Newspaper Page Text
now IT WORKS Bl II DING TRADE AND DESTROYING CONFIDENCE \ Sl , Which Rectifie? Its Own In?.is A Boot shop \\ hich I)?ks Not. Bj SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS. a big dep i ? lose or avoidable misund? .' rhi quer? r ?>f n?-i! high in (J ? til? world, and tin? :. the way from "hundreds" up to "thousands.*1 i would transf? a disgruntled patron and a mer and an activ? ? . ::? ? ?pocket erpreting the 11 n in its wor : rate dishonesty. In the following letters i the ... :in>?l up by a pi ?The Trib i ton .1 idvcr? ,i rticle. Failing or finding H? r after investigo ite. If the st. n ishes ? and the toru i proportioi sur iction is adjusted not onlj to the nant, it also with the i " re - . " S ? e?mes the marchai I ' i to ? The Tribune n . ertiser g les promptly oui of - quiet but firm impulsion of the mana , has ? to do with the case which follows. ... .. . bcr . . . . . Mei r-"': - r, I i t in t however, the Mei ?.? . ? ,," ? ? . ? | a time?I live i ? ? ? - .* nny ?m the matter was reporte.1. the ? he desired underwear nt ibove the advert ? ? ? led so proi ? . with a : - to 1 ? ? f carfare, oi I we want te tie ikai ? - - .'0 of " S'GDALE BROS, per II. H ng Mai gsr. the i - ? .- ? igei 1 the above letter. . mi. ? . ? , the | ' ??Man? ear t I I tl ?? ansaction cl? i the adt ? I reau f Investigat i : ? r*9 after - Ta ? ? ' ? :? ? ? II ill - ?tuation, ? . not wish ? entire ^ ? make good on their pri? Mrs. L. could hav? pui I the ? ? . Harvard Mills." The "Merode" and th? "Harvard I except Vnd om :?:? "' for The Tribune, made the ? al tin othei name - ? .-? ? ?? ; to Mr . L. at the 1 1 ? I would she not instinct ?.cl" fron tation? I i she might have f? I if. ted by the In anj el at the pi ici pi rifled, ai I I . ? \ tisfii pat ron, h di a reputa n foi re ? ng re? t pays t In t e il paid ? ? ? I ? . ? -, ? REFUNDING THE MONEY; DROPPING THE ADVERTISER ? ? Mi I ., . . I. I 225 West Fort) . !!.. . ? . ? wer? they liss I), took thei e, as h< feet, thi ? ? ? . till an ? ? : he I M I), do? ? , . . ,. . Bu rea I ' ioi J. i ? ? ? The Bureau of 11 erg v, rote .? t.. lengthen the sh? ?vere worn and ! ?. had claimed I To prove ? : ? ? ? ? , ? had mad? I action woi , ? - Miss ? ? utable t-vid? .- . i erg did not <??? fil to ni swi r the the j th? 10, to ? t, thi , ,. , in t .',...' . . ? 1 him 1 : i ? Mi. .1. (?la isaterg I if The Ti bui columne. t CONVERTS SUITOR BEFORE ELOPING McLaughlin Heiress Has ( hauffeur Baptized a Catholic Prior to Flight. PRIEST NOT TOLD \BOUT DIVORCE Second "Mrs. si?'\ ms" i or? Hill l\ I i\ til ill ll.tllt.Mll No l race ol Pair '? tl ? ried auton t Itl hm? ? " .1 her m.n i \. Ih, I ? : I ' far! ? \ . ..-. man Iroin ? ' ' the ; ? ?> h I do other W oman IHsappi It al I ' ? ? n ? ' ? I ? ? ' - of M ? ? ? 1 ? ? is Baptised !?'? ! \ liny; to the st ut Uk? titiio i.* hit baptiaaa, he had ..... been ? metnhei of an) ? hureh. hi. nui ranee lo the Roman ? 'alh otic faith he " >?> vouched for by one ? , Joe? i'h Manning, a ho ; ' ?? ' ' ' 11-.