Newspaper Page Text
STATE'S TAUNTS CRUSH MRS. MOHR \\\i\ow I'ids Three Day with Her Case l nshaken. piYOKM I \SK1 D ??JUS1 FOR FUN" Nor l etters -Threatening 1 mil) Borger Revealed Sticks ? ?ve Story. I?, | i \ \n PE V? \i i ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ' - ? ? : ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? r I. "He ? ? ? '1 ? : ? - ? prone rt j OUld Ui-kle ' ? iTed Ob Je? on ? ? ont inued ' would r ?a ?rce pet n ion sskl . onr "No, ed Ion 1>. -h ? \ * hi < count? . ' d .1 it in : ? i >p]iedi \ hei ant) \ Peking reroi \\ V ? . na wer 1 . Han lea H'^ w line ? ? ? ? ? fall ? ? ? ? Mohr hi ? ? Mr. Rooks . r.l ? Mrs. Mohr answei ? ? \ ? pockel It can . ? - ? ? ' "Would H.i?-- Just M".in Killed Her. .... ... ,r. Th ? i Mr. 1 ? ? ? - . ? ? . ? . I - il NEED A 30MB OR LEG? VISIT POLICE AUCTION Si' and Qold to Mix with Junk Under Hammer. ? . : ? ? ?;. more than $1,000,01 :" It that een restor? il Prom nent ttei ever, a fairly good va Uso ? 1 \ i Tecla Pearls and Sea Pearls are Social Equal: is They appear at the opera together - they are frequently in the same box - oftener still they are in the ?same neck? lace, side by side, shedding mutual radiance on the wearer they partici? pate equally at social functions-they are partners in polite circles they are affinities of shape, sheen and color. drawn together by mutually irresistible attractions, and differing only in origin and in cost. Orientai Necklaces $1000 to $20,000 Tec in Xccklaccs $75 to $'150 neb?u a 398 l-'iflh Avenue L_ AL AND EUGENIA LIVING AN IDYL Mars Only Bright1 Lights Couple Now ?See- Home an Old Farmhouse, Rl ( EIVE THEIR MAIL AT A GROCERY STORE Neu Automobile Sole Reminder ol Broadwa) No Kelly Reconciliation. ?v " guii ?? i hei - lor ara \ ' 'Hi: happily i spacious Quaker 11 !? r .??"?. I ong Island ?? '? ri< I ?? ?.t.- .. ?iHik klei i ? ntenae boat a stli ovei the Soi that 1 i pel ?istenl if causes one tu look I ?r her mail t,? the e, which Is i-, the gen ere anyt ing from a bale wull .?' sweet cuba" may ? The ? imera, the I i boxes neat to the i tore postofflce beat \t Kahn. Ha? mai Moi along wit tho .- ? . mes of i "' . . "Letera from Mr? Kelly' So, we her." -.-.i I !';i ??i i ? ? ? ngs at the ti the mo it appro? ? ? and Rug? a ofte roads, f.?l lowed ? ? much adn ? Danes, m ithed in (be me 1 ' ? nee henr cturi ? ? ?? t?> the ? - ? ? -.i ? .m ? Bay or d n to ? ' d Hprin-*; ? ? . idi ring and a fev envious prii g habit - ? th the ? ? ?? '-r, is cla.ig the prii en i a made the) ?civet ' ent of ? rar. "They ha Vork," .. . :. ? ? ? ;. t the 1 i-U a.lei "but the? rill be buck ' Youi s at 7:23," Iting a time table ; stair ng the a ir-ceilii ge ' ' ? ?? room and . ? -, ? . ? - the Jei ? e sharp barking ? Ba ? ? " W? inch things m ( "A .? nre al ? - i old house by fl ? the 1st? ? We Broad wat ; we ha . ,' o , ? ? KANSAS WELCOMES VOTELESS WIDOWS New York Ballot Pioneers Ready to (io. but Married Women 1 ear Divorce Bogle. be the ipecial privilege of to 1 Kanse ? order the ] the vote next . pper'i letter publisl rd tied fean Sen ? r? of 'heir that there might be in taclei ? ay of th? I. It t :?.| but .vernor btated tl at nil ? | to do w,. !'? r- /i-'er Pr. -nonths before election. !:?<?; need not the ent re ils montha within the . ? '-.. r. rhii v. ill lea? ?? them to join in the Iowa suffrage earn ? Mina < , an *?