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PRESIDENT OFF TO WIN THE WEST New York Trip Heartens Wilson in Quest for Converts. DEMOCRATS AW All JOURNEY'S RESULT Own Party Must Kc Swim? Into l inc if Defeace Campaign Is tu Succeed. i m n I w aahlngton, Jan 21 Hoi ,-1. .- ' -. ame I, ? ? a ehaag? the attttade of ?.'?'ngT??? ataca he be ?can a -1 ? ,-.,? ,,., - . Presiden! Wilson left ai ??airr klfl ? v" v' I'.. .: ? ag to i-eo the reealts ? at'a efforti r se? will ..*,.p. M *S ?P of the ? ??en going ? ? i ?our come? too lot? ? el? baa ? e ill ..." ? . 1'irH \d.lre<?-s in Pittaban ? . where th? - . .? . h at a \g airan?? I ? : Milwaukee Kam Louie, maV . ? e. .'? - ? fil ' ? ? The York ?? ? ttei ? ? I.-. s too great ! ko at least - ? ' ?. ' ?s foi tri ? I i ? ..? lit ? Cities whet ? ?? cities ?. ? ? ? ? : tional tu??? ? -oil ti?/ m< " rectly at the source of m ? and the oba! rath of tl a d? ? m? His s will <lo so. and predict that if r g? 'a? ?? gt] ? againat Bi Needs Democratic I oavetta. nocrata here &*t ' ... ' a ' k the ton? J legists ? than . Dai ampt to | publican supp ; . ?u' g the ! It will mark the fight, Thej i . -. fact that ttM Pros ta trieta which are largely noetile to h;^ plann land In port ho.?ile to him per? sonally, nr? predict that he ?rill return eanvinoed that tl ? moat eith.-r t>? dropped (.1 ; ? io ^:?'?'a, ly modified tha por? of ? a rei idvocatea. Hon sopla take Pre?; U i I seal's a| ; eal ?a II be studied eloeel) b) ;. r<.? the aal ?ieps eoai ' rl Ich han opene 1 )ie?in>unr:. - and la con? ducting an active cam Mann Rebukes Dies for Attacking Wilson T '.t. R. i ' v can leader of tl <? H ' Hi I dofi Raprooontal ?.. i? . i '. Texas, leadei of th? ; ? i ?omocrata, attacked th? Pi snt's Neu speech. Mr. Mann rebuked Mr. Diet for making ..? . remarks about I ;'*t i ?? the latter hiiil oompl? ted / \* speaMng tour, and tiiv <?laro.. that his efeneo for ehang ? y ?? ?di i is v >. ? that he believed h? waa r;.? t "With : ' ?if dangei ?*hich preval?a, Mr Mann declared, "?*-?' a meat the situation; we will ri?? la our reaponi In a poaition whore I " ect itaelf againai gn foe "fire?' nations are arrayed afc-ami*. one a.? .. a- i there ta of I ei,,... Wl in thi? ??ai broki ? I took oceatioa ? hat ? ??? ? lu! alwa* to r. ineriil" r that We n ? tai ling for tl .< \r: . ? peo] i inder all cir AN APPEAL TO THE HEART. It' toot nrxl door neighbors urn in distn s hu?bana ?, v. it fron ovcrrwork, <"l?il dren bungr*t wouldn't you ba the lirst one ? " come to "? - art I', rli ip- Hi? \ uve H"t. Bill won't Mm pint???? ml h?, neigh l.i.r to' .? of tli<? n.??'i" iittth families w have under carr? I lu t..? i. . reveal t ? iiv of human Hfl Sei .1 .?r ?.mall < !i. rks t?i Rti >m '?. Hrnoklvn Bureau of I liar, in -. 69 .??' lu t m. rhoi i. SI r. <?t. Brooklvn, cumataneei to i irai.' "1 do - . ' ?' ago, b'? - I won,.i ? >? '-.? ai But I do ?.-.?.