Newspaper Page Text
Ln VISO] Conducti?d by Samuel Hopkins Adam?. Thii department ha? entered the BOCOBid ?tage ??f ?ervica to Trihune ,e?-?de,.. Primarily it vv?. intended merely lo .eparala the ?heep of ?d\erti?inf front ihr g.??I? and hatte, a hell on iba gi-at?. But now it gu?? beyond meie iitriilih? ation. It fml-iain a human nature ?tudy ??I both ?heep and goat?. TtaM ?r*' invited !.. aataSiat Fee e\rry letter printed in ll,i? ?lepa, talent tieiitib ing expeueiue? pleaiant or unpleaiaitl with ndvertiien of met? handi.a?. excepting only patent medicine?, The Trihune will ? end $2 00. payalsle in any man hantln? of any Trihune adver ttier. I nr the moil important letter eaih month a ?pecial priia of $50 00, payable ?imilarly, will he award.-d. Name printed or withheld?a. you prefer, hut mu?t he ?igneti or we will not know ?*lie,e to ?end the pine otder. Addr.aa: I he Ati-Yiior, I he I i ihune, Ne?? York. litehell" th? Tailor \ .?ia . ? ? l?d-Visor i olumn against the i-i!? r" clothier, i ? me 1 then and ni e. too, 111 ???ne. in pool health icular, I enl n shop n"..l ??!.'?t?'?1 a heavy winter i to! dark paid a bit es ling ?i- d an appre t for ke< t would any cu mi i in ? Bred ju?t right i ::,-? l ' Ie, not aei ? ?? ? ? . a a? ?.':? ? ah ad by the ? gj ? - ,i \v???-.k?, ? ? ?. . ? .' i of wife . ?I. in the ? oat I . ?? !? mllea and 1 th ii ? trouser lie? give you a . ? i ' - were mechanical tail? rene? I "' you nre an open-minded white man, and nol n tli to the aaany street, thel "dark blue" fair th, optic nerve. It Prove.1 to be a .lye combination, of I ? .. \\:\h ? lively dash of green, and the ?olid f build B?'houph stronfaT and trueulaat ? wurr. mu??, me look like a ripe, lUn-kiased Coneor.I fat: : -ind. ? aucceeded In ."rllir.R- the ? - ? ' >' man. I I ame . ?t "the Tailor to reetif ?? why I hfivo written no f, I I Im . ...... than ] - ealumny, knocker he added, "H a ? . it of an enter* nie . . . ind 111 1 ? er soon, si .- ' ercoat, which will top that '?' I ? ? ? ? . ertiaei . e?i ed world. 1 S. 1 I'NGHAF Mr. "S. T. Unghard," with thnt <?? ?' the r the Mitch? "framii.- ? ime to Boat t trouble. It'i air? ? ',?.' Boat and ?? a most ;' Post i faked It I ? . as (-?-inpTatulatinf? "The P si its adveti sing f fraud-- : ? traps worthy r-f Mr. Hearst! Hn* Mitchell thi? Tailor, by n- any direct ? n post" besides being one of its valued ad ? ' the ; t find the line n, a ? - ', DE " in thi? ca-e: I ack promp ? ??? F. P. A. ? I ;1 in I 4. The V ?.oipht ' ? ' ' g Tower, on the sume b? ? ?lin? way. King ? Co.'g ? a week I fou i I I kinking thai ? ? ?bout it until the 1 ? ? ? I be j . it ?if ? it the | ? ;an, that every bit ting King "C0R.NE1 ' Both re of tho credit for this ?? .ward ii. But did it never occur to the writ? factory purchase and with se of ? ?. without giving the ?good, ? .mi fair? No honest or farsig! i ? actory ware !? .. . | de ? ? -' '' .ilue [ do not ' i horse froi I rate, the 1 ??'A M.!? R0SEXZW1 IG ' g P? wd< r does restore thi | value .? '. Dr. H.'