Newspaper Page Text
CHARITIES BOARD FACES ACCUSERS Tried to Block Inquiry In? to Institutions, W. J. Dotterty Testifies. ?CALLED OFF Ml N KINGSBURY NAMED Mate Inspectors Couldn't Se? Scandalous Conditions. Asserts nmissioner's Counsel Member* of - Board of Char 11 *o ?top the 1 ttes ap ? .irltlo? ' : >tro: . ink.-, -i ? into C? rabury'? Chartres tl ihould not h?\r tution? for the car?? of children, be- | oaus. hud. \V. H. 'I ?ho represented Mr. I l?l*i in 0-penll ca?e, '.A "scandalou* condi- ' I - ?.'?te board mu?t have ra??ed thr - "1 maintain," he ?ata. "that befor*? ite? 1? I to any I by the state boBr ! ftt th?.? ? :?ion which are fair to the pub - I Inmate?." .stltutlon? Criticised. T?-rc- - been To ten he has ? y are, ?lome of ti nmy, at I ? ? '? ? eola. - Comn chlPdr . . . bury' 1" March. Ing the ?tardar ildren. Dr. ?.. f th?? New Yori Hasf.nfrs-on-llui tant : v-tetn Sheltering Guar ville, N. Y., -A and Fath' of th* Lincoln Ar 'ndaie, N. V., member. TelU of Interference. Interfere! ce -? work "1 r ? ?> com Mr. Dohi ?Aere I "We:. ? -> lndnea? other a ork v" r. Mulry a with ? CHAPLAIN IN SINO SINO CAS The Rev, l>ter?a,?n Will Dseasribe Ce dUlon? t?> Grand J"" \ ? if .Va | un? of Su , I] be n witness befoi ? Grand Jut- to day i? underatood that be will teatify i ?on? m "i the In . ?? I : ? Xi ? which Tb'?nia? Mo p, , ? him expir? > |a?1 nigl ? ... ?> tecl . he, a BURGLARS LOOT SYNAGOGU \\ . .h.nan lVtaln<-.l b? StrsngeT f Phone While Robbers Work. A stranger knocking- at th.? Bynagogua Chewra Radlachc Ei en. 6?1 Imvi? Street. last I attrn. ' nan. Louis Seho? "It's the telephone ucro?? the street, tranger. "11 int." - Inter the watchman N He had been talking all tb . asked eo and would tity. Afral rod th ?r too!? wer il PAYS $3,600 ALIMONY AS A "GIFT ' TO ART John A. Chaloner's "Friendl*. Act" Is Taxed 1 Per Cent. A? ha? b.en year?, John Ar !a, formerly Chanler, of Nev York, h:i? . ? Rive? Troubetz - account,ns ? was filed in court, thic g livorce frorr ? "It . " mnile -red " tax. ? w n. ADELE RITCHIE DIVORCED Mer La?. > er Denle*? Ri-port? About ? - IU'marriage. : Phill - 44 8? g| ? whom ?he was married a f? in Stamford, Tonn. : the decision rumors she toon would bf on what ground? - ? - LITTLE BROTHER TAKES SISTER'S CALLER'S GIG Police Alarm Cuts Short Boy's Ride In Florist Wagon. Diedrzicke left th? ?: wagon he wan drivinr ? to call Borneky at S63 East Forty resaw no trouble, 1 rother ? n. Stephi ney, ?aw th?i as sent out. by the police, and wh< tmore "PeteT ^ ? Knox At.KjrUtiA* Millinery Advanced Spring Styles A HAT FOR EVERY OCCASION Fcirrrial and Informal Caan. CAm*. Moffler?, ro?*?. Stilt taaea, lia??. Mat Rndirt$ Crop?. Cane?. In au. all with the Stamp o? Kno. ?t\\ Avenue at ?10th Street L*a-J?j??*-?-ri?-*?. 