Newspaper Page Text
?lANICH g-BACH Player ? nating ? na-: a mere :-.ano. The only -rful " find the - nging. I Hmt' I cor.f -icy. Pi t* ?ai ? \ -i CAUCASUS DRIVE WON 40 MILES Turks Routed South of Erzcrum by Flank , ement. IB, ?Tener?1, ar.d ? ? 'op?, by ' ? ? - : rat - for ths - operation? tiers of Tu ' -ein ai -;. and ? ? ? ' lard the that the ? ? i ? -rfal of a I.I of the . to re ,, a, '.shf-l-P, - ' ? ' ' vHAV? HALF BRITISH HEADS IM Prisoner? Swine B Jieriil. expert e-rmana, ? ?? 1 ? ? WILSON REJECTED NEW?aRBITRATION OFFER BY BERLIN Hernstorff Renewed His Suggestion to Lansing a Week Ago. WASHINGTON SCOUTS LUSITANIA CRISIS Whole Case Now Hangs on Oer man Reply. Say Capital Officiali - ?n ?, s -.,,, ) Washington, Jan. Si.- Secret**- Lan I second proposal mhmit the I osltanla ?o arbitration, it wB? learn* ed to-day. in ? ? he Informed I von BernatorlT that the vital ? th? national honor of the State? u, re i-vo ved, and that ft was therefore r.ot arbitrable accord? ing to International eui ?fter th.* Lualtania ?nu ?nnk erman govi ? --f>pn<f?d ar Bl Wilson rciect ? ? ?.-? ? v, ?- ,,. ranee thai iicmnny refrain fron* repeating the rnge. Now that assurances have- been ?t von Hern.-tortT believe? t'ar al i *o this method of set I been removed. Germany'.? contention, an ?et f tr-.e ?ocon.; ,*ion - submitted to Seer?. *ary LaRn*>ing, it i? understood, about a wrek ?go i? that ?nek on the Lusitana and other submarine opi rations Bfl I Hrilish ng were a repriaal, which i? rec mtcmational law r.? a legit ? on ?against unfair enemiea. torfT polr.te.i out that ? a*> nothi* | ???hich for! to neutrals repriiall v . ?".'ding none" wan course, ii eon rhe United ? ( the controversy and Secretary ? g could not accept it without retrae-. th-it 1'resident the correspond? ence with th? German government. The rejection of the new arbitration proposal is regarded in German quar? ters here a? evidence that President g in a.". Im? ?os?ible poaition for the mere sake of ind that he has no real desire for a resumption of cor? dial relationa. KfT'Tt? to ascertain from Ads i-day wherein -.he im? mediate gravity o; the international in lay elicited '.hi ii "grave, but not dan a?? explained as rneatiii'i e relations with Ger mur.y weie ?trained they had r.ot yet , The ? .rtrneiu expects Ber lin'a am Infor? mai" communication from Ambassador von Berntt ?> eommunica ;. to-day, the outcome mantha of controveray over the L -formed c ? il i.nd M.' ?' oria!. No I no? that be a break with Germany, howevi ? many'? of ? President WiNon need.?, for political ???-many to have it, t o mal ? r.ny pi a ? ? repre government, but the German vote in thu country. That irs i.ntage over the V ? . AmbabSfiilor, * ..-. Mir- ! ? .? their 'diplomacy*' 'tie Greek flu en ce Guv a large :. ambassador ?o-da\ to make juiry abi Though mor? l was torpedoed i; government -lusively disclaimed t ' I WILSON QUIBBLES, VIERECK CHARGES No Crisis Over Sinking of the l.usilania. Asserts Editor. We are not approach'ng t, Gf rmany over the sinking of the I.usi und those who are crying "? to fon iption of the ad tration piar s for defence are playing ? ? if the Ac I to report, Mr. Vie reek's in ' n the : States and Germany comes d. - r'. in. "The attempt to hvnotize the p' of -he defence v n by ? ? . ? : ? :? >. ? r. and objectionable iri the ounti y in nr?' "Die com -many! r demands in com ?he lubmai ? ? warfare iong ?k-o the formal settlement of the u pro-i for which our much to blame crican I rj never indorse ?he admin- ? ire to ?o drag. wai C? ? ? is nothing short of erimi re" ? ?. 