Newspaper Page Text
Pi Little Dog Is a Dangerous Thing ?wSr in huff WHEN HER DOG LOSES A PRIZE Miss Marian Kennedy ?1 He Disciplined for Angry Protest. ? ? . ? ?lev, **?? I f - - ? ? ' a, ? n a i - - . - ? : ^h?Stnr m ?'?ih--. y . Il r Ci - |f ' . lace ? - ^UFERIES v?y/t. Tir/a\ S/.Y,' ? h ?o75BROAt7t?VAy NEW YORK ?roetes r..i,,?,?,,..,, __?_\ t?eJportli?h{ if i?oti,i-run Baker iheald deetd? to retara t.. baaaball tin* nrn<ot i ? kbeorbed Bystander, "ereuldnl the year's lay all hurt lus batting ?>?' i ?'?? m ai , M - Dealia : '? tha pa Mate Bal fat tara at three yr-Rr?. ai returned he p kked ?p th?. old 300 uvrraf?e about where hf> left a fl thr Majar DetMln fat a few yeara, and ?baa < ?l mn ? ?ai ! (ting as well ?? ha aeet did in his Ufa. 1 he Hatting F.yc. '""? - i at fo if affected by n lay-off. Raker l^ a gal ?? - Th? art ai < ralag i r wai barn arltl bin His ?i.rk areui ? ' nor hit speed helped la any wkt by i yeai ? ' th? B . h, hut he ba able ta atantah pltebli Mata a ?i araj th? i ijoie?Delehanty?Danlln?Wagaer>4 ebb?Crawford?Baeer typ? I i.-.. ?? truction. Cebe paaafMy w*s developed Mai ? -v ff tfcf. othera, I ? ? tl main thee? sluggers began hitting ti i Bi ' ? ' ? rd whll thef cauld wield a elab. ihr eaadle*power af Baker's Batting Kye will atieh with him for many Pap Anean, af*cr twenty-iee campaign?, finished rhovr .MO, aflat h? hi reme s sed-.te, middle ?Rod ettiaen. ready to assume his curpct lllppen At | luel. 1 he Cave-in. fa ? runnen suddenly loso thp;r spec.I ara?ad the bam? ' . ->.i more than out gaod pitch? r whe dropped out quickly, who prima. \ arm may (a in a flash. And whaa tiu-y ??-o they eeldem retun yon rarely see a Batting Lye Cada inddenly. Practically nil of th tn remained great batsmen to the end of their corren? or at lee? had waddled into the sere and saffron of the ?ame. The only ta ? we can recall offhand Is Stone, af St. Louis. Park I ? bt? ont? of the immortals. He led the leacue with JIB. H tho ?.ext yrar he hsd faded out bark ar^uni JBt ami he never -*ot c-oin ?cain. Larry Doyle. a while It setme?! as if Larry I'oyl, , the Beaming Harp, would f* B I way. Doyle, a natural hitter, suddenly f. 11 below .UTO, ami ?tuck th.T But pi WM due lo an automobile accident. La*? ?r.-i son Doyle proved you can't ke.p a nal ' i dawn by regaining hi leading th? I? t>ruc. It \? ??resting to ?ee what < kief Meyers doc- In this respect fo MeGtaa said three years a?.-o that hi.? Indian catcher was one of th Itera he evpr saw. Lust i"-a?oti tho Chief gave vent to an tin stamp and came down like a ton of Steel tossed oiT a mountain. Hti one seasea'l slump doesn't mein an eternal disfranchisemont. Meyers has fal ? keenly und la makir.,: extra efforts f\on th;.-. far in ?dvanc a| iar > with the war club. If batting history is to be repeated, 191? Meyi baek in polite batting society again. If he fails, he will b. . ?f tha eery few linked ta tha art af hitting ? beaebaH ?lo leal the*, knack The Old Dope. Peat Sir! Nii.e men out of tel ? II tell you that Muran bus no ohane. v> ? them anawar thess f?ew queatiens: What cham-e had * or day before the fight? What ehanea had Jeffries ?. ? Fitzsimmons? What chance bad Willard to beat .lack Johnson" Mat ? i? in the world, according