> i i ? ? ? i situ?ti? ' I " have so ? ?, - ? . gerei the | realise an e> em ? ancient 1 "1 ?i atai arm] nor m the -permanent neceai lj , ? navy, bat I do believe ih?t great country like ours that refi es ildei -. ? ? ?"? on to daj be is? - beliefs m the past basa 1 the re?! 1 Ight -? al 1 ?'????-' . and ? I noi 1 to lo ae W 1 I at ? I gtl nt duty to pel ? - . shall . 0, a 1 a? ?? in .1 r?ii 1 Ion a hoi ?? s daci n muet be n ? dent ??uv'it t this situs - House, and, not* 1 be country to ???.atc I cas? * would ba more b? - coming '?- membon of his earn pai ? ment, al least, bef?te attacking him." ? COFEEE OUSTS BEER FROM NOONTIME MENU Women Snppl) Hot Drink I o \\ orkuieu on Church. a euet -nary ce?)?r bough will not wave from -...?? ipire of thi ne* build I,- being erected by the congres ? Church at Am . 1 Avenue an Ninetj ? eond BDorero riu . sign of 1 ? -'? HI be In vain. In the fai ample of Solomon ?er hemmet roi ????? ? '. c: iron heard ?l the housu ? was buildii ?:." but In - ... fea vision?r] a omen of . ?, ,1 n? ? >i . . reverent if there - ? ie men wei ?? e S ? ? coi ? the eoffi e waa builder was d? eart . ?. mcii "Workmen, .. gives . BAXTER OUSTED, LONGS TO FIGHT 111, bin Feels -Thrill ol Haiti.? Over Defence Society's Action. rest .... ? f authoi ' ? ? - .--? ? ? ? ? 1 th ? - ,1 tali ? ? , and who built ety. "I. . rf for si g is life 1 '- - , re- el 1 vfUil if this , until 1 was u.:c loreover, my ,. . ?? . ount at I h ? V*i aldorf, ? ? 1 ha? at , ? k as if 1 were ? ? he tn Ma to look up any of the charges." 1- declared thai he would t tl board of ?Vmcrican Defai ee So DRYDEN ESTATE LEFT TO KIN t hilijrrn ( hiel lieruliii.-iries <?f ln-u' ; are Man's w Idov. le, N. J . Jan. 28 B? ? dow of 1er of the Pruden irance Coi est?t? ded amoni.* mai - end eharitioB. ? .- to her ch.l : i - - . ? : ? ? -, and v I?. K- hville, , I : a chl d rei I - o 11 ? Kuser and J ? r II .''.' 1 Kusei, re? each. Mr- Dryd ni ?. th Busline!!, receives $10,0 niece, Mil Berl t I , I ? 000. LEGISLATORS AID MAYOR'S CITY PLAN 1 ?Ultimi??! froin [>:?a-<? I '? - ? vehicles. ?an?! IS) the ??t?te "o divide the new ?-xcise tax II] ?? th the city, as had I?. ? Mr. Morgan, for the Merchante' \ I aociation, and Isaac S. Seligman, for Chamber of Commerce, ?ler'.nre.l that the civio organ aationi ' wen back ?.i the Mayoi in h ?? pro gramme foi relief sad that ??.??>? wel eomed th? opport i tj . by Ilia place th? '.-..i -, fi om ? i egialatora al Conference. The following legislators, ??? *h their '? - the confer? ? ? - a ? -, A'.'ali .V I .i l ., ? . \. i .lam li ? ? ;?. i? . j?? -a. roi? lrtli-.fl ? ? 11 .'-?r-. K ? '..',?". ...,? ? I ? . -mi. V Ta '? t -? ?viuiuii A h?. .: i .-?.?.?? v.. l'aaar t I Barra ' N'e? Tort Lett R ?l? ?Bloc? ?? . ??? ...? Il I -? .? i *,< ?? ? - ? . ? .. ? ? || , \ ? -,,...., ! ? -)?.'? .' I . - t V ' . .?..'. . .- a . la?. ,. | i.?T '? ' . ?-?.?? ... ?. ? I ? . ? ? ; I . I. . ? ? .