'I he I PirncT of the mail? and th? nota on *"'""' re addrea?ed to nil out mii ion? prove? that the ml I ration, ?purred bj Congi ? m laal rei |y to mee1 Gei mand for fair piny "it makei ? .. difference whether Ih? note m quention wai ?? ritten n?. i .-?.??.mi to Germany 01 i. ? to th? common ?en ie of the ?.merican People; n undoulI ir-Kiii mm,.* of submarine ?ttael merchantmen The adminiitration evi dentli realize? that the concessions .'f the i entrai l'owai I raua1 Lv ?o Ion*-- a? merchantman an arm? encoui rape Hei armed merchantman will be ? warahip Tins |? ,.?? iccord : anee with the German contention. "Th.. President' ?re deliber ' atal* troubling, the water? of our inter national relation? to nah for political Wo know thai th? n ire fot hoi ie roi in pi Ion, bul ? ? iH-iiin the. ?unpicion hardly allayed ti i I'nited Stal solution of the I but a way to ?ave I 1 pon thi'ir hend must ri it I in the Praetdsnl < SIX ZEPPELINS * ATTACK BRITAIN 4"o-it1nn?-?l from pn?e 1 and ?n aerop'nne attacked the ?union, at Dover. Changed IVfenre Control. Only ?? ? . fence of London from air attacks has ben placed ? . i en il ige . ' how? ever, have hern co operating liarmotii - to January n there was nn in? terval of l?verai month? during which Kngland was imn From June lo ?. there on "guidon and the ek ? ? i which 121 peraoi . killed nnd :u.1 injured. : the posslbilitv of ?erlou? ! damage to 1 ondon from n V.eppchn at "The 1 imei" rays : "Any raid intended to do ?erlou? damage to which are ?till in proc?s? of d. ment, is not likely to be of the hap h?7ard nature of the Pan? ral n maim for us to pro' ous reception. Amateura "IV ere in Charge. ?rjj .. guns larg? ?nn? y, but lnexp. teurs. No one wl on Loi autui to haie been impr? qtincy o;' the defenei* Since then cons ? a.le, but ?? - satisfied if we had ah to nt'ack * : I ? ng ? planes. The modem ? it is at a given momei ?pol a? a heighl aeroplane, from * ? ? ' reach I ?ut by tin. may b? ?.way. Thi remedy seems to be tc plf.ces patrols of q planes, *o take th? the approach of a Zepp' nounc? when re ha? an "The matter 1? difficulty ' - ., Zeppelin from ai eriouily di when discovered. Ther? of landing! ii. the dm. kind c likely *o prove a detenen? to a i aircrf ' Paris Raider Escaped from 5 French 'Planes ?, Jan El. Feveral bomba ..?ere dropped by the Zeppelin which fle?*/ over the outi but they produc- llv ef? fect as on the occasion of the r? sy right. The official pn reau gave ou? thi this "A ' direct,oi: of l'h soon after 10 p. m. Il by our special batteries a by our aeroplane?. ' . northward it dri ich, accord Hep' wti? no dai Three with i \ ?Uli". "Le information fror ' of the I ? ? them once. - 1 cht Raider. Five French aeroplane? el ? i bombs oi V ? ? energj . ? armed ? ro on ,, which ?-? badly damage?'.. /.. ppelin waa next picked up by ? a? it flr\'. mer the suburb? ? i I i yarda of the ? . ,. trun? b? on both s - press is unanimous in demand? ing H raid? (.-reater etfieienc. "It .