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Kero?linrlf -A?t?;-* ?fritante ^?SOSr^ m .1 **? .S ni WU ... i a j_._?_._ GUARANTEE ?, ? Ifonej Back it You Want it ? ?]_ /?Vr?/ to Last ? the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements WEATHER Fair and warmer today, I older to-morrow. ?un Mtumji sa flaps ? 1 ? /.Vl'/'I'V'r'n*"'?* ?",u ' '?" *?* ?*"?""? ??--??? ? "? l\\\ No. 25,272, il?'wSlA??ti TUESDAY, JANUARY 2.5, 1916. ? ?, ON h < km .?,, ?.?,,? B?ee^T*rac^ Bernstorff Makes Fina* vades Disavowal, A I Offer in Lusitania Case, sks Action Against Britain WHITMAN PUTS END TO INQUIRY INTO JUNKETS Senate and assembly Fall Into Line on Peace Order. THO.MPSON WILL WIN HIS FIGHT Reject*-, i ompromise Offer to End Investigation? Sweet Yields. if a ? ?tj_ - ri' ' ? ' ri ? ? . . ? ? ? .1 - ? ? i ' ? ? ? ? - ? . .. v ? was I the 1 ? ? ? ? a sui* ? Hiini"ii4 Plan. \ ? ? ? M .: fot He did '? '? ? ematic ? ? ? ? ?"?""?Ubbs-I ?-t. aaaa ?. t^ium? i MEYER AND BEALE FIGHT IN STREE Resume Feut, o? l ? ? n^ standi Outside WashiugtaOfl (Tub. \v ;.-'? .:? ? . lai ; Ei f the h von L. Meyei . ? 1 feud bj toi in front Of t ? he Knicki ' ? . Yoi s?ve ?-.-unir.; to-day ; Burst .. club nui) lui ? . ? . ..:. swayed ai " Mej ? ? ? . ' ?n? pui mbe re of l ... Mr. 1 srent t ? ? of Ro S i taxi with a I ' - ? DIARY SAVES $25,000 FOR CAREFUL GALLAN Hook Showed No Meeting c Nighl ?>!' Alleged Proposal. i '.- ? Her nr h i m ? broug] ' iry. In 1 Vogel young wo nan wb ? ? . ? ? . ?r ? Tbe jur brought ? HER $1,500 GEMS SLIP FROM CORSAGE BAN* After Police Search Half a Da; Owner Finds Them in Bathroom tree! - : 11' ha ? bag iri he she re g< m - I ? ? ? ? V, ? much ' ? by!" SNAKES ON MONUMENT SHE PLANNED FOR SON Sisters ?Sa\ Wife, loo, Included in Grieved Woman's Rebuke. ? ? H, | une out . i ? ( ? I ? DISAPPOINTED, DRINKS POISON ON BIRTHDAY Wife ?Tries to Die When Hus band Tails to Appear. "Mj r 1 . luet got a ': . awn. Eat dinner do rnal i tat clinic er, who 109 West 1 ? ? -.!! llll ? ? thai WIFE LIVING APART FROM H. GUGGENHEIMER Jam! Beecher, Actress. Quit Husband Near Ago. nel Bi "Fair and Warmer" . ?a? ? ? i ? .- ? ^ ??. Ha Broad ? . i . . . ? ? ' ? O. J. Wj a.?'.k2, U.a. ay Vial. PARTY CHIEFS BAR COLONEL Anybody but T. R., Cry of Leaders in Chicago. HILLES ATTACKS WILSON POLICIES Borah. Lodge, McCall and Osborn in Race to the Finish. '. ? ? ChicafO, Jan. '?'. Charles D (.hairnisii of ihe an National : ? Wll a the < rcle. ? ? . ? lub ?t a lui ' ? make srrangt Ihe ? luna 7, ? . pol i - -? ? .? of the 1916, if the ele 1 : . repre tion in ? ? . ? ? i ? upon . ? ? ? . ' I'nur ? andldalaa m Bight, The of the : r ally be - .- r?> of ? .? ?..-.. | . - , ? ih, of Idaho; . ? ? . (icv . r Chase S. O ... Klihu . pinion ? ? I nd asid XVOUid orj to aval. ? i ? n ... ho would i in ?he : nion aa led hy dicious ; ? ? . . ? the 1 t-f 191 .? ..tir ' twe? ? Our vi ? rere i red of our I'l a - \\ : ? and ? ? .? rif.l on. I bei.? . ill! 11 14 .tei al from v. I form Mexican Polio Diagracefal .. .' ic) or, i ' ? er written .. paga as . ..r.l of \N ? ? of "in rela i: ? ? n Mi ej has .ll Hi. i tor, hatred of Huei l. that he re? ! ' ' '? il lh?t ? .; '. . I .... . . marines arl but these who hav? murdered si repul "Ai - ? ?' I ? pretext that ? ? r? ??il in I . | . - ' . ? 