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iVriu ?ort Xrtbttiu I trat to Last? tie Truth: Nana Mttartala ?A.tvertl-.r~f>rt!" ?*.?.. I ?? ? V?. ." \s?, \> \ ? till??. . . , | ? -, ? ? r I A? . ? >t? ?*, ? I '??.??.., ? , , a , ? '? l'w ? a . ' BtH ? - - ? t- ? ? I M ill. 1 - ? ? . , . | s I ????,. ... J ?? !i\TT.!? ? ? ?? it: a" p- . I ?' * "' ? ? \ ? v ? . as i .... ... <? .%,?,?? Oar - <> ? ?. ?... ? ?? .. . ? ..-?..., S ? ri haaa in'. ?.a?? ad' attlaad l-> THE rRlBl N'E ??1th abaalate ?.nref> ? for If dl?? ?? renulta In any CaM TH1 TRIBUNE cu-.r-nte.??. to pa?, >our mone> bach apon raqneat No r*M tape, no quib? bling. """Ve make g-ood p****a***tl* If 'he ad? -rertieet ,\Ma a : A Matter of Policy. The Trr ???? with Mr. Will ' a : n ' Ml programme nor can :?;.;? ' ' I 1? r.CW frr in its btvr. ?" - ? p*ptT doea ncl peopooe I ....... not if thi ' ? D flight rr.e. iti ?n of tha peril of the e ; losent defence? less state, ha "**_ have accomplished : Ln? wd_ have materially contribua the advancement of the general cauae wUch Tr.o Trihur.o holds o? supreme im portar.<*f? t< tha country. Aa The Tribute sees it, tl a ptoot nt 1 is not I ( the President's prof-Tamme or his plat I I ror.our..*?'!'?? r.'.s on behalf of that pro There! meai from ell suet - ? ? I ribute. in such meaaara aa 11 to g Mr. Wila? : with tha fa i reeat possible op: to appeal to the pe* ' Niggardly Protection. r ? ag< ? ?' M ' ?* the ra? cer ? to I t, Mr. ? ( Labor. decli ' bo dis ?.. . employes n?- is ? ' Pr. -lohn B. A - ' - ti r Legie ? ? ral etat behind laws in ltl B. He cited t"ro!r. .??cords ir. I paymenti than n arms or legs, ol ? ? eye, and of les? tor the loss of the ri?ht arm. aside from the humanitarian aspect of such conditions, they are not ; ' ? al] should they be tolerat? I iw, when the country I not halt ? ging ser-. the moat loyal and thorouphf-wi..: devo? tion : would leav?? ? try wh '? civil ?If? the civil ? f ployes of ' ited at . ? include I . ! and to ' ? to the thou . limb for Buch ? ? tion in case ? t.iat 1 British Labor and the War. a hoped that the i ' ? s would n?ak?? a firm stand ? ? ? ting . Afectiva r.pjw to be ? vas clear that In ?? . in the h the measur? posed < ? division. Bui I ?ion of ? tha 1 na must hot :i hop?. ... mind ' ? were immoim that tl ? . ? . the i favo:ed the "the firm deter minai ? ? ? tjnit;. . ? ras i ' taken; 1 ?. ? The ?? ixical Tho i prot? and "? ? ' to tal? ' ' In its orig taal foi . rot t., : n .,, . Dt --?I, un ?ttitude of pas ?.- disappi >" "1 lo-a '?''?1 ' '"' ncl. bul fot its ?? peal " Mr, Will ri"? moved ill?? -? . ' ? ? ?*' till? sJaus* as It? Inf ;,. anci u bi ? ? ikon, ?ml hi ? ame mcrt was adopted. So while ill?- rnnl gfice ?? . i?)'|?..s?'l In i .n?) i-v , ? - .??? ? p| lurlp.Oi II accepted it . . tinlly expedient. Tl at l??as'. Ih 1h.? readiest Interpretation a decision which i? * ?-m.-w hat contrai and confualna? ? >?? least t' ;it nothing res? I :. ? i.?in?! Btrtke Is i" ! s np| 1 ?ven those n ho wet s m ing compuli strongl] *orous prosecution of at 1 Mr, Bellamy In seconding pmnlng the -act declared had e to do nnj thing to pi ol - \> ho \\ ill nol ?lu ili"i- b w hut th?? union let.'.-is fear m< ' that th?- bill ?tras really d< ??'???? mpass Industrial ?coercion; if this i i i can l?p dl -'"? ? vt-r ? tint will inn!'!-1 y at without difficulty. 