Newspaper Page Text
REORGANIZATION OF T|,e Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway Company 14 ldrta ti First Mortgage Bomla ami of Second Mortgage !?? ?tula "i al v. n tiiit atf?? i?i Dcpoait rapfwaantJng tuck bonds i?a?eii " ?rl ?! anbjacl lO tho Pl*n and Agreement of Rrm ganirtlioiv ? Iti* *$? 14'Wi'l Street. New Y New York Tit?.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ first l^^^^^^^^^^HRiounti 1 ol ital : < I the idei FEBRUARY I, 1916, ai .1 ded until the ( ol t the tl it until ?ess on FEBRUARY IS, ItlS. ... ? . I Neu Yorl fnndl to Cen s _ ?. ..I . . ... ?? . . Il 11'.Il C4...4 U_ "7 Dfosit terroentiii? Second Mortgage Bonds a-ni the respective 1 ' ?'?"?.. I* ?' the 1 ?'' 1?\ *..'h such ? ?trr' \K^ 15, 1916, present to tue D? ntraj Trust 'r*.; Vor* it ts offlct, 54 w jj* ' " posit 1 t? 1 oted Ihei . ??: that J?* a ei 11 and I road ( ompi P . tit? l*e ttinsfeneJ to trustees In accord led Dttcd, V* York, January 10. f 91 ft. 1 S WAL1 kCE, CKairman, CLARENCE L. HARPER, ftrtBD ?? IT, WILLIAM K. NICHOLSON, EffiK ' NER, RICHARD SUTRO, "J5[\. 1 IN, MEK9 H. WHAPLES, gjg AF, ASA S. WING. Rteorganiiation Comrnitter. STOCK? n OTHER CTT?TS. BOSTON STOCKS. ' i? : ?? ? : ? ? F? . f: ? Ijj - i ???? ? - _BBBBB - : ? i 4 I t i _? !? ? ? ' I'.: ? - - !? B is? ?? : do Jrrt/ ?- I ?. .-.Vj ? ? : I ? L ? ' ? ? ?4 4-'-, am ? ? ? : ? a ? I : ? ? '?M - ? i . -- ?? - UN-am ti . :?? -?.? ?.A. I : ?? . ? ?a -JJBBJ ' - : . ; ? ? t Sa? I". Go ? SI . PBIL\M ' PHIA VttM -SB. ii ?. ? -- ?? ? 11_ : -?a'BJBBBBBBBBBBBB 4 ?jbbbbI ____ : ' a ? a ? 4 '. < . ' ? . a a a - a I-.tem.ti. : i Paper Company first Coi ? lidatrd 6' i P.mda Secured by Mortgi-tfe Dited F.I ruai-f I, 18?*. ? ??.r. , ' It ? ?? a ^^^^^^^^^^?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB* ' 'i . . , ? ? -'f-ited SUtea I rusl Company of New yori. Truite?. ???tUj --??,? ? ? -.OS aii'l - ? a . MNAN'I t .1 Mil riNGS. ?ur com _Br?'i-r toMTANV '??a.. '" Vl ?? ? ' ??"ay ? ? -w York. : ? ? ? it . r the 1 ?i a ? Board ?J mm r? 'ary .-. t. ? ? Cr.-_,or ? t ? and tha "' *? 'aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. ?v.0.1 .. BeatUtT/a _YZB_0_ or th- niiiuNrs i ist or rim i.\ ? \n s. Jamuary |g, ycntrnlay'? ?Xouu.. U7.tM January 24. . 0m '? ? i. ?._< Ont. m.niih Hgo. Orte ><"i?r n*> . : Htxli "it NoT*?_b?e.i ? ? .? f -. . 11 - . , i 11 \h fer Ortolier. 1 fur Octet**! . 1 illicit fot aeptember.ii h.? for September.1. fer \ | ?. ;., 1 .144 fot A'l.llv!.1 M '?-I: ..1 i ??>? foi ll] . 1 Utah fot ?Jose . l t.tT fi.r lona .i Ulgta .; i: t? 1 "\. full year, IS18 .101 Utah, fun ynrnt, ! ' ? I i urn fall rear, IS14 . 103.00S _1 ERAGE OF 1 111' TRIB1 Jfl ?- LUI . . rWELVK INDI ?THIAl ?, I 'miutirv 14. Oras wert ai Our ir...nt h il? ? f m-'. ....... fot Sot? r . l.itw fer NoTembei. . 1 o-w for t., tober . HU!i f . 1 ...4 f..r - - . Hull fur AttfUel. I.o.T for Aiiauit. ? Higa for J11I7. ? i.... for J . t. fte.sil - .Illll*.. . 1 <.vv f..r I ;n?. |S High fee May . I lam f? ?-I .. High, full >rar, ISlfl. Low, fiail ?ear, Hill ... High ful! .far, lull. 4 1 ? ???. f .1 jrar, 1!?U. ciii' ' K9. . ? ? BALTIMORE ?