Newspaper Page Text
preach thi? ?uh.Wrt without very emotion, because, whan wa apoi Aaatrica and th? thlaga thai *)?? ? - \c.t in hai. ?i? aa it aal s a aadarful pictun ? ouf B Amer ?a la >????' B is UB ? ?en in tha and BOWOI B of t ,.'?-. .1 \ .'Util HI..I . purpose atill i? ba drawn from the ?ourcr?. fron a this nat ways drawn it? lar to tha tha v tho poa into a I '-?'en di -pit?? of B?1 ' '? ' ? e' '.he I'M'-i'.t day. ? t? tO hc'.p .?.???? thai ahow ti-<-n-.?? Ivea In \ '. aha is forced, also, wa ? . ?ad of 08. t.. furnish i aoraic % anee I 1 I .:icc Not tjutstioii ?>f War or 1'eact "It - ideals will ba back of 1 I . mate thing to make money, bvl i rot an id? il thing M.-nr.. war, wl I .'.I. An, V erica alw , ty to the bigl ? .... ? . : iwtrla i tren ? . ahal ha;..: that w? I to do. ? ?ry ' .- ,. raeltrea, and kt ?\ e car: ? *ai,i t ' ' ' that 1 ? lea' " f? il . N inatlnct - H hlch we : ? ??'?>' ! ' ? cotral the ? and power i I -aatlai - "Thire Is Bo spirit of ?.ggrnndi: .? ? f any t cons? el I - American taai one ? ?I of territory from any natl in I ' ? ' the bottom of my heart that l?v. 1 have aought to i t vary | ? at ai in mi- to previ as war i Will light to Defend Honor. "So that not] . .. aca of th? .-?? in it of : whit : - uaod to I . But thi I ? it t ? h th?. . ? I ?' ? 1 h ? ;. ... i one 1 the count .... rictiom - I would rather av .. . ? have - shoul: .... America has atora ' ? f th? s ' real I I ? ? ling 1 light 1 - ? ? rid i ? ' iba, but the W : t il war Ion car ? I for tha i happinesi of ' And ....... ?-re cer? tain obligat -, which every A: The ?. m ,,f our H / ? our ? ? who 3 " *?&>-? \ Lord &Taylor ?a? I ?tat* I 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th ?Street Charge Purchases Made During the Balance of the Month Will Appear on Bills Rendered March 1st. To-day-* SECOND EWo/D13PL\Y a PRTLLUIXARV TO THE MiHfmfca ^?ilc.'itfuvnWurc-, SEE SL'.WAV'S P.WERSforCOMPU //: DETAILS cf. THIS. 11 ALT') TAkLV. K \ ES T 'ii+mtaas>U* ?U<>? >o? ?O? ?lU HOW THE WILSON POLICIES HAVE CHANGED IN A YEAR. 1913. 1016. "Theie is inch a thing as a man "I always accept, by some im bting too proud to fight,"?Phil*- pulse of tny native Mood, the invi delphU May 10, 1913. tation to a tight."?Speech to New "And what is it that is York ?,>derRtion of Churches. Jan Rested1 To defend OUrMh"??? We ***** V, have always found means without "Plans for the readjustment of calling people frotn ncesxary lasks the army must be formulated and to render compulsory military ser- carried out without delay, for we vioe in of peace. We must ?lo not know what the circum? rtepend in eve y time if national stances of another month or an peril not upon a Standing aimy nor other day may bring forth."?New upon a reserve srm**, but upon a York, January 27. citixenry trained and accustomed to aims."?Addicss to CongTCSB, De? cetnbci 9, "It lias been more than a year since I said that the question of defence was not a pressing ? ne. I would be ashamed to say that I have not learned much during that year. Many things have occurred and the situation has, conse4jucntly. changed."?New York, January 27. and follow the same ideals of libcrt e a parenthesis? Ha - ! We ha? ilowlv, ver) ' . . win ?.lie . ? here. If v to Mexico, lo you kno '. All tl ; f ?America won -. . not nortl ... which a ? ? " \ ?. hi tl,.? conn . . ' H . ' tl ?rent li Iowa 1 t that ar? ?.houl ? the United Statei ne? : own terr What America has to fear, if lh has anything to fear, are indirei Dtl upon he ?. .- poatl -v. .st.ri. lie- . ? re. Are w< g i | to .pen thos or are ? . don tv em For th? : ire I to the heart of our A: : > the ?out . tea to 1 ? ? : ? ? : '-. .. ; ;? ..