Newspaper Page Text
WILSON DECIDES ON TARIFF BOARD Wants It Strictly Non Partisan, with Wide Pow ors. He Tolls Kitctiin. WOll I) INVESTIGATE rRADE REI AVIONS t ommissioit t<> Help Qovennneal Bureau?.. It Is Planned Pres? ident Vk?. I tgisUtioi Speed. ? ? ? ? J until tariff rot ? a - ? ? ' ? ? ? ? i ? may gr?a s it was ? ? lia pow - felt i parate tira? i exiating the world reat the mimt r ent u? Pu?, - IB lard. x ,. .- pow - ? i ? ? ? ' ad valorem thosi which ? ' ? .iulc-t; ' ' ' ? . i?. ? ? the CU( ? their ' lion to ( nlliTt Data. ? ? ? ? ? - ? ' of A ? ; be of ? ? tieah . i ? .? ?gn and have i Pr? I Vrgea Speed Pr? Mr. K Federal ? .1 ' l ? ' ? i ? lid : ? tica: ? 1 ? Would : Meana e ? hat de ; t tell ? ? . sonu? ' I I'P 00 POTATOES IN BERLIN ?...t. t nun nt ? mi-i ?!.-, t,, Raiae ih* Mai - imam Pi i? e, i , ? ? i ha t t h ? n .-..' ?.. ... V.->',{.ll 1 ??' I.? . . .... ;,,,., ??,1,1, H -t -A . I .,.|.'s |, ., ? wa?t ?a,? t.w i.miur.' aalaa waul? a?! i BIG FUR AUCTION HERE Sale of St.000,00(1 Worth of Skin- Ma) Make \i?h Nt.rk World's Mail \,t\ x ? rst publ C ? fore runnel I aimilar auctiona, which will ? \ entu ill] make the fui clearance or the world, wi' , Hall, in Weal i> foui th sti. ? ?. \ aaterda) Buyei - from all pai I i and Europe, numbering 1.000, . until i hu 0O0 worth lion is Vu Vori ? ? object held in 1 nndon, but a hich ha? i the a ?r. STEEL COMMON RESTORES RATE I ?nlltniril (..lie I ? ed t>. ray .. ' ? per cent a on the of tilt? th the i i i V i I i I ?> - I ' ? . , - ? eci did ii Com ? there ? - ? . i ; ? . HA ? I ' ' ? : i ... ... : ? > ' ?t i ' ? ? were shown. Th. f 1914 r ?.. th ai with ' h an exc? - eai an 140,000,000. connection, how? ? 1914, .,uaii ? BUSINESS TROUBLES Bankrupt-, l | ' - . Mill S ? ? - - 11 Bankruptcy Scifdulev ? - ? - - 4 . ? ' to Pay In full. I.lTTl.r li t " ? - - I Attunmrnti. ; WII.UAM (.1 ... N. Y. TRADE SOARS BEYOND 2 BILLION $176,296,247 Gained Over 1914 Port's Commerce Mali of Nation's. ?. S. SNIPS CARRIED SEVENTH OF TRAFFIC l ven u.u's Demand for Foreign Vessels Failed to Boon Num? ber of Native Bottoms. i ..; ! a third time In 1.: itory the for ... .,?"???, Port of Neat "i .'i '. ; ? ..-.. ? : ? ? . 10, 1916. In tl ? ' Port of Sea ? Nea ? : I . amount of ? ? Mm - ? ? i ? i by American . \ orh , ? I the t . ? i ? . ? , as against ? ? ? l, ii ? total. ? i: t!..- m.- ? ? ? ? re: i i. ? . . t :; a . ' I . - -I ? ? I ' 33 NIGHT RIDERS PAROLED riead Guilt] in Mlaeoarl tn laeaulting Private D? te. ? i?. - if o., Jai the nigbl guilty t ?? ' ? . Al! . ? : . ... ? '? ' ' ; ? ' ? t'.'ur;, and by t>, ARMY AND NA VY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ARMY. ? i; ! I \M ..I ..