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CUARANTKE Veut Moncv Back 11 \ou Want It. r?*?-?"???' r+09. loia"?? \ IXmtytrtb aV 41R O^i^^'^^ > Ay -, ? i [177rfmSSfiY.??: i ,? *- * ?-i? ,y7.. Jlaj^ JJ|?-^r v -??..v,-.g" Stiiwne WEATHER Partly cloudy to-day, snow ?o-mof. row Fresfl north to north-.ast vvinda / / fee* Firnt to Lost ? -iA?? 7Yuf A : /Vcttv.t - Editorials - Advertisements Ym ? LXXi No. 125,276. I< <>I>?rlalit 191?? Hie TrllMine A?.n | SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1916. * ? l ? VI*' I l.'V'r ,n N*" ,"ri' ''"? N????rl?. 'er??? rit?, ?F.'? I a I 1?.^ I ,?,| t?,?*???.?-?-). Kl?*a.aalia-r. Ta?', ??ni?. Brand?is, Named for Supreme Court, Faces Bitter Fight_ LEGISLATORS on m A Vi TO SAVE CITY HitchelOutlines Plan to Cut lax Burden $25.275,000. CIVIC i XPERTS VT CONFERENCE riisan Help Promised , for ile. M I ? ' ? ? ? ? ' ? Xei i ? ? ***u\\ bu? '???: ? . - ??.'s a*" ' ? '? "thai ' - ? ? - I - ' ? "tin snd it ? \\ e i ' ? ? ???><?" Kevinra Ula Protj-ra-aaM tail the ? ?<h'fr.' ? be re Home ? ' ?.:??? ..?)on. I ? oust i ?.,| oui ' " ' .1 ' ? ** ?tof', * , . and the I tax law a? r ? . fro? <"1"""*" ??" sa?e ? ...i.m.i, ?? SAND MAN ' KIDNAPS BOY IN FREIGHT G N lUi'iiMcr I ost on 1 rip tu |, Byt I and. ? ? ? ? . ? ? Pi B< i ' ? I ? DIES AT 70 CLAIMING ? SILVER THREAD" SO? Bridgeport Newspaper Ma i Si He V i us Ballad. Jai - \r ? ? . .. '? . to I!. IV 1' ? and co . ? GIRLS' BRAINS WIN; TO BOSS ATHLETE :a Schi ? 'the lama * ? ? : ? ' CI?ESbF-^cLFAR ?. .. ?. ' UV- L...:'-;. (; t*. ( "in Ban Against "Spe c'als" Instructing Classes. . ? -.her! Willi . i Hani mar ars ma I.' ?? i i ? 1 ? ..,:? ? . i-. . ' ' . ?'? B. . .- roi ippi I be ? ho ar? : ; teach ? ? '?? turc " .i -?Tr?nt an injunction as 1 ? $450,000 CONTRIBUTED FOR DANEURY HATTERS Homes and Savings Protected from Judgment Claim. ? m.n. .in s ' ! ? ' ?lit,HI'S . ?. ? t'nc Daiibui I rt'ach count' to m? ? arded I'- E. . ? ? . ? ? , ? . r savii 14 KILLED WHEN DAM BURSTS un?,* Mr.'i.ii el i ?"?I N?aai Sas ?Mega Darrsatated bj ITaaA ;-,-.? . -; ? Bra kill.'?I nu?! a .stated late . '? ' . pod y- eh lias een raging -, .??.?-? b< d Ht? collai ' >' ' led ?? 'ii:. WILSON CHOICE GIVES CAPITAL BIG SURPRISE President Startles Senate by Nominal i/ii? Boston .Miin. FIRST JE V to be THUS HONORED Progressives Favorable and Tribune Poll Indi? cies Confirmation. ? . .?? ion o 1 m D. Brand? , of mate I 1 ? -? path : : ? - nal ? ? ? ? ' 1 I forti w ?i ta m Pa . ? ' ? ? ? ? <? l ? ? ' ?. ? mperamenl ? 1 .-??,.. ? ,;.... i I Bran legt ? A careful ? Mr. Brand? ? f hn peri ' ? : to come to ., beating him li? ? buster, ? d il ? ? . . ? him to tal ? ' ; ? matoi rhoei ? ? ? ?. ? . would Will Block Pigeonhole Mov#. . .; . . ...? ... ? ? ? ere . s of Mr. Bra It does mes ol . , ntc tant .-?? ? Com? littee ? laid, ? of the nominatio i, i f i ? ? i ? ... thai M r K .? ? d i i that 1 ' ? ' . man of that faith I the Supri H thei ? indi thai ? ? . : ? "il bj ? ' , )' ?. ' ? ? ? ' ' - A i rt ' ? ? ' ? ?,?'--? '? ? ' ? ? ? ? ' ? It u ai franl ? mem of the Judicial rommltte? which hist nominal , thai would ?lumber then i I t ime. Vf oat of the men ? of th? undoubtedly er? ? ? nomi t the i t.on of VI B. Hornbli of N .... ; Cleveland died I I Com I .tiiiniir.l on i>.