Newspaper Page Text
\ii Office \ntho!oR\. hautin, rm ri sin?-jjfl m v\ tenta -?mea some -,f th.? fun 1 knew ? \. trymp hard abend at? i retire call sin-i-.?. ? - everj ?in>. I that? ?because r.t mj n^e ami -habita Itg early to he late. " 4~ ?lav-- I quit cnrly an.I go ?,? tin? ? ? tad hont thrni to my pieusu-e. '. - .-. i ? .'\ er refueed t.. Haten, ' api Barn, c\e> will learn, .. '.. his adsantage ? r it. - - \!1. I..i hai .-?? i his ] i ,:i the course of a year. - j " he ?aid Thursday, "thai 1 have not ?kltd BO he if, aaVi-rding to the .-!. a weak and vacillating opportunist or n brave at :ing and ?growing 'herefore ehaag? We wish we could decide which ?>f ? we shall continue to think he Is ? red, von may recall, t.- tel! the ? .i rear, and he ; ever even ? ? l| ??? | wi h itat Is a ?th I o1 ? ? Machiavellian ways of Woodrovian I ?? the Brand?is appointment bul .. gifted, brav? and honorable man. ? \i> LITERATURE - -Vrtless Ai... which you haven'1 the last instalment of "The Breaker,** ? st; the artist, in illtistrating -the si ?wed thai lie does not believe in eathar, for the raincoats anil the um? n the preaeding pape aro misaing Vag night ? alto that Malkan's ?bookatore .lasse. j j. T. ' " ' :i"' ,;"' ' ' Spy" with the W. 11. M the illustrations of Clarence V. ? choice to adorn our moral. Not ation stufT the Satavepost is aging : exists .. res art ?st we thai ? thinp leads sometime?? to an ther -that summons to mind an ?" peraons read the magazine? -? ? ?i? ft i r attend picture shows and ai"t critiques are read by comparatively ? ? I y not criticise magazine illustrations ' all. - ai BOOfl ns we i-sb get a staff of nr: ?? M idea doth tread upo,?, another's heel, so ? ? -ht he a (rood i'lea to prinl book-reviews, too. COLVIMISTS STA. ?\T THE OFFICE UTEI THAN I tin I IhF TO. ? ? ai a bov i . ." yseif. When a e, and not l?> he dis ? Ihihga, This is a nice. qui?.', office, treat. 1 should think that'?! wagons datte g be cobbleatontM hm! the time. My oflh ? is pretty quiet. .It's pretty quiet. ? used to ? ear anything. Say, as I" give you a *whee*e,' as you call '? I " .. . : it to you hy mail, but I didn't pet around r it off, the way you will, you know. I'll tel! it up 1 ? ' ' lUraelf. I couldn't write ? the wife thin',.:- I'd have quite a put a little time on it. Wrote a poem for ? anniversary. I'll -send you a copy of it I've pot one here. Dont have to read i .:? ? I'd like to know what r flattery. I'm not vain ai-out my ability a< :? "i, ] did for her parents' silver ? '* o had. Well, about this 'wheeze.' You I the 1 ? . ? .. , : th"-?' 'Leadlines.' ai you ??? r ?gh1 we?the Mrs. and ! were over in call we'd put off for weeks I hate to po over .' ?? ? ouldn't pet out of this. trouble to ?say "yea1 to than to keep on ome. Well, we were riding along on a ! know what street it was on?and I saw <?. Hunger. Honest. And 1 said to the M?nd it to "The ( onninp Tower.'" -.- ahe Aoas, << Hunper?pretty pood, ,1 }u?, | eve it. Hal Ha ! 1 sup rear to -write it to you, but I was passing ? ? drop in for a second. Say. I " ' ti a,( ?.. . i appose you hear a lot of this you had iomething in your 'eolyurne,' a? . that made an awful hit with me. That en telephoning. Say. IVe heard that thinp . .;. ? ' exaggerate, either. Not a bit of I sromen talk and talk over the phone for half nn-zle, solitary, blSBBBI* thir.i?. Not one :,. ,, hit with me." . ??ays have been decidedly pleasant, but they will ? .