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_| _F*>5a* /o Last -? f Ac Truth : News - Editorials - Advertisements_,_ ?, i \\\ n LWJ74. ,!,V"?:r: ?:::?, tTu??simy, .iam a in _t. um;. ?? o?k cent ^,,^^c^?sg- grtfa Britain Decides Against Strict Blockade Policy LOVE WON H?TE F0RMRS.MOHR Scorned and Beaten ;?\ Husband, She fells Jurors, ?VOMITS WRITING THREAT TO KILL Widow Thought It Would e Miss Bu ger-?De? nies Murder Plot. ? i ? - i ? ? ' ? :. Heard. ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? ? ' t wa Did N..t Plot. t, Mr. ? mme P ? ? . \ ? ? ? i - ? " i ? ? ? ? ?? . my ; ? Bliaa Was Bi i. Dr. ? ' ! .inn . Cassidy, Back From Prisont Says He's Done With Politics I m Going to Continue Kcal Estate Business, M( urly |?ti?" Asserts?Warmly Greeted 1>\ I errier. > , :. tl i.'iv down ? ..mi? a .?'ful declare ? Ii ?<. ,,.- *,,,, r ovei ?'? iy m n >. ar and I Hi? had been scr\ni?; | nentrnt'i real Mead? or bargain W etta for a So . lal one ..r .In.,.? a] ?? dark estate and he and hi? ? I. Far R '"nk no heed of lui hornr col ? th. Ihiou?li T4iili Pol?tica. ? t tor me to mj ?" hr ;. ?"roui plana* I hnvri bui . irreni 1 ? ihip in Qu oyou know ahour il bou, nn'1 , ' ? ..ri' thought to the - p. HU " ? pol i I ' house, and fronl doo pped ' ' ? ?Here 11 1 As M-?? Book? .' ? ? ??? \ r?dale terrier, which had heard hi ma ter's veiee, I? ? i? ? ? i upon Cassidy's breast ?nil lath? ered hia fee? ia well meant bnt wel on. "Well, well, Rodney, nl?l -boy," ly, with much feeling. "I'm aa - fully gled to sea you again, old felloa .?"i?: hasn't Been ma ir? a year. h? ?v well ii" those ereetur? ? remember i men! Sn>?- l)<i({ i?, ?.mu? Friend. " \ dog - ?ui elj the frii ad o kind. Sea l,ow he tug? 'it my coal whines. Ho wants me to go in with him. All right, Rodney, I'll be with a minute." "\\ ell," hi n turned, "\o : i ing something about resumption of hip -Then iindat i"ti for l am through." nothing ?n politic* It ? orth the I ?me ??? I ti ?ton? m ay give to it." "What ?in j ou . do now "" "l shall attend I mj real ? en i i. B ??hut 1 mean I have developed n land and sold it. I ? ? ty of things to attend to in conni lion wit my property and cap? ? ? ? Sit!?.*"" ? . -, then, ? ? . "I tl ? "? laborne is ell i n ? all right, H? WIFFa AND DAUGHT1 SLAIN, HUSBAND HUh Women Found in Bronx with Skulls Crushed by ?' ??ocn 1 ... king , lier rr ? Mrs, i heart had ? ? of Ct tor too ? | be? cm ? i m wi ?? :i blood-sl bed. ? ? . \hc b He I ? ii .1 th:it he ? fur her. I ? : ? ' . ? ? g him. ean old, wa well oft . i Boston 1 \ . . . If lironx. \ ["hey esl 1 I ? HERRICK, WHO WROTI TOGETHER,' DIV0RC1 \\ ife <>i I cminist Author (i Decree for Desertion. M i J ? 26. Robert Hen 01V hi? ;t ? . i.c . Hen of Am? ? . ? ? 1 .-?"..'