1 he nain rea g coi ference Is to make it clear tl . i'.i'd opposition on the part of lal ? t tl rtsatWMd and that Um unions i g tit pr?sent t" take any stop tl ea onibnrrnP'-iti'' to the govei ? ? ' Mr. Brandeis's Appointment. look the co n I when he i i ated I Brai ate Justice of 1 '. l he u't" eral exp? ? ' ? I fill I vacant by Just death u it h ai a] ?? the Soul -, which I I - Pr? -??'-.? '. ? i?We I laryland. North < Ina ?u th Carolina, has I I een rapt Supreme t irt 1 I I Justice Tt ? ? 1864. Mr. ?, ?. -, - t? ith't lima to recognition i ? in th he ht turni away from the Sou' ?riven n jut p to IS w i ?ustic ry long ago. ??'?? . ical if it had ? of Mr. 1rs n'a 1 m. Il the Ei ? ? Now Freedom, now fad i . d. Ii?- It . .?re in which th ? ? i l.i 1913, : . ppoin ? Cabinet post was freely talk? wat ' run under th " then, ai -I through th of circumstances the at inn turned from lin? truel on. Mr. Brandeis's chief service under thi was that of s] i eounsi Commissioi ? ? ? '1 wit ? ? '-!-.? the commission on In its narrov? ; oi" starvation agaii I ads. Thai ern rate decision of :-i. which, ii. efl that tl ? ?. ulsion could hi this country. Publi opini ed a eversal of tha The administration parted coin . with the . , itters on the cow ; Mr. l'. at d< i- also had I tion to sheer away from thi ?. ? extent. Now the ? ? g to st ni preps.|uires cor ccrted effort?that the tenance ol state of railroad effl -.i i.:.- ? the training an :" men for first line defen? ?. li and shippers fightin ?mpoverisl - peral , shi] I ..... . . ? ? geth? . We must 1 ? ad of economic ch il wai ? country gun 1 rhe a Iministration has begun t Thi s <y in Was] and for changini ?'. . Brandeis ha I? il himself to Mi. ?. ihowini ? ? I. Th c. untry hopes BO. Il would be a mis fortune if he cat ri? bench the narrow, mist tde tow vital ii.?in try of transportatiot ? h he tor,', , g er to the Inl i e Com ?on. Belter Prison Accommodations ?Senator Sagt ' g for th? modelling of i i ? -Prison, includini g of ; farm and indu I ? 'her a or Winthrop, offers a tolerable Bttempt to ? .- Sing problem. It will not be ?satis o who hs ? tha t and ent of Sing B ? againsl thai t;" tion ha? 'I ?? demand that and nothing ? . , to get i thing : ? ? abandonm? I nu ?rable old cell block of the r.I prison. 'I ? ?? policy v? hich I ? ? .- . to erect a i * S ng Sit g in n more healthful situaii"ii than :'? ? ting one, 1 I 01 .... by the ? industries. The rebuilt F g F g i i for |" ni..' ni ? ? . ?? ? '. t as a receiving ? the lower pari of th? from which coi I . . tent to i after their cas? ? ? had been -* iidied. '? ? ? e1 the obvio ed i t greal permanent prison lal i and better prison condi? tions in th? section, .1 n?iw farm and lustrial mething like ?? -gun at f the prison sil ? "ii. i ,- plan. ? : omise. There is bound 1 on improvii g th Sing Sing j i..: n diffei enl pu on a than 111 present i? ??, Rui i Ii"??" Impi o? ' menl In i nnnei tIon with tl?'? building of n net farm ; , nnatitute ??? vastl) better scheme foi obtaining Incn aaeil a? rommoiiationa than lin? old Idea of r itching up lh< ? Intlng cell block, posaihl) ? ? ",MV une and letting all Improvement real Ihere In the li> iir i un ?t would pi obably lie I?e1 1er to abandon Ring Sing altogethei rather than to tinker with It, Bui If off! t Isidora In it?? wisdom ran'l <?? that, the ,. , . ? )pi;,,, in tu i al'.??.