to mo?t of those who fnllowetl the K?me. I1 \ as all joke stuff. In nine case" out af ten the new champion nrver had i a* befare th? I earns off. Moran la no wonder, but neither ii WillareV u oi. ?e a ? OLD FAN, The Difference. Hejt-diddle-?umpling?my non John Went to ben with his t.tockitif/8 on; Bat h ey-duidlr-dumpling?Benny KavQ (iocs to bed with his stockings off. "What," ask- lliipert, "il a cheesemonger?" Ualeei he is a bloke that gers cheese, W? haven't, an idea in the world. ? ffj* Lewi?." inquires Rebus, "a greater ball player than Cactus ?.th ?" He w?? the only time they ever anjeyed any direct competition. bate falls back directly upon the (JrandoldopiS which la en? ? gn and highly pernicious to our nature. Back and Forth. S ltd Maurice Mcl.ottghlin to France OuiMh.T, "Why don't you buy you a lawn tennis net.?"' Said Franc to Morris, "I'll do that, old top, If you'll buy your niblick* from out my ?hop." t . sayi that Lastern fans don't understand him. <>, the Hast is ? and the Weet it the West, but the fans are Jaat the same, whether mm I'-r.ver Town or step from a Boston frame. A Year A30. v tbl data a >'?*??? bp? ****w wa" f?*rne-t. B0* t0 *"?>' k<Pn "l!l! ?P*r*t*d, ion, with many valuable hour? wasted, as to whether - 1. The Braves or the Giants would win the N. L. pennant; 2. McLaughlin or Williams would land ths lawn tenni? championehip; Travers or Ouimet or Evan? would finish : r-t among amateur golfers, You can look back over what actually happened and discover feat how all th? N arguments were. ? ., millioa Bghting men in the Bi I army, but ons of them ; red . Weleh, who could See nothing in any battle that wtr.t be;.ond leal than a $10,000 pune. Former Feds Do Not Know Where to Lay Their Heads Several Stars of the Dead League Find that No? body Wants Their Services. B) I RANK ON 1.11.1.. I _ laeelag of the pl?y?.*? .- . i ? i. iui U ague a i- proportioni Ed (.winner, ; Pitteburgh i?. 11 '.u. ?n?i I Robertson, owner of the Bl i?- were la tetra ye-terilay ?r with Jame? A GilaaeOB, preei? . iicia defeaact -league, en ? | m ar.? of ? ' ' a c i ? i ir their pi ay - t.-.iin> m tin- various ?? Prom present indications many t Itres eat ? : 4 m ploy - ub oa 1.? rs shot? little ? asir Ka ?I playera are a ?Iruir on the market |asl asm, an?) there is to 1 ara foi the mea who ? . .1 loyal tu e<fgBBlsed baseball .- the war Mr. Gteiaaei la aadeaveriag te aHi Koaetchy, -Are! basemaa of the the Neu? York (?innt?, an.I . . la ,nay ho cleeed befun- Mi f??r the traiaing camp run Springs t,?-xt month Thi* 1 1 r\ ?lula tried t?. bay Konetch) ?1 it ' ? d the Piratea at th ??* the season oi 1914, lor ? ? ? ? an ?'? er - <? ?leal huni: fir" -? el last Kot.iti-liV luaJe h.? Kuu., H?? would make a fond mtn for the Giaata, eves with Merkle on the reitef. H?- led the Federal ?League Bial H.? ?. last year and hit at a .311' clip. Mr. Gwfnner tried to Intare?! -Barney Dreyfaaa in Keneteby? bul the ewaet "f the Pirates la firm ia hit Ideaa bb bow i he mon wh?? i.?i*. organised I ?hould be tr.-ateii ll<- declared 'hat be would aol take Koneicbj a? a sift, an.l rjnht there the Mattel enii.'il. Mala I". ii.ikc?, who la k'.??va,i to beeebell fans a.