<?< - . t i _. - ? -, a ' . ' 14 4 |W? t ? a : . 15.'."'' I'll K}i ? ? I'll rSBl J'i'.ll STC I : ? . ? .... a MONEY AND EXCHANGE. ? ? .. - -, . ? ' ? a ? ' .- ? 4 . ? i I 4 ' ? ? " S' ? ? I .,, . -?? TOPICS OF DA' IN WALL STR1 Belated Expectations Realized in Steel Dividend Action. HOARD NOT FORC1 TO SHOW ITS II l's So L?rg<B That I Ceirf Declaratloi Is Pro? ?-ally Automatic. *)'? hall r.n hour after tin ?as . at they a/ei och in the Ms? Btreel it r, that niueh. i hands nt that ? ?? ths exehana s ; low? r, and thougl i report that < ' .: - ' N'otu thstai ' U, mi.I ? ; i a pretty g ? ? i \. hangs n that the : imod in ti. a eloae. How mu g doabt wna r??( by the l pi lei ?" the ate tl.e eloaa run only le curaaoi! ??? honaes lat< t< rday , however, the . dividend ai Vote Was Lnanlmone. after tha mo it I ? ; be? ?i i.v.y lack ol .rd "at any ' l ho denial wil?? I] li, bot H la no i in'a veraeity ? ' that tkcro bad i> . ..n about tl-.f del thsl J n opposed to a In the brief ." n ? .: I'.l the san "The inembe remittee an i ..f ? re wem all Li fat rat ? of tha l*li per cei ? ? i ek." It frequently ? j.olitical eoi >' ;i vote m j . ?rtrrd by or; And unnnimouB i es oi pinion .'"i rot iit'Ci -. Of . they can't b* Ion that thry aro ' The Momentous Meeting, illy accept ? - : : ? sente I : re to ? ? ; ? ' itockholc no tho i ' ' ? ' . tal effect of I It was - I now w! I ..n 1 a . ? for lnai of 1 ?? ;ionT? liquid?t ? I :' ' man; ? ? ? n thai ? i :? it? ? ? - argnme \ Hi.. !..-tire of Opinion. ? tai ? ? | I I ? '. rut f t! pite redi i, as I I ? of fitith in tho future, ied. under auch c1 the futura ras si. ' for a wi. ? i those who we .? - nt of a few wee . - : Preferred at New High. ill, m I at 1 - ? ? ; ' ? rniiiii??> for January. Arr. ' ? . of Ja mber. In I ? - ? ? ? ' i andlin I ' ? | Decei ? -' ? r etweei ? nth, ? ? ? ? ? 1 of Octobei ? ' 190 to overtop tha ? ' tobet sao all througl ? ? I 16 ad ranee ? COI - juenee, tha ..... above those of De ??o No ? ' Irum Nadir to Zenith. 1 re been aeveral years in th? > gger ? irnlnga but I of 1 and teel Indus? v. ?.. In ths ' - ' ; ? ' and at lte a ttr? raes, ? led both the loWMt and the ? ns thut were evt-r ?i i ??.. r ?.. ,i-> iueh an ?;. km January and pi v .... ? I, It Is not ? ? ! ? m a net ?ti s aot of 117,? 66 ?within a the vei . There Wer*1 Other Thinj-a, Too. af i probi arhat w?? I? happen aXtef tiie cioao ci the murk*?! had Uttla room for the, day'a int,ml derelopmoate. And fo it l??p pen. .1 thnt ? in-h Important railroad earalaga aa tin.?, of th? Nerthera I'a riiii-. (h.? Union Pacifia un.l ti?? Atehl? ???m? i-"' lees thaa ?tin? Bo many records um belag brolaOB In Induatra aote that ta? ?xpulalon el long itaao Ing figure? fr.?m thi-ir proad plaeea pet? litt).i imagiaattva reaetlea? The rail? 1 BBta i'ulill?hed yenterdtiy foi general pnrpoee? almply added ?me mor? - | ?s rlaen up to prove ii..? thoroughgoing- proeperity of ti.i countryi Bat it miirht he added Ihnt Atchison's f/roaa ifof I'.rernber. Increaaed II,701 ?MS, un?! il net 11,111, i. ? ? ? ? ? ? iviif, f..r tlii? a hola .