- not en on? ndignant a* such ' - i ;.ir over tl GERMAN PAPERS SCORN SEA CODE Lansing Rules Would Make U Boat War Im? possible. Some Say. AMERICAN NOTE DELIGHTS OTHERS Means Severe Blow at Britain. rhey Declare In Which I ondon A^ree*?. Berlin, Jan. 81. The mornlnsr news-' paper?, of Berlin today discuss at I.Htislnjr/s olrcnliir ? powers on sub warfare and the arming of nm-r rhantmen. The general tonor of the ? ally that in the con v?. organs, is unfavorable. "The no*? could just an well have been signed by Sir Edward (*roy as ?retar?/ Lansing," says the'Tig "so carefully is thing unpleasant or unrom forts bio for the British s voided, so exclu is every reetrli I i pi thereii ? srd rendering sub? marine ? posais wrest from iny's hands all advan'aK?? ob tained by the use of submarines, snd from this standpoint pronounce them unacceptable to (iermnny. fires t:. S. Prejudice. Th? ' he?d ?ng? '" speaks of the not? as "renewi us." It - liously ea anil her 'I ?? to starve ? ? - form of wi ers, but ? injr ' - langer lery. Ke Hernhh I ' \ , ? men, which l und the ? . which Sec wouKl K-ad Predicts Agreement. ? ?true!?: by ?? ating thi ' I ? ?? ? that a id. It ??the . ? of Secre ... Ith ir.terna ear to ? ? ? ut Ins Berlin Must Guarantee Pledge, Says London 81 "The Mane ?orlal eomn ? ? only that Allies lly Telegraph" says that, .. ? ? ? might ? tain sue] FRENCH REPULSE GERMAN ATTACKS Two Hand Grenade As? saults on Hill 140 Arc Driven Back. GERMANS RETAIN NEUVILLE GAINS Bombardment of Trenches at I St. Mihiel Resumed by Joffre's Artillery. IR? faM* tn TN? Trtt^navl London, Jan. .?l The Pre?e* have, suc-orded In stemming the German as? saults In both the Ar'oi? and Somme regions. Berlin ta Itself to -.? ith the statement tl gains made at Neuville and Frise been maintained. I two hand (rrenade attacks or-, Hil! 140 last night, which Paris asserts were repulsed, the German fire ceased, either to await the bringing up of re? inforcement.? or because the French could not ho dlslodgi d. To day there was a resumption of artillery fire by both nK the bridgehead of Stenistraote, ?n Holgium, w< - ed to a heavy bombardment, Paris re ??? and one of the abutment? dam as- d. South of Rove and north of St. Mihiel German trenches were de? stroyed. The official statement issued by Ber? lin follows: "Our new trenehej in the region of Neuville have been held ugninat re? peated French attacks. "The number cf prisoners taken northwest of the village of La has Increa ? 18 men and th. booty taken has inert ' 1 mu chine r ? French made . ? ' . - n 11 f h." ? ht, at two Bl "In the ' I .- this ? "In the Argnnne there ha.? been ing n ' Germa mining "In I artillery dl i- on the enemy trench I an works in the Mihiel our long i the enen' ? north i ' GERMANS OF SOUTH WANT U. S. GOOD WILL Their Business Would Suffer in Diplomatic. Break. Geneva, tween irmany The people of these German i I ? ? ? Italy Lands 20.000 More Men and Guns at Avlona Her'in Jan. ill hr wire'. .. Y. i. Ital I ? ?v [ up Albanin. news age ne; '. par" military and po I that 11 land at. -r Paris, .Ian. 31 A ? Lansing Refuses to Discuss Mission of Colonel Hi Washington, .la:;. 31 ? fairs - to-day t Hou^e. who is mak g ? . ? . il represe resident Wilson, Is draw pay and gets only hi? ? Sec. the mission of i ? ? 4--?-'-' Royal Blue Line Tours NewJersey Central BALTIMORE & OHIO-Philadelphia & Beading Washington Florida $1 Q..SO LINCOLNS BIRTHDAY %T*n 00 Including Railroad. Pull I ?3-3 Day?' Tour Feb. 11. DO-man, en Route. Similar Tour? Feb. 19 and Later Dale?. ? ''?? ? ?Atlantic Coaat Line) AH Necesiary Expenses. fab. 15 (Atlantic Coast Line i $1 ?