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?-.?onaibillty. and mus' . . gs el?e th? i ti i .on*?, ef 1 a hlch torn? i seem ' here in ... | . i ites." ??me when Mi "a pledge \> I reatare ? i Lie. 'hat he hs Oofence I rrorr? \u, I I her.? t wai there ? .' ? The Pi -peer' ? ? ? - lr g I ? n - Hemocratif leaders Hesitate. \ ?' ? ? ? ? ? .... I ' I ? made on th? way to Milwaukee 111 , und Kenosha '". i? At inch of 111?-*??' to umbered aboul sand i . | Inner ' ' in rail tl m1 went h i up :il the r?..*4ii. and everr* iben ?. me rush ?i flag wa*. ? i ? ? He, kons Mr?. "A'llsOB Olli There was always a demand : .? Pi ? ild turn : and beckon her out, "Jui - ?- .. - . ? ' T ant Inter Mrs \\ ilson appear ?ring kept egan 1 peak tempera ? ? ? ?rain, and ? bal ? round ? ? ? wa? decorat aga and ? ? ? re tni d SHT.g t*f I ' 1' A ? n command "There Is No Sodden Crisis." ! Milwaufce ? ur in ? chalr ? now ; , "Am. e na? of n franklin Simon a Co. I'ifth Avenue f YizrPs Cloihw? Shop 8 West ,?Sth St.?Store I loor Se? s '/ Step from Fill h . I Sale to-day Men's Hand Tailored Suits 33 to 46 Chest Our Regular Stock of Winter Suits 15.00 20.00 2.5.00 Heretofore $21.50 to $40.00 ? ihree or four button models, reproductions in style and workmanship of the best cuatom tailors' prod 11.?- fabrics art- exclusive in design, produced esp<ecially lor 1 ranklin Simon (\ Co. by the best English and American mills, they include Invisible Plaids, Shadow Plaids, Stripes. Checks, Herringbone, English rweed, Novelty Weaves or Blur Serge in this season's colorings JWeiVs Hand Tailored Suits 33 to 46 Chest Our Regular Stock of Winter Suits 17.50 Heretofore $21.50 to $24.50 Two, three or four button models of English Tweed, Oxford Vicuna, Checked Velour, Pencil or Combination .Stripe??, Invisible Overplaids, Overplaids combined with Stripes, aNo Blue Set** Mens Custom Tailored Suits 33 to 46 Chest 22.50 Heretofore $27.50 to $30.00 Two, three or tour button models, matle in our own shops; many details ol wotJ.?*?>>anship only to be found in the best i ustom tailors' iM-oduct.? 1 he approved custom tailor nu.d'-ls-- >,ipr-.-?/)i quality English and Domestic Fabrics, including ??visible Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Eng bsh Iwer.l m H*?.?- Serge in tins Mason's newest wea* and coloring,. gieat many of a m i m hearts the n roll? n || not Ani'-t lc ?>"> <? ?hat onr root-, mir traditions, run I ? I'll ll ell "\\,> rani ii eaaential blood relatb .,? if there were sentiment whii ? lhlt 1. for one, he 'hilt that ii' t the danger ??s e? iitt?<). bi ?-nu e I lim! (earned long ago, ? ?! will COI : .i mon who present s ? ? ?>?H. lio do t?: I itter ? Cur America I irst. ? r* that Hut 1 also . ? to which we belong m I "1 know tho Impulses whirl ? untary desire to i \ ? i wl to t h ? - ? I I et Them ! ill." ? ? . *' I ? y "Re Read>. * He r I 1 ; ent o f the ! .. ? ? '? . ? and the ? ? II I ? .... ? another, bul peop : : i mi mb< r, hat ? ? MIT lb i un nut ' We do not m thl question Of pince ntnl war. nr ,1 il must come, to be ind pi "Thii i onstltut ie i'nl the C( -. i of my fellow i i .? wil In An , up out ii ?.'runt ho i man not I shell ? Waul?? Citizens Trained for War. . i against th? d where m me una I ws ?hat t i be ui\ i arms for t gov< lates. to be nie ' cessary tra "I hi ? great n but gum I "I lard at the ili iposal i - ? i arms l!u-ine?-s. Not Sentiment. V|n> ? prob ? I ru- i I'hinls. ? manufacture all t ?a put upon bu ran at any rate keep within a moder mit. ernment of the Ui he impose.: -.ou may re while ? I ipital and I ? ? tir themsel. these mailers, you will 11 ? ?- ?