- dred pound? next, summer. extracting the Blight joy from long cold spell fttso means -Sc more per ? -i, thick then that the cost of gutting ?-bl \ ii;. \i.i \i ING GAZETTEER '.iry much alert Y? i will not overtook Detroit. A R. K ? - rare, but tt?at notes Ml the list of \.i\'i..r 12 purchaae??i?tertifkatee are rettem? OR WH \T H -VVE VOl " ? ?hange my furnace for an electric fan and .* ?? ? '".? '?*? ?-** ? ?y fur o..,-?..,I to batA. Jl Nil. MCCsBag .*? province, and BO when w.? saw last tied, feeling that th?- President of the ;?. . ,i. .... thau a?,.i Counl von Berna ' ? . " in in th.? hot m,-,- of i ? ?ah bath reading the ???" t I -- 4. 'GOYESCAS' SUNG ATMETROPOLITM I irst Performance on Am Stage of Opera by I*n rique (iranados. NEW YORK HEARS ITS FIRST SPANISH OPER/ Cast Contains Anna I -'it/in. Oio vanel Martlnelll am' An? tonio De I tica it? ?.Ki:\\ n i E VERM? ?.i-oyes? .|. " 01 ?? rhe Rival Lovei ?. ? ? si product on on ?? st .... la-tt night at the Metr?poli' .. ? liouae, mu? f..r tin? first tima ?? ??? Tart's kletory a Spanish opei 1 surg m Spanien made ita t>ni for eu publ ?c'a tud th,?. "Goyescas" la In "no a?' nn.l ihr? tablease, the muaie bj Enrique ?.. i ? . ?.hrotto by Perneado Perl quet. It was originally accepted fo presentation at the Grand "pom ii Tans, but tha war intervening, Be?o Granados carried his wart te sign.. Gatti ? asasaa, who ut one? took it R . I already given proof of hi?? select i ciara by presenting two worka of thi Ruaaian school, Signer Gatti In a mo? commendable aplr?t decided to earr '.? raaaarches into othn? landa. Thi? with i t'eaira to rarj the reportar) o one-eci oporaa, ?.?uh what brought is Uetroj. litan director to ehoaea tin of Befloi G ' anadoi piano sketch ? hieb opira 's a deve '?liment uro well knowl to us ing ?inl the con. poaor himaelf have played then* te ai iva recognised then? es mush "i" peculiai beauty, color an.I rhythsii. aon er Essctlj ? on the pun.' ? ? s Goya Bho come to t.?- the ass for thes? set? hea an.i later for thi opera caused not a little eonfuaion until wo were told that thi? origina > muaic wai inapired by the G? ntingi n I ? Prado. In h?.? comae ? th? piano Seftoi Granadoi strove to pietorei of the lime ? Goya, pictures suggeated by tha imsgi m o1' the extraordin?r) paintei ?? life reads not >?? a rea anca h ai i airy tal? tvnd fr..m this pian? ggeated b) the paintings ol pera hi Star) of i ht? Opera on r !'< i.., .i , lad) high ?..-.. ir suggeat? . \ im Goya pa I aquii ". th? a I? r, Rosal lo has nad an ? It . al ? ??? B| ? in her own . a i ?? Ko ? .. a the Hermit?, I ? rida, Madi id, 1? ei .. ? '' ii and maja . the peopli i i B) for rayaida ? ' ? ? ? | o ai. Pa r ... ?re, and whan Roaar a ' ? ? greetl her h?.K- : t dai i as the on? But Roaario deaires to forgot the peat, anil whei F rnai arnvi- * to his arma, Fernando has heard ; . . an I he, too, ..- I dance, ') ? tc '???? intense ' ? ? ? ireador. The real ? t aim* pi?'- Al the dance Fernando and . I agree to I in the l?st scene there ? ' betweei Roaario and Fernando .?. ? ii to nghl hia riva!. He ia i ? !? ight ba? - ? . Rossi... and dies In irme, she singa a aort of tod The opportunity this story affords for ?ht display of ?ho shifting color of h crowds, their ?ong? and daneoa, their f?tei and their games, is evident and ' ? that the com] ? 