fur Seen tai tai \ I -? career i- Departn ? a continuous exhibition of Ineptitude an?! untnteJIigei I Mr. Danii ? - ? ? ? I t 1 as done moot Ho la a i >'o far a.< : a al | ? } aq (., . ? experte?! to CO tril reta; y. ? .' I which be I ? I ? 1 ?as bat ??? It favi ? if a ?Gen? rs the navy, an h i 0f the r ? ? " nth the Sdtaa of the ?? adop tion of the ' ? ? srhen it era roer, 1 :' -the i ? . . . i ^aiiu-t the i" ? when 1'i.e pre ent world war i o must put asif? tin? old noti'in of trailing a - a naval powt'i; Our position in interna tional ; will then be more laolatcd than it hat ever ?been before, i?n?i we shall I ,i\e far greater it bilil ?ea to live up \\. hall have to pul real powi .? Doctl ire Bl '1 OUI i ' national policies if the real of the wi them. It * with empty | and hall ?way mei ... ?? . Wo i ght as well . ir mind ? thai .1 na? y act ? ? Ar-.criian l?.slory Ent i<i\c,'. ??met 'an anni. : ? . itionary battles I 1 by i ? 1 ? ? ! 14 been 1 to the V al ley 1 1 ? VYc leai ? ??. art ' Kiai '? appeared w. ? ..-':? al Val ? y ? . B I : B ? led ur at ? ??? idei the ? ? ? . ? of an ei : ?unter ? I ich they I ? ? . ? ? 1 V s< re at 1 ? ? ? ? . - - ? - History never ? ' ? r Pi away ' .... ? . ? 11 . . 1I1 ? their 1-i.T ? Vassar Reforms Herself. ? ? ' ' f the "daisy the afl : - ? ?if Tap 1'ay at Yale is by no means so far ? both l ave for their ? ? ' i ? 1 from time to t are, in ... '. tance 1 ith in hi?-- ild bi ' the torcl But an ion like that of I 1 f Vassar helps to n te th< that this al i ? -, ,; ? ?? ?: I f or 1 n wti e a 1 I trad an disabilil !? anj . use, it must be a hei .-?-in which can say g and thi when the time New German Naval Guns. B rumor current 11 est Germai 1 '' with a new 17-inch 1 ? the Queen 1 ? ?A writer News" 1 . I to this ... 'hut a Hil rg 1 ?in Invii c with smaller ?? out- ?? ni?! von ships off the Falklai ; A mi he ? date ?'n v. hat lie ci ? to be not a cer ? ? ippear it tl Sea. \\ e have heard so 1 I the 1 surpr it ha ? .1 a half of wi metl ing of the r It ??j quite possible, however, thai a new and ? -. ? 1 il gun than ai y hit! 1 in the (?crman navy has l een mounted in the latest ships. According to one London paper, "The Daily Ml idy established "upon the hip!.est authority." It is cor.jectureil by me that the shelli I I unkirk me 1 but that may I ? ? ?? Germans surprised I their great era there position to of thi It may ! ?? : ? , thai ? ? . . il ?us report 'the ! . -.vero to be 1 . with of miK-h ?greater calibn ?? I ' ? . But In the new not at all imp] l ? . ' improved gun is in Hil ? Gen 1 ?n "The Daily IN tance, I thro? 6,800 pout / times as much as :; ' ' g tho latt The Derfllingei, the i ewei I of the German ? ?? ii;.t exi ?????I ' Hi?' In? a in t 11 pt '. bul i ? m Ely out? ! by the later Britl li battle cruls \' ? . ||. . et ting M ?d? the Queen !.. ? . Irmi Duke ?i?? .h m I \\ 11 h ton 13.6 inch guns, a again I ime number of 12 ln< h gun ? in the ? | ? broadi ida exceed) that of the Gern ret? by 1,200 pound ?. 'I he Bi it?i h . ' -i..- < h on ai d King George \ i ive el " l ' ?. ? ier broadside? than t Gen m battli hlpi of which we nitc Ige. w. . m always told In thl i but. inten ? the hint ?I.I German gun is, it hardly . r definite ' h to ci eate ? Honors for Scientific Men. There I i fault Unding than i , [ | the comment on the \cw Year ' I '. partly, perhape, too much occu ? ? ?.' and partlj. f the honora ?n recognition of Butt! ?ay, ? . Sir William T: d ' ? M the : : i? the old complaint ti 11 illy overlooked 1". the ? n of d?corations ami tit] . | ? .. ttiJustified,i ip bo Important v? any comment et til. n, ?? . ally is i oc recognition being corn to a lVw medical men. ? ?,.'