161 Broiwdway, Singer Building HITS WISBRANDED FOOD AND FABRICS House BUI Would Close Interstate Commerce to False Labels. MAKER AND SEI LER I IABLE TO FINES $500 Portait \ for I irst Offence Prison for Further Violations. he 1 ? ? Waal Ian. 81. ITnaerupuloug marufi ? r,.np unfair ' '* ' ' ling their products Im ?ly will be hard hit if a bill ap sl committee of three . and intri . >, of ild be ? nacted. The measure would bar from Int. ?? trade anj rnun try, which i* mi? It is a com . ire. Including in its scope ?m to d ilriiK law, of the so ieil at mn f ,-lnihs and other materials. It was dra Barkley, Montague an ?.;.y person whc ?hull ship oi ;>ment from any el 'ory or tin ?inibla. to any other state, territory or | Columbia,! ory or the ? ? lumbia, or :' ntry, ami : so received ?hall deliver in original un ? .-?.y other i ? ' - thei - i nr ? 'eelarcd ' ed: I re nn imitation of or are ? nie under the name - r article. the conten! package, as .i re . .-raved, pril ipon 'ueh ? t a'hich ? from ? real chari ? ? ? inded at t ma that the ai - sale. Plays and Players of the Film World Milton C. Work, chairman of the ' of dlrei '? ? World Film ? . in n statement on the re i the World r. of the \ n tinn depart ? - - Powell, ; dmund Lawrence, . - \rthur lenry Wallace 1! "The Clarion," Snmuel Hopkins Ad by the I- rjuitable, will be released on e most rem -en. a'.y hau been engaged by | ? ture, ime." Henrv B. Walthall ha? bought an Ht picked the make hy igi ? The Fox publicity department nn erfously a- - I it that ? ? became a blew a hti I thrill in . Joie Ray on the Shelf. Joie Kay. N'atioi il \ champ I - I ? ? I i nOOCOCK LEFT $2fiS.n97 Rankei Wbo MH<*<I Wife and lllnnrlf I ,ff III I?. ? Howard Rooeock, ? inker, ?'ho killed hi? wife and e< "incido on March 22, 1911?, left an sstata rained si 17 bj the tran ifer tas ?pi" ?,. will be held in trust for id,, minor rhildren, Kenvon snd Mary, until they are twenty nve (reari old, will recel' ? equal ,!,,,. M, Boocock 1180,000 which was a ?rift to him from his father, an ? 000, and 1 - Th.- banker also owned .'i'1" shai I.chigh Vallej Raili ap deposits amount ? ANVH CHORUS FOR POLICE Blacksmith? <>f l^.ng Island 1 it?. Lose Vehicle Perking Privilege. Rlacksmil K Island ? lity are beating ? >. for rolles tor Johi J. Collim has ordered thai no bl - ?? " ve Ib front "i ?hop while blacksmith? runs nol to the contrary, parking space has been allowed In I led 1 say, tl BOGUS C0LLECT0R PLEADS GUILTY Fraudulently Ohtained Money in Connection with Tribune Magazine Offer. 1 Henderson. ?\ho for neveral :- fraudulent col with the miiga offer of The rribune, yest. Hay barge of Herr? in Sj-ieci 11I .Sessions, Bnd 4.. a I for sentenr. Mondaj. Ile rrested ? of Lindenmeyr ?fc ? - em - und in tf . ? ' Hill I be an im ? - ' ? -its. ? son's iwii -.mall sur uaa put '' n at the ' ? of the . and when i It is 1 ! that ai similar charge.* 44ill b? WHO'S BEEN TINKERING WITH BARON'S CREDIT? l.archmont Noble Issues "Won't Pay" Notice Mis Wife Puzzled. Boy, page Baron de Pntter?ori! For two da In the ?hat "A. V. Pa" ? Raron de Patt? ? luid not be respoi .-tits contracted in his ? ?ho could have been ??. ith his er> Mrs "mues to appear whole proceeding, and be found day to shed light upon the p: red in a brown suit and a hat with a : 1 at l.archmont on the iterday ? iie was n ?1 the evening ? Urn - M him home until lute ? ?v, too who's made in the paper. y are you asking mo about It? ?