11 is probable, indeed, that il waa in thai the eompoaer'a lean .??a? Il ". as !.?>? placed in the ; ? I ,. o:'a muaic drama When Se?or at that he a rote I he s'ords after the muaic, and that the pint so;red onl) aa a ikei foi eompoaer, wi see ai once hon ? wai foi th? ? : o ? ? ? ? ?? ? ine and distinel characl ... ?,. ? - ? ? erything, the poet I.* r ?. i m ning commentai ;. on the Ti?.<? i.pria ia largely a ?? ? lentiments, lovea and ? ? ' 'i .?:' <...;,a, an . ,?? . interesting because of nocracy; where toreadora, duch? esses, girli of th? people and grandees ?i.'-i-' oi equal footing: quarrel, fight, lia sa if rank aid eel exist The Muaic. h Seflor Grana? i , ' : ? this picture la, th? opmenl of bit i '?.:. iketehea. In .?.. ? ... .11 the fascinating lit be fii ind sec ? >.?.!; above al!. in 'no dances and cho of l h.- di ei ?. Sei or Grai ados Is moa1 sueceaaful. P? rhap ? ? . are times when we feel thai ir ? eatration is a little clondy and tl ? . ?. i a ilighl lack of elai did not occur in b.ts origina ? sic, yi t. on tha whole, thla portion of" riginal. aatiaf) ing and ?illod with color. l.iki? Charpentier, and Mousaorgaky, and Borodin, Sefioi Granados if a demo . ., ;?,. M- .-? i ol of two or three chai actors or on? lov? affair, but of the eu ? . | i? .? raaaaes and this di.os not make for clarity f*f . ? of outline, Hut il does make tor power and a bread aeaea oi humanity, and in his choruses and . we do feel that Spain ia before US Bot the Spam of Philin II, bu1 tl I Spar, of the toreador, and perhaps of the philoaophie anarchist. And this ii probably whal Softer Granados So I? t us statu here that in t>is wiah he has boon even if there are thOM of , hoped that he might bave gene further, ?.nd produced a rausic-drsmu . ? , ., ..... thai "' armen" la a ?? drama ?ven though, as >...<.r Grana tlOS insists, "' armen" may no* he the !pa , < the n al Spaniard. g . f we are to Judge "Go ?eacaa" an opera or ?? "IU ic-draraa we eanno. .... , . aiae Little deflrita chai ictei ?ation Is there either in itotj or in mus?.i?. the composer in hit ??; ? belief in tha deaaocrati ?,,;,,..,,;_ i the music sllotted to the individ?ala to a atranee similatit) of melodic espreeaion. The ri thai thi . gradationa, shadings ..-.,? di tiaetiona of human charactei j,ri fused Into one great democratic urd i? mass To the eompoaer, as ?o iho librbttiat, duches or girl of the ;.,...p,.' are i enturiea of tradil the lead where above nil others tradition has in en la? ?ci m to hav? aant i , ?>.. v ..?..nados, or Sriior \? Roaario and Paquero mot en the same plane In a low Kra.11, so hai their spiritual b b? ..hip become the same, ?nd tlii- music allotted to thiir separate characters is moni -.H \. he scorns diversity of character, ?,, t,,,,, does ?ivor Granadoa aeern as? affect. Hoa mach, ' ?r instance, mighl have hot", made ? . ... ,, .. , . of Roaario, er of t ?? lance hall, oi ? :,?! behind the scei i I ei theae there is Uti . ? an end little ,m?? of \K\\ SPANISH OPERA'S PRINCIPALS. Giovanni Martinelli as Pareando and Anna Pitada ?r- Rosario in '( rovescas." eme) ional < ?? ? th? chora n| ording ? td or ; > . he ." in the j ? . pr< .ne .... ' .... -?, th? ch< . te t ompo ... ai home; I all iUs ? i .] ;.... crowd an.) tor i ritea ii idiom of i ; laneoualy, \\ hen, ai he wai unable expi es i him should be the - notional mrait of .max. No tlou partly i .? .?? .