Newspaper Page Text
Conn?nq Tower PIM! s \\p p| \km i: m \ am" lad, under my ? ? .m. n it whei ... i . . IV . . d tro on with mj .lu ? : i ! ? iee ai r?ns . draaia ; ' - '.? ? me, . ? ? ; ood ''?? ' ' Venue. e who ? i . ( me. .iga: . metal ho. I e ! in watchful waiting, Mr would have ' 'to." Still, if <"'iin Battle "r . ??. .,., ?? i.., ? "? ca-e. '? IN .0. revs. Letter luck, f.p ; ? '? ? B as non? M the The v. a?-- made by a I Arisona. ? an yon fer the ? ? ly repartee, said, rv, "a darned . ? egins an advertise! . ". appeal. Tint it con .' or a bitterly cold [ dad home from the i.fTiee - anyone else." ill.-. Can there be r children to school in a cold auto? mation, a? Brei Harte asked, a ? aven OUt? ?i fmni W. L. George'a "Th? man who can believe I? m nial pronounced ?' thai acterl ?ation y*j ? an," raid Mr. Ellison, referring to a Hall that he'-. OF PERICLES ASP ASPASIA. ? I??. '. " CCCC?CLX> III. i f political din high above the common ruck ation with th? B it one day when his henchman Cleon t the . p ta be said: of political dinners." ? ? beautiful character, which . .;' tat d, were floatinp ima <'f an Athens that was to be ? the world, took shape in I said: ?me of those what do the most beautiful and fasl on and we should be if ' . I Won. ? ?.'?:.. to ?k place early in tht? April. Pericles' house was as ? ful than ever. I \ page of . ? tted \ There were present [two ;. tlcmen follow]. Hut as soon aa a pre ipe "?<>r mind, hi own. lb- looked around to see where gil ?' to B rather plain woman . n of the most dia Ath? esta and philo ophical I tame aware that a i the room. She looked I * that i ent woi Id were h< re , fell ?m the assembly, for dull at? mething uncommon, < .?. : p ? i "m Pericles. I'm piad il you." . I ? \ ' a. smiling tboul you, too." talk, ai d it la .?aid Poetry Society- which has some Ion will be, "How Many . Gallo of Ink?" ' inuary? not; it never hat sen. But proof approach nearer to perfection mother, alas!- doesn't the < ran m nee of fame, can ? ,..,, r pace than almost any I we'd trj to ? ,: i . . ara' beii I rtp ???? with . tl p! t?rl?l t* r- A" .__a WISS D?VAL TO BE FEBRUARY BRIDE Niece of Senator Pliclan, of California, Engaged to Elston E. Pcarce. 0. W. MARTIN TO WED PHILADELPHIA GIR1 Will Marry Miss ,\?nrs Hulchig. Ma. in the Quaker ( ily <mi Saturday. | Miss -Vrr. . Hutehiasen, daughter af Mr?., s. Pambertoa HuteBinaea, of : Philadelphia, will be married la Georg ??'? Mr. ?ml Mr? ' i 8. Martin, ... 171 I , ? ' fourth Street, thi? city, on Saturday, at noon, ?n Chi ?, Church chapel. I Bremen?- will be i.. i lowed hj i '?,-, ption at the 1 the bt-i.lp'? nte-'her. 1833 I'm, Miaa Ai-i'e Hutchinaon a ?II be I ?' ' '? maid ? ? honor and on!) att? i d ant ??''' Mai ? ? heel man and tha aal ei Sigourney B Oln? y, Dougla ? ? Rowland Evaai . ji , and Arthui ?after their wed trip M v. il live a? :>.? I i \ ? ? no. Anni ,. bet r\> . ?remenl of Ml?? Alice I daughter of .Mr. and Mr- ? ; , Du val ai ? tie ?rge I Di Jami - Duval I United .States Senator fren i I 1'earre. 1 he ??Pild'' fl : lake plaep the seeon.i \?.