? ? boi 'i ? ? . ? ? ? - er," Hl, ar? darin marri? .1 1 fe, ?ti whi? . ? ? i . ? ? Btirred na by t hfi ? TOOTHACHE; HANGS HIMSELI Boj Preferred Death. Sote Saw Bal lit? Ma) Recover, Deal I found pinned to tin1 of Normal ? ? . ? ? Hospil M ?ITKR*. NdliTli ?ikiii i\\ , . . '. I WILSON STARTS DEFENCE FM President Will Teil \He\ Yorkers To-day Need of Preparedness. ? . .Ian. 26. Pr? night for Ni he will deliver to-m? row th? eriei of addi??- s la; i ?- tm fore tl count ry thi ie of pr? paredn? ... M. for? ? ? ? . held final i leadei Cong nun.- rig up . ? ? pro?. the Cs itol. I"he ?ill e in N'e ? a* i 11 remai n ? ? 'clock, v hen a commit te ?? om i I' n il road M ? \ will e: hotel At noon ? ? V Ylll r, den I I ? ? ? ? ? ? to him an ad : ? M i. H .i on pi obablj will r? pon ? i ? ? open ing gun w ill he fired by the Pre? lent in th even ng at the am of th 1 H? ha illy prepari .1 i printed t? I ? ng Mi Wil.toi . i" ak ?it h di nnei of t h !' ? ? . ? Board of i rade o \ ??.? - i!. ??? Euro] ? ?a - i . night to-i ? ? ? ' ? niultv -uni Dr. ' ? inini an) | WOMAN BURGLAR SHOT BY WOMAN St. Louis Thiel Killed as She Enters Neighbor's House. St. Louia, J '? I ?. nt ified a - Mi . J. V. McWilliai ? -he ! brokl ?W and ee times wii ? ... g in th, the houae. wii ? rui hed ? ? in the ?? r to summon help. At th? tified McVi in ? ? ed next ? WAP.:? EN CASE GOES HIGHER Washington ?.ti? Snaggling Intima? ii?in. I? Report. . to the Mn Whit aVarrt i?e, involt ?ng mt imn ? ? ii i n ot' ? n fcr by H Si i Marsh?:.. I nited Stat, v. I p> \ .!., , Mr. Biting a?l\ ice the Attoi ing Dnall) upon theacaae. HOUSE DOOMS CHILD L?B0 Test Vote Shows Pr hibiting Bill \\ ill Be Passed. WEBB ASSAILS: MANN RIISCUI Howard Urges Defence Juvenile Mill Worker*? ?n the South. ? i , Jai Pa chil I labor b I by tin? II" i ?i.l. ..m nmeni ?>. da). ? hen a test - ? 104 or ol the bil The r bill, which la* o igh the da) and nubject, from the proti ? of Leo Fi ter of the s? raking v in the Sou em Stat . ? ould come up evi dar Wedm day" until fii . of ' Cai i ' adjoun mem ? I ttee o Lab ? . ? "'hi n" ' to OH pers? attack? whi? repli? I ad to b? r? ad, ai l; ? ? ? .. th? r< cue, I railed off l;. ; ?? Hanpt? e, of P ... -, u. t . .. .n In on the ? ut. ?, m : ? ling th? : ? ? ' ' ,. ' ? ' how ;.. proci An amusing Repr? i ? bate I close at 4, M Byrn?. . ? ? . e the 1 motioi mear ?ngli?BS. Mr. Ms fl I . ? to accept amendment, which he did. "I .'. th to m il I .?i aw my s ? "I ..!.,. ' ' ed Mann, 11 ? day wi ard, i ' ' I? oi. Soul h late m? ? ? '. ? Hi* alluaii ' ' Mr. Byi th Ca to cite the 1 i "I pr? v. hrn my delega r pole, I have heard deal ?1 out :tnv ifr.-nn why I should vot? I read I I imenl re th? I gentlei orl ? . n - Inson, and ? , ? I wavei ed I ? lid not , i de 1 would .: ? of tin? enl : late, and I an . ? dren of the Soul ? ? in life. .. I ? ? ? . ? - i-. ? m ni little children in | ? ol .. fl in from th? ? ? ? al ? true." AVERT STRIK? STONE'S HOI Brotherhood's Ch Asks Road M<-m a,? , , agers to Yield. UNIONS STAND BY DEMANI O. II. Kahn Points to Lines in Mauds of Re i ei\ t'rs as Answer. ? ? medial through m' 1 ! : - '? ices I in amicable - of the ? n S. Stii grand chiel ned to ? ? ? right-hou ? publici tending ? ..