- Inkle, pr? the Ni lersi Women1 1 Mi Harriot Stanton Blatch. Mrs. . ? nt' : I-??'?'? tenet and are the pioneers. ir ui' widow i, I uflband are living ? doubl a- to tl eir right to i ?aparate legs ? rted Mrs, . B itch <!>? Forent last i.ijfht. "If a womi ' ' ? irate legal ? nee for dit ?re?, c,.n ? . for ?anything o in portant as a ??? te I lull I a lawyer on thie p er womei ay, be ??-? ar, tl at tl ? rce eoi ? ttle theh feai Supi ? lid ? tablieh a -, ?? lidei ee, and I i found then lunched ipao ?m th> THIS ART UPSIDE DOWN, BUT NOBODY KNEW IT Crowd? Sijih for Weeks Over Bottom-Up Paintings. Evei of th." year . f tel peramental men and ? Mil alowly tideways ? .- ? he e\hil?'.' n of ??..-? ratai . ? Galler* ??'? > ? \ ? .--. ?? ? ? and ?-ation. The ..... _ . ling - ? :.- of the - ? ? ? ed from ? ? . . . The fre.'hcst ex of a it ? fht call col ? . ? ,-y," ime a crit wit ? gl ? ?:':.. .m? He -? ? .... t an animated i . a th? . . I I nt his , thli tr ???.. ? | e, were two m rl ???i to the manag? i . i lery. "?-? ? - in," he cri? ; i? Pictui do*. ? ' " ;-.--? :.? .laT.'r went up r 1 f. loesn't i led two e , ?. .?i>." ? ? ? ed iliHt ?i pside down," ? ouNn't prove it." I IM.KY .1. MM.IWKI) .IR. Adopt? ti waif "piislininliiling' in ? nitral Park >t strrdai . WILL 0' WISP L TO HIS DREAJVI? Rainbow Riches Were in limitless Peat Tr; of No-Man's Land \. * ... ? ? i ? ? re, i ? t<> I... found, Arthur L David ilr .... ? ? : that ar< To ? erago ? ? , But 1 *a? I . t a pi plot. ' ? ? . ? ? ersat e truet ; . : ?? Dai id dep irt? ?. ?i .... .?. r-i. extrem? coi itiotie fron. friend, in which he v. . Of I .,.-,', );,. ],,,,?, v the ear ?" I friei Bu I taken on th? in** ? ? true! ? ? ? .- i . : ? ? ? ? ? ?. . "Keep ? : . ? i the ? i i.i tl you'd bel ? David, who, by the ? ted ? n ?. i. .. ? ? ?. ? .... .... ; ting out 1 upon the ?dvice of ? i friend by p next ea ? ? ? to eee end read Wh< n the ... r m ited inter**! i Bui Davl I ha , ? ?. I: ?'.'ii Dai id ? a et 1 . ? . just .-.- i matter of friendi I p .' . ? lon| thee? rave? con! . David iiiadi.? th? miatak Th? ? thorit I of the frien I? . ? h . . John ? ? I tant Diet) tun.i'v. v.he thai thropic IJ;iv Id is gU ? i .r.?..?..r, M r. i\ :. ares that ! trust any ? when rrest, ii ?ill 1 to s! trial on a similar eh ? . ? . aleo us. - Rob? ri A Tourbillon, I'"! ? :;.r Robet I Dai id, ** fr end in ??? h ?i. he t ' forrcil to purchasers as "sa* mon?-', as "filth." ii.? m eouraging ? ? ? ? 150,01 of I **, ii ? to O] ? ?! ? ' named Bul ft 1 [ha .... no?? .' EXCLUSIVE PATCHOGUE REBUKES A BOUNDEF Vounv; Man**? Attempts t<? Makt Social Hit ( ??idly Received. , : : ? r ' Pa! I created t mghl the i ? picture ?be tres ' ' gue, i well ng man ?as quickly eeeorteo' b) n?here into ?' ? , rapid I ?? ge wer? ening, tfii ... ?* be? ? ? : .... i. i : . ? ? ? . ? rsated I theatre, cha ? he un in grabl I her an I ? rest, l'unuhnient en . . JUDGES FAVORED IN HUMANE JOBS Society Also Dis ?rim i nates in Magistrates Who Will Hear Its Cases: the Hun '.? ?.? V..r'.-, wl thers ??? re denied ; ' .- - ? ".' , itratei ?> l-o while .... trial lent of '(umuM Soei i a Westchesl : 'hat . ? - . ' " ' I : . ? ... . ed m the I *f of Sew ? ? ? i , ? ? Jus L ? ' ? and i , ... . . . ?is | i any in wert? ? for Mallett "He told ' ' iw the agents !.. fore . .. ! Graj "\VI these ei md ? on gan "U hi ? ? : . . were takii righ! ill fines ? a lot g of | "Did ' ' the ree l ndation of -. . ? ... ? f th? I CAT ELITF. EXHIBIT ENDS Bilver Soeirty's Ifighesl Honors Won ii\ Doaeilverra. A , gentle, and i? ? ? : m. ? . ? h i rd specia ? ?;. .Ir.