Newspaper Page Text
Joe Stecher Now Ready to Show His Prowess ?ERG VICTOR AFTER BITTER BATTLE ON WAT h0 Hurled Against 'press Fables and I alls to Floor Stunned. BOWD IN UPROAR ' FROM PIT 10 ROOF . n*otf, I H imphriei ' ! leei Into the \ . - i en, and ehan i Abarg S? If, and ths mat. feet fi ' ' I off the crash up ? ? i - ? ? ? ? *ace, l ' ? - ? ' ? ' ; - ' ? ? i - I have ? ? i ? ' ? ? ? ' fefce Club Wants garland Lewis Bout 1 I ? Mi-Far? ^eJporili?hi C? Gmntlan? J?/C0 More Verse l.ibrl. Jess \VHlf.~d fights fer "0.000 ?Vu?-.?. tren man or ducats n* uom brand tht staff i Fer 80 -m-.'.fes he trill peer and pofte, And hardly raise o pood, eld-faahlsned su-ent. Y tt i or each mimais he will ?jet more douah rkam mama earn by Usher through tht? year; And.themgh by hard pan value we should say - ' -f 80 cents ?OS closer <o the viark, Yrt for the Thirty Thousand he will pet. Deep .'i Me heart he thinks he's underpaid. -The Young Men'? Frankmoran IVlarching Club. : travel with year recent correspondent In a finish ?crap MarBB rill B Willai 1. ' ek oil In ten rounds he mrty r.nt be ?ble to de ...u.-h. but in ten rounda I think he will .how aa much stuff a? Wlllard doe? and W la K. maybe a lltt'.e bit more. itJ .: twenty.feur rears hav? ikittered b> since John Lawrence Balitees. i thud at New Orleana Bow long alter their eUre! drenched feature? i it Brill any of the present erop be regarded n* laetl? ! Basrball by Section.s. ?leetleaa rarleaa baseball ?teleata. The Caal leada by * wide Sin In Infiel.srs ?rlth Daubert, Mclnnls, Collins, Even. Barry, Watrner, MaraavUla, Herzog-, Pakar. The West has the call In producing able-bodied pitchers with Johnson, Alex? ander, Leonard, Foster, Tesreau, Jama?. And neither section classes with the outfleldtng South, which has Cobb, Speaker. Jackson and Milan to offer. Joe Jackson and 1916. Which recalls the Impending future of Joa Jackson, labelled by Gordon Me Kay fis "T? e Tnro?na Craihsmlth.** i r Some n ai ?n or another Joseph s-iffered a serious depletion of base hits last ?.immer. He finished nieve ..'i?'?, bat not very fur above, at .?08, where In ra hll furs extended from .840 to .408. Jackson was transplanted last sommer from ( levelai 1 te ?Chicago. This have been responsible fur hie slump. Al a White Sex rei/ulnr he mriy rlie again to hi? oldtlme height? as first -*'?* OB thi ' ping Winde?! Blind, eaptainad by T. Raymond Cobb. And again he may not Bat Jackson eannol af! rd to ?lump. Aa Tr < obb'a only I rival hs la needed for a number of ?pi rilling purposes, for reara he pave Ty the battle of his dizzy young life and thereby added ? pioui q IBI til ? s to the gaiety of things. In the matt i el Jackson's slump Noll Go! i?mith bed the right Idea "III fares the land, to hasteninij ills a prey, n'A?re' fielders aceumulats and batsmen decay, or catchers mny flourish or may fade; Ii*>*h can make them?u? thi Bush hat I a ?'