-..! tl. . -, Man.lard Heart r of I ilu-rty. in th ?I aintaln ai ? ita lore libert; the ? ' ire suit table I own i, ai I dar? learn befoi . . . . I made to < ear ai '1 tai i ...... ? "But ne by i f I 1 ? ?. ? . ? ? h t h e ' i . 1 Will !??> I 1 .. . Ha? (hanged Hi, Mind. '?Th- shoul which 1 ted my mind. A year ago I wai - tarif! ? fatal et up i of in ? ? always en queitioi about ? And the ' ing it want ? listing 1 h s. t we il ? ? ? conl roveriy that ? we could t.. t ? ? . rid than 1 t the el i f the pre i ?? these: '11 i ira il y i ' ? . No man . . r.o man fa .10 part f lei tion with re : ? ? en until i ? i ? ? their duties are too multifarious ai distracting to make it possible with a lufflciently short apaea of lima I . :?> master tha changa thai la coi Ing "I I.rar :i great iniitiy things pr dieted about the and of tha war, but ? know anything about whal la ? : pan whoa tha war ii ovi and neithei do you. 'I here are two dl met? Icall) opposed riawi a- ato Imm on. Soma men tell us thai at laa a million man ara going to loava '1 country, and ethers tell us thai mai millions nr,' going to rush into I Neither party knows whal thai arc tal Ing .i)>? ut. And I am ons of those pri ? individ?ala which would ro*l - ...v tha facts before ha forn nn opii Ion; not out of wiadom, but at of ? rudence. "I hare lived long enough to kno thai if 1 do not, the facts Will get awr with me. I have come to have a whol some reapact for the facts. 1 have hi ?i yield '." them sometimes before MW tham coming, and that has le?t tr to keep a waathor eye open In ??r.ii that I may see them coining "There is so much to understand thi ave not the data to comprehen that I for one would rot dare, ao tur i my advice la concerned, to leave ti ? nt without tha a loquat means of luquiry. Not Sure t.f To-morrow. "Hut thai is aaother par? I '-'? ? t I Sil trying to impress u] - that tha circumstances of tr world to-day are not what they WB1 terday, or that wer.- in any of 01 .. and that it is not certai what they will bo to morrow. "I cannot tell yon what th.- . . relations of this country will fa : . ;.:, i ! QBS 'tie B on! 1:1 And I would -.''*? dare kee ? . ? : el th? ? luntrj supposa thi -?row was c. rtain to !??? a- brigti ??.??? i ?? .. aver ba th Amerii a ? sea i last point nt which hi?r hono . thi ' ? - th? ?? of th? wort ! H - . reu m of the -'??'?': I . ? : ? ? ? riust b ire -'a';;.:-! - rvanti o a thing? and ;?? ; them against ? ? agency that may affect or I them. "Put, a- I was saying a moment age we mu re ,"" ??? : | .?? ith the principles of otti It goes wit] it : ? . . ? 1 persons, that one thing thi count:;.- nevar will endure li a systen that can be called milita: in I'- - :. this: I'. . in pr- ; Bring a greal only u-?. .- f,T war and giving it n< '? ? ' '??:,. tsell ":.; are in ihargi of i lg tools prepan them fo exact and scientific use grow very im ? nt if they ;.r.- DOt | B1 i: .'ted t? ? '.. :::. and I do HOI : the creation of BUCh an instrument i an insurance of peace 1 bell? ire 1 :he danger of all th- *? ? -kiiful p.-i '.'. u-. the tl "Hut we don't have I Amer ira || always going t?. use her army :, ?.ays. She is going to BBS il foi ; -i?.es of peace, ??:..i to us.