>h. well, it ia strange, it? B on?' .1 be inter. I night." m ROW OVER PISTOL JAILS TWO Man Had (,un. Woman ?Taime-d?Po? liceman Settles IMapute. Km 1 t 736 : 44' 11 h them the unlawful mall, pearl-hand ? ? ? brought Patrolman .Shaw ? ? midnight. He foul nd, but Mr trum : nd then the po 1. <>:: her to rob CARL ft WILSUN STRAND ROOF C.ARniN - IAN I OY EVtNTS NlfiHTLY. In ..u. CONTEHT. fn, 10. MOTHER ANDBAI SAVED BY LADDE Rabbi, Shrouded in Smol Hands Women and Chi dren Out Window. II RESCUED FROM I.IIRNINO TENEMEf i Iht Rev. .losepri Postier, H< ?if I ire. Refusing Aid. Climbs Down. Ml the features that go ?o r rik? ha r "main?? motion pirtuie or ? ng the Flames" nf ?'nuke, flames shooting si irms and sensational r> nnd eliilrlren by i of ladders were present nt t that destroyed the ?nterin* foui ment at 4!t0 I'oliimb nue, ni'iir Eighty fourth Stre ? As H '. . r ' a mot npparatus, swung down Columbus Av nue, Captain Grehan gave a comma! ore speed. Visible in every wl dow were women bio! children, son nut on the window led?-..*, stun injf ii. .;.-kground ? Klare. The apparatus had hardly itoppi members of the compar i and that of an engine company hn 1 the SB-foot ladder? against tf building. The , ind tillerma ? threw on * outs of "Take your time," "lion jum?:,:' "Get back from the windows I coming from the Cremen ?crnmblin up the laddei fled with th screams of women and children as th smoke curled pfl?t them and th Bundle Held \e? Baby. re appeareri in *rn ? | ' man in c Heel ? ?. which I ? ? ? t'i a new bon. I rb had die but before ? ? mar. could climb In I . ? I down ai ?' n few minul me two - im the Ut the ? ? He was the Ri ? er, a East 106th Stre. ? ! . i, who . -. ren Mn two ? - sd Mn m the to| ?1 ort time Mr?. Mary ind Mrs. Jai mick ? ? en had decided that ' is out of thr. bullding, turned 'hi. : ' ?? Are '.? Indow, Mr?. I-? ? ? mpbal i l eared ?* a third (loor u i nl??i hi Id a bundl?' Bird in Her Beadle ther i"ib'.." thought 'he f ? r ? -1 rnnbell reached to him bundle with insl rucl ion ? to ?a? passed the bundl? < lamphell iras * hen help? r| matched away her bundl' ? moaned: "Oh, It's U It wai a canary in a wooden CBgS, Ths fire wi - ? ed ob ground floor !>?, the fanitor, 11 so? il. mai sged to gel 'ho pi < ?nit of i ho . . rind ' he teni on tb?' flour above, but " | . i rway oka aid Hum?-?< Battalion ' luef f.allagher upon arrival .'lit in a leeond alarm, br. lef K .o? I on. sho) up through ?he bu i ling, m i ? sch floor and through the dumbwaiter nhaft All thougl was 1 i- policemen in I of th.. rescues. Thousand. people, i aidiwalk opposite and the roedw Cheer after eheer wenl un i . ed after a ? i Broi o . it' the br? had anv in with i ? the Harli JUROR IN TOMBS ON BRIBERY CHARG Accused of Soliciting $?500 fro Oem on Trial. ? r.anduu, a hat d?aler, who ?* '< by 'he Federal '?r.