Newspaper Page Text
T rooked Publieher. You can tell h.:>i by his let*, bul bettei by hia Paper. about tl.r QJ, ! 1 I Ot Ol k ible! narkable. d that .1 lot ? by betray lile. ? ? \ ,- ? : people pub every ?? por 'i"*r printed in The ?C?.\ \ r criticism of ?rjverti tthoda, excepting o !y p tenl '*' rhe Trib? une o - 00, pay? able in an Tribune .icverii'or. r -ch month a special prizf o I will be awarded for ti. ' ' e or de struct! printed. Any one is eii: and an) v bo written by one person. m ? w*<ll be printed, on prefer, but unsigned I - ?'?] not be read. I no moans for m which are an int?grai p ui of our campaign. tht ?Tribune First to la*t I he Truth: WS Editorials? ements. NGRESS TO READ JEWS* BLACK BOOK Zone Suffei nted at i ? of ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T L Shevlin'a Will Proba! ? MILES DERIDES ?. S. INVASION ( ountry Has 1,200,000 Men w iili Military Training? General Sa) s. I MJDS VOl UNTEERS; REASSURES SENATE Senator Nelson Propose?. Five? \ Enlistment Plan to P \ido i.doo.oiH) Wen. W T :cu ?> was y i Knute ! . him ? , armj l>\ provid ! ? I train year ? ?'-rminei! bj Would Provide I'.OOO.OOO Men. ? ? I m? rneral Miles Scouts Invasion. ? < ? -.- admitted for a force ? arm> ? ? ? ? . preferably with Dg being put in : regulars ry in time of rould be run up to elgl ar on the Karr.e pria ? n o?>t plea for full rep . came ? ? ' ' ?'???' ? ? ? ? ? 1 o I ederslize Militia. ? "?* ills, rhir** nf the War Depart that a fi militia be the heM foundation on which l the propoacd continental arm) American Im I ral M l';i\ lor, chief of \'n* ni i (Iid" n taking euro of Ih? I he ?,i!tnir:il mu,| he ? 'i .1' tailed ?tatetnenl later. Sixty elghl naval ? .-ail mirai eady a ei <? Im ildli ?uthori ?.?.! Nun- are battli 1114V ;i! additional ?hips. lnve?tigation by a special Join! rom Bnj alleged ronni rmy or m ite munition manufacturer? wai propoaed in i i Lane. The resolution ?l?o propo ? Navy and !.. BRANDEIS FAVORED IN SUB-COMMITTEE Senators Chosen to ( ?insider M<s Appointment to Supreme Bench Cause Surprise. i ? to conside of Louis i' Brandcia 'o he A??ociat< uprerae Courl ?>- a? ap I \ nirmai ? Judiciar) ? ? ? ecause ? rounf h ? it to be rather fai orable to Mi ? Mr. Bran nui .t wii'; ? i .. imewha the i ? picke ? oppose mmitl of Sen ? ! i 'iiir porl ' end. ? AMERICAN STEAMER OVERDUE AT MALTj ho. Puteh Vessels Reach Rivi ! li?mes in Dama?-ed Condition ! ondoTi, Jan. .11. The A mer Orleanian i'o, cmher '. for Malta and ? Th' ?urance paid indicate! thai ? n have almo ' ed h?! ? \ Lloyd? report ?ay? thi ? has hren damai ill amer Maasdyk i iient, in whieh tiro of h? no ir ?he Tl NEW POINTS UP IN WARREN CAS Government Hints Sociel II ?st Undervalues Good. at Customs Pier. PROSECUTION RESTS ON THEORY OF LA\ Collector Malonc. in Charge ? Investigation, Confers with federal Superiors. kt Washington, .Ian 31. On s m the ca? " Warren, i ? ? i mi dote rrnlnlr r im' n host eif society fo irk, Huston ami Philadelphl [ ami ited for bringin cl, ?nl m fal ave come I , .? ion bj th was learned tc duy, h ?im been farreaching. ? General '?' day to illsrus?? the, point n n-, ol'. fil m t Mrs. Whit Alivien, which has been fourni t iiirli;. ?kM t ? Department " \\ arren ri ?a involve i ork. prinri ? re ;ir ? In th Mr--. War i in th her legal rcpre ? Jl be the gmdiiij ila which the governmei I frauda. ? OWever, has beei i ctor Valone, o ?attorney Mar Mr. Miilom ? his interest via.? reasury ? ttorney, . Mr. Fox, representing Fred F. represent States Dis ? Nov. York. "Th- iVsrren Mr. Wnrren, lions of law thrse nues e 1 ? ponants. They i would revolutionize 'ho eustoma l.'