Newspaper Page Text
?ES BIG TEUTON DRIVE IN WEST ?ondon Believes New At ,acks Prelude to Great -effort ro morrow, ^MANS PENETRATE m unl!i fRENCHES prucn Back Neti NIeuporl viators Bombard Dunkirk sai Nincy, KilHns Clvillaaa, el of heavy man ac ' ^^^_ ' i i . tea 1 - ^SSSSSSSSSSjjf fire ? Nan.. ' ' I ' ? ? ? ' . i ? ? ? ? ? ' ? LONDON DENIES SEA GRIP FAILS ? ? ? ' f^^^^SSSSSSSSS^ ?? ant Rf i Mi aauree. era i ? - ?. ? ? - "ri the ' to I i ?-?II,.... numSM - H ^^^************" ?'? au* ?'"" ? t.y h'i - VITU . ' Figaree lalated. MailV ? the in i ? """"t fi""- th? CAST WAR S FIRST ROMB. DIES NOW IN rRISON liirlm. .Inn. 23 (bj ?? irelr?? I?? Sn> aille, N. Y.i.? \ninna lite no?? a Iteeaa ??un? oui l?> ?la> l?> tin? Otrr seas New?. \?irnr> ?a-a llu? folio?*. In?: "Altai?-???? (turn Tlirrt?>irii?f.iilf, \iis|rl,vllinii?;ii\, ?asa that IheScrh lafl anarchist Nedeljo i.ahnnot I?-? ha? ?ti.'it in pri?es?, "l.ahrlnot u h ?i? ??m? i? ted of lniMt'ia- Ikrwwa B l.oinh at Nr.hilukc I tun/ lYnliuand. heir apparint to tht' taatriaa thron??, tu Saxartoto. Beeaila, la .tun??, l'tu. Ute homt? mlaoed the archduke's aateaataMle. but Iniuted BOVOrel person* who w?rr hthinil. The attack WBfl ntailt? a few hour? ,??-t,?r?? th?? nr? Intu?a?? and hi* wife ??T4> ?hot to death t>> Gavrle ?Prlaalp. "in -Octeker, i.ui. GaMaweles ? i? tounil galttj anil ??ontenced to t??ent\ ii'iir?.' iinpn-onint-nt nl hard" ? ?? are, we? n timed at the the daj in greater strength. lories o? . xplosiom o! SI ? .1 b) .i \ i'iy I '. thi Gt rmans di . froi ? of 1,500 yards, ? ? mads b> the roadway from Lens with tl a road from Neu V'aast t ? -The) ? to their lines by oui I At two pc nta. where our trenches liad been shattered bj ?a one, th.-> ?n occupt .- .. . Italy ? spelled. "Two German ? this morn bombs on ??n? irons. Five pel ? wounded " HOUSE AGAIN DENIES H?S MISSION IS PEACE Wilson Envoy leaves (H?ne\a for Berlin. 1 olonel i: If. Ilousi . ... raonat lock in the -!'.!'.. Ill' ' . e Amer i come ? ?nht v mia? ?ad been published I ? I thi desired ' ? lovemenl or but thai its pur ? thai which had ft the ? ISB will re I a'..i a SULTANS YACHT TORPEDOED . . ; Still Mloal ?\ nn der I.oll/ < omtnattda Turks In Caucasus. I -,o the ... ? -, ? roal, rports from ? bmarine in tter j ar' of December, usly injured, hut ?ftte i. - ?ir von .I command of the Tur?, in the acht Ertho In 1903, ?a ? i ha? a difplar? ment ment of eight LX-PRLaMIER OF GREECE DEAD !.. N. rheotokis Had \l?o Sertcd a* Mialstei of lastrai lion. '.. N. The - - f Greece, died , ? . from .- ?:? Telei/raph tokla a -? nred a? ? aid Minister of ? ? . .1 for other oun- i ? '? ' . to "The Mortr- .; 1 . . there ere ? a la of ? ? ? Ami : lean trade re ey purport ? ? term ' neutrale' I-.:. ??.?.:? ? ? ?can term Morning ? r flour, ??nient, inc. ed St ?ta ? l ranee ? countries. . ? ant "'? I? "The ? -s completely i? rtnal titni ntrii .. . ? i I : , - - - a. It ? ?.. . ? ? . ? . | now come from ' ? ? ' ? ? pf tht? placed ? . : ?' ?. a ere ? ?? .| from the ? nited Stati - I ? : . ,.. ,| 1,800,000 . : t observei . . ? '..? Bal? kans, It ritzerland and t addit-"ti t.. Scan ? ahould intrii ,. i 500,000 paira from <.??! I US, \?.hi!<' Italy, requiring . ? ? titiei receive froi Great Britain 250,000 ? m in 1913. ?i m. ni continu?e, no! .? from : ? f imports from ? . ? ! during the of the scar from 110, tOO pairs tatemen! I the t^urr* | ther how no increase - ? 'ai III ..-? ?a and Hol- : and thai it n ? y deduced thai I . . port? of boot? from the .... the normal Buppliea and ed requiren ' y and ? .?i tluit there had been ai Dut . ted for Holland for th B< ' n, while \? ? . Ita j aSjd Ruaaia, ?I i ?. . ? at b .'