- ' ? 1 '? * ' ! .. M ? .. , ?j ... . ? -, i, ?.- r ? - . Kl-.??. >?ha J M h?. .? i, u. R, n . ? ? . . N??? ?. .T? .1 imi-s I '. ... ... I ' " ' ?l?n .--? y. -r laaai I . II. Mille, I Q ? ? :. ? . ?' ? || ? ,- a . , Vea? 1 i, - ?? ? l.'th hliiata V ?? . - -, ? i \ ? .: the or gai I repn ? t l'hamber ?>f < lommor? I - ird of 1 rifle Board ew York, Fifi tveaui l . . ? -.-. kasot 'a ' Inter , ? V. ? - ? ? \ - Bt ?OI ? ' v ? .. , ita .... Quei ? ' niber of . ? lir?.,,, \ ... ? ? i I "111 raerci U. S. NEEDS ARMY OF MILLION MEN "Vital Areas" Otherwise Would Be Unguarded, .loan! Officer Says. SHIPS COUI I) SHELL BOSTON UNTOUCHED Safe from -Huerican onus at is. 000 Nuts. Colonel Haan lolls Senate Committee. Waal Why s . needed to p arei ? | . ,- ? Stati againi , i-netin v. as ?it t:. . i tai v > .'. t.. day l>\ I '?' ' \. '. H .h . War De] . - ng ? ' ef< rhe I'??. ' ..-.!. ol which .\i?....r il \\ othei - liad ' ? 1013. in;* ' ngs hav? bee ' other ? ?. ? ? I Haai i I ? ' .. ? it to th foi ' a? ' ? "If . - ! take i?... m , ?i.\ Islona Seeded in i i??i I . ? ? . ' ? York, ? ? ? and New Yoi - ? . Bout ?Ik, he caul, the hoitr.l ? . ..f the eoai ? ' Is beeauae .- ? >:. fence v. ere fir from the **t . ed. he said. rhe net a Pa t Coaat he rave as thr< ne at the n.? ?-i? ?". ?ur ? ? Loi Ang? es and Sai 1 >ii i,o. na nhou'.d I?-? held ??'. reserve, ...d. "He v larR-e an army would these pirn S involve?" i -.? ? n'.or Cham-1 "? m.- mill ? and twenl i thou? sand men the critical areas," ? Ships eon taid? I : i . :.,?..!? * u - ? :. . ? Statt I . , the Fore H e busin? liatt I ? ? ? li>? recom that ? i added to tl ? ? there, all with a rang I?:. na! the n ;. ?. ? - ? ' ? nr'i - i.f tin? ? ? The maximum rout ?f pu.?,.,- into! lion the I pro militai . . termi ? . I. ? ? re baaed or. the that 11,000,000 men between tl i of twelve and twenty-thr lined The average coal .?? a con-] il ,-irm/ proposed in tin Do? nent measure vu? estimated r.x 81,000,000. LABOR BILL#SHUTS OUT ILLITERATE TRAINMEN Beaten Last Year hy Railways, F:ni;ineers Try Agi Albany. Jan. 2?? \,-. ? ? ? ;.. . . 1 ? ' ? prohibit railroad ? ? ? : trail Violation is made a ? i The Brotherhood of Railroad Eng ??' - ? Is behind t h? m< * its !.. gielature rei ? ? a the ? : Mini? nil except thai ? re gr? ? ? ' ' es thai The same bill was Introduced last year, hut never pro! ou ; ? i d \ E-fl VICTIMS OET ONLY $i ? niiipt?n?iation ?if Suhmai Workan DMaaaead ??> Bauul Waahiagtata, J??t? It. Fa?ttlat mafl k 111.? 11 Mi.I In.lure.l Of the- H submarine E " eaplaelan, ?' Naw ? the M'.us,. Judiciary I ommlttae aa formed t" da) bj ?flee Eva ?Van Am. i lean Aeeaelatle? fat L i agi ilation, ?? ill raeahre a niar.ii rompeneatlon ?m.lrr the Federal ployea' eompeneatlei net t.f only m each ra?e. I iie niiin.a were tleaifftiatetl an lulls ?n.t disgracefully ?mall" ? hartes P. v? 'i!