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j . . - tr.-xm?* ? ' , ? ?. Btatt It ia Vn.txxn r ? : ? : I - . , i?aand" i a? fai l?tala la part it TN s. ? be belie*. ' ?' ? . . ?? th? vit that ? th? ?'? . a'iru \t , ? v .:? quar v ? ? i. ? \ Lanaiag aa i : a rot? varaati? Ambassador anea? ? - a the am . arhrt! a ' ? ar by ? ' - ? ; II ! i i ? i i ? ? h ??ra, I - -wer.. - -' Ger ? account of I ? ' I il luld have '? R. A. CANFIELD ESTATE VALUATION HELD UP Appraiser Seek! to i ?\ I ej-ai Kt'sidtiKi.' ( th? lat? ?ad art tl.?? f-tate nable to fi] ate. He dl? ? ? ?? ro?i ?? - He ? . .. : ? ? lar a toga, rt, which i* ; appraisal. I ? book?, I ? ? aluetl : ? - \\ t> -! ' ? J SWANN'S MAN IS NOW UNDER FIRE ? ..... . ,L, i ? 'Ii-.. I 'o do audit Ing and either foi Black admit Id they years. \ Tainm-ny Hall \nn<\ of New yortr," . . t |ti ?.int ? ii duAng a . Square, ?tmnrmny i "?all I a i 1 ? iov. 'i i i lai I'lltmoi til l luru fr m Atlantic wit' i nor?, ii ? ? ' that it ? at-ara ? Bwaaa Qaeatloaa ? lark, n to the hill aa ear? el ' . T!.o atroyod by I laf Ulli t I Diati d that if Mr. II"- ? lay and caald ? ? ? ; i,uve lnm relea would not put aim on trial until th? Then i -a thai It e? . him. lit' inn . il pian that 1 I i'v deaoe and ? o i '???>. ing rec? | Kar.':' ? lav Senator .lam* s A. i i ?. Murph] I ? the amounts el ? . ta h in nt wer? false, . el. al? . rent. I aril] be un - ??er S. mal ? - it ? - for a pul i flcial to aal ? ? i : . an) public of? ficial. live iaeci cum i ? '. i ? - t ' . I l. f I ' 1. I ' ? ? 'I the W.ll ,,..w I,, a. M..l..a...f ..." ,,,.*.ul ,.-?-I ..... I THOMPSON WIN INQUIRY TO GO Assembly Will Vote I Fxtm $30.000 To-day i Extension of Time. FORMER COMMITTEI WILL ESCAPE PRC Senator Hrown (" Was Villain W'lio Tried Halt lm estimation. ? y. ,Tn:t. ? S| i akor Sweet ; "??! hie in tin' laves thi I bon ;? n comm.'?'. .??? made daj. when the ^ IJeaae Committee of th? I - ? ....- .lu ii g ti ? I l na?? thou?? two re?. leen! ng i Senat? r rhompeoa will now h.i\? .-.1 th?? firat Monday In Mat-?.-li to ? ?. or? Me ?trill alee luve sa ". thr BaeaBtiaaa t?> ghra ii on a look etl ? ertali ? ? ? ??K one or tere of its n bera are well fouaded. The l h> ; ? i.?? Be lously a week har". i I ussed the Aasembly alH I I - eak r Sweet, with the alleged b lag of Governor \\ bitasaa, theaa up. \s--eTnbly, also. Is In fnvot!. plan to shut off I Inquiry into the way the stl ':? invert W a y l Means I orna ?tee held a atar ?han seeelon this afternoon for the pur) ? gal . together on bob hush up the hue and cry which ttee i - dlturei ??:?. -1 ernor'a trip to the J'anamn heve raised. There were tw ? ? -.. ? ? a for aa im tigati"!. committee. It vn? parent, however, that the commit : ? a thi Brooklyi \ -? i I at all. Thompxnn Elated Senator Thompson ?Jalao was a v neis. He told the cemmltteemen tl while ha did not favor at. tion of former legislative I he ha-; Baku I the I ?troller t" M one of his B?r>?!>tants to tl ? B I to aud te (the I - -here. Whea the c ?amittee ronriuded li.bori about fi o'edock it practica had been dett : n. .!,ed t?? afk the Cl retridlng eleeei scrutiny of the accounts ol 1 gating comm.-' ? ??nnuttee may lose none ol power, i! wai acreed that iti CBM dispute evei expenditure? the bran l.ei*i.?laHire involved ihottld hi ti nal say. ? i-ratulat on all sides because of I leaguee. Short g the meet'.:.??' el the v? i ' aa? ? BMBltte? be declared th he would put renewed ?rigor into 1 ?;nn when he went to Ni . on Thursday for Hnother thrt BrOWB, th? "Hu^h"' Culprit. ? ! to-day that It wa.