.'".i . W. Wiley says int : ? ' i for it (1 laim) 1 when thi ? ? I a minul ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?der. phosphal. nly a lienta, : other minerals, lost in thi milling of th? fl ? gh! basis for the very broad claim made in the s' ' t artvi Je invites ? ?.? ? nnei ... ' ? . ? i f your paj ' ? ? ? ' ? ' H ' .... it the 1 | r of . ; to accept anything vork ? of eon ? ?' ' ? , ama ?, i h< r foi ah I. .... ting ? ?of arror er that th? , ? ? ?vas confirm?*] instead of alienated. SANATORIUM ASKS AID i iimU Needed if leballd Barned BalM? in? at l.iiltrltla. Mother Patricia, af th? Bannteriam Gabriela, leaned an appeal far funds reeterda* following Ihs destruction af the administration building hj Aro aa I'lii'-'luv of in-! week Phs sanatorium,! which i? ut Gabriela, V If., Is eonduet ed bj the Slaters of Mercj foi sufferers from tuberculosis Insurance on the burned structure amounted to only 17,000, and the ?alus of tha property ? ?i that amount Plans tor i modern ' reproof building beii g pr? ;'ni? 'l by Mother Patricia, and its ruction will start ut*A< lenl I und hat s been raised FOR SALE-CHEAP! ONE DERELICT Aa Da i Bowery Unfed and rhirsty W ill Olvc Vote nt' Hunks, 5,000 sironi*. to Patron. Who ' al one good ?Vssembly dis? guaranteed to producs i ? opei I] fi d, clothed, beered and iken cure uf? I for am election, pBrt\ or candidate. No 1 .- these things fof the BOW ni ai ? a done by tha Big l Im" Sullit an, and ti s Boa , foi ? nea i..' ? ....: in i ebruarj "Big i Im" hand oui und woollen socks, Each Thankagielng ? , . i ? mber of hot did it In I . and ii" one i ng to band oui ? ? and socks, fcnd I hat's not all then? i.. to tlie Bowery's st< Id-tlmei rnt bail ?nd thingt ? mot - d ? s sj ? o ?ilk I There's Alderman Johnny White, pone to ? -.tot Jack FitS| l Bay 1 ?ngelo*, is! noa all p".'..'. or .lead. tain of th? left. New gens ices of tin? and K ? i.u :,l : ..r.ler for ? v has ill war? ? Harr) Perrj ... | . . , ' ua*" ? a:..| oi empty ? ? I FORMER VILLA CHIEF ADMITTED TO U. S. Medinavietia Found Innocent of Charges Against Him. ;V \ l\ .1 . . . | I Villa at ? ? ? I inimicra thorities II v.g. !. ear mir wi estigats re ? " tie, ; wa ? '?rne.l ? I a Hearst i ? -, - ago. t< ? ' mat?"'