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pekes Is Pekes at the Hotel Plaza 0 SIDE CLUB ?HOST SURE OF piS TOURNEY uailabili.V to Metropolis avantage?Murray Getting in Trim. \l F ' ' ? -lent If it m New ? n ? : - ? - ? - - ? - ?ignol; un ran Beaten 1 .'-?-'? ? - ^Jportli?ht & Gnntlan?Ric* There i? now, in pellt? sport ? ? . the cas. of one Joseph Stecher, <*r ?' and one Frank ?'etch. . .?,,? ned by any first ?', H or later or In the i* ? -a. two. Joseph and Fran? fm boni and bred, are to meet In ? wrestling match that (ham hip of the world and will attract something over $100.000 at ?lie Rate. ? ? ?|**etaele, II ii worth early eonsidei 1 he -Caw oi Frank Gotch. i? Frank Gotch wrestle hack in lp06 11 year? ago He wai then 21 years old. the American rhan.pioi-. with only Rackenschmidt In hi? way to a 44-orld a.oteh at 21 and Stecher at ??. staid a? entirely different lecher's **" ' expresslonlesfl. Whatever emotion may dwell in his manly breast. the same doesn't ?how | frontispiece. TTe ,- ? th? Im? press' | a -ond. was. and is. a d fTer< ?-: typ?. ?;.-*,-h i? ?he Hoe .Tekyll and Mr Hyde of ?Trassier?. With a pleasing, open face, an attractive smile, a bundle of netism, he Blight be fgtired as .he he?- natursd msn In the game. Bi heart Is the heart of the jungla Ko limit of cruelty would e\ ( ? S hii man bis way. Kid McCoy, ?ml ng an opponent to ribbons, had nothlnc on the Iowa grappler. Ape ha? undoubtedly slowed Gotch up n d eve-n if Stecher should wir he would h?? qui*. ? was .: of hii young but spicy eai and gives none? not even to the beaten Thf? old Spsnish li ivi red In some ?Falun! le- stuff by watching Gotch at work In the Way of Speed. j '? ? than Gotch is at 88. Hut Steelier at 23 s fast a? G.->tch wa? at T7. He lin't ? ??otch was (* years afro at ? we saw him work. hile Stecher i? abnormally fas*, a ? . g move men' and his il human streak, i? -??? H wa? almost impossible to follow bis n:o\ ' 'rom one ?pot or from ore grip to another, and yet ?he ? I | blur th>,n an act'ial operation. It was a shift of su 'ell just what had happened. 1 he Gotch Ingredients. ? it?: I'm: i arms and lei ? ?e of hii ?--ame *1 rough 11 For Gotch ha? as much bra'n aa hi t, 80 far as his p-am? ;. way, and he has a'.v d with an athletic in the champion. .t too powerful to be thrown, for Ha< I entire lot. So I - In Stecher's Favor. \ears ago, 1 have esteemed it much pl.asura tu have had i>ur last sLir*. on Iowa 118 are a decade apart In meet III fn<"* ,n he ever me' He will tackle a came, brainy young now? ?ho has beaten mosl of the bast on" ? ,. ? | "rom what those ?ay who have ?.'.ork and what he had to show against the Masked h? throne. He has all the ?tuff there Another Factor. again, there h them all to be 23; Gotch I going away. G h?,?, j years. And tel l>oc . kopeck. Gotcl ?* ? ! f'e< n years can stand as no ?ma!. . ? ghty a- be ever was He may for the firat 30 mii about the end of a ehl all? FORMER ASTOR HOLDING SOLD Block iront on Concourse Bought by Builders for Apartment Site. SALE OF PROPERTY VALUED AT $151.000 Emilie S. Steinhart Estate Dis? poses of Houses at Seventh \venue and 127th Strcrt. The \nieru-an Renl ' mpany Hyman I block front on the westerly side 1 Boulevard and Coneonr l roth und 171 <t at? . bell known ns the Astor A - and acquin frnni Vincenl A Impri ? s of an unusual operation will : ' h st., onl . n this r, Tins - ; The ? Shas ? : - ? - The ? ? ' I have st., a ng, on Cigarettes ?