-?t month? anded ?nth Deeemher ?n only 11,823,091 rreater. Union i'nt-ific I cross and |1J?J. 1. t",.| int. Northern i' 'a ga n la gross I waa 12,029,000, and kta irnin in n<-t waa 1 11,301 . COTTON DECLINE DRAWS FOREIGNERS j Liverpool, ( .and Jap? anese Huyers Active After ?Early Market Rallies. eottoB n-.arkrt rallied ?fter an ? early ?. ? :<t?T In,*, but th? lm i'r.?' ? ? net full ni'il*;* i n< I, and '.' raa ban . ?teady at a ? '. ? be i, renewal of aj ii?i\ amant at the ? *, and nit. r itarting at a ncl loss of it 1 ? ? i etiv? months ?old about i fu in points net lower. In -ad to the offerings of \V-i!l Btreet ?cal aonreea L arpool bad ? selling orders here ut Bret, hot en the decline, \?li;.-!i reauhed i;?-w K".v ground for the movement, Liverpool becam? a ? - lerable buy? r. I hero n as ^o I ea a r-ciil? dowa by houao? ' with Continental and Jnpane.o eonaeo , while U whs i? ? at tlo ? trade Interests had buying or dera around the rlag to As prleea for ?pinners. Thla e-hecked the n movemeat and there ?raa eonaiderabl? vering or home bnytng for s rt tion ns pricei BteSadleo, on which dur? it.;: \hn afternoon tha aetiva montha :k to ] ractieally Munday'a clos-, - . ires. Reporta et steady ?Southern spot ! market! helped the advance, but failed ? lernend, and ad o'f th? i. reacted In ti.i, lut? trad::.? under r? : offerings from Wall Btretii r other local loui ees. < loalng ? ricfi 1 of 6 or 0 pom's from ?st Re] orts of an en.ier oce^^i toanaga lituation in th?- Argentin? and Austra? lian | ? .. h u '.. i at rate*. i aa asi? : ? ? irti a Dutch gov? ernment am -?? load only : prohibiting the : l'utch ahipa to ?Pri? ai lea rap. tinent .': buy? : ?? relatively ? i..... pu re I as-1 by ?Liverpool houaes here 'iniated at lees from th? Son'li that I wi r? Ai m and ti rere wit ?? i '-tt ne-, ? as that I ?t mnr re en? ta i Int . i-l!neit . Au? i . i- ? '? . Low. ' -. day. .'..nunry. IS.01 ... ? ?* ? 1 Bid 12.11 . 12.17 12. 2? 12.11 April.... ? .. 12.40 12 43 12 M , I ? It.CO ] .... . 4 13 - ' i ? Th? lmral m.rkr'. I qtlti I anH unehangaid al miiI InteiIit folr" crMparia -, I ' Bri I ?-. I're?etit reai ? : Sew Orleani M-I.ll. . .M ' ? ?. ? ? B ... . . ? . t.. ?-. . :'. . Ill 100 ? II . 140 S.1SI t ' ... ? j .' Va . .< . . r : . 1.174 ?.Ml 2,474 I0S.U3 . - : ? , - i | ? ineha ? 1.. ???? 1 ; Mar la Tl ? Yarn?, ajuitrl I ?. th. higher ; ? ? PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Iixport Demand Advances Wheat to New High Rec? ords?Corn Is Firm. New Ynrk. January 2.t, 1019. \t m: t r I of , early ?' . ' ? - . ? . i .. I B WS . mi. of , ? . a , ? ana ? ad at about 1 < ..... i buy, . ? ? ? ? ! | rire, ?era v?-ry Brail ?? in I? m??r. or le?. I . - ?.'".'eure.! to be I ' ? ' t teal ... ' -, ?May to tteea ? ? In lbs ea?h ?. ri t N ? 1 ?1 irum tea. at 11 . :- i D ? ita. II a- ?'??> No I ManiU-ba, Il IB, I o b I??-.? I l iiUS. i m ?a? h*a*7 ?????-?/ In ?*? _9 '"A!n* _ ? - . .- ?.t and an Indlttcr? ?.??maivl. but later price. I B,.j ?t ? . , ?IN .irni. ??Ith n?4 of ??,..? -.,- Kca-.ipU '??re ? ?B.I laraar l ' ? ? a . 