. ? rriving I ... ? ? : ? I law, Walter Tom ii ? Petei K? ? lart Kramer, ? ? ? ? ? . ? f Gen? ral J. J i ? ' - ?. : ? \ EfTi 1 to in . ? ?in d reas ? plans to put inl ? : I 191 1. ntei . and after I ? : ? ' .' . : I - . :. ? | ei dis ..f .Mi \. ; ? ? its of I ? . ' ; l OSBORNE PLEADS NOT GUILTY OF PERJURY Indided Warden Held for l rial in $500 Bail. " IVhite Pli to I I ? | Pi ' ? ' ? ? ? "ers but slight ? ' A . dent l under oath at the tm., ? n \V. Merc i - mot tttorm Weel ? ? court p.. 250,000 FEEBLE MINDS IN STATE Impossible to Investigate All Mental Defectives? Hebberd Testifies. POLITICS BALKS PRISON REFORM Institutions Should Bf Under Charities Board, \v. R. Stewart I ?IK Whitman's Commission. The mentally defective population af its af N? a 1 ai i .'??"..I Rob? ert \? Hebberd, secretar] ol tha State Hour.I t.f L'haritii . which is under In? . ition, declared yesterday before ? ommjssion? i rong at a heal Ing ?it the Bai I elation t bat he est ?mate of fe? ble minded m tlii*. state al that number. " ?>.is ?.'i rai ? h r.. .i.l take s census of the feeble-minded pel ons in New ? ork," he said. "11 would tabs ten them. Wn hat a h oked into 20 000 low grad. I 000 in ? . ?? ? I he ol In i 8,000 arc at large. 1 he) oughl to be re . ' , treatm? ni. bul nil inalitutiona foi the feeble minded are lull and bava : ? " Il plying 1.1 ? ? . r Strong's ?i r II? hi" i .1 aid other in ... ; .? contemplated, but plans of dev? . mak? application to the ? I m B p. 1 tugan, ? no a.. ? ap| , of a h ich Mr. eatlgal the feeble i fled at a previ ? aal na ? Commit .? that Kin gned f om the com? .. were , : . , it and wen I by tha . ,i. ? ? ? elai ed the aee? of the State Board of l bat I es that Dr. Dugan i g n i s i ? ? i ?. Naa York, and that the I trarv to the ii I -, s ) ears h? ? . from the com? ? n. t?te ? ? ' nding *o much . money . .. . .'. ? ? . i isons ???. ir be ri reform? d ; ' nevei ? ? ? in '. ? ? ? ? rt ? . returned to it, he PRISON WORK NOT SLAVERY (ont hi? Suit against Penal Lahor I ..-i m Supreme ''nun. The Su ? ? trad ? ? for a i p?o lent was Plays and Players of the Film World ' recton I thei ; II? re for I : cam ... ? .? ' ? ? ? I , ? ? I Mir? ; ture, n . ? . tton. . ... . ... ? ..... ... i the Itallai " Rita ? | \ ? eel on, 11 ? ? ? ? ' ICO, iti ? . ? : is ? ? d ?n ? : . CltcbotP': 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. m\ - i k \ \ n - \ \ i a ? ? i I " '. I .1... Hi" |? : STRAND ROOF GARDEN SPECIAL CARNIVAL ? U V I MU- -II V I I.IX ill I I ?, HOARD. ROYSMOKFRS FRI? K?st Orange Icheel otii.i.ii? ?Will Spoil . eaagetere' P-aev ? h ange, '? J . Jan 25 'I ha Orange M<>:?r?l ?if -Education ??ill Intel fere ? iii, the cigar? tt? lad "?i the ?ray te and t ron school ,,..( eonsidet lha boj any ol it he ilaei ? Hereaftei aeheol feeultlea will make n<? atte t.. t..|i iraohIng ? icept m school h? un.i an ?'li'".I promis? lh?' matter araa brought up whi principal doubted a hot her I au pend a !?"