- i; as a nucl? :i i for ex* ? tl ? gs which she doc- believe in the pre] ob of bei i I ? ears of th? mi i Ivaa. Vocational Training Favored. "There an two sides to the qui I 'parution. There is not : the mill! -y side; there is the indu-tria side. And the ideal which I have \i nisi w>? ought to I .. intry a great system of Indus? trial and vocational education. BUdei Federal guidance, and w'ith Federal aid in which a very large percentage 01 the youth of this country will be gives training in the skilful use and appli? cation of the principles of science m maBOBUvre an.I business. And it will be tly feasibla ana highly desirable I to that and combine with it such u training in the mechanism and BBC and eara of c.rms, in the sanitation of camp, in the simpler forms of manCBBi ro and organization, as will make these ?::??:; indnatriafly eflicient and In? dividually serviceable lor national da fence. "The point about such a system will ? , ,..-;- will 1,.' on the ln .1 and civil -:?i?? of life, and Cat. II ?. ?? n : of America, thi only t??' m the bai aground and a- tn< la-t resort So thai men will think first of their families )-r.,i their dailj work, of their service in 'ne econoni.'- fields of the country, and only -* al! of their serviceability t?. in? era and men at ?I the ideal of America. Hut, )OU ? h a system over ni?ht You cannot create such a .-.',-' !.. It ha- got to be built up, an.l I ?I will be built up by slow bi ?.?...- And, then ,o be done m thi ? . time We mu.. t that , luflcieal body of citi? zens ii given the kind of training which will make them eflcieat for call intj eaait \-k- for (iti/en Rf-erve. "it . editable 1 thia country, a country full of Intelligent that we sh I hat the worl'l the example wa I bited to it of ituj id tj brutal waste of force. Think of ing men who can be easily drawn to nto ihe field, crude, ignorant. Inexperienced, and merely furnish the itufl foi camp favar and the bullets of ? my. "The sanitary experience of our army in the Spat;lafa war was nien-i) an indictment of America's indiffer ? ? thi manifest !e-.-'?ns of ex perienca In the matter of ordinary preparation. We have got the m< waati, but Qod forbid that we il . them I Men who go as afleianl instrumenta of national honor into th ? '.??M afford a very BBBdsOBia -I" ' I but men who go in, .rud- si I Ignorant boys, only indict those in au ?. f??r stupidity aad neglect An.l -?? it sf.-ms to me that it is our mani f.-t duty to have a pr.,prr citizen re aei ? .? *'I am not forgetting our national I hud the privilege of being Govi raor of one of our great stat?-s a which furnishes this city with a deal of its intelligence, f-'ome ??:i',i on either aide here ? . i'.'ich. "And. ai Governor of New Jai was Livj.hi late aisioc.utiuu with wiaat ' I am rin.i ?.. hellere eras ans "f ' rao ? ? Be lenl portions of the Rstioi guard of (i i l n.t.'.i SUt? i I I"'"" to admire the men. to respect the i tlcers. and to believe In the Batlei guard. I'rslsi?. National (,uar?l. "I believe thai it li the duty of Ce ? gresa t.. .1" very Hitch more for t national ? uard than il has ever do heretofore I bclieVO that Unit gle arm of oui nstional defence should built up ??"d encouraged ??? tha utmo Hut M'U kaOW thai under the Cons tution "f the United States it la hi..I the due.ton of than tWOBCO .tutes, und ?inn it i n"t permitted th.? national governmenl directly te i rect It.? developmenl und organis?t!* And that only BPOR OCCRbIo? ?>f Bet? Invaaion Las tu.' Preeident of t United states (!..? right t,, ask the men t" leave tl" ii reap? etlve Btate < for my pint, um afraid, though son gentlemen differ ??b me, that there no way in which that force can 1 made a direct resour? ? ? ? s Ration reaei i ? under national authority, ??w i.ut -..e need 's a body of m? iniine.I in saeoc?stion with units i the nrmv. A body of men organise ' under th ? imm?diat.' direction of tl authoritiei. A bods <>f m? subject to tin? Immediate eall to srn of the national authority, un.I ye' nu not put Into the ranks of the reguli army; man left to their task? of eli life; men i applied with equipment at; : training, but not drawn from tl ' peaceful puraniti which bava ma. Amen.a great snd "'"st keep he greal Nut n Psrtlssa el Am Plan. ?i am not a perl of say oi i plan. I have ! .. . ? ich exp? i ?ene to think thai il 11 rlghl t.. say that tl; plan which 1 pro*.! li th.