4 the r< '?' A ?!.? ? ," 'been rec ? Mi Mm'i Mfiiind?. ?itiiiiu?. mai . ' ent of the | i milUiurtl uu 11*1* .', iuIuuiii ?i Aeros Make Three Raids On Dover Military Posts Banacks and Aviation Slu-ds Shelled Sunday, ?Says Brrlin--Another 'Plane I lew Over City Yester rJay, ?London Admits?IVIonastir Shelled. London, Jan ; \ Gi ra?an aei pa ? ?! ever Dover st -i o'elo i tin? afternoen. *. Britiah etlcial sn neunceaienl iaaaed to-night .-a>? tha t wei in??:?.-.'.! by at! tha ant! naf gun* ami puratied by two Hritish ina chinea. ? "i ? ii "? i ? ho two air attach? oi the east eoaat of K lay, thl incidenl i? bcbl to bp further indice tl at a Zeppelin ra?-! on 1 plated. Such hat e pn ??? ded / ? i I at learning ? ? I lover, op] .i- the nar.I point I l inn^l, n one of the ? i and the < It I n the I haimel. ai : the r ? hai bi en a ' naval ? ? ? vity tr runni" ' - mPli 88 to I I I I .. ' \ I ' " \ Ciei man i ax -I ?? ioplana tlnrini? the night t.f January . ' :.? d !3 dropped tation, barrack i and ? A i< ? oplanta on on avia! n llou| ' treat ol arara elaai ly ob .i " 'I he iceount of 1 I lid that thi < Kent ted early Kundaj i ? ... ?ig .,-?,. par : I '.?? ai r.nuiu-.? fa? , noa n ada \ Ii rail i -, of .? ... ? heds s Brit ide "n i . ? . 45 French Aeros Drop 200 Bombs on .Monastir ... (its held near 1 ? ..nt m...-.! ..n pmau .. i ..i.iiiin t POLICE MAY CURB RUSSIAN BALLET [Catholic Theatre Move ment Mas .Metropolitan Controller Summoned. ? ? the Serge de t by 1 '?' ? t has pi Official? of thi arrived st as to t i ? ever. I d'un Faune," l ? Brown, 1 ? ?? . ? . .; ?? four weel i s in April, gat tl-.- follow ing le ? 1 "Set ? rmancea at the ? . In order to g I . the di lence anil . art ??nd. "To avoid with Chief ' .. I ... ? ? ? \ offici ' t 11 ? ? inuary ... ? ' ' It ii ?? .. ? te you i time ? ? ? White I lei -.nrc-, -Ballet. A bulletin intended a? au amendaient te 1 I cen? sor?-.I : .. i every fea? i ? -v ? ""''.?I "" Beat I, i .-Inn.i R?SSO-BRITISH JUNCTURE NEAF London Press Thinks tin forces May lie United W ?thin Ten Days. I . British f real f-ht I" ? il ? ? ? ture, ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ?. .iiitl ?t . .: idal ul art' en thf !.. '...ii ..? Ii . ? ' 110 4V ' "The .. Rus - i ? ? ? - . ? ? ? . .?fu 1 In Xoi British I . cttnii the nal . lVrv Lake ??(,. ? imara Rcieni ? ? The Red Cross Retriever, j A dog, yes?but h" is fining B hero's \?<>rk exempli ?Tying the lighting spint oi I ranee II.