Newspaper Page Text
. rpatn t,^A .A.MA^''T White Mark of a Blameless Life If ?i the black Mark which is set upon a person by the public anu? ?s ionst.qut.ntly the stron:T<st of all Marks. It ii the one which every one most dreads and every good man seeks least to deserve. ty-Cigarette" Case "Twenty-Cigarette" Case?Of tun pigaki ni? at her, ?ilk lining, p.' i \ 3 '- inches thicki.t Mrs . $5.75 In bl<uk pin ?ral leather . $?},75 Wallet?(at top) In black or col? ored pin-pomt jetl leather, . ' and four card pocket?. Two tterlin? 5 ?|ll inch- ?. .$6.75 Travelling Accessories Ca?e?fat left) Tan pipkin , ther case, lining, with leather loop in center prot?t ting Ivn,. militar?/ brush' - ! ebony (5x2". neasuresi 5x4 i $7.00 ' enter) Of tan s.ttin lining collar ? $2.75 ht ) Purple ? lining, fitted with: leather? militai ? mli, nail , ' ure sciaaors, cuticle knife, nie, cutitie puaher, I'eai! tla?p fasten .$7.00 Toilet Case Toilet Case? I fur women ) In bl.?w It or colored morocco, moreen lining, covered f. ! ?ide, handle nt top. I itted in white < r!lu '? . button hook. ??. th brush and hold? er, to?. ? . ..Ii, soap box, inn - ..nt! button ' ?: 1 0 11 x <> ' j folcbd. ( omplete. ?11.75 - : Boudoir Articles Waste Basket finely woven tan i . vt n her, n rocco i mi with full-lining >? match i top diameter t Ins, height 13*4 im he? . $7.50 ogram Extt.i Cold plated monogram, a? shown, in..tie to older. Size: 4'j inches ." $5.50 I .it i ight Of enr?mela all colors, Silver plated top ?'id i..?. high . $1.50 A? ? | extra, from 20c \K\?N^^ThU S World's Greatest Leather Stores N-w York 404 Fifth Avt ! ton 1451 lemoiit St. Inndon ?SA Bi o.tdwiv H Regent St. PealSM ll.r...i?li.,.it Ilia ?torld -I SUPREME COURT HOLDS TAX ON INCOMES VALID Decision Opens Way to Make the Rieh Pay for Defence. DEMOCRATS RID OF TaARIFF PERIL Majorit) Noa i ree to < ove! Deficil Without Making Voters Hostile. i ? ? a. ? lax was ? bj the ? ? ? ?. ? mont y. Repi ? ? .? ? ? :. 1 the coi ? ? ' ? - ' ? Sen Revc*nue Ntreded layway. I ? - ? ? ? ? - i ! ? ? ? ? ? PIbb i" Make the Rich P ? - ? ? i are i ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? nt . ? ? n of I wai unanimous. It ?k. ? Frank K ? . : ? i ' ? ? . . Vrinilniftit Directed at Source. erroi ' . - i ii i .? .. ? ... . ... ? ? ? ?..? I , ' - ? ? me 1 ?houlr! lu- taxed arltl . . ? .|?i\H a V I \\l \l. ? - I BRONX PARKWAY COMMISSION. v|,. H i Pan ? I ?' ? ' ? i ?i - BRONX PARKWAY COMMISSION. r its i .,'?....? ? , ?. ? i i ... ,.! , ,-i tain Income ? f ha.I no< eome ? ithin the am? ndtaent I * '? ... i that ? ? ?? Federal goi i i ? ?? tux had i i ? ? I . i. y I 11 f ? he famous Income tai il? i I ? i thai the ? ourl I ??..?ii Ml ri.. ivas in the i excise ta b? ? ? orced as stiel ? - '.. enfore? mpll .hing the ?. .juiiemei i nt te ? * ? o pi ! the f< . it!..tie . in nee ? ? i ? ? ? ? ..i"., rt m h ?.. i. . ? ' ! . ? ,?,,, thai ? . en the i ? Mil II \ lew that !., en adopted \ .ture of I??) Noi Limited. ? m.