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IXm vioi?. ?ribtmc l irai t.- l .i ? ? . i rail N> ?s- I ?Mor?ala ? \ \\. 11 iaemenla I III I. ?I- a . I ? SI \l.\ I ? ? ? 1 - 1 ,.ii idia? ? 'i i??'?' In THI ' .!' i M a rty?for ult ? i? an* ? ..-?? l HE i to pay youi monet s red t pe? no qnib \1 the ad -? Sweden's Thre?tt. ? - . la: pos ? m? . ? .rt.iil their ] but I uho have i s in ] ;. ? ha ? ' ? ? | :" ?es which The meas ? plies fron ? ? I of it hi ? corn :? are s l to l,e ivy imports, aV\ ? ) I F cil ?' -ihute the g ?the cost of living, i ? cattle I r. It cannot denit-?:. : place.'. Ill to keep them within now reg ? on the cond? ole r< to through, able 1 the bel ? | comj s k least ? obscure the ? fact t irgely ? ? ? ? . hie 1 - ? rther witl Diplomatic Small Talk. One ? tiptoeing t| ? ? ? rt of talk which shoul . ? ? ? I- e, thai t? .? , ? ? . rap : with in rail < ?icapa i !?' V. I -? ' . . ? I 1 1 ?Paria, to th? > to, .,, That] *?.-Ivt< 1 tin ? ? ? ! : "Have you Bonn 11 u? say t,. ua sun.', won] to peak I i.? to the French people?'1 To which th . el replied, with infinite fripi \. . I have ?aoUiing to say." To rm .. Uons he appears to ? in monosj Hables, so thai depat U d wondering why thej ,\it?il to be Bnubhed, feeling n< and contemptuous. And ?they proct communicate their ? i the French nation. , tj the currency of int?r?t I ving a purely fe pcqua ? nd little in commo called "small Ulk." "Small talk" i the alternative of unburdi .he he ??? ? to B i tranger or locking mmui ?cation against him. intercourse, also, there ing the same fun,' I; \. ' \ ??\ idently is w' must, there ? ? pondini ? c in the draw I ? - I Germany's Naval Preparation \. ? iralty, according t< . have no knowledge of th? I * ? hr,\.- been mounte ? n an battleships; hem ? tured thai "the hi?j ',- which tlii? infom .. is imaginary, obst rve, I ? ?ally incredible in the mor thai such ? for "given the ? would be no difficult; f I tor doubting the re ? ? . . ? aj be put a great queationabli . Gei in actii ?ties, that ival ] n iiile since . A genera I e streu nstitution of the fjerman nav and a half apo is common prope nothing is known of what Ion? in the mean time. We h .- -torie? of the number ? . ..- ? ??? that everyth up for the sake g - When the war began four German 1 were nearing completion * more building, besides four bat light cruisers am mi ei craft. It is impose! what extent the propia m me I expanded, but we rr ire ti al the businesi Very possibly, w ?pect of a long war. n made to en then the fleet in many v... long apo some apprehensi 'and at the d?cret in naval expenditure. This qui apparently hroupht up yesterday in I House of Common?, but Mr. Balfour's i suraaces should Ferve to quiet ?the tinv lift said that every dockyard, pu! private, as we'.l at. home as lit I ?erranean. had been I I to accot ? er for buildinp or repairing. It m Ided tl * quite recently a Germ -ver. Captain Persius, admitted tl ? ? e . t'i-d ' K of the wai. A Tariff Commission at Last. ' '?' rj p| ? d him, has now completed anoth I circle in ] ?y *: ree ; ears a? were pi ime a new tariff law. th ? ? 'r commission. they ha?l s'aj-, rar?ff Board- that po ion, with its u : ecarioUS status, created ? firm un Il had passed f lute control by I gress of tar : tariff policy. When the n I '.ti began tell ? ? ess many Democrats becari uneasy, They began to see that a tari entitle method and rt ing ? istrial conditioi ?: safer for the country ai party sponsoring it than ? ;? ? v. ? -. like the I nde wood law. Many of them bitterly r- . ? they had not cast an at chor to win? . by sharing their i lity i officially rci ? v. n at set up the claim thi had really created a tariff boar me of Ihe ' v? tigatin I s ard "ti th ? ai Trade Com? ?n and on th Domes! ? t of t ommerci ? admitted, in a lette ear t ? Govei nor < ?on o might be better to ? a body. Now he is out for a sim< " . a commission actini : in its own The Tribune lia- fought for years for ? real tariff commission. It h.