? : I: tt a greai slugger?his I itmeA ;'.-? pri e, When ones destroyed can never be supplied." Down South recently we lamped two Hue birds, Rarbingera ol Beret The Ird la the fore runner of "Play Ball," a piquant phrase sometimes used to te Opening Day or the F!r?t Game. We wit-h Johnny Ever? would go lack t the < aba ar.d VI? ?caier change his name to Frank Chance. Them was the bonnie riuys In Hwatland. The Joy Taker. Fir: The Glaats for the flnt dlvialea no ehanc? not a chance In th? Braves, Cubs, Fl.i'.lies ar I Fodders have t) e A rat four places tied up. ? a1 so tive-lv The Giant! may fini-h flfth, but they ?rill have to Kn some to ' out the Be ate? But as for 1-2-3-? thosn place? are a'? -jammed tig t Watch and see. BOGAN. What has become of the Old Fashioned who used to hart .- League rar- aeered up at thia time each season? Maxima of the Nineteenth Hole. In hut h Coif and life more shots are plated In bunker? than out on the fairway. Therefore it profiteth one greatly (" pra?-tlse the featle art of emerglnn; tidilv tn one stroke out of Trouble. W?. predlet a pTeen and tender spring, fratrni: I Itl ippl? bloaaemi si ' ? After last season'l snow-rimme ? March a-id Apn!. If era are wrong, an) pi I r oi pit ?? tant will snap i ' of Benn'.e Kauf! beat aa? down at Martin. Murray Eager to Swing His Old Racquet Again Lawn Tennis Star Find However, Business Spoil Chance for Practice. R Llndley M'.rray. of l'alo Al ?t- arrival in ths Eaat a f< . wan duly heralded, (iron. Tribune u'Mif one muht r . ' i old time! lad it g man from the ca? ? '... '.Bui, ? ? ?. in tlip East in 1914, when I came up from : ? attain a N ? dnrii ' i - . ? ? sson, look* ? ?? ( l .1 I *..-morrow ar: ?ii perfora Murray's ?kin i? tanned by th and I Is even rr.'.i i .uin>* glar.' U I irformed an Eaatani courts lai . ? - . ?? \erv day I started for th ? raj. "I met McLough the i : tation in Bai Pran Mar aras just returning fror latern trip, and on stopped an. .. bat for a few minutas hetwee?. 1 asked Maury what kind of i iad, and he snid ho di? r that it had hatn v f i y suc n't ki an a hat was the mat t? r,' h? it I didnt seam to fee! just right al1 teal . ? ad praised William M. John? ayii | n ths Anal round of th.. ? rs' ??? ' ? nal rhampionship ? the former national eham i not lieata whethsr hs would East i ?? ? ? vf?! or not ? I ? ? ragain his crown. Accustomed to playing on the elec , ? ?? i curta on the r.ta?t, .riMoua to if?'*- "> *ornet'i?c ? ? , ..i i link?-,! the wi iter rts n this riela il i pi? ? a* aigl ' i ' s thoi igl as a ehern ?t, with ?Coast it he fli ? almost ?? ? . time .