^wide-open for comparison with any cigarette at any price ! sitive smokers appreciate the pleasure Camel quality I They prefer it to premiums or coupons I Freedom from t0ngue-bite and throat-pi-rch is as welcome as is the absence ?any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste! c*me!s are blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic l?baccos ; you'll prefer their new flavor and mild ^oothness to either kind of tobacco smoked Slight! That desirable, satisfying b?dy" is aii there?without any come ?ac/c ; No matter how many you smoke ' '?Niirtiolrl owerywhero in ?cientifically ?ea/erf pa'kef. ?. .-_ ...,tw.. f>nn .l?armMom) in o ?,aiamo oia ororyernerw m ??..?j....... ?? ? > ---- c, or ten partage? l ?00 ? , * ?>a->?in*> P?P4?r-.?van,d cort?n fot $! 00 W? atron?lr rerommand ' I ? I ?? fur f/io t.otxio ?retino auppty or when you traroL ^J-REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winitoo-Salem, N.C ^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?^ ? TURKIC 11 ?v V*OM^^Pl?M ? P ARET'l'F. '_???at?) - J The ntan.p i<l* ed orer e;:1 tea ? Aa>eps ouf ?ir, thnrvby .a) the a/uairfjr uf the blended . Hy inrertii.g tlie finjrr* an jili.?rrafrd. the ?ramp oetmily break? without tearing the tin I ee 9t??S?! KO" tolda back into rta placo C^R^t ?afof <f><?4** loi 1 ?a flxtOOT?, betwacn Columbus ar. nod H i buyer is 1 ?i'iitly formed 11H Weal 70th ?' |mtiv, winch will hold " tment. 39TH ST. The live itorj dwelling at 88 Eail 89th ?< , former horn" ?t 'I'" Ivea, ha?- been bought h- a pu enaief tor occupancy. Th? !.. ? '?', be ' !ioI. .on iiii.l I'n k a'.'? $100,000 in West ?*,Sth .St. Building M. it: I,. He?., Inc. have leased th? ?Ixth and seventh doors, containing ? iqusrs feet, m tii.i Underbill Building, i;ix li* W?i1 37th st., for a term of yea '"I ?f I ,i' re II tal of tl il v. recently 'ruction building. Mu- l- itogi iph ' orpoi Qi ?i Ihe last ?? niii are lai I :?' ?ml abroad for th? pi of handwi. I Th? com? pany ' ictory William l ' i to l>r. I,. Dold, Cul ? <! the Siat dard i H. Ham! , ? 1 loft? ?Vii'ii ? Icarge loft Horace S : ' - ? |f? i OWNS $24,62*7,745 IN REAL ESTATE American Company Plans Apart? ments for Queens Holdings. ?ipan4* *?? real ? ? ? ? ?' J !'_'"?, I'ur ?ales r wai ? tlie near rchasei are near Home for Fordhara Club. The . for many vears locale.i at Fordham Roa?l and Morris' -sin the group ? of buildings beii Mirth east coin r of Fordham )!ond ii Boulevard and Concourse, by Irving JudiM. The original plan for the corner was a thf In additi. ? and ? Ford club 1 . $12,000 Reniai for Suite. .?'th. tirm . annual rei I :1 not ..My. .also rented h st., at the and to Art hu? it thin Sales in Auction Rooms. 143 0 H - ? MUNI* Of ST - ? I I I44TH :' - ? BEAUMONT A ? ? ?? ?*?' . f.y A4 New Building Plans. 1 he :? ' . PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Sharp Break in Wheat as Longs-Unload, Net Loss 1 ?, to 2Y2 Cents. GENER If, M\RKirr REPORT, New York, January .11. Will Wh'-a* reH the Influ, ' I feeling of un entree and aft??r feveri ?it the ? an nrlvanre of 7S ? th? final of - ? ami H? ti - I ilny there " ? it ?elling orden ?sain w .