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WILSON EXPLAINS STAND ON TARIFF Disclaims Idea ol Borrow? ing Republican Thunder in Urging Board. INQUIRY INTO TRADE QUESTIONS NEEDED i nmnlsslofl Wonld Be Indispen? sable to t ongress in (fathering Haia. ^avs President. - i ? i - ? n? ? a much ? - . i ? '? . ; ? I ? : ? - '? |l ? ? ? ' i.. rd Would Be ladiapeaaaM?. i ' .? ou. ' 1 be able I aal 'hat it ? ' ? KiK'hin on M . ?' ? ? . What b a ? ? ? favor ? .Dime aituat -> A Hot, Nourishing Meal ? one that will put vim and energy into the worn-out body and fortify it against exposure?Shredded Wheat Biscuit (heated in the oven to restore crispness) with hot milk. Supplies ail the strength needed for a half day's work. Also delicious with bananas or other fruits. Made at Niagara FallSaN.Y. ?.?hat ihi md Its Bellt Itle? ihould bc " Ha outlim stall hii plan? .1. Including ? . .,.,?.. Int??? tipatton .lucta at ... ... menta, ot iir m?thode of ? "dumping" ' triea and ? SUPRKME COURT LACKS CASKS Seat? ?wait tigameal i?r the 11r-i l ?me m it? Rlstorj Wei ext nor ? ?? Su i - ? ring it iy in th? 11 I? adjournment be? i It ?Mis p--..b. . in that II ?rill b, held inn I .-'?? u.i, y ? .? beei v,.:h' I and nearly 100 ? ? ? MOOSE TOSTAY, REPLIES PERKINS Will Aj-rt'o on Candidate if Re? publicans Arc Fair, Says ! etter to Mille??. _ ? with I . ' Proj ? ? ? ? ' ? - ' STEEL PRICES ST?LL GO TO HIGHER LEVELS Bii?.incs-s in Present Quarter Will Re at 'li?hrr R tl The . ' ? tamp of H? ? ? ? i > '? ? t? ? ? Iron Tra I ? ? i dinar) ? ? ., th? | iron ; I industry 1 ! in recent months A phenol ? lit of lec? ? whep on ?he hook? to ' "What the Si ng a] ? .?? ? the Industrj ? ?ITect ? ? UNIONS UNANIMOUS FOR 8-HOUR DAY < ontiniiril from |iai<- 1 .... ie thai .?sures * .... . 1 of the chanfrrd attitude ot ? .?in 1906 to 1912 and : vestoi nan t]y antas ?i und eont ? x" ' - Mr. 1 an ? ? ? llowlng: (1) Ci ?oiling ' '. .?? ? IB) | . ' ' '? ' ? much ? g iunet upon n se] The i ? directly or indirectly to commerce (?J 1 he function of ? n the commission on its own motion duce " i" i - . ' rased tax -, -, etc. U.S.LACKSSHELL! ANDG?NSFORWAF Would lake l?s Months t< Equip Army Needed in a Few Days. COST Of MUNITION . PLANT $400.000.00, t rpzier Says N<> Neu Rifles Have Been Sont Ahn?.ni Simo 1914. i i thai ? i ? i ?? Haya after thr- outbi any Aral I I ? '? ' He alao ?I?aciared ? - u mil.I ? ? ? ? | . at in ? fovei .otirapi? manafa ? ? direct l ,that 1 ? ere*ed n ? \\-r Would Be Over. . ?,. ie genera .-? ? - over. He fie mod? ? thou i aince mentha ?A, he ? ? ? i I ami tint t thai ? 191 I lited . ? the 1 ? . which i ? . ? ting il ... ? ? I . .... .... in th ? - I.:? pi Preaidenl. ? ? adapt ' ? . . ? ? ? ? r t li a it wi.uM Ij ? i . ? ?? ? ? i ... - I and ? . , ... . ', ' v o Oaarc ? ? a anted iour dol ai - an of the naoal i cen? he t ad to borrow from the army. ? ? hi in mei .... ?? ... | i be aul Depart mi - . . ? the War < i ? '1 to da) ? l itely would be i i : ?? .1 Statea, ail- W ?h rraan .??' i "? ?. ? ? ?I he I have ? ? ? I ?*??