- St ator Brot ? ?der the Senat tor Thompson last a tl e him the an mont I rovided I rest . ?1 irings. i'ork, fi m<r Demo idei of ? I ?? A bly, waa here tOr-tlay, and II i I t the th ira ? fermer leg result ? '. who a? ?i la? itation foi i ..i... Thi I ... are I it a ? i do with thi tigat eithei ol s Pani : I.? - ' . v \fp_ WBI ag i i of .(.:i'i? reeponsibla foi thp mix-u and . ? ? . hold up ? ' - pene thi Dadj. the Bi bob ?(?i. who .'.as done . ihle for A ' .(r in the I..?.. Hence, Quiga? V?t to" I ???l-. as It wa ? h? wever, I be Beaatei Beaaetl ? railed the Brook an I '< ntion te the Kiltmor bill McQuiston, who ? -? er Ti to thinl n? it over, .s-i ?he Btory got -, and earn to the conclusion thai un lei ? .ne the C .nt.'O?'er woul ?.. . BSatel :al to put h. il. OB ? nco his kick. There wai alee considerable <?ro??i at t< vhein?! Mr. ?Juii'ir had outirel; we!) known and ?? arou ?' the Es 'cutive oflee _??_?? 17 HURT IN TRAIN COLLISION Switch Fnjrin?' Hit? ka Into PassenRei (ara at Port Jt-r?--?. Port Jem-, X. Y, Jan L'Y Plfteei two triiintmn welt ?lightly injured here to-day, when a switch engine backed into the head end O? iH.-thouiu! pnv-enger tram No, ? of the Krie Kailn I | Knt.-.: ? ? i Sayder and i onductor ? ( of the paaaei ? ?? .. w,.r,, lerieualy lajured I be I who wi ra bruised oi ? glas?, remained on ?h.- tra?a, left fei New York after takini on a new eagine. -? SOCIALISTS SEE WILSON I rue I'ri-ident to Call (onferenee to Kntl ihr War. Washington, .'?it. ES A cern? na one! executive i it party naked Pr< to dny to support ? , ! ? olution foi i ? it ri ?"- '' I Bea to attempt to ? i tul tl i war. Thi atat? ?? I??ond ?a, Mei i i. i il ? ?? \ .1. ii Pan n. RORER I ? . \\ mil?. SAD, SAD STORY OF SEVEN SENATORS Cruel Controller Forced I lu-m to Pay for I heir Oun Portfolios. . - ? ???., ' Albany, Jan 25. "For SOTOn lenther por'f . ? ! y, arlth n bin? pencil Bgh it. i? un DIM of the mmitte? on Pi Bled g Bl? In the office. It I tory of hew -? porl folioi Mt thr late until i i troller ?aw it t got the '. and each i ? ? - ,-.->? igh of hia own moi i I ?' ? : ? ? fan I I utom to | i , other receptacle? Rota tutu.' I ' ? g whispered ? ' - ? 'I "Good ? ? t OUt !'?-.. ?SV'hei ?-.'.? tor La? ion wai I era r. portfolio. It was ? nono ? or Within twent* mem* ? ? tor i n, < riairraan of the ? . and it ? I ?'? w dav? lor 1 called the coma I i ' pfuaed to ': ? bill ft>r mir port . ' ... ?v - Tiiompson May Call Black as a Witness . whs * ' ' ' As atanl Dis? trict Attorney William Harmon I . who ? the case involving th? Thoi ? , 'th- trcaaurer ol a h had fur? th? Br< ?-.. ? ? v Yuri< Ha ? ??\v .. yon ' all Bl id to the stand be your committee to explain hi? ? . thin company?" the - ? ' ??I ... ? ? . iss that i ??? ? ?i. "1 ain't sa] ' tart i i on hand ? ts then it a si . ? . When I hi might be ii ? ' ... ? of th? of the Th? I ? ? r of any such 1 ork Diatrid A:- that ha had n? i of i ? - ? . ? far tit he knew Hotalii . noth .- -i at cool Ii i (fence. 11? aaid h< had n? ittei ?.' :. he aergei sud that tl tatemen! i . H..ta ni wi ? .. ? "lie fad remains." Senator '1 ht m paon, "thai neither I :.:.> bo !.. alaa ha? loal M y on roue! n ...;. out. ai cai-'t a?e th? t-at-ai owed ? ?.. 