- only p?a ?rill ? "i K. ;?? eauae I have ?i at '?> era may I i, will work. B ? I um for, a-..I ?hat every America ought to ? n i? n bod] laaal half a million trained i who will serve under eondltioni I danger si tely availabl nal . reaarv? "I nm not sa* . I ng about th. navy bocaus? I ? . want to go t.. s. ; I -rai ?? theme t nlghl, becao i reaa? is rut tha tame my about th navy ;i ?.' ? ? ? : ? aboul the arm] The navy ....... nnd< : it "??!. The arm) apparently ia voit did cult ;?? i understand, w ? ,. ? Indica agi. ? ' ? ? ? which maki i i atop thinking th minuti 44. ? king about them aril we ' .'..,..? i ' ! tl ' there eunnot bo a America? l atanco, hn ? it il ut be the 1 and that ii ?im' I foi divest my own mind ' "Tl ? bvioui an instru ment ? * nal ional .!? f? nee that I ? with differ? ncea of o| the detail It II not | to carry oui i proper ai programme for the h ere 1 ' ? lory; and now. I have I .. ? i man; r rul re, and I mus ? No liar of tin? Ontcasae. "My I - . . ' it. I d. your n I -.?. f..r t. Th? no way that pari win th ? ... . ought I ne. ? i : ? ? "The facts i going 1 ? ? ? nt Ami ttneri expert ? ? contain ai - ? ' will not be < ? ? him. trui tha tl ? t lie n uch 11? ? ? ? lie doa n at the very rool our life. ? ? ? . ? ? ncern hoi ? "It ia a aolei mei mm' ? purge ? ? to it I i eadj for . Let n< n dare be a i I Let i . ? "Let men hoi the fad and r. ? m, and then there will come thai world will le oi trary ideal. n? ??? volumi ? , and thai great hear, I ? II and hope and I of m inhind.1 " .More Than UM Present. More than 1.'. mi mbei i of th? orga ?'.' . ? ?. fp ??. aval part of the ? I all thoie a bo . I crowd to a pi nt witl the Presidenl tively ? ? n of nal ?nal de? fence. Every i ted '?'? ith the . ? .1 was thrown o| ?. ? i ed down from his ? ? ?? ' ? room naceompi ? N>ar the door of the banquet hall he tte? g members: J 1 I an; ?I. M. i, P, If. Brotl ; -i Buck, P. 0 Caal A, Ci r. Cooke, F. 1 De? long, W, i . Dod ?. P. L De Arm?n.i. .if;; ter, j E. Dixon, J A. i'.'?"?. P, i? . ? ?. . S. T. Pulton, R< bsrl L Goi : -.Mai V'-y ?.. Enulty, W. S. Mi G ??a . i \ li. D S ? ige, A p ? ? irra, 9 L Smith, W. E. SI t F. Street, ( i.arles A. Schier? Charl? i .-. R J. Weatl ? r..-. w. p ? WILSON'S DAY F?LL TO BRIM Makes Three Scheduled Speeches and One That Wasn't on His List. SUITRAGISTS WIN IN NOTI: BATTU: President and Mis Bride Spend Late Afternoon Driving In Park. f (_ 1'renident Wilson cann- to mis city at dawn yisti-r.liiy and left at midnight In those eighteen hours h- was one of the baaioat Pruaidaata the city ha:? ev?r seen la bob campaign time* Ha Baade four speeches In all. ll<- mal first a dalagation af tvomen aulfragista and told them, as ha has told similar dele gatioos before, thai h.- believed In iuf fiage, bat that it ?hould ba work-.I oat on state liai ' Ii..", I..- hurried away t?> nddn's* a ? gymen, where ha laid down the principle that p?a.e between nations and m.n d.p. tid? upo:', ?recipro cal justice. In one par! "? bil speech ha l lated thai there mlgl I I. when one sho lid i ol be too proud t.. fight, bul in another he seemed to In rordi i r..| thai tl .? be .' nr?' ,\?'?,., ?.'?? ?, nulomobile i 'be af ho apoke at night befo i :.' gatharings representing business :,'.?. h which h<? eame ... fort ?? peciall? to make was that made Bl the Railroad BtJ ttioa dinner at tha v ! | .