- ... ? ? i* bv Ot ' lumber . ! ?., ? . m t of new I v... . l nions Steading Together. ? on lion, bi ? . unanimoua ii ? '? at ? ? he rank an : or hot ?. .i tu obtain s ? \ hint of meet t ? in the n? t educal ? ? ? ? and, sided by 1 ? ? ill the l rooblea ?>f ihe Relire id Kal ? i ? ? aetiaa-ee an pege ? ? "Moma : Policemen of the Sea Our hr,i\r ? o isl guardsmen?whal do you knov of them? ITney butfel dangen unceasingly, ihey tempi (ate unflinchingly. Now mining n derelicl .it tea; now fighting <i fir? on land; safeguarding navigation, building ,i history of heroism ' A story o? their deeds is pictured in I In? Graphi? Se< tion ol next Sunday's I ribune. ^ <>ur newsdealer ?will reserve > ? ? 111 i t'p.v?-if yni tell him <thc ?Tribune / irjf tn last the Truth: i\'eus Editorials Adiertisenient I_ I y sa LONDON FEARS RENEWAL OF ZEPPELIN RAIDS /ONDON, Jan. 26.- That tin authorities expect <> j speedy resumption of Zeppelin raids on London and thai th? danger i<> which thi populact u U i'i exposed on such occasion? is greater then ever are indicated by thi publication of a polict warning to-night which ii nil : "Tin inereasi in offens? i protection against hostile aircraft recently provided in thi metropolitan district makes il mon necessary that thi public on thi occasion ni air raids taki com r, so as in be sheltt red from falling I in 11 in i ut- of sin li\" ' GERMAN AIRMEN FIRE MINE DEPOT AT DOV Explosion in Recent Raid S?i?i Have Caused :'9 Deaths. !'? ; in, Jai "?'? bj ' ;.>. "Hambu ilenblal ? " ? ? ;. a of the he ierman aii ifjua? I Do on a depoail .-:? ?i eau ed enoi mou rhooil ? ?-.' .... ? itei :???' ? e to be h;, planea. I not read VENIZELOS MENACED; MUST STAND TRI/ Ex Premier ol drene I at ?Governmental Prosecution. Jan, 26. v. th th? . men) that ? i, and tl ? he will be I. com ' 1 i olutionary prop . l . in a d ? ? to Bei FPaENCH WARSHIPS AID IN ISOLATING TEUTON Mail Searches Nol i<> Be Excl sively British Practice. B ? ? Just Bl il : or I ?oticy, I? \ pa a ? ? Hi;, HEARS WILSON DROPS VISIT AND SEARCH* LAV London Intercepts Wireless Re pints on United States Stand. London, J the Am? enl a! ' ? irgo oi luae i it ? . il But il MRS. WILSON EATS 30-CENT LUNCHEON Sits ?u a Crowded Baltimore ( ounter and Gives No rip. Mi ' . I'harli teal ind < lited patient . ? il ? '-'? ? i ? ? ? ? . i ? - BRITISH LABOR FAVORS DRAF Trade Unionists Declai Confidence in As quith Policy. ? .... ? . It awai . at ira befo becoming the law of the land it it pasted il it the Brisl I ta of by nn overwhelming majorit; managemei I that G '?'