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HOOSE TAMED. BUT NOT YOKED patins Takes 1 xception (oHHIes (her "Breach Being Healed.*1 pooORlaSSlVES SHOW FONDNESS FOR rM'CAl I , ?jctiusftts l lection c ?led as :?, ,i Pirly Repvk -ans Hear I omis. ? " N ' ? - " M ! Bull ) riHnu? in? the ? lera 1 uve ' Me ? ? '? " ? ? ? ' ? - ? coun . . ? ' i. If neil ? ? I ? I ? - ' . i in 1 ? r tho - the ? .. would - WBI ? - " Mr. ? ? .pera I g ? : ' kneel p -, -? ? ? ' thai n < 'fry not l saachu ? can - ?a In cutir? rnm - ' nten I ild th? ? ? PHS VOTING UP TO WOMEN laaaB-lyaMR ? .,til!? l>r.>|..>s,-.. a Refer endun N,lt Ni,?. .-mb*?r. : m for t? would be ? - would ? ? would ng the mbr. SAYS NOTHING. GF.TS $50.< riattntifr Defeata Elaatve Olivet l ii> |{i??tii r?a Mach Trial. Jaal MO.OOO waa the Marked d? ? >" ? g im in? thai Miaa Mu.. Dam? ?. prettj Im]? nearaighted plaintiff, aa for her h lie. hnc heart yeaterdai li breach o?' promlae aail agaiaal ?Mi at 14 Eaat 1 ortj Ural Btret Mar? than 100 in tarea ted peetal reaped with horror or ahooa a amueentenl aa witneaa aftei witn ' Onlj the preea tabla lool naivelj atupid and blankly worried i ti o -. laaa pencil ? ? Inaida pocket - l h? y bad ne ' the i.: ? of lip ?. ading, and i.:l I'lf ai naational pointa the truil V. i.i \. aterdaj at \. ? *! .-? K Rchoe ''..: the Hard of He Ina ?* , gui !^'P,| ,.f ilOgUe I" 1 .v . . M M|va Tj loi h:-..! Mias Sanderson, ."> "The A .. watt m a nil close attention and 11? writing the converaation from memo ".? ? j toi \. ol whi? portera entirely miaaed the point, a '";.i ni' '? aame mann Mra M ilton Toe ne i.' .1 Mn?, .1 ?hi- w innera m th? ?? I ; rincipaj then :.~-.. .i l ineatii na, of a hich Hi . te the anaa era, with Mra, K ? .??! na a liners. : i .; ? of Ihe programi trial, with Mi K ii plaintiff William live Oliver, Han ?;. Gull ver aa chief witneaa and Mi lelaon and Mlaa i'auli CHILDRENS* FRIEND DEDICATE COUR Five Hundred Attend Exercisi at Ne? Manhattan Structure. ? | , ? ? ? childr? n'i 187 Eaat Twenty-aecond Street arg? - eel institution. I ? > ? I, a i?. - formal I ? ? n, whin t'?. ? hu? us interested in child weif ai work aaaembled thtre for dedicatio -? - W1 the building hi :n nai ? let Hi hare bee appropri?t io ? -' the courthouse, mor and will be n turned to the cil y. which, a '? ' ? nt of th f Aldei ? . rut it. "is moi . V? -? I hr..l bee;. ? ? ?: the build r ? in the coi,: ' by Borougl Maren M. Mai En ?' ? ? Societv fo ntion of Cruelty t ? M. Glem mm i tt of the Charity ? h ra? .-. Franklin Cha.-' Hoyt and Mr " \ ny. arka li ? \ nnoth? I ipent to i r ii ? round a rard? ? i ? 11 ' : ? ? ? xamination migl I tead of in the ? - mim, thoaa present were Mrs. W K Y ? Ira. I i < "> : I ? Alderman Thomai Parley, lomnw >;. rrv Al lerman W irna, Mrs. William ? strong iVadhama, of General '? gietrat McA loo ? ? i relay, Coma ?'. p?th Ring . !'" < ommiai ion? r W? odi -. Bryan, Wilkcna, DR. PARKHUFST TO ANSWER SUIT (lets Until February 10 to Reply to Candy Charges. I>r. i Parkhurat, pastor *>f S ? ? i't. ibyterian Church, will have until February l1' to - tlie charge of having virtually -. ? . n i ? ? . ? . h he was vice-preaident, accord the ruling of Charles A. Tiplinp, ? Loaf Uland C'y \e-ter.h.y Tha immediate lala of the candy fac ? ? . vain? d i I 922t ? bat.k ? ;. eeding wa ??? ? red by the ?. . .. NU trace of the company'?, booka, ? d aapp? ared ahi n ??? real . ? the compar j 'i tai ri? I fli December, could be obtained i.alf a dozen former unplo>e?. of the: company had b. ? 