Newspaper Page Text
fltEEDOIYI BY 1922 FOR PHILIPPINES UK HHchCOCk Plan Wins q\ Both Houses and Wilson. support CTABLI REPUBLK MUST Bl SET UP flt,(i v Keep Strategic p . \ i id . \. ? ?? ? it ? ? -: ' I ' ? ? ? ' . I ? ? '. - ' ' ? ntries - ? i - ? ' - ? ? ? ? KVER ' ND HARBOR PORK SQUEALS END \ :. s -.gainsl Inc?udjT,^ v A Projects Bill. ' ! ir ' ? ; .' ? ? l0^SBlKY II it $500.000 *n<1 r*o -.., .,,, Po,? ( ),,...,,.r te. i ??a* I, k*K*u. WHERE DO YOU BORROW? ^/T. arc ready to make any jiood mort? gage loan in Greater New York. Low charges. Hcasonablc rales. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C? $ 5,000.000 11.000.000 ..'Mm?. Cal Pi tOl Surplus, all ctmcil. l?SaVr?var.N.Y. l?5lcmacnSl .4.?,? FuiMi, si . Jamaica, CHARLTON BACK. CHEERY AND WELL Will Rejoin Parents, Sa\s Wife Slayer M.ts No Complain! \ gainst Italian Justice. ? ' ' ' ?' '?????.. ? \ ? m who ? > nine ? ' rdal i - left their maik ence of it m. He . . ; : i? ' ?'? ti ?onvicted of beating ' ,? i ike I vorced wife ? Picht Chai ton wa. . later he ??;. ? and ? H, v ai freed by whereby the Italian to allow rltoi ? 1er re ? ? i al mu! grai t hirn ? . - ,.-? Ing .,, .0?| yo'i." ('r-arl reporter? ? ho mi I :k. 1 really ?? ? t, although I ? -, ; ? . ? ? -i ? ?-?> treatment ' America Wi ??-.'! ? , . irantine by ? - the Weal ' "DENTIST- SE:.T TO ISLAND Conviction ?if Kilippl fur Raving <o ealae ?i'leH t>> Trihune l.ureau ' t ? rday by ? ? ent iry on ? ? the outcome of ? | i of 1 '??.'.-h \Y. .1. rj ' of New the Third B .; Harry Taylor. Depu nterni Revi nue, hr..l n I '.? ? lay by for % ?olating ? ? entistrj I !. ami ll ? ... ? niency because of h thii country anil ? - dauf-hter, Gio will be tried in Spe 27 ?.n the ?bout . . ? ? .? ? ? . ? Il J al?o ired by thi WILL SEEK ISORTH POLE -Dernier Leave? Seal Jul> fur a T?vo ,i ear Trip ?in the dulde. Cap? lospph .... ? I ? ? . i, ... ? . Pol? ? t part ... . ... ? ASKS EMBARGO* TO AID GRa<\IN Hoaae Repablicaa Say? RailwaysFavet Wai Shipments. t ? iy by j . ? bi ,i .... 1; the East ... ? ? ... d ,-hip pment SENATE TO DEBATE COLOMBIAN TREATY $25,000.000 Bryan Settlement Ma) Cause ! egislativc storm. . -iii ? ? ? move the j v? ill probabl) (?? made ? . eted '?? i? u when Sec ? ... mbia 126.000, . ? if i hi I'. ? ? ? ? nd h i I' ? .1 eon ?.?..- i . ? ..? .|iil. man) Demo ?. . . tration. ?So the treaty ,i ?Sated ' ? ?| ? > .1 the . . ? ugh ?..*, - ?i u i he committee, at the M .? \ ... ? . ? . Nicaraguan ? Mi Brya ? ? . i.-., i until ? ' ? Sei ator n - ;, t?, Michigan. ' with the Unit? ? control ng ? ip be . - ,,.. ? th? i'io :? :'i log?.I. ? SI 1 GIG for Fitch's Mother rriother of < lyde ght, obtain? ? ? ; ? led foi I?.-.- ?.-?e LCI ??Uli. JAPAN RENEWS CHINA DEMANDS British loar Fresh Note (arries Danger lo Peking. WAY THREATEN U. S. ENTERPRISE I ??kms I .Host Stand BuiU on Seven articles ol Old Progranne l ondon, Jan .'?? The Japanese go* ernmenl has delivered i?> ? Chinea? lei in i okio for I ranamisaion to government a note embodying aeven demands which were included in ? ' i ' - m Programm? of 1 ? ?? M ,... eatei G iai dian" lean - ? ? the hope . a<; will be '.'.':'hoi ?tat contradicted," aa the demanda when previ? ? pnted were full ol iror t.. China's independence and their . . - . eff? ?? "ii'.'i have been to flare ? hina under the tutelage of Japan "It 11 the aim nn.l hope of Britiah . ' the "? ?a ipaper continu?e, "to ? . ' Irons, and independ? nt, de velop - ? ; fullj wil hout interfer? . reigi power "li ?i ? dut) we '?'