- foran r Labor < nun,iiner. All the miureil. Mint V sii.l, were young ?neu with famille children, and all ? ill be p?'i ... ntlj di ' gun .1. WOMEN'S CITY CU TO STUDY SING Sir Society Decides to Aid Rcfr After Kirch wey's Speech a first Luncheon. \ cleat ing hoaaa for ???? prang Into being yeeterdey with ..(.onin;; of the new Women'? City ? ID the Hotel Vanderbilt. The rnr ?' ' ( rvieea in acc?l?ra! of pablie opinion for nil now worth* mui-fi They will devote 'l energies Bra! to the reorganise on Suik Sine; Blioe I \? the flrai luneheon in 'he t quartan ,'i.t?;i t/eeterda*/ by Mias AI ? arpen! er in honor of Dr. Gee i\ reh ",'??. ?.! ?. :i i dec ..te.I to rec mend to he ? ib tho foi mat ion o i ii,?. ie on pi .?cil? to ... dan m meur ? . . ? ng Sing ? ? Inma subnormal mente i r phy?. .. ' ?nid l>r h Ireha ??? ' i presence ?; these men in a great stll rente the working ou! t ne ifenora! ? elf I ? inch ?? ' . d i"? en ? ? actical >?? normal i "? ?. good, too, theae n should egat? d The laai . , pro| er ilar and ? cui able pi -? ? ? ??? ?. pi t u 1 s aa eetabl il -?il .?i boi ? ? in of avei y man in pris Those preaent < hurchill, Mrs. Ernest < , P<?<?:.?. : Ki ? Alice Dvi ? ? , Mr,. 1 ? H iv Ji '. ra. 1 i ; M . ' ? ' \ rind .. . ? . . . : | , . *f r ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ? . . rueaday. WINTER DRILLS ARE PLANNED FOR GUA?l i i iture "i Training Will !'. Tried Out .u Peekskill. I -..- ?. turo ii ? ? itniel oi ? ' ? lohi l l ?'!:? an ha ? winter ta nd other m litar; ? tat? reaarvation al I ekal rat < er? -es wi 1 commence I ? . ??? ? i pn ? , ? 'I White. U, B A . ??ill I rr .? . r. >.?? ! on th . .I, and remain until th . The 1 ? ? on Frida nicht the problem ?u tac! es to he en . urda y over the moun of the barrack; For Fol ? urn ?. 11, 12 f.' i 1 '? ? .t i.? rti 1 ''I ? I for th? attend i nee . ?" ? Field I ?''?'-? ? ra' School en boot oi a Line, aa wall aa pan? F, 71 Ian! ? noarn aa ? impanj of gua A bert T. Rieh, at th I'. r,. |1 u-liei rate tact?<??? ? ? Arrangement ? companies of different rek'im.?r.ta fo drills from time i? he Ufe<l a ii on the mote and in HilTer ant s of theae figure) . ? ? PORT HEALTH CHIEF NAME! l?r. ? ofer, ni I . S. Servie*, Picked bj Whitman t?i Baecaed O'Conartl. . a- : ? .- M Al ban; la ? - Di t-eland I < ofer, nera th? United States Pul .?? I ?,.? n-i./i ii??,,. ,,? ??,,> part ? ?' 'i .r'r. >. Governor Whitman to? Di ? ofer was aaaigned to the ? ? . e's sen Ice 1 Wilson ..?' !>r. Jaaeph J. ..t' Brooklyn, to remain h fei of the on from the stati government. I pro? the tranafer >i' , of the | i ifficer will V.e aent I the ' . ilatun on Monday nipht. The '< I 111 i ?'?'