-is critieiae? ? such a bod; as i ?. ? has ci iticised Democrats ii ??.. . ican Payne-Aldrich tariff lav ? ? thai the time hai forever the old ?lark g method of tariff lepis w e have arg ter ses favor of treating the tarifl s .? ntific national administra? tion, instead of a : ? ? al intoreati. tin ? individuals, groups localii Wi arc glad U ee the I ? tariff commiasi? ? We shall : ? per credit from the Wilson . ? izing the error el, .- to what ? ?? ? i opinion "f ? t if this Congress is ? ? . la a real commission ! ,'isory ?luuid which is to report con Congress, li i>iii*ht t" have something bsl 1er n eommlMion empowered to miss and lower ratet within certain limita Axed by Congress. We admire the courage of Sen ?tor Robert J. Owen, \>h". when aek-ed by ?i fellow Senator whether he favored such a commission, answered bluntly, "ie We need s commie ion with powei and with tli?? prestige which come with power, II we exped to gel tai ill mahii g stai leil along new line i of economic rorethoughl I and national efficiency. The tarif! cannol be taken entirely out of politics. Bui II can be tak? n for got d and all oui of the mire i>t* merely local and : ectlonal p -_ - Sitlint? on the laid. 1 he celei ?tj with whi? h everybody in -Ubany haa backed awas from an invei ti : vi..- nt" official expenditure - of public fund? wou .1 be si c if ii ??? ' ? disgusting. From this and tl" surances of the \ cmbly Iraders thai the financial m?thode of future legislative committees would be reformed, the public ??an pain only one impression thai th? extravagance and misuse of the p * has b? trj and i o wide pi pad thai nobody, from the ? lot i to 1i k inquiry into pa ? p r Such a course, however shamele . ii tolerabl) safe. ! Legislatur? ? o\ ? ?. .??? body, and may no1 be inve tigated ? other body, if it re its own skirl , The public off i a th the Gargantuan appetites, the prod lesi ? for travel and the keen yea for dramatic art all satisfied a1 expert ? "He furthc ? ?f they sit tighl and hold ea? h oth? . . Even the I i of the D Attorney her<. a1 woi t, can elf? I i tea of them. But how, in high Heaven'a name, ran auch performances be deimed to constitute a proper settiner and background for re? form?? The misguided public has hern In the habit of believing thai a "legi al re investigation" implied a moral and bene? ficial probing of immoral and detrimental conditions exisi ing under agei ernment less perfect than the hon? lawmakers. Apparently the Legi haa put itself i?.!" a clasa with the River Rhine: The River Rhin? wash the Citj of t 'ologne. t tell me, Nym| henceforth wash the Rivei Rejected for Size. \\ here ?a Jack Johnson? On th? nenl of Europe his memory la freshly dis I ea -h day with the ex] 16-inch sheila which th? howitzer! fire and which send up a smoke. Bu1 on this .-nie, ? Jess Willard reij ? ma to be fading fa t th? ateg ry of Old, f things ' Our interest in the former champ simply the desire to extend to him a won! of encouragement in hia retirement It involv? ??? ection of Michael Tuholski, a steel mill puddler, who wished to I ?? a marine, hut was found to ? ' husky." Micha? 6 feet hea in hi? stocking feet, weigha 257 ? and might have white hope in a palmi? he ran't even l ecome a Jack John having proclaimed himself a Frenchman jusl be fore the war be] : I I whci I ui der i to enlist. And ' the ja have thund? red like the ci torn cr?tera in Mother Earth, their human .namesake has fell strangely inclined t.. a quiet and I onlj brieflj interrupted by the match al Ha Bu1 the rejectioi ol M ? him. If .? a- well h ? ? I to fight, ?ven prove safer hen heavy? weight their public Bwagger aith the cal Striking Railroad Economy. For the ed A ? Iroadi ?al fea-, of the ro? tute i .... .. 