1 *a _?--? O? .fi' ? . || ' WITH BULLET IN KNEE SHE KEEPS ON IRONING Woman, Shot by Boy. Placidly I inishes Task. ' r build la th* knee ?.re nothing t.? Mi- LiUiaa M. Tl ' y ?rr:\etl from Preach Lick '^prinira, in.!. to rial! her friend, Mra. ' "' ' street. A saUrday .i.d ,.vi area at ? ? Qerdoti Keen, elevon, found n re I? " ipiril of play hi Bred at Mra. menus r?r tin minut? - iba ie.I piacidix to ??ran bandker? cki? fs. ? hea I .? I iat? I, .,? been hit. Vr- 'Iht.maii refund t.. in, m a hoi ? ? ,? i,,, i h? polie? reportad the ~ ~ .laaaiiX. WOOD INDICTED; WITNESS MISSING Ex-P. s. Commissioner Is Held in $7?r>00 Bail on Bribery Charge? SWANN WANTS TRIAL OF CASE NEXT MONTH Office Hoy, Important to Prose? cution, Vanishes Signal A^ent , Is Principal Accuser. Bab? I ?? \\.I. ei Publl? i i x ice ' omi ? appointed bj aa Governor Martin H Gl indid t'd yr-t"iii.iy fur alleged lolieitaUee. .if .' brib rhe indictmenl was baaed aa eridenc? broughl out in the inve ? 'i-.-.i ion of 11 i Public Service t on -i "n by Ihe Thompson legisla to the effect that U .....i ?ak? d the allegi d bribe foi hia influence and ?et? oa a ?igual eon trad i"!- ti ?? < entre Bt.t loop xx un.? |,. ,. led nut guilty befo i ? JuHicc Vu!.ru n, la General Seal ?tul waa admitted lo $7,600 bail The maximum pi nal!. In event of c? ... i: i tei yean In priaoa and meh ?.-i h. I it y ti. furthai publ ? "I -'..ill b? tcady to try th-> ? next m intl I ' I bei ? Ii any d? lue 1 the ad Ion of the defend? ant'a lawyara," said Dlatrict AtU Bwnnn Wood'i arraignment. Wood wi i repreaeated ia coari bj William M. Turk, of th? lirrn of Btl Bold .v Levy \". rnej Swann admitted yeaterdaj thai "an importaal ?ritness" whose testimony was sought by the grand |urj hs ; tapi ? red learned thai it was beeause of th? at' f the i ' th? grand Jury investit joui ' ? ill ? ' i . . ? KCkani ? ?on, vii , ' ? ? il Con i m.y. t.f Pittsburgh, in Wood . h th? al Wood - might lohnaon'a i om pan?. ? i . will be found ... t the 1 ast night turned over hi ? ? nbcr. i heard " ? -rand jury wi ? - ' ? Aed that ;.t th? ? '? ... ; swan ;.,- the ritch am . ? Id? ? For that ? ... to captur? ?? ling at? ? I of th? ? ? grand u that him >' -ii.ri.Hl ? : ..'.'?. ? com? ild ?port to hit ? Henry < i f the, I'niii!. ? I Johnson. ? ri \\ ;i!'"i D ta S. O. Levii iiif-nt containa I ? addi? tional -? I rank 1. . ? . . perat? th? . . I ix n v> ? ? ? . .. liai ry A. 1 1 on? :? FISH, A MOOSE, FAILS TO HOOK ASSEMBLY Junket Expose I lire at Doesn't Oel Resolution Through. IT Con Declaring that I junkf ? . ticca in the past ? ? or" to of 1 nam, the el the ei . inn, of New troduced lasl . ? ? ?roula prevent I ?? eomi ttei ;' | expenses exc? those ol tnesst l nvestigal of - ll '..'?. Mi Fisl r. 11 ',. ...... i th? BTaj and Meat i ?!', i diachargi d fr< ? :? "I merely want t? ' ? ? . d. "I don't want the c..mi- ? , investigated, becaaaa soma oi th? mem? ber? nigh) jailed Putnam ?? i? n b mi he had h | on eertaii I which wonld -tan.?- the public ami make a . :..? ;, pi ? .