-ii - '?rge of having a bribe of S500 while serving a? a trl Juror -lierai court ? ndered himself to sheii' ? Attorney. In default of S2-?' bail he wa? committed to the Tomb? I aivait trial. Landau ??'?n-* chosen a iuror to ?en ? trial of Herman J. ?' rupi dealer, of 87 ?as the h-ad of a dii ;ch in thru ? ? ? III., ? - ? ? ? to plea.i .ear and f ir-j AD FAKERS MULCTED IN NEW HOUSE BILL $500 Fine or 60 Days' Jail Pro? posed by Kentuckian. i Bern V. ashington, Jan. 31. The moat riras rtiiing biil ever dra4v:., i. was Intn In the -.- R,..,r?-. lei tucky, chairman of the mbia ? ommittee. The ? ? and n - ' ' I ? ? , *^PBlAa5ra?.*|r^ ^^BaaWJewV?^^lS fia America's Leading, Restaurant V\ fEgP relient music to soothe??--and a diverting enter- ?** ? j#$ tainmerrt to add zest to the restful morne:. FP&M g|* Served in the beautiful Ballroom from 6 to ?< at ^jfej-j A $1.50 a cover and the excellent entertainment i? flftl HL_ft superior to anything in town. Vou flrS ? _i?^?y^nffTi m?? ' ' ^^iwDaijwHKTO^SBHK?. J PHILHARMONIC ? JOBRF "I 14 .\>h*t. I <?M>M TOR.^ Next 1-ri \fl liSO. I \HMI.IK II 41.1.. ;;,;? SCHULZ .:?*-ten. Net Baturdai Im at ?:l". I arncRle Hull. ALL WAGNER ;,",';;",; FREMST AD - ? I Tiir ivnj, - - mu i! I 4411 I. . Mr. Alfred Noyes AUTHORS READINGS ... ... Prlaee of 44r?l?a- National H.lief Piinrl. 41 41 HI I 4S Mill I eb. Util, M" I M I ! J ? 4 . - MOTOR BOAT SHOW ?rWtt?&NncAL RALAaCE. OPEN NOW ? ' ? . - THE CHARITY BALL .??al vrCl ll > ? ! \. . .linn Hall, Irl. Ml , I ,|, l ^t ?ata, III.KHI HT ' ..v. 1 1; 1 - 41 1111 1 kh\ r - a Aeolli.n Hall, Ihur?. lit. Kcli .1. ,11 1 I ' Mr 1 - FRYER I r.K f- 4 1 I III I BOYI - hur?. \ft , Keli I, al Ethel Newcomb 1 .T-1 \T I 1 ?'???Muli MATINEE DAILY ". 's?oO HIP-HIP HOORAY usa'sBand 1 '? K H ?. > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ am 11 tiniej Punch & J?dy . g? : *??*? :*^-^-TREASURE ISLAND ? BANDBOX. A ?A? ? Loew's American Roof - I .. RISFKVID ? I rARDFN *w ' NI" ?e m i. m ira Tilll M1M. THE WEAVERS i BOOTH ?** THE FEAR MARKET Cabin . i fi -e THE BLUE PARADISE SHOBI Ht I $1 SO ALONE AT LAST 4 IT H II K A T 1 N K A ? a? in THE UNrHAVf?N?b WOMAN PRINCESS ... VERY GOOD L?DIE RETURNING GOODS MENACE TO LABOR Practice Seriontly Affects Work? er?, and Public Health, Says i oRsumert' l eague. ihn adeantafge "??*n by ?hopr>?r? of . . | ? ? , retura g-.o-i? >,r ?o as changr. th"m 1*4 partly re?pon?if>!?* for tho hardship? of worker?. BaSeord / I the report, of the preiidenf. of tl' L4Mfuti Mrs Frederleh This report wa? B league's annual meeting yenterday at ? ? | 7 i -n-re Told ?hat one third of th? ?ale? Ib h r<' were returned by BUI ... th? leag'i?- adopted tbil " ution: ( onaumer.' league ha? through s it*Sfi| of ?hopping ?? i ? fork that the prac?iCe of re. turning and exchanging good? ha? a? lUmed lueh large proportion? that II o a m?t'?r if public '? !,. eau?? "Thi? practice bring? hardship to ? thro igt* tl s lee? of ? ? ?, arid . ;,'.iC a ?.(,*?? irlj fS -?earing apparel, ? ' for the 'he. public health, and , : ? addi materlall, te the I, which II y ? , insumen "}!?? ? ? ' i '.