- ; hs day Kor this i. sson it .iitful whethai he will he i take part ' il national indot . ? -.. ? al ? ?? ' ;.' - lent A morj next n ntl Murray s beeomii ? am? a Weal Tennis Club, nf Fores! Hills, I.on Island, "if they will have n ? mean a thai . '.oard at I iilonir with Kar] Behr, Theodor? velt i'. I] .' ? '? ? ? pi "::ni?nci I do much to tas il clul Ta I ' ilrs on ths -" " ' laid the] era ? ? aho wei ? ? ? "You should ses that ? '- ? seven! -. '., but he's a bear air?.. tide of I ? ?. ? - ?-.I Murray, a ho man;. ? a ith the i igt) boy in California, and knoun when he Kj eak?. Marvin, the man who in f..r the discovarv of all the gras forma i ..?.-. en i I I It I l a? young R? berts In ban l ?M li bringing him 'tionir earefollj A day, according ta Murray, Mai ?..n watcl ei Robertl at work, and aft.T ? the muselai that he !>? lit res tmed t'> cnrr> ths young man ? topmost rung of th? ?? a probable I .i [...;,: mage I next year or two. an.i ^.>>ori v recommend itioi ..... awe*! ? the Far w estera start w II : with k.???ti ii t.-r. ? by lawn tenm? tollowars on this side 11 I continent. Regarding Johnny strar-han, ? ?s No. l on ihn Pacific ?'on--. . ?an, Murray expressed the oplnit.? ? this player was :ant t xpanent i of I . si ? ? ng on ths i l si i ston, i. ? | ? ; .1X4-11 bttl - . trip Easl a ith -Johnstoi ? although in? ?na on U no last - STECHER'S SKILL AS A WRESTLER MAZES CROWD Hundreds In 12tl Street Watch Ncbriisk.-in Per? form on Mat LEOS THE STRONGEST OF HIS WEAPONS _ Joe Opens and Closes I lu'tn like (?lant Shears ami with Deadly Effect. in I RED HAWTHORN!. ? | ? - /hy-.?'. i in a I I Gard? we were be, .? ? . iiirh peraon existed h I ?'? -, I ran the ' . . ? ? , Jack Curlay un.) Harry Pollok, who are pro? moting tho match and ?*. * | into The Tribune oflre th? 8ti!l further to Impreac ux as to Joo's capahllltlei. left uj In a doubtful frame of mind. But It'i all true Stc II ; ? in the fteth yeoterdaji afternoon at George Hothn?r ? gynaaiui ?.. ser.,:.i Btrest, f..r a "workout" with his brother, k I , We have - i llou ? . in thii any .: : ? ban Joe St? . .- at. ' . I ha ? ? ' - ? r has i ? ? ? ? ? l pone ? estegai . had Joe wen Hying ????? v. ? . ? ; ? ? ? garde i : a few mil ?? ? at. ? ? ' ? erl u? -? eed ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? mon? th the ? : ? thai .... ? : ' ? . I of I ? .. ? I ' ' the ma! ? h mat ? thi '.' ? ? itei u ? I ? and mi teen minutei ? - 'Joe . i kid a ? know . ??. ? | the ma! it guy ! ? ? ? ? r - ? i ropor! ? Pilttei Ar?- Great Actors. . . ... a . . ? ? - Callahan is an CXCellcn DR. PATERNO IN i ANOTHER DEAL Buys (iroup of Dwellings Near Schwab's Home for Apartment Site. FILM CONCERN MOVES TO ITS NEW HOME Triangle Corporation in Krnkaw Building House Meld at $200,000 Sold Pr. Charltl V. r.iterno hat SIMM bit -I anol ? ? grou| of Vta?% End di slllngs near I h ries M Schwab's for n ful ' ? . i ? made I h n rt Hobbs an.I Involves th* ?? Iront hou?"