..? |lr 1 ' i ..: ..... whoa? pla? ?? Dr. Cofer till?, waa appointed by Governor Dix ?ml ?a? a po Itieian and phyaieian of Kings ? ? Qetl $'?1.250 Alimony. ? . n . .Inn 28. A divorce ?n.J.'"' .i". award I i lie? orth, Haiiph l . ..?. Buipee, of th? ' or ? ?. . ? rain?t Jol oughton Rllaworth, formar Yale at? okor in New York. C. 1 a? ? ? i :. !.??? rnej. heard the teat! I ? ?.' -- MEMENTOS Memento??how swept that word! Something to remind us of a day when our heart? and soul? were stirred to thr very depths. Such a day was the National Jewish Relief Day? Thursday, January 27, 1916. In after years you will want to recall the day when the people of the United States responded to the appeal of President Wilaon in behalf of the nine millions starving, homeleas Jewa in the war zones. -4s long as the supply lasts you can OB? TAIN a FACSIMILE OF THE PRESI? DENT'S PROCLAMATION, with a CERTIFICATE representing a donation of $1, $5, $10, $25, $50 and $100. Mm.- rhrclta payai I i-.h-l. Treasurei ( entrai i?rw ? h K.iui i niniiiitii.-, ...-i I',,;. Rom. 1 s.lirs -pis-ase mail ?hrek? ? Mrs. Harry Ri ?, Ti it ? \ om n'a 1'riM-inmaii??? I raj ( em ?? "i Ibe ? rntr il K< li? : ? ixm itter, Si Park Roe - WOULD RETALIATE AGAINST BRITAIN ?Senator Walsh Urges. Ban on Trade ?? ?Seizures Are Not Stopped. ALIalfaS' DESPOTISM CALLED INTOLERABLE U. S. ?Belag Ported Into Alliance with f-nKland Offers Rill to Back Claims. w BSBiagtea, .inn. H "Il the Ulies declinS tO field 10 reason WS il I ' cease trading with them." aeetari il Sen ator Walxh, Oemm-rat. of Montana, to the Seaate in day, i 'sin lu ig Great Brit? ain'? Ihterfereace arlth neutral mm meree ef the United ?' I >'? In advo? eating )etaliati??ti h- did not favor BR smbargo on war munitions, bul ho in sieted thai Great Britain aad her al ?.es ?en- planning to make even more Intolerabls the invasion of American rli/hts to trade frn I] "If it ti\?'<l d? teiminati? nation int? retaliatory measures 01 to 11 ;. eoareion wen? antertained by 'he Mlied t'i.v ere," r, "it would ?n.l quite iittin? expreaaion In the coui a of ? luct ? i meat l.?.-? <> ? ? , but ???> for?-? fall) and justlj ?Whom th.- goda wou ' they make msd." " ? . | ' : ? ' ? f I ? ?? , ? M . . . : . ntia ? ?".!? r of Inst ' to Brit folio Brill .1 I ns ?-?? last ru tioae. ? ? ' I ? ?f lad nir, ? - . ? - .?, tnetftlf .. : ? - ' ? the parpoae hoth of reawviag the reapondeace of peraoaa on the ni leged and suepeel lleta, if nn<i *.?, fa his baa nal Man dan? by the aort ami sito i\n far aa practicable of ell m.' ng periodical earreapandence ??? ri?ii H'j.iitiii.!.' . on? '?ina which ei i lenee I aa ihov ?i to aantaln notl thai ? e?julrs i eoneoi in?*. Bueh '?ii nated eorreapondence should not open? ?l ?mi M ? he 11 roam Ing poi I ion tl... m.. 11 ha been d i" k 'I ol " lliiliah Authority Supreme. !?. thai ' "' noel Ion Senator Wa 4-4 1)1 : "Ii la not .liffieiilt to m .|-i > the letters of any Amen? an be too do bueineea with a Scandinavian firm wh falla ululer ?lu? suepieion of the Ei h th authorit i.?? at s not Ilk.ll th. ,i tie? ' ?nui ui,, and neilhot are letton turteil in the Other diraCtl i,, ? sen the negot lato? i The i>???ii!' that commer?a aetweea oar shores a thoae of the neutral countriea of l rope will be eoadactad with juat au persons on the Continei I as the Bril authoritiaa muy graeiaualy ji??rmit engage in it. "Such a system would he intoleral to .? liberty loving people, even thou there were no likelihood that the ex? ,. h de pol i? [?"