- r * I,. ? 1 ? ? ? hit h is ?|?o po ..h thai it i? most Ilk? ; ment of the i i f .nul inllin?; ? very thoroughly, need ? >,. bo feai on thi nobody 'hat th i: money making I Wf tor one, be ashnmed to be ?m h B i If it bad any piclon of ; hat type "\nl BR Infini I'll!" BS M?' laOol ii innocent and I in Washington that the) ful in mich matters as rs them to bs another mliappre! lion finit I do not wish you to en ' ? reei nl Inadequacy i to preparation for national ? "l have hoard lome natlami i fi Ikin? ?bout, became dsfanee? sre l ? ? . : not ki I nd the coaal '' the I n ? while ?quipped m lodern ?nd ure told thai there ha? h ? the navy, We h at op ??? ns*. y which in quality 'ln> world. I Ing It lark v. In s ?'. ?? fourth nie. y m ' ! by i o ? ..ii that ? cond In ? iverld when I iro on boi ' ? ? Bui I thin? Defence Must He Spurred for ' ? ? ? ???? pu ? I culabl liuardiana of the \. irai an er fror 'thi which where ? ? ? To Three Burglar Tools. $590 gloves to barrsssment which s ?inger print might bring, used a | ener on the safe in the United ?gar Stores Company's nhop at 113 Lenox Avenue early yesterday morning. ' got |590 the receipt-? .of : ?rht and Sunday. They left their ? Geo.C.Flint Co? I^.J.HOFLNEPL Co, 'MASTERPIECES" IN ENAMELED SUITES. It would be impossible to exaggerate the rharm of the soft Gray, ( re.un and Ivory hnamels emplo. in two-tone effects on many of our New Summer Styles. There is in tlie simple eleg iru e of these pieces a sort of exquisite daintiness combined with dignity that makes an instant appeal to persons of refined tas' Oriental and Domestic Ru^s and Draperies. FEBRUARY REDUCTIONS I0r: To 50 on discontinued patterns and odd pieces. Our entire FIFTH FLOOR is devoted to <? small selection from each department of the most interesting pie. Hint S Homer Cq inc 20 -26 West 36 th St New \brk Charles E. Van Loan knows racing, but this week he proves again that he knows some? thing bigger than any sport?human nature and lift' itself. In ??THE REDEMPTION II ?iNDICAP" he runs all the way from slap-stick comedy to true-ringing pathos?It leads this week's Colliers THE NATIONAL WEEKLF NAVY IS READY, ASSERTS WILSON Preparation Made for Im? mediate War, Me Tells Chicago. WARNS DFL A Y MAY BE COSTLY Pr.sident Sure America Is United, and Feels Sorry for the Skeptics. ? - . ?.in. si. Convinced I ? ' ? rparedness, ( h ruten ? .i? ii tpectaele m.d a re ' ,u...- l're It "HS B evening " the va : wai can-fu : <f* ha.? made pr for immediate war a i cone? ill .-? ? ?.val fore* (? Ina n size, ire! "Wo have tfive'i to th.- pi | ? ? uch ?? I am told li?ent The ? .-h was in idealism, un ? ? sis, on end future of ? .1 an i for mntry ? which Mr. '?'? . ned of immercial ?', ?nil em v ?? es i I ?' the war for ? i. ? \?ni<!n Kcading War Details. "We must not let our thoughts he we eennol I "Ii r largor II ? ? I the other side of the 'here has been s ?,'ieat deal of I'hey do i. i Werica thai I ? -ion of peace; that be? hind all our wealth we are a body oi l ich more ready to lay down our lives for a thought than for a dol-1 iar. They believe that we have held I off because we thought that we can make money while others are dying. It la a mOi.t cruel migjudgment so \vron<? ni almost hopeless to try to correct it, as it shows that the whole fundamentals of our thought have been ! \V> enn better serve rhe nations tit war by holding off 'hun n any other way." Strike* at War Klement. iek more direilly than before at those nhu have bei/i; the count the ? "V. hen I see ?ome of my fellow i lti ?? i.l tii'iier wtiero the sparks I wonder what tiiuir ID) i I," he lier . "Do i peculiar i in winch ^ our re m plaeed?" ha a*k?d. and again told of the conflicting demand?; ? tints ..ut of war. He told ho\? ? >n of internatioiial law hits di? ll ? i United States, an i has?, hstanding, it had been nece.