-w t.. ; ? iffair, a and knight ? .? ? ? ? ? ? Km ? ? - ? Mile. ?f Win! peting \ .- Da I by 1 Cham] ?a, of - i Wim ? '? ' In the importan! ? -, . ? ? Ma ? > ? ?. ' - I ' . I . - H U . Lia? -~ ?' i- - ? -V.?-?. MUNITION RICHES IN GARBAGE FIGHT Injunction Suit Reveals Demand for Grease Prod? uct to Make Explosives. $900.000 DISPOSAL CONTRACT OPPOSED Barren Maul Concerns Want Gaffney Bid R"? ?cte ! ?h-ir Plant Barred by New forms. Th.. . tiea of every bai r,'! of | I in New 1 irk City, besides arisii IOCS I materia ?if .Iu-\o Donne! i oui t, y? . '. He i pi ? red i cou Allied Investors' Realt argue for an ??'.'?? i r d i n g posai of aC-'iri. i .. "Tin- resultant product of l* tei i.e.iiar treat id wit tteai plained the lawyer, "is greas? Its ralue luetu ? en one and s.'< cents ;i poui ? There 1 ap - ? '? be ???' pr< sent ? eat d? mand f ?r g luse froi rine tro-| rine, u?< l ? is so gr? '.* the ?vat n ?he price : ... .,,. and the demand is i !??? Speetatori m the courtroom :.d -, . the highest BttOI ' ? -.,.,-?? present Vori - i tarj ' ? stioi owner of the Bai ran re reclamation i ? - Dlspi al Com] i . older < ?. ? garbage there, and I? ' ? I Bl .:?? ? foi ? ... ? ? kid t.. rested i th? teheme The i ' ? -. snd others, ? ' o offered $900 re-year privilege of ron .- - - ?? garb ige Had ? n restrained bj - obtained by \ veitors' Realty Companj and the Mea Vork Sanitai *.* I ".pony. i lalfi ? ?? ? rin ? ive reeei? ed th?? eon - ict Marren Island I'lant Barred The Hi.rr?-, Island | g . : ild have be? . ? nated, as thi a disposal plant Mai ..-??? I- ind nr \. ?thin the coi ? Jamaica Be Aftir bearing argumente by lawyer? for the rarbage ? ten **. in : th? c t* i latiee Donn? -rrant t| ?idei . ? eek in whirl? to ?-ibmif briefs an ! i lie aAdavita Mr Btaaehfield eoi tended <-.-?. bad discriminated against the Mew York Sanitary Utilization Com? pany when the Street ? ? ? ing Com r- laioner'i advertiaement for bids for 11 ;,. tl i ? -? al of 'be garbage In .lnma..-;i Bat R. Percy Chitt , witl Job I'. Collins, Assistant Corporation Coun? sel, represented the e that i thai tbe San tan ' 'tilixatloi : any had a plant on Barren Island : . * prevent It from putting in a In.I, although tb" Barren eould not have been us? ! I...nd Faith Is Disputed. "Purthei ?? i Intereats do not -i ?.-? good faith," 1 cause thej did no enter i actually pa-.I them >:..7M\. ? I - -inn* of the garbage over a period ?' . ? nt? ???'? :? ears, an : tievei r? ? ? ?? 'in them. So? ? ? a? i ? ntagi ? bid I they e ?. ra Hii.l nay. 'Prove I I irding that sjontra be eauae ?re have i pis I ; I - oth? r company ha? none.1 " Mr. Chlttenden declared that II ?vus the intention of the le - I thai ' s ild be ni the city to re wit i ? ,. ,? the Barre : l?i d work -. for . \ Ba .'.?'"? I ths ? of John B- Stane I of Morgan J. O'Brien, attorney for the Me? York Sanitary Utilisation pany, there had appeared no itatement i,-' can i for action or no siiggestion . -i- of city fu "For seventeen years," he laid, ??i. ic men have held th.- eity by the throat." "This matter will be derided upon wheti-.? r or : ol the Strei ? I : criminatoT)" said .1 istie? D? i ? 