-?k in Kebru | ary. Foi ? benefit af tha sold,*,, blind ed in battle, a eencerl u?s g .. st tha 1 East ] H Choate p were Pei Gn ' ? . .... ?? '?' n? The 1 . Charle* ?. Mm. Alfred v - rg, I Baker, jr., Mrs. ti i " illianri ? i ? Mr? ! tzer, Mrs. Henr; i Robert |i Mrs. Goodhua Ltvingston, Mi ' Webb ;tn?l Mr?. H McK ' My ?mong ?a:r u?iH wh?. bought ticket ? ? ? ' rd D Straight, Mr? ?'hit Mi ! ?? . i B. . Mi ?lohn i?. Archbold. Mr?. Wh?eler II. Peckhei . "?' \l. amer M. i ? ? . ; m, Mrs. Henry V I So ? 'u.U.. Mn IV Chaunee) M M i -.'.'.' ? ? i l lodge, M r B Haggii . M '?- i Hart ne? ? . Moore, Mri ? Ledyard Blair, M i T. Barney, Mrs. <?tto II. Kahn, Mr? <,"orf. i. Gould, Mi ,? H Maekay, Charles !!h\ .1, ?i an?! Ha B Dt four hundre?! tieketl ? ? ara -eld. and ?he antir? pre will be turned ovei to " \? inifred Holt, In Pa?i-. , Mr. and Mr?, rhomei Da B tt r lance at the Bell i rd, Phi .' phia< '?? i orrow i ?ght for thei r debutante oi Do Graff C ivlei - . ? . ? ? a before ? ? - -?-??. being Mrs. Will . v. he will ha\ e i Misa Alma and M II Josepl ni I? t ? rsdorff, of 'his ?? ? Ami,' .- who will he at ' Cuyler dance from Ne?* York are M II , ? ? , ? , ???'.. ?? - Edith D Maud E. Kahn, Mis? G?rai Brin? da l'ai-or,-. Franeia nn?l M ' Frederick S'ullmnn and Monuld B. Pi Mr. and Mr,. William F. Ht' have arrivpil in ?own from Washington, and KiU-Carltfin. John Astor t?ri aell i i . . .- the ?ral mai see ? ' ? entury Theal ? ng git en for tha benel ? i British-American War Relief I The second matinee will tak Februai \ '"nod hn/aar for th? benefit i lervie? department ef the \'ew York Hospital will be held th? noon at the house of Mrs. Payne Whit \\?nue. There will he on ?le many unuFual delicacies and specialties which cannot be purchased in the More?. lire. Chauneey M Depew ?rill r-?v. a dinner 1 - ?venina al her house, 27 West 1 rth Street \ meeting of the ,l,in:or Colonial Dames will he held '" I-' Bi the home of Mi Lewis L. Delafleld, 26 Weal eighth Street. Amv Carter Ely. dat g -er of . , m, ? Dan "1 Brittain Ely, af . ?Long l-land. will h?- mar t ???! to Frank Trowbridge Ma.lev. ?.?' ? . .1.. this evening, in B1 M . ? lair, v. J. Held as Theatrical Pirate. ? ,.n Indictment ? barging him with , pj right 1 ?W hv selling to out-of-town the -| managei for production, ?lohn R i-, ice, a play brok? r, of "?'--> East ? Street, -.?. ? ] "/es terday before Judge Clayton, in 'he; federal Court. *a\ Il Vf IS GOING ON TO-DAY X .' MiMcuaa ol Ar'. ? \ a , . - ?, ,i ?-. M \ .' ? 1 a ?a. Salary < - ? ' "??"? - ' H "' \ ..... | , ? ???? Manhattan ?''laivr. l-auj i. . h ' I i ,. - \ 1 ?1. . ' ? : II 4 Km tt Ft ? , Haul ili-All ? . i ' i ? - ' al, i I p. a ' Bel? A*' I . ? as* ?i I !.. ? ',? m '?...-...?? I I : a i H ? ... -, . ? ? ? P ?Board i ? ! - ' W " a lr?,ii| Hl| l i a - ' . i. \i " - ? . . ? I *! i. , ? ..?.?.; I ' , , '.. . ? I .'.?la li, I, II. It. I Wtaol U?. ? ? i , I. '?r.-iir? . I - . ? B I ran ? '? r ii a. ? ' '. i ,? \ ? ' ' ' , . . I, . ,. ,. . : . . ' . ? . ?? '; ?it. I ' - ,. ? I ' ! . I . ? mrtei. I - . l ??-?at I !.. . lUlUiltaieaj. I w II.1. BK BRIDE IN FEBRUARY. Mi \i>e 1.. Du val, ti' ?? "r United States Senator Phelan, of Califor? nia, who e engagement to El ton E. Peareo has Keen announced. NATION TO GIVE FOR JEWS TO-D. President's Proclamation peded lo ResuH in $1.? 000,000 Fund. This '? Gent Amer ,,r the r t thej can t I a??d to le used ??? relieving the J?. 000 Jews who are i want in the .rone. Verk i? eipect? d to b? .?el in the Hat nt eont ? ? . r?.i|ir , ". , i and th? thai !?