- discovers the wounded, la- .arries water, he delivers mi BSages all with .1 mute courtage deserving ? better fate. ! he camera has ? -Might him ?is lus wounded leg is being bandaged?a really "human" war picture I Ihis full page photograph appears in tin- Graphit ? tu.?i ot nexl Sunday's l*ribune. Men, ?vomen and ?luldren who love doga should reaerve copies now S?I71? gwt?ati Sribitni? rtrtt to lait the fruth: iVe-it.t Editoriall AJifrtnement* SCUTARI FALLS TO AUSTRIANS Serbs and Montene? grins Evacuate Albanian City. ITALIANS FACE NEXT ADVANCE Teuton Forces Move on Avlona?B?lgara Men ace Durazzo. London, Jan. 24 Sr tar has been ? .-1 by a lati -mops, ling to ?n annoiinccni.-- I ? ??? \ ?? ?? '.' , -, irian hea I? I uart? who f'.riit'-1 the gan .' .:??! tha i1 aritl ? ? ? v for?a n Albania to be : the Ubanian 1 ted be advs ng toward A is y the Italians. Austrian troops ' ? Esaad l'... I i, at tin min troopa, is prapar? ? nee. ? of the Aus- ? .: tata - "Sentar has I.n oceupie.l by garlan fr....p.. : i an - who formed th ? irda the south ' oat rcintance. ' . . ? bare cc eupied Nikale, Danilovgrad ritsa. "The disarming of I . hai bean carried on up to the present with it : eaa the ? ? . the Auetro-Hunga l.eforj rival ? ' ' ' m or ? ' ' ' ? er in? "The Situ.itnm BCIII Obacara. tust ria patioi firm pn ?otiations are noa ? i . . Mont? I to the reporta cone? I . legrins impensation Auatria Mount ' ? . . '. na assert that ntil the their . | ' ... i ff ai lie House of Commons the ft ? ? state ? The occu o Its ' " ' . I arabo ich M" intain ? before ever, as the . ? ? tanc? Mon1 ? to? :. >'?' in .a. % the Balkan wa ? ? " po? I ? -?. ulari LoBg I iinlt-ntleil i or. I i.'' i ? - ' ? ... led. ? - ? King, a tow ? ?: Wha ? S li.t!t lie. fit t?. k in,- \i. kolas King Petef : Cwatlnurti uu ims* 7, t.ilt.iini | LUSITANIA DISAVOWAL DEMANDED ON MAY 13 The I nitoil Slot?'? Man! in it? note to l.iTronni ?ent on Maj 13 : "The Imperial lierman {?Strom? aaeal ?ill not ?aperl the Gestera* tni-lit of fbi? I nlted Stale? to omit an> ?aoril or an\ a<t nercs-aark to tin? perfonaaaee of it-? ?arre?) duty of Baalntaialag the right? of the I nlt???) State? and it? riti/en?. "No weralag that an unla-A'lul and a? t ?kill be committed ?an paeeihlj be a?repicd a? an BBXBBB or palliation for that art. "The I nlted State?, rontldently ei pertN that the i.erman ?fokernmrnt ?kill disavow the art? of whirh the goaernment of ?he I nlted States complains (the slahlasj ef the I.usl tarua and the I .nab.? and the at? tacks on the GalfltgM and < u?h Injr); that the?, ?ill make repara? tion, ?h far a? reparation is pos ?llile, for the injuries which are wilbiut mensure, and that they will take Immediate atepa to prevent the recarreiace <>f ankthinj? so shtrleaslj aabeerelva ef the principle* ef ?ar? fare." U. S. TO OPPOSE BRITISH RULING Representations Against "Enemy Trade Act" to Go at Once. '?' ? gtoa, Jan. -t. Croat Brit. ? - i Ith the enemy" set ? ? ? . ? ted St? iTOd to-day for im t to tha British ? .? Department considers ?that gad ur;u.-'.::iable injury to Ameri 8 raej " ??? ?a attempt to rovti ? uf the act htTrct in(r business In this country. I ling with the enemy" act pri)h?i. ? lent in Gi si ., t'riiin trading with any corpora bich arc SI - .,; I in supplying 'he Teutonic a ..