.t aro a,? mpl\ tlio ?pi en? Ikvh *.. regulation? airead) fed "1 hud ? I'uiir conference with Mr. Malonc si rj Mr ? url i.,.i discos? the facts, i Mi Mi luppoaed t'i !.. i with Hi em. M] " der '" b? | i -ory. und luch ' he?e ?hould I... handled ex? by Ihs u arrcn i irsoni pron Vork were implicated m Whitney W JITNEY ELOPER ARRESTED < hatirTeiir ?.ccBsed ol Railting S??' *?ltli Nulo an.; Employer's Wife. t'amden, \. .1 , Jan :'.!. 'Ihr au here ?re IioI.Iihk f?<r the I ?;ui i el I. . iiattie liergi one, iiifr of a iitnej bu? operator who employed Kenrji Ken dmp, ' ? .lei spy ci'v, i ? bile from <>' Mr?. Pauline Hergenheim, Iref He and Mi". Hergenheim into custody ai an hou e ? ? BUtomobilc. Mi m Id? ??ainsi her, an -?ed. Rese?e Schooner's Crew. | Buena ? the ahaiiil Rakei ? - I cargo nf roui. . ? ' REVOLT RAVAGES CHINA PROVINCE 32,000 Soldiers and Mon #')Is Join?Kwcichow Governor in Flight U. ?S. GUNBOAT WILL GUARD FOREIGNERS I iichow and T/eliutsitiK (?ipt ured and Peking and (.hunt,' king Are in Danger. ng, Jan. 31 Kwelchow Province reh on. I he Governo forced * <?> flee on ? Commun!? ? h??fri interrupted. Luchow ami i .: sre reported ?o have i cd by ' he revolt I The American gunboat Monoci Ing on i he i'ani ? Luchov I ? hina, that ail od and that a /one has been outlined within which the Monoc rill protect foreigners who are . 'if d. '. ildieri from K ? ? ? rtiow Pro i reported to hav* ? to bo man'' ? London, Jan. SI. The namb-sr ??' peni in? I ?rding to a Muk? den di Thr dispatch adds that th? in?.jr ?--ent? | ? .- ind are eon? tinning their march toward l'< ktng. A Mukden diapatch on Janus****- i jfave ne.'. . of a riling :r: E the lead* ? ?',??? clam.' ? id. The d added thai a brig? M m . th.' M to Peking on the southern border Moagolia i? approximately 200 mile, north i Tokio. Jan. .11. The PorsigB deniei thl report fmn Berlin that :." ' rior rlghti for 11 | >-.,, i Agen? ? rankfui tei rminu i epoi ' Kar Ea. gl rd. ' . Japan and England which conceded r>" .pan in the Kar Ea I Bankruptcy R?f?rer Appointed. Georgs W, Porter, of Newark, named yeaterday as referee In ruptey of ? i State? : i ? The app'. by Judge Haigl t, at conference with Judge Rellstab. Por ?|| lueeeed Edwin <;. Adama, who it in Newark for . the District, of E PHILADELPHIAS MEN PICKED UP AT SEA Sevei of Liner's Crew Got lost Aft'T Collision. . Jan. II, The seven mis?. '? ? rican Line P elphia were lar. led to ?. * Milford Haven, i phia/a col ?? f. witn the Bri? i?b sa: ast of If la a lifeboat i ? ??'a crew. They ard were ftna f plckaj up .? asaia Islphla'a ' passen ' seven rat cabii tjr-foar la the ver?' below t:irie. They I n-''rad to the bat there was no "urn of pan'e. \ - i were dis tributi Beg Lea ?snk while she was bt ag drowned. ? ? i- aai alongslela her wai dragged do* ? ? ? Basa "were lured. The | | . now In the Mer I EYES FAIL DR ANGEL? l.ilu. atar, 17, Overtaa <? in Keplving t? Hundreds of Mirth.'.i. Letters. A- ? '? Hid ..Ian. II. Or James ?i?nt smerltui of the i nivi n ran, is re| "ed to ? inditioa as ???mpt ? ?av?rai hun . '?,-, | ?,\ on h birthday, January 7. . l| sad to be unable to ? ' ' ? I sight and Obi i i ?