- i m.f h la "t h? i no! made puhllc, but it was Melaougl n, foi ta bave be rnme his spon "i in l.ja*>11 m would have been an impediment t.. their mai i \ um i-1 ...i i alleged eleu i ta thi? wl .?il.,.n1 , Mel aughlin my? ' 11 day. bul none p| tin-in .Ir.. loped '"'. thing of ralu? Mi i ' opel ul, boa ei er, i hat day ? o t he publieil . - ,.i i ad ? i ???! i s . ? loeal ne the y rl. Plays and Players of the Film World ly d'il min,it' ' i ?. lent VI ? lei ' i ttilti. II '? th the Mol ion Picture i.i. ind ii ?end i, :>. the I,.1. Mi Uil." I will occupj r, '."? and a mo! ?.n i ramera will cl ?ck ?s h ile I he '., the pietun larl Blarkton, of the Vitagraph, will hi i he other speak '.. i ,.;;-.- ., "i ueI ; eabui \. the ........ . i Brady, Senator \ '? . ? r Ai ona; Dudle? follerl hora il) t?overnor ., i . \. tt 1 "?" c? r' onal an,I uiiqui a pe? ! . ? ., pronunriamento, or uka e, ?? in ?h.? Lask* lili . ? ? Will ? ' "f hav . ? i ? ???'.: tl I he Icarn? : ? ? \ I the 1 ? ?uerito Claj toi ." ?nhma ty man, ? ... i , ?" da i llel ? - l'l ? ? laily. V? i be i n g a ta r? ? 11. ? - ? . - ? i lefl ! ' ' rill tu - Au labl ? - i WM a ?a ?? re ??;' ?a a ? ? m m ? ?s ? ? ?s ?_"? ?s ?a a? PI ??^ ?S k?! - rfic^- lili/ C \,\ /* \\ B ^? "***' Y ' W4 V t?r J I Annual Sale 1 ?"-?. | S ? ? a *? fr-_a?_*-% ?a?" l*'-*l..->* ,_'? T*',',*V'l? He?, irodt Mark I ?< McCutcheon's ? ?H l'ut- til?- las! davs of th? Annual Sale we liave .v. ~4> ? *'? '???; Il ?m display a reniarkal)I( stoek of Hie besl S -? ... B ^ F'orc ?ii and American I <in^< rie. H fi The regular pri?es of these goods will, we :C ? ? * believe, eon i pa re favorably with ?* 11? ?-?' offered i* ~'t? anvwhere. Notwithstanding l!n^ we will eon ??j ri liniie to allow R I 10% discount . 3i m he ? pri?es until the end of Hie month. J French Lingerie P downs, han ? eml r? id. ? ?. and lace Irin med, $1.65, x^ ? 2.2 4 00 and up R ?;?, Chemise, hand embroidered, ;l (l" i J5, I 50, *-? ?? I f, >. 2 .' ? and ut). tea t^i Envelope Chemise, hand embroidered, $1 65, 2 25, H : ;'' nd up. j?? Drnw crs, hand a? illoped and embroidered, 5 I >" S 1.75. 2.00 2.75 ....?I up H Ltirsci Covers, simple hand embroidery, 51 2 >. *-* 1.50. 1.75. 2 up ?* Combinat! ???? ,:i I nd emb oidcry (2 25 2 75, R ^ 1.75, 4.75 and up i"i ?*j g American Lingerie H H m Gowns, fi : Nainaool d nty embroider) and lace trimmed, I I :li>. I 25. 1.50, 1.75 t.. I 00 R W //.->4/"/'i Chemise, $1.00. 1.50 to 3.7 *-i - J _ ?*.;? ?-a l)rt\y. ? -. M. 10 and 1.50 >? Corset Covers, 50c., / >< , $1 00 to 1.75 Q Combinations $1 10, < ?0 2.00 2 '? m ir$ Skirts, Ei bi ?der) u II ice trimmed, 95c., $ I ?0, h S 2.00, 2.75 to 3.75 Q H R Corsets R N tC'ul ifffn? Special from $2 >0to 16.50, g S Gossard fro il ; i? ed t n $2 :?'.> to 25 00 A num ** hrr "i '' ? mu? h below the re r|i! ir prie es. *'? -i- ES Brassieres from ?". .to $18 .m. H ~^ ?F _ a ?J//r Annual Sole of Household tAnens, in g* SI which ici ' i /?