?. 107 to .'il i We t Ei .1 uv , locate ! be ? arid ?t. fhe Sellers were Will lam II < r.'iwf >rd, Mr*. Caroline In .'? ? . ??? Ively . I A Mark as attorn? ? ri ? Dr. Paten 1 >: 1' . '. oif. having ?hi ? fourteen iou-t! It wtll I"- from [dan? by t.- ..ut a ? ;. of about $1400,000. There iparti loor, ..f lr< :?! twelve to fifteen roonia and baths. \. laj ??????rday th? ac'ivit t- of 1 ?. eomi he ?rokaw Mull.lint?, in Broadway, ba? the was! . ? ? Film ? ? - puce ? ? ' I .;, . -, een ?et h A ' k i' n. i, Da* Id W. daps ? ? ' - ? . ,. il ? ? irs ! the ; of V . ira A It. ? since ?? ? to u client -r . a S.X | t 25) ? ..-, tha ? U9T1I ST. I.. -. has ! ' I : II AX. !. ? li. II. ? ? sa.ional V. VV. C. A. Leases Space for Meeting Room ipany, rep ? '. ? ? i mooting room le i. n ? i H ? A Moyos I ?ipany . - ? ' ? , ? ' ? ire. sy, I m-, * at ? . ? -, ? - 2d st. to 1 i : Proc? ter a niar a New Jersey Transactions. I rel . las . I ? ''?ased for a '. N W ? - . - - ' Buys Alen?; Waterfront. ?U| II Ml | < rude . a tract of ? . ? it Cat . J -? Sale in Auction Room. i I (QUICK RENTING FROM PLANS Eight Apartment? la-ase-d In Ilonas for Lexington Av. Corner. Tease A Elllman announced yester day the renting fr.jrn the pUna of eight apsrfrnents In the structure to he erected at th* northwest comer of i ?Lexington ?-.-. and ?'?.?th at Tal? aa? ? tebllahea n reeerd t?r quirk renting that wilt probably stand for some tlasa In tliit? -lie, y.hin, wa. parehaeed ??>> i Edwin >S Brlckaer through th? ?hove i Ai m last *?'??' ?",!.. i. foui 'lu' Ion ara ! now bring laid for a tall apartment. The ?? ? ? for thi Booi have ?ml" been ava labio for two week? -Least ? eight ' ' ? ' ? , bathe have been eleaed with Seymour Joha on, "f tt?.. New York Btoeh r'.x 'change; Bchoylor Leggett Dr E l ?? i ? j* n Krug, Frederick f! Tanner, eheirmen j of Hi? Republican atete eoma ttee? i Mlaa Malvina Appleton, Howard Presa fold and J'-s?e l Mayer, of the No? ' York Stock Bsehang? In addition, ; a phyiician ha? leased h su.te of aine ' rooms ml.i four bath? All lessee, as? ?? .; one, are f?>r live yean. DWELLING TO COST $300,000 Morton P. Plans tu Ei.'t SU Story in 1'iltli Akeniie. Plan? havi -, dw< Hing I u ?? fer M rt ?n f Plant, m I ia north i I eeraer ol I- Ift .' - ? || It win I.uve a front ..: of l"" feel and (i depth of '?? t, wit m | of brick and French renaleaanee, ornemeated a baleuny around the BBtirs building st ?th ll.ikir. I i- te rill ? I all ol m ?' ' I ' ,- r'.'.m on one Bide ?? ? ? the other side. 1 drs ? and f to the aereante. Gay Ijowell . architect, and bus placed the eeat at ?aou/'O?). MANY AT DINNER OF REALTY BOARD first Annual Affair of New Jer? sey Roily Proves | Success. The real estate board of the New Jer fv Bteta ? hamber of Co-nmerce held Its Bret annual dinner at thi Wash ... ' ? i he ad i r eras s big sacc ? i I teas attci di ?I bj man] ? ? - of life l ' ? i ut' th?