Newspaper Page Text
FA E5SAD i ? HALTS B?LGARS .?Un Chief Wins VU Jorv over Invaders \t?,; i Ibasan. cil MONTENEGRO i \^s down \r\\s i gpltulstioit ,. . ? !? red Ssf? i VI tsek 1 ? I laad r i ' ' ? sud _^^_I.' ' ? ? ved at . ? - i ' ? ' . . I they w - i Signs /?.illation i ? ? mnje. ? ' ? '. ?VuHtro-Hun? corn? il il tl ? I. 17. . ' ? ? Hob. "?"'?'<?' ?? Monte re ?|*B*B*B*B*B*B*BJ_ ? I ..n?l R , Mon ?l^f. ... bj hi ? King wai m?TCH QVKTNS TRir salteo by mmn l sm?sm, Ju ??,. \ |{,.?(,., ||a patch it..i? ni.? Hagae -n?- that ijucrn \\ llbahataa haa haca <i?m pellrd i.i nilrrriipt tirr tup lo ihr ?aodetj HKi.Mis ,.?nn ?,, ?>?- attach "l Ihr m uni pa. ?,...' ,..., ' ive no bread ' i h? K ?"? ? ' i left a m? ? i tannol ced.' Says (zar Urged Serbia to Resist. Pledging Aid Bei relegrapb ina. h an rorre?| I i .... I , i Prince Alei . aptured b) tl .? . All i ho documenta wrrr dated |ual I the ?...i. The ? i row i to yield to tin* ' ria-Hunj foi the ? ? rlni Ochrana, ? I \ii ?.:. the S< rbi nil. ?i i\ t" ? ted fir. - ? ? ild ilf? ?? ing Ruai ia'a erd? ra, Hi? a Ided that Rut lia' arme 1 - Hllll t ? the laat URGES ENGLAND TO CUT IMPORTS Sir Felix Schuster Would Tax Foreign Luxuries to Prohibitive Point. 26. In a ? dent of 11 rted ? i pi Runciman, president of the ? ? ? House that the | : neceada I r F< .... . < IUO.000.0? 0 ? . istriei ? ' - ? . .... I.i. ? (-OU1I ....... . % ? portal ammunitioi would ? ".utely living ... ml. ? ? the fortnight which the \ ? . : ,-;?? PCU1 ? f , iv . rnment i? " . ? arged rap? ? . ? ? : ' \ ? the '(change? ifeguard the ,'<i GUNS AND GUNNERS ON ITALIAN LINER Practised on Dummy Periscope. Say Passengers Zwiedinek Makes Neu Protest. liner ti entei the Ian? with ; mounted astern arrived '? th? ? . from which were the i ? i hree-incli e uaed by the ? ? i bin and were eovi red ? ? ?? M alone and Washing II been r of th? .?? were ... ... . ? ? . ndulgcd ii ? ?cc a' ? ??> ooden box > ? 11 .It ? ? ? .-, The I . i .? '0(1 1(1 the I tal in tted to mounted. ? ? ;? ? hey ??? ill be u*< ? Verdi, I mcnl might I ? . ' ... mid to-? .' \ ? ? ; He ? ? ... Kov ? ' thi ad? ability \u?tna and il V'ei her 1 ii will an? Department \ who i . .. ,? 1 ? ii ? ? ream tancer. ? ? ? I ??? ? BRITISH BEATEN AGAIN ON TIGRIS Give Up Attacks After Heavy Losses, Says lurk Official. ??500 ARAB REBELS REPUI SED IN EGYPT Ht? ?or Bach llirco Miles Smith Dorrlen V\ ins In I ?ist ??fries ;?? ? irelei ?,- ? v? . rhe Brillan for? i Mesopotamia ".-?.le another atta the l uri,?, but 11 ? up i ? Sei ? ' ? ? i| palling i" ? ? ?ya an ..i Maternent from < ? ... .?.? ; near Men botj ? . ? ? ? ib! ?''Kilt | ? - ? a a . i 1>> the Tui; . ere have bt ' ermittent 1er) duels near kut-,1 Amara,*1 i? t he statement. "On i??..,'i>.'> IS rurki h troops nmil? a' I BCh On t ne eiiem \ ? iunp ?'" Koi na. killing nti n ? d a great I.' - - III our right wii British Repulse 4,500 Senussi in Egypt i Ion, Jan. 26. Router's corre ?pondent a: < airo, in a dwaatch deal ing with the British (-ener.,1 Wallace's victory ..-?'?i the Senuasi tr?beamen m ? \ p1 l?vt Sundaj. ny ^ : ? i. r thousand fir? hundred a? \ral . -.- and driien bach The M?,', h r?-.. were tu ?-ut ? . ? ?? ? n killed ami ? ty fon i nded. The cneniv l>a? ? I ,l wounded " rhe Hi ni-hi i - naiin, ?1 h ???. Saturda*. t?. engage the ; i ? ???!?. n ? v . ;ither v. i favor? able, - ? ? g ver) '? ' ' rhe 1 ? ? . ? ,ida) ' . ? ... ? i ? ? folio?* ? . I thr \ ?' o ? ? ? righl and left ? the Brit rolu off th. nark tlir'r camp at ilazalin, which the Bi I I ??? ! 111 jcr ra| I a a rd. : ?... ked three i ola, ii'ter hur?:"-.. ramp .. i ricial pn gave out tl ? . ... ?..? i a : "Fri cation* th" ? and ii?.'