??. both to our? aelvea and to i i to help her in thai re have enormous m a ?. ? , ?. ' too, >?? i~. u'li reinforce what ?- foi as the only right and ">?' polic) " Januar*/ 18, 1915, Japan ^'',, to Ch na a I ol twei tj one demands, arranged m Uve groupa. The I ? | group related to the Shantung pro*, ee and to conceding to Japan right privilegea previously enjoyed bj ?irr man) In SI . wi II si new pro gativ? ;p two related lo South Man ehuria, and to eonceaaiona there for I property, trading, rsilrosd op m nuil conatruction, the appoint? ? enl ol ? ? nea? a - po tical, financial tarj adviaera, at I ol h? r con ... included a demand f..;- special rights to h" grant lapan i . inner Moi . Group ihr? ? referred to the Ha Ping Company. Group four, . ecial group," demanded tha* pi that hi reafter she ? ? j ii'l.l or leaae ..' ?? eo ? ?r ?.r.. .:. ? .-...?. : ? ? . ? ,-eneral group." .... ? . , goveri enl II contained first regarding the ? ent by i na of Japanea? ? ? . . the ospitala, ehurch? ? ? ? ? rd, I ne cm ployment of Japaneae th? ? ice de partmenta in the larpe centres; the fourth, China to purchaae a certa ?:-.ion of war munitiona from fifi . la] n'a ghi I ? certa railroad ii I na; the '. . ? to .lapan in the ' 'l?. the rots to propagate Buddhiam in ? Hina. The Unit? ' State! government ad ? d a note to Japan with regard to 11,.- demand - ma d on CI ?n particule r I r? - p? et to three oi foreign ad pur? Ma?.- of war ? . the quest nmenl Mar.'h ;."..'. i tw een Japan and China, together with ?er? signed in the ? I .??! Office, covering, nounced, the practical cone ed on the Ja] inda, of which, hov. ? for ult? ? . | . It a ? '. at the I me that ? ? rst ?on " ei e :;v c '1 he srti? this group v ere ber, but it tei -.tat? .1 ?.hat .'i had been elimii ated and lhal Ar- . ? be? . placed by that < hina would und? rtak? no military or i ? ? ... , noi to undertali Puki? ? future, it ,- i.ible that I ided to "The ?. tardian'a" article were i he oi ?gina] seven oi Grou p fl re. Allies Too Busy. U. S. Alone Can Aid China, Say Diplom?is Wai '? ii gton, Jai :'?'. Met post poned and m ? ? of Grout o of the Jap upon China a it \>.a to? l I. offlciala in : ? The) ? ? ether do on ii ? ? dep? nd? nee of R if war and t Great Britaii and Pranc? maintenance ol thru n the 1 Baal the Alii? ... ? ? ue with Jai on? j.iopi rly conci eraclf and of them fe? . . ? ? ? wal of t he I ? ? , ; , When th? ? S ? I. tp | ? ? ded to i wi the treat) oi tr? u hich Japa coi id ng a ?th . State Dej ? ?? ? I n of the Jap ? d ? t Japan be | ? na and in Mau? ri.urm i.?.- regarded dooi to Ami . ? itei ? .' quar? to ? mplo ? Jap :.- . . ? . , . ?n t he Iai ge < ... da ?. pract ? ,,\ , ?! I | Japai -' ? . i . ? , ., the in \ ed a deaign to exclude Chriatiai m China in ? ? d. pelt ' I. - Cl ?na : to have a . , of Eldei ' S '? cl ai etirini ecretai to b? chail mail, arid ' ? ? ' ? mber? . . d) been named. ' ? ? hao Ern-ahun, Li Ching-I , . ? ,.:' bureaua g d) ist Men ? .new bureau a .... ..... fhej ? ? subject, before the i ?ill they kowtow in hia prea i a/ill alao I to use ng I palac? I while resent pei n a) be uaefi - i " , ... ? elder oficiala now in tht government. What Is the Gary Plan? fix AllCT. HARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers trill find in this department a clear and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed Jor this city. Questions of fiaren is and teachers trill be gladly answered. The de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdays. what thi: wnvr plan -MES. It talar* children nl7 the etri-rt? and ke?i?p? thru, wttoleoe?noly l?uay at work, atudy and pint for all or BCVOn hoar, n Ans It ahne oll rhlldrrn inst ?? murli academic work aa the traditional arhix.l, hut by Irnnthrninn the arhool da> It glvp? time for practical ahop work. aclen<-?