1 .. ' .?.. . . ? ? ? ,1 \ IS. IBS caU mai-.t ?aa* u-inieiaUly MU?, and LONDON PREMIUM FOR FRENCH LOAN Deterioration of Mark Threatens Germany with Gold Exportation. DAILY COST OF WAR EXCEEDS $25,000,000 Section of Tory Party Plans Stampede of Cabinet Into High Protection. By FRANCIS W. HIRST. Editor "The Kconomist," London. Ill/ laja-laj Cabla lo Th? Irtte?al London, Jan. 25.?We hopo a new limn may bo deferred, but the last one came very suddenly. Tho jrrow inif demand for Exchequer bonds and Treasury bills, however, is en eoofaginf. It also reduces money supplies nnd forces borrowers into tho Hank of England; hence the firm? ness of rates. The Ftock Exchange is dull, but the French loan is at a fivo pranium. German exchange still deteriorates and largo gold exports may become necesFary. The yellow press here still ignores this feature in its stupid | flaro articles about the blockade. I understand tho daily cost of the war is now about ?5,1.00,000, and likely tu rise la April to ?0,000,000, as stated In the House of Commons by .Major Collins. The samo violent section of the Tory party which supported Austen Chamberlain, having secured a lim? ited measure of military compulsion, ll now turning all its energies to tariff reform. Lord Milner, at Leodl yi'ttrday sought to popularizo a Britieh Empiro tariff by associating it with food gOpplteg. A great at? tempt will be made now to stampede ?he Cabinet Into high protection. Tho shipping ?-hurtago probably may be met by a aupenriaton ol ear? foea, which practically means a pro hlbition of bulky luxury imports. The NorthclifTo and "Morning Poet" I ? statistics an? peril iv ing from eipoeut to cold air, and it trill ' rting to iea how Sir Edward Grey end Lord Robert Co<?ii ? will tempt'r th"ir m-ire sci-ntitic pol , ley to this now exhausted attack. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. William f-.? lorn in i <"o. ere offering ? ?? ? meold i rtien ?f the new Iseue of . ?rtible 7 per cent, evmu? ? prafi rred stock af the Willys* Overland i i ??' i at lO?".1- aM ac erued dividend. More than three ?'.j of the Issue has already been sold. _ Samuel T. Wagner yesterday was 'tie New York : ! i "mpany, n Rea.t ry, ?ucceedin,* the late Snm ui I I'.i aeon. Btoekholdera af the American Coal ; . . iterday voted to ! chan_e tho asms af the company to .rrett Company. Ht pry P. Howe yeiterdsf was elected B director of the Pacil e ?Ills, follow ? lation af ? . P. I'aker. Wllll ra Q MeAdoo arai a vl?ltor at itarda*" on drpurt mental stTs _ RAILROAD EARNINGS. .- comparative railroad ? raber ?.??ve been made i ? ?*? r.HU?. IS.I.S.WI! I?TMnlLMS.? ?. afur taj"?. I .?'? .'?*. It?**?.* T .- , A Santa Faa-Or?)?. Ill <*??. - .-. } -.:,?. lit? UM* U.031. ? a-, |1 : I ', .... M "tl *"<??. lnriraaax ... cat aitrr laie?, |.?.<U".0i)i)? l?i.;raa_? _ ire Al af SB r-|i."trt? of export ?alt>a ? h ' ? ,-l..?!a and In BMeaea nt ? - ir.- th? cinitry. . .,.,\ ..