| Bl C? plisl i I tsn" pernal. iei . . .i .... : ? in the ? ? . ? ?? much prett] muai? mu 'une?, i bordera drama, B it this bi ief not last. 1 he i nd, despite the CUtti lince the drei i ? ? ? . the weakest portion of the opera. il ... u .. be ? say to pe out wher? n the el i proper ehane? ? I ritl some' ii ?' ? he times i...; a and tha I ' id ' ?.. poail ii Ij clamor for indh.ra .> treatm? I I ..? ? ? .bra ? and pni '? hel eei th? .? An.m and outi..a'' d ho - quick changes and idden surpris? nd a ti?..' .i. i ? he life 'he paintei .? i ? I Had the libretti torj "r ' ara ei ? ?rig!.- ?? a hi i > poch, the con It weil ha found material and vivi with the matfie of his ? th . h, ni mui more series of ] ted fer tl effect of th? i Se?or Granad? and preaumably Se?or Periquel ???>?? i.ow e\ er, set Upo) .?rran l ne;, wer,. Interested In oainting, b the life Goya or the character i iiis aoble mictreae, but the informii ?p.r.r of tha time. For this the libre tfnt' tory was a men sen. agi wherewith to hang tl mu lie on ? ige. \\ hat real! coui ted '? ' re ? ? and the o i he i .1 eolor I hm and o ? al eolor . !?? piel lid qualiti? but alone th? eai rj sa story, ii . ? draaaatic n and ever will be the place to tell story, to tell ii through emotion ati by setion A m? m tai e picture sf man or of ? will neves in either the dramatic or the lyric itag th? roatrum for it- perfect presents ? on In last night's production the firs i onoi rent 1 l he ehoi aa, and to it tc Mia Rosins ?.a Ii and to Signor Bonflglie fo tiieir dancii g, and under Sigi or Bavagnoli. All th?1 artist , . i ? ??- dea? nre ? . i pi i ? . which must al.-o extend I The tWO last f-ft-i wen ? - sedingly atmosphei strikingly real. No more beautiful figure <?? r at? ppe upon ?? lei - ra than ap reared when Mi?s Anna Fitztu mad? 'er eitra??..' a. Roaario. The faireat dreami of I i realised at lea-' in face. Miar, Fit -m .. powerful "i^an . t g.' ' mbre,attlmei i litt le hard pe? ipi the mail ? ' i il? ng ? icka a a good deal in | the finei arta of i g, a iei .? t luggestion ol varmth ol feeling In fact during her farew? hi r dying lover her . ? ? , : positivai) Joyous. Giovanni Martinelli s at, excellent ar* at and has a tin.? Mice, but his idea of a Spanish at??'" rrat Beamed to be ore of a rather burl) gradarme. Giuseppe de Luea'a einging is ever B d? iffht, and if ii? I . '".>k the ? ? lor of all Madrid or eel thai la not sltogethci fault. ?' moat diaagreeablc i laq a . . a ? every evidence ,,f plesaure, ? ' the artist s, th< ? ? paaer, the libr? " I Mr. S ttl, Mr Speck, and Mr Bavarra before tha curtain countless time? Signor Gatti-Casaasa deaervei mngrat ulation apon his production of the asa work It is only by the production of novelties that op?rai e art can con? tinue Spain, like KufS'.a, ought to be fertile I eld, and in "Goyescas" we have found much I 01 t sf I suatiag i. i iLTH1 charm. Tl ? ? ra-t: i. ? Inns llidu n?- C ? ?;-????? . n 1 r. 1 I -a I ? I . \., .. . ? '. I ? ? v r - . ? \i i i . ? . . ,1 ,.,-..? WE"? AND PLAYERS Lyii Harding i'i Beerbohm Tree's Shakespearian Company. B ? Herbert I-crrhohm Tree, of Lob ?Ion and ?Lea Angolea, ant.? II spar;? nu pains to tunk- I. New York Shakespearian season ? thing that ?Saglaad would sraat it to b-. To tin-? and he ha - I Lya Hard? ing, who recently ???cape?! from "The Davil'i Garden.