. as pre mile? from Kut. ? understand i?>_- ?it the India Offic? ... ? 1 . m? tu thi aitior ? ? fore? i. \ ? - ' : . no mile? ? ? ??o b; I -?uatei CI British Advance Four Miles in East Africa I ightlng ' ha folloa ing "f t i- ;il connn jniout mn i , ? ? "Gen? ? Hoi ice B -??,.:?? I??.i on J ? ? 'rom Mbu* mile? ? ? ?--.. Rritiah ? oil th<- eni holding 'he ? M 'in uni, and oc< ADMITS 17-INCH GUNS ARE POSSIBLE Balfour Says Britain. However, lacks Evidence Thai Ger? mans Have l hem. Loi don, Jan, .:,; irtl u J B? ' t Lord ? the Admii the H ? g ? ' Mr. Balfour hud been aaked to i ?* I ' Hi . "What G, Ik- a . ture No dou ? ? i power to i utiate dur? ing the court a ol :???' hap? the build ? ships ? I . "1 hiive se? . ? ment ' . but ?? have at au ? ' ?ii? en the ? ? I "A? , ??t.'.iril-" the preparedneai ? ; ... ? of the A?l,,. ?.. ? ' odn by ??? hich the building ???- ou this count ry ca ? ? Speal may b? ... it .'very .t.!,.. m pi i e, .'ii.- "i ? tleditci ranean, ?m new eonatruetion .?i for the ? ^ requi remenl s ol ours? and our alii? { I I ? t is Im ?le t" add to tl c magnit our prepara! oi ?? i ? mo ' we can di r th? character of the typ? of ?inp under ,. , ? ? ' . et ? a-,i rr?-? ; ? I d ? ' ;? ui in think is en n v. it h the , SEARCH VANDElaVETDE HOUSE Ucrsaaaa I eali fer I??>?umn,t- la Bes? glali Sitf,;il, ?l's Home. Pai Jai '; Ei I? Vandervelde, . ? ? i '. . ew? to?da) t'lHt n i . ? ? ? i lubu b ? ? ? ? earched b r German thoril from ? Le P? foernel." It .... ? ? Germai i> ? *?? ng for deeu? ,, ? of an internationel character, ' Havre? Jan '?'?'? The Belgian new? ?? M, , r ? ?j? ? ? ' ? " that Huntai -cialial Bureau? -?a- er at 1 ? ?? ' ? i i- idd Ixellea ? ?. ? it.? Vend? the 1:. iliat liuicau. 27 GERMAN PLANES ATTACKED BY BRITI l vu? i orced Dowr as Well i u h ( nptivc Balloons. London, Jan ?It I Brll .....hi.,. 1 lei da) twi .... ho ' ? ropl n? .? ?? captn e bal loo . I ' i?, intu? l.... o| ii.. a? ' ?plan? ? a .. !'.. ??..., ?. i. i ..i ,-,i ,i..u n ma? "I , ? i ? ?? ., ? : ;? ????!. Hing a1 I .... , ont M.ii. .1 ! . . ' i> It) betv c n I- rom? II.I > "?? h nuarl ? ?m- artiller*, and In ' :?' k I . I ' ' AUSTRIANS VICTORS IN OSLAVIA BATTI rake l ncmj Positions Md I. Men OH Kim/?' i K 1 11 li the Anatro-Italian fr The Austrian fo ed pari ' ' rhe tat? Its ? '. : ulsed bomb on ? 'I - ,- |? ? ? ? ... "On ?li" height of ? loi Monday I I ? ? I A. . ? t ..... ? .... f-m y attach : were in % i I The enem; again Buffered aeri "1 the ?'??r.o ;.. violont urtillrrv Hurla, particularly Mont? lichel? CONSTANTINOPLE FACES A FAMIN Sii^.ii- $1.25 a Pound No Be in Cit". but Much Admira? lion for Germans. ? ing "li 1 1 the war zoni ?-I ..." ;. poll 10 pi w n.. ? ? r.i !.. . ' rhe coi l ? thr .?(..; !.. ? ! ' "V ? ? ? 'l 1 ? throug the II "On ' TRADING WITH ENEMY NOTE REACHES LONDOI R iri sentations Sen! t.? "Mos Friendl) Terms." ; ? i lat ion ? ? in th The i pi i. rith an ' i Die Unit ? TO OPPOSE ATROCITY BOARI Cardiaal um Hartntaaa Will Plgh r i pal l ? ? 11 u 11 j. i'. aie Heara. Ri mi. Jan. ? ' Merci? to ' ? unusual tioi during hi ? ? E ? ? He cell the tomb ??' P ? le. It is re] i that ? ' . to R ect of o] 1 ? Ho..- U BERLINERS FIND HOUSE CALM AND RESERVED Is \ot Ami German ?"id De? plore?- War. s.n-? M r il ci Bei li '. Jan. 26. Coloi _. ? ' : ? ? ? ' CANADIAN DRAFT RUMORED ? i ??en I '' I ittcnd. The | ... Ola. BRITAIN REPLIES TO MAIL PROTEST lier Policy as to Post ?Sciz uros Awaits Approval of France. RUBBER AND WOOL IN FIRST-CLASS /MAIL Published I ist of Goods Fore shadows England Will Justify Action. i ; - i -i tVashii toi lai Un al Brita b'i - it ,hp American protest ?gainst "I'nrr and detention of United mail? bound to i I ? ? utrel por? t eei ???? p wes ia reived . . ... iij, togethei OB i d ",' lent en the riue.tion furthe? than to .