%r '.. i.iliinin I Loi IS I) BRAXDKIaS, or BOSTON. . ? ?' ' ' I r ' ( ? ? ? ? ? , -,?? ?eVt\i*7?? iaULsV~U.iL K \Jt\\L L'i'tasiltfaUU ? ? ; id - \ na i. ? ! ? ? ' here, i ... i . ? record fe lows me everywhere, and I eaa'l keep ara ..l?i nn?l a ??? ' Ihe r? lerda; P ? . . ? . . . ?' ? ither ii ' - famil) . ?. ? bu en his ? ? ? olv i ' ' "Have you - . :??-?" "i". ? "IVe taken 1 ! I was refl ? Mi- ?. ? ? ? NOISELESS SHOTS A?,. : I ;:' ol ' ' - Vtta< ks iii S ' : ' ' ? ! mich, i aid to be Kenney, led. 1 he i told | that < had i ? ? ? rh? '. m in : ... in ill ? ? i youth, . ? ? ?i the bo l . email . ? ? ? i he City FItfl Too Few to Wave ? .1 ? of Aldet*men a ?pri?t to j ? ?. ? . ? T-???"'?"???"*"*?"**"-***-a^*?"-s?aa*:????m__aB?*? . - ? ? ? - Why Is a Cartoonist? i?, i ??' i ?i i:i The Editorial Section?Tomorrow .... ..? " . ? ' . Mr-rn:. are cl*v ? rticle is II by Boai I your net copy. JSht ?mt?.ait (JrUwns? i FirtA to I nrt the Truth: A'cu * Editorials Advtrtt tmontt LANSING URG? SEA WAR COI ON ALL FOWEF Asks Allies Not Arm Ships, Teuton To Guard Life. MAY INTERN ARMED VESSEI United States Acting ?nteres! of Humanity, Says Washington. - !. ? : tba * ? ? i ?' lanity, the I'nita it? ed to all ? ? ?? thai ?? to a deela of principlr go ?'.irbulil the ai ming- ol ? ? a ? ? .? ' ? , ? g ? - i ? ? .? ?eas in ? merchi ? ? ? pproached Maat Give V? .iming. ? ? ? lid n?-t It erenl trees? ? ? pn ? ras? ? ? * ? for tl ? . ? 1? pill '. ' ? ' V to CI . ... ? ninium rii tat? I'? par ? \ ? - it ? there will be n ? ? - lading Uermany an \ to follow the i ules <it' i law in their ?ubmarin. a. Bee Sont?? <>pp,?-?iti??n. id h.?re in d)[ lomal es that the Bril and II II demur t e in auch an w i sblishing ? ? ? '. ntende ? ? \: ? i ?can offer is re the Stal . ???? wit problem of thi tatui ??rim i In that Lansing will ? ? m arme? . ? ? government mi to avoid th ????ni tin ;i modus t in i The Italian issuranc? \'i rona an? to sail, wil lubmarin? ***' attempt rn ?ng. Thi? ire was 1 ? ' ? ? ? . after tl gitei Altl ough th?1 ... ? ? ? ? . . ? ? t? :. it is admit teil armed B conclu P?e to ? ?m. I ..iiilil?mi? < iianged. i ? that arm* sen de? ? of 1 aval war i ? natur? ? i up to i tint? ? rs that a one , the . ' .-? ? ? i . ted out to-night thai ' ? -rerenl ?. : Acuity in ? r the | g A ? ? g l it ? : ? the . regulations go/en ing ?a? ternmei i RULES FOR SUBMARINE WAR DRAFTED BY U I, W sskiagtoa, Jan. H,? Ihr ti .i.? ?n submarine ?.arfare drafted h> Serretas** ask? the bel?ger enf pitarra to sub?, nbe to t'ie-r pro?. lotfMM : "That non-combatant* rua?, expect piolerlion under the nil.?? of inlt?r niitiiinal la? and tbe principle* of Ituriifinit\ whin Ira. riling; '?n ?ner t ihipe. "fhal vjrniiiK iiiust be given be? fore a men Im nt man in nttatketl. "That hellijferent Otrooi merrhim: ships must tlhay warning?? to ?top. "Thal merchantmen ?hall Ml he hrni on except in iaai> of r?sistante or llif-ht. "Thai no mer. (,.inl man .hall he sunU except where il Is impossible to ?- ' i p p I ?. a prize crew or until pas. seniors and i rev. are placed in ia lei *j. ?'That nicrchanlmen shall ntit he permiiled to mount arm*." GREEK REVOLT ^ THREATENS KING Venizelos Holds Upper Hand, Says Vienna Surgeon. I.. of a mei ? no" abaenl ' ? I ?thi , B s ro? ?,- t h? in ? ?? o K Cot?* ? .? ? ? i':?' ? spon ? ' X Conetai . . i ? ? .. ? . prnn _- ? r. .... k ??.,'? lir-"?-: ,. tin? -on?--;..: I ? ? ? ' ., . ? ? Nuencei of ? ? ill . a the ?uhject. Deep ti I - . en?r teracl low him al ? re bIoi bu ? .