*' In Si II.-'? ?*.'?? pro? duction ?if "Henry VIII," srith vrhieh open h ta season n Marel. Harding will pertrai tha monarch to the ?tar'? Cardinsl Weitet Later, Il it onderatoed, he arlll l.?. aeon as ?Bel ingbroke In "Rieharo II" an?l a? Perd m "The M.-rr. wires of Windsor.'1 I". ndilition to thi-ie activities, II,?r.-* nig is destiaed to r?iu>- the leadm?/ role in a plat that Art! :ir Hopkins is about to im. into rehearsal / A Hawaiian quartei ? ?.-. ? i in the loungli t i eon ? I I Bootl Theatre? sad audiences at "The Keur Market" arc BOW H?i?ured enter ml between the seti The Yah - Kttt elation a II perform Osea? ?a do'sMA' . Husband" at the Waldorf toteria ??a the afteraooB and evening of Man ?. 4. E K. Weil, who ii deti rmii ed I a pro I . bit.?re the world's supply -. paper runs ??ut. announce!? ihn* lent" will opea in Stanford to-night. In a ?vooi ?>r there it . he declares, 11 ?-?ill he brought ?., Mew Vori?. The Ani'-ricnii A.'a.iemy .-f Iiramatlc Ar- ?gave it? fiiir'l progtaflaiaa <? ?hi the Lveoun jresterday, pre ??entiii,,' Galsworthy's **Tne Eldeet Son" and -i ens act ? ?uy. Edward E Pidgoen, who i features ire .i s ell ki on a on Hi oadway as those of the Tirai ' aianage the Buneroui Reiaenwrl it enterpi lei The I "Hi'. U ai n..'i " ?.?. I Mrforrnanee of "Fair and iil occur to-night a* tha \ . Headc leal night rei iced A i ind n the east of "Kai i," ' ? lowing a renewal of the Rowland Ban ? Haramerstein ?'?ntroversv. \\ II \1 I?? GOING ON TO-DAY. i ,,,".?.*. r?l Ii " . a M r Art. Nr? . , \ a ? ? . I . a . ?. ; a ?'an S I ; ? | ?- H "hin a .1 Wil ? . ? I .' :- W. ? * . '. - I ?r ? U ?at I ?-.. r the BadclUTi ? e* T?>rk. h . \: v i : a i ?-.. ' in ? ? .- i ? ?-'? - 1 I, ? . ftuaia - i-? I ?? . ? | I Chi riilaatii - ? ? na-as m m?????!?? - Mir?)? 4. . . ? , ' ' A I - ? - ' , ? - -. I ? ? a- til ?,,.--. ? - - a . '. ? '? III ??,..- ' ii in I Mm I ? ? ?' I - a ? p| . -< . a.-a? '??- I ,'? I' ? -?I " , . i -a .???"*,. m i.: a. r ta? l ? la i?" ' .' i."*? .?.?? r, ? < . y . -- . ? ? I*.- 4?.~ ? ' ?,.. f, i c ? /..i..,,,.., bsw a i' ?? r .' > ? - lal?? BH r a : a m M \ : : - ? ,;---. . ? - \ ? ? . ? ? -i. li I m Uaaa '? ? ?' ?. ? ? ?all . .. .,-,-. a i sett Seem ?? ? ? . ' " ? ?- a? > - I Darla. I i- . a I ?. .. and ? - ?? ' a pa ? ?;... i' H '?? . : M liwrl a 4 f . I. ? ? ' r a v , -. rba ?'?aatal S?? \. 4 arrt M .-- .? t Natural 1 . ,? ? . - ' ' . I ? ? ? I. ? a ? ].? ? I I ' >'- ' . | I ?a. ? ? , .. - ? '.- ? ... ? ? ?? >?.. ' r !? . , , , ? - .. ?. ?... T- - *?? . r ? i ? ?? - ? al Part ? .. Mar. \ ?'? ?? '- I I .'.-?..L .aal at ta', ?., X" '.? 'I . ?>r?t?1 MISS BULL GUEST OF GRANDMOTHER lias Dance at Colony Club, Preceded by Dinner Given by Father. WARS. A. R. QALLATIN HOSTESS AT SHERRYS A.?.s Katherine Moore i o Be Bride To-day of Ernest v. Bigelow, Jr. Mi ? '.'. Lan man Bul o? 500 Mad las \ en ? . ,-:.-? di ?? ;.i nigh ' 1 ib foi her Kran.' dsughtei, >i Predi Bull, th? deb?tante dsughtei ..? M i t Mi?, i? rederi? Rali I ? . ... ceded b) i aasber .... d H club. Mr. Hull gave a dm.? i bia lauf r, his gu '. ' . ? ? ? >l Ige l i? '? ? ,. '?' i Madei? Mi?.?. Geral line A ? ?, M > ? % .!?? Emil) Ford, Mist Hope m ;. '? rederick IVillil !.. m i? Rob? I M] - ?, jr., [)on Mori . ? Kelley, Join O'Day Pell Footer, I, !,eir', H try i Stoora .nd Frederick Si ?? '.;i .1. A! los I ??? . ? : ? . . ? i?i L? h ison Avenue, for her da | lai I ii" guea) ? : ' ? -i .. ? ' ? ' ' I by Mr a. 