-iaiy technical hmiis," ?i you know the teeline is .?fher the rights of our in ial citiiens ure injured .'i i A plea for non-partisanship, which tVp f esta res of the - nt'ri ?"perches, was on.i". night, and, possibly because he had Mr. V.'ilson made the i of the Strength uf the navy ? y partisan for once He ad in to praise the navy, and dig*? to compare it has been ?r his ailminiHtra".jn and under previous ones. The question I BACA. P/ahmtm$mitk<{ 6>0flFTr?AVF| Jcuvlcrs FLEXIBLE BRACELETS Bracelets set in the accepted fashion a distinctive feature of our collection. Oppottt? ? '. Patrtck*i Cathedral fZ? "A* see .???ser? ^tfth.Api'nur.?*??** ??a??. ?.? .w?-?.???_ FINAL CLEARMCE Of utemna uov?nb $125 m $225 Va*? >?t $75 a"-1 $95 ulcitm? ? Lall?w vM}nd $85 '" ^ 165 v ???"?'? at $^5dnrJ *65 dxqiiipite^ lOrdpr - $225 to$350v*Iu" $I25,$I45,$165 <??^cIas at ven/ ^ireat?dvinqf L^crfccliipllatrlicd JyUural ijifoer arid SlucJoxes Values $750 to $1.000?$475 & $500 DYED BLUE FOX KIT FOX ( ROSS FOX MINTED FOX RED FOX WHITE FOX AND BLACK FOX eie?r-$75?$95?$l25to$!95 Formerly $125, $135, $225 to $350 Of soli, flexible, high-quality skins AT$175?$245?*395 Fon; }25. $425, $550, $600 to $700 f I gram" the 1 I ? "If ti the Put 1 . i - ised with the ? President hi?-* bean ropeatin.; Relie?* on Mirent \ppcal. "Mi i: You put nie under a gr by th And 1 am quit 1 am -? t'rank I . lient the nuty of reporting at the be of the that ? nusu do SO, directly tu tl a people therm - i with that '?.ave taken the I : I??, r? j of eon ?ou to-nii?lit. Uns Merely fhe Hea-lnnlng tar ago it did seem as if Amer? ica might rest secure w ithout any great ar xiety and take it for granted that she would not 1 e dras ' mael? strom, but six mm tl s ago was merely the beginning o' I . i, Another year his been added, and now no man cur. compet States will be drawn into th< struggle or not. Thtrefore ?f is at" that we tel to ' ss to whsl d do. "The trouille with B ajreat m^ our fellow cttiti maginal s . ?>on it as those should wh ead and il< .t. r are ic ? ' ''?etion ? ? ur thought? e. "Have you not >w ell the constantly o us from ' ? before whom this terrible plot ?a. a i out? ? rerybody ? I rica for moral Judgn 1, .w each side In the ' :. theii ?m mies in the wrongT Id ? ? laaien of Judgsae l It whs are very t h e re was a cet **? ** I WS I ?T not impombif ? ., ta uur ? ' - ? -. pi i wsr. 1 ?' the la ' nat?o- - times fall ailaat ?nd look sa principles ?v ?" ? ? ? ngaged nations, saa been looked M u la ' - each other. . ? .w that on the oth*r ??? ?y water there has been a grsat ?a^ | cruel mlsjudgmer.t with regard *m ' reasons why - baa rtr:t - : neutral. Tl * ?* ?Ml pulse* Of ideal prti an? in as. They I aeries that her - a mis-:on of peace aid thai "**"" oe mamta'ned *? * ** . ard in "Law.? realiza thai -: fn"r*L , paai irs-?. I ,. -.. power, , a dellar Dallais >?.t th? Hrsson. ippose some of then? I 11 I money while th.? other? ar? ? any na ',J, ? wrong that the ver; "I i. ? T?tai ? \ ?or ' . menta of W VV.? have believed, and 1 h?! **'*?. ... n serve even I is ron test the ?i m any 0l \ or.a of the Iff ?[ "TTL untouci iSssai ? -? losses al from this war. sad , , - r are S** . as? t *'?? -, at ' Mansion Co?t? IS Selected by Taitf, A Delicious Blend I* Five Pound, $1.20 Dcl'Vff" ?ii m?, aasft r ??"?" ' . a a? .'.*'???" ALICE FOOTE M ?CPO*0 1 18 i Sg .,t St.. Naw '"^'k