01 the stand. Harry II. Schutte, eounaal for the re f the American William F. ? r of the ? y. will be aaked on February 10 ? - $600 all? ,?? 3 to have been cashed i y bim for mi I ihandise bought by the con.; ??'A . ? , Mr. Grinter the option of turning I |B00 ? ? ? t<. the re? ceiver or of pi i't he bo? show why he should be credited with ?1 t.. h s personal account," Mr. Schutte laid. Chauffeurs' Outfits Spe< ? cial $43.50 Oiercoat, Suit and Cap if Match neat, perfect fit? ? durable) the Yts\ value i? Motor ? ir ? hsutTi ? - bought ^ ?Double - breasted ' ?vei ? -. ! ri usi ? reeches. A t -??; Chauffe i Made ol slil> ? il whipcord In two . nt gray snd In Ihe outtil completea $4.1.50, or, a. I i ivcrcoal $25.00 . I16.S0 . . $200 alth Iwo pairs ol i rousers or Breechel 01 ? <it 4-jc!i?$23.50 Il $57.50, $75.00 BBd $125.00 teed Walerprool?$20 sad $22 . atali ?gu< Mailed on Reijuesl BROADWAY AT 49th ?ST. HACKETT MINUS U TENNIS CUPS Internationalist's Apart ment at Hotel Nether land Looted. TROPHIES MELTED, DETECTIVES SUSPECT PollCC Commissioner Woods, Personal Friend, tn Charge of Search. Hai anybody sorn any new qaertev? or half dol?an that took 1 <k?> .?l?.tr??n tenais trophies? "I don't know hoe it eras," ?aid llnr ?.LI 11. Hackett, the feiaoas tennia player n"?I Davis Cup Internations -t. j. terday, "bul those eups lust i ta ra ly vanished from mj Bpartment? at the H??!? i Netherland. The tro ? i ro Inscribed, of course, ?t r. ? 1 i , , v now the t ? ? ' si ?? melted 'ei np to rc)\ 'em. They'd niiiU?? nice round silver doliera, wouldn't they?" i ? , ? aterdav thai t In? at h ? i..,-- ?., ?n thii ? in nl! probabil it) utilised the Are saeape. ince id.m detective? have put betel rmployea ?'?i the rack? saerebed pawn ???i m.I i.l. gi aphed i" ill important bul te H" avail. < ommisaloner Arthur Weeds i-< s lennla player and fee, ?? frisnad el llackett nuil :? fellow meraber <?f tlit? Wrest i Ide Tennis Club, tli<- lergeat Bad I wealthiest tennia club In Hi? eeaatry. \',i Woods, therefore, baa aparad ae . tTi.rt. to eat? h il.?? run tbievi ? "Thej were trophies won in tut?? ?h ," explained Hackett. "Tho oliliT ? i ? i l have m a \milt. Tin' Uiieve? not milk in.'k Hi.? tr?.|iln???. luit a huh ? ? ?-. .1 travelling inn- sad s ?-?.uch i-..kit- fhej '"ti l"t? <?i" leeser cape, taking tli?' be?I onlj. I ma ?' -jay thei iiinl rare tai '?? " Win? old in- ???ni fer Bist sen placee of silvi : i, -nil- ?, ,.i bargain, judging from the !i-t of tin? trophies. Tlirv "?i. all double ? prise . git en m a? ent? m kk in. I, Hack o had been a partner I rederick B Alexander, ?ith whom !.?? ?m the national tJtlc fur rears; kkith Raymond D. Little, Maurice K McL? UR-blin, Lyta !.. Mahan, K. < . In h ni' and inrliuii p, Gardner, the Call v ho fui merly eompeti ?I m l Bat? i h ?.?ninamenti "it m i he custom, yeu knew," aaid llackett, "to give both men iili-ntu-al prizes --??" I can ??'" to Krril Alexander, who ketrp? bia m h vault, and b? ?? f?imi? ? h. whet ninny of p y Btolen pris?e looked ht??-" Amolli' the missing trophi???. ui?rr ihr rhallenge bowl given m the New York Statu championship ?nil ?"-i outright ? ith Mi - tndei m I.???*. 1909 an.I 1911; the Newport National All Comer?*Tour ? i i i', v.'