-Ii 1.1 th? ,. : to lev) an Ince ? . ! .... ? -i.l.r it int nut i ! ?? h< with thi ? i ? ; ? ? ., r pr.n ' r was i nd I ' cd I '. iw. Cniformit) Me phlrsl. mitj ? ta ? i ronoai <* : y a >:?? il persoi i ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - l? ' ??' certain < ?idus I ? ? : . ' ' ? n whir ' ? ? es, while ? ( ...i Tai Differ? ? ? ? ? taken .... Ilffen - ? ? 'I it: ? ? ' ' I i ? . ' ?' ' ? pcrets -.broad. ' im in? of i . Tient? ? ? ?? ? a ' . com ; f Congr? ? ? ' ? ? ' I STAY ON BENCH, WORKS TO HUGHES Senator Says Justice Can Win Undying Fame by Refusing Office. NATION WOULD (?M LESSON IN FIDELITY II.inn Seen Lven in ResignntiOfl from the Ourt After Nomination. . . - .i II sshtaftaa, ????? M Jastiss Hagh? a ?ii ? piase I sa ? pad? '?'? I ram i sieh hi .,, i i not stoop '?? grs ;? U ? i ?miaa? tu.n i(.r il.e Presidency, ?vit. if it wer,? "fared 1 ?? ithout effort "ti Ml ?i- an klatenient wnt ght 1 Sei '? r J? Im D. H "' n liforaia. "? re tl mi ?i n" rs ,? out" Justice Hughes, . /..i i.. do thai rar by Si ? , whole id? of 1 lidate ?..r the Pn idencj from ? Sens '' ed that I -, ? through 1 ? ,?,l be? ?? to a level below thai Court in ' with the Progn ? party rec? ; : ' ? ' ? ? , ? ii the .|. Ic . ii ? twe? : i . . ; late. I. ? atement in full t"lI? ? . ? ?. . i . im ii.11 ? If ha ,. i - him by ni: i ? I i . ? ? ? ? ? ' ? i ? Puritv nf < nurt Vital. ? ? ' ... ? ? ? ? . ' I . ??i in I ? i i But, f?r . . rig t? ? "Without at I ty of ' n abei as much s r *^?P?2S&# : ?W M& X^r; J MX Ai-.v ?ohh. The Correct Silk Hat KNOX estra s St-periai 452 Fifth Avenue at 40th St 161 ! \y, Si I'Mk. ON VIEW TO-DAY 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., ? ? ? Fi?th Ave. Auction Rooms HOME FURNISHINGS. tee and ' dividual*. : ? e for < dfl| <r-" ? ? nclu ling Hall ? i", i??, i "m? w ? -nu.- v.. ?.?in?, player l*ta?aa ?irlmtui t'arpeti .nul Hui;? Mandlaa Lamps Hint II.-. Ireliei->. Miri..r?, i i.. '? ropean C? ram ici ipei \\< : ?? " ? ? ; ? \ luette?- i-,. aa -\v.,i,,...,i i? rhari ? ii? i ii un.i aatard ?? ?. , ?''?? -"? M t? In m .' .i . |..< i, ,,? h ,1.,, ii- '? ? \ I ,R"j M v. \ DEMOCRATS TRY TO AVOID SPLIT ?Slate Committecmcn Are opposed to Unofficial Convention. SEEK TO LAUNCH WILSON CAMPAIGN "Federals" lav or Oathering Organization Men ln li'ittl lo Prevent I!. II!. a ? ? ' I . Tr.l .- ? | Albaajr, Jen. ?t 'i (um u t ? ; ? there ?ill as so un Bfflt Isl convi Dei i ? ? ?? ? i ' rets who pi eally i "i? i ? I ? lat? otan ttei i?-i It ? ? he* urr o| in niiy lueh plan, primarily to avoid h bitter fight betwei ? i Dene . i.... i and tha 01 . \i" it 01 ... , i kk,,th McAdoo and I rank lin D R< the leaders, and t . i temo : held they will kit I I!.' ' ill ' !?? .... ? ? I gsti ' . to laui I'll-, ..- I to let harp fight at Thursd ? ? ? ? for tl I ? ? ? lll?a UlalaltaaST thMsi 1 Hat r/lKONGlaST Thin Company ia not only tnr oldest in tilth Hue ol business In this country, but it bus tue turn? est (.?.pitIII .'OKI .lUTplU?. blue?; it.-. or,,uni.