- Rebel, ia anoth?'r man who may flnd it hurt! to lard. He was offered te the Yankeee, bat Cap Hu i'" made a curt. ., ?o Mi. Gwinner .lohn Gansel and Larrj SehlaBy alao are wondering ju.-t whet will happen 'o them. The matter <?f ma'rg.n'at tin? Eaatern Aaaoc at ion ???? d the New E ! ?... ia ia occupying, much, time a'..) at? ?a. I-. ?1 -Barrow, president of the International I eagae, met Jeha H. 1 ai reli, Tin Mamama atni etben la rui fereace yesterday, and although 'hey ,:ii mid T a I ki? il and talked, th. y jir compllshed little of intereet to th fana, Han JehneeB has receded from a stand which he took with ere at Militer .?-orne time afro. He if quoted ?ir- sa* il I that he is in favor of ha\in>at the bail I layer? represented on the National i ommiaaloa. l!?- area weal -o fai a? te uy that n man of the typ? of Ban Crawford m.txht he chosen. \>t se leag :.(jo Iiuv?. Fuit/, president of the Play? ??!-' Pr?tera y. declarad ?hu-. the i ? ?- were entitled to repreeentetieB on the comnii.-sion, asid the member- of ti al BBgoat body howled their derision? Ti????.-s chance, area ia bai ?.lull. YALE FIVE NOW TIED FOR LEAD IN BASKETBALL Wearers of the Blue Win from Tigers by a Single Point. in. t> lasses? ?a faa IMbaaa i New Haven, ( o, ,? . .Inn. '.'... Tat? ?u?ipoii late liai place n the int..? collegiate Baaketball I ? i a I are t?? Blgl : 'is \. ianlni fron PiInee'ei ??. i ?cure of |f to IS, Yale n?w I aid? I I - plaae with Peaneyhranta In a tit ? team baring non three gem m.? The I iaiah ..i t'i nighl'? eenti it srs a drisnii.t ia . ? V ? I ??- <h, i ate t" play, the seen wea tie.t. is to I?. Tom Ftiorpe, the refere? ? tiled ? foul on Pi int eton, and Kinnej |oal, i- learn the wii Just n? the ? ' last-Ian ???.- blown f.?r the end of the gntue a foul wa celled egatnsl Tale llasj stepped un to tie the score, the ball rolled around th< rdjra, nf the basket, toppled ever thi outside, i.i.i Tale want into tin,! place in the league i u The cont?e! wee tup and tu?-1. ?.'I tl waj . with lit tic to eh.? bt i ???. two tr.iT?. In the I tried long ihoti iBatctad "f confining t h ? 11- efforts to tean ?rerh l ??svi ;i tea n -?cored eleven points. Princeti the li ??I '-.' ? ?? c -, ??? hen Pi t ree I on e. well ex?! ihot fren a dill lUlt HDg'.v. Chanel Taft rcorod for Vn'e ji the lecond pt i iod opened, but 11. :. - evened thiBg? up. Prineeton then be came overanxiou? and three foula ?re? called In quick Buccaeaton on 1 i ton. Kintny scored a poi-? for Y.l? on each one After thHt the l?. ? tl I 'i-er? could do waa to tie ?the Kmncy's sjeal fi?-,,, foul Haalby vi ti i r- v.-. Vet Princeton, Peeter, Haaa nt, i Mc Tiictitr? played *? fe?l i me, ? W ? ner. Mellen as I Kinnei lid s * The ., | oir?: fer Tali \ AI.? PBIM l t??s I ? 1 I 1. I' K.I I I i ' , a 1 " . i ?< t llataaa ie ... 1 , ? l : , 0 ? | - : - . . If ? , -?.- i . r i, ? .. , T'-.''. - MASK IS TORN FROM A MARVEL Wild Bill Donovan Is Found Out in Qolf Pool Tourney. Ko day i?? comnlet?? wit a i "mat ki A marvel" asak at ? tournanei t at lack Deyl I ond Streel Acadi I" ai I I Parnsworth a masked player on Monda* . and > ??? '? ? laj Bei i B?lget appeared e th a alouchiai reirdl] i i against Hud Pisher. N'e.-ii ? ? wi re ? ' ? the match. made ai to 'entity of Bulger's ; Bear!