1,000-ROOM HOTEL FOR SEVENTH AVENUE Pennsylvania Road In Build S.VOOO.OOO Structure. \ new twelve ?tory, thousai I ?I to be built b) ? ? Pi 1} - ai...-. Railroad Compel ? ? ? ? ? ?'?" " I ... betwe? bin > ml and l be plans, a hid eing pre? pared by McKim, Mead i White, call tela in th? to east 1 i, and 1 ? -, ? total ?? hich eomp n aunt invest? t will ? ? ? understood. Intends to leaee the at ? Thie is to be the ftrsi f th? ? plann? ?? lurround - . ghbor Idit to the fut g of I iventh A build g ai t Beet HEART-DECKED PACKAGE BETRAYS NEWLY WEDS Couple's Veteranlike \ppear? aace Flies When Bundle Cones. 1- 1. Ma ?D< nald f Mini eape iterds the V) sldorf \ it ?? berod time that there ?ras a 1rs MacDonald, and put her nal i - mail. rhei . irge. gayl; ? .. ?' ? ? ? '?' neat bride I Mr? tried vail ? . ?. but t packet! I ? a oil.." -ill tl . >?? ator! " hoarsely com? mande.l the hndegroom. T?ABFa DIES 07 LYSOL BUR? ' h,M ? bated lo Ilr.itrt When S^nr.r \riii ????riled Throat. Julius ? leinene, ? ? rat ? tt ? raterdaj I en the Ijreal ?omcim'i oured do rn his throal rhile I ?hop ?? ? ... ? Boul? .' .1 rhureday often t ei M i ? ? i m-r , who livee at 1 I . us Avai il", arnt v OH 'o A SI trie! ? ? ? ?. . ? ? ? t da} ? h il ?i ?? aras ?".. ill to ?nd test f) tec m ai le l bj Dr. Ma ?hlapp, Mr. Mork ?.- sited Mr i . ? ? ii at the home of her n aw. t <r examinai ? an ???a? ?M. lu? na Clemens ehoked ta death m ng to Dr Jol Beige man, eon ?>?? 'a phyeieien He said iv ? never reached the Infant's it m ?hat i? eau sed the * re I te ' ? ? . ? ? ing EXECUTION KILLS V/ARDEN i aatrappiag Bodle*?. f rom Electric t hair ?ii.1 al Mae Stroke. Raleigl ! i lat SI " ? lei Sal? of the '- arol i Penitential lied of o-da - . ?roes '.',' ardei ... *itatee ? .- trie chair '? ? ? - He irai ?:..,? arrived FATHER PREDICTED SLAYER'S DESTINY Dobbs Ferrj Murderer. Eighteen Years Old. Killed for Busi? nets a-.d Pleasure. ? ? ?hcosen pro n of eight en-year-old '?'? ? or'to pa,? - . h? nfesaed tha! be had aii.p.1 in '. . g one ma- for ?? ? ?????! price He alao killed one other rounded three or four rl'ir'-ij* hia -?? time about danee ha ? When MeNamara, who la kno-a a-? "Prother Mack," completed tl ? r fes ?. the Roboken jail, he foand ? ? ??. s .?' sal iefa " .- ? i his fath? r I ad pre - . - i ?...'?.t for him. " i i.a- , : man told n ?? I'd go to ?he clinir if I kept on. ami I n'leis ?),??'?> going,** he eatd "Well, it's fat ???''' MeNamara first was connected ?ith g '.' An'on'o ?ir.?u?t;io. a' I ?;. ?.(?? era! ncfrt a?o, when Katherine MeGow told the police that had I Ired him to "handle the job" ?Aren she and Greggio's wife decided to ? \ nto ?? "u* of the way Teaterdey v ting Van Wagner, of 'he ??taten Isle I tiva Bureau ????? l MeNamara and filed a warrai l with the 1 ling of Jo? arr? I at Harmony Park laat Sep ?'?mhi'r. "Brother Mark," aocordin?-* to?'ap'a:n '..? n '?? I to f.irre nia ?raj lanee, waa rebuffed, then roti red a volley of shots into the erowd of dancera. ''arro'.i ???..?is killed, and '?eorRp Burno. one of the ilar.oer-. ?tas ?hot In the abdomen but '.?'.t :? .?"\ere'l. Two nther?. Including a WO ? an, were injure.!. MeNamara It ??ai.l ? police to have confesse.! ?.' ith both ?hootinns. a_- aa| -? WHITNEY YACHT AGROUND The (apt ??.a in Serious Trouble, hut \ll on Hoard Safe. J.ii?k- il [Ile, Fia . .''.ri -'?