( r " ". /" ' n special lfln0 dis- Kj ? ctnint, will also close on Monday, January R y .;/?./. p a g g Fifth Ave., 34th & 33d Streets ?-: g P **k ??>, ???>> ,<???-?> ?-.a ?v a; ?-a .> -o. .. a* w; ?>/??, ?v. .>.-???-?-> ?*;-??%-'-?-?> ?a???;-' "*-> uf wi.iuii. i.i ni i- .< i..?i.i i.i aim. ..t ai ni \.t i.i .Tt iViiT/ ittjxL its. DOVE OF PEACE ENDS HILLIS SUIT Pastor Retracts Statement About Paying Debts of Nephew. RELATIVE .WOPS ACTION FOR LIBEL Arbitrator Poon Oil on rrou bled Wati rs and Both Princi? pals Sign i Statement. R, traction ? '' the itet? menl ? II,lb? ?Jab? of h ?,, Bn announcement o 0f the auil foi lib? ...???.,' n the i k Webster, a 1'hicano hu i ..... ?: v . . ? ..? the ? "i ?'. i '"?'' I? ' ? ? i ? ? . -, i, || | Mr. P. I) II ?? ??,,.. tlrn ... i,. ? fl of July II.. two qu? ' ?I , I .',..! B) |l?| the article ii , . ? . lo ?il' Il II ? . ?i of the centl? t,, m?- :i tatemenl of hi - ?de ?<' the ? . ? of mono) ?i more oi Irai ?nt< to pari '? ; on hi i .Ill .... ? ? ? . ' tatemen! ? ? ? . ? .i it tha? th ;it ? ? ? hoth : Court ? ? ?attorney i ? EBLINfJ GUARDIANS RELENT i. . ? i1. ,n - .m i lin h .mil H ?h <.<-t ?> ? inn and til? laing-. Batzoood un t m CAFE BOULEVARD * ' ' " ( 4' ! y IhUTIII M o a O A V lai M A f I 'l t ' I JAN.J1. | v< 'G0??AND COMPAQ METROPOLITAS ?. ? ? ri ? " - ? v ,? : ? , . . ? i aaarli, ? a. , ?? ,n - Lacla. R ; m i : , i, ? ,. i ? ! 1 Rh.lnijnli). ?a I L.I Bohami?. v I? . ? lin ? * CENTURY THEATRE lag* DIAGHILEFPS RUSSE TONIGHT rot ' r RI. ?SAT. MAT. ?SAT. EVE. i ? ?. BILTMORE i ail) t ? ?iiiliMM. ?-it -i? \i t tin l l : ItlI.TMOKI i . rnarr? h i i i.i? I Moi alna . (AK Mit - ???-?il I KIINAI II M : RBI Mi \ i il. R.E.Johnston SYMPHONY - riel? ? e a t,. r i? U \l I I II I? tMItOH II ?.loi I. !-,... ?,.?., ,..,, ,i :. .,...1 s.-M m.! ij \li. i. il -?il ii|?l . I <?l l-l . ' i i M VI XI I I < lai I. DOOLITTLE ooRoiHT B?RLIN?R \...i ?h m i ? ', . I rut*?, M i and M ? ? red "A U ?.I f?n l "ill ?.?.ii Ii" ;. ,| in home of thai < on n *. I i . lerda) .lei ded that ? -m i l ieutenanl in ' he ' lei n ? hi i.i.. who a -i M ? Pi : eil !,-i K i Mini*, of \\ ??? ha* ken, ?i.nil.I i .1 . ..i.t ' unit '. "to live ? . i i ! h? ' ? ? ? ii d thre? 1 ? ? . bul ? , ? ? I .. . in i . ruai 16 I he ?. oui . . , .... rveral yi , . ... "I don't I?"..' foi tune that con lo i ? ?. ' aa id Wot fort y i ? !,<? Indi ?i? Head l r? ? om ...f l.'iT U. : I ? '-A, ?i ?I '? ;?? ? married ui il u W'olforl ? I , , . .1 '.' . to tl '' ? I rj of JOHN D?. JR.. BUYS ANOTHER HOUSI Increase* F/cai Estate Barrit About Horn?' in West I ifty fonrlli Street no object rhen .'?ihn I? I'.'-.'-? proper! . ?. , ,i . '.?.. ? ' .?'.. 4 I', \ ? \ V . on of Mi I ? . ,| h i ? ? '?' altei B Jam? .... -, . . to 'i ? Mi I'., kefeller. I ait ? ?f. for ? ? '?:... -. * *? ' lam . '?!?-* . ' '? ' '< ? -.1 **" f. ? ' ? ^tfftiififffiiiitfiBiiiittitiiiiiiftfiiiiiifftftiiiittffiiitiuifffiiiiiifffiiiitffiftttiifititiitfitiitttinivifffiiiiiKiiffiitifiiini ifigiiiiiniirigigiiif?iiiiaiiii | New Quick-Clearance Prices Begin To-day on 3,700 Hart Schaffner ?o Marx Winter Overcoats \?