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Ic?Y MRS. MOHR SOUGHT ESTATE 0,*,? Testify to Wid !?7$ Desire to Control ? Doctor^ Property. luMlS DECLARES ?oroes CONFESSED urfeir's Brother, on Stand rstTime, Telia o1 Moot ,fg i? Bristol Jail. 1 - ' to :?'?((' ? ? ... ? Estate? - rooms r.whom !?*??? '? pel I m i .1 t.ilit ? ? who ?? ? m lli : v., n, \v am 11 I ? ?> 1*. of com ? i M ? M. - hei i Healia real Mea Tli.? ? ! Brown and Sp< to the tin fl any a ? to tit Bi "Yea. I . V him. ! le id prom ? ? ? nil." " t note ? '. ? ? t*er, ?? WIFE, WITH'bOARDER. BIDS HUBBY GOODBY Leaping lo rrain, She rosses Note for Ot erseer of Poor. - ' ? ? ' Metrop 4ii \n Ada t VORK BROOKLYN i ? is? Hall Gi ".*.-??' road Si. i I I? Style "G" Price $100 Mahogany or O.ik Ylfxm_ AEOLIAN VOCALION THE PHONOGRAPH 01 RICHER TOM THAT YOI CAN PILAY ,1 B f M R-iRDLESS of price, there Is no phonograph that equals the \eolian-Vocalion in true musical q It- wonderfully smooth, large-volumed h ?n bass, < It ar in treble, and in balan. ? . Yod nevci have heard i ? a phonograph ? subtle beauty, as The -Vocation brings forth from your : , Eli ant simplicity of design and finish make the Vocations as hand are musit ally efficient. Tin. WONDERFUL GRADU?LA, with its and pra< ; ' i nti me, doubles ng ] ? i ? the phon B I you literally may I i f great musici ins. This revoluti ?ryd . icclusive with the Vrxalion. Acolian-Vocalion Prices Without Gradu?la $35 to $75 With Gradu?la $100 to %2000 The AEOLIAN COMPANY .. "tuers i' t Ai in* . . ? ? & W. Forty-Second St., near Fifth A?e? __ .il i?= ?rrr^J RUSSIANS WAKE "FAUN" BEHAV1 Ballet Polite Objected T lias Modified Perfor? mance at Century. HOUSE TURNS AWAY SEVERAL HUNDRED Diaghileff, Astonished it "Fit Country's" Attitude, Will Tarn? "Scheherazade" To-night. 1' wm mi altogether ?roll bel ? ? kk bo disportl ?! hitBMlf last iiiaj? el the i ? ntui v l heatre. l ha etrietei ? ..i??t ?-??ni?! And little nuise t.? eon i, aa 1m? goatsti p sank oter on hi .>??! en the nymph ng into the din ?and instinctively to ?? ?.? ,. . ,. .,. | ;. ? ths arordi i ? ??? : 'Oh, Bottom, hew th.? ?it 1: . I" Surely the gh08 ek i i omstock slumbered aeeci ' night! .'?'I"! Hri.kki, ha i made te Mai ? i ? bi .-..? th.? elii 1 .i .!ir." Mill fn ' : ?? i? 11 became im ? ? ? ? a pre lui I of th ? ' of the ft lu .le il ? i pbist Icated met ropo It would be idle \ i ? ? nights, eithe r to art L'p t ' Ht th .: ? ime of whii Last i tain, rumoi of pol Ice I erenci ? rt ? ? -....? ? -. eral hundred ; ? from the ?l""i ? ? r ballet ti action, will he pre when another sold-oul .. ' ? ' ? ' re thf ? .. on .luiy 1 ? ugh I ... . . u ?,ter Garden I ';'ne Magis ? ?..'. or injurioua to the t night that givei ;. u? it g presented 1 the I V ? BCted a ? ? ? : : "..? Poliee .- r room here, the ms . ' isible to make : I npoi wi.? deet roying .... . a wes he'.i at the of ? - ? chief magistrate in the old i ters Building, .iri" Mul berry Strei I the suggest ? r 1.