-H.? that a eemplicet . .1 rontrovei > had developed, which mijrh, nerr?.|(al?> ? long ?nter<-h*in->? o ? ommunitrat lea ' ' ' Wed h ?B '? ' ? led ii ne?. ? '?tint about Biail aiaara ? I; Efecretery (?anaing t? ?!>?? ihr ?Sacra ? ai ???"I that ?ut h ctsaaalalata il euld lie ri-ifanlo^ moral) a? informal mn. an?! thai m no !???? would th? United State ict jo ?' vith other net Ion i ?gs of the bellig? rent po 11 i Anglo-French Conference Ike Cause of Delay I' ? a ,11 - ?Lend? n, "en '?? The I* 01 ?? gi i Itl e? laced In t !.<? hand i of Amo i" iga i.i . ?l interim ? onr n i leal ion to the effect thai a reply te th?- United Stete? note o? the lubjeet at ot gootli fren? the mail will hi? ? | eoming ,,; i few da) I ??? reaaen iriv-n fur tha d?la i that the t?i I ??f th. of , . document depend ? ei tl r? ill of ? eonf? renee of 'he Rritiah ?'d ' reneh goi ernmeata in othei i hat ?4 Co i mal an ?war will b? n td BB the Fren? | ent hi ni fled its approval of th? attil id? ef ?.r?- it Britain, It la likely? however, that the re plir? of orirh country will r den? ndentlj. i'he Formal reply, it ?? undereteed, defen?I tha ?ction of 'hn Hntnh author tiei by ?tine evidence the! (iermam have been abusing the prit ? elass ms li 1 tie Bi , t will rely a the po ? vent iom adopted at The Hag? . . .. ' ? ,.i? , . Th, : ? -. ?! ? ? lltlce to -I .-? pub d ,, good in po?t?l nail I ? tha < entrai l*o.aken from th. ?team ihip 1 rl ia, out rard the Tubantia, inward bound, .iml the i; adan BAYONET FIGHTS ON FRENCH FRONT Each side Contends for Craters Made by Mine Explosions. LA PANNE ATTACKED BY GERMAN AIRMEN Neu\illr-St. Vaast, in the Artois District, Scene of Sus tained %ctlvHj ? : . ? ? of Neuville ?rtbed to-day In ' ? . .por? trii? of hand-to-hand ITaira for the potseM "|, ? tail ? ' which enabled ui to rxpri ? bo ?if. one of the crateri id? . <? . "Rrtvirrn t*!? Sortv'ir and ihr "y la the ?i'i'h or ? hanleee, *>?.?* aattei m . irt and deetrejred aa ahaai al ee. . p . era " Th?. rfifir? iaaaed i Bei ? M7*i "'Ihr Preach attempted ri * great receptar* . , I ?nit ?f N*?i ? ? and ta ha? ?Vr ?r. ... , tance near I ? northeeel ? ?4:.. '-.. the crater . ,. ? . g rnatraU attai-k ef thr erierny. . .,.-;? ?nr-.- r?tgh' -- ? the rnrmy near La P Oar am 1 m a*. ?af-fl,| thr ?*? li menta ef 1 a. ef Dixmude, 1 German Aviator Killed in Waid on Nancy . ' .. f, \' '. .. ??????.- v. a?* . ? ihelled Nancy ei "' . ? ported ??? the German ., ? iff, aa the Oeereeae ? TTlh? j -, ?!?: 1 1 ' . . r , rd in th? int Boehi I . - ? 1 to? to? ? rd." In consequence of the xtraorainary I (SKI Success an o? the New "Handy Volume" issue of The Encyclopaedia Britannica v. 11 irli we are offering on the payment of $1.00 dun n and small monthly payments we arc obliged to give the following i otice to the fubhc "W W T |-, shall l?c able i<> make prom pi deliver) of \/%/ ?--is nf ?'in- new "Handy Volume" i^u? ill? Kucvclopaedia Britannica for on I \ a short tin!? I on ire r. Tin demand has heen su enormous as t<? exceed all ealeulal?mis. \\ r ;iit making deliveries from our warehouses m different eit?es over tlie country. Bui the stocks on hand are being rapidl) exhausted, and we must beg lli?' indulgence of our customers if th<\ Hud their orders delayed. \\ ? began advertising the remarkable offer which we are making on this new issue of the Kncyclopaediti Britannica between the 10th and I lili of tin month, and within ;i week the orders were almost "<?!