\ drawing, munir, audi? torium and piny f?ir all rhililren. utiat thi: h'iht pi.\n mkws. 'Id ,?vi?r\ Bari at \ chance to give hi? rhild Oil? ??nriihtil ??.!a< at ?on.-il opport nniti?-?. ?aunllt reserved for the children of the favore?! few. To teaclnT??No moro hour? of lea'-hlnK; m<ire couireiilal work. To the ? ?immunity?Itctter citl riiia, lirl.r -???(>'??.It? r-?r leeo coart. Auditorium iSocializes School Life?Interests Children in Work of School?Board of -Education I urns Down -District Su-perintendenl in Charge ol Gary Work. I'enrod and Srhiml. "i if .-".ir f. he i Teuro.11 h told that acl ool a s ? f? i m "act, he ha I be? n told, an.I ? ? th? ?m i conveying furnia? ion. n . su ni i?il. a it h each repetit more the character of dull : ? ??'! ?n -uit. "He waa whollj unable "> lancea, pr?sent or fun which any of the it ? ? . tesehing he ?a* now receivin be of the *ht? ? a benefit to 1 nself md when I told tha' i frequ . bul i".'1.' the 'm ni"." i - eomi: and il no?ir to such unp ? ... " I.. Peniod, hoc ! state Of I ?. em i 'um I math? I he ws ' i concerning matters about which i ,. eurioait) wl i. ad over and over the d in book? that overhung th poftrroue I of improi i g . ?hle ? ? eal the fac ? . , to know, he prepared to a ? . ns which ? hod;, ! ask him. And when hi ,. and ? nwai r? I, th? I heran, ta ndve? and pi It) disgl ? ngly Is in rr That .strike?, us a- a t rat.? de sei of the r< ra s and it t.. .. and pra) ration of | ? your s days anything like tl 'hat bo* i ff like Pen rod" Ca r ? Pen rod wa nol your boy d But i ? brigl ' ? .r v.hi . .-i... d in *? children ha r a no outlet I in wholesome, h< I are kept to bu 1er? ' ? ! they -e,- ?-orne reason ; hat neither t their desire for acth ity in a lllegit in \\ h> the auditorium. ... . ! children eac auditorium " How ? , and fr- ? PI? ? 600, but not - 300 .-o ? "New '. ? ice, I ahould i \ ? ? : layman. ? " I the aud : only explana! ? . ? i **meiel) a state of coi I ? ,. ,-..r to be 1 i ? that? not i m? inyt reciting a 1? they ? o recit? ?auditorium Not a I laaaroom. Mut the auditorium ? . t? to "t< ich" ? ? ? wou , The audit ?a an ass? >'? ? a hi re an au ? *? t hat i he) think ? he a !" m is fu : ? h eml ... , ? ? re? hundr? one or ha en t tell ? lant?n the aetiviti? ng on in th? ? laboratori? ? ? . ? tors loi yeai ? fixing in the i ? - ? ? ? ? ..... t? Everyone agr? egitit lit' !!. ' h.'?'ii able cauae it ha- tried to hav? telling in th? ela ? ? | and ?;? ted to th? thing. O ? it ? i the a uditorium taed It ? ??'.-? 1 motion Dictons, instead el I i- un ?I a ?.,., ' pictui ? . in,I, ?mil Tint ' n?.? .-H their I I ? i ? cl ild '.'. I ' t them i . ? ? ??, . I . ? H h h I In-, Ho in \udilorium?. i -..ill ?n ? ea of 40 I ' tell wl . been ?l ..". ' i the ? I to I ? ? ? . ? '?'? lifl ? ? . I out I ? ? ? I ? ? ? kne\ ? ? ' ? children ? ? y mip, ? ? they *? ? In ?not im period ?] natu . .1 drama! ? in ? r, ?oi ? ?plain ? .? : ' I, and it ? ? ? ia a ti Is m tl ? that oi ? v ..: six! and pi .uni. Shu?,I ??hould He life. Oui "How tina ? a . . ? ... m ike ? ild be ? ? ' on ? it t ire i ? ? : I. ' Mr. Wirt M W ' f. OURh' ' ' ? ' If out ' ? . ; ea ? a **':??'