-v.?. r< farrees were Serge i|e D ? Opera i ? . iger of 1 .. of '?x -?? ?t >'?? the Metro] ? .. Ii pe? ? ent .;. i . Barber, of the ! Crime: J ... far ths ? ? ? larenee B in ted to were "L'Apr?a - ? . en lividual compl ad to taki acl until , ? tre Movement ; ? ? -h"lir ;. the prods in fit to 1 ?? seen bj Diaghilev lnili-?nanl. : ? ? ' ? 1 U ' I ' ake. 1 ? ? ?'ich." ?.?.I !.. ? | p, . ? ? Reynoldi Misa II??'*? i - ? ' . . ? opinion. The rrfiorf*. conflicted, and ? ntira mal tar b? I trate foi ad? ? ? i reforc, 1 nfer? fl ? M . f Magia ? . ? I ? ? ba ... ? tion depended upon I i - ...i he I fully when ?Iv* . from 11 - ? Ing wil ? ? I tl . ? ? "I :.? ?:???'. ? : . ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiyiiiiiiiiii " . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig VALUABLE SERVICE FOR MERCHANTS, ? MANUFACTURERS AND RANKERS This Company ?^ rendering a service ol preat advantage to many industrial and commercial concerns, as well as banks throughout the country, by accepting their nur drafts drawn upon the Company. Merchants and i ufa?.turen mav lind it profitable to acquaint themselves with this service, and are invited to call or i orrespond in regard to this or anv other banking business they n ij have in mind. ! CALL AT 16 WALL STRUT, OR riLIPHONI pi. ?ok. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY ? iiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ?? ______ - ?_????? ??!-|*-Hill!'i-gi DANCKIlaS IN lili. I AI V Ma-.-ir.i' and oi.! ? criticiaed De Di efl lallet. in o count ? .'???? F Gen ? Will Modifj Ballet; Will s..t. I ti ? ;i r; hi ? N'ijina i ? ? ? 1 ? ? , ' :.I 111 us tne ??'.... njurlous to public mi?! "At thi it'.i: Mr. Br< sgei, promi ? ? ? ? ? ? His gi ?? : ' ?? : ? "We i ? ? | ? rularly . ? .? ? "One of 1 - features ? it 1 . ? minium Mil ? ?? ballet Im- ? "We' ? 1 I 011 t ???Ik? b th? peror ol n he en ordei i for e i >i Ing. wh iln ;. .m . i ? A k ? ? ,- ? ? | "The mod prudish of Kuropea ? ?it ? ... left for tl \ i ? ? bal ? and | th? B Mr. Barbel on ti ? ent hi agrei I to i the ] ? of tl WON BY FIRE, QUITS WALL ST. TO PLAY HOSI Qrandnephew <>f j. D. smiti joins startii'ini Department. . j.' ?,', ? G ? ter, Aa ? ? ? \ ? ? '?'? ??imt'iii-. Ha e ? - 11 Smith, one? reaident of < '? ? ' ' Smith ??- ? .. ne i mi. . matti alarm. ? Prize Offered for Editorial. ? i .. arponad wk ting of edit I titioi aanouneed h. A ? g ? topiei ? ? ? ' ' . ? ui '.he class on th? - ? .?-.. ''.Habit." VOTES $25,000,000 FOR BETTER ROAD l.niise Passes Shackh for I B by Big Majorit) Senal Opposition Expecl ' .... to 81. Thre? rha siafps would ahare in the nppr . i la*, ion an the baaii '.?>n uri.l the number '?' their p<> mail-. ? Ippoi. ire i ' : ' t th? .?nly the forerunner to . ? ? croui t the i predicted thai ? ?UTO CRASH HURTS 4 - AND TURNS IN ALAR? Women Injured as Car Skid Over Curb. Wi] ?: i Stallord, -..?.! by Ha ? . ? Hut ; mouti the cui ? thi<>' . low. Tl ? l ? irora I and for ? ?. Every I .-ir.