. ? ? i concei ? * ntit rroi managed to do very well in it a title; Faraday ?b? il tokens of . thfm, ami Her? tly objected to them. " rang, noting Sir r?test I ?to? he ? ? 'hat deteriora! ral ] i I ble 'honors' have . r ail ?' men rcum* ? , . I in a si Why ire i ?' ' ns and toji i. . ? i dien, or the their . ? . . ? less i thi those arl Sir William better Red v- -i tl '? Davy medal than g led to ronfer upon him thl I when m>ar the il* life he won a title next be? neath that f the man who made pills , .. ? c entifl they an '?'? it kind ? ? ? t " province, only to be snubbed by the poli ? War .'.'.' ' - ? ?'?... ' ? tlieir which they were ? ? ? it ? ? ' eir failure to distribute prizes. hart drlTCB to wren eh u living from i. ? . ....? ( ntry, wi I ? u i In that report of the O'Hare wl ta e Investiga! assigna il causo of Immen ? ? ri i that peace * ' Monta a .?'??ns' ? tenegrln pi ? *? aril ' share, appan - I sa ri '.ans. "If v ' nanti te es? sal . < ? rament t il appeals ? - out-of-ranga ; ? the ! - ? Recessional. By ?i..i means) RUDY IBD KIPLINO. of old - ? g battle line -- awful hods behold ai i mothers oft Inel p a; yet, ? reTl forget tl S horror dies? Ami.. with notes depart? md we're far too wlsej Diplomacy will ea?-e the heart "Await the facts" (we're waiting yet), ?' ?forgive, forget!" Our i | melts away? Our Chi I popgun misses rire? The ehi ? .. ted tire, are us yet ?-?? i r-s'et! ' ?lir.-.e^ awe, Delphic lung's Or 1< r reed thai go, "?It i 0 hyp; ? hosts, bear with us yet? You win the bet?well euro f.-rtr-stI that ? " .. ? ? . -, proi ??. . s : '?? ' . I ? 1 S. v. ? I ? 11A1:V1.V R'ORTHINGTON LOOM1? TI IE G.ERMAN SPY SYSTEM It * Painstaking, Inaidiotis I fforl Is Poison, Out "1 Which the Afrocitiea of ll.unrs ami Bayonet Come Naturally ?and Inevitably Nothing -bul ( onquering of Germany, Iluii Demonstrating the Failure of Nn li Treachery. C?n Cure It. re t il '1 '"t o? The Tribun? It Is a mlatake to 1 I ... mai has dona ind murder i i I ? : of n omet children, Sha honeycombs a country rt agent ' ora : a i ... ? ?'? i er ? i1' . . n ? '. I S BI lei the ft . . ...i a ?! of i ? plei 'ill shi n 'I ha trayal of bo pitality, that taking ?dve ..f (Mi- i thing thai ?i wartime. i..... . ! . I h 11 ? in rounded l-y < as ol ?his spy ?nu, thi i pn pai - another i ?hi pounce. It 1, a allant i ' ssion, ni da tructlv? ? and tha t U 11 ,> German ml ? ?ermany, i i able I prei all ai d eb aln -agents I I oliey by dl u am Bating a na ? ' ie, a ph opby of Uta, which c:une to capri '? ? ? k i.tid has gone on ? '.? ? the ?letorlei ? ' I people believe tl a a hi God than the rest of us. We ? imperfectly and only i ?r? i .?. all as mercy, pity and lo; of tha I ??? sd ve cat, efj ently and all the tlmi ? '.??.nil in ppiic' t[na, to bu I . in tnni ting bi ? i ta, meaaur? bip and worm out Herr.'? n format! m rfi?,'* "fed and thoai ? - thl tatl ?n entity b? . and evil ) calls on it ? c "-? ? ' making It, to pracl ?? i i ? .? ? . ? i lay ii ? .... ". ' the Tint f thi ' ? The l->-u??s nf the W itr. - war, as Bi a it, Is this: An I rid f I terril ? ? ' r an for t ' ' '|U0 hef r means another ta Invasi by moi by I . ' ? ? rrlal trnve'.N ? 1 studioti i i ? 'itl??mi'n r another ala we? bich will be t broken Teutoi ? . ? ? ta the i ? ? ' can the A llii I - .. Pleas , ... t 01 ? eu ? trate Its re. 1 ? ' ? ? town In tl ? ; rasan ' unfailing *?ht of the ? ? ni'h German spy ly ten: and a soldie "bedient to commands of eilen? ? Very much more I | and, too, tig what th? tight Is al In 1 he Tribuna of igtrtng Ta; -.1 the atrorlti-??. a hieb I had P that I 'osevc ami ? ? - ??ere la not the slights .... the unspi traget commit on ti ' outrages were mi I - express command ' I govern met in order to terrorize both tha I among neutrals 1 . I am sell '.