-. Damoi ..- Bob it for while Sid S? Perd. The "mi.rvd" wsI a fall | hardly n match for Pisher 1!.. wore ' white > rhat lered him in handling the < ne. He -?i i i ? bit ? gi took wh ich turn, it bad!j co.?t him m m n y itrokei PI her | ? ind led by elevan ?tri i I thi lied te 8 ? r fell un? der the we;,d spell of thi ben ? tw. Iva fer a hell I . .. On th? last l tared ? won the matel a three. 0 wrang end r-aii ed hia ehanci Hi the fin .1 hols ami the ?, ... . lut warn '" k", Marvel, am i -. II a ai "\\ ?Id l'?? :." th<? Y...-.k. l ?. ? | ? two other matehi ? c e d y e s ? tarday Boseman il -.? 'i;? ? ? defeated Larry Sen,..,,. 76 to - : .. !?_'. I ,ul will Gen, ' ' nell, Bill McB, I ? . icd marvel" will eresa Sid M< - ENGLEWOOD GOLF CLUB GETS STATE TOURNEY Deal Club Onlj Other Origan, ?/?ition lo Ma ko .t Hid. 'i i. N iw Jem late G k ? tion Ih-? alghl awarded te \*.I (...'i k'?-.'i th? ateta i banpii fixture fur thi? year. Th for the i la) were Jane I, - ami ?. Nine club.? were represented li I ? conf?rent.-. bat only one, r th? tournament. Th? '? ? ? Goll Bfl ? ' try i .?ilj pul in i? I lid bul in lb? vote II wai beaten ? ?:? - l i '.'. . . an \v Bteoa, of t : kltuarol club, was again ? ? ted te the Hi ' of thi Thaee at taa n< eting a wert : .1 i. K- Hey. I. ; Ceuntn ? lub; Oswald Kii uno., i ooi try Club; A C. Pu Id? Madison Go ' I lub; \Y B. Hoi M?ntela ? I f Club; 1 li Morn? Com try G I ?'? I' i.o mabury, Plainficld < \v. A. Dunn. R Golf < He tt itt i . J" ? - rban I lub, of Uiaabeth; A. H. w*hiti, t pp ?r Mont? clinr -Country Club. Star Shortstop Seeks Fame u-ith Ivories Baperiei Wla, Jan. IS, David Han tar shortstop of thi Phil idelpl ie '?Btional IjCBgUC club, and T B I ? ? , ? thi Milwa ?'??? ? -Vi Association, will plaj a ; -.??re h,1.1... Jal i.- ?, for t billiard el an - i ' !-'aeth i. ch;u ipioi croft nakea hi wii.s ?u-, ??crier. WANDEL ESTATE BRINGS $878,100 Former Last Side Banker's Realty Holdings Sold at Auction. SALE ATTRACTS BIO CROWD TO SALESROOM Professional Buyers Tike Ad? vantage ?>f Forced Offering Some Parcels Withdrawn. 11 ?? rusl '? banki apt? . -.. ? f l ? i M indel, d ??. ter a sa vas . itatc ? 'i:; in v. ? ?id rei ill I in tin parti il liould l i i i I Il ? I holdings, m hieb i ompi ised shout half a ?i it', i.v. and ' ''? ? ? parceli, ehieflj an? Brooklyn, . '. i . . si ? eight pareal ; la all, fa n 'i I...7I re, The prici ] I for tl ? i :i total of " Interest in sale from a I uyei itandpoinl ?a< manifest? d onlj in Manhattan and The Brona parcels For of bide, mast of the Mandel hold ? "? ? .-i boroughs wer? withdrawn rhe bid? s pu I bj the court before | Handel ban positon will have les, parted with nten t in the pi I It wa a big day for bargain hunters, n d many operators wer.? on i ind when Joseph i' Day staited ta take advaatags al th? ? III which thi ol ering pr? n ited, The pro perl ced an the market to 11. ? .1 of for the price bid. The v. s 11 at man] ?' old far M indel paid for them : i ai age It aras the ' irgi il of fcring of tenei enl property for a?rerai mething III e 1,000 persons wei ? hand when th.