>* i n. 11 t;< m;i? i'V i v,. im, inety-two, a ho ' - look) - ?' nual hall. TWOSTEFS AT N'NETY TWO ? ,pi i i \\ eamaB at Evei ? Old Gaai i Urd? Bad Dlaaer Slaca ?'?? ? ? ? , ? ? irch uf V. en ' 1876, wnen .... ? ., ? . i the I | ' ? . ' ' ' . ? idea '? \ ? ? ' ? er. 1 : TAFT WILL NOT BE LAh'AR'S SUCCESSOR Wilson Decides . Must Be Ui ? -.'ears. - v?, ? u ? ?a i ? ? ? - ' ? ? ? ? r derla i i GIRL'S ADV ? S ? , ? ' ?. i. ? ... ?i - ' ; ' ' WOMAN ARRESTS DI8T?RBEB Misa ' ther Wi i,, i nuil to Preeet ite ?'i :-.?.,er. ? ? gsrleat ? : ? ? ? 1 ? ' ? ? ' an. ? man \sWi\\\\\\wmmmm romYOUB PIANO PI^Y??-PiANO r'Minm'X. a I 3 rlAREW^SitiTAve-atlsS MILLS OFFERS BUDGET BILI Measure Embodies All ol Governor*! Ideas, but Is Too Broad for Him. WOULD MAKE PUBLIC ALL APPROPRIATIONS Provision Would Prcvont Kail? roadittg in (Hosing Hours Whitman's Do/on Bill?.. I . iff < -,?. . .|... ? a* T i . ? ? \Mr ? lai Utho iffh th? ? ? bill introduced to day h ? Ofden l. Mill, tontaina oll th? i tiona m hi?, annual t>?e*i??ijre h ? nr? to appropriation a, Governoi v\ i tman frowned on the maaaore, M? contained proviaiona which weni ? than ha eared to t*". and an . ".I that lie uniiM land to i ' latora 11 ? i aol ? do ion bill; ? on 1.1 carry mi* hi ? ?de ? i ' I il?" Mills bill eentaini provision? vera fa? m-r.i by ? he Bun a a ol I i tared of New Yoi l ?nd ' ' which the Governoi obje I ? ' ? that the Governo ind en tat i vea h** given the righi ?o be preaenl at legialative eomn i defend' tl ta 01 on bille, Th.' G a fullest publii >lda ?hm hi? ahou tiled on to act i aa 01 ,. . aftei th<? bill ; end brfrtre he ha? ?? ? ? 1 ? al'* fur talrmalea a? , ? leg , brat boa - i ? ? a need and the i i ?r , rr deficit and ill it? I api \ ira I to the .. . nor '" ? ? . Hem? Leg tature a "auggi ted ' w I'h the eel ?mate ? on baaed." The ?if ?? - on appi ? ' aubm iteii to ? ad eel : of th.? late for he laat two ? hand I he hill call? for publicity of all ? hu I : . ' > ' ? . .linn if-, t.. the H nance eonnltteei of ! the two houooa Muilgrt In llc.ei.e I'uhliril '.. 'fen dayi before tho adjournment of i he Lofl lal ure ? ha badg? I reported lo both houooa i i I eome ? [.??<? t m I, in ihr .'? h ?nu I remain there f? full legialalIva d and 'I'icuaa on touf daj Legialsture adjourns th< bill muet be rted for third reading While in am.f the ??? I ole each 'ten. hall be conaid? apai t.. ? edneo I, el Im Instad o? On ordoi ol I : I pa . er, no Item ma) be increa rd, bul i i i dm ni or elimii ated I' t. Cleveland, directoi ? the Mu nicipal Re ear? h Bure ?, in .? lettei .??>(''?? public here lo night, replied ' i .. . ' i,m Whil Hum'?. '? lo the but eau' i budget proposal i -i i i Ignd -'?.'? d thsl tl ?? buresu did nol i tl .? the '?"?? ernoi's plsn to lubmil f" the Legielatur? tentative ?n propristion figures would b< i He said that 'he pr< enl law did not 'iiplRte thai there iho lid be budget practice and I ? ? ? riencn in.. .