-> h*. L' man who doubt i read th? an A m h H can ? ? ? ' . : ' : ribuna of November Ho*, the Atrocities Originated. :? German i f 1 t - ? les that makes it Beult to 1 mon -?round to build on f '. r8. ] at thla point that I treachery a' ! the ati ty pro ( gramme of dramatic fright fulness OYerlar I think It is la part ont of the habit I traylng boeplUllty that the atrocities hav 'emerged. It l?n't as if they were periled a lud !en flare, with no background They are the logical reoult - '. i \ ?? - for years tnat wh'ch hur . . ugree. ? tio. ?ma o' ? ?- - ? ? ' ... the Hector ] ? for a 1 i Mai ? I ? ? ? r I ? - en ited th? ','?? . eki est a i sred thent Tuen tor n }ear, up to a few reeks ago, they helped action, the last i the A11 led they i .... ber, 1914 of the'r d i, and I s'er he tool ? r fa I out the Gel ? . : niur aad bis pa ,,ii,r They aenl kin beei te Ike en??? ? . : year ?es hea as flail-1- abra ? . . r ?? auaded." i ? Budden ?"?' "f felaeaeee ??? produci ..r alew, careful eaderaalnlag relui 0 a of th< beal known wonen in Reii/i ?? bo ?? name I dare not ?rive, told me of Q '??, ?a? I, i IBS gave name and address), when the firs! Gen in h eema down ?<i Belgian Uta hansel .,.i aaki I to .-' ? ahelter to German onV ..nn of when III? lady h"l known soclall laya ill"? net neralag ?oldter? w " rough the house, destroying painting? v * sad ?rreeklng furniture. ? ?. ? B offleer, | ,,'.?.. i "We have n?! ??'I'ii!< hiiI friends. How can you let this dona '.'" ? i? wnr," 1- replied. .'.?i rail of chivalry, of the loyalties .?? ? and host, I ? to l ?> 1 tened to. / ? r the i' rpetratlng ef tl ? eeld progran ? at Bpy treachery were a perl prepar b? rio aaddea aarelat ?i >? ror to which Germans had to forro tht Belvea It ?at in astonishing thing to ? gei tlenea and genUewonea ?i? t!.<? o!il friendly German faces of tourl ? ! soclel gue*ts show up, on hor?eha nte the eitles Be conq "rors wh ? ; sea entertains 1 as fr?en any of a Belg l ? ?", ,?..? knew. She Is now in?:?!?? i ? ??! I cannot give hT name, I . -.lilt reprl?ul on her. r-iwljil I rlcnrW Return as Conquerors. "V. h'?n the German troops entered Rr *?!..? states, "wo suddenly dlscovei fricada had been secret agei officers In charge of the vaslon. As the army came in, with th nr;?I iroose ? ?'epping, entertained ? er guests for j sai e Th .i.rr.cni ; rom friends, the rhey had work ?y Into thi I Ufa . had won - a in o Al .' ;;.-r.? ? ? ad of troop ? to eoi nuer i throu al Intercom lit in that kind found It only ?i ? | esala nurd ? people whose bread thi id i ?ten a i tree - ? a to i ? i you BCCC I ha ?i r is, t the Gerne li nly I itlon -. pol ion. ? ?? were billeted i ..v ., . ? Bed by It lay between Bt Id li ibald a: a aand d in i, eomnandii kfl ' ? u?r broke out t? I .od It and found i ? walla were of a siz-fo l, of heavy blocks of ?tone and co Be 1 g vas cleverly ?i: r tiling It? i fitt little c impertinent t for h ta, ai ? Wnr ... the I ?reeks i . : ? road that rui ? ' ip whi< I be fed to it for it-* cos e worl . Gei i ? i i ?m ea? it te of i A Bi - ? to .i Bi Igian v! ? ? ; 1.1 ta .:?!.: f the earl ??I . it ? "man, di ..:-?? , and tl i a I in, rusl -1 up to hii i out? * ? worl ? ?: va tr trending Uhlana aa t ?B was stationed ; :?' ? ?? troope ar? there to resist, .? ? run easily tar?e h ? rillage. But If the rillage has a pre , the Germans must be for? The Village Spy. Three d?