-. ind Fir Head the i ? ? ? down r? \ fi f Henry Kilia di iv? n aero - at Forty-third ?' \ ii ? lamp "? ? ? ? ' U.'k. Pa ... | Mil id Pal reati . t ired charged with fell He ii m .'. ? -? Fifty-Aral I THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE Vonkera Julie?' Refeeea to Permit lln-t Exhibit in Hi? Coart. City Judg . i ?? ? ? Liebow .?.- I ? ? ? . ;trt..n \ , thai repi vbra them, all? th i i : lists 1 ? ? ... - ? ' ? ' were aa HUSBAND. 65. HUNTS BRIDE, 29 Married Pea Moatha, >!n- Hangt "ut Moaday'a Waah, linn Departa. Mr"-'... i few mon! ? ? . ? . , home. I ? . ? ? : but 1 ' rlall Cou| | alarm for her. i PITY BRINGS HOP IN TSETSE FM Physician, Sent by Thn Sisters, Says He Can Cure Dr. Perveil. SLEEPER SLUGGISHLY SHOWS IMPROVEMEN Sympathy f?ir Helpless Victi Prompts Women to Start Battle with Death. \ " a old ?, dimly remiel Mothe*-," rock I i. ?...-.fully In her apartment th? Hot? P il . lu?.' Bight nrul to . : her two aiatera were wl ? cent of t h-ir weal .lif? Ii driftii ? 'p. rly, '?"[ ? ';, ur.' | . ; ..? I>r. A , of 14 Hai cock Streu yn, from the Bleeping ? ? ? can tae-t fly. Their intereal waa eryatallixed in ? ? ? ant te Dr, L li read: ; ithetie. Is ?t t. i to try I lathing f< e i n g .-. great that a ? reward the coi ? '? ? . ' ? tae-tae \ ictii ? up, ... ? ? i mott - 1 hen h : .. . "H . ?'.?' . '" ' ? ii aaked. ? ? tha Evei . - . nil for? 'God ? ? ? three old ladiea wh . Dr. 1 Dr. If. I.. Warner, o . aaulting pa I . . Lea turned I to Inform yon ? ??. I can save you ? anything new, o, It Lea i CANT HYPNOTIZE WIFE FIFTEEN FEET AWA\ Husband? Next Door Neighbor Wants Peace: She Doesn't. I ? ? lurveyed di tai ' ? Iwellingi ? Mr. and Mra. Alei er S Brown il I I , but, according to Mm Bro ? ? ? ghl ... ? ? ..? sell be I '???? njugal | aa Ruitriei ;.tee between then \ year ??.'?? Juatice Frederick E paration oi eruelty, luggeated tha nay o: -;,.f their tw< ifterward Mra, Browr ? i her brother to her ok home feet awaj I ? rp ?lie ha? pinning ii .!r> gooda itore -.. i. ? :'??.! con , aa aerl ? ? . ends and I it on I il ? M ra. Brown'i tloor am ? t hitnaelf its her husband, lit ii given H'Tip!,' ? satan? ea ng hia win dow ahadea up so thai Mra Brown could look In on Ir.s little hypnotu I Mr;. Hrown ?ays .-.hi? ha?, n? ? ? '. an?wering that knock on WOODS NAMES HONOR MEN Nineteen Policemen Listed fur Valet ur Merit. . ? ?'? ? > iterday an .i m? ?I been accorded ilor er mari? , ? ?" doty, Edward F. Doyle, of tha Charlea rece i re? "honorable ? a liating in the rescue of injured in ? ?ia ????.plosion \ . 1916. ? n" waa won by John F. \ ? : of Police Headquartei ' i . r r. derick ? . Eaal l( It* -?:??? ? ita? - .. gunman. i d itj " ami term ! ? 1 H Jonea, Ma? a runaa aj ; Patrol? man n . ? \ ? ? Traille B, - :;i an un I ?'? ..? ? :? and .1 B ? I man . ? ? olver at I .[. .T Bal gate Avenue, it fire; C 1 I. ? -??pi ? ?! runaway . Pal ? Street, lira; Henry ? ? runaway; G. J \ ??? . Miller Avenue : ? peel ?? I y. a r gunmai Wil im La ? - ? inaway; Bernard itopped run ? B ir, rlatbuah, ? ttei ? H F Hetl ?' Eaat 104th Stn et, ai . r V. McGaulej. I ifth ? naway, and H B ! ped run? PARIS IDLE DECREASE (ini'-thir.) aa MaB) H a hen War Start ??