??.'i v ould n be abuaed, nor the information th ,. reptitiou il| elicited placed dlapoeal of tngliah rivala of Ameriei commercial houaea Al the cloae of his apoech Senat? '.? h introduced t h..l to prohib commercial intercourae ?un any n nterfering h 11 s legil ime trade of 'nu I lilted States it waa r ad to ?he Foreign Relations ?"on ? ?. WILL FIGHT LOWER INCOME TAX LIMIT Kltchin Says Preparedness Cos Musi Fall on Ricli tVaah ington, Chairmai Kitchil? of the 11 - ? ; a ?? V. ? ?? ami '?.? ??. i ommil tee aervei n? lay I hat. h< i op- n.? a?.- propoaa to low? r th lita ? ? incom a aa to place i < n ncojne thai ? lan ?? ?! an? S ,000 foi Mr. K ? '?? ? ? es that the i.-on-?? arm] ?? .i ,i? hould I obti . I from a tat ?. bul he would ra I ' bj e supon ath? the extending thi ?... . the lees i > ? . '. ? "war m n il ions should be taxed As -I ill man ? ?? "? a) ind Means Commit! ? ? i am coi i ? ed that .i" - :.. | avenue ? is |h ! louae I , a at placa i > re- -.? in t',i" p. rae tax, i ? be lo "I an. eonvineed i put through any revenue bill ?. rating practicallj all of the preaei i g? let." ? . ? ?? ? i ; h i-r temen! ... ' ring ' ? and placing a tax oi WARNS BRIT?SH THEY MUS? SAVE Sir Herbert Samuel Says Income Surplus Is Now Only .Se?") Apiece. SEES LONDON STH L FINANCIAL CENTRE ; I Sir Edward Molden Declares the Country'?. Supremacy Will Be Strengthened. I.? Ion, J '- Pi ? ' ? ? ? for I ?- .? ??? ? ? ? - point? 1 that ? ' ? The wa ' '? : lag ni.?? it anee would g - i 00,000 persona an annual - n c.-, or praei ??? i "??? i ' the oat ? '.. . fore, he added I al ?.,.* ,, out of - ? i \ aii," m, ir chil? li ? ? ? . . hooves us to i nfort'jna eisrn that '.??." ' . : ? I? lerbert i , . ? He .i? ? i re i ai kable that .- . ? ? ? ' ? : - i.on.-ion to Ram lia I I ' ? it? i ? ? ? ? ?' ? ? ? ? ' ' ' ' ' * A-,', B "i ?-Frsae, men? and p. t the i s t?HV' *r i? , ?.r..,",??4*t? ? -. -a. '' " . Ii taet ,,. **-* "-"? -1)114, w-twkasas ?er as ?12r* si ?I ,' /*? ? . ." '" ' PreBiatare _? ? ' ? ? '.?to?.?'.1' ? -a ' ?nj ?. < ? ?*? AiN'TI-GERMAN MOBS I?GHT SWISS POLICE I lag! Attacked and Kaiser, ( r:.nial/ f.ireatened Oov. cr?ment Spates KpOkurj ? ' . 1 ?the i reel .-... ?treet ?r? , - '?'? ' ? ,-. ?? ? a . '?'-. : toi - la Allai ti? the '???rmsn ? op.sulat? ?? ? rsaaay and sk ln t-.- ? - ? ?. ?a ? in aay'?? -? - . . '? iitiaiiaaasi leion of 1 ?- ., i?- ?---... - . I.a?sa?4j? I er trou prest rnmeata for ?-? inni L ? .... ? ?eras lice. The at Ueasasi - . ? "FIRTH 0.'" A VATION IN SUIT D -?-.Ha VM.m ? ? fita fra c'. i Ni ? ? ? ? * ._ _ ?.?aa?'ijX*?/rrr~cz.?? .*: :j3At.i?r**?a_aD,_.: Ut 3*X9B_&>*^r.