- n ' little hai in tul nn.i contain ? aa man** -j-??;" ???? ol poai Uva good n i an] thing likely to be i Uf gested. The Old Guard Bail. \\ h? n the encmj ' battleahipa lie I Rockawa) ai I d op Into Kour ternth Street, lal it he on th?? nlghl of the Old (Jus d Ball. No les ? coincident- ? could quite aatlafy poetic preeeiJent of find ?!?? better mobilited to repel inva ?loi , need then, for hurried aummona by tele phone, for an undignified scramble Into uniforma, Vor confusion and rain ge cu latlon, There In the brilliant ballro? m faultlessly attir? d for battle will be | ered the gallant nucleus of our def? their i reasta pi I '? with i ledala, th??ir spirits uplifted with martial musk ai d the admiration shining from soft ayes, ready and willing t.. sacrifice their remaining on the altar of glorj, Even Captain lames : . Wei ma . ?? h ?<? w?II to ! hia a ' ?n of ety-two years. * night, forgetf I of 1 rub? i uffl? r, g to gri] plural ? and followed, of ? oui ??. by a prou lenry v hich I ? ked - i lone to w-h aa he for leadership. . Indeed, 11 promises to be Waterloo <for ... re?na? te i. '? o uahar In that dedaiv? ? . It will be : ec ill id, i here ???? ta a ght, And Belglum'i ? H.i beauty and her ? ?h\ ??.'?: | ... Wi that the Old Guard has ? aa in mind ? hope, th? ? ? riaing kn< I? is simply the si ?? i They i I other y? ar. nee? ite -? lion to What kind of a ? -fa Secretary Daniela Unmasked. . ? ?. / et for! the 1 humiliating and ? . ? j are, have long been a mn't.r of common knowl-1 ? ? . ? ? - ? . about th? ? cause of trut ? Da to ? ? i it? ? Both the Pri .<! hi? Secreta; tl alavy have , their hif aa an offic? tal mship, I a "typical American.*' b? I t tei the America peopl? ? . ? ?. . . ?.dmiral Fiel from pui ????..? d han. posed 1 ' >. ? ? ? ? effecl r< Presid? ? ..... i ? ? . ? ? ? ?? ? ?? the n ? ? . . . ? ? ? ? ai ? I during two yean . . ? ? Prophecies. ? ' He n? ' ' it eat o? . -ount - Of cours? ?U the same he ?<?.|. ?ami, if ?? i b? ? lected Underestimated. ? ' sh? < \nd on I e*d nft your drawl. 1 ? ? . ' . ?(',] you a '?? ?1 thougl athi r than all. n ere always deep m .i? Thai mishap ate life oc ? . ' ? ..II you knew ?? *u how to place 1 ?id said the tl .?. >rd. Ii ej didi 't know tl Frai Would en ? raise to { I luri that 1 an they o a da d '? ad l.i; men th? pi p to die. ? '? ' . hid awaj i ? -n prying eyes the well Of old-time pr da that ? ? ? . i . 't?i the chilled-si B ? ' A ( H1LD. , FOUR UTTLF. WORDS Ami Hi?' "Strict Accountability That Romiltod Therefrom. i.. the l ?ii.I 11?" I rikune Bomotlmea II soosas a? t >>? Pros dent w lleoa wrltoa bla pretty phrases fe the pure ploaeure of so ?l<>in?r. without *-? Idea thai hi ?? 111 be bi il t.. n atrlel ?.?ni nl.iliiy for wlia) ha 1.1 ?' i ake Hi.. ?'?..?. proud lo light" phrase. 'I hi to him i-? ..i' i.? a happi Ineplmtioi Lut n im? Leen unquestionably t'"' moi I hi happy fooi word? Ingle syllable phrase eve uttered by a Preoidenl ?f tha -United lets and lina rreated the ImprtaaloB tbroaghot llie World that the p.-..pie of this ciuutr i,a* e degenersted to aaclt ? coadltioa ?j elfemlnancy thai anj streng ?sewei ??".l ,? i ua with ? ii ie, Sum. iim< .h othei II la to I"* feared lbs ilin?e four little words are ?r"1"-? I i coot : h ?ople of this country thousands of preciou ?? In demonstrating to the world ilw?t >?. .1 i .? Hi,: ".'in pi oud to Iik'1' I he . raj ; bal a a ? an secaps tha w la l.