?? a hem ha eaui hi Ing The board mad? it hroui lit i.'t'.ir.? it f?.i ?, ? ? i-, tin' piinclpal OHIO MILL PRF.SIDFaNT Sil J It. Ilinrlon, of I li-velnnd, I <> l ?ing in Petal <>r Bleed Meal Daatl I let .In,ol, .Inn IS. .1 It Henrion . t?. pre ?ni? >nt of tin- i.i-iii"! K tin? Mill?, nt Leator, Ohio, ?h and probeoly fatallj ?rounded ia office In 'ha m II? :'' '.'i '" daj, nul ! ;, ing an? on?.11 in b p of Liu..?I on the floor by employe ? t m ning after t he luncheon hour Nu motive for tin- ...limitnik is kno? The robberj theory Is -being inv? I at ?'.i. II? rion was ti ken to a hospl m Painest ille, t Ihlo, v. in re h? ???I .1? . 5TH AVE. ASSOCIATION GETS 100 RECRUIT Campaign t<> Increase Membc ship tu i.oiiii Continues Io-da Proprietor! of rli t ftl I concerns abandoned theii m ?i", ?a ? rdaj foi ii ?? ? ! " -i in endea ! \ A T amab - ???:: were '?' '!.? M! :."i i ? Ill.'t f luncheon at 1 >?? 1 num ? .i hundred concerna hi Robe I, ? er ? "??k. president, pr? led ?.. rge A -McAneny ?? - I; the i a naault ?I I a? ? 11 Bejamin Altman A Co., th? Lai ? ompan). Hun imai s I I i ... ... A. Hecka? h? ?. I'.-- wit, rdlor .??? C? Drcicei , Henry Bendel, 1: .... i of t ? ! wet v llorner, Henry l Bra i : ? .'? W. II Lent, / ' ' ndei derwood, i ? Renting I ? m r-.-tn :. Town ' inti '? ? ? ; . Edgar Print ? ?.' ? ? ?rapany . . . Avenue ' ? : ? aigt for Inci ... ? SON CHARGES BIGAMY; FATHER IN HOSPITAL W. I . VVinant, Ex-Navy l ieuten ;iiit. ?Accused After I ??"lit. ' ? an.I ii ? ? ? : . ? nant, of 1479 1 Monday father ' C, on D, He >t the l.. l:> ' ? ' ? ? tl I ? ALIENS CAN ELU] U.S. TEST FOR $ Undesirables Pass E Island by Paying Seco Class Rate, Is Claim. CABIN EXAMINAT^ CALLED IMPOSSIB Shippers and Officials Say He and Surroundings Prcvc Thorough Disease Search. I Hiver fronl mara?enta af Hobe nn i .1.1 ? ? I ?. |oined tha t ransal tie iteamahip eompanles yeaterday ? / i h< Im m ige it lea Departms order i ompelling incoming alien ond els be examined ??:;ii. I | i- .. In ?. ad ol ea tha ab that bring I ? They pre ?? compla t a hearing on Ellis lui? ? eial committee appoia by Seer? tary of Labor Wil The presen) diff?rend between ?nit ? ? ?:,.?.. . and minimum i ond els fa : ? only ?bunt $u. l I rabl? ? . : ,- i inspect bI Kill i Isla . ela Ii exam nation .ard. Igh Hi r<v Wint? :'.?.'? Cunard Lu e. i olnt ..m ? ? iftei tha wai Ellis I du . .i probably t."*. be abls to acco modati the ? lux ol and ; th.? immlgi al .. -?' e - found in t ;..'.-tlun. i are Anth? ? ? netti. Coi ? r General ratioi v W, Parker, law ol eer of the bureau: Frederic ? Ho? ' . ? ? ? ? ? f Imi gratioi I ? r. k Sprague, Healtl ifllcei and Johi H.I ?en m? re, A ? Lahor, who presided al tl . "Tl order,'' pa "i-, ?o permit ..f neom ???.?? In migrai ? ? ind, and to pi The examini aa to be mud.? ; ? city < ? mlI, ba lly !:i:h . and xh ? are rushed f'.r time in th ? ? .. ' SPAIN PICKS WEYLER, 77, TO UPLIFT ARM1 Man Win? Caused Caban Wa Meads General Staff. i General Vi ? ?', which hat drid. 1 overnor ol t ? id much to fing abou ?.en eral Weyler's handed ? ' il ? ! His I . ? ' He w..