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The Conning Tower pMSl imUR LEI PIASTERS H M> HAD \ t,\\\, in M WR1T1NQ MA QOOSI ? .Ml t ?d as we had lirod, . !her. lotting; the desire for attainment W ? aid see the spring hilltop; ! ..n?-k. as always, insisted on accompanying raih his- foot, and he fell, the hill, . .nst the r a myself after him, E sed through the Gat< a ? ? ? ? .' \l K her. * ? hilltop spring, ffhtwas < and, tho-.ieh she does not ? -v death. i ? hem. Burton M. *. ?stni r. land t ? ?Ir. David 1 awrence'! opinion, the host nee ho was inaugu than e brevity oi the address may on. and ideas so 'ar^o that from ncere. Mental un a speech I ? upon his - to take a lot or time last night, we ig two paragraphs into two ' \ PRONOUNCING t.AZKTTKKR ..... | Anne. f mine nai ? -<upht to urtB. E. I.. S. ? A. P. W. lay ? ?ived ai ter than the ? ? ?..ces nF PSELDO\0MtSCL*T ? - -l?:lr| i ~ m. Dtrlratlas to? ot>?-i,r ?no?? thai JcBlIn I? - JOPLIN. .aid lary 12. Mr. R ? TOUR "INITIALS" IX \T YOUR "PIECE .11 ave burned will bo abli a you will ? threw it in the "zinc." [ hope ! ? e." Alth?ucT. ? -vor." 1 '. .? ?? with a few ? "D." "R." "B." v, a jigper of slo< Irink an ii ROM THE YOUNG IDEA. W rho name of a poor peotcr. By writing ? . iving. He wrote a pcom ? walking home. He saw a waterfoul goi: ? lummer home, waterfoi. ;e rare of a : .v. k. < ap lum Harding'o fac? ?1 Oliver wants to know face can he. An Office Anthology.. ITOR. ?v to work, you know. | ? a..d say ? idea," and thon I tell him, vor. '?no is sure to '.p for it by takinc my time in other hour?, .. that. So th? ? a valuable man. Archie. Poultry Topics" and it is discussing Von ?horn rooster. "His grandson, O 34," <>mo cond y<ar, 140 third yi for women! am White of White Plains for the is hold up to allow the admission of E. D. ' ' heard "the black wasp of Niagara pro n Citixen. an *' y or girl recite the proverb0 ?S THERE A DOCTOS IN THE ALDIES ?>. . . [From tha s.Solk Bullrtlti. 1 !'?*? i? m. asa ?t 1) '*"***<* '? Mi hem? t? tha grip a."* *"1? Mr? ??B?o?? I? HI ol ?ntumonlt. * **? S (nVrhia.n P#I, Ji- ^ nan we should vote for Col. H. J. de la ? ? of th? stern, ?Htt,rd"?N'liUiiy hp lutr things. "The Coronel'a platform,*1 say his * Ta>ai wide as it ?a broad.'* 1 ?**? new-hcense nuni: I PA ELSIE FERGUSON AS LIFESAVER Her -\ Proves Bettei Mian Hall Caine's Melodrama. A PONDEROUS PI AY WITH CREAKY HINGES "Margare! Schiller" I reals in Prolix Fashion of the Oreal War. ima m ? - a ..?V ? Krla i| ? 4SI - A . ? ? 41 i i prol ? .riirn - ? a bad ay have on 'er Will I Els : ? . . i ? hut it .it than her ?oik in ".' ? for I ed per and the til ? Ha!' I . . ? final ine take? ui ? her w ? ? ? I ? ? ? hat is r rnnatic con r Robert*! hears :e that ? ?i -ornes . the other side of the ? .on. : I the third act, with the - h it detei ? man Wh" .-? .? university ? ? The re ? h ich are few, are un a mini*- . ? ? ;..-i\ver, Norman Trevor giving ;? particularly even . larcely to I I'lla'U ' it is worth certa .st for Suffragists to Get a Hearing. n, chairman o ?t that a joint hea mtnitUe, hold a eon? n 11 nee. \ w \l, DRAMA BY II.W.I. CAINK. Elsie i ? " . iret Schiller,"* am. GOSNELL RECITAL PLEASES Barytone Presents Interesting Pro Kra.n. i ir-.? ( oncert. ? n Hall last a ? ??' and El NEWST?F PLAYS AND PLAYERS Music Patrons Form Now Light Opera Company to Present American Compositions. in Opera Compa is and and com ?U g -? rhea ' ? ^cond semblj ..i-y i9. n ? and Thu: - atre to . ee the entire performance. 