/K want action ! We're willing to pay for it- by deliberately paring the prices of these overcoats ritrht down to the quick. They were big values to begin with many of them made of the finest foreign cloths: most of them silk-lined; all fasnioned to the Hart Schaffner & Marx standard. 60 96 375 562 580 265 484 439 510 were $45 " 40 35 3150 30 ?r**?? ??*?**, ?*?* were .v."} 30 28 25 V)i) were S25 72 63 22.51} 20 18 NOW N< )\\ N( >\Y 25 s S 19a 15 auaen Broadway, corner 29th I bird Vvc.. corner 122d ? idway, below Chambers 246-2-18 West 125th - upcn ,'vcn,n?s aji?lJJlIlKB MATINEE MUY - HIP-HIP l-CCrAV $1.93 i: ' ? ? a,.-?*?***-? |SI NDAY SOI . t ?UGGIE TEYTI R ?' il . ! PHILHARMONIP 9 '?-?*# .lii-l l -?I i; \n?K1 . ? (?Mit? roR BACH- BEETHO VEN I 1 ?? I I \ \ I I IINCKKTN I .. lil-ll! ,H ? I . ,t -..,1, ? I 11, IB. THt '. v PHH HARMONIC ' RI hi - '-'? t?. t DBA1 ETY OF NEW VOS? ? irnlllli? 11 i ? ? I -? > 11 VI. \lli.l. i llr^il Mill.r. 1 s. . , va i \- . ^'?oY?i'PHO-i?BE.aTHOVEN BAtH-^M?UtCAr' Il KO ?' " ' ? l :;si -I ni I? II! -u\ Il vi,i _?^?jmzt:j*?%-fflm y] \ i i 'i i ? n n m i i ?? i .? i- ?i 3 SP?LD?NG t HU IM - I yCL?iuSSEN ,;; ?.i/.*.,-.,?-.^s?, 5??* i.- ??'. ? ? i i ii. ?i- - . '-ti..-, or . .* 1430 .V ni i . Ha I IRVING PL. THEATRI ' ? >' . ' ?La'iP Loew's Ame.ican Kool '. ',-.? ?I , ? , ? ? ' Bit ? ... m?. UVii^u^^pV t ? ' ? a " ?TOI ONIAI V MJ ?i a? - Bin ' BOOTH THt FEAR MARKET ? ? PLAYHOUSE ' BRACE MAJOR (?m?.. BARBMA t H ? ' . . . '?' . . ' THE ?NC.HASTENED WOMAN LYRIC i b'W'^ Vsji,>'[< ;V.'-.^1 ltll.Wa"> ?^?->*?*?W-?a?-?-%? ?_ : *********** ****************** '--^.^? ELSIE FERGUSON """s i \\ \ <??< i?. ??. r i \ i? i s ?. i 'i ; \ i ?; ? - l ?> D * I ? ' -1 [ \ \ \ EMPIRE NEW AMSTERDAM , ? si I Maid? Ad?. ,,... ^^-jijfiil ETHEL BARRYMORE ' NC? - ?;"-'% .? " '? ?? ? ? ?IAN. W LIBERTY i^*************************** ********************************************** KAN *- '? BRIAN- C?WTHORN SYBIL ^^^^^^^^ ?? COHAN'S. l MARGARET SCHILLER OTIS SKiNNER ^FR:H,^.,.?i'jg._?g*gg "Cock o' the Walk" HI?^^l?*BvW,nm HUDSON Ia_^?lfc?a-3^*=^ The Cinderella Man , c?ng . i T? bOOMERANG H;*.?,wW,eS"" EXTRA MATINCI NfxT IUCSOAV MAKK..* ?hS^j?im : ri i n:a SADIELOVE ??'-*:; ' THE I.RfAT LMWH .... rAMniFb ? ? ? - r. brva> FULTON ID M.m CANDLEK S?AHL ?,.-.. 4 a . ASTOR ELTlNGr- _ l*Ti?SI?l -Bi^.ll-I.'M?-"^ E3EE3g_-_33 , -ui GLOBE f_7T1? ! TiTTfaJ GABY DESLYS K?f?^ ' 1___?m1jl1__l??*J^ TR! ANC I E PLAYS KNICKfRBOrK*"-. THEATRE ? | - p " MAI'kL AMI IATTY AFLOAT THE CHARITY BALL ?ataxia Pmk&Ji<i ' ; v ? '? ? ' ^^ TREASURE ISLAND i just a woman maxine Elliotts robert milliard PRINCESS' VERY ?iiOUli LLlLili: ?. HOBSONS CHOICE THi: BLUE PARADISE \tl,'s ALONE AT LAST \ , :?'?' it. -| ? IS >la' 'V .4 ?."" KA ! INK. A if 4 (1 thi AiKi rO-MORROR ACTORS FUND ANNUAL BENEFIT MADISON 5Q?AM GARDE* TO iMGHT ?j KM? CA CH--S-C4TCH-W. TO?'??" 6E.T -' Plit? in? a * J ?MOTOR BOAT SH-J ?aWBa>?HfaV2M s * ? \r\ ii.tT) ' . ?? P,. ALACE Ta?!i? I lia? a" '