- Public rpoi atlon of Si ? . ... irtment of Conservation and ? '.. a Jei ???? . and .'. . from ?? ? Board i tment of the l ?? ? .? ' Jeraey than cop!.I be indi. -.i of the tioaikl . ?? a Clearing house for the I8I? :. ' k -nee. re through tion and i ? and acqui i ad fa New J . To establish a led la ??:?-. fraudu laat advei - Will Build at Bronxville. 1 '.-in: any a i Fish ?v Marvin a plot on Dellwood Road, ? eiar K ??' W. V. Lifaey, aaaistant ?er agent ! West Shore line?. Mr. tall m Rena i ? .. ? . ? to i iwai s a total of ! I--. Kenn ? i lees ft Co. rei ??? l for Pred? Pope ? - ? ? ? dence on Morria . to Mas W. Mayer, ai I t Ry? . SO, to ird E Kenm I?. an I for George ge No, ,i, t.) John It. II"' : .r. jr. New Tenants for Dwellings. ?ed to William I to Louis ' ii. i ta ! IM Weat .Ir?. S. i-:, u I 123d a?. ? ?Veet ' Sd g has leas : , 289 West . Sales in Brooklyn -.' ... i . Albe .... ; 1051 end i lew York front res lVet, for Mrs. Sa . La? it ? New Brooklyn .Ipartments. Shan ive tiled plana build ? f Kingston av. and < Brooklyi ? buildings to be ? ? ? Buys Estate at Rye ... ? har?as S. '?? it. I N Y ting of seven and a half arre?. ill J m, al astea n ted in l lb, sad ii ? Lonllard Property Sold. I trustees of I ? ? imei .1 Van Alen Mr. Vea it ' ... ? ?. Bar? i ? ?? .re. Building Plans. Alt?r?t:" The Broni. POPMa?* ?, . , ...... ? a -' ? ? ? ? ?? > ? . ? ?. ii...?. IM ?-WIR r s RFSORTS. IANUGGIT?n? ?fe?fjpi <*v. t ?**"---V*^t*/*v7 V>-^7" H* ' '" ???? * ' ; ->.. ? 'V^i-s Just ^^^^tiP*5^^^^ -? -fei ?S^s| ashorLjieasdAtjw^^ fur mi' h li Atlnntic City A ?leli?ht?iil Winter report, and tuMM-fH Its hospitality and ItS wide TOBS? of aur i tioiis (0 ftntai?fa ?M most Sim t l0| visitor ROLLING CHAIRS. (.01 f. MOTORING. TMf AIRfS, t 1(. The Leading Houitt Are Alw.-iy*. Open earl will f am a ? ' r,, :,,,,. r?-, ? . ?,, i ? ula m ill a ami' aa flan unlaaui nth. lolaa notaarJl Hotel Strand On i ? i Irran I- K Off ar.i M i Kthrwr-Je Martho'oiii-h Blenheim i i ?Jm '?.???' f ??,! ? An?-, ai ?? E iropaaa I? ana Jo-i/t White * ? ' o. G.ilen Hall -n The Shelhurne On *?? ? leeai t Ml /'.ur.'i ???'. i"an Waika M.r The Wlltthire Omtra ?? if fi-?eh Hole' < heKea '. J H nrt| Senvde Ho.i-ia? Oi ' ??? ? -U Kl<-.- a Motel flennr?. Or ? .? ' mi > nt V,a ?r J I ./ y Hot I St. <'rs O- ?, .? I ran I .nt ? . |i?e HjolmhmrU ? ?In It lhrt?e hour? froTii Na-tr ?i ... ', ? l(| tu I I si I: \ k. It. H of S .1 . ?r f. S S ?.. it. |?. t m M t loa . '.-.?: au.r.i. B? ATLAHTlr CITY \m .et nu.?./ etatrvdarJ r/ Service corn (or . c <?.?..? it/ iAuoB?n mucmeor rx' . t hotil in Tur.vvouun tirtv ?ajpk HOC l???.? or '-? -??pire ^____l_J?_-:- Tl rtit ir'DiN''? -fi -oRf iioif ni f?r w RID ' n_aiitcrou3n-i_icnr.?2im V II. A Mil ? 