?'i with Alexandet in Oi the Pelm Beach Cup, won with Inman m 1918; a email edition of tb? Pavii Cop, won with Maurice E. Mrlaous*! lu m 1918, when Hackett rap tained 'he United Bl ttea l?nvis i up teatn, und tl" Rvabrighl Cup, ?ren with ? SUFFRAGE SCOUTS TO TRAIL WILSON President Will Hear of Old Promises at livery Stop on Defence Tour. MUST ACCOUNT FOR TALK WITH CONGRESS Executive, (ireetinj" Here Will He. "Have You Boosted Amend? ment? If Not, Why?" "Preparedneaa for Preaidenl Wilaon" is the motto of the hour al 'ho Con? greaeioaal I nion. When the I'resl ib'iit srnvc? at the Waldorf Aetoria to? .la?, ha arill be greeted bj" a larga dele? gation of lulfragial . prepared to a?.k him: "What about the iu(Traga bill?" Arrangements for the Interview have bean Intruated t.. Mrs. William K? I v. if.? of th? Kepreaentativa from Call furnia. When tin? Prealdent gave the ?'on greaaional Union n hearing on tha Pad tral amendment December fl at the V.I ?p Hou?e he laid: "I ?hull confer with my eolleagv at th? other end of 111?* av.nue upon tint nuilt.?r " The Bromea will ,??.? nim h in. hHi had thai conference vat, and if nal why net Mn. <?. ll. p. Belmont will lead the deputation, am1 will b<> accompanied i . >li? John Rogara, jr., Mrs. Robert IS lea, Mi- Lewii [.. Dela?eld, Mr. Robert Adamaon, Mra Marcua M Marks ami Mra Charlaa Beard, Preaidenl Wiloen will bava man than the |ihi"i!i-.!m on hit trail during li im preparedneaa tour. The inlTragiata declared yeaterday thai wherever be went then- they would be, toe "He needn't think that Washington Bnd N't".' Y?.ik m the on!) citira in the country where women want to vote." sai.i Miaa Doria Btevoaa yeater day, "We have organisationa in ovary city where he la acheduled to ?peak, ami wa ahall make it a point to ask him about preparedneaa for rota foi worn en." Women who tip!.I Into the Woman .v?offrage part) headquartera yeaterday, expecting riota and arra - and all the othei thrilling things luppoaed to be attendant on polling placea, were .1 ? appointed. Miaa Mary (?urrett Hay ?aid it teaa becauaa women can do any? thing bettor than men can, even ta run? ning election! in Neo ? ork City. He thai aa it may. the simple fact ia tnat election day under the austragt i. m produced i .. mor? diaorder ;han a Sunda) school picnic on a rainy day. The admiaiatratlon ticket for bor? ough offleera waa elected naaaimoualy, aM foiio^M: Chainaaa, Miaa Mary (iar retl Hayj rice-chairman, Mra. Martha Wentworth Suffren; lecretarjr, Mra. rhomai B. Wella, and treaaurer, Mrs. Richard Aldrich. Iiirrrtori elected were Mr?. Robert MaeGregor, for The Hronx; Mia i.ella Barker, Brooklyn; Mi?s Katha mi.' B. Davia, Manhattan; Mr*. Joaeph i ? q ]... "*. tnd Mra. \ J. Mea berry, Richmond. The eitj convention will be held on ?? . ? ? Friei da1 Meeting H..u?p. JUDGE PUTS PATCH ON SHATTERED LOVE Warring Couple. Steeped in Suits. Admit Affection Still Strong, and Ihen a License. (?f eearee, il work? ? hardehip on -, - ' i. ta when the wedding f?'M-?t ii ealled off ami a?rerai kin?l? of legal artion aubatitated f??r the wedding bella Hu? f'vft Lader and Charlea E ten decided, on the era <>f their weddm,;, that the ?chati baa waa wrong when be picked ?hem for each ether and assured them th?'V would I" happy ever a tt ' The wilful young pair ???lit the rahhi away, summoned their lany" ?nd in formel rhfir ir'i'--T ^ that tney could appear h- witneaeea m a hr?'Hch of promise suit an?) another artum f?ir the return of numerous irit"'- that had ihaaged hands while th?'ir ayea were Minded h y love. That BOeount ? for a ?uit pendirif? in 'he Supreme Court aatltled Leder rereui El. breach el