-.ut!on In 183. it I..i. giinrant-etd mortgage, jggrcbMtin.l $590,0u0,000. There 1 ave taten it, Bid to the Investors, wno did not lose a dol tafj of their principal and wh never bud to wuit lor their ?li? ierest, moMf-adcn totalllnj-i $335,000,000 There ui? now outstanding guarantees aggregating $255,000,000 Our flairallt*T" .??ortgages arc Du' beut investment lor ilios. who cannot atlord to lose their principal und who wish to re? ceive their income rcgu.ariy without any dtl if. Any amouui can be Invested wtth the protection o? our guar tnt?r. So inventor hat tvir ?out a dollar ^Lpejf?Sitli (?UaWNTtf (? Capital n Surplus, ' ; 1,000.000 IV- n way. N. Y 1 Ig, Hrn.ii?n St.. Oklrn ?hu rultoti V., Jjin-ikS. It is not ei led that i ??? ? ??? ? . ? WOULD ABOLISH I-.LF.CTORS Senator Norria latretlaeee It'll t? Kimplif) Presidentlal Eletrtloae. w'asl ? Nor ! . ' ? . .'..- ' ' the I Colli ge. It pi tars es their . I ? i '? i t ? ? ? DEMOCRATS FEAR TRADE INVASION Tariff Commission and Anti - Dumping Law -Urged hy Kitch.n. NO DANGER NEAR; JUST A PRECAUTION Clause, as in Underwood Hill. Is Planned in Levy Against ?Cheap foreign Goods. rPr??. T> ? T-" i? !? r??u 1 Washington, ..?' L'l ?Detnoeratte Invasion of the United ?. ?trengly in th? IlB IBB '?! !<??? ???. to-day wh?;i th< lloor loader, Mr. Kltchla, ?-IiHirrnnri of ?.? ? ' ' a tariff rommi?sinn ib I and BBtl-duflBpiog 1 law. a ? .?? Bteaabars of th. and M r thi ?a two ? - ??erts, tire of thi mamben Olnay, ?if " etta, aad ttebatl?, af ; having Introduced hills f'.r h ' Ion. ?The anti-dumping pi ?'.?.-ored by the ?Denoeratle Icaiera i? not the . i prepesed by Secretary ef ( : .- ? ef pereena trading in "dump??d" ?? for "unfair competition," but U the. plan propoaed i y Oseas W. ' ? he was chairman B? * I i aad Mea ? l ttee tare years ted by I , Lut knocked out of the bill by tho ?Sen? ? ? on on the Kitehin said he ? ? I ?ngreaa, hut - ;pnt. gialat "he said, ... [ extren . ? . ger that cheai ? ? i for ie*/< ral ?,-.*., ,#, .^< .,/<;r' ?W ?as ^ i "?"*?? '' ?' ;?,. * ??%!. *?* tien from - . , .? i , ."' ' ' ' ' '?'?.. ' ' ? ijpori A ???? ? ? I i he . ? ? ? t . a. the price a< ordin?r. ?her? '',1m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. ?ha en ' f ? PtntMa, tmtiSn U.rem *. ' lutjr. ' - . and ai .. _ ? ? - ? - m ?I ? I Price- ?r ? ten ?", ~i:?i WARNING ?MMtM(a -- ?.. a ? ? ?jg_ ..-.. . t-nn- ?... . i i "?. mr. \. m p?ot. -- ? ? ; ^-vC : ?' ?53 3. p M ? vi ??? ?-.. MPT. ? w?a _? >V'?.-?-->. .?SH ./ | aJri-?t. ,v),| AB-', ? THE GREATEST PIANOFORTES MADE EASY TO PLAY . HE Steinway and Weber Pianoks are simply these great pianofortes made so easy to play that everyone \ mry enjoy^ them. Play them by hand if you have the skill~ they are the same perfect instruments Steinway and Weber pianos have been always. But if you are a musician at heart and not in training, you yet may have, through the Pianola player action, a command^of the keyboard and of pianistic effects that few pianists can equal. NWAY&WEBER PIANOLAS niiclnstrumcnts deZiixe of the iMus?CCilcWerldm THE AEOLIAN COMPANY \/w i tM. ?W4 " ? AEOLIAN HALL BaWKWaasmarnkM Srt^mo* ajae-?Jtaaa> *.-.._*, a? buth ?,-__ __, ,?Ki,,XKjtl Ibsd, ?. ?* ???'?' I m * ?cm V2M r? ^r . , .?"??-' v _ \\ ' 4 Mm Vi ^Hm ?..?*.? m imintofA} HMMonsoW _%& '?:? L/wjt Va?,:>-?"^1 i^s_t<_%m