.:?? i'i" ; gone to ita ? gui. ? ?howii . '-'? 'i'??'' " '?"'* "f i were Imported tu-iore th? full , ??. thi O-j-der in ' ouni tated thai In? ?.pi , . .,-? -.. - Imported before the , ?.? Th U -i?. ' ' ' ?' '?? 'h<' impoit.- of thi ?boll .. ? si of 1918 were ??3,708 torn and in 1915 810,451 tone. Kur thi ?'?'.'? ' ' "" ' ?jiveii i IBIS, 19,139 , and In l-''"- "-'?'??'? " ' A?STRIANS COW MOUNTAIN Hl Search Every Montenej House ?n Disarmamei Says Vienna. ALBANIANS SAID TO DESERT ESS Lyons Public Welcome* I Nicholas. Who Accepts Mn Pompadour's Residence. Vienna, Jaa. M. Tie iiii?rn.n of tha Mont?n?grine, it la rap? Here, ?s progreaaing favorably, of communieationa, the nature ol country iin.i unfaverabla weather 'itired it difleall for tha Monten? rorernmeni to reach outlying dun It w i??i neceaaary that notice t.f governments Intention tu eapiti ahould reach ovary house, hoc every Montenegrin ?ai arme.!, ami tusk, m tha abaenea of rapid eoiani cationa, ?h? fouad mora difficult at t'i r?it aappoaed. Tha Auatro-Hongarian military thoritiea, it it anaoaneed, ?tr ahoi mach eonaideration far tho conqm people an.I have permitted tho mem of public eafety organisatiena to although Auatro H un ?-H * i t-x.j.s hare airead*1 ?tMsun.oti pi dutiea. hare been taken to l tha popula! on, which ia greatly need of tha i iriea of Ufa tiin hundred Serbian soldiers, who taken refuge i?i Montenegro, were m prisoners by ihe Auatriana, tworthy reporta from North i aay that many Albaniana .? th? \ tro-llungariaaa that the supportera of Eaaad Pacha, Provisional President of Albania, \ ha* been o| poaed to Austria, dwind ing steadily. 'he publie h of the terms of peace 1.'tween Ausi ami Monten? i not < i ? ? ? ? 'Cill?t ion by jT.-t-, .i i. ich t :'? i i aa a mal ?til the eoun la completely occupied. There are ? i. howijver, thai ti..' gore ? i...; inclined to he severe W ' ' . negro, Througl of Ant ? ?? ? d Dull gno, Auati ia I ratal *hed an eff? . or part of the !.. en ? ria Neither King Nicholas nor the M< tenegrin lenl withdr. they made for ? ? place. ? ? ? ? ??.re.... t : n ? K ii g wenl of the Kntei ? ! ? . ? . impression made In theae eountriea the an er of Montenegi ?i ..?.I by t Headquarters " Bl un.ler tinte of January . .. "All foreign reports stating that t fi?a"litini; hai beei rei imed in Monten pu r .? invent ions, The repe eft I mod "Up to th? not be ? . ? tenegro re this : ..rt.'tn "iry result .?' I Montenegrin campaign is concerned "The ? ? g of 1 sing without tion. At all plan Auatro-Hu tii.- Mont? ?, un.?er the command of In? rrender their arm* i . Numerotu detachmenta from tl . ? Red ?.tir \ ai . their rea ? arma ??'i ? ? i . . force whii ? ' ? ?? hund? ?"?I riflei and la o n. King ' -'',. ?*? . b) ( rown Prince Hanilo, I ' by a* ven oil | evening fr Italj n King A ? pi ? ... ? i ! ? ... ition by the mu . riti? ? eli in tl name of Preaident Poincar?, \ n tary eacorl att? i ded him to th? i ?,? and two daughter the Pi c? ? - Kenia and '? arrive.I laat week. M. Denya Cochin ralleil at ti? nt which KitiR Nicholas is Btoppin after the letter's arrival to wel him m the name of tha Franc government, of which M. Cochin is bier ? ithoul pon foli? \ croa % tl Th,. K:n ..t' Montent. i red '??? lee oi r .? bal? "i . of the I ' ow hi the ch< ' ? ? . throng H I in t he !? ? I ur? ique nal tume 1 | . grin r..