/VW??yWfi\-VW*^^ Colonial Beds -Sanitary Bedding S Solid "?Tai...?..,,,-. in quairrt .ie-ien? appropriate for Conntrr Bomes ?aber.- In r.,.. ! i .i-??. ot'aD ini-xprnsi? ?* nature anr* *rrquir?*iL 25.00 up I . am. '.I llr.l. ?>i '?iibatantial mrlal? in larf/e varirl-?* ? ?? ble motif I . . le?! Red? ? ?*"-0 "P Brmaa Be-di ? ? l?5k?80 " i'lirllair Mittr.-M-? nn.l I pbulster?.' ???pringa??*? ?l**?"? niadeiip ?f'*r ?r,i, ra, ar). ?.,.,,.',,.,*, ,l,i,s iii-nrm*? p.rf<*.l!. frr?* ?-..orls. Hair Mali \\\\\ ? ?? '"|* I pholstercd SpriataSja IO.OO McGIBBON ?S, CO. UM I INI NS-USTERIOR DEI ORATIONS ?-Tthstui-?? i Wist, Nkah FlfTH Avp.m i" rwj^AV* IVI l_J The Liverpool and London ! and Globe Insurance Company, Ltd. \ STOCK f'OMPAN? 68 Years in the United States STATEMENT 31st DECEMBER, 1915 KI"XI ?TATl ll.?M.1ta.?a FIRST MORTGAGES 0> It l M ESTATI . 1778 4*4 00 1 s GOTEBNSH M BOND* . " 1s ^,XIK ",,N"S . asi 170.00 MCMCIPAL A HUM?. BONUS . l.?68.ii?ooo RAILROAD MoMis . 3.113,5-0.00 RAILROAD rilll' STOCK . I,0?3,*00 no RAILROAD COMMOK STOCK, (thlcaao * N. W. only) . IsT.ooooo1 < ?HH IN BANK. l.^S.I07."9 Ml. OTHER ASSETS ?,6e?.4?3.9? Total Assets u si n?ra?,i?r, 19151 $14,814,383.94 CNEARNED PREsHTMS A>TJ Ml OTHER LIABILITIES >7t,4M.7S Surplus $4,841,887.19 DIRE! rORS IN M v\ I'OBKl H Mill; r. 511 BBARD Ihalraaaa l.OMI Nil D. RANDOLPH TUMI IHK M. BROWN .IllliN \ Ml v, M(l HM, ||. ?HI I Mil K 1 Iti ?-I ?-I ?- <n nil nxDS m- mi i mm ii STATE? BRANCHl JOHN ? STEWART, United State? Teu$t C iirnpani, A>u Yorh. MiMlNii i, RANDOLPH. Now York Lifo In, Co..N, York ITALTER C. RIBBARD, Hubbor? Brclhort <t- York. HENRI W EATON, Manager. tiEORGE W lll>\T, Deputy Managte 1 I. RR?Mil;. As.,,tant Deputy Manager. I V WIM?. AfenCJ Sunermtendent. us \ il H m n\? \nii FOLLOvVING DAYS AT THE Galleries of Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, Inc. 333-341 Fourth Avenue, at 25th Street, An Exhibition of Unusual Interest t ll c Costumes and Accessories Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sothern E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe ) in I Repertoire of Shakespearian and Other Playa, Which, owing to their approaching retirement from the stage, Unrestricted Public Auction On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Next Week, February 7, 8, 9 and 10, from 2 o'Clock Each Day. Also on Exhibition Artistic Furniture of the Louis XIV., XV., /dam, Sheraton, Jacobean, William and Mary Periods Al?o Bpvelaaaias af EaaRsk and Chinea?? Lacquer Fttn?tart*. Beautiful old . A large Assortment of Hirjh Class Modern Furniture (V1 I'.? .: d mam othi II Auction Beaalona w.iin. m.,, . rhurstlaj 1.-..I1? and Sntnrdai \, I . I.r ? .1. | uni .".. tu.111 li?n o'( lock I .nil On?. r people nave paid for a single edition of a great set of books. Almost no need to name it, for no such sum has ever been paid for any other set of books in the world. And this was for only the newest and latest of the eleven editions of The Encyclopaedia Britannica. The 75,000 buyers of this new Eleventh edi? tion all paid from $150 to $250 per set for the larger-volume Cam? bridge University ??sue. can now have this edi tionina "Handy Volume" issue, the 29 Volumes (.see our guar? antee) absolutely com? plete, for VS of these prices. The entire set of 29 volumes (in any bind? ing) shipped to you now, for a first pay? ment of only OUR GUARANTEE: \h/e guarantee this new "Handy Volume" issue is ** the complete Ele\?