- M ' 901 and a 105. In 1909 tain Genera ii ? .? ? i : tu re The tO the ? ' ' ? - in his | enth y? es to he ?i - JJ V Y r * I-1 :? Y :? !? : I* '- ??!? .? *:- ?? V1 H-111 H-M-K RECTOR'S I "AMERICA'S LEADING RESTAURANT" *** ms X I?> Dine Well Make In-night Your Kector Night. T A la Carte in Main Dining Room. 4* T ?? . Special Dinner in Ball Rcxom ?1?' Luxe .it $1.50 a Cover. T Entertainment and Dancing on Both Moors. 4*> t BROADWAY & 48TH ST. T 91 ?"H ?<' -f I ?? '?' ?- ? \ -'? I i i ??' t ??? 7 "? -? J \ i i i i R BILTMORE Mill.SI I I Mlilll FAS run? \ ? MORMMi mi -it mi llul |l Itlll MOKI i w . ?? ,i ? ? \ll\ ? \ ??? ? I I ill is ?I I? ? II. Ill M RAT H ' R.E. Johnston ? \.,.i,.,n n .11 I.. Herr? a ?' M ? Mr. Albert Spald ng Mme. Julia Haussen I i. u?i> ?".'" ? ! ??' ? he II?.\ 11 ?i. ? -. ..?- 11 .:? ?eoltan H.iil. \...i.m ll.ill Moa. I." 1 m II it I:IS, vivian GOSNELL D0R0TH? BERLINER ; . v,::;,:.,,, song nelual ROBERT MA1TLAND m m 1 \ s n m 1 m? 1. in .,,,, .1,11 m -11 s?, m , 11 vi *Cf ?I? eC n 1 W_t Ta ADELAIDE F A,3*Lall ?LK. 1 PHILHARMONIC H i? -:i -in\?.-i\i liimluetor. ^^ Li..'.. I 1 er- . lu I'M at ?il Nan \ ft Beethoven 9 Symphony BACH BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL^' ? in., sir Hall I It !.. t?. .it I?... ?nti. r IRVING PL. THEATRE BOOTH 4 TO-NIGHT r\l\J THE FEAR MARKET PLAYHOUSE l; ?; ,'? !15 MATINEE TODAY at 2:15 GP.ACE MAJOR GECHGE 3AR8ARA it M ?l m To | THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN LYRIC . ? -, EJJ-ffitl 5t?Ki?T?j 1 J'ay_feftMl MANHATTAN ? TO-NIGH I In A IISISH Cj m inner ai Lhutxhill^ iS___?i#?fi__i '^?>^J ??equaled in Popularity fQr Dinner To dine at Churchill's is to derive m much irri-at?? pleasure than possible elsewhere I at it is Leid ?n such favor tor Dinner as to be unequaled. Aside from its distinctive atmosphere, Churchill'? ?ucs its popularity for Dinner t< the lupren cellence ?>f its ctswne m ? la Special Dinner ?t $1.i~> combined rith the ?. perior merit of its captivating ( I Unique. Equally popular for Supper. Dam rig on bk? floor from nine o'clock. ?lull's Special Luncheof at 75c ?<l in Ballroom with Dai enjoys high favor, a; true of its Afternoon Tea Dances ,// non then a Restaurant ?A liroadw<i) Institution BROADWAY AT 49?STREET iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiinii m ' r METROPOLITANS To ?ItjM ? ? Ro?*nliav?ll?r. ? i I Thjra. ? Borla Goriuno? ?? ? a . - ii - - . - . Frl. .? , nrOtatei. ? p.?. H?rcl. ? I Bavai Sat, Mat il . T' !'