-? , Beer I ? lia l ?ver. did t.t.t impreai the Aaaembly tioa X'ras beaten by a large majoi il y PLANS A HISTORY OF HIS RASCALITY Dot Walcrbnry, I amous Confidence Man, Pleads (iuilly lo ?Swindle. ONCE WAS WORTH QUARTER OF MILLION College Man, and So likable I hat I.ven Victims Remem? bered Mint Kindly. i ' .loi,., ii Ford, is Da ?Veterbury, .? ? i-,..m eeael te ??? ? ?? one ol i he licki ' con lidem ? mi n that ever ? . ? .? eapture, baa ?iir.r-.i i<> make a i nil eofifeealon of In ' eareei to D ti el Attorae] Bwana. He pleaded guilty ?.. ?. ? l ij befoi a Jud| In Genei to a chai t.I fraud : Dr. Allen St ? i fty-fourth St ? membei hip card in the Uridiron Club for $200 ?i eatne from ont "i the i. ? .???.'' Wati "I ?ii... i mi? g? i i ? d and got -. ?i ? ? ? nd I also have thi ? , But '?'? a criaii ? beat pai i ol n ? i tell you wl Dual | nal it I- be " thi ?Va Seed a II. lo pis ht, but the ft i ? ? hin o'her und ?a ? "I didn't i ? the gea I ad my fun I've got , I expect to it It, I the police, the Diatricl Attorai j oi the i ?? ? ? ' in tl .... I the District Att< ? ..... ? ? ; ? ? . , Tor thi ? ? ? fppi happy right er? ' ? ? ' ? . t that mi i tl< ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' O 81 in 1 rash : ? ? . '.khrlt ? I ? ? : ? yeta" M'LAUGHLINHEIRESS ELOPES WITH DRIVER ( out tiKi-.t fn.iii paSft 1 ? waa in Spr ? ? ... ? ... - . ?\ ? ?? . ? ? . portt d that Ellen J. St been granted a d?cret ... r IT last, indei tati til April 1' Ingle? ... ... ai ? to some friend ? . . ' r a lettei I rougi thi Si l trage, which Stevi rmerly i seivod rr ad . - ? ly ill. ' t -I.t. for ? t'l-ii...;; ihi erday, ... b) h Koman Cat wa m ii.!-- -i- cl ? proof ? ? "I ?lid BOt have thi ' Mr-. !? ? . ? more than ; lepar?an, oui ? ... We ? orad it in -??-??- In Weat 12 ? rent a Avenm li get tu know Stevens, ; p?itfifa?fajiff|h&_ "SLIP*SCARF" Slid? when Otlwrs Sn4 I he Scan with the ? Free ? Slidi ng Neckband fA/"? Il ' foop ?i 'round th< 1 || and draw it I I ..:,. oui \ ' md lets it slide to-and-fro w ith .1 . - i The "Si.! P St 'A!??.?'" ? \able from every othei I how r, ? in construction, st)le and : i $1 AND MORE AT ALL GOOD SHOPS IN OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE SILKS Look f or* tfa "S carp "and Key i n\ Lot ku I togethei Keys & Lockwood Col. .Roosevelt tells the slory of a iTKXMc hunt -and h?>w Ik- Ii.'kI to kill tht big bull that chari'cd hint. " A Cm u?us Experi? ence." In the February Scribner r *7// .'."wsstttii l-i waa living i'i -Seal IfTth s?rept Ha i ? .? r cama hi re, 'li'nnrh, until April, ? ben, sftei ;i hemm* i h G i ?! up in b?'.I f'.r .1 pu?' : h ?X hen rot ?? ?t she wa i too ?eab I? > di ? a un. Steven? himaelf answered my call : ? i i ehauffeui, h,. . , . tioB for lervine ? ,| i?. ? .kr /.i.i.i i ara i ... m . ,. ? uft.r i? !? i . I arouid ash him h to heve a cup ol tea I ?;.|i, be '"l?l a he ? ? , . ?'mm In.? a ifa Hi ? ! . :illd I -.? , I. . it tin '.? I oeeaaiei I i ? I; ? tele] ... ? hi language be eat d led me ?? .. i. ... h' re again. Tht? .m.? ?m'.- i bi ? '?About that time (.race ara MB? : ? '<f innlnlity to aleep. ' . wli.i ut," ?luv t<i!d her she whs Now we kr,'. a .? thinking over this thmi?'. Kar!;,- in ; . , . . rave n a I ? ? ' en hi i mothei ' i ? wn? my Christmas presenl I ... . .? till thinking it odd when ? '.???'. ing to i I wa In bed Later I foui te nddi me. 1 " 'Forg e m< rote, 'foi I : at me P r the B ? elphia. vVe will bi then ; I , . i ? ? ? ? ? ? I thron nd into H York, I ? . ? I ? '. ere for i :i mod"! girl. Al'.k. h m?