Newspaper Page Text
infers Hereabouts Are Pining for Pinehurst ?Revision of liuTE?R RULES 0 TENNIS CASE C n. L T. A- Will Fn f;r:i? Laws against if ?'( omet. Pt jo-.;- cnriAiJl It Hi? p?1 la? iweafrtJa?, La