-.nun | . . ...... rmi S4S.I "?, : ?.?' runs. ?! en-\\ market ? it I m? Wo s ?hite quoted at ?.: N.i I ? dr? ill ??? ; ordinary . ? | jt(-r. It'll.. Market ateady ; Ne I Weetern. 11.09. o t I '.. . V r?. KIW TOM ?'RICKS. Yester Wheatl Oi'fii. Hi?h. Low. Clnt?. day. :?!?.>. - i ?i1, i.?u\ ... ? - - i?"?? i U% I IIK'A?.?) MUCKS. Y-.'-r. Wheat I Open. Hlg*?. Low. Clnie. .!.,-. . . I . ' i 1.8? 1.18? July. 1.144 i -??', : lltf i -??', i ? Oatai ?. ?-?, ivi iau ?-." . 19% ? . ? ? II . um K and meal. Fl.-ur 4..4J a^'itln arrnnif, v I'h itu'm liufh-r t.. eorreapoad with Um ?-?laiu-rt la wiu-a?., i it Um ...i?.?!.?? . I uunknuut ??* ?.mai;, a.? i ' d out M Wog . . ? believe that i i ?? ll.-' .rIi ?-.i I $ la ."Hit-, deeglta the ? j tl 'i. Ike ? i."i? r-trriium in tit?- vim HI CKWHE \1 1 I,OI It Matrk.--. I i i ?? ? . RYE PLOUa Ktrm . lair '? el oil 1 tn tatioy, I. St.-a.l)-: kiiu I'KtiVIMnNS. Rag it ! .-?;??? and ? y in thai day ti..-:i ?.ta ?'. -? la ?tmmtsn laths - ; iii ? . ..i i in rtrapaths ?un mu, . . . . i tttUag pre*-*?. i ' [ ., ? '. 1 I:..?-' y ! borra at Chi **? were ? :'..r \Vf.!ri?a.|ay f.J.000 ? Kalisaa City ir.clt'd IS.0M and Omaha 1 DRK K.rm ; mea?, t. j ;. ? :? . I ' | |1 ? - " . , .,? extra lo4la DRES3ED HOr,g S fuer I -?I lb, 10',o : I? 0 .1'. 1" , ? ; 11*., io -??. CUT ME \ IS? ?"!> . io Ik. . . ll lb. ll1.- I' ekled l.nnia ?ire . .: ?,? :i . i.- rALLOW - ? . - . .??"iiitry, T', ? ?/ ml ? - W< it, |10 '.n.r t? I ut lo s it .. .. l.t-?-ed lard ti_e ? ?-'?'.meia!, U.-vikil NEW ISSUE $15,000,000 The Willys-Overland Company Convertible 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock PREFERRED AS TO ROT I ASSETS AND EARNINGS PAR VALUE OF SHARES. $100 Q??rt?rl? ?Jl?r<,?nd rja'e? firal a,..?? .1 Jaonary, April. J?i!? an* rV'iher. Be ?.??niable at ? wh .> or m Bar? ?t th? op'i'.n of the (imf.?>ri? en >A da?? nolle. ?I 110 tad -jBaraad 'iivi-len Ii ?n ?. I?17. ?r my ?Ji?iJ?a<l da'..*. PREFERI?D CAIMTALIZATIO.N Jo hf .,,y Aathorized w&aa? Convertible 7% Cumulative Preferred Stork- - $15,000,000 $15M)0,000 I\Ton-(.onvertible 7% ( umulative Preferred Stock 10,000,000 . None The old Preferred Stock v\-,s r.-ille-l for redemption on January 13, V)\f>. The rompan*/ Mitt?? that the stockholders have taken the tiere-sarv a<-t:<>n to aathorite the ?--'?ation of the new Preferred ?Stock and the increase of the auti;..r?/eil ( nmrr.oii Stock from $^,000,000 to $W.0l)O,'t)00 ar, ! that a ?uitsble arno'jnt th"-r<of has been rrs.-rv.-d lor the conversion of the Convertible Preferred SttM k. For in forma non r r^arH i n^- this ?trae of Convrrtil;Ie 7r/o Frcferre,j Stork, an<l the business of the ' ompany, attention is rail-? 1 to the letter clateel January 17, V)Vi, frun Mr. John X. Willys, President of the Co-mp-any (copies of which shoul?! be ob'."