'A Lanman Bull and : he lei ? the bal room rhere aas ? a; ?! midnight, ? r was ? '?..?, ?;.. Hie guea ?. in ad ..' o read? men) ioned, Anita ?? Flor ? .i i.. ? - m:. ? :. i V'ira ? ??'. ...i'-. '?: .. i ..?. . . i i dred Gaul I ! ... i A R ? [ii - I ? . i? - Dorothea ... ? . : . lise I Haakel i>, V eau, A- .1. Lor i. Koben Mu ro, <. Harold Harti . '?'?? Burr, II? m ? ' ? . ei. James M Heck, jr, Elliott I obl Hosd loy, Jam ? Farr, Beverlej ?'. Hai ." i ... ... ?... , Ver non Hui?. ... i . Cushma Cut ti i ... ; ' "'??'?'' -,.?i, l rederie K. I oudert, jr., N an no.-. Kemp, S. i Laird and Dean Kaib fleisch. Urs Albsrl R. '.a..a: ? ?. .. la ? ? ?ght in the tapeati . - i s al g| ?riv'? 'lin? ?a? ?ts numl ? two hundred Supi ar i . ..iurtl> ght ,.. | . '...... ... , . ,.? Urs -\ ...i im E. r., will be married to I \ i . . . i . ? ion in -' i hurch, The . sremon . i formed by th ? Rev, Dr. i nd a ne r.t ion will follow : ? ? ? '.Mrs. U;.r:,.?r M Leeds, 155 Weal ?r. . .' >'il*l Al'U !l '?' ton H itch I', ?-... ? chinaon, to U torga ..:' Mr. and Mrs. . ; !.. Marl n. oi i city, will place to-da rial ?'hurch . bap? .. PI .. . : ; . .. Lanadale Boardman, of I 75 lVr* tvenue, avili become th.? bride of Bradft r.i Boardman, son of Mrs. Will? iam ?1. I.oardman, of Ridgefleld, Conn., ?. i afl rnoon in St. fhomaa'a Church. Still another wedding to-d of MU "ir Moins ay, daughter of Major and 111 ? William G Bvei near Ramsay, r" Van Ferrie, of Gard ? l oi ?.: Island, in Trinil ? ? hun .'.. Wilmii ||. I , who is to ma liss ? \?n\ ighter of nd Mrs. Robei t F. Adama, . n J- ebi.. i fan rell baeheior dinner to? it the Ril ? i ...? ? ?? - G?raldine Fai ?: Mies Ida .i M r. Werreni I . i tl !'? ir.i Fpatein at tl ? i ano, ???? ere thi artis? it tl 1 Hotel Bill more ) i iterday. The ? . x' , ? on February 11, when tiie . - be Mine. Frances Aida. Ignace Paderewaki and \ t S p i '? {the era are Mi-. William K. Vanderbilt, *.r?. Og lei I " Uine I Mor? .?n K. \ andel In!'. jr.. and Mi ?. M. 1). I'ater on. fourth of the IV !.,y avanin** - for the benefit l I fayei ??? , and other char ti? aid last i Robbia m of the tel Va t. A .: prei ?re Mr. ?nd Mrs. W, Forbes Mor gan. dr. m ? ? irge R i ??. Mr?. ? -i M. Harriman, Mr? li I .-. Misi luliana I it1 .; ' ' . Steves; . Miss Mur.?! Winthrop, 'Ira. Lawrei ea Keine, Mr. and Mm . ben Posse, Benjamin Sicol and W. W Hoffman. PALLET LEAVES TO-MORROW Raeaiaa lour of Flft?sea ( ities Will Begia ??ith Huston Performance. I"' n Bros esa controller of ? ? ?? Opera 1 ? ? ay, ai Il nicht that after two per forma ? i 11. .? eh Serge ??.?' l> ...? Hallet R .-?? ? ? ; ? the troupe .-?..?. ? ? .; row mornii .- .? ? f ?? H I.V. special train* will carry the tw,. hundred | , , the i tumei ?? er ae'oatromenta f?.r 'he . . bo pi ' ?ur sf tl. 1 ? | ?V Baatoa the balle! ? open to a Byai| ? :. it '? I ? .? bal , ? it the Mstl "I ". 'an I ip.