86,1.,000, ? \ f* to "Thi ?.ge Gazette lg .111' . ghl into . ar and ? unning moi ? ... the assert ' tifie mana) ? ' $1.000.000 ? day. ? . ? ? . ? . I . ? ? ? bhould be ? innual sa> : ttei und pi idc f? ' ?? people at thai imple of < i ? "Despair Not, Friend" What I. | \" . su hath m I In sorrow, ayi .: "1 I a lived too long; I should have died while I han.l wai ' ? America, thil a old renown to I have se? m citi ? thai herd like Crying: 'Save us, and take our chil? dren!' Wrong Hath compassed h.r; al even? song; The Bridegroom find Kn air not, friend, of the Republic! More Than any policy, man, party, time. . ? lifts her lamp n, glory | ? . ? . ' li' r robes are dimmed, be r sandal sain! the gi ?me; Vet ? ? . . Still mounts toward liberty on sublime] . ___ , EARL S1JIO. ON. THE SPIRIT OF CONCORD" Impressions on Revisiting; ?an Hi toric Snot. To th. i dltei ef The Tribun? Su-: Have >'-u ev?i been m ?Jseetea, ? i :,v. \.wr taken that hiaterleal :, patriotic and Inspiring ride from l?"v| Common t?i ?rJoneordl If ae, ?ten ye? e appreciate and realise .iii-"' what the apli ,,f ? in.,-,.i,l Mini '?'?'? i?. !? Il ? eharniii , ? ? .m.i lively de) ?Vi rattle ovei ' , which spam 'he ealm, bread ? ,: i I,.,, I, We pus Ailing?"", m ?j-ntei tha road of hietorieal fame, are dropp Into tii' aildal of Ameri?ean ehlvalry, for h? th?- .?en it <-f mir Kepi,hin- rang out , appeal for Juatiee hh?I freedom. Htm t . ? -, t ?Lexington, und. beheld! ?'-.plain Par itatua pntit ? il ? bold Bad nobla eutlii upon m, ?lin lo ? d taeltground Again, i ,, minded of tha historical i Ida of Pa | . . ? -, for 'twaa h? who awoke th? Bluaaba Ing . \ | imi and Hancoct. in tima preven! their capture by ?ll'eerge'a raea. V along ? oneord and tha Old Nor Bridge Bt laat Here the Miaute Mea ',,, tin -i, ground, ami Bred the she! thai a heard around the ?rarld, while th? Brltii were repul??d amid ?greal dieerder. V, , ? n. iton they kindled tha ?piril bi la Philedelpl i thejr pei ad their deede. T liny ?f have mir i onatitution mi'l our ind ? i-i fa de) ???? a ere ren inded that ?. ? fi..,n h dependence II" that tolled But thi ioyfal peala ?re n We bava wob our freedom! Th vene: it) right of all true Amer can.? ib tl fruit of (reeeofl ?? I wa? eon?ecrntr?l in thr- 1.1..,..: 116 the Libert I bul and addened toi era w? : ? ?p.ake. In the d ?.,? ? ws con ?cr n : ? peck, ..H ialand Po a orcheatra atrikea up "The Bti .^ro-'r'-f'i Banner" b? ?h.. gum I.m al H ?own. The spir.t. ?>f 'T?l ?ral aver alive i 1811, for Scott Key h??l faith; he kne?.?, tl our flair would still he there throughout tl perlloui nigbti ha knew that the men Sehit: ??he gum were net "ti?n proud to ficht." Look! In the grayish mist which harj over the bob a l?guri dad in whiti Be ha? a trumpet ?Vi lool again, and ? tea Adama, Hai ? Bai Itoi ai d '?'? ton. vV? turn away, luit are fnr?-e.| ? ? ? look once tn?.r? This t ?? ! ncoli app? ara in th? They blow a ? They blow again. Il more audible. rher? in th Prepari I elf for the ?. ?? fe, for th?. --.torn.) ??? come. !>?? thou i t no foi ? ? ?lark veil of nighl them?i calm, . - it ' that given to Sodom an . rd and 76 piril with the ehangin *:?rning of the I u HEELER IVHITMORE. New York, Jan jl'. II Id, A Spirit That Still -Prevails. To tha Editor of 1 hi Sir- ': ir enlivening i litorial "1; ? of Concord" and other? like it are the demnti to kee us from going ii not Th? sam? inti ai trul the Cesar an?! Boni I ? ind keep ? I i sible. Therefore our disdainful look I .. , . . rhe elfoi il tu rtl the mu country. That ia why th. : ! ? i- | wl ?? : ? ? ave ni ? ?\ant ai I? ??'