- bidding started. Many af them were depot tors of the . had - i ?? to v. ii - sedings win eh they had i. time would rel urn to th? I part ol the mode** which m m indel's H , . . . . rtn| ' ' ? pr inv? erties i -' ..rutile thought to be ? lia 'ne as (SI ? ?. - ' I . . PIVINt,: IN ST. 14?. i ? . I ? :o\ ST i r 11 NI . ' ? . I I Mill. 5' I .i < i ? . I ? t ? ? I at? . s:o Si r ft ? 3d 1. - ??8TH ST ??. Mi ? ? i ' I H'-. ? -, ?W aaJ .'?TH >T - I 4 ? ?. ? I 1 I ; Ii hau I I 1 'IM .1. . . ... I ? ? 1K1.I H AV. . Ml ?:?' FIN?LA* AV. 11 1 I* a ? ? ii ,1 ? ? ?. . Ih al t r.i',. TtLLll. AV ... ? PROSPI' ' AV . - It'IllMl ? ? lut BOSTON Kl> .' ! ? J I . | RI ........ BOSTON I ? ? I ? . ? FAILt - . - CONCORD ate Manhattan" av . ? - - i ? ? ? ; | ? 1 - . 1 II | t h -1 . ? - . : - ? r . ! HUNTEN At .- . Ids* ? 0 l t. L i ? M ARM ? ' ? ? mis. I FARM. Il itri .. I Bill . ?? B ELM0N1 S Rentals Reveal a Demand tor L'??i and Store Space Pea ? . .\ to '-'ne ? 1 ente.1 . I Kubrin, at 128 Uleccker to .... i ? ,. and U Bond at j ,. i . 1 IOS \\ '.. ?: . I t . '.1 ' IH \\ t. to Mark < term ? i i les ? . i and door l red ?'? I. Lu ? . i?. Boswell, Port? r and . to Joaeph . : ? . ' . ?' at 17 to I ? nted la 42 Parr? : D? - i I ne., for a ten . . . .... Clay and 1 al tut; . ? the Gi ... i ? . ? - : ? rig to i A - inders, Im ?? '???a'.ers for a term of T? :1 Martin has leased ornees .... .. I Ludu . . m Valen l nted sn?l "'., : Laas tu It.ti-. ?' ? 18 William It, to | ?-? Sells Whit? Plains Tract. mpany ?"id for ten a -, to ,i ell? lUUd 4all ?ll->'.'dr I' I MORE LAND FOR FILM PLANT' Mirror Innrem Plan? Motion Retara lily on long liland. ( lifTorrl II. Harmon, preajdent of th, Mirror lilm*., lue., tl. ..??! | ?|eal yes? terday with th" Gleedale Deeelepamnt ? ompany, whereby the new nlm ortran iaatiea eewslrea a large pife?, of land ad i Ining the prei enl site of the lui: ?tiidio plant of tin . ompany at M and Martin a. -. in ulendale, Lena Island, The property purchased will ? .1 by lbs cempaa. ia addil ion t'i the groui d i ? v ?? ? ni... plan! t o v at.iniU Th? tran etlei - rolei t ni... .? j:.iii,?)?)0. and w.c ma.I? thr?.ui*h n.? Lin. i.l .; ft J II Alb rt, who ' ? ? tha presea) Mirras Films .-'jdi... plant ? imi.y. l i on a nit can h" f i* hi r. .i ni)., i" th? i hase, il ii tha intention o? the Mirror Companj to I lild a regulation mod? rn matiei : tura eitj sa I I to ' fttl and remarks towi ? bave -i" ing uj .-.-i Cali? ? . ?. ti.l Wfa et Ht- :.', ot. .| e\rlu . ?.. tha manufacture of m< l , el . i ra Ml'a ability at planning and ' . ? .- ' ? rnterpi v. ? . ; ? ; ?t i - und ? beard of directors af the Mirror Him?, Inc., has ma<|. U with the i ?fa thai Mr. Harmon shall look after proper i I for tha t'i which it will be put. PLANS APARTMENT FOR WEST 84TH ST. Itiiyer of Dwellings to Krect Tall Building on Site. Hi m man An Irod has bought i1 i rick Soathack Alwyn Ball, Jr., th?? three story dwellings al t" :.n.l i ; vv est .-iih ?:.. on plot I 0.6x102 2, si -lit t.,i ., nine itory apartment bouse. The prop? rty wt . who took in par? payment the Bva story ;>:* East t'__? 1 .it., on plot 19x100 11. Other tnlis announced follow: 83D ST. Edward ?'