-ia HOUSS far a faui ? ? April. FREDERICK H EATON Dl l'riaderil ?,f Xmeriran ( nr end r'<> ?l ri i aasseap. ii. derlei Hobei Eaton, 91 ?? hi president of tl Unerieai i i i oundry I ompeny, di? -i b1 i 2 a ? ' Pifty eighth Street ? I day \* r Bato . sera in Berwi Pi an . Apr.i 15, 188.1, and att? P'ihlic ?ch.i'ui ?r-i?? In 1S81 he ?? Elisab? ? i'"iin. Their oal '?' * ? i loin. S n?e IMO Mr. ?Satan had been i ga I in H.- ? 'i Paeturing. ! n ii .? i ne .? ?I ' ? toi of thi I i and Po . ? .' ? and e al lime l? ? ' "!>? ?ta pre? ?? ? leatB ko aras a direct ? g 'lie Af:,?-i leai Agricultura Chen ? ?ompeny, the '?iiMu.? Kniet Truat < ompeny, thi v? ? rieaa Bi Bagar Company, ?he Hoyt ?v Weot Manufacturing Cornpanjr, the Sea boa National Beak end he ?iatioi ..1 S irt ? ompan v dr. Eaton aas a mem bei ! Iniea tatagua I luk of f'" i ? th ? Ken ? m,, .thief ? tub, Automob Ie Club ? .?.??.?. ??on ( o?.* try Cluh Club ? ad vari ?> : ? ol i the I in.e of h.i- ?i. Sth I S the leading raemhora af tha ' haosh ni' i onijiii-r? ? of this tl '?? STARS" TWINKLE FOR ACTORS' FUN; Ten Thousand Dollars Realizi a* Benefit at Forty-fourth Street Theatic. ? -1- houi i ;. i ?toi tie} aft? rno . /. ? ? tolla b of atutie foil ? ? ?? ?i it ?;e ?if th?- Porty-fo u 91 -? ' I eatre f?,r t-?e Benefit of i Actors' i und. Ten thoueai realized on the performai ??? : | ei a'? ..-a Mary Pickford and Jack Barr more. In ?'? Btotiofl pictu Dolly Siete? - i?r ?i ? -, beauties, and an Orient . ?? Kennedy, Lewia Stone si '? .ncoi.t Serrano get 'he n:..i?* . The first nu si . thi ??.''.*? ) ork Town," ?? iki isioi . . - i? me i ? ? ? ailed f? ilx ancor? .luliu - i ano -n did a Molly Pearson reri.-d. "Th? i.....i m, ge ? Mi Kenned" her first epportunit) ;'or se? ..??? ng eh ws ? . Lamb ?' ! > m.bol. Blanche Bat . '.'? .. 1-., ht ? ? . 'h a. . ' Dam? tunit ? [aOftWicI ' ' i ' I ?,. , Hive Te ? i Decker. ! Pickford trthui Davenport, ?Ir-tr. \? ick . '?' I s, John Ar 1 . . i. ?? . -i. Cerbett, Prank Lal? r, i * ? . j .. Brian, Vinco I ? '?'? liant L. Foi ? '?' Edward ; A'iltiem 1 | olph t ... ope Whs I A | ' " PLAZA AKT SALE BRINGS $120,21! Dispersal Of Andrew.. Ivcs am Canfield Collection Now Completed. Two ? -?? Mom -, ,i i ? eral Blakelocks i of 1) aa ?!?? 1? I'< na and fours? ire ? I ? ? tings were ?old last t at tion m the grai d ballroom of the n Plaza ? npleted al of ' he pa inting - - notei collectors, pr.r i Ipall} of J, K. \ ???' Bath, Ni?-.; General Bray ton Ivei Richard \ ? infield und H H McM - The ? . ? ' ' nu " pai tings i th.- hammer brought |1"..-'.??. ,i tot . karadai bi ? ?0.21S for l'T paintings, all \ '????. af the second i ate n ?in1 i masters did boI bring aa nuch la? :l< t;l?? ll.'l'l'-.'n'i illy exerts on buyers would. ? . ?? ? eet I he four r I ? that wtte obviously the fowrls <? the entire collection brought larg? "Sonrisa at Venice," | American painter? George I! Bogen A. ft. A., brought a r".-.ird price. Hii work rarol] eemmandi more tha ll^OOi bul *he paint ? - ..- full 01 vivid color ?r..l was declared to a? tvorth the tl,?SO thai B. N. MiswbeiTj f?;.:.l for it. A ? i arith eattI? >v Km l \ .in Marcho, a si sold t< ? >| i Ruppert for ?-?'.?? Th-? Claude Monet whie ion a mallow landscape tall mounds <?f wann browi nr i-rain ,n tii?- foreground -'old t'?n l, the pi ice of nia "Moi b?i i the Antibes, to Mr Seaman, h ?leal?-r. Two paintings that alao brought high prices were h) Polis Ziem end Eugene Louis Boudin, the I rut depicting the ? ?.:' the BeaBo-reus, with * brilliant hi ..