--?a_LaMft.l z__akHBX -aatt *;_"X.-?*;tSiVT'i',ieaL? .??> '*.. ?a?ac_ vf lia i ?11 frl 6 t; i ? I ^....?i \nta_fonism mi it?rense Amona others, s Southern Congressman whose stentorian cry for "pork" ?"?vn?ie-d enthusiastic outbursts of approval ?n tl"" House, ?*. reported as declaring that tie favon "reasonable preparedness,'1 I>tit only with the understanding thai public buildings should Ii?? provided wherever the) are ?needed. "Isn't it an awful state of affairs?" the Houston Chronicle ironically remarks, "If this preparedness scheme goes through, there won't I?- any loose change for poet-offices ?n country towns, or for improving backwoods creeks." In this week's LITERARY DIGEST (January 20th there is an interesting article which shows the gist of Public Opinion throughout the country .-is reflected in tl..? newspaper press upon the President's preparedness program. Tl re will be no other subjecl before the Congress which so vitally concerns the American people. Be sure to read this article. This feature is not th?- only one of value to "Digest" readers, ()tli< is of uncommon interest arc: Verdict o? the Press on Intervention in Mexico A Careful Examination of Hundreds of Leading Newspapers Shows a Majority Opinion That We Should Not Resort to ? SUp That Means War Un!e? The Right of Revolution American Citizens in Foreign Armies What Captain Papen's Papers Reveal Bulgaria i?s Uneasy Booming Lloyd George General Botha's Remarkable Clemency Fight the Business Death Rate Out of 250.000 Business Corporations 190,000 Make Less Than $5.000 a year; 100,000 Make Nothing At All Druggists Too Busy to Fill Prescriptions The Relatiom or Teeth to Mi?iary Efficiency The Telephone Has Almost Revolu? tionized Mining The War H?.s HaiteJ Italian Pens The French "Hate" Literature What the Y. M. C. A. Has Dono in the War New fork's Civic Housecleaning The "Amena*" of the German Army \ LaXtgs Collection oi Interesting I'htttoftraphs, Cartoons, and Orea ?nus Jury Duty That You Will Like THF. LITERARY DICKST stands before the bar of Public Opinion an : ' ' ?' ??;. i nol with its own editorial "pinions ;m<l arguments, but with clear, in1 tatemen! which link and blend quotations from the leading newspapers, periodicals, ri fon gn, having different viewpoints on the same question. Every reader of thii ? ' .. ?uror, using his own ability to decide?after he has a 11 the facts. At a time important i part in deciding our national policies, it is imperative thai everj I :' ?n* formed, and able to pass safe judgment on the momentous questions ??:' I . fsiol onl.\ d ? LITERARY DIGEST present the real news, complete from all angles, bul tl en toil surh a way that independence of thought and decision i-? developed. Get It From the News-dealers To-day---10 Genfs 9 t*y -- ?-/?'' .^">. tf**?' ^i?OaaunK^Sy ;K .-? VVAGNALLS COMPANY ( Publishers ol tl,- Famous NI \\ Stai 'I ! ' ?? ' I. > ! I i NI V?. VORK