< build up a ? BOOB I ? poai ilile ii araay ol euch proportions .is to discourse. m v Idea which a boatila European ?sews ma) have of Invading ua, For the lease res ?,? navy ahould be Increaeed, not live a ten ?,'?..? henee, but at the aarlie * pra< .ment. ,\.i power l.i'.k'fii, upe oui wealth wit! i^- r. - ? ? i,- eyos and desiring I ? sbserb soi. it t?i pa) Its was ?M?' ? i." ag to welt unti -? gat I k l.i'V-. Ml.'I li !i H* Hllny. fa 4 ve i.l'i It In 'he very deliberate sray wbld Secretary Daniela suggt ta fei tha navy, an* which prominent members of Congress nr ed to adopt for the army. We have < ? : ? natlei era Let Congr? huatl art and ni ? : ?gi ? ' |. .1. ? 'i. : |< M. I. I?. ?Proud Pacificism Explained. : i tot of 1 he rrlh I he temper of your ed torial "Amer lea and ?-.uiope" Is eo admirable that I won '.jii'.d juifn'.e M it ?BOM ? th the 1'iesl ' i rase, "too prou-i t? tight.'' Burol] do not mistake lbs eoatent of thos ',( -.?.?ril? nr? the teuchsteao, why ma; ? . ly equal emphasis on that othe?- ?pro eat, t*'at Amarles will defend he ?- fron whatever quartei violated, with ? ? r miaa a*.?J at ai ; coat * ? "loo proud t?- fight ? the mag ? ? ? h thout gi? ??' argui .??,.. er th< ? eharges 11 i it I.?? :* ti??' : traitor H? light en ?" ? other sad I i I ovei one 1 \ ? . ? in'l i accept that as hi \? ? ? nd thi?. pi rase I of t . ? epl ' i I ?? 1 ' ? ? ? aid i here a ;?- "eue ?? ng as being 1 -, ' ess I am grea . ,- ie< ? ? i ?? and then Americi It may i igh t o i ? ? ' rtain tl but ? ? ? ui ;? ? ? ? k the P lent ? ? i ? our blood, ? ? ? ? ge - of "too proiul t.. g ht " i * ? : toa conee] of th? -y for Hs us? ? mal ining Ki ? ? - .i trap for fools. b 1 der you b il ha? e ma? ? ?-ou things that my n ng sell ? le at HENRY A JOKES. - ' National Self Respect. : ? ? ' " The Ti bune. en this It? v. -, General, ? rnself a? follows In the ? the People vs. McLeod . :::.': "Great Brit I ? ? among .... ? . t liaten to a di don? liile a . ? . ?I paii i i Fall icted on ;? ? pie ol high-toned sspi i j ible | tioi In my eai .- ? n cordi >.' Roman ? ? eal ? - ? ? ? her temp'. i , i ?. ? er d ? im'.-, er ? ? ?lied me; but * ? i ? the remote i .i itio i am an En| ? B) the time i ? ? r can eitiae . ? ? [?Cover, unt isness 1 protect bi i prop? rty of tl : . , ." In thos? I have fought the ? ? ?? ?leal h of ' h ib? r.i ried down to thi tl ?' . ' ? .... pi at to light ROMILLY THORN l"OX. Ji 18, 1916 Open Season for Americans. '?'line. I have fe free wit ? ? ? ? ? r ni partiality to ( th ei i might f the pr?s? ng t not? - tile tl ne tO gel eason last - n to be. perhaps, that i be a more than sixteen Amer sl lowed I the ver) 4, 1917. HELIUM. I-- ?.ml ' 1914 Consult a Dictionary. the Edit? ? - ' -Tribune. ''? : ' I. ' '., hia French? \- ? h?? not at through a try bet . "Tribu e" in I re? ??i be ? P MAM" . .' as Vurk, Jan. 21, 1L4?. THE AMENDMENT. JAPANS POLICY IN CHINA It Is Not On-* ol Excluaient, Since the? Oth??r Power? ( annot Be Su< ceeafully Dislodged?-Room lor All in the flowery Kingdom? Japan and China Should Be Inends. ' i '? ! ? ? ? I t .litoral corre i .t..;.:;. by Mr. H. K : of "Tha Pel 7 ' ? s" ?.. ...i to i ? the orga . rrs?