- nel I,,wer. ? r, ?a-it? SOSlfastlta. Some ? j eline, ? if which srai ? n prin eek rind ? ply in ' ' dur-irr ?t I 11.51, f n CORN. Thr. fOrtl n ?U QUOti'l OA1 Thr> . ? ,;.n under th? Infl'i nnd at the c ? lu? t. The 900 laut year. - ' K1F. ( : ' ??-rk. mu roa ( un ai.(i rui< ; * . ri m n \\n HEAI . buyers - - | 140 U) ??a?.^.. PROVISIONS. 'I I <? pro' ??Ion mai - [Il ' ' CHICAGO PROVISIO! .Satur? ai 0 ,o iry. . : 10.70 M:y. 11.10 11.10 lO.'.'O 10.jO 11.05 January.. 21.12 25 21.10 ? i OPPEE. Ifee tnee of 5, te K polntl ial tn bas nnd i.v l en the l/'iy i later In ti ? In th?. coat ami I The epol market wae inactive trltl steady ' . Open Hi?--h. Los - .... ? . . . vu PUTUBI After op?-i. ? on a ns, but ieU;r in the - 0 U>m. KaiiK? of pri day February. . - 4.09 4.10 4' ? ? 4 . ? U I H OIL. Tb? eral wi-ak:.???? in ? ?' ? ? Range .it a. Hi?rh. Lew ' ,. jay . - ? I META1 ? : ' ? ? ? . , ? - it? for New Y . In I.on'li.r? j'Hi. COUNTRY PRODI ( E M u.hET?". Unwary II, n i Recruit?, ?.'?10 ,. - .?lia-r srnrinK. ? ? ? ' ? ' thirr_, " ? . . ? m - - ( m i , - whole milk, h-l'l. flu'.. ipecial fancy, ? ? hennery whil '. and nix? ha. \M? sru\\4 ? ? ? ? ? ? I .. ?. , ? ', I I ' ' ? ? I POTATO EH IND 4 I .. ' i 4 ?t I l - - I < ? : ? ? ? ? ' I I . ? I ? mla, irr?-er, ' I - S ? I I ' HOTHOI -a*. I'lcoiu ? n I ? Brooklyn Sales. '.V p ! and P. He ? ? ' I .?^ed a I FURNISHED COTTAGES 1*0 I l.'l . COTTON REACHES NEW LOW LEVEL - Doubt Over International Pol. ?ties and Liverpool Break Start Scllinii Move. eettan laarkttt was ?-???renriel? II a:,'! unsettled yenterda/ and priese made new low ground for thi ?eat. May ? hrnke below ? ?ince telliag at 11 points - alaatag 'i?7ure?, and ' ' hu'') I 'Ho tteaaon. The market . hurely steady a! lip 'he 1 at a net ? of from i*; to II patata. Ner vouznese over i: br'iik In Liverpool, arid persist ent rumor? of an ea?i'-r ? ? ? .. spot ble for , which was sup ' uation af " ? or lees ireneral liquid?' 1'rivat?! cable.? attributed a - ?r selling Inspired l'v 'he recount of tin inereaaa I The mav ;.ened at a i of 6 to l- poin" m reepcaec ta the eabl". 1 *11 or 3 - after the call on covering and |>, but pries quickly weak? en, d under ? . !"cnl . ? >,j y i n i? I" Ull ? wn. Rumors of ?rient ? lil noon, r the ? claiming that met nably v.ove . from mm ?? - na.d that ' . ? ? . ?'ft, ? ? if the ri. i - a seller here. F< - men! I to ? uary . ? ? ' Hiwch. Low. r.,>?e. ? -y. kl 11 -l 11 " ? ?' ; el . ' : . ' 12 19 The local market a wai quiet ? ? I at porta and Inta-rior point. ? Les? Las! i ? - 40 - 6 . 14 ? ? i h). Im .p'ul.d. I I ? ? ? ?? . IJVEST04 K MARKE! n I RKI 1 i i i i II i?/? I a ? i.H m tin Kfl ?.UK 1 . 1 ? I I ? ' . 4 v I I Good to choice at? a-re one year c. lit I \t?j. ? ? ? i . ? t c*r* ... . . ? ''.??-?xi li?..f ?? ?tin? tide? | CALVEfl i.?ia . ,? ?NO I '' ? ? car? ? ?e I . ? 11.m - ? ' ' '? rar? t I . REAL ESTATE FOR BALE MM I! I. ?I \ Home 1 " : I I I I I f$y$f?. ' ak?2*< ?lu....".. lui 11 H ? I. \ i 11 - I .I III i t t M \M II! >| KK. ? aldea Iju. i.i i ,;i ?.ort. 1;