-, sie h id no ms - 1 ? - i ? ' ? : . ' ' i'ork am t 'P. H. Mel rl." If si ' ' But shi ? ? i been 1 i ? , ? ? ? \\? va*** ? s6olfi?tltix?iitury^ ?ve*: ?edVVai Consistent with our usual policy?every vestige of Winter Apparel is now scheduled for I;inal Clearance. Afternoon, Reception and Dance Dresses Formerly $85 to $165 al. 45, 75 Aboul one hundred and l-wenty-five handaoae iowm of rdh 8nd velvet, faahiouaWy caaaMncd with bees, tulla aad Geocfrrttt09?, AI-.'? .1 ( losing Oui of Aboul Seventj Five Tailleur Suits Formerly $45 to $95 at . *25 and $35 Rtsmaining Wintei lina ? ?? f?"w '?I ?II wxmh ? few ??vi?**, of? kind, m cloth and irdv?et, with and without fur. / Handsome Rose and Oyd Blue \Fox SeU $95 S*y 1 Formerly $175 to $195 I iiC O jC0ATS-0f Hudson Seal, h /Mole and Caracul $175, $245 ' Formerly $?95 to $425 Luxurious Natural .Silver .irvl Bin?* I Formerly $1,000 to $1,200 il $550 build ' atated and lei .11 the mai lent I J???sa-i-rt Mann.n?. Manning wa buaineea last i g ai pera aaid they did not knot ' ? rl ? deaerihed a Hnd - ? tall) good teeth ? ,? - i . | .i' .1 ????-..? , i ? mee o ?? Re has han ? iat of yelle ii grin o* Jack J ?? ? ? ition of foui - M ;..? i -'? ? i fa'hei .. ... i lie was city of Bi i ol '. yn po? lice, snd I i'i?olidation BI ?. ehii f under Big Bill ? ? ?? '? it ???' -Mt -v York ? 'did not pull togt ? . kinsma ? ? ? ? ?>n hia ? ? i to running . . ? to real ' i Hi rife dying irrival of his ? time airs. ? only ?d up to the ? ' PREDICTS OWN DEATH SELECTS PALLBEARERS Train Victim Killed a*, Was Father and Brother. I : ?. -. A ?.'?' ?A by i Patrick H. | Biikoy ?- ? , ild anything te I iraal ???--. ? : ?? ? ? four yea rother ? a a the fa ??r. ?n? tut Pal ?? i-nd I roth er. SHOT ENDS HIS ROMANCE 'I.tini'-li.iri'niaii W !.. Dell I I niuna for Laee Wee. 1er Yen shori't'ian who I II?: Na ?atea that I ' ' ? rh? bal o- ? ? ?' i ? t Pot] '?'?? ?i? -*hot (?hile working Ma at ??...--? -. hirer ? ' ? !?!!.!.i!ffl^ '*????????....???? The New York City reiep?cfte Directory GOES TO PRESS All new telephone listings and all changes in present list? ings should be arranged for on or before that date in order to have them appear in this new issue. Residents of apartment houses having Private Branch Exchange Telephone service may have their names listed in this new directory in connection with the apartment house telephone number for only $3.00 a year. Telephone, write or tall at our nearest Commercial Office for full information. UAHBATtAN-BUONX BROOKLYN Ad'lrett 11 Dcv S| IS) ? trcl srd SI i?? \v. Houston St 83 I.. MthSt 115 W. MthSt 7.' B li.i St I I-. ?9th St ?087 l?r??n<lvkHV 123 K. 124th St. 109 W 195th St. ?.. ; r. ii?ih st. 4 ' I I'. I [?-ill 'l.l 1106 Hoc Ave. T tief h nia "? ' Cortlandt Or? hard Spring ivladison Sq. Creer y Murray Hill Plaza Riverside Hsrlem Morntogsida MelroM Trcmont intei vaie 12'">00 1200) 1 ??()"?) 12090 120..0 120.(0 12090 12090 12090 12090 12090 12090 120D0 Addrtu II Wiiln.iirhl.y St 995 Math St v.Mraiid Ate. I I in Pifia Ave. w?7 Platbush Afp i i lavcaaeryer vt dates Ate. s ne reist Mam South Uedford Sunset Flatbush Williamsburg Bushxvick JAMAICA 8 Hsrtirnlirook A.r. Jamaica Ave. Trerr.ont 12090 FLUSHING iutcivdie 12030 i 70 Main ?St. Flushing RICHMOND HILL |S4 Nepiev Ave. Richmond Hill 12014 LONG ISLAND CITY Brides I'laia North. Astoria 12014 FAR ROCHAIVAY ?Minl,;4lK\ Central lar Rockaway U014 TOMPKINSYII.l F. VUTowpldBS Ave. Tompkinsville 12064 POUT RICHMOND?70 Ku-hiuond Ave. West Brighton 1*0?* NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY X I '.2000 12014 12014 12014 12014 12014 12-14 12300 12011