* per [Jay, and b) the time this notice can lie printed, will prohahlj be 1,000 per day. Packing and delivering a thousand sets a da\ nf :i .ID-volume encyclopaedia, every volume ??(' which must lie pack? ?1 s?? as t<> come t<> the purchaser in perfect condition, is in itself a task of some magnitude. But ;i much more serious matter is that these shipments will ven rapidlv exhaust our stuck of the bound sets. Rush orders were immediately placed with the bind ? is ??i push deliveries al all possible speed, working night .nul day shifts. We Had 50,000 Sets Ready After we had made arrangements for tin*? remark? able sale, we tli<I not begin advertising until the publish i ps bad on hand 50.000 sets printed on India paper. The whole success of the "Handy Volume" issue depended niton the facl thai it was print?ed upon the light India paper, which makes the volumes so easj t<> bold and i. ad. 1 >i11 th? printing upon this paper must be done <,< ?ill especial can . Kveu tiiis enormous printing can lasl ih for onlj u shorl time, and we have already arranged with the pub? lishers for th?- printing of another 50,000 mK, mak? ji,M' ? total of 100.000 sets, or 2.900,000 volumes aver? aging more than 1000 pages ?ach. These ;,r<\ we believe, the largest single orders for printing ever made. The) alone make it possible to fur? nish our customers with the complete new Kleventh had it ion of the Kncyclopaedia Britannica printed mi the same lovclv India paper as the high priced ( ambridge I ui', ? \ issw al in? -third the cost of the higher priced issue. Wc undertook the salt of the new "Hand) Volume" issue because we are always seeking real bargains to nffer our customers; stauet hing of superlative quality; something thai evervone needs; something thai lends itself to economical manufacture ?u large quantities; something that reflects lasting credil upon our institu? tion and means permanent satisfaction to our custom? ers: something that can lie sohl at n price that, consid < red with its known quality, will instatitl) identify it as ii l,\!.(..\!\. I'or tins reason, we arranged w;th the publishers to sell this issue mi the narrowest margin of profit, both to themselves and to us. and to offer the complete work. the entire 29 volumes, unabridged and unchanged, for a tirst pa) inenl of a single dollar, We pul behind even order our absolute guarantee tins i> ??i?? complete, authorized, unabridged KleveoHi Kdition of th? Kncyclopaedia Britannica, winch cost more than a ni:lli??ii and a half dollars for its editorial prepar.ition alone. And we further guarantee thai anv subscriber who is im?t completel) satisfied with Ins purchase when he receives tlie volumes, many send them hack to us. at our expense, and we return the dollar he lias paid. Vour entire risk is limited t?i two Iwo-ei nt stamps. In other words, we take all the risk and vou takt none. The Result of This Offer lite new printing of this issue cannot possible '? read) before the first nf June. If, therefore, t/ou wish 1,1 make sure of the d< liven of vour st I !" f?ore that tiim . your order mus' hi sent al oiie< . Deliveries m ill h. made ?u the order tin , an r. - 1 ' iveil, but we sin ule] lx extn mel) obliged to an) sub? scribers who do not require immediate delivt r\ if they would so mark their ordt i ? li you have not h regular order form aim i I.. simply send us your address with one dollar enclosed and ? set will h? reserved for vou, and delivered to vou at tin earliest iKKssiblc iiioijk nt. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Chicago Sole Distributors NOIL: ling out of ? Inrgi num ?? ? ?f ad i- i the country, ?iul now too Uti to recall w . vfeti o?s ? I by deUycd orden, if powiber. write