|;.,I' Il M \l \ M i."C Kl - MU It.WTI . ...Kl.1 l? M MAM i ' I . l . li \ ? : ? ? ?A .1 I.I AM . I I..4.1 .? a 1 4 |{S 11 AM I ( , t ? . - I ? I Ill V.V.'. ? A I ... A A . .- A ' ? , . I ?I I I . ? l'ai a. .... : I ? <??( (a?ta ?.?.a-ui- Uatitl lachen.: B_ ; I I ai>?. I'll* - I ' I ? I : X A V * It. F. WICK I . . , . . i ? ? pan; I ? I MEIal ' ' ' ? ,? .tilp at i \ ?i .. . H '? F.AK* I ? ihlfj a ? MO* I Ml AltlllW II - - ? 1'. . ?^ ^ , \ ?? ?. a ' I . I . ' a WtMU\ hid? I LIATHn surprisi Nu Dividend Declared foi Preferred Bharta ?( ammltlM Nay it?* Kanatd. PI rectora oi tha Imerl an il id? ani I intIht ? ompan ij failed t? tobe ictiol on lh< pr?fened dit idencl; much ??? tha dloappolntraent ..i tocl holdei l he eomp iny1 ui plu for i h? i quai ter ended Dec? mb< r :n In ?mounted t" I 181 091 I t.. ai annual r>\t.? of nearl) 16 11? ? cent on 1 h. ? l harea, .. 1 . pnt ha been paid on t h ? ? poi at inn of 1 hi . ompanj, in 1 BM Il a/ai 1 iimoi ed y? ? h committee to look aftei ihr inter? ta of 1 he pref? 1 n .1 ? . . 1 . ? ? . . WANTS PRESIDENTS APOLOGY TO HYPHENS Representative Bennel Suggests Amends !<? Oermnn Americans. 1 r. 1 Wt ? I ;' ?"?'??. .1. I !....... that the I' .?' Mtoo proud U apol? ; 1 on tha Boat of the II" . Repr? irk, who ? ?? ? ?i hii aenl in regard to the hyp 1 t.a ?' ? ? hay? **i**en him a arord 1 ipturc which I ii' Ha to tal tot I lore," ?-nid Mr. Bern el "Thi I? ih<> a: 'Hut let all men ' loa to ara I of man 1 "If ? I that o in which I . ? llingly ... ... I. led by . he run do the 1 ? too prou I to ? Repr? ! Mr. Ben li ? had M HILLES ASKS NEV PRIMARY SYSTEl Stalo Voting laws Many Conflicting Tan gles, He Insists. WANTS UNIFORMITY IN ALL STATUTE Republican i eader Believes T. \\ onM Run ami Is in Doubt About Hughes. I. ! dantial pi i ? ??. . i. law by which votera for t Pre d D. Hi man < ? by the ni Rapubliea . ? .in..1.1 I! ? i.iC hi hi -tddi ' ? ? will hold primai ?? M ' ? ' ? ? . I on Jum " II i llf to be appoii . ? aul I tee .? tha national bean in ip to ? ? filil?, ting Prim ir) ! in ?. itrat ? ." de? del? ... ement ? ? i, tati ' ' ? ? t ..'?.:. Shipping Information and Marino News of the World MINI \ I I RE AI M ?*?? M ? i . i ".-1 met? ? I <? i, il ' ? iiit.ii a*. t ? p. m w IREI l S3 i.'1 POB l. INCOMING ^ii \Ml i. Hi ? \ ? t ? ? ? Till !?- ? 4 (il H,ii|\'. -I ! \M! :. - Li LAV .... I ? ! 4 " . ? i ' I I '. .... I KANSPAI m i? HAU I II -.-?.;,' - ?i J ' ? ? -. . ' ? ) la. I ' I ? I ? ' . ' ? t. ' I , . - I \ .-. ? : I I ? 1 ' A I - - \ tea ?id Ja_A_.i..?. K.a it ... it.--.j- .. a : I 11 \\ii.;:- \l ! ?11:1.11.N PORTS. 1 r> ? : I - a ? ' ? N : I I'KSOK 1 - HOTEL CHAMBERLIN 01 U POINT (OMr.'MT (^ ^ ?tout *\y* A i/\r 10. F. ADAMS. Manas-r W_*i\J ?. Manro?. v<. "*?"? "?_aj - - - ? ? ? n II,.'.