*.;? I !.. Sat. a- - ' I ?...ngrto. ? a ? ? i'? , . i ? ?/ I a!a..ii?/ s.?t Baa i. ? ? ? ' I : a| ?v-i Cavall.rla RuaMcan?. /.-? a I. M a I | * ',Q.?1 ?. HAKI.M4S NAM) l M.I' , CENTURY THEATRE C?) ?Si is*. * i ??? ? Part \I* DIAGHILEFF'S ALLET RUSSE aV-'vr^. 5?," LABT WEEK ' ? ' ??? TONIGHT TU It DC ?liKl-.'?? r D I ' rr\l. - la ??AT MAT v C AT Ci./17 ''"?? '?"a s I jAl.tVla. , ' ' SYMPHONY ? .. f New Inrli I? IMIliM II. t ?milii? tor. a. te, "un. \ft.. lea HOMER Bee I a la a I \ a ?? Vnrk \\ \l I I It I? IMIliN II. ? ..min. ?or. I rt Ifl . Jan. ta, -un. \ft.. .Ian. 3<? .????I HI-? I l??l l*?l. ? m Bret tima). ? i. - ? VSKY. V\*S : . . ? and II . '? Z, ]*__l?Ml a MATINEE DAILY .' , . SI 00 HIP-HIP HOORAY SOUSA?,:; SUNDAY ?*? SOUSA - ?, ? - v.... -i l :.iv. KARKW I | | MAGGIE TEYTE RfM'*_ . PAS ITA VAORIOLERA ..-..-? a 1 ? GIULIANI) ROMANI hl-g'* , THEATRE FRANCAIS ,, % PI ? Urs. I i ?? '?LE POUSS?N'1' ANOR?E MERY I a - ? ? l -. ? I it?rer) Mal BLANfHKI MOTOR BOAT SHOW OMriuClrmM PALACE OPENS SATURDAY 2 P. M. I\S| \K\ ."in, lo intu? \KY 5. I .. ADMIH8I iN THE CHARITY BALL .-?--. ?, ? - . ? . . i l -i - . ? lat, at Vr.Moi-t-A?! 'i- i ; I .- Ami s -? i ? ?..!-? P?1RT ? ? i ? i " ? :"'rP81MCESSPAT MUSICAL Bit w'.'h EltANOR f AlNTEP. STANDARD 'Th. farml M agitai? J..II? Arthur Punch & Judy -- . ,1 ... %?*?? ' afjj5^>. TREASURE ISLAND ?a - . . . i laOew's American Root j \ SAVI ?NI I.?HI A. s. its net ? . ? I 48TH ST. JUST A WOMAN" MAXINE ELLIOTT'S, ROBERT HILLIARD ,;*',,. ? PRINCESS PI.PLLAH MATi?\tt TO-DAY. VirRY GOOD EDDIE THE BLUE PARADISE e-g; COMI ov i ?.. - ". a r . hi HOBSONS CHOICE SNUBBB1 i ???? - Ma I ALONE AT LAST 44TM XT I ,f? | IJ U . | a? h, ,,,,?, KAT1NKA 44 Th -ir TMtATRt IHIDAY ACTORS FUND ANNUAL BENEFIT ? M Bes * " NI U .iililv ?i I Kl I IM, lili URl NEW A.V>H.Ri)AM MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2:15 OPPORTUNITY Comes to ALL at Leait ONCE. Here Joyous Opportunity Smilei at You Six Times. It offers you the moat en? joyable tinr? of your li/e by ?nvitins; yon lo participate m all the pleasure? of ? I 0 i Just 6 More Performance and Then Good-Bye! NEW AMSTI Bl '??? S |t\ ??l Ht MONO AY ?' V *?? ?)! - ? ELSIE FERGUSON MARGARE! H HI! 1ER EOIT. ? ? s ? S(* LIBERTY * ' '? ? i s u ? ? SYBIL ? COHANS OTIS SKINNER "Cock o1 the M ( MRS. FISKE J Ers lull ill Susan' T A Sai ? i rNi . "? M'HUTi* EMPIRE* Maude Adams LYCEUM ETHEL BARKYMORE | " ? -si? BELASCO ; ?: THE BdOMERANG i ? re* mai ill ?. ?T I HM1 ?*" LONGACRE IT ASTOR ?Ml -' * CANDLER HUDSON The Cinderella Ha HARRIS SADIE LOVE ? FULTON ROSE MAH1 -??.TINGE _\?s*r\ RE? i iG A L v_-'?,s-' '_* . Mi*-' Mj-iaa ? ajaK*" ?J .. THE WEAVEBS Va . CARDI N KM A? I ftt\. \ . ?/'rr.Vritf ?N Strand i'*" "*?-*<_? . ? ???