premise, ?iam iiir-a IIOjNO, aad aaother suit .n the --i-ennd Hranrh Municipal ?Court BB? titled Eisen versus -Leder, for |?M8 Hut it dot ? boI aceou. action -n Justice John It. Davlee'i court Mon ? The eouri hHil reaehed the point ? I teking evidenee ?n Eii it's suit had heard numero . ? n g h i s a ta t ? ? heart ?a dian ? nd ??? erl %',(05, ? locket worth |ll value, all of - : to in re? turned. The ?rhatrhen va? th*>re to ;,ml,unce that he had made the match, ?md the man who had made the rake wm dolefully shaking hu head beceuaa it eaa not ta be eaten Attorn? Emanael Klauaaer then h?.| ? p|r,i?ion 'hat changed I trend af I iva Miaa Ledert" he *<k?*d. "-?'ire I do," WIS the reply "[ a I way a will." ... i.;,- m looked larpriaad. Then he railed Miss I,e.|er "Tea hear v.huf r? ?ay?* i?o you | ra ' ' ? ' i iadged a iked. "Yea, judg", if n? near,? what h? a. 4 I <i 'hat is, [ know I eoulda't , she said. of eourao, then ??' aa reason la ontinue oitaev a breach of promise suit or compel the return of the pr?s ?ta after that. Bo JusMie |l*\ie? aid he would continue th? case until :av 'o giv. 'tf *wo an opnor tunity to readjuat their p!aris to aaa riewa Apparently M long a time wi'! no*. leeaarj*. Kisen got the liceni? ? terday, and :< aaia ta have sent another valuabla u fl to the I.eder home at l?M Attorn? ? StrtM ' ?? - ? Republicans to Dance To-Night. The Republican Club of the N Aaaembly Diatrid will hold it?, annual ball to night at Terrace Cardan, Flftp? ?ighth Street and Third Avenu? Aa dora "f boxea wha ara expected *.. attend an. s.-ra'nr Ogdon t.. M Bannard, '?? '^?ra! Howard Car? Udaiman Lauren '? ?arrel . .1 . .John Henry Rag ? mom). Commiaaioi '?'? . U Hay? ? ? Ra ;.'i Foika Thomn? f, ?Ve*. ion, Republ '.can load? r of tl at .| \. ? ; - n of th? 1 . She's There The thermometer was down to 18. ?'- There was snow on the ground and ice on the street. We got in?three of us?and ?sat down in the rear seat; about 660 pounds of human weight. Fred, the driver, tickled the carbu? retor?and off we sped up Broadway. She traveled along smooth as silk. Once or twice she stopped at the cop's whistle for lateral traffic. We were a.stounded at the pick-up. That 3400 r. p. m. engine of the Chalmers Six-30 seemed to have the stuff in her. And the way she hugged the road was a caution. It was no time at all until we arrived at the foot of Fort George JI ill. There had been almost no traffic* on the hill. A team certainly couldn't get up that grade. One look at the hill was discouraging. It made us feel as it we would ?sooner get out and let the other fellow ride up. But Fred threw her into second and sped the engine up. She walked right up and up without a groan. It was a thriller. \Yc certainly got a good idea ofthat 3400 engine speed. The fa.stcr the engine spun, the slicker she ran. We didn't notice a throb in lier. "Good Heavens!" said the gentleman on inv left, "if shell climb an ice-coated $1050 f. o. h. Detroit precipice on .second, what'll she do on nigh on a day in May!' Fred ran us down and then swung over to the foot of Abbey Hill. To look up at that snow-covered plateau made us think of pictures of the Balkans. We thought, of course, Fred would slip her into .second and let it go at that. But no, Fred slipped lier into high and ?sank the accelerator button to the door board. She hit the first turn at twelve miles an hour and twisted her way up one turn after another, getting fitster and faster, until finally