-.I thai a h? re er exeeul mere |y ubmitti 'I con ioI ?dated Ml a? to ? |e|*j ilal ? a bod lea-iilative proc? place public i ai ? a a? . ? ' it nl land aaid thai the truatee of t he bui eau pi in rm-e the question -* ?he Leglalature iho ltd nol d by amending th? might have a h i ..? ould git a publ city to I lion of ex? il ? a 08BOBHI ASSAILS ASSEMBLY Scheme I. Hatching 'i> Set Bach Prlsssi Reform, He Declare , , the Asset ti ? nighl ? ? "If I ? ? ? ? ? ? I "I am aNo infoi ? ?/ ' I . ' present plant. Die instil ?. ? ? me'iiber? of the | - Bl tit Starti R Yi ' f ? in bui ' innaminahl.. mat? ore the i ? . _ ? - \I'\ ER1 IREMI V I Bosincsi Mcry' * ?-- guc of ihc .AMERICAN .IRWISH RE? [EF COMMITTEE I Ml R -y<\\ H ? MM, i \s * ?? H ? I id I ? -, ,.?,,.? ? , 1 rip? n ? ? ment ., 4i." na ?I ?will lie Ir i m ??. \i \i,..M ? , , ' I M Vi, N! - prom - ? WEEKS SUMMONS 3 MORE CONVICTS dels Aid of Prison Steno*?, t.ipher in Case Against the Warden. OSBORNE FIOHTS TO ENTER MIS PLI A Will Appeal from Order Hum lie Must Await Prnsouitor's Permission. oned ' hree moi ? to appear t? .? at Wl la I ,!,,?? .1 "?? ' ... Ilnr?.'.! [' dentia ? ? ?raphi ? Hod.i ? ? ? . . ? ? ? i lenl ha? not pi moral,.. War.! . ? ; . ? ' . ' ? ? of t D ? ,t he ha? I ? of .1 . - ce M* ? i ihall not be allowed ? r ? ? ? t-iora' iboii irpriaing ?? ;.; pea1 Will be ?:.--? it 4 ? i deeial ... ... ? . , ? r f a Dial V' ? m irging nd of . For an ind . ? ? . I egal day, ?Juatica M'.r-*chau?#r h.M ??. ? ovember Grand Ja,, i'.!' ?? dieted Osb ?' ***?2 la> ' net b? BBreasenabU uZ. ! Horn pieailirr. ??(?? ia . P'" ? ? ? ? .. end ' ?t I 'rC?rn.n ,n Veaaae. . '- >n. "" ' th. w' " ' ' ft Pial., ?2 * entin ' a- -,. .'"* to creep "'"' ' "the m__ ? asay tired, 'oo, of tk. ?, , ? or gi vi ng a -?-,.- ,,, I - - ? ? ? I deaeri $350,000 PROVIDED FOR SING SING CELLS Sun Will Allow Only for Partial l,.instruction ni Additkn. A.nan .'. .lar . Ig a*- , I Ian for the ? . -. v ., " " ?? 41 at Sing / , a -Teetfej bill .* ? , * priai - ? ??? to be e? -4a?. ?, - - ' ' - ' ?"? :'s ?s ? - ' ?? . ? ... " la ' id ??. _ ^WPa\1W*<rf_ii'r?a_-, When your child's permanent teeth are forming?that's the time to begin the use of ?n ?-.??ni ? ?_? ?.. .. PERFECT ? f ef_ ! iil *7^--; F Prepared by a Doctor of Dnsuiai Sarg'rv Bend tc stamp today for a goaerooe trial pscksge el either Dr. Lj Peri tb Powder or Dai t Si 1 v\ 27th St, N N I I I What is Tliis Who is she? What \a ?s!u doing? Just a new film stunt the animated silhouette. At times the actress appears, live, tense, -thrilling but at the point o? human limitation the ?silhouette intervenes to sustain the action and accomplish the seemingly impossible. You may see this picture soon on the films. It will be shown first in the Graphic .Section of next Sunday 8 Tribune, together with a page of photoplay favorites stars ?seen at short rang?1 War isn't <>li work,?it luis its playtimes. ?OccMionally it has the heart! Ihere is a page or these lighter, happier wartime pictures in -The Sun day Tribune. See them for their rarity. A word to your newsdealer may savs disappointment. ttn?ag ?FrihUattap hirst to Last?the Truth: News Editorials Advertisements.