-re he talked pari leul n bI programme for preparedneaa arid na defence, which he ?ai 1 _ is the luestlon most in need of clarifi?t* on, l,..ein:?" about ii there "has boei I most studious effort to muddy the wa? tt rs, whethei ?? r i ? i ?joaal or i any ad vi.ntage." Ninth Rrgiment Ills l'.s.ort. A-'-. : his i| aoeh, ? icorted ' ? from tha Pth lieg ? ?aard, re wool *? tha Bill : ' ttie day r.t tl,?? dinner "f the M ?? Board <?f Tra th th? Pr< igl it *;??? day then ? :r.rt to keep h'-r obi of thi rap u ring | I I ubhc activity. Thr- ... ? ? ' irrounded ar an ordei ? it i ? i] hs shoul . ? Mr wilsoi ? from the llrae . st at t let of the Ba in the Waldorf at .... The : i sought hi g ? ? , r i ? . ? ie for eyes to look in that that Mrs W . ? . ited for i lident aeei . the ? ? ' ingh that follow? ? - appearance I ? ... It surprised thi ? rary to all pian-?, and I I the President bj tea that ...m up, rivalling I ? :? i ;:. the Pi ? p of Mrs. F. Tif any 1 n from th? : I gath? red in the ? a -? Room of th? hotel, .... . . ii.gton, Mr-. William Kent, Im,I . .... that a refusal by the Pr?sident t : m on record ab : itely et na I he Noies Win tor Wo no ,i. \'. ';.?:..- . ??.--.? . r- came to Jos? ph Tui : ...| t.? re '*,,??:.-! ad ' ? - ? ?' ith liie h t?ut thai . ? ; :- ? ' ? th? lent, no an ai i bad boon i t? rday to mi ? - .. the aa a i . '.? programme was already full, the Preaidential party be. gan to feel that the question waa the >*. mal ?i.-?:?ir, of th.- Waldorf, broke la upon their peace with a note, third person, stating ti.a* over . indrad women wars asaembled . ? ?n tl ?? building and d ?eu tha Preaident for just ?? ? ? tos. To this Mr. Tumulty an awei ed : ? i or thi Pn . :? nt I I?? g ? ? ? with him t., dia cq -s ?:? ." .-. ? . -, Iment. I rerj much regret thai the Pn ident's en ng make it lm Bsly suggeati I. V. ? ? ? repr?sentai ?''.'. . ' , !':? :? ? * informe : her ol I ? ' :. of 1.1- ealoBdar to? ri - Some ? women though' | : it. ?it! t-r- cite I tl s i.i. ? ? ? Halone, ? !' ' i rking in their I . ? hopo. Wherefore thii second ? - the Pre "Wat.hful Wailing." ?or committee has read your eery ? ?'?? te, and regrt ts ? ' ? ir dele? ted. There ar,? now over two ? i reprei. ? Hew Tort ?fartfk?Od?toB*W "SLIP'SCARF" Strengest UW Otlw. s .-\ AaW Slid?fere OtlwBSru-k I he Scarf with the j. Free-Sliding Neckband _**] ". i~'"~'_k "X"(i(" in op it 'round the neck, form **?_ :^___P ^ an'' ,,ra'A il tatIt '''??''?" ~i^|^ s4fMpr ? "><t ,'.''/./H^. f<?r the iWt'd-thin. anti ^tlWf^^ friction neckband let.-? it slide to-and-fro af^K The "SLIP SCARF" i- distinguishable _Jt9? ?-.'art n t <>uly in how ?]H|^**fe it lav/??-, l-".t a!- ? in li w it lo^ks, jfe.~MBj| style an-l tin* -li. Bk $1 AND MORE AT ALL GOOD SHOPS |^3I IN ('lK OWN EXCLUSIVE SILKS ??gjV A't'Vi iV Lor !>?:<?? ! ? 1"-t!i names t- ??^ct:.?r ) ??Pwf^Br neckband, and </????7 be misled. ^^^F Keys & Lockwood a/omen aniiouely waiting for honor el sn interview when i? Is i renient Th? v R II wsil as lang ,..,. . .?. | ? be i".?.? i.?.. .?? them f?r jusl live h HI *? i hey understand tbsl ao for appointment hai been made, bul ei hoping it would be po ibis fai '." ?ee them l lie Now Fork women h never -';"i ??i opportunity to lav ?, rase before \"'i >?'!,l they ardei hope in v mnv be able ta do i ?? div " eiscar in Hole of r.nvn?,. T.? thli plea Mr. I Isear brought *ti the dl ??"??? aging word that M i mull v b "I goae out, bul I bal ? he " ??nllld be IllOWn t'l llim Hi BOOH as i. turned. The women aaited an be I'll m pree dei tial rlrclei a lit icene thai arould I ?<"?? l - artened th conalderably, had thsy been ahla ?. was ?.'"