. II. Verier bas old for Samuel De NoyeUes and ? i < i'..i w. .? -.i.l il, h i;v? story Bat, .m lut _Ta>. t?? ?.?. Amsterdam av. CROTONA AV. M. Rlaes has seid to un h.v ster 21M Cretona av., a live story new-law bouse, un plot 40x100. LORILLARD PLACE Felix I?e Cania and Anthony K<-??li- have ?o!,i tSSA Lerillnrd place, a live story flat, i'n plot bOa i"". GRAY 8T, helix l>e ?anio antl John .1. Brady said far the estate af Francl Hagen the lot, 26x126, on the west sid? ? i ore; st., 100 ?? I north af Ma ?jraw :li -1' Mary Hindes has lold ~~ Sd ?-t.. a ?.vi- s to i. teneme t, oa loi 36x94.2 lio V. MM, SI Anthony Reale and ' | . ? d for a client of Kui ,v Cren, Inc., the seVaa .-tory loft i . . _' i .'. .- I loa ning st., on a pl?v 6 ixT ? if " purel as? r gai ?? la . ? , i ? . ? ? ; ? Garden st $22.000 I Year for Suite. ! the .nplex apartment at ?....,' Fifth av., a? ' ? mer nf 7'jd . i : ? nent New *i arker. . . , i ? I ?? , lesign? i by ?). E. Ii. Cari the r? ? that ano-ouartei i now ti "anted for terms ol in i n reara. The house i? expect? I be I for occupancy un ?ug I I r , t* Y; ? r? ntal ' ,v,>* apartment is approxin it ly 121.000 m peer. Brooklyn Dwellings Sold. Howard B. ?' ?uea, of the mm of James W, Eiwell ? Co., steanuhip agi ni I for oc? ; relling at I . ing ?he t*ri)unJ? of tha Creaeent Al ' I? I ic I lub. Frank J. Mills ?., ir..,.-, two family '? . for A. M r rem per to Michael A.*Hayea and A Hayes, of Moni real. II " Sinmacross Realty Company sold for ililtla L Fnt/. the limestone dwell? mi.' at ?ill 76th it, ta ? client tor in ent. Building for Siik Mills. Alb? rt B. A bforth ?anoui a i thai tlie 149 Madison Avenu.? Compa n hieh will U to i he pi ope rty a'. . d l 19 Madison iv. and M and 32 . ' . ? ? . ' Id I ? H .. '? Marc Eidlitx _ Sun ha?, e the genei ??? ? ici Mr. Ash to th.. Susauehs - Mills now lo? cated al lo VV? : -? ? ' . which will occupy tha entire ! i Building Loans. ries F. N oy? ? , . , iv inga bank loan amo i ..".. foi : ?? ownei .-. ?00 Will? joli:. M. Gold . sund far tha i J, Ma: tin i orporation a ioaa . at ?'? pel cent on tha aew building on I Al any Creso ? '. - i ? f Bailey av. To Improve Dyckman Tract. Johi eaee-4 fer An? drew F. Kennedy the 201 -t .-!., :ac:i:i: Sheiman Cre? ?. by 100 feet de? to 11 J. Ht it & Hro.. who will impi '???? ' ?? for a I uni her yar.l. This beginning of the improvement of the waterfront on Sherman ' reek und tne Harlem Hiver. Yonkers Factory Leaded. v. illiana D. Bl ; , ? | : . on Rn.ii dale it., 1 ? -, II. Sehn id? i ??? Co. manul i articles, foi . term : . ara. Other Sales at Auction. U :\ ? 4.??. -? I SECOND *V. ?. ? ? - ? ? ! .... rl . I V li ??? I . . - . . I . . t SECOND AV, : ' ? |T I n a ? aura. Il B ?-.?....- r? ! i I . (T for I SECOND AV. .. ? - ? . , i. . a 11? ? ?3TH ST. Ill >> ? H a? 1*?1??? a 4 ?> 1 ? | -I' '. It '> . ?. ... ? ? rail, a ? ?. J .. - . I a' $ 4 I Hi I -? I J - H7TM IT. Ml M t -?Ha a?. ?i r. , .4 . $ ' .' , -. ? : S ii li'Trl ST. ? ' '?' I ? - M . It- a.. a ? , . ... ? ? ! ii;ih SI m i ... hi -.. ? ? in Tj ii.? i.? I I \ ' I I . ?EIHtH COUNT ? V. . ? 1 l ? Hra It a I >?. I >!t . ? II 4 1' | i :. . Hi Jaa_a I i -i ARTHuR AV.- , , - , ??."?.??'.'? I - ' ? '1 . ,.t t 141,'t l'.,.'n,fl? I . , .-, ' UJ? S TU?S. i a ... al ... I ... 1 It? \, a * - t New Building Plans. I he Bronx. ?WTH ST, n ? . , , ?