-enth edition of The Encyclopaedia Britannica, without abridgement or the change of a single word?line for line, page for page, map for map, iflnstratro-n for illustration, the same as the 1 arger-volume and higher priccxi Cambridge University issue, except that the page is smaller. \A7* guarantee that the new ''Handy Volume" issue is ** published by The Encyclopaedia Britannica Corpora? tion, which owns the American copyright to the new En? cyclopaedia Britannica. IX/e guarantee your entire satisfaction with your purchase; ' * and anyone who, for any reason, is not satisr.ed, may ? within three weeks and we will return to him all that has been paid, including the shipping charges. \I7e guarantee thr.t this new issue contains every one of ** 10 pages, 15.000 maps and illustrations, 41.00U '',000 word3 in the Ca-nl-ridge University issue. \X7e gu?rante? that the new issue is manufactured by the * same printers and binders as the more expensive issue; and that the fine India paper, the p?-ess work and illus .he bindings and every detail of this new issue are of the I as you may see lor yourself wherever the volumes in the different bindings are on view; or by the simple act of forwarding to ui your name and address with one dollar enclosed. Remember, this doliar comes back to you together with the shipping charges which you pay, if you are not compl-1 with your bargain. If you keep the set, you have then to pay only three dollars a month, ten cent's a day for 21 months, and this great work, standard since 1768?a magnificent library in itself, and the treasured potstssioo of almcst every English writer or ?cholar for a century and a half, becomes your possession in its newest and latest issue the greatest work of reference ever published in any language. The new "Handy Voh:rr.e" is-me is incomparably the most convenient encyclopaedia ever issued. The whole 29 volumes weigh now only 52 pounds, as against 240 pounds for the Cambridge University issue on ordinary paper. You can take one of thee new volumes, which is not larger than an ordinary novel, and hold it in one hand and read it for hours without tiring. We regard it and those who hive ?teen and compared the two issues likewise regard it as a miracle of book-making. The cheaper isiue is much more convenient. Come and see it or better still, write us enclosing one dollar with your name with the coupon be low checked op te "2." For more information send the coupon checked opposite "l." The "Handy Volume" sets are printed on the famous India Paper, in four styles of binding, at the following prices, for cash or on the instalment plan. Cash Prices Instalments Cloth Full Br-a-nim Sheep. Morocco Grained ?4 Cruahcd Green Morocco, Levant Grauied Full Crushed Green M(-*rocco, Levant Grained $58.85 $68.34 $81.88 $92.00 21 pa-rments of $3.00 monthly ?total $64.00) 21 paym?aits of $3.50 monthly itotal of $7-?.50/ 22 payments of $4.00 monthly totad of $?S9.00) 22 payrnenta of $4 50 monthly (total of $100.00) SEARS, ROEBUCK .and CO. CHICAGO P'ease send me 1. A booklet with full information about the "HANDY J VOLUME" issue of the new Encyclopaedia .Britan? nica, sample pages, bindings, prices, terms, etc. 2. Order form, which I will sign on receipt. Reserve J one set for me. $1 enclosed as first payment. Name ? .Address 82 Sears, Roebuck and Co. Sole Diatributora CHICAGO