? ho i-rt'i form thi I who have gumption t< . ? ? fool ef to-dej ? ? . and h? paredn? tendini ?,. the horizoi i* our oil ; t'uat ? t can be r? i re it i to let .- ? ere to thi ai ?i i, ... thai ? ; lent ? -whore . be not ? - ? THEODORE MM HEL ? . ran. 24, 1016. From B Citizen o/ Contorc?. ?une. i ? i citizi of Ci "i.1 ?? : ? ' . ition of your ? January 22, en- Spini ; ? extrem? I can think of th it you coul?1 better would hav* ??? . ... militia hav? in the ' rd Armor). in gula . ... and ?ill .??... i iti? rhe di g done by ( th admirable piril and ?elf W. K MIAU. ' . " . , Jan. 24, 1916. Our Patriotic Friends. . me. It ma? interest M u ? rhomp ? has ??? ?led it! i ? ? . ? ? ? foi ' I ? -, ? . Bumbi f peopl? I edit to theii ? ... ? ?' ? ???.??!;, from tha COB etharj gged it t gratifying .??. intrj . ? ? proud to fight HARRISON u SMITH. \ .? lele, Tal 21, la-It. Cordial App-rval. a Editor ? I aae. ?? , -k" ?.,i u ? :,: ata tha ? . ? ipprova lecent, pat? v it up ? Hi the greatest Pre? I? I il failure I am a that I voted JOHN .1. POSTER. i . .. :-. . , Jaa 22, l.'io. "HERE NEXT!" JEWISH RELIEF DAY Collections i"o Be Made tor War Suf President \\. ilsoii??American Jews ?Sut Are Undertaking Care erers on This Day Designated by Not Only (are for Own Poor, ol Europe's Destitute. i , tor of The Tribune, ough tl ? me in th" I. story or' the "goluth ' ? 'hat a chief of an important nal . ?? si ?!.i> m ?:il of the Jewish p"> ? ? th" fae? has BOt aroused any special interest or called for any particular com? ment the American Jew* feel themselves so thoroughly American thai ? doe no! ...' to them i i raordinary This eo ... the I i *c?. r of the treatment a.'?"???led our Jew ? . ? . i'i> mnment in ?*? rent cou- ' Bui it il the Amerieai It larjre that rig, An.l the !'?? . pie's Relief Committee feeli grateful to the ?met . who through their tole and absolut? lack of race prejudice make such a day as the Jewish Relief Day possible. Our committee elf of the oppor i. ; ? . :r. i We will en ? to make it a red letter day in American '?? history. And to attain this we an ? g country wide preparations. In over one hundred largi eitiei ? which "... People1 Ral el l ?1 * tte? haa organ ?zed bi r?parai the Je? Relief Dsy. Some cil <? -, like iford, Philadelphia an ' (foments to meetings, theatre benefits u \? the Stamford ? ' ???? pal speaker a ill be ' he nor of th? l ro? ? ? of the country report' ? eoming which indicate that the 27th of . will become memorable in the an \ ? i. charity. We have every ? that more money vv.ll be ? e Jewish R< . ef Da) for Europe's i ii the war thai ever r.. . for sn) cause in any one Man) work ngmen at "(that day's toward the i el ief fund; ,ma I ? i pari of their January 27 proceeds fur the i iffere The whole itaff employed by the Immi Bu 1U, ??' -' Delaneey Street ia bu? reau established t?. Inca?,? Jewish war refu J? and Jewish pr of war. whose whereabo - their American relativ? . ? ? lg? \ wh ich amounts ? i $10,000, to the relief fund. Por Ne? Vori i committee ha-? provided one million -.mall United Stat? flags, whieh will be sold to everybody irre? creed or race. Ten t1 committee-! will be stationed in different of the eit] ? ea ad tin box? for tile-,- -ale--. In addition to th? ???. larga i ildrona, like those u ?rill bo placed at the ? all busy thoroughfares, Permiaaion will also be aaked of all the fe hoi II buildings ti ..i.-i. committees t.. be stationed at the entrance of their buildings. ?li appeal has been 'nade to the manu? facturers, especially those engaged in the ? and clothing industries, to release their . January 27, or al ?'?? noon on thai day, o that the) eould act ai volun? teer eoll? -tors Colleetioi , for the war re lief by our committee will also in? made in tall of th" ihops and manufacturing place., I throji*hout the city. ? > th the Vidd ih theatres we arc arranging to give extra matinee performances, am1 man;' of the lar^e motion picture houses v. ill .'