- - I) . . . ? Oir,?llv AV nuii at; for ? ?U .iv ?.' ? M laBANu A. m ??. a a . Itt ... :.. a 1 a- ..a MAL K.STATE. \\ r.tert m ?rut toi \tv. REAl. ESTATE. m>TrHK-.TF.R iOINTY. ?J'tllllllill.lllMllltllllllll|lllllll||liil|||lll|||||||||fl||||||inilW^ Throughout Westchester County I and Connecticut Ho.ici For S.I? aaal Far = Rent, F?nti?B?d .ad L'of.rniibfd ESTATES - FARMS PEASE & ELLIMAN Country Dept. 340 Madison Ave.. ? For S.l. it Cr?ent?,<k, Conn. -, TlLieMONI MURRAY HILL l??0? ri!l!llllll|l|t'llllltlllllllllll,)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH STOR\,,r. NOTULES. ?lobion'i Storage Wsrehouie, ? .?l m hi Mi Util t? *.t KM _ ni i m i su I \m.?.i iHi-i ?-rKK.f.r. i . / . -mi i i Birth. Mra Ai 11.ur ? v ,i 1??? Water M ? .1 m . k.? Mr I. N II . Mi ? ? Mi i ? I v i- ?? alia. S.a. lei i? ?I? Donald Mr - ' -.1 ...- .'? ?r Mi ? v M Bt ?row th r . r ..-.i. r-i... Mra Howard Pi ? li-utit'n. Mr? '1 >l?r..-. Ml". Nail - Ml I V -, ? II S< r, Mr J I' M'.r - i . Mr. Ooora? Ska Mi R i. Hark, i.- ? Mra. ;?.??- In salta, Jr.. Mr?. She, Mra ?.,.' ? Kins M? .i ? Ponda, .- ' - l.u?l?i| ?? .- a 4*i ? . ?? -.? ? h .n c?. ' .... | , ., .. ... h of il IA? .1 thai ' i- lima for pi ? " ' - ' Iplrt .1 rtfi.r ihereol "?'i ??"?n alien y.?u *? ... - . i ,.i ..|>. ill. ... nrll tm i ' I I .<? p.11, . :? r 71 V? I ?l.l -' Set . ? - k ? ? ?at !.. si -I. \ . II mil ?'It. BIB. HU?. al i i ',j .. . ... i .... ? . ? | ? ? ? ? ? li ?n.l loa al ?: . . ?...? I.. I.'- ON '.? STI RAOK V. AHKli'M _M vi, y 1| mi fo Mi? I? Kublaaon, Mra Mart -Baa? Mra. nee Urnen, Kata McLean, Mr? ?Alt?ala 1 ? . -sla?j. .?air? M l.r.n" ! Mra A M ll?n I mini. Win ...II.). A Q. It tin!. - I for ? i Brown, Mr? U Brad M. H J. 8. Olivar Mr. J.'in:?- Morton, Henri W I-.pi>? Aaron . ? Mia? ? *>i ? ?ackUa, Jak. J Mra taOulaa Berry, Mr? Sarah .' ?id ri Mlaa ? paaea, lira it w. Mi ?.nah ? ai. J aal ? - ? I '?' ?? i r- n- - ? Mr? Mini? . . - ? ?,.,,,.. Mr? h a It. ?id i .i ?:. Mra .? v Mra. 1 ?? . . ? ?? Clara ?? ? ? ; i ? . ? irVella Mra M ?? i, i 'ha i:. . . Broa., Tl ??- F . h Tl anse, ni Ri i N?dela Bau Il A '.. ?. - ? ? .... | H Gllea V ? i , . ..i ifl.d ? ii?t ,i??? tima ? ? ?? ? .?n . | . ? ? I iras? fl ? .?? ? V. Ml l ?? ? ?? ? ? ? - . ? on ? ? ? - ? , at lo.10 A. . - - ? otnpl lad . JOHN J v. ? ?' i prl.tor Colonial Storage Warehouse, Inc. ? ?i B H plain. Ml ??--? K ? Mr. K. M vi-' . U. H ??ir ? I' Bur? Mr. tl r*. B L* | ' . | ni Mr? rC.I Ml \\ U Han ? I ? I Lu- k T. Il ? i': .o" .??*.?? | ? I - . Kp ... ii ... not II ? thfrr.if I . i - l'.r . , -linti U 1\ 1(11 rOLOMAI ?H?l< K.K. \t \i:?.. n,,i -i >. \i n. \> i ?i sei n >i. .m? .vu ur-T i.'.nii ?-i m.h \i?.<h iity. Il a .. l ? I ?.? tk. m .tui? li . .. ? I RIDAY, I I lllil VU. 4111. 1 ?I... \ I 1*1 V M ? ? pla?a ach and every Kl ? ? ? ftei ? a at 10 the l ? [Ml ('. MAll >l'.l ihssoi.ition notice. : ION ( ? ? ? ? i. "NER8H?P. I H ds?-a ?va. dla .... Mr, it,chard 11 ' 11 ;? tlri'i ?'...' Kl.-liAl'.n It IIAI.sTl.l-. ? . ii .. I . i ?!.-> I 1 ISH i OPAI Mr A mar? ,,i w. Locke have ? ?? ? ' ? . ? u ? ihlp in II . s ? . ? ? . . i ?? ? ?t No. 14 t ? . t a . '?? M ,?? MODG ROUI II ? anUatte to of tlw '? r C?faa*4 I Va ? i ? Uro.d ? Ha ?? tl ? af \ an Ant :?- i at No 1 . ' -_? '?? i ? -. ' t?