\s after arriving In Return, I eriy full of 1014, I met a German out "re of the Hussars, named l.hlnbecl fell Inte conversa': m ?'.'h hir.i and be , . '?? friendly He had no ei?aret'H ?ired ours with him. He coul gllal end he let us wal k la slowly alonjj on h's way ti ?? main bodj b 4 lernen ... r. : there aeened to b ? t'ake, or perhaps l.e did not ex little group would be |o ., I we have l?een if tha German plans hm ? through. It was their custom to us? ? -is as a protective screen fo elf ?, ; anetng troops. Whatever his mo nr,.T we h-t'l walked along beeide hi ior a quarter of a mile, he pointed o-i ttouae f the apy whom the (1er ad In that viilatf? of Hella This mat . : alfbreed" Knijli.-hmari, who came ou i . i over to Bhlnbeck an. >U want to keep up your r?nsjlish, fo: loon be In London." l-i h ?>, for the benefit of his Bel ? ? ; are, he ?houted outi '. out! Thoaa fellows shoot! The Ger ra devils! " He brought out wine for the troops. W? red I :m Into h'.s louse, where he, sup ?' us to be friends of the Germans, aike.: ????ike of his hospitality. That mar: .? a resident of the village, a friend of th? a, b-it "fixed" for Just this Job of sup s' tu formation to the invaders when the -ame. I'urinn my live weeks la Ghent I uied to v at the Cafe Gambrlnus, amera - . ? ra I us that he wsi? a Bwiei ? ? syi pathy with Belpians and AI B had a la ..- I '?'? hen the Ger? Into a ?uno-: ? - the Invaders, HI Dlghtly I rt of G rma:. '..ere I stayed in Ghent the ifter a couple of day?, believing i 1." one more neutral American. tol?l > !" waa a German. Ho wept en to say take t I BelglBBB made ?o oppose ? ?. who were Irresistible. That ? r.-urn to the city and country that I '?..o 1. A few hours I frit ! ? f mine told me to t ??ah - the house ol Treachei | M Ithla t be 1 Ines - - irp, f.. Pervyea t of a ? ; ?:i ? || g thi - ? ' ra f the road ever ? Of cour-?'. ?., I night ?ij v>uuld change the tine ef our am [munition moving, In nn attempt ? M But this waa o. \\,< :, ?mi train of trucki n o along tha road le the treneht ..t light would i o ip ? omi rhera within lini . " lnrh would gnify < enei , ? . to fir? upon thi . . i . idt nees of Get the rery country wa ipj mt* k reaching 11?. Bonn tlmi My 1 the Bel| at Pervyse, aa I thi pun ha " 1 otatoe ', g ? 1.' h re ;i ' ' piece, lb- brought bin--, tha potatoes * handful "f change t I ided a Pre . ! r< r,. ii Cl pper, a Dutl h Mnall coir p. |g an '? ' ? ? ' me bit, and * Gei marl piece with It?, iinfieri.,1 eagle. 'I ? ' one In t ' among refugeea waa peddling . ? Oetobei a and I were ea I v it Zela. Our Fli ? 1 ' ? -. .1 Ghent man, began eipre dlineaa for them in fluent Gern un. Af f that ' ' ? - a au ? if ; ,,??,, I had bei '1 the I certa ? '...r.-r olemi ? ' hud aowed their seed for ant 1 day v 11 ??: the -? a ould releas? tl r trot and have need of traitors scattered thru-, the Invaded eonntry. 'li..' thoroughnesa of thl?. briber.- .! (Tai at diffen I ige 1, In a burned 'own 1,500 hi ? ? 1 found approximati -. tact wit on I ' r of .???r not 1 meant 1 had been friei enemj 1 and In otl tai 1 that tl . f..r ?he Germana. '>'<A ; photograi h? e ed houses ..... . a aa thei .1 ract ? 1. it there has come no ehallei re ra that have ?*?n have | ?-i h : . .?. only a blanket denial a ntei rgea of frai :-tireur a ai . ??red or. by hables In ar-r?, ? grandmothers and alck women. I-, n. tober, 1911, two m ? le Oatei [ waa arrea! ! ?'"?> a ? : ? eeta In 1 of a vi Ms ? ?.. ? 1 ising A ... ? r ? ? en te r t \ the 1 ' rr,,0l . bad to a-- ?mi it if 1 were ? v . ? ater one of our Amei 11 ..?:. .