1 I N -. .1 o?vr?a.? ataa.imai jOS'IH .VH1TC 4. t.-jlH ? CO ?Jl PANV a i ....... \- V^ a ? . .? i A' An . ? ? SIM I'll N ? ? . . . ? ?1 I ?.N'. I I s I \ ?iutnmer?Vf,hitefaca lun. Lavke PlaeM. KLM. ESTATE I oit SAI.F. NEW J KKS KV. Li 41 I ; !? PARI SERSHIP. ' : ?hat a ? , , State ol N?-? . - which ??i'-h I ... :.-rah:y . . . | -.paw-lrU ? ? I itdea ? . ? i . tarad ?? at I ... , . . I i ? |. The I , ? ? ? t ? ?. t : ? n ii L??t?d New Vt rk, I !*. SARAH I QALaST Bl RROG \ ! l - NOTI?TE8. 1; }?? ? - \ ? ' ? ". ? ?*-* lonora . ? - n?'B la - - ? ?? 1 l. XOth 'lay of De a ff. 1 . K?t a ?rVHITF : ?. ? PROPOSAI B. ' 1. It!" ?? ?' I , ? M I 1 I? i.N >M.Fv ? ? ? , ? ? ->* RUSSIAN R. R. LOAN PLANNED FOI U. S. N. \. Bank Agents Now in Petro? grad Making Arrangements. . .. - A Stood ' ralroad - . ? ? i curitie \ . . i . . - ? i el i *tna il instil utioas : Ml tha ? it an agi segotia! . relatioBi ? pr?s i ? ? . ?? on the Anw vt, at looked upon t the dej irtment." Pittsburgh Broker Suspended. ? ? ?. ? . ... ? inae.waa ? ? ? ? . thai ? ?-.?. .very precaution t. plut?..:. 11?J n.tiu bars. INSTRUCTION BTBjv? M'rtK- Manhattan. n ' i -?-. ..ii-i BS?, i ir ? Hr,.!iiri v. Jaeeaae Dir?s tes if ??a--a ara ?i. ?ad Fab Bpaalab ?. - : iu? LANGUAGES,:: "'.v-,, I ' ? ? .al - ..... . ? l . -? . ? ?? '.?? . ? ? , MU . IM |\(.i PHONE ill Him? ?1 I ... I . . . - Ml ?-. ? id SDKJTJ 1871 ?I'Kk? ?i iimii up ?LANGUAGES : !n 10 - Its - ? ? I irai Inati sin- ?1 . ? ?I l ? .r, ? .. ' . l'a _ RI SIM -? B4 ll"ll -I C Bookkeeping, Shorthand Secretarial *nd St?notype Drpartir.enti. mi >i< \i IN -?: ;;i : i kin_ IM8TIT ; I ? B I ?I SB'? Baa J2*. ia-0 CI-re m or a. s ? ? .?? C:t\ SC1IOOI AGENCIES. ameriten an?. I .rr ?r. I earlier? Igena-?.-?? :??? l'r. f^'.o . '. 1 . r?. ?asea ? ?? ? - ch -... an 1 ta \VV>S lo Mr? ii J Vu'J.N'ki Kl'l I'lN II l-iiion h?tii?r? BUSINESS CARDS. i IL I l-JaPI r IXJ a- . . -... ,:?.-... I i ? 4.1 Ka?t t-i. .. ? t. a i a i ? r iMTi . ?'. .. LltM ?1 r?; In j--> IV i. la li r |S|| ? aas FINT Bl ?. - Wot LN Hlo'l ol II ?'I :.. 4 ? Mi )\, _ ( ? ? ? , v? M, ?? -i I l \I!<>\> w W l ED ..... ? k. / ? . iMiMi.snr sin \i ion?, uwii ?> Male. H T .a ? 1 i ? i UUl-JtKTJ i m l" i I . ? -i ... . Mia i Jai ?? - it ? ? > . a r remale. \ \ ? i ' ? ? ? ? . k. i : l :' - ? ' ? k .. - ' 11? ? > . a a . ? ? ? ? / , ... , A. , . 1 r ? . ? ? . ?.. '. . , I - ? kl-v k! a. , 4. i . ... 'h - - -. a k. - ? ' .... a . . u???l . . . a. i ? i Kaal a ? ? ? . . .. ? III M ? ka ? ? a . a ? ? - I .11 ]?? ? ? I . . ? ' - : ' '-. )?M| \. -4.1 ??. - i I i . I II ? ' . | 1 i.l. . ., ?111,1 I? I a ? . a ? ? ?U , t . - aftrjti .. LaataU? a. m ? ? ' ? ? ? , ??sa. Baal ?aa? ? ? "'"? \ia,ir,a trelauri Sea ? ? 4 . a?. _ ? ? J - - . HAMli. KM?' a.? . ? i .4 . ? ? - ?... , ' ?. ? ?. V. I'.l -IM --?? I ?I \M 1 -? a ? ? ? ? k - v a? a . I -. .a