passing the turn we were all hanging on to our hats. We passed the inn at the top going 32 miles an hour, and Fred might just as well have locked her in high with a Yale lock at the start, because he never touched the gear shift lexer. Well, we came back to the inn and got out and looked her over. The little beast certainly had the stuff in her, we all had to admit. "Abbey Hill is no joke, "said the party on my right, "and neither is this car. I'm not strong for any more Paul Revere rides in mid-winter, but I would cer? tainly be glad to go again, this one has been a stimulate?". You can write it down in your memo book that she's some animal. If I were writing the Chalmers ads, I would write nothing but performance, for she sure can perform.' George ?Stowe, Manager Cluilmers .Motor Co., of New York. Inc. BiToadway at 60th Street, New York -Bedford Ave. find Fulton St, Brooklyn, N.Y. 2527 BouiYvard, Jersey City, N.J. Ftairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Berten Auto Co. ('. S. '-.(iwHnl? ( entre Morn-lie?, GemgB Whipfalli Gonge -Roae ta Hibbertd HtT-watta Central ('?arape Yai.?.t Brothers Gange llexamer Motor ( 0, The Poete* Company The Filio*? Autn Ce, Southampton Garage City Hill Gange, In.-. ( ornwell ?i?. M'>r<-?1 White Jiriil. CaMleton Motor ( ir ( o, ?meSi W. Murr. II Blue ?Ribbon Garage C. W, Smith Gai igt .1. M. Kishpaugli I.aiult rs Motor <Si Stjj? ?.? I v Co. Rutberfced & Paso-iic, N. J. I a?! Ilii!il|iti>n. L. I. Centre Moru-ht-s, L. I. Nyack, N. Y. Yonkere, V Y. P.-rt ( h.-ster. N. Y. South Nortvalk, ('?un?. m imford, i nun. Pacaaeatiilk k Ch.|'???'|ua. N. Y. Dinhiirr, Conn. Southampton, I?. I. I'at?-r?..?ii. N. J. It'.v.rli.'.ul. !.. I. I-- l'r.-fii..tit Avenu??, Hronx, N. Y. Che Weal N'.'w Brighton, S. 1. Ciiti-liogiir. L. 1. Oyster Muy, L. I. Great N'tvk, L. I. Newton, N. J. M iieola, I.. I Stannard'i i ?arage l!ii liiinuiil liiii ( raiagt Hiiii-iHi Gari?? Kxcelsior Gar ige Henry Martin Krause a*?. Pen a Port Washington, I.. I. Hi? hm.?ml Kill. I.. I. Huboken. S. J. W. Hobtokea. N. .1. llirri-o?. N. J. Hnliil? ken, N. .1. M , i Street Garage Jakei' Gaiaac II.-III'.-1 III. I. I. Lynbrook. I.. I. Searhy bit'ni uti Mi. l irage.Inr. Mt. Vernon, N. Y 'luttciiville. Garage White Plain? i israge ( rutofl Gai-age Blue Arm? 11 trage I'. Moacbera ?s. Son ( ?iluminan l.r i?- < ??. -Red S(irili|?r ( ? ir igl 1 otteneille. Steten I New York White Plaine, N. Y. (rut.m. N. Y. Nfw Ca-a-saan, Coaa. I ,,i? rent e. I,. I. K'.-|..'rt. I.. I. (Wen Core, !.. I. (. miner Motor & Garage ('<>. Rockeille Centre, I.. I. Otten Bros. Garage Hr.. ni? iv ( ' ?r il'' II- M art :il Au'.. >hn|. (l&iiiiing Gar i-i?". In? - 1 ranklin Gar in? trank ,>L At ?l'errer I. mu ngd ?le, I.. 1. Iliikatrilie, I. I. -Rayshote, 1- f. Otvsining, N. Y. .1 minim, !.. I. ?East blip, L, 1. John Van Benschoten White M.'i.irs i ... ?. i I'r-.-K na I ii-.-tn,- c?. I' id.It Zuai Motor < ir i ... i h .ni?, m'a Auto ( I liege Neu Branaa irk ( i trage ( ??. Mf ker Motor Car i... I reii II \' ?n llorn L. I . Lauikius Garage Poughketrpsie, N. Y. He ? H i'.'-ii. ( onn. I orringtoo, ( onn. Newark, N J. A ?bur) ?Park, N. ?'. Sea HriinsvMi k, N. . I'i.iinil'-1?;. \ . .1. I lank, V .1. Miiiill? t.ivan. ( onn. N ? ?ti are invited to mike a ?rip Hit?, n?? like tin-. Wt lit dail) il?-iiii?ii?tr itinj" th? .'inii r. j?. m. ? litliiit-r- .??i 1-iTt George and ?bbej \?> oblig itn.u oo font psvrta l'hune ?Circle 2980 for m .?, ?i ?. >? ti t m?-111