- ? . ?,-,?. eloae rela ?a of thi era." LINER MISSING; 300 ON BOARD Appam's . Damaged Lifeboat Found Steamer Is Loig Overdue. - anxiety ?? irding the Bl ti !?? iteamahip Appam, which left Dakar for Plymouth on January ll With ISA pa-i-eiij-er- f.nd 134 ?n the crew. \A hen about four J,i ; out wireless communication with the vnsael euddenl) eeaeed. A diapateh from Hull to Lloydi 'ft? ? n stertiiiship Trej*iin?le reports ha? ing paaeed el sets on Jani? ary 10 a lifeboat with the name Appum painted on the itera and the bow r.? oeked away. The captain of me Tregantle says that ? was capable of hold - ? - When It vus eXhtn : 1.1? ? i eigne of ha?, ing so? n ed and n?s oar? aboard, i icarched around for wreckage," 'he i led "b il ? ould I i I no tra^o Had ,? . reeeel juck".I up j.hs . . -.ave been landed For l?verai dayi p.. I concern ha*i nan i f ei ted in ippam S ?? .i ?? ? ? ,. French e t Africa, for I market hone ?.ens ? wai I lit i ... .... at the I .. per cent. Two com .,.,. ....., direct on ss I K\ ? : due. \? , ' ? .?-.: board v . il ofl \ ep? I ' from Lisbon : ? ??t nnne? had ?:.-.. : Appam 'i ? I... Medil ? .. ? ' B " B ?cay. Ah" it the tim? \, . , ..?,.. there ? i tor m in the ? ? ? ;? litt ifloal The A; pa| . , ? A coming hoi i port io . >??. ?'?. enger lie) ? _ g the pi iked to i i \ ipan were Sir Edward and Lad) Me ?? rether end l eir eu te, i red Seton lar.?.'.. ? Acting ?'olomal ... ? ? ! | : -?:..? ?? :.?':. 1 - 1 Af . ... : ? Charlee I - wa? : ? ' 106. and M a? -.1 \1 \?. IH.II I.?- \'- I J.Ilrr . ?pact ed ? Ad WILSON PLANS WOVE TO MEET GERMAN DELAY Lusitania Evasions ?Must End, ?erlin Is Told. VIENNA ASKED ABOUT PERSIA Failure to Deny Sinking of Liner Worries Washington? ? * alfa. Wasbiocton, .Ian. ?_'?..?The ad ministretioa's plan of procedure against Germany if farther ?Jtlayi arc aakad kiefora manHsai tha Aiiifr;r,r' ,?en caro niapp.-.] 01 * Ttka S'a-?? Da* parti ? . I . ? ..(lay. ; ? v arvl ? If ''omit - ; I at a -. r'."> - - - .-?-. ? . ? that the United S to et:'?-, tain no i i, and in il Berlin is I vi rd. i- th at the .- ? ?- SJBJ ??'??? 'eat :i . ? . ? . ? ? ? . r, nceived to bo pos-i?-le, Ivnraj-iar, that thinga IflU BV ' - it M UaasahXy. Nathiag Baa Basa i.ained. - ' ' ' ? ? . ? ? ? i for except ? ? . grou I ! . -*....? i say 1 ? th? ure of a got? ninii'i.t t?i apl ta an a?? ?.?ml d ??.'? il. h makes ?rank dealing ii ? I nit?-d State?) Keadv In Art.' af thesa ? irees, it ia b* . er? .i the State ! ?'-, artn sat s 4? a 1 adequate 1 Gsi -nany mand-. ead it ii there. f?.re regar led them ?? purea? 1 ? >?*> ? government meets Bscretary Lan. ling's tersaa. . Worri? d bj \ latrla'a ? ira te ?'il>* - ta.ll 1 ?y ? - ? .- liakirig af the Pi t?te Depai tmenl ? ?aid to lav that . a? re ? . >-. ithin a ?iay Or two Tl partrti . ? to .-..?? -.. - ' ?. : that n.ine : a Persia?, \ ? . . .1 ?III BBJCb ' ' ' The ' from Vleaaa aras ?ev. ? , ? ? - .- . From up to that I id ? -> . ... at a 4 ? ?m ' ant) - ? Vienna I nHer Saaplcioa. \ . ? ? ? :.?-? fei the Pei *( delays v ? . that ng th* \ ..iiliiia; ? ' .. b?a made by th? . : .'???? the ? nue*) . 1 profound effeel ? ? I saBlag I v? ?..?-. 1 ? with 1 IB ?rp EIGHT MORE DERBY CLASSES CALLED OUT Wen from 21 to 35 Summoned to Colon on f'ebniary 29. IJ ? a * -a Bg >:- ?;.>upa sted I iaf> ...... ? . 1 Iratg ?re ?um iiione'l to fats] ??t. I ?-bruary '1%