\ al fami ? t ha decid? .1 to accept a i buil i .... i of th? ?? Rive which was built fur Mme. Pompadour The building was placed at thaii dfa posai by the ? it* of Lyona. King Nicholai i"a decided to weai , ? ,,? clothe ?atead o? h.s m.!itar\ uniform, in order tha' he may prome city without attractini undue atl 4,000 Turks Captured in Battle at Erzerum London, Jan. 28 Four thousanc Turks, including fifi wer? red by the R i battle in I he neig] boi hood of r.i teru n i -cording to a Reuter diapat? h Pol rograd. The r? poi I a) ? : ??Th.? rout of th? which r. suit ''1 in their be ? ? into Krxerum appears :" lat? ' ? ? i e\ en ni' ... . ? the A rat r? \ ? he Ottoman the !.. an i ca? i 1.1 n'1 . ' .-. chine guns and enormous quant I munil - -I he influ? of 120,000 Turks in Kr terum ia conaidered to reduce ..:' the fortr? -?-. MANIFEST CONCEALS COPPER Pifteea Caaea af Metal, Diagaiaed as Hammer-, Belied bj Hriti-h. London, Jan. 25, A statement given il press bura "Among the cargo found ah. uni tha Swedish steamahip ITna. from New ?.. Goth? nl | . I openhagen, m.- goods deacribed on the bill of lad ing as fifte? ea ? ? ..f hammei : Btatei t.. a l>uti:-h for? ward -? ? , "They were found on examination to ? ? flfteei eaa? . each ? bag '?' > "pi" '. braes and appa aluminum filinga an.l turninge. ?? I ' . - know for m hum the alleged hammers are intend? ed, and the ?.I- bave bean placad in the priai court." LORDS ALL FAVOR DRAFT MEASURE Pass Second Reading of Asqnith Bill Without Division. LABOR CONVENES TO DISCUSS ISSUL Socialist Delegates May Declare for Move to I .tul the War. London. .lar. If, The Mouse of Lords Without division, passed the *ec ond reading of the military service hill tin? afteraoei i he Marquii of Lansdowne, mitunter without portfolio, spoke strom/ly on the neceaaity of enaetlag the measure. Dealiag ?with ita effect an industry, Lord Lensdow*?.? admitted that the weakening >.f the industrial army ot>\l ouely alTected Greal Britain'? financial poeition, hut he wa? unite oppOOed to aay ?ue^geatioe that Greal Brltaia 1 might have bOOB content ?\jth Supply? ing a great un-, y and munitions of ??r t . iir-r allies, besidea placing <!rcat i ItritniTi'it eredil at their diepi ? "if we had taken that line when the war broke out," 'he marquis said, "of arould have been i ary ?'?m what ;t ha? he?ii, at..| our confidence in the ?access of '.he : ? ? .- a h ich a ? hop? to i ei ? i the sprint; would ha\e been much less than it .s at present it .- distinctly for the interests of oui industry and finance that we ,;. I onlj emerge rictorioua, but 11??at the conclusion of ggle il ould not he toe lea [ del?) .-il." ? ?un? llaldane laid he thought the government might have to go fur ther end make appi married bibb and si i to I re? The Arel h '..ut erbury be ?towed a benedii . on the measure, Fayinu that he i ?arded i' a* a plain, effort to ? ? isord narily diffl ? Derby, director of recruiting, ? ? arai coi ? ineed that the bill ? : tui benee in in? had pre? lle helie-. e?| it eould be BO ? men eould be brought into the m ?? paired and a? Industry 'hem. Lord Derbj seid 'hat he was more by 'he i stenl of exemptions ted by th?- government than by .. ' ona in men (?vailalil.? for by 'I'?' munitiona t ribunals. E i re] or? a sa made four lists of reserved occupation! had been issued? ?"?I he eould no! help being i ;m- hem ve when he learned ? fewer than 100,000 Ladi?" emptlng men from militari service l i been issued In four days last weei?. British Labor Convened to Discuss Draft Bill Bi toi, Jan, 26. British labor ??-'ill define i tioi toward the war and. compulsion el 'he most mo ? ever held Ib (?rent Hr11>. - ere to morrow under ? sidOl " . Of Will Hi"! < taw fi-.rd Anderson, Hi iber of Parliament foi the ?Uterelifl di ? Ion of Sheffield. "?lor?' than two million lahorite? will he reprC ? ag them ahout thirt;. ?lists, wka IB anti-war menta have been very ?