-Q0 5 n*?y Tours Feb. 2?Sth iO- und later D?fe?. Feb. 29 I .Seaboard Air Line, includes All Ne?cs?--iry Expcn-es e*pen?-a going trip only i I ' - I__J Slit G. rARKER SEEKS REST ? Novelist's Health Broken by I? ir Work. n - ? Loi 'Ion, Jan, 81. rtara <>' ? doctoi i ha' ing ordered a dry climate and i --hantre. has givel -i to a l?rice circle of t nend i who bave been ling his bei ? ? lutbreak ot the in labored ?ly in ni '.'?? -r , si the same lili literary and P ??'.;?? !'. Ik h relation of work will esuss his entire ry CHURCH BELLS GO FOR WAR Austrian? Requisit lea Even Copper Roofs for Munitions. rna, Switzerland, .lun. 81. A mlll tary order has !. received at tne ur the ? larger church bel upper from ? ? e autboril : wiir mun ;' FORD PLANS NEW TRIP TO STOP WAR Saving in February, .V.ay Offer Peace Scheme to War? ring Nations. ["Ht TalacTsps to 1 - oit, Jan. 81. "I am convint organized, will make rid 1 wsi ' ? ' to-lay in ? ? i make a iecond peaeo p11 - ? I lie re] ort he gets fron. h rgt on ahrosd. ^formation from the party," Mr. Ford eontinui-d. "1 BX] ? within a chort after Mr. Plantiff re* . ly not Mr. For: that en commis if chil dien ir, ? gerenl at Chris i ? p him," Mr. ? all the | . ? -?itur GIVES HOME TO SWISS Mrs. M I". M I'airmi.k Baya Ground for Charitable Institution. i,rr. Infor matii ? ?re fi ch says :k, of rty of Voegli, with 'he pur foun r con be un n of wel! ki lith Rocke? of John D. Faorkefel WAR DEVOURS* MUCH COTTON I . g Munition Makers l'?.f 1.000.000 and European 2.000.000 Bales In V? ir. ? rig thi i, told 1HV. ? I jre. RUSSIA DENIES MOVE FOR PEACE - Mitfh Authority Tells Trib? une Nation Was Never So Anxious to Fight. WAR CONTROL NOW IN LIBF.RAL HANDS Ev??rythins* Concentrated on Ob? talning Success in Great Spring Drive. 'PIT r.Ma ./.Th-Trl*-:-? * London, Jan. 31. From one of the ? *,form...) Russian authorities here tomes B rigorous denial of the report? r.ow being spread among neutral coun-, 'iTitiin influences that ? ? ? te orertui d. nt of victory and s'i '?ts'ht. lia II bow prai~* eally in the con? tre.1 of t'n>' Liberals,*' said this official. "Then ira not rerolutioaista nur anarch -?? much more warlike than the i onMnrati-ras ?nd are -.'rating a!' a"f. on win. nn early and laiting victory, no .- ' . *'!? is only In the last few months i that the c? realized Us capa? bilities, and the awakening ha? pro ITiMt on the wnole people. It Is tr . grum .- nnd complaining, but It is not of a serious character, for the people are ? issured that the present ?nron vcniencei will be resnoired as soon as the railway congestion il relieved in tlie 3pring. ? lilwsyi are given al? most entirely to the movement of muni ar.d lefugee.s. Food prices are i read, foi Instance, being high, though there re grain in the country than ever : .*d until the Bed. "Evf Bg way to ?he paign for 4vhich the ? .- well equipped, ?ha- our Allies are also better th men und gun?. Russia ted ?ction, and ?g as I France take simultaneous ? rent. "You ' ' '*a. who i.? our ' ? it only hope for, ! tly expect to take, the up ind in the spring." IRELAND HAS SENT 86,277 MEN TO WAR 400,000 Single Men Unattested, Says Lord Wimborne. London, Jan SI From the outbreak 'anuary 8 the recruits I numbered ?