?ntf on. Mr. Turns eami bach, la tl eeond note I gave up m dei s 11 r. He want and t.. tin? Preiident ne eouldn'l do anythl mora. A fee ling had eom? ??? Ith I notai thai the Women were going lei Mr, Wilson, if they ! ad t.. ?rayl him si i.-? ' ama and wem sboul I ? Ing. Mr. Wilson decided to? II by going down to mod th? and wol d nt to I henn tl il eoming. 'I hey grouped thei ii Im*-e circle In the Esst H few i ? ? thi Preiident, lo< ing lomea hal fi., tapped ir the mid tenee that h id been ihov but e .hat the frage raus? President Talks on Suffrage. il. m y Bru? ' ? ? Pn dent, . ? aw nal aliam, to atand apt and th .Mi> Cha ri? ? Be i>rd ipoke of th? ; ? 1..1,1 I Preside "it may be, ladi? , that i [| felt th i thin- re moil ? ? ? I It piece bv pi? e, and felt that'I ipment in thta eountry lay in tl and in II ?.ery cl? r ?????? of ,l ?? ?! "fereni of sphere beta I t? I Pe eral ffov? inmei I be that ? ? "When I imen? ment that you are urging I I told en, and I I ?.?'.': ? pleaaure in conferrin n of my pari i with regsi ; I ? ll is Sot Forgotten Promise. ... | hall no ? t I wan ? iat w ? tata b ? ? ling I far mj ,. . . . . t and ? I, f'.r my ? : ... ' pern ? .? ihoul il '. - Addreeaea Too Clergymen. ? l ministers of k - .? ? the Pre? nt, a Presbyterian presided, i . : by n ? ? edral, . and I t addren ? il - nt for ition ' ' ' "- '?'? 1.4 th" ? ? ' war. 1 r? fern ? ? 'rom ' that not a %J ??4 Lo? ??o LOO JftfthaAvi'Slltr. t '?'. '_' ..., 47'.- -Ti These Groups of Winter Apparel will be totally closed out at aLaiiidly lovv' prices today and tomorrow ? DRfcSSKS Formerly $h5 to $95 $25, $45 \).n<e. and d?y ttfUt B-aVJ pet? '? f?w o! a * nd. SUITS Formerly $65 to $125 $35, $45 A Basal lepiMsatotioa al amay ?anlt ?COATS Formerly $35 to $05 $15, $25 I M .ri'.t'ir war. utility and UHBBlry t'r. -. WRAPS Formerly $95 to $120 $45 Only aboul ? ?Joxea , fur-li 11 rraoea. BLOUSES Formerly $8 to 912 S3 While aad I HATS Tail'nul styl ?? to h $3 ABOUT l-.F.l.?.N OHK.i:?Al. WPORTED MODEL I - | ?me i ? ? ' ? . >e even in tl As he gi r, he said, he bad . . ? ? nurse nr. ! ei I . . . God ? et i that ita| a of bui ' ? end 1 ? ? I in k n i??:I * 1 > I not ???? tagoniits. I hupe that ! ? . ' ting and I ki I ?? ment ind the n^ht purpose should survive." WILSON RAKES MEXICAN LIARS Tells Motion Picture Men i of f-fforts to Mislead in Solving Problem. Denouncing ? i i ? ? M ? ? ? '?'? in hi.-: second ? " loi ' i tint) laughter I i fre ? the moving . ' cai ' -? ? ? : ? ? Mr. V. of pu ?led in . I ? ? ? ". H? "I f t what on in Mexico in i ??? ry ilngular number of it it. It li ' . to hear i I got 1 ? ? ? ? Mexico ? thought I ? it they e going I ? ? tl they i not io. I wonder how i ventura t.. try to I id e thel 16, when there ia to be foi ?? erybodv, ? ip and begin to teil tl I ' ? lonal. my opinions about men," I ire exti i an I if you I - ? ' ' . - ? ' ' - j ? , f thai - iin. " ? - >.*. ? < ; ' ?' ? - ' ? ? ' ? ;-?'x Bcifl?, ? - - - I-..-.?. ? i g ? ? I I i ? ... ? ? ? FLOCK OF iras IX OH Mi < ?.ru??" (?.-nt Man Gust um 'rvn Eight to Twelve I ' !'!-'n' ' M i Jam*? B. - ?.will? ?Nui'A' LA/.'.' 1 .1 DDBD ru OS TaSAD. CHELI Universal Tread \7he New lire E'Veryone Is Talking About The New MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREAD casing la an Impf ment on rubber non-skids of both the raised-tread and suction-tread I combining the advantages of these earlier non-skids; and in addition, ;>"?" sessing the long life and resiliency that have always characterized w Michelin round-treads and the world-famous Michelin racing-tyj* lla " treads. NO OTHER TIRE LIKE IT FOR WINTER USE For Sale By All Dealers i.'idwav at 57th Street. 'Phone Circle 441