-trot.^, as tenaivi propaganda. to I"? taken bj the lered one of the most P the eonfi .?nher of theee workera are pulson aerviee, bul leclined to ittenl th lahor ' rar n ? ? ? |j will he moved dock laborers ?to-morrow, deal h ' he Labi rim"' fruiting - it ? ? pei led ? ??? of thia reeolutioi an idea of 'he tendency of the I',., other resolution* refer to the ? of the war, the Labor ? ? ? . peratiofl \> ith the go ? ?. ?,. ,-? ? ? the compulsory bill, which will be debated en up a ? 'he principal ' I.nfi ' ence, and s H nal Otion Friday on the munitions tri The Women's Lahor Lena-tie conferred ?., da; and i ? olul bi - sgainst a bill, welci i peace mediation and favoring thi arbi? ' .i ? BROOKES ELECTED "M. P. FOR THE AIR" London ShOWS Dissatisfaction with Zeppelll Defences in Vote. I I , . . ;? . ?ft I oi don, Ja 26 A- the ri i i I ?me ?f the most n-markahle Partie tary election ever fought iti I on Warwick Brookes is to-night i Memher foi th? Ail " Brooke . ? . officiel candidate of the b I 1,991 votes, giving him b nia ? er the inde? pendent can.i.?late. I'emberton Billing l ... Brooke was quit . hut his conn... .... .? had ?? ? acti??? -no ? ? ? ? I beral and Unionist ? a (real aurpriae. pei \ n expert airman, for in tbe i?' ? of Loi ??.???. ?'? t ' ? ... l ? . ? ? ... ?atis?ed \ ith ? the got ? rnmi t I tfi nd them a?:a':i--t Zej pelin raida. ? The Whiskey # Quality ! PREDICTS TEUTONIC UNION Kl-I'umnnian Premier Sees II fini" Stockholm In MnKtlnd. Berlin (by arireleaa ta Bayville, S. T.), Jan. la A monte the BOWS Item Igivea "ut to day bj the Ovai aaa Neu Agency w?i thn following: "I he 'N'eue I'reie I'l" 180,' "I* VUnBO, to day publishes an interview with P. P. Cara, a former Prime Minlater of l Rumania, who is now viaiting tha Aaa* 1 trian capital. "The ex-Premier stated that. Ruaaania never would side with the Entente 1 I'l.'.tet and that he even considere.! Rumania'a neutralitywaadangerous tor I her future, ll. oxpre.I the hope thai tha Central Towers would si..m expel the andeairabla gueati from Greece "M. Carp expreaaed tha oplrlon that tha future task of tha Central Powei would be the creation of a block ol aaited atatea from Stockholm to 11.-a ?_? dad. and he laid he hoped Rumania would be iacludod In this union." n GALLIENI SNIPS OFF MUCH ARMY RED TAPE Introduces f.flicicncy Methods Into I'rench War Office. Paria, Jan. 28. General Gallien!, tha French Miniater of Um, in pursuance of his policy of decentralising and mod erniaing tho methoda ol the W < '' administration, ha* laaued a ??> i ? Inatructions which are regarded In bureaucratic ciiclti as almo-' revolu? tionary. As a first atop, General Galll?nl makes a elean sweep of that part of the rid tape which consists m the obi i - Kation of exeeaaiva letter writii | exaggerated formalities, il., m the adoption thrOUghoat the iirmv of methods similar t.. 11 OM In DM in ljiru? ? buaineaa concerna 1.. break dowi so-called "watertight eempartmenl m h Ich .?"parate tl ?? d : Ifi rent di menta of the rentrai adi i I ion and thereby eonatitute ? fruitful a.' wa t.' "f time and energy, ha o that the hoada thereof meet weekl) to diacu - and i odrdii ata work, '1 he minister furtl er ordei - greater Initiativ e be left to officiala. I'istnet authorities will I i fotih be empowered t.i make eont which do imt involve more than 200,000 francs and tu sign or rein-' ? I their own authority within certain lim? its. To reduce il.i- number of soldiora employed aa elerka he has given ii St ruction ' that the ii -e n!' ' be made general in the department. BRITISH ADVANCE ENEMY TRADING ACT Bill Passed to Third Reading in Commons, Despite U.S. Protest. London, .Ian. 2S, The Hou-"' of Commona to-day passed the third rea I ing of th.. trading with tho enemy bill without diviaion, utter the adopt I amendments Concerning minor di in the application of the meaauro. The feature of the debate wa eral bitter attacks on the Board of I rinie, on the ground t hat shown t..o much leniency to ah. IVaahington, Jan. 25. Secreta . ! sin?? announced this afternoon tl It American government's repr? i..