? '.. ? ??' hind the war to a man. I pleading MacDonald, an .- ,,:-il Ulif\pi ' ? ' U) oil. ? i ? of i ho ? tack on Mr. Lia I irge, labor formar idol, ?ho ?s Minister of Mi irriog Its "rrath. L'.OnO.OdO Men Keprrsrnted. ? 000 moni" ?' ; ,17 mm 206.000 ;. resolut entln ? 1 Par . ? . mal ri ? ? '.. fair the wa .1. Ram ' ? '?!.. i I? rtatd, Labor m? mber of ? ? im, tried I suade the deleg p th? . ' tamps ?." M .; dele ?ates, who fly in I I ?, . ft Jamei Wardle, ?,. ? ? 1 ' ? arryinf ... ? ,. Sunii.i? I ???or Minli-lu'il. In . ? . . ' ! labor ? . I "It ia better, ? time duri ? ? ' ; ? ? ' ? . - ? GUN SAVES RACEHORSE FROM BEING Z00 FOOD Policeman Kills ou [Yack I a \ orite and Arrests r>rivor. Man tacu ? during ? .- ? ? v ? ' ? .??I *ht? ? imanity 1 ? ? of ? ? \ I Harr} - : ' ? ?A .?'?-,? on the ?? bar* ?.?-...i-, for ? iffiear cast I ? . l GREY'S SPEECH WINS COMMONS TO HIS COURSE Foreign Secretary Denies Sea (irip Is Failure. LONDON WILL CONSULT PARIS Joint Reply To Be Made to U. S.?French Aid in the Blockade. !."? d Jai . -?'. The it -u!t of the anxfoturiy a? . the Hou ? "?' < on ? ka?le ? ? ion i i that the Bril g -rani? ment A reeoluti trthur Shirle) Bann, Unit ? r for Plymouth, that the entire o\er trafl aith ( '".ouirl be pr.M'-.f?-.i by a bloctoda? w?,* talked out and I 1 ?:-??ppr.l, .- ? ? ; ? M before the debate, ??wpt tlial Par? ?? j Jo the ?.-"'. ? n ?fter the Foreign ILtaretarj nad < in! he had antidpated that t liiM-tentlu ef the I! -' Sir K'! ward Grey, bul ?- ; - ?p? -set. ha .? ;?? ? ' ir-tenth? ?.*?<? r.? with him. In fact, after the P?WtifU Secretary ? at -iaarn, Um l? ualiy rmptie.l. and al oim Usas ?lur? ing th?? d.'liatc only half B ?i"'ert inernoer*. were present. liefer?. In I . ? N?.ie. "If anybod) a I ?talizi Km 'our prei fut ; he ha- only to read the rorres?pond ? with the i Su- Edward. "If he ?rial th. taken to it tions whicl ? . a ri) hi ??an read thi v cai Creal B . ? pc cially th?' '??. ?which ha .?? iwered.H Sir Edward said w 111 ? regard ta ala that t ?? . I va . ?? ?polie*, if, while it was m< to ? iti als, the g I a as eon*, ?need it i ? ? ' with the i I ? ? . -ai?!, u i .. ? N - ?tutting ai'ii the F ?> n h -lovtra? ment. "I jiiiiiil I ?.. >I?.r?-.'' Edward -ai?l thai i of tart tl-. . ? doing what the supi of the bio? policy ? "W? cai "??* ?I" ?aiora ' ? - '-? ?? -." Im said. \ ? | ? t? * a Ho .-?? ?? : ; ere la I ? \ i !? i - - ,, ? ? \ ? ???u.lfd' Go raa. eel ight ? weeid be ??i <-on ?merice I -peel - u ill Oaaeeee Ble lines. ? -.tat y ? ' I the (Liu-. ' 'y of I bl ought n?.'u . ? ... ire i ? r o na ? ? bloela I ?B ami . . ? . ? - ? -.1 ?er, ? ?' war." ? bo 11 ? h - .?? in eon ong .tocia .? decided ??? over I rill aba pre " ? B ? . han nel ai>'l tl" ?altear, ?n?! ever) ? ? ? - ' tet . ?-ven if : ' .' .?*!?. ?W . ? . ?? a I that it "Fron ? \ .net I ? ' .? ? ? ?. bleck? ada w? a, American v.?ic'.,a<ie.