* sky, piercea by tl>" wl n minaret i ii.- Bo idin was of the Bay ..f Pourmier, a circle of blu? -nn?l and 1 ig| ; ? in the flanks of which n? tl? hou-..?-? of ? vill ige 1 'he ! Igh? it pi ? of the evi niag was psid for 1 wiih a : ,- ire. IB" the form of -. rork of Nareisse Virgile Di 1 Pena. This pa;: .- purchaaed by P, George for |7,10d. The Englnoen' ? lub purcheeod ; agi a moonlight aeoi i of Blak? lock's i?'?! b landscape b? Charte 1 Dewoy. The ballroom of the IMh/a Wii? crowde.l with buyers and apectators. The aale erme eo : icted ? Americaii Ar' \ II .. it ..,: E. Kirhy ?.-?!-? the auctioneer KOLAR S SYaMPHONY HEARD Compos?e .t? Conductor Gets Warm Weleeeao at \e?>lian Hall, ir I 11 ? ? ? ?.. *-.. 'a l orb n . a "' d 1 ?'?"?! in that nun.' ... in Hail real I ? ? 1 ??.ii. If ??? irmth of welcome laeieatea anything, ? any la aasared of | ,.1 -1 ??? il an ?*d ,? de lire to the whole symphony as ?m encore. ir.'.? .- th ? ifrst symphony Mr, K' ?>? ? 1 ? en ?.-?'.I. and it ?cribad "beariag i?o programme" sad la being ?ie i "to h.- keaid 1 . I'ne -feeling of genialitj which '. ' IB Hall after Mr. Ko'ar'a ?...ri? ?.-?a* heard **as heightened at the .?p pearaace of Louise Homer, who ??.a? ..-? iting artist. Mme. Hoaaer ?anir - "It Ie Piaiahod" hm.I Mj Heart Ever l-iaithfui" and Tsrhain.'? "Adieu, Koret?." In at manner that ?? ? deaerviag of tha greeting ?salea -he ? -,. rdod The .ithi-r numbers on the Pr,> gramme, Hugo .Vo!?"? "Italiat and the "Piwsrsaoat" from ???1; aer*a "Parsifal" wars well -, ?- ? warmly applauded OBITUARY VfSTI? '..M. SCK\(.i I ragua, l Washingt? '? ' ? .. t? ' ''? ' ? 'Pel ' ill I \. ? v. Il LIAM ? ONKBlt ?' ? il home in R le i l one tin i BU D \ ' ? ? ? i **,' ? '. a '. . ?1 fy I.. In : ?, ? | . ' ? ?r I an'i .-? \ r. Il ,-rnl serv b held ... taew'i iv. an i 41 lo ...... -C i.i r . ||, ?' Il .. | te laae Fanerai ? the Heute, '. ! ?? i j ; .1!. al ? 1 a m BISfELl Friday lanar* .'.'.i;, n' itwooe, Vonkera, N. V . ' . SgOd O in ?eral ser j? d later at at 1 iville, W V Gloveravilli. N v. , paper? pie.. : . . Uia. On . Ja . ha? DAMES OP TOT nines tho deal .ruary 27, 1rs. B ara neo Corresi ? ? . ? ? ' I ? ? i'ark ? . . ros . mee. .? he . ? ? H V . Anr. s ' i I, .a ai - i el ' ' I? '?'??' ?? tSHfc, a' it?-. Intel ' igel i \. i.. Sunde At M ' ' T., J-. Ar.;? a I ': aaton, of F >i le t ; ? | - ? . Road. PF( K Friday, January 28, at h.? West M I ? s Sprsgui l'eck. la 1 axe. .. J.. , at 11 a. m, Il U nneat i i ?. ?. an : Provi? dence, R. !.. i ?'"py i ? ' . iff t7, 1916, ' ?*?"?r .' ' ? st 15 p. m. THOMAS a \. \ . En t Henry, wife sf W. Thomas, m j ?,eral at St. J ami ion av? n ? ? rhurS' ? ? ra paper? [ COU) . .... Janean H J . ate Jncab 8. Wetmor? '?i1 Fa neral kind y r? . ?? '???? tha are eeal l\ nmOBIAM Bosr i "f 11 le '?? York, r-.w ?f mem- ' i formel s m? "iber the I Decembi r 1, 19 . ?v. i . . Holding h un ami cher; - .? -. ? i. tlii Hoard deems . ? ? : Bal . ? . ed% sunny ? , lu?, ? ?. ?n:?...' aria-?. r Mant . r I all. heu a ** I ? ? araa a ider, l - eiations 1 i youof t life. . B ? I roa . the asme extend oui this ? ? ? rspapen ranted i wife ? .' v. ?DE '?:??. ? W J R FRI T? HEY, ? ? i :, IPPI i ? mu ri III! s un ???mi win runm, I i ?'!???. lot? al small alaa fur ?? ? CMB. ? II I ??i 111 .-; N T If Duttoife Booklovcrs' Clearance Sale fens* far < 681 Fifth Avenue Nr?r 1Mb Mrri-t.