<!??.et 23 ? eata a Day, ; fed of ... . In Paria, although they it th? beginning of imber only 7.M47, ao il flgurei gathered from ; . ?aber 14, 1911 ? That men in gOB? , ,. ? , h ,| w,.rk mera r? Uaoaa the latter many an -' I Idle. Ail the officially listed uncini riling them to [? . irnment a wanea I ? ??,?/!" ida ? ??,.',, ,, ? i | eaCB child in a family of Uttempli | ? '.. I The Bug, Lemb? r ?, P r z e m y s 1, C r a c o w? Arthur-Ruhl word-pictures what 'is left of these famous Galician battle grounds in his vivid article/'Kastof Lem berg," in this week's $'. cerf Coll ?er's TH8 NATIONAL WIIILT HARLEM FIREBUG PAYS $10,000 CALL Tenement Folk Flee from Dinner ,as Blaze Eal Way Through Building. Her '?> ? ? i . i f thi i-nally ? ? r bou ' -vho i tai ? in Harli ? luring th? blazing m?. . , ? the tan. Thoma? Fit! C?ei . and a frier:.; be ami i Into tht which veiled the stair? ise ? ?hut? he shout '?own the lire eacapt a, the I through th?' at rara the ol tenants. i from the twe mea 1 urrying from dit t -, escapes. On the foirth r1 Schwarttliikke, twentj dragged her iisty-i old ????hear, J^r... Schwort tire e.rar.e. him to the root Hen l frightf I tenant ?49 t - ? ? ' Meanwhili itfme one I the alarm. Fireffl for inure then an hour them ?;:. 1er control roomed in the i . IVI - Patrick Kelly, ... ... a< Harlem habit of ?!'?:ng recently, arw: ? ? ? t re. -a> I BROKAW BLACKMAILER INSANE; TRIES TO DIE Beats Head Against v.??iis of Cell (mes to \s\lum. Prank > Saturday, eharg ll,?i. I ford V. Brol ? . commit ? by bang ? aed eg ?-,<- hi? ? the Nasi He wa ,? had been aaai| cause M>?ku had refuat It I. end ? f F rank H ol t, tide In the NesBau Count) |all lorg? ? ? into ? - ? ? . Di Gay F ? leghoni ?n.l Dr. Joseph H. Itiiirar i i ? . Ml ? ' I h!..l pri nein tu King WARBURG COUNSELS CREDIT FOR EUROPE Sa>s Such -Courte Will Prevent Reaction from Prosperity. ;.,.. M Warburg, of the Federal Re? ?iikei: rabera of the \i * , i -. < redit Mi it I a at I the A?- : ? . the 1 nited j States need not leer ?? react from I proaperitj f full ere.lit were extended ??i K'lr ' oma, Mr. Wai act?ocatii r an ?.??'? rnat oaal ? ? ,, ? ? . ??. r - _, -' hi ? "Trie etui ?if th<- war, no matter ?? it may come, wil i .... g Europ?en ] almost inevitably Eel ir plac? ??k'.r'.il'? banker, "Th?-re i? dai ? . ordinary COI into bu t ture B| gold??om able te h - ? ui'Iutttr ? ? . eral demands. This real "We must i as to ? ?turbe ? -We muet grt ?tlj laereaat aur con rai real ? Par ai I [not 4t r ad In th public aa I aubal tut g our i ... ?. "We munt take the otRtOlt car? '.? dee-trey at th la ? future lending ?Jteerer. "We must an ir healthy bo-StO er',-ri ' ? ? tnanent besia, while n thai ?hurt loan? are vaith foreign latrttM are with alaras. Kur. , ? end of the nur mal ? ? . ils, ai rgi > ? atei Gi i.- a: .i Dieti?el A--. ? ? . BWBBB ??ele Bpeitkers. I