-?with them , ? ? the 1 'nlted Stal from a lack of legal author ? r thi ? ? ? "-eii Interfer? aei ?rll of A aei .? sn and '.? rrnan capital ifseturing that ' would be quite .... -' r ' not take the . pi ? ? because tl ? . I peration to A? this time ? thai no ground foi ? ?against ? ? r. the u?ual prac taken bu b. ? I at a neutra - I ittation? will serve th<? ? ... ? ne ? ? . ?jur) I ? ' ? A ? : ? ' pui ? ? the acl week, as SAY FRA.NCIS JOSEPH'S ILLNESS IS GRAVE Reports t'> \atican Declare Mis Condition Serious. tdv :? ? ill- \ at ? ' the ell t that tha nditioi rhe Daily Ti ? ' : from .'. : ? that ? i ? . ite fon : ? ? . ? . : ' it | ? . ... - .-' ? heir 1 ? ? . . HER CEAWL OVER ICE ON LADDER SAVES 2 Nurse Drug's BO) from Water, liten Rescues Mate. ? ' Emma L. Wilson. ed that a tie : ? ? ihe saw tare log ;.ir the lest W ? ? ' Mat liera wa et awe ??? ?? .f iferre !, and sg ? ?on c - ? ? ? ? back, I holding Mil-' SOFTENS TONE, AGAIN OFFERS ?. S. PAYMENT .Mention of Warning Is Now Eliminated from Note. OFFICIALS HOPE FOR SETTLEMENT German Public Will Not Tolerate Further Concessions. Washington, Jan. 24 Germany baa mil mitt? d to the r- Iti I I through Ambassador another written proposal I . ? . it ? wttlsm? ? ?r -..-i . . .. r Um rial i I i ateamship Lotritania, arith mors than MM bill American lives. Thers m - t. - niyht that the document might bring to a satisfactory termination nsgs tistioni which have been in program for eight month-). Although ? ratest Mereey svf ? ? ? the ??' | itiations, it ? to-night on excellent authority that Germany finally had agreed to elim? ina to from the text of the sgroemei I any mention of the vrarnini leaved by the German Eml sa -. thi day th>? Lusitanta sailed an be (toa Ni'w York. Mention of tb? marniag ii underntoorl to Hum be< : contained iii the last proposai, ?rhieh was re? jected after Presiden! Will n had considered it If ia undent od s many has left out her | I gen? ??ml reservation of sdmiMion of - loing on the part of the marine commander, ? ? ?? I rh the L'nit - ted. Mention ? arai ? alterad to have been mo-? -o the nistt In ell i thai I .... . . i -, lost had the a arning I ? \*.k?, Action Agelaet Britain. It waa els that in Its ??? ? raunicatioa ?ny makes -. ? ?. . . to th<* ., . ff thi freedom i I the -? * ? ?mbaaaad . gardlnf i irensadiata Germany reiterates eteerl ? ia aaid, that the Luaita m- act of raj risal Brltiah ,-? i ? : ? ? ???-.? of the rapi and G aun] . ? i .-..?' ? to the ?'<?? ' ' :??-;'>' ? ' ' ' ? .t? future i. t ? _ \ liacussions .... ? .. Will Not Admit Wrmif?. ,1 intry ami in Germeny ?si I at ll ha? ? ' ?? It lid not ., . [1 ? ? : tl ad, the 1 waa ai ? '. raa a ? In view of i > ittenl ras es . ? ? ?? pay an ii killing Amarle > I that the bei Thf Geraaa i i en .?. .. i ?... he mom ntii ?. r !??. ? moaner i itua i ? ? . : I . . it reaaoi 1 | I ?. ? .._. ?4..