< drop] I in th? of soliel ? ? ? ? ery opportun!! to el*/? duo or a rail ? ? $100 ?ras est : : or eerl r? i ? . . mated that I ? ? i" da] i-. ? ! ? on. Charles I the l.i. ' ? fiii.I a ? meetin* to m foi ! lah relie al eonin ti leyer !?'ri mai '? ' ? .i? 'i n ter 1 dg? BO, I, ??. B. A . 1126; i buqui Hebrew Re? I "'?. Alha : Commit $100, ai .1 ' 'i"? Mogl ri Thi> treaanr? of the American J?' h Relief e ? . .-.i ti nit Ulm'ions am! pi ceived up to la -t i ??. ening t U.803.00. ( of $100 more during the day vvere reported i i ppme 1160; Ti ?:28. M ? : . . rid Ullmi l? Edwa j K ng, 1100; 1 i lea Ch Fan i* .li." Di' .n, and "?' ? ?? Adolph Lea ?sol rhe United Lod] ? . . concert and ball the i ntral < ipei a Housi . row evei the 'da to ??-.i te t , ' for the relief loldiera ai . -? a. -? TAILORING OF POLICE SPOILS SCHEHERAZADE Ballet still Fails ol Morality, bi Succeeds in Being Otill. "Seh-' ?i . laat nig by Lu- I: eretioi and probably our Amerieaa arbiters ? taste un.l morola, the polie?, were ?at ? -',,,i. i ertainly no one elae irai "Sch?h?ratade" can be enl for ?he youn Prii it ?n lueh la?t night. By urg ng upoi I of re . ; the houn am. ti.e amisaariea of ou introducing dull the) certa i I nol ?ucceei m introducing mora A moral MSch< I 's about a f rea atiei j entinen Don Juan; and 11 ' were realised ting. If wi ? . have ib?* Arabian Nights upoi ??.., et ui u ..I i "? by "? a] of tlie . ' '. c I : .- no ont w il! be "Seh?h?ra ?? > after all not a . in of ballet. ? ?II fit I .1 'i K" m reftruining the natural impolaei al the daneeri it bre igl ta liatii ci weak? ening ? I affect I lo? inj,- ...?!? " rame ?Pi ? ."??'... bel? .-. -? V ? ' ? ' ??Petra - ? I the remari impression it created thi b it "Carnaval" d i aeqoaintance - to it?.?, the au? dience was buce. NEWS OF PLAYS I AND PLAYERS Henrietta CrOfUai Joins Hack eti "Tlie Master Sp\ "' Com ?tti* in Mar?.h. ?Tame K. Raekett aanouneed yeatai day that Henrietta < re man cad been placed under eoatracl te play the r?le of Iliatreaa T'ai** in "Merry Wives of Windsor,*1 In ?.Junction with himself ??ml Viola Allen, in his forthcoming hak? ipcarian re| rtory at I ? i rion Theatre, The comedy will be pre ilurc.i following th? run ef "Ma .v.'. h o[ien? ?a I . bruai v T. i A war p!r>. ealUd "The Maatei from the pen i.f Pr. Armgaard Karl ?iraves, based on his two books, "The 's of the Gorman War Onle?H and "The Beercta ef the II"' ?n ollerne," will ho produce.) tr,i? : r I a '.i?k in March, it was announced yeaterda) Dr. ?,raves vva?4 in th? Secret Serrlee In telllgenee Pepartmen' of the (nrman government for I irs, but he ?? | '? play can -n i " way be construed as German propaganda. Mairie T' ????: Paquita Ma diquc ra, I I mo Reman?, '? ..i. " .!l i.a fea -;ied at the I!ipp.i dromc Sunday night eoace The Stage Society ef ^fe? York will tee "<?od and ' ?mpan ,'' bj A t -? n Adama, for one matin?? i.' tl - Gaiet) Theatre Monday, January I Rennold Wolf and Channing Pollock ? ? ? borated "i. a picture entitled "Who K lad Simon Haird." for the Equitable Motion Pi? ure * iirporation. ."osi"? Collins left the ea-1 ? \ nt l.a-*" ?m Baturday to devote her en? tire time to the n ei lea. The