'i new ? I for a brief engataren on Bi secur? ing a "The H M r. 1 ! ? in per OCEAN CLAIMS ASHES OF GERMAN COUNTESS she Leaves Wealth to New York Society for Charity. The ail I Conn*. ? royal fam? ily of Pru ? ?"* ?hi* cunt ? :a. I ' il ? relatif ? Columbia and Yorkville. The red at the Columbia I act b Isle." ? a ted I am Hachen. William . York ? ? ?iue that wai well r? :>vere and Mlle Pe Ver? ?.ver? some of the merrymakers. ' A NEW LUCIA SEI AT METROPOLIL Mme. Bnrrientos Make Fine Impression at Her Debut. ? at the House, and New I new I ? have h the day a briel ? itter of heart? still ? .'??!-? Of .nt and O be an artist of ??o voice, though sri ? exceedingly plea: ? her ftr?t r ? ilight Volum? : crtain wh; really r ' illy, Mme. !'? Her I.i ' acoedin?. ;, ortioti* ; ire. In the lighl ??il a liti heavy. of the I.o .to, who ne\'er look ? . ? as Raimonc er a vision ? ? if the larg WOMAN'S CLUB RECEIVES .'?armltiR Followed b) Flection ? Ofllreri?Not SuffraRe Or*r:ini-.atinn. A ' .mbe' v Club, of Ne o m s in the Vanderbilt last evening for an info: mal r? farming. A ?'?rip i Robbie Room of the hot, In i le Mrs. Nor m of th Orgai - Hun ? all worth that i ? .on. r, .Mr? 'turtle; retary ,.re I >r. Katharim B. Da -, Mrs Hiss M a-, Haugh : lymonc " . : Morgenthau, jr. Herbert -.,'. Mmphy. Mrs im H. Baldwin. Mrs. John rtrude B. Kelly, and Miss Ida M. NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSES ???Rolling Stum'?" at the Standard: "The (inly f.irl" at Bronx. ?ar Selwyn's opened s week'.s : ird Theatre last Bight ? from the Harris illy Hull. The ? \ - ' ? worth, Brad given ?ttraclion a; the Bronx Oyera Houia. BABY CRIPPLES SMILE AT T. F Colonel Makes Address . Opening of New Ortlio psed.c Hospital. SMALL BOYS EXPECT TO HEAR ABOUT LION Rnl I \ ? Hunter Disappoin Them and Talks of Institution* Progress in 50 Years. ? i'a ward? in tl to ?hake han with Co he got I building. ?hr:r hacks ? ahou* huntin' lions in Afrik -if ??i\ prinked I horror, the * *h(? wasn't in to callers, menv and a new red and | hrr rouldn soueak, ami ?he hated the world. I ? couldn't do ichlng leg, but he showed her ho to make the pal Mary Agnes loved him and would ha% gon.- away with him if he had it "It'- one chai I no eomc-back. I led hoy? ai ? 11," aaid M ? Ig auditor m I ? the hal!. ?ion becom \'o it -i ever so well equipped an get along without :'r oke of the work of I years Haro, a? the first treasurer o ? just founded, with $2,500 in th iry. "Louder!" said a voice in the hal ? ??V "Thi is th tppene to me. I'm so fur unce I'm no! I o loudly tha 1 take tors and th "I know of no ela^s who as a who! r exempli'". rit of whic now. The dedication prayer was orTored h ', mai! "'i ? the pi ed i n i t, wl per ci $70,01 old build.. . ar(. . Kobarl PLANS $1,000.000 FILM FIR? < l.i.-a Klmball Ynung To ite ol Compaaj Named for Her. Lew ?:, annoum ? organisation of a ; movie pro! porati ? ill hond 'he ar ? i ? id-be movie ' ?re oti ? WHAT IS GOING ON rO-DAY. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? " i ? ? ? ? i ? i . ? - ? ? i ? - -.. iatt : j?A.itt>aui ?tfat?. > . _ -->ui'*t1,', FRKDERICK H EATON BURIED Naaotll (..iid'i.t Si rvlee? R? libra rer? lnr|.