**",-.?. ac ' cording to the report of Baron Wim i.orne, I.ord Li "j'.??nant of Ireland, pub? lished to-: Lord Wimborne estimate? that ft* the ?ie there are 400,000 unat fcla m, n of military ige In 1 Ireland, but ' I c those Indtspen agriculture, commerce ind -oduction of munition! and those -. concludes ailable ? ardly exceed 101 LOST 20.703 IN MONTH :? (,i?e Out Total of Casualties in January. ???Hies ? the month of .ianuarv . era and 19,624 men. Germans Renew Shelling of Schlok and Oger '. Only local ei aim that has ?* east front line? 'he ... I M -' of the initia ive been with the Ger -rxad reports bombard ? of Schlok and of I "ar "ger, in the M i tau see Flerlin says that a ' 11 attack along of Rig THERE are 843 acres m Central Park. Uid f>"f il ? of o;er twenty-five million doll in many interestm ; facts tbgajl die Park atad tlir things in it most worth seeing arr told in a booklet we have just puf>!i?ripd. .Senfl US (en feri's for ?t, the net proceeds from the sale going to the Puhlic Schools Athletic League. Pick out the spots you want to visit, and then go to them by the lines of the venue Bus \ditre?? Fifi li \ reime Coach Company, in B>ss4 1'iM -trra-t a\.n m sala al PI '-?hep?, *? t> ? v j H. C TENNYSON DIES IN WAR Naval Lieutenant Was Poet's l.randson ?Fami!> Gata Vawa "f Daatk? ?ly reee i dk ?:h of Naval T. r.nyson, -on or" the poet. No details were ti i ?? - TRAP IN GERMAN TRUNK Isaac Rose. Held I p by British, Dis iiv?n? Teuton Propaganda. A mysterious trankfol of German propaganda I ? \ hij pasapori .- tas seiz? ure of Isaa.- !: ritish au? thorities at . when he at? tempted to return to I 17 on the Rotterdam. Tical manager, toi he trrived : ' \ I fix mon'- iny. i la). (\ "I'd like who \ wished that "I .us helping a unman snd I in Rotterdam, srh in asked ?tita mine? ? ?ttS not mi "At Fslmouth [ waa Uken before a comrrr-. i of offlcei ? ex plained about the I I ? ;. didn't Rose ' had ever hud ; the I'nt h iu r..ported by passan Rotterdaa*. He he Germany and Austria appareil"', a.? trav as ?-ver. The Bt Louis came in thirty-six hour? late, having D4 gold, ? ed to Ne-v V-r-, B H A Five Cent Breakfast in five mimites t What a boon to the busy housekeeper I Two Shredded Wheat Bis? cuits, heated in the ov?n to restore crfspness ar.d served with hot milk, make a com? plete, perfect meal, supplying all the stren-^th needed for a half day's work at a cost o? four or five cents. The rich? est man in America can buy nothing better. Contains more real nutriment than meat or eggs and is more easily digested. Made at Niagara Falls. N. Y, ^^ ssTs^mja?^^^ N Sixty Years of Progress ?p This day sixty years ago we started in buiiness?in WT a bumble wav, but the right way. ?j V We have grown and prospered on the merit of our |p ?P-cil clothes standardized by the policy introduced in 1856 8te bvthe founder of the business. Mr. Isaac Vail Brokaw Hi 'Reliable woolens, dependable tailoring and honest -Vj M Talues." c In those days the foregoing principles were an inno? vation in the readv-made clothing business, but he set the standard high and it never has been lowered. \f"\ Fair dealing has been our unswerving policy and r \^A\ . t laW shall continue to control all our dealings in our new n?> j^j home, 1457-1463 Broadway, at Forty-second Street ??>, which we shall occupy about March First. I Brokaw Brothers I \ Astor Place & Fourth Avenue | a, Subway Station at Door t * A " i ? i , . i . r>vT, ? r i . . i i i ? LJ i i i ?-i ? ' x-aj-j-L-i-ij-LXX^ci \\ imiini i ii n-rrmti iiiiiituiiimi.ij urrrtr". VvJ I