!ie?l from the undersigned) wtne of the items of whtch he has brieHy summarized as {'.lows: The Company ranks as the second largest manufacturer of automobiles in the United Ststes and occupies the exceptional position of manufacturing, with the excep? tion of certain accessories, practically every part of the cars. Sales have increased in round numbers fiom 325 cars in 1907-190-8 to '35,000 cara in 1915. Based on contract?, already closed covering actual sales, the deliveries in 1916 should approximate 200,000 cars. Net eernings for the three years and three months ended September 30,1915, sfter allowance for depreciation, averaged approximately $6,893,622 per annum or over 6:, times the annual dividend requirement?! on the $15,000,000 new Convertible 7% Preferred Stock. For the year ende?! December 31, 1915 (partly estimated) the net earnings were over $10,000,000, or 9-;_ times said dividend requirements. Total net assets, exclusive of good will, patents, trade-marks, etc., as of September SO, 1915, together with the net proceeds from the aale of the new Convertible 7?. Preferred Stock, were over $35 000 000, or over 2'i times the par value of the $15,000,000 new Convertible 7% Preferred Stock, net quick ?stets alone being ?ubstantially Hi times the par value of the new Convertible Preferred Stock. Convertible from January 1, 1917 to January 1, 1922, inclusive, into Common stock at 1300 per share with provision for ?ubstantially proportionate reduction if any Common stock, in addition to the $21,000,000 outstanding on November 11, 1915, shall be issued as a dividend or for less than $i00 per share, except as to $l,500,C0O Common stock reserved for special purposes. A cumulative sinking fund for the purchase or redemption of the new Preferred atock at not exceeding 110 and accrued dividend is to be created by setting aside on July 1st annually commencing with 1917, from surplus profits a sum equal to 3?? of the aggregate par value of the new Preferred stock issued whether or not outstanding. The Company is not to create any mortgage or issue any bonds, notes or other ?vidences of indebtedness maturing later than one year from the date of issue, with? out the consent of at least three-quarters in amount of the outitanding new Preferred atock. The Compar-.v\ subscription receipts will be delivered in the first instance, which reee-vs will by their terms be exchangeable for stock certificates when engraved and prepared. The legal proceedings for the issue are being passed upon by Messrs. Cravath & Her?!frson, New York City, and by Lawrence Maxwell, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio. Copy of proitstotts f;n:erntng rights and preferences of thu Preferred Stack util be furnished en ?PpHcstton and reference thertto is maJt frr ail details. The Company ?tales that spphca?on util b* made to list this Convert:u!e "T? Preferred Stick on the Sew York Stock Lxchange. OVER THREE QUARTERS OP THIS ISSUE HAVIR-3 BEEN SUBSCRIBED FOR UNDER THE OFFER TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. WE OFFER THE BALANCE, SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE ANO ADVANCE IN PRICE. At I 0 6' 2 and accrued dividend Descriptive circular furnished on request. William Salomon & Co 25 Broad Street IOS So. La Selle Street NEW YORK CHIOAQO S."?th America, 11.7."