-!, 0TELGRAMA1?N ? ? re Gttnd ( tntrt I ,Uii?r? -. >ltn< |ii?r.? ?lly ?urkera. til ooMeor aporta i, Honii ? ? tut rhUdrtn .?-..-.Ii.rr.; loa f.,r 11 Inter. HUT?'I '.K A*?? A 1 *N Lawr-iur Park, Hr..mill!". V T. pata- ATU-aveeric c-itv a kr 1 set a ?1 - st_i 4oi .1 of I servi? ?." 4., nu .t t, Dctfutty a LAHOETir PIREPROOP KXfORT MOTIL I IN IMF. WOULD -3 . ??. ? 111?. no time? mee I _ ?....-. a . ^ " ? ?.? -yg ALAMAC HOTEL ? ? 1 ; .... |II1i irvDINIi Kt?.ORI MOIH Of IMt WORLD iioariuoro?3lirJ5Kn^!in V II. V N I M CITY, .s. J. ).?.-??.?? ?t' ' . t - 1 ?? ?oa 1 *h_\a/hire 4 sons coupaw| Laurel-in -the-Pines I ,1. ... ..I Srtt I?-.??. NOW OPKN FRANK P. S11UTE, Mgr. QAT-KN AUK\".\ cm ?ni A I war. H?.. HAU, WKBSMWVli.l LOST, I <H ND \M> lih.. \ ?, ? the BBmbei ? l?ete?! Bnder ti ? ..i' Tesas, but limit the voting povri ?? of the delegal on to the reeog im . .| bI rength undei I ha n?".v i ule <, giving a fractional vote to seek dele gut e "I (!?? nui iBggei ' ? Batlonal late to r, mi d) the ? defei ta, TI ?tate? ran tandardise their own lawa, model them aftei si ? ? I ? ite, II thai "" thod la at lected, aad l aid the Pr?sidentiel pi Imai lea ? vi rywhi i tii<? aame ?taf?? i ? ,|i iniiii jlillca diacuBi .?.I the t"? alble candidecle ? of ' olonel H and .lu 'H" Hughea for the Republican nom ni"1 "?n for Pn ildei ? Bellevee RbbbbtoU Won't Hun. in apeaking of ? atonal Roo eeell the chairman said*. "All the Information I on the lubject i ? t.. the effi i , lonrl Roo not a i foi the Republican nomination for ? |i ni He Im. declined to | hla name to n" <>? tits primary ballot In the onlj three itatea where I in iMi auggeated Minna ate, Nel -.. .1 Mil i igan That Indica) : n candidate "hi regard to Ju itlce Hug) ? ?hat his attltu : ?? pn dency. In ?l lubjeet ?ai'h ? friend In 1912 ! Hugh. ' ?.i? 1 thai wha on the ?, ? tatea Supi eme Court bei eil and renounced the ?rorld. I thmk h.? wn? in earneal wl an l abatement, l.-i* whether I ? hanged li i? mind ? do not know. ? FRENCH PREMIER DEFENDS CENSORSHIP Declares Liberties of Press Shall Be Safeguarded. Pari . ?Tei 26 Pn nlei Briand pi .' mi Impa peeeh In the ? 'hntnhrr of De, . h ?"??? ??minent, i I terrupt an.) at <>nr? tirn?? | ? ? Pan] i?, i president of 'lie Chamber, ws i obliged to request tht ? ? eedom of Fpeeeh before the Premier ? address. Later the I1 ? ? . bill t" <?"''.? M. i- li lertlon thai tl Pn ? Bureau, v.l.ich waa rid ? aled and at, wa n ! d been -, war brought forth objee? r-.m all part ? of thi ? ' i with tha ' " the | Premiei in the rninil the I or end re of l m worthy of the truth than ours, for then ? ? the of that the i [ have given the i ? pr< WESTERN CANADA PROSPERS \\ eel "? o-jBce Throagh" for British ?Empire with Busaper I row, J, B. Di ? ? i, ai tant to t i preal ? ? at present I ' York, de t Wi ?tern I i? enjoying a wonderfu i i ir aa the re?u I crop. i made .sueh a record," he added. : ? fer? tility and, I may add, ? th from t of view and I empire, ws ? crains . ? 