> Harry i ?? Whitney's yacht Captiva, one of the Aneat in Southern waters, 's report? ed at-r f the entra il ? Lucie R ?.fr Rtvermen ?ay that it a lit, if not impoeelble, to float her Those on board are in no ?"ar.jft'r, but it m feare.l thut the rrs? strong blow will ? .'? ' the .raff. GIRL B?RGURS SQUEAL! NEVER! Two. Sentenced. Refuse to Betray Band of Women Robbers. "WElx tak?: our MEDICINE," BOTH SAY "I l-te-idod t?? Live Straight."' ki *cr\s Oac Who Had Married Wliei. Out or. Bail. ? ?laspe wer? . r ^vcrpt their determinal the ? - ? - | ... f a gaag <? . . F ? air the 'du i ' f roan .. in! the ????hen ?ut. nn't tellin' nothii A ir medic il a .rse " ay we're l lirai - ?er-. p for -...., ? i- ft? n momei ? ??.- ? ng stopf tha ihould sen ???? .-. ??.."...?? ting . at sti ? ? ? eta a warnii g eigne > I - I I rfre.l loi lar i in front of tan ig ' ? The girle' attoi te pasaa?? ? ?ray, had ?? man. ? ?? I ram?? b)." * ?? I V ark i red rne ?' I'm a bad woman, bu* they ? ? ng on ms ' man t .. wore a hat aomet ? ? i Both girle had I im i bail. ' Florene had ma 11 ir.(?r to live a! itrlel A' .- SO irgjata. ? tw? v. omen . : '? y>" anything out n, ue." ?aid Emilj "wi won't tell an>thing" . I re Judge Boealek**. I re ... ? ?.. however, Mr. uager i : ? belief, bache i .?> faeta ? h i pee . that there Is such i? . "There ie n.) doubt in my ?? f.n an nomination of thes? ' ?n I ! r.a.'*r. "that tl ? I ' I' men burglar ? ? When ?et h ai maintaii ?? I a Ja led from " tourt Her lawyer, she said, s ? ??;? ; i? ?en I come ? from Heil ford." laid Fl "And I won*! inaed Furniture Talks To Men How much of your thought, ripened by years of use. do YOU g i ve to furniture? Furniture for your home. Furniture is the fir-. thing ?>ur eyea see when vve wake in th?' morning. We see it after a busy day. when the mind needs ? change and rest. We are in the midst of it every hour we spend at home. We are iwr?"t - tinisr impressions from il daily. What kind of impressions are YOU getting? And impressions count, do they not? A sunny morning or a gray day ----pleasing furniture, or indiffer? ent?which would :? ou rather see? This is a particu? larly appropri?t.' time to give some thought to furniture. The Feb ruary Furniture Sale (Original) is ready. To-day is a Day of Courtesy?a day for looking over, choos? i m/, getting ready to decide. You maj i-ome and see a three-t it-. - block-wide aasembUtge of furniture which -has not i counterpart in the city. People ha\e come far to see it. I ;tth. vuth .se\c:ith Eleven states, Can? ada and ?England are represented In the natures in the guesl ?book of the House Pa? latial, written yester? day and the day he fore. .More than 10,000 piices of furniture. Furniture in all woods and every ?on<| finish. Furniture for evt rj room in any home? for large rooms and small ?rooms. Th?* titlest- and the most modest. Almost a million dollars' worth, at n - auctions of l1? to ?SO per cen? : average n - duction 30 per cent It is wur*h while. from so many point* of view, for men to -?rive some of their rip ? ned thought! to their home environme I not only f<?r them eh'es, hut also in the interest of w r??-- a: i mothers and children, who live in i* and an influenced bj it .?> much more than we men-folk. Worth while, at any t inte. Sut most nf all now, H'hilt ti>' greatest of all furniture $aU nprn. Galleries, New I ling JOHN WANAMAKER Broadway at Ninth, New York