_ Sl'BROGATE a NOTH E.S. ? a if to ? | . I . . .i ? a City of . i.. lay ?f ? ?lay of I'. ? SMITH, 11 AL IXANDgR SMITH. .i. ra DAVI 1 I ' INO, .. ' - . City ...A . M I OR" . of a u I ?? . ? . a> ?' "?????? York, no. p -. a at ( i Moa ita of the aw 1 ie. altl refor. to Ik? ?.,t>. I i ?? i?* las tii.i ? - . ? , sau.'j ? . ii ? : M? kiatta New 1 ? :?. : i fork. November I ms HAN a th v ? . \. ., QWIN ? .-. DBM1NG A'lurn.yi itoi ' . - B< ? . . ? i rk . i ? : - ? K-? ?? C... J it mar M W l-al Oaud 4 . ? - ?a. avrclUU I Alterations. Manhattan. SOUTH BT. n 4a.,' . !? a ?,?.??..?. a K 4M ? ? ' ?? -? BROADWAY -' '. -? ? i- . ? ? a IT,?? I : - * ? a . . ' 4 ' ?? . I he Hni-it?. BAH I.? ?V ? ? . . I a \ i ..?.aaa. .'.-I ? .' I? ? . . ? II KKW JEKMKT. THE PRUDENT CITIZEN Iraur-x Ma Baal ?"tat" 1 iiaa II?* . .? - I... m .-???. r. :- /. ?? '.' ? ? ? ?perlallala In !<? rv i a I 1 UM Wrli? for BooklH M "iafety Ptret '???? ?? ra in iar ? .t.:-. ',??? I mortgana? North Jersey Title Insurance Co., HACKPaXMACK V J i ? ., Ulm n ? tsns, ?i Stund >., PUBLIC NUT1CB. W '. ' ; it n ??ill' :. ? PI n I ., UKKH Alben :?l". . . , i - ,..?*.. ,. : - . ? |1 gin " - al I ? .' ... lit, - a . I . ?! .? ? . ?' - . . II I ? -,nd r. h ' ? , t| Hit Nit ? snail pur- a-t -, te the provIs 1 i,?[.-i i a ; ..f ?':. L* * I ? ?I l ' - .. ? .'l... ' ? . a. f ' V ? . Util I _t aw . fiiNTKAi'T N" III " .-1'. ' i.? i .. .. Beetle* t i - .-..nairuciiim ii" aubetraet****e , i ?? a ? krl Igt >t ? h " . ? ? k ?l * J." - ? ?< .? *?? ?. Bl ? LUas IMS??I Meats 1 t', 1,. in i Itsstee. tl) i ATH VCX :-" ' 4 Brio . ?ti.a, -.- ? ?i.ii, ? For oompt*i?aa the "i.'T?!? ' ?? ?. <-? from t|M v?.?l ?in .. ? . t'i >h* t-?t?l ? 1 ' a. r .? t N . ? . Kin? a bend U acta la Ji Baits* ?sets I !.?::?. ?-.... ' ? ? Il . ? ? M ?posa - ta i in.i, r.'i?nritt and Inf },r..p..:-. rs mar as ? I? ... . .??'?i" r?a? i ? I. ?Vnrka foi I Vfi a'.-r:. Dl ?. ? ... .. . i (ala, N. 1 . may tv- obtalnad from I pa . nient 10 i. ? ? ?, ., - ? \ ..ra, i??'," : '?, . ' for i ? . a t'U |S th I. r , - * tl S ? .< er ? sri - : prior to auch ? I ? ., . I'u T!.' depot ?? t ? la will be i . ii Th? amount ot ( ftil performance H ? : it ..f t!... i ark ict i is ? m * i."i. I, a the i ? - m I tv l t pries t . ? ? that th? .. m pa> in ; . ? In the ?vtnt tliat n.'.r? than ? . 1 H ... ' I 4 '.Kny, N i . ?..'I . . '. Ith tfi" is. ? '. ? . ? It* I ? ?. - ' ? . r Ruperti ? ' : . ? I ? ? - | i f..una' i in th?, rp,. ' ? . t sis Of the Mat '. i\ H .' r M M MOW NEW I ; r ."ft i Ala I ... ., ? ? \: i i l ? . a ? ? . . ,.' Juh:. i 1 . . [St*. II ?'.'..: '. ? 1 i ? ? .I?a I. thel l. 11*1 , ??'??. i mi I ih"lr t. .- . a .? or (any, i , i . tea , ave aanad lafai Lenta ao4 < ? "i a . Hie .,<"?'?>? Itunmonad to ari-*.?r th?. , days aft. i .,* ul<a ? ? ''i-.f "f : '. ?? . ' ? ??????. , |.ai<~l. Brooklyn, N V . July lat, l?r M . ?. ' > ... I I ' ? t \ ! : as ? ?' . I a i ISO, ai " ? '. ' ? ' ?> . ? t "f. 1 .. ? - . - ? ? . 1st, ami . . . I ... - ? ...,??? . ? t.a- if all ? , ? ; n % "il -, : mplalnt In i ? ?ra . nt) ' . ? ? I ? ? ' .. . I . !?. s :n . ( Klaai . Tlh-r *l-t IDIS i l'i'.VKt.t. M t HI..-M ?' 4 ' tim.? a' t l""t CHB ? i- v v PROPOSALS. ? ? ' I the . . I V '! r I . ... , ? t. ??? ?I tl ".. i" Ml ?SO a' .. ? - ? . ' ' ? . ? . ? i ?? r a '. c( ::.v: i. . ' ... .... l_U?.