?' their Tharsdaj matinee (performances toward the relief fund The propaganda for the day will H|?o be carried on through flee thousand large post ?-. Which WS Will have .11 - pi.r. e,| all nv? ' ?? ? ' the Jen - rst earn? ??? America i* ?.va- demanded of them, before thej ?ere al '" land, ? t the) hould prom:-..- to take ears of their own poor. That promise I has been faithfully kept. Now the American' i. . t alone caring foi thi ? n pooi m America, hut also for their Earopt whom the war ind I Dg a promise, i? hnlDing her -I an for war-stricken European brethrem THE PEOPLE'S RELIEF COMMITTEE FOR THE JE vVISH WAR SUFFERERS, B. I- INGERHl ??D, Ex? ?fork, Jaa, 26, 1916. What the Federal Employe Gets. To tha Ed toi ?1 1 he Tribuni Bir? It ?" to be ho:?' tragic ? ? ibmai ??? !--- in the Brooklyn navy yar.l last Saturday afternoon will serve to rouse th?- public at:.I members ... | for imm?diat I ? .- K? rn-McGillicuddy bill i H. R I7( ta adequate coir:- ? ?or a!! civilian employee of the Federal gov ? ' Thee SB killed sad . tha nine injured are civilian employes, tuen ex? cluded ? im compensation under the law of Sen Y<?rk State and from the pro? vi-ion- made for enlisted men. It ?s often overlooked, fl emploj ? working for an employer who ?si damagea. All the proteetiot I om of the Federal compon? ?a? ..-" 1908, "tha woi -* on i ? which ? ll) one-i|uarti?r of th? ?'' ment, and t at ?? most inadequate faehion. II pe) - i t.eral benefit. It pro? ide i no mi surgieal rare for the injured. It limits al1 ben? its for the diaebled or for the depend of the killed to one year'.? WBges, irre ipectiva of the continuance ol disability or dependencj, rhe sum of MOO is ?,'i thai the ? ??low of .1 ames il P? yean old, aturdas, will I from the national government to pay buna! ? ipei -? and to pru\ ide for ? . to Under th? Kern-McGillicuddy bill -he would ha-.p re reived 36 i' , ? ??' her husband's wagea during \? ido? h.... ?! and |l. pei -'s. The provision- of the Kern-McG bill have been indorsed by thr L'i ted 5i it? Bureau of Labor Statistics, the depai in charge n'* administering the prt -? ? the American Federation of -Labor ?tions. Any ?.?.ho wish tu aid the passagi ol thia ? eritorioui meaaun shou I writs t? tha the House Judicial*) < omn 11 whose cl ? ? ? ? ? Ifoi?. h..I.?. -i , w. bb, House of Kepr?..,? ... \\ 11| ngton, l? l i that the ?-?.?i mitt? i art thi fat oreblj al an early d iti JOHN B. ANDREWS, Secretory American Association for Labor Legislation. New York. .Ian If, 1916. "La Tribune." To the EditOI ? ?' 1 He Tribune Sir: .li- m? p.- ?crire i kng tout pr"? da m'exc i ? En roui remerciant ?h-s aent ment qui von- manifestes pour notre noble, ?saperia sable et ?bell? roui dire qui " Itin j'ai lu .?ani4 votre estimable journal uni remarque du'un de voa li I .-? . lign? ' L I " ?le (?!^n Ridge, qu'il roua dil que le traduction eorreete en fran?ais de Th? Tribune" ait "Le Irbu'ir." Il ?r- trompe. La .-.?ire.-ta traductiofl en fran?ais de "The ?Tribune" eel "La Tribuae**; en fran?ais "tributie" p-t feminin; done on ne peu! pal dire "le," mai? "la." Viv? la h'ram-r! ? Iva l'Am?rique! Vive La Tribune! Re? ' M lieur l'Editeur, m? - ? iprt.m UNE PRANCAI8E ET LK? rRICE 1?!-' LA I RIBUNE. ?New York, -'..?i. 21, l'?i?'.. . ,._ CONSCRIPTION AN EVIL Occasionally N- Ptrtapa but invariably Mischieroif. the I prest In m; .: - : r ? Pnl OU' I . ' ?? that . ' ? for England wer corner ; ? ?? ? ligal It ha ? is ? cause of "'?' . . . try was **** BCl ? L'ndi r c aw.r, lughtern ' ;. pai with a duml r'f 0T * . :? ript sss . ? Th.? -? " Bi ? wsrwtf' , M ' ? ? I .? pron at the p* It ma ? ? thai ? ? an for ' ' Hop? <? ?'? | ? I v. HOI \. 4 York I