|i|e ProBllai ef Iff n Thl fun?r?l r Raton, presid the Amennin Car and Fom pany, ? After a l.ri.'f prr. IS hi? I i Hillcrest, the M r. ?'1 Mr?. Ciare* , in Berwick, to th? Y r*\ ?rber? ?he ?? ,? i -, the eulouy being i lard H. ". D. D., n former pastor ?1 i? d ..; Mr Eaton. ? ? being eonduet? ?.r.lrr. ? irv palll I, Wiilium H Porter, ?r.. II Rieman Duval, Samuel (',. Bayne, L, Kinnsar, Georg? G, I , . J, I'... nu. und K I Warren. F rank ? and Waldo H Msrshsll, from New V..rk; Wallace W. At'erbury, our?h; Albert G. Sherer, Nswst ?i ? ugherty, Wilkes-Hnrre, I'enn. RUTH ST. DENIS IS NOW IN VAUDEVILLE George Nash Also Takes Plunge at the Palace. "Vau ' did double ? iterday after? s and tw-o-a I] ear? , it need i< parate turns. t reason wh ; ihould not be ail popu It was at se-' Vaude uniikely to be i about the art. bat - ? for any regrettable si ? "ulia Hay appeared in "The ' i pec ted," which, a- M'r. ' 'he a.--;on. kly reminiscent of "' t and hurr.oroi. int and pa ? ! ? -> - - ? *es are ? . the I I i .Mr. Nash is his ususl ? . ane, unctuous and i ' D lili p the head- ! ? . supply of old- ; ncluded In the rank and :s the ? une, Sain &m! K Morton con- ? ? motor ? am lane, bar I Olp, in "liiscon -s man's Lntertainers and GREENWICH GROWS RICHER With ~>~ Millionaires Its Taxable Prop ertj I? \alued at SI0.V<7.1.M. il. Jan. 31.?The as ? I? ? ? Inhs millionaire i, fill 1 ?ri1 ^ . ? ? 115. ai i - ? IB increase of 11,416, ' due largely to ay impro- | ? ? valuation of emptions amount York '?'.nor Farm, . Other ' '. Benedict, t. And >r?on, um, ? - - S. Bowen, ? v lliara G. Rockefeller, - .? . $178. 10; H. A. M. 110. ?, N. Y. U. CALLS PROF. FISHER Former M4'mbcr of WMleyatB i acuity to Talk?- ( hair ?if Kcononiic?. . .Ian. 3!. 'itical ,- l" ?le)an University, in of that city ? 1 innec v York I'rii ? Fisher a"rac*. in, when he ?a? Got from Wesleyan ? i . ? ? Bg up OBITUARY. I EO \l G1 st BTRUI h. Leo ?" Struck, a this ! Lin? I n \ MEAD. ? ? section. He ?? tracta ' ' lie ten ? a GE RI< HABDS, JR. ? Rich it hii I ?KW Mill MOYKR. V , Jan. Si. Sewaid ' ? - ' ? ' -mum i'im . . ran SI, . r. He The funeral a need ? ?? il I ; ? ??'?r ?' .?eriBii churcnyatd _ DR. GEOEG1 H. M. ROWE i :i '.? ? > .:? re? tired 1:. - DR. JACOBS, EXPERT ON FOLKLORE, DEAD Noted Jewish Scholar and Writer Mrs* iiained fame for Historical Research. Dr Jrirop'n J-, ? il ;--o'*r, editor of "TV" American Hebrew- a- I an aathority on ' i\hv aigi home, 1! Place, Yorkers. He . ate M Engla Jew? ish h i at Morn ig nth Wall*. John's College, ' ambi ? the i ? inia in liOt. He riaited I rical pur .im! made his tria 1 ? tour. ? me one of rerrtost labor? of hil I and .\ - ' - and * Year Hook." "Knzlish I Voy . Die cover?. as a member of the Macea at :| o M ABB! HOAF:: - nes'. buck. . '.1rs. I^ar Boardmar.. Ho.. Votlre? of marrlitKi-^ and .tralht nuil be iM-riiinpaiilril hy fu^. BtUaM mil uitdr?????. DUD. Burns,! hartes fl Moore, Anna H Curren, ?'etnr J - I Stiekney, Mary H. ? Elisabeth ham Bacon and Job at her lat nee of famil . ly r< BURNS * York. Companii attend. By order of ! \ Dr. Peter Jerome i! Fanuary '29. at hi? lat? A'.l : . 10 a. m. EMER I P. ai I held Mor r ? ?? phi.i. Flemington, N.J., FRANI i JACKSON' At bis re M Park av., Sunday, Jai ? . I ise do ?vJARD Or, * ?**>. at her : h"r - Hell n Ho ard and ?? i ' dence Monday. a. m. M'KKT '? . - B?v. ? age. * ' NEW YORK IT ATE ? our PH?Ntt PAYNE ? - SHEL1 * ? Place and ? p. I ? KNEY On Janua: i . - ', WILDE " ' - ? n m i I Ml I I , II ? mi ?mini \?s ?i mi ii in N. V.