1914." M r. Dem I tin pi ? it . a s a i ont ?i popul it KENTUCKY "WETS" SCORE Prohibition Bill Beaten la Geaerel ieseaabl) l?> 21 to 11. I?, ...!.. . \ rohibi? the upper I the General A tuck* ... t ?mati attribut INSTltl CI ION. M H rOKB M.iiili.llaii. Xn $h?k Acabcmu II SB Set ??ii.l St., i ?i?. KrolhtM \ Mreetar. ne. ? .|ie I ? H ? ? . II SNJil I \ \M \ ' ? i ill ?-[\| ? ?.?. ?.( || ? id i ?a USINESS ADMINISTRATION ? i ?- rlaeaaa mm f<<rm>n? an II a 'a' l.a.-: ' ,.?Tr. f?? a>? ?a. ?iia.r I? at I Ba-Ja lit l? - , s T M n -,.,,.. . ? '?!??? ? l-.-aa*!,., ? . ? , , ? ? i ?? < L.c-1 <i ttem t-w? ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS JUERSCHOOl v r?ai ? * a <-> ieaHnipiag, ? Secreterial t b ami Staaetypa Department?. ^?A\\^V^?*ai\V5?>> ^^ m ?* 123. Str??t and L.noa a,?,.? rKfil I a ?SCHOOL A-.I.Nt ii:.s. Anil-mail am. I ?met Irmin,,' \t..?<.. _ ' ?ora i >? ,. r. i ,, '; "??""??" to ?? .?,.- H h,... aoe * ' ? ' ' ) N - - I r.'on Square SHERirPB At iltoN xv, Fs ? ? - BOARDERS! V, v\|||) a un i i r ' Ip, Th?Tr ? ? a fr.,'.i a rerba ,-... ' i ? meat nwi I preaa " ? ? .. -i -i.1'1 that If the e? j am?i p ? not ranted he ?? ould w . i allowed hi to act I with entire liber! addii " \. ahU r of tha |?*/i lament, I w .p law tanta by reyri tul.i. . eo ild raaeh tl ! ht? fil. HI i of i . ?' ii t.. r t y oad i ? ? ? r und gallerlaa ? plaud? ?! ' i ?? Pn ' NORSEMAN SUNK. LIVERPOOL REPORT Torpedo May Have Struc Largest liner Since the Arabic. Jon, Jan, Z I I n rpael met .. ???; oi ' -t..'' thl I".minio liiH'i .'-'or leman ? unk. The ?".I . aman mm ' Re| ? ? ? " a large Brit ?".?. ;l :? ?onnaj* .... ? i? r G from St ???? Vork. Th? ,-i ?h? ' ' ?-'?ant.ili ? . ' . ' \ ?? Vari ..... tl .' eth? uaed . la en at tha Int ??t, hut ? . ? . : th? munition ? ? FIRE RECORD " ??. nini . ' . s - . $?.<W'. * II . a ?..'-? I ?. : ? . ? ?' I ? r . ?. ? ? ? . la? . il?'ta ? . ,. ? ?.' ? a - ' - | '. . ii ' ? I THE WEATHER REP0?p OOdel Uatoeos and i .,..,?,, f Ta>Pr,t?..r?ur Hour,. *" " .? a ? ' ? * v, ? ? . wssssssssmu Mt^iJlJ? ?^?^?^?^^^^P -_ a?T-*1??* ' ilU'rltm Hlfw. ? ? , '.a ? . . _"""""? a-. ? a I ?it>ir' a . I ? . ? F?>-??M?i to' Soar'.I L, , ? ., _f u.?, . Var?. ataOa*| MOM ?. - -,- . ._ '<, | -? ? o' >-?>* I \ ^s^maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamm ., ?4 4 L ' ' ? , ? : . am ? ?.' Laaal Oflcla < ' an, i? ?a?. . Ill ? i .1 i i if a- - ??--a i' Bar?- - - ' H Lacal Fer?