- ;? Ion v. !.cl this I t Ama ean pa ports had been flagrantly abuaed for (ierm ? ? lerican e< 1 ?h.? war zone t it he lied our got ' ? of t ' ? ' ?o lach of Boom for Another Bryce Report. All thia devioua im ilit ?????? the traps on r.e-jtrai gl all n I eaeo time' deserves a second i? 1 v reporl The a'rocities are the produi I 1 patient tcm, eating away u: the vitality of tl a ?. reenlt rrors an - " ? : Let me close with an Instance. A friend of hn, been lieutenant in ' II -uniN' ? s is a little dial ' :en were in t Peass th ei ter tool . ! : 11 it r. ? : ... I thi and aet it on fire Aa 1 eft thi .;.r. The mot er m her h ind 1 . ?. Ot;e nom the h . il - ? : dov r. generation by ; had bei eiater. In arm ro other children and the i ' the garden lya, the iw j ....... ? a ? Hv were ui lit I r I ? . ? ?? U .?:...? ? ! 'Ae ,-.-? ? ?. ? ? ? il' Hand a aafa plac and r teatimony \ '?rson is avai able. Our own position In thia war, where th future of the human race la being contend? er, Is d"?-rribed tn the song of Debora and Rarak, as recorded fir our pondering i the Book of Judge?, which li a BOetlofl ?' I ancient document called the 01 Testament! "Why abodest thou among the iheepfoldl ?o hear the bleating of the floekal Zebulu and Naphtall were a people that Jeopard* their livea ?into the death In the '.ich place of the flal 1 " ARTHUR GLEA KtU York, Jan. 18, I ?16 TO HELP FRENCH FARMERS All They Need Is Tools to Reclain Their Ruined Acres. To the l.ditor of The Tribune. Sir i A part cf the territory of Frar ee I si been i':'...'ied and devastated. The cult ? if the aoil in thi 1 district .?? lost all hii material possessions. Ilia home ami faM ava been I eatroyed. So . ha 1 1 1 ..? imala and his ci menta to the. ? ?ool or el 1 td into Gi land is a da ? I Af'er the war the ee 11 try a I not i Jo its duty by the inhabitants of this I land, but its first duty Is to free from the enemy occupation, and its fund must lie spent chiefly in maintaining it army till this id accomplished. But the sur viving Inhabitants remain close behind thl firing lines. They will not leave their aativi ?oil, and no sooner 1? an acre of ground regained than it is aeixed and eeeup |? i foi farming pur;.. 11 .*-?-? kv ;.. ??.re nnder arm., the 1 ?? . ,; ,?. th0:.r ' ' ' ? ? . ?? . ? ... ml to t ? ? ? live ? ? - - : . . . they cannot t.ll the I I with their alone! " " ttee r SJ been formed und??r the ?!.- Preaide ? ? . Prench R ? s t thia atl ? irming pop? ulation, which, still in good I eart, ?oka a to labor arid I : . [?a. The good a M of Amei ea '"?.t-l o?ir eft* I ??- I. fn ? y and abni lanttj ?-. and the ? ?' v terested to I - ' ? itiona 1 : ? la ? Mr. V\ .,:?: Club da i ranee, g Place le, I'ar ... X I Pai is, Dec. 20, li-15. GERMAN ARMY BRUTALITY Trcatnuntfif Pnv:,t,e,M:t7Ex j Pmiiian ?trodl < : I ' ' -... -r ? :? - ? : , . _ '?? '?""'' ? | ?ttaj r i? I have i " '? ,? - ' ' r of ? .... ' ' ... ?"" ' ? - \ rar of woi ' ?"' ? ' af matei ?-...' te kaow), that ??-.??.. a i' purpt ???-,*?.. land, Frei ntry with ? , ,'. ng some | ? .... I In t r i al ? ?-, .... I . ? treat? ,. H ?, . He. ., . ?? '? ... ? ? itop t - ? :. -, ... a"? na officer? ? ? ..* a tal la ? ? ? it ? H - iv? been t ? - i, hung ? ? ? ? tl \ 18 I . . but ? may a for i ? ... ir and Pr ? ' ' ' ? ' " :: B ? . ? ? I ... tha i . : ' ' - t Of ITS I f ' Do you tl a . ? . oar? New york li 11 191(1. Those German Guns. Sir: I to accaai it? that they are ? I ' B of thi Whal J How i thai M ... ? here in I Hen plui ? | lent range of ' I are r ; of - ?. ? Brooklyn, Dec - ' To Make G ? ? '?' Bin 1 i Has i Pn 7 ^| ?any dena * ? ., and that threat terned ? aecauntab ,-?\eJ 1 "Camh- te. Ms