< n. ? hma. in a I ,:.?s Dl [yenags'i policy o . . | | ... . ?... ? ? ? .? boi i "f ami)?. and n the two countrii ter 1 a." '.* r. 1 ong1 ?? ? - me to b? With you ? ?? ? ? . ese i ?\? ? ? tset let i 1 st, m vita Furopean sttitnde toward Asiatic ? then : on in ortier t?> : ? ti rritoi al an? .... tween th? Von B? n Gei ' ?'? ire thai tica ? yellow ? ? the white race. While the al the Wi ? ?.???... .; , h BOU? an.! the Psi Americsn Uni? L he Far I . are, I am inclined to ? ta a Japan? fret tha edi - ' th? ? ? a sen! enl ce ai ,nd I entertain? bj Mr. Tong ?!"' ? ? ? ' ? increaa? r of Japan? I ?ndica that ? ?.in! menus by wh ? ' under lerioua co among < ? I ai Japanese. ? .... ? ? ite ? ? tention that Innan deflet the "open I . for a eh the f"r . . nt, th? eal righl I pi eg? of Eui rooted ?iiat i? is practica ? the door. Besid? ten thousand ailwa i I? i f pi ti ol, there a.m i in im toa - ;. ..? er < '?? .?..- I ?r pitance, among I fort milla in the 1 ai ~'^* 'y ? le) ' onl) lix, i the fa'?* thai cotton ??ptnninit eonatitutei th? la?an. There are a!'-<> ton mining romps ona and 1 'oreigi bai opera! China. How could Japai i .... 'or Ja China'* opei i ? ? .- ? al to all nal ?? Shai tung, i . ? Manchuria, the ? ulloy - II !?. . ' . . ? : K . . ?. | [?roaperou : ti? F China aa well as 1 h..? and i ' iter '?'. ? g .. i ould in all pr?; I by Engla Kranc? hrd Rai . ?,, *.. ia) notl ng of a gn of th<> area along the railwayi ? ? . . . elpleai ? a ould probabl * rema ? lad ' i fail t.. aes that this wonld ??? mo\ it It ia true 1 i the com menial and industrial opport nitiei _? Pi ? Manchuria ? " that moat of I \r Japan, bul for all nal oi ? whose I il favored Ural ? fron i ? ? . to ? pei ? bul who lei ng thi ... By whal . loes th? I arrive at tha1 .?.on that Jaj king to ? > '? The princi] ???. s : "1. "hat no i with any ti .? are of fluei . f ? timo b? marchai ? luei it nal . ea le? i ?.le govt ??::. I hat ? ? ? ? ? ? entina i mi ?| tha ?? ?. railroad indi se b< ilities iporl ' ? ' ? ? ? ? ' thai ? . t foreigi tereal from ? George I '? . I .. Revi? icct Man pera lamentai e< that tin> coi ? ? rig the major poi I the most pplying ni| orti Those who are 1 I? Japan wit . ? ? . 11 tempt i ng 1 ,-? oranl .??'??? ?" polic) enu ?? i ....... '??,-, . . ? t free pel I he an international ant I vhat it ia, and u ? ? ?. . thej are ?*. ?th in th? of free ? ?ill GO OHIRA \ i ?.. ?. ? ill A Question of Location . ' oi ' Ti ine. Sir: Ii n te of Dec? ??.:?. 1 D .? -.11 , againal ? ?? i treat le**e<l ? .ommitted bj e letter do? of the four Regia) " - < i th? lett? r was | 'i "i '-. papor. an.I n* - ? Register'] ? i 'trence t t " ? ? meant I hat ighl eatigatc ? f thai lurrcd I ' On l ;?' .' 1er? from attorn? | for th? ? ? . .... i .rote I id the original .. to find any pei. ;.i tn. : limilar na ta having writ! \ ? I conaidei I ? trei rtunata 1 . -houl.l nul ??? an unknown or ana do ? ? .. ? he | of >oiir p..; ? i printing Hon ..?' Its ti... ? it might ribed to tl ?' ll?k t ? i? propei ?...???? ttei to tl.. Reg '? New York Co JOHN i HOPPER Regiatef ;,e??. \v.r., Jan. ,;, i.'i ". BURDEN OF PREPAREDNESS How Europe:i:o Nations Groa: Und --'rain. ? - ? ? ? ? i the I a? . ?all it t ? ? ? ?fgravate ??' i lue of the ? ? - ' ?' ? ? templai *, diiip? ? ? ' ? B I ttsttei "' A . - - dens ot ? ?iio, wh'.c: ? ? - ?. SB ? stiT. j** ' i fzn-' ? ? ? 191?