? I Such create a d ?. eh." ? ' ? fe ?>?' ? ? : bably, r ? ? "1 has rith its ? by our that each ' ' ' ? ' . ? ? ? . ? feet thai ? . plu.. ?The Beard ??t Macallan and the '?-..? PI m ? tendent? : ? ? ? ' ? ? - : - conacient ? h.m ? ? ......_ ata .. laid . toi two a ??? i . and that ? h? bjalaa ? of ' he board ,'ii" that I i ? ? ? I ?ix member automatieallj laj ? epoi t i< r two a ee? t, and ? ??#? was illegal, i ? l ? i ' ? . '.'. ? the act ioi board in failing to re? D I . up? i '?i.|i i ? layloi i ?'? ' ?? irning to all thoj ; i ? time to iri ?? tional < ; ? ? ? ? , r ? i \\, thi ii?. ah? Ived I I ? I lure to rnom Inat ? I ? r i.. tli. B deli bei at? ?.. prof onal ent? ? t?-i-i ty in the | ?. ? ?.. . ...... ? ? DUBF.LIF.R MAY BE FREED Whitman Bald lo Have Commated Several Seateacee. . harle I lubel er, ? of bribery in the pol eai go? com m >i?. ?I. it ? ii la ' II? ma ?. It ilse. ;, m .- pol le? man, - ' ?? ?. . ? ? graft Malloi coi ?riel ?I ten yea i ? ? } a? theii ent? WOULD HAVE CITY PENSION TEACHERS Senator Hoylan Presents New Bill, Declaring Retirement I nul is Entirely Bankrnpt. i. , if that th? ret em? I i ' ' '?' . ? .-. a bill from ? i ?? ?? " | to rei ' '?'' ""? ,l rom ? ? ??? ? ' ? ? r the t? fund ? ' iriea of t? I litanl of the ' ..ment? have taken place ! ben "Many H? ? ? ? ' *n be_ Bvailah uncial i-. ? "Thi' fin ? i .... neaal i I fund of ipi --id by leep .... ? ? ? , ? ?. relieving th? ? ? bill. '? In 1916 woulti di ? COLORADO BISK.^P FOR MAINE EpiactBgallaaa t lei I Dr. Brtawatee la Succeed ' edeaaa Portlend ? ? .- ? I'r Hr?-A ' ary Piahop of Weal ? ? . _jn ' ._?_. . .tK ef Hofmann m all* I SE".T. Colun'h.a (arafonola 150] Pri ? $i5n Poet of the Piano, will play tor von exactly as von heard him if von have his exi lu Columbia Records. Hofmann has hut to touch the keys, and the pianoforte finds a soul. It >ings with subtle delicacy, with a sonorous power, a scintil? lating brilliance, that makes Hofmann's Columbia Rec? ords pure delight-- oi tone. His record of Lis/t's ?*i,ic bestraum", for instance, is an absolute revelation to anyone who has not heard recent Columbia triumphs of pianoforte recording? The same match less purity of tone is characteristic of COLUMBIA L.c?i*-Di?c RECORDS by other great ligures of the con? cert-platform?Godowsky.SchaU' wenka, Kathleen Parlow, Ysaye, and Casals. And to this perfection of tone is added a marvelous definition, a clear separation o? instrumental sounds, a glowing richness of en? semble effect-? in Columbia Rec? ords of orchestral, band, and in? strumental trio selection-. You can arrange I Columbia recital or symphonic concert, which will be quite as enjovabie as the actual per? formance or' the artists. The artists may be absent in prrson, bur rhev are present in personality in Columbia Double Disc-Records. records an tie the 20th of every ? *ntk\ i .?; >: Re ? ? ' ?languages, trtisementa ? D% ta/ i ne. GRAFONGLAS and DOUBLE-DISC ??"? !.. i. m 151*1 Of* III II -I IM I I ' I 1 i? i h -i in ? .;? -i i I i ? i i ? ? . ! I ? . ? m ? ? " -i i.i ii -i FOR SALE BY URI? -I ?.I. < BttO? M \ N ? i - M.'.X I I II ?I ?' < ? ' 4 :..M \ s ? 4 I I 4 .IINKI K-? ? a 4 I 4? M . 4. il k?i.? ? m M \X Mil. : ? N| \. II l?-? I \ ? ' a > ? ' r s i m r m ron s > ? - O?