-.-.? ?<"?. nd stippor'? the . tumi rs' i -'? g is ii I Sie habit among ere." eage.restigated ads in ? nt home?. VI ?he Rritbh.American *-*.'<-r Kelirf, Lady Herbert Presl MATINEE TO-DAY ? rtturj 1 heal re, tl % rai Pedro de ? ordoba, P Daisie lr. ing, \i>\ Mai ; ? a.'. '' n, Malvina Long Hugh Dillm . I' ..- ? I ?run.nd.? and Vil **?* ' iii'i Tyson's, ? m Hotel, i beques to I lenrj J.Whitehou lili Of till--.?* Hatinees, '>n Tu? Sth, 14?1 h*\c l umplete l'r .gramme by r |. illj Distingulsbcai PIANOLA RECITAL A r. ? ~? ' g Srego . . ?" ? William D.l I iKHR Bat m v. Kenned * 1 ?K!) ?'HATFiri.n Ai ?.'.? PMfl . j AKOLIANHALL .."<? first 42nd Street Wednesday Aft.. 1 ? ;. m. ? (. ADMISSION ( OMFI.1M1 M \rtt METROPOLITAN Sotti ?Ai-d. a? - ' C??all?rli Ruitlana ' 1 '"- ?oy??c?i - . I, : i i Thur?. a' : RMrlniold 'a " I ia?. 4 4 4 ' Thairi a: - L? Bou?-?' ? ? . . Frl M - 19 Magic Fiut?. i,?".v.. Uiaimi \|? ? ??? : !.. II I Birbler? dl Sl-rlgll?. - - f B?llo In M??r-iar?. h ?? > Sut Mm. a' M?i?t?r.ln|?r. i :,. 44 _HAHUMAN PLANO - GfiRT "?ST PRINCESS PAT * -.1. HIT. wl'.h ELEANOR PAINTER STANDAR!) !? ^ si E? . .< * "ROLLING STONES" TRIANGLE PLAYS ?? ?' * ?^ FAIRBANKS la? in Tut PAPERS iB a ?in ? M.i A MAH1 : N" ." 4' ???I -In ? ?t DID AND Hl DU? NICKERBOCKERTHEATRE . P... 11 11 .- Ruth St. Deal?, liro-i? AI A r F s"" sV c" *?**>? M* i-ILi rl V L F?rlana. Mm A Kitty ? i Morion ball? " .' . } Ql'aajr A .. 7 ill?- ?'- ' fOLOMAL 5-S?' ' \. "V/ MAI UM a I ?>l K<MI-I4 111 M \4.ill 411 I? III I , a A M UM 11. Il 4N.JI I I I IRVING PL. THEATRE 4 4I'I M ?HONNI K 4?|\ , .- ?. '.. ? ?- II I ! A 11 ON CUL' 411HA . , LIBERTY 11 *?? ?'? ' . IT!.'??. I GIRLS 48TH ST. JUST A WOMAN MAXINE EUWTfS ROBERT HILL1ARD : (,rFM", ? LYRIC ' . ? PQTMH& PERLM?TTER IETY PLAYhOUSE " GRACE GEORGE ^"ifiiiiii!'iiiiiitiiinii.,n??illlln)nil|m|p(^ ! 29 Days This Month them offen y*, bigger, bette, oPpo, tunity for sav?n?? money than tr*^ in our 1 Clearance of Hart ; Schaf?ner | C& Marx i Overcoats ?$15 btiyi OVerer,,te ?fo, J ?22.50.120 aaJl? ? $19.50 for overcoats f,^,, I ?0, $28 and |jj I $25 for overcoats reyolirK i $45.$4O.$35.$32.50.Jj I Wallach j Bros. ? ein >*?*. b Chap ban H *5 "i S ? . ? I * I ? . M W llillli? IMI'IM, III) NEW AMSTERDAM ? ? l ft lu 1 EVERYBODY PREDICTED ThAT THF EUROPEAS WAR WOULD INSPIRE SUME GREAT PUT OR NOVEL. IN -MARGARtT SCHILLER* HALL CALM IAS RISEN TO THE 0C TALK OVER-NIGHT OF THE TOWN! ELSIE rCRGU with a ori?*** caai ' Hill Ctine'i Semetioflal 5???' I Margaret Scmiiff its SaWnt ter U ? ai ? . 2IEGFELD edition?iviavw LIBERTY J L LIA ? a . . V ' SANDERSON BR AS >? . ? SYBIL ?? COHAN'S OTIS SKINNER .Cock o' ti? U # GAIETY F MRS. FISKE f in ate b* ? ' t??saa ? BHMaal . *'t?e \ Erstwhile Susan' EMPIRE Maude Adams / LYCEUM ETHEL BARRYMORE HSa, M - VIO CRITERION THEATRi NEXT MON- _ MACBETH Baa - HUDSON The Cinderella % HARRIS SADIE LOVE FULTON ROStVlAHI v n r ? A c ' 11 BELASC? ItTRA MAI % ?.._! THE BOOME LONGACRE ; r, ASTOR ,ni iriT-nnfti^^ ??/'? - ? ? REPUBLIC ? I ?