?; Hrati!, keg?, 1J : Compound ?teedyi quoted ?t lOV'i"' STEARINE ly; oleo, 10 'i l'i',. lord ?tearine, U'?c. cMicAGo novmoNB. Y. |( Lard: Open. IlivK I.ow. CloJe. rli 'i-.nuary ....10..n II M 1? M.ty .10.'.: 11.71 10.M 10.'0 10 Kit?: January IM1 IMI lin i M..V _U.1I 11.JJ 11.11 11.18 11 Pork : January ...20.SO tl.M .o 43 20.48 20 :..ny .20.?7 ta.71 M.4I - COITU. Co#M essai lamed ? (i.rther upturn, prit . : ..-inn ?rita net ani?a ol 10 t.. : ?.il aalea tor th? ,la> wi? ld -t ?ai ?ttiril'UtH t" lii.? fret? il n m I -?. i-l^iK-a^r. ..f h nr..,t 1 ? .?-run tonn?es for the I [ ; ? .? ?ere \.?ry few I?. - : ? Ive 1 here, due, It ? . .. icarcity "( freight r.'. m, and II i ed that Brasillan ihipi i ? I I Um?i Un -i k i ? I try t.. arranue f. r tonnas? li.-re. In ti ? ,it?? 1 fr?ei_ht ? .4 bid foi Beate? le, >? ii , '.''l for a amnll q lantity ai '? I i abo n ?al? reported ,,; sbeal I i well .lt-v-rihed Santos 'i ?t 1 w ithtn *!\?y day., an I there i ?.?'.rr hrrt' of f-Uinto? ?! ? ?t 8.10e, a'.'. I Tl.? flrm.-r tone I the nai : lu .t little bettei - k dem? ? pri?e? wer? Bru lb Rio Kung? o? i \ . -??? Oren. High. Loir. ?'! day January... ? ? Keliruary.. ? ? ? March. 7.18 7.28 7.18 April. - - ? ?7.1 May. 7.23 7.27 7.2J . 21 ? ' 27 7.1 .1 in?. - - - - ' July. 7.31 7.40 7.3.1 , i \ usuel ... - - - : . lamber. ".13 7.?0 7.43 ' ; October..... :.i..T . h. ??nber . ; r.;? 7 M T.M ?UOAI il rt ins. a\t'trr '.l'fiiing 'l'iu-t, | | ? ? ? r '-. ; |nl hiK-h-?-. ai,/ ir fui ? " - flf I I little ?t midday on rapport by Cubai ? .1 a little ? M a,.!'.an.-ri u f- -t point? ?? ?? ' I ? !,i ?' sight But ?erly In the aft n trnd Ina u?t? ?stet sad Um auirket with ti.,1 feature. Later In I l b| M?y ttrauird i.earby pesltl tiie Market elo?ed tt?edy, '. I t,. 4 pointa un hlaher, for Uu tii.y L',..>0 tuna. "at prti (?pen. High. I aw, I January... f).?o 1.80 ? 80 I ? ?' l.irury.. Mai . ... liiJ 1.^ 8.n: I . -- - - - ;t. ? ? t, . May. 8.73 8.80 i June. - - - ? - ???;.? July. t.yyj 8.89 Ausuat.... ? ?4 Be-ptember. 8.1>S 80S 1.97 Oi ?? I rr.... - - - N...ember. ? Dassssber.. 4.u?) 4.10 4.00 i.ot 4.ou COTTONSEED OIL. gom? new high let-r.:. ? r Um season wer? Mtaklkwad Is the ? t? ?,i>. ?i.d at tlia - ?.--* I to 13 pult.?! l.rt higher. Hange .al prlaiBi . Open. High. Low. C ?? ? ... ? ? I January.. ? Itl.ruary. ? M.,r. h ... 9.13 1.14 n '1 April. 0.H '.' II 1.11 May. 9.U 9.14 1.21 9.10 June. 9.17 9 11 9.11 ... I tl Ml 9.28 .. ? Auguat... \?.?<j |.M 9.1 ... MITAI - h irai Ina, arltb i ? ut 2?? 'i .i'??-?- for M lartei I New S rk Metal Bschsage Un ?tra.iy, with ?put In five-t..-. ?. ?? footed al i bid Lead wa? firm, ' N.-w York ?pol H . led nt I 03c and Kaat .-.?i: ? il I Ri ' .; ?itr-a Und .tt I 1 v ? r .?..? ai \ at * ttVkt l art Bt Vomis .1 t. r Brn N. w York ?pol Il La de ?pot 11.75e '? i ? I ?e-l ..? il ? ' - || !?'? (?r futan 1 SO ton? ful ?'l ?a. and '. .? , .... t and i ful Elect ti? i| ? ( -.-? at il ! ? I -;?'.. 131 ?I .: I fUtUlW. MI > 61. rf.rltrr, spot. i.'i, and i'4tur_, i'4. COI vri.V PRODI ( I MUtKETS. I . I ? III I I Ml. i aa ; last ? : .-.i-ek to tropi?. Creei ? -?- ?? I*. - . ? third?, . he'd, extra? I first?, - ? . ? ? ? \(oo? ? . ? . first., ? ; ""it tu n i real i ........ saVtj lie; a at .urn-,it mat ? . i ?sTBMB. I ? i ... 1. ? ; <-r ? ? 0th ? ? '? ? r- ' ???. I-.. ' ' . ? . ? '. ?' - ... , . av?rai ? '.'. lilt, ?a ,1 ? a Intel ? ? ??urrei ????, 14 fair i" atwa, ?- ? ? * ; lowt taoa, RP... ? in ?v em < Bi - v ., ?? ttiBI .... Bn?, doi, SO -i lie ?lirti--. N?0 ! - ? poorci ?enner . 'nary t Bars i . Wr-t ??i n, i ?? ? ??-. P, i ... . n w wii ?rntAW, , .m .?.er.aT? : ? . ? - ? :, ? ? ? ? .. ? a ?Mir qua -, ? ' H ?Y, lei ? ? r. No l. ton. I ? | .. ,. i i . ... , $14 RYE STRAW - |l., 12 i in ?ii mi its. APPLES ?re. it.l, 12011 I; York 1 Weall . ? VVIl - ap, II ??? i ???-? i- y ., ... ? ...i betatTt, BiawU ? .? a. ?- ?j I*; Va, Kin,:, ? - .... ?i [>? - < | . Va ..-,..... ??,, ? ? i 'il. Si Item? ... -.?vu.-an Va H !.??, . Il 1 llano, '.. t i RAMIEKRI :? , i | . ? : ?tari) H a, .tand 1. ?? ? ? 1 ... ? i. , i. *?,? . . riarly ?or? 1,1 ; ? ta, | 4TRAVV H-. ., ' ? 1 . Kl'MQL'ATB, i -?NCERINEaS, Kl?. i i . 11(0II 50; KIN'...-?. I ai. ?trap. |2.50?J|3.60j MAN D VRINS, Fia, ?trap, ?1 ifll.?l S \ IS! M AS, rea. Il ORANGES, lia, il . I' u.. Rie ?. |lHI '? ' >? . -? ? GR \' ?'.?:: . ? ' i . Jau al?... ? l.l II Baa P . .?. .a. LEM llMKS D i, loan, ? ? ? . - INI ?PpLl i, Porto Rico, R?.i Byaatiib, trat?, i*cH, vi rtrms t\r? \n.i i |M H PC/1 tTOES. Ber 4. ?. -1 , | Maine, hulk, :- I . ag, 13.4 ' ? Long Ii ' 11; ils-!?, bag, I 18.90; ?tat? ?nd Western. 180 M ? i. I ? 12.75 ; M or bag. 12.71 nt<; .-Uhh . ????., bbl. $1.7' [?lai ' . ' ?' hattet, 60'n e; ARTICHOKI S. Cal, 1 ., ? ? . . . !c>', bbl ? Wl.-K. New Orle? 13 HKl ?.-hl H SI'ROU IS. Cal, H ?tie: Lawn [aland, quart ? }-..-\. i. ? BEETS ?I ; I ? ?? I < I, fl.l ?i. * ? ? New ? . I . ' (TCI'MBEI Cu i ABB ?.GE - ? red. to? ? CELERY I'ABBAGl - - : . Il : CELER1 '?i i*. ? . Cal, raae, t 'il < raa?, !" CAUI IKLOV Mend, : ? . I I ? . KLER3 KNOBH ESC A ROI ' . K'? i ? ? ; Orlean?. . '. ? ?. l ti ! ?NTS, V . ? ?? ? HORSERADISH 100 U KALI Kulll RAB? i ; rat?, rUC B, FI? ' M, nearby, . ' . Bermuda, h? ii ? , ? ? ; UNION , ' ? .'. t'"U!.t>. - ?' . 'i la, rai I? . I >. - . ? an, cari rr. -i ,; ': n?, s , ? i? ,-. , bun. he?, ?. ?' i ; > i mail. Il ?il 12 ; PEPPERS, 1 ,. box, t.. PAU t) ru, r, M , ?-..I?'. p|? Bermuda | PAR . i - < - i. \ : ROM UNI "... Bermuda emtt SHALLOTS Ne-a U ; f IQI \-'.i H . ira Mari * ? ll'RNIl ?j mi te, < i 11.23'./ i i . OMA "r- I < v. ATI R? RESi r, . i HOTHOUSE PEOD1 I I BEET QBEENS, hos, f ? UCtTM? FiERS. .1 - .... n \M?n ION GREEN I. b..x. I MUSH .MS, ? i --it . a. Il II ?' RADISHE3, 100 1 ? - Hill - R ?RR, ?A'e?tl r l ,in,ic; . I .talk?, ? II ; C? ' l.l\ E8T04 K M \i;m i Mew Y..r? Jan .ary -', 1111. HMt K.I !.-. ?ad I - ?*? ' ' . . \ i , ? ? ^ ?? ...... . - ut iawt guetsU t \l \ 11 ! ? at I Il ? per ?oo ,i . j ? sod ?? ? it 1 11 144 ?'.J .? . ?? ?I > i-iC -HIM- VMI 1 Will?? Eii?l***g sd . -. - i ? ? 1 per 100 .1 ' . dr. lav f ' at . . iitii.? Reesleta, 8.*40 head, half a car .?n ??> ; . ? ? . ? ' t to heavy. I I? l?H] I" ?I ??,???-?, II . MOlalltiy I uirsa-d hsSJ? aUady at SiJ |? ***_ lb.