-. ? -? the inclusi? n of Am? in < ? ri-nt Britain' enfon trading a it h t he ei era ? a? I ? rd to th? ?.merit I London. Although the tcpr" ? take the form of . act la limited r.tion to Brit! ih luh lects, tren? jectiori is directed ag inat an* . . to apply the legialation to v II ade, The I'nited State; contends ?' proposed interference aritti ti legal, and that it would be t.. .aucceaafullj . a I l l aithout doing grave Injuatic I lean com mer ?? SWEDES FORESEE PERIL IN PEACE Eventualities May Alter Neutrality Course, Says Premier. FIRMLY RESOLVED TO A1AINTAIN RIGHT (.?niassions Only Open Road to Further Demands, De? clares Minister. ! t? . kholm, Jan. IS. Maintenance of neutrality in conformity with the prin ? ? of latl rnational law was the key note of all tha apoochaa before bath I..!, ea >i( Parliament today when the lehate ..n the budget was opened Leaden af all parties dwelt on the ial unanimity of the Swedish peo iiii(" firm am! Impartial neu? trality. Premier Bammarakjeeld ?le rlarad this to bo the policy of the goi ernment, hut he added: "V. e repudiate the Idea that our pol? icy meana we will not abandon neutral ler any conditions. It is our . : ?? to keep peace, atid it is nr duty t.. work for this end with all 'itir miyrht, but we must alno reckon with eventualities In which mainten Ite of a'l our ef '..rt-., would ii" I?>r,?<?>? r he profitable." den, the Premier continued, had .? I< ivor? I eonatantly to eodperata neut rala, particularly Dea? ?nark and Norway, to ?Ti.nn.te common . '..r!-= Sweden had been : i| to a eonaiderable degree, he ?aid. and .'.'i.le.l: "We regret that these united efforts for the righta ami welfare of neutral and for pre-ervation, as men In the Speech from tho Thror.e, of the inheritance of International law, . depend "ti eireumataacea over ?r h ich "' nava no control, and to judge which ".e hav? no right Sec? ? h.-intfe of Alig-nment. ' Rut it is our conviction tha' the . Ifort ? would be to the ' ? i ?ally and ideally not tnly of Sw? ' of other neutral .,' .i of belligerent s. The grouping "f the powers will not "In .??her circumstances a heiligeren? a vei > aorry that it , I of an often doubtful ? and temporary advantage, torn up \ liona of international ? hen it la too late to restore or m." 'I in Pi ir ad tted that certain . ? ; ectal y of a commer ?? been mit..gated '. been less scrupu? ?? - .'.I 'o abaolute and impartial "Howi ? ?. . iperiei en | ?, shown us." d, "that in view and rapid aggravation . ? -.. r one can depend 01 the precarioua ? of advantage! procured by gemente. "Othei neutrals nN'i have learned a conce laiona merely ?*ive ' to fr? h demanda. When ? i M" ..n the i .1.1 of con- j ? i get farther and . i ""i t' al neutrality. Reetiietlaaa ? Kisk. "On the ?ther hand, there is tho risk ... . ? ? ? ? ma of our ?und liber'v. should wa submit '" ? ?'". will pr.tliablv rfttiR'n in force, in a more BCUtS form, until the ' I I B ?h? .'.ar and evt a lubseq tent re 'ilt m a dependence ? and political!} painful Although ii ?in- [atara I p? ndenee we have renoum ??'! temporary ben?t ta, I he eo eel a re ? lilt for our in.In?* r;a! I .