Friar? annual frolic will take place some time in the month of May. it ?Aas aanouneed recterday, a':.i the tour vviii embrace all of th>- eitiaa east of St. I.oui?, south of Chicago ami north of Louiarille. The profita nt the tria will go toward the new clubhouse in Forty eight Street. Maude I'i'ul.v a :II make her vaudeville j itehut Mon.lay, v. I: n th? BppoarS at the j Colonial in ''The Turn of the Tide," a i dramatic playlel by Hugh Herbert. Two weeks in vaudeville was enouph tor Marie Tempeat, unil she has can celled her engagement with the United Honking 'iffi.'i's. finding tiie a'moDphere i.i the legitimate i ?re eongenial. ROBERT MAITLAND RECITES (ierman Sonics Pleeee Large \udicnee al Aeolian Hall. Robert Maitland, the English harv tone, gave a mag rec tal yeeterday afternoon il \ ? li. Mr. Mait land is an art! ef line ??' ? amenti, the posse tor el a roiee of n u h beauty ?.ml jrrea'. range, a ting? of !? r.. ni nn.l accomplishment, s.? it ???., bul to be expect? I thai Schu? ? i ? engs w.jii!.1 be "? ? I Intel pre ted; ?y were w ith poe i-.t?11 power, If only Mr. Maitland had .-tuck te German liedei ' Perl an-t II was because Mr. Ma tland 1 is a putr ?tic Eng ? hma to honor his compatriota; perhaps It ?was because he v?.as a friend at all everts l.e did liug three very |OBg and 'very iluil aongi I".- Gram la Bantoek. Thee? were entitled "Three Ghasala of Hafiz, the Persian Poet." They ware translatai bv Sir Edwin Arnold, I I b) Mr. Bantoek, dedicated to Mr Maitland and lang bv him. Lei the : r<?t, then, with only the pious ariah that Mr. Maitland never singl them to u> again, Mr. Hat luck is a talented composer, but his "'Three ?ihuzals" will not place htm o? Pan aai an he v ? RUSH TO GIVE DORMITORY Yale Sophu ?WIN Balee i'.ftO ?100 and Keep t'uarter?. I i em i New Haven, .Ian. H fall - pho , mores piopo>e t.. rai.?e |MO,000 in or? der to present the univer-'.fv ?rit I ?i ???.her dormitory immediately. From the ruah of subscriptions, II ?? v ? I lieved the amount wdl he pe.iged be-' I <",.re the eloee of th i - ?. . k If the irait -..".iin ap|. . ?.ehem.?. eoi itruetien n ? r th? building to bo res foi occu . |.. ? , The movement hc-jan whe?i 'he fae .-ted '.hat 'he on 'class abard'Mi 'ea, dormitories on the | Berkeley <>val to the freshman dasj I I r.-xt fall. ' 'mR MARKET" NOT FOR LAMBS Am?lie R.ves's Drama Is for the Most Part Unpleasant. BLACKMAIL LS I?.EME OF SLOWOOING PLAY l.ucilc Watson Dors Hrst Work in C.itst That Includes Edmond Br?ese. "Thi' l-Var Market,' a r ?'??. in a prelude and Ihre? ?sei , by Ami l'n.ducf.,1 at the Booth Ha, rison Grey 1 ?-* as I Gt or? i M leaer. Major > ?. I li i. r a '. ? '. 'i .. ?? Hr. I? ' ? " i? H ? ' In fiction Amelir? Ijive? i? a natural hitter, drama a pulla s from tl . plat?, Her fi ret play, "The Pear Market," va? produced I? I even inc at. t!i? Root h Theatre. Il r le he a rather unpleasant and slow mo,ing melodrama, the chief aituation of which it, he'd off until bo late in the evening tha' the audience haa am- | nie un?? .o discount it. Tha step th? building up of th? eliraas nr?