*?ut , - Nickel E ? Laigt Th?? Inter reporta for ( ! Deets. ?? rt-nts: ? ; ? $2,824,8 ? - ? the i - Compagnie Gen?rale Trankt._rt?r*w NEW YORK tob BORDEAUX ?s.?.;:.. . il H tROCHaAMBEAU .. FEB. l ?ESPAGNE .FEB. 19 ?CHICAGO .FEB. 3 tLAFAYETTE .... FEB. 26 ?LA rOURAIaNE.FEB. 12, ?CHICAGO . M\R. 4 ? IV. ii? r? Nt it : ??????:.? r ; ??. ,-t. (.- real Ifli ft! - ?a.** U-T ^ **'-M."^"*CT ?V - Hu?i^if?u^'pIjiiE KEWYO!? m EASTERN CUBA NEW AMERICAN S.S. M.U?AMAR (Ma luna'.-..iii?iii With lOtXWlT P?..<..i?, <-r ii-.-omnid .latloc MI ?4ial.Tu.iiu. OuCaldt apvilal !? la I t roo ni i da lu?? frt iu Naw Yora .[.ir, "i. i. i. : ? i . '. '.? Mar. 11, ?or. \|.r 1 ta Anillla, KtM Hi>r N . r !??? "?Hbtf-il '1 l'a? tu Bd M| ct c?M< t-nr 'ir. ? ?. naarnr?!'. N?a?*) ? lo tal?. IB? ? .?-.i .. raill ?;.....pi .ma. eJ .n .;.p t'loo a... l^.rit _?j-?^. int ?':o McncnStsam Stop Lina Rere tara. ,PORTO -%>RICO No a?al**/ l.?ur ran uiip*.M tilia ff?rrnatirif? ???* vor-ay to ?mi *tf.?_x] tiojaral Fc-rto Ki. o, with its virli^httul liarbwi, u-'rjc-atuay, , '.ir. *.?! NMMBbC ?w nKa v. 16 Day Crois? $CM 50 am? All Expenses ??/T* up Il - aaaaW '? ?/???? Mad J?niu ?* rmiW ?4t-??if?r, h tu ''?"* > aV, ai ????'. tl*- alar?! anal n-tura. ' ..a'.:.' -lona. 10.001) t "? H?a|_ -i-m rnl. b?f? ela. _lly l< ?K- tmt>4.s. ...v... rrrry S-t'iniay. W.I BH Ainrri-an h?g H1" re* /ur ?ioo+^t PORTO RICO LI.NE ?Cmtainv Dcpt.. 11 Brt>*_w-ar. N?w Yoa_ CUNARD EUROPE vu. LIVERPOOL ?in... Mond., Jan 31, 4 P. M [*j ta a. m , M IIA IA ta A. M ? . mu M? i ni-: mu m n nu ii - ? ? - F FICE ? 11-24 ?.un ?T.. N. V. Rhll'-D" I IMF ' ? neu j Line i .a i ru n . i |. 4 1 KV ?. J ,| .t/l | ?? v . \ I . t 1. ? .,? A ? i m 1 CT A . ii . t.- Mar. . it.. , ?: W4.I ?4'.r??t BD A 7 I I "? ' rt a\ _ . u LLUYii ant ZILf ino II Mate m. N. v. City. "i ni n m H i.K ri KAM n BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE r t $1.60 COLONIAL LINE <n i -un -r \i i Boom il.?*? P I fr.'in H "o i n ii Houetoe hX i ? prloa aiai lil -INh -< ? Il W( ?8 tl a I . . Il - A ! I 4 . t ?eSt? T. ?OM ' -4?Jiew .'Xa.-' nur Tt fUmmM Visit These Isles of Enchantment Round T-ifj r-i ???-1 - Bert" la? *4-a ? t.; Hat -?? S. S. "Evantfelt.-ie" V, t i--; ? "?I Herrn:.:. 1 i??iu \ .1 . S. S. "B-rmudian" West Indici t la - - - ?????'? I FALL RIVE? LIM TO BOSTON $3.00 ... i? Net. l.n.l. " Sor* m- ? 1 . , N I? ft. ., ' ' , ,. - .. ?.. ft. *-'? f M .. ?r a >ri? H.4-.".. lalB? , , ? . _ .r '? llritU-?? li I ? . '.'?fil , I I?. ?- - !Da!l?. in, In.I.n,- > "'?' * *___ Ft.? &? 19. S i ? , Tf nti t: ;.??-? ?', , a BUSINESS CARDS._ , , ? aas, ?' . min Li-i ? . * ' ? .?.*''-* ,- . MIXTiOl ? ' ,, . - ?l.'O I ? , H'KATHI ' I A,.Hi? 4 riN'fa l: , , vtaat <*-" a , ' . nti p ?? -w' r*m Mal? ?_,_ IH.MIM.? SITI M",N> MA>Tt Male - . i ? -' >.' ti ? ? M4KH. ' ? V "r- ?-' rental? At'- ? ...' - '\ 14* i-lan I * ,. J a a I - ? ' ? >? ... ^lata? ' 7 ara* .4.. . I ? ?" 1-"n *