(? than in othei deed, rather to the contrary." Mjalmar Branting, the Socialist 1? H?l?'r, ? ? pi? ed d wit! ..... paeel of the Prea hose pol icy, ha declered, leemed I i '<?? to ei f.o.e ?h.. nation to the ?grave oh ly for " i -??k" of BB ? pretaBtion of internationel law, Th? prohibition by Sweden of the exporta tien of weed pulp, ht mid, purely un act of n . ? "What i- waated la reeeooabl? com iron ?<?? for alackening the t? If. Bit ".ir.d aol ? i l:' t.?. drivei to extreme? Irrecoi l he Prin ister baa agaifl said that the govern? mm' desire? to keep peace, hat it should be berna Ib miad that this might be impossible, notwithstanding; all hi? i 'Tor- ?." Ex-Premier Uadmaa declered him? self in favor af active rather than passive neutrality. The nation, while "lining its neutrality, should guard It - i licht?. "The f/reat edifice of the ?aw of ra t.'iris axiBts no longer," he con' "I's foundation ap[ ar? to be ?.i It. will be -" ? ? of i ? i tral Sweden not to participate in the demolition of the law of nations. We have th? right to be treated by - in conformity with that ;. - a, BRYCE ASKS U. S. AID Cri/e* American l.oaernmenf to Send Relief to llomiless \rmenians. London, Jan. 25 Viscount Bryce, formerly British ?Ambassador at Wash? ington, asked the United Statt : gov. arnment to-day to tak? atepi toad relief to the Armenians. According to the ex-nn,ha?sador. th? \.. ? -i driven I ) li: l into the desert? of .-> r;a and Mesopotamia. ALLIED AEROS RAID MONASTIR (iievgeli Also Bombed by French Squadron? 100 Killed. Parla, Jan. 2.V The Serbian towns ?' M I I tit and fiievfreli have agram been attacked by a squadron of sixteen ?: aeroplaaea, tha Athens corre -?".i dent of the liavga Agency tfle rr.,pl a I- a estimated that 1''0 p?r noru were k.lled or wounded at ?iiev ,;? All the i'rench aeroplanes returned Ir. aoma they covered 1 '.!<) mile?. Ath? ? , Jai 21 Tha Kiectoral Court . | 11 ixteea dopa ?rom Northern Kpirus tha* A a as far aa Koi II v (ireece withou' fter the 1 i lea Ceafer deciaion ?... ? " protest of ?r..- Bat?ate Powora agaiaat the holding of i led ''M - ? ' BULGARS TO LEARN GERMAN Teutons Demand Teaching of Language in All the ?*?< hoois. Tai '. .!..? 18 \ diapatch I Time-" from Sal?nica iayi '??a*, a Gar? .nan municipal ha? arrived ? ?. ? ? the author 11 agard to meaaurea for orgai the municipal tj German The Bulgarian government ? ? 4'. of ?,er ?; the trac' ? ^- o' 'ory in all ti..- H . gai VICTROLA OFFER ?^asr >*?? ? ' m via I\ Sends Home a $50 Vic trola and $ I 0 in Records. A S? or S10 monthly payment will place a Victrola In your home at once. Warerooins, 5th Ave* at 39th St. ] Complete Stock of Victor Records from ?Oc Up Victroias from $15 to $500 ? S'A * ? "?? ""-?.-. ---i?? -^/s~?Jn?>-'???.?J ??*; **^V -i___iaka?._. *-? Id* -s-r/. - !? r \ * _?_____?._? 77/6' Illustrators' Ball It is a time for tomfoolery. Pen and pencil are neglected. Brush and palette are forgot? ten, too. The artists and illus? trators of New York are trans? formed for the nonce into merry madcaps and incorrigi >? hie cut-ups. James Montgomery Flagg, ( liarles Dana Gihson, 1 toward Chandler Christy. Will Foster and others appear in costumes of their own de? signing - they actually illustrate themselves. Seldom are they so candid! The Graphic Section ol next Sunday's Tribune will show you how thev did it. I our striking views of the Cathedral of St. John the Divin?- will be pre? sented, art photograph? taken at various times?in the earlv morning, late at night, ?n a snowstorm and by the aid of concealed electric lights. Tell your newsdealer to reserve your copy. W$t Smn?atj Sfntmrip First to Last?the Truth: News- Editorials?Advertisements.