* la? borious, und consequently uneoi Blackmail il th?? theme of "T're Fear Harket," am ? ib thai ?? ? ? founded a mor" or I ? ? ' ? ' ' accept the blackmailing ?is h real ehara? I f th.? manner in ? i human being would act. The ' tor of "The h icui bHou ? the Kour I hou?tand upon net te 'hem m h ?ti he d?clarai to be tl teteit of his life, he , road from hei i. th her tvtintieth. In fai I her to .'? ne home at -?tl!. ... .. eet aeon Ins da years, yet ei to meet I lien ? a had urn ru" | an af- ? fair abi tenor, ?"his we leer dentelle, wi the 1 af Mlai Rit es11 plaj Sylvia gol awai 11 .?n the ? though thei ? in them. ' ' ? With the Which her- ' eng . "Ah. ha! " you say. "Sun !.. i ha play before. Hero : Itaaly pursuing a cert end, I the 1 : lot ad on? Did thi auch ides in 'The Woman.' Ai . . ... Howev? iiired ?,. di pe? d upon pre1 ? full? pointed. ' il thet during all th? it iii-r mother's, ' : ?? ? ' rer: There il II i ting her ( will in?' know t father's daughter. After tha Rives ad?!? n ? ? more ihr ond is divided into two Ion. But two scenes or a acora is nevei *. You kno? the fether a 111 reach tha end e ' m thai It awn daughter who ?.?, n thia particular ease Wh ? ? occui ? in the la ? act Her.? tha girl la Inviti d l ? ehoesa bete and loeer, elects the la In Major St.4 tha author has iketched a hea rtleai ,.' . whoop ;il?"Ut his ? v.'iiis ago In feet, oi much sympat til ihe get away from father snd inl ? the hon,-- of Lucilo Watson. Misa Wat son wai all mis id up in '.;ie a'f.iir that the mejor hope I to mal-.?- s out of, rs - an exchange of dominos tl teem for ft tijiu were -going to get mt?. trouble, That . bava he? n a real cata itrophe. At any i itOi from thi* mei I I Lucilo Wal ios ni;.il?' B awn em - i . i -.. The play wai well staged, the of the prelude and the K?ld blue ? . g pa ? attractive '? a, ? ig, M I. i ilder or ta majorit* of th? east H? i portrayal o-' Hilly Sayra a i of tha even i ? Edmund Bret i? length) terra ?n ? sihle bisel Mr. Br?ese is an i . Itirtiiod lie WS let : ? i.i i-?-... : east .? be ....?? Bydi - ' ' ? ?"'H into l ' S'ieandi r, en ?? eellent a ? Bei re, and Hai ? i ... - . De Witt ? th? wa ? of a con; i ' "The Fear Maikc " und am? Winthi '? ? nture, it i. sai In it pi . Wilson to Attend Railway Dinner. hMO. applieat oni for ?eats ? ?Id a nation at t '?'? ????.' ? . - . - ' a" addrei . II- - .'. ? ?,-.,? ? occupy a ic af .he Kifth Avenue mitea ' o? the Welder?*. I LIKED GARY PLAN; NOW MINUS JOB Superintendent Taylor Re fused Reelection by the Board of Education. - "THIS IS A WARNING/1 DR. WILE'S COMMENT Maxwell Retains Place, with Nine Month?.' Leave of Ab? sence, at lull Pay. ' ' ? el Ed i? al i i ? i enee on fa 16 to ( '? - ' ..... ., sd Meleney i U ? ? ? iraei lames M. 1 E. .!. i ? ? i r? alaeti d oniv official v. i o ?,?,i|| i ot ?gal B, Tav 'or. n ' ? ? Rupert n te Of th? ehi?l .'.bar" ?he haa bean tried out. ? -? ion ut diapals dor ? - ? meeting ? ???'? report of the nominating should b? present? ! da ?.?'? ntendeni ' n a letter 'o ? .-r ol the i ?t be considered . mei ?ne i?i>or? mitrh! b? iai'I over, reinind I 't* th? el a:i of one of the | . it all report laid over upoi the m -? i t ?nembi thn' : ? f electidi ready had been issue d, and ?Ha1 it n r'ed through, Pe waa sustained. Por 'h? '" r?' tim.-> diatri failed I n ?i r. Ta;, ' ir ? ? been ?"ne." .-.- I \j caul ? pende . |0 New York.'' .: '..'. Sudd, dim tor of the Educati? I .? night. "II trage iperin ? oin wot king fa rtodlj In 'i ' ment." "if was a high-hand?d rul i " Dr. P'a S Wile de ' r'a turning down was ' ? ? i.a systern and m in diseu rhia ia a ? ? .,? ... triai with t .?i"l by th? ''a.-' th dofend ? a the Gai f plan raj lo ' ? Board of Ed Although Dr. Wirt was not U] ... rota srai ea I ' ''him in th DEAN C. D. ASHLEY DIES SUDDENLY Head of New York UniversiU Law School Since 189?.. t ;,.. ? ,-.. p A-v ? -, dean i Law ed ?ud I ; Ashley was bo i on In 1861, the ' Oaaian D '? ? ily thai ha- been well ? hie ws from ? ... ... .4. K ' ? 'A U J >. Mr. Ashley vv,. ? Metro] School and a nteml ;: - professor of Is ? Law School he was mini.' dean, . of the night ? ..??? \ . A an. I '? , "? . i w ?'. . ! P.". 'A I ? M pal Church, 28 West row afternoon .it- ! o'el? -?? SAMUEL GREEN DEAD ?a? Owner of Muck Valuable Propert) in Idaho and This I il>. Wall ". Jan. J Green, of New York, ownei of much valuable propertj here and m New York, ' ? .. ? . ? :. ,. His ?i. Ins 11 ! n ? He leaves ii K?w Yoi . . : I,, en I neral a eld m New York. - San I ... Imost e ? ? '..?:? . g th estai rever tl ? ? that h" ems ered I ef I iftei ? .?!. a' ! '.-.i - ? a ' I? ' I ' ' I DR. JOHN hl'K--.v K ? ? ? ? ? ? . K ?... i. I at the Ui Ken Ich, Eighteen yean a?o ha want te ? le, parakaaed a I arg? tract of land on W'?b?tcr Avrnu<? and d? dentiel ? .*i[?o he wa? an V ?? l:?.rh, lia li" leaves a a i !'? (.IM KM TIMM IS K. KETCHAM. Oarer?! Thomat I. K? tcham, a ???e'-eran of tl * ' ra, died} al ? bemc lest i t th? ne" af all Ha a? widely knows in early tradT. lotdler. In \M\ h* re | ? BB for ' a' which h-? nerved t1'rough it,.- wai Ik -rrved :n '?' .-,- lieutenant <n th? i - . ? ?,, ?tin. A i ? ? i ? ? ? ? D ??!-.-? *? - ? ? II ??'<? ?. ttainnah C. Bi ?..- k r ?? .? w. I II. V - - heth s 11. B. eeceG ? . ? ' ?? ?ai 41 Weal - ibella II Matthew-'? 1'r. ? ? - | sy, Januar? - ' ' BEN.SU ' u\thsm ? '?.?.? R'.et-,rd , :? raee ? ? Pi lai ? : ' ? ? ' . ?Tanuarv ?" T n ' late hem? ? ? . -dar, ? i may be MMa" I ? arriag??? i at I a. m. B ??? -al or, ? Y I t the M ' ?h av. and ? -i Thuradey, Jai -nr 1916 K -rd'.y om:t flo ? ? ? -, .lam; . ? hain D. Chan at at ? ? ? la ?, Adela ?II, of ? re ? . h ndly ? ? - r- ' Jaa? Darjrea, ea ?*t Kridav, aat at aea? ' ?,..., lumbu -". nit fl ? . I t 1:30 p. m t pri I . ? ?' s ? .. ? ' I !>it. "h, at ? '-nth. H ? eld at IVestbury, - ? ? ? teat ? - - ... irday, al ? ' -me POLL? . of H \ ? ? \ I .A 'I S'ER, tecretarjf. .?. a?: ' W. 1 I ?lierai ave? .? ' a*?en 191?. ' ??? itliam . ' ! ? will ? ? *t - , lanuarp -7, l:4ft p. t t private I . on 1 '.. i ? ' lata Iford Hills, N Y , on :. m. ' ' I ' :. ' it - . >?? o' fl : ? ? ? i mi r? in. i. i n? iroopj im? ? i ?n i hit. fietfea* ! a ' - ? ? tot sal. I? i ?a- 214 Bt N T. "WAKE UP AMERICA" The A. B. C. o? National Defense By JULIUS M?LLER ft*?? $' 00 ?*?* The N. Y. Tribune tayt: "It tells, with dire, tucas and pr???. ilion, and with tonviniing authority, what ?vary citii-n wants to know." THE INVASION of AMERICA By JULIUS MULLER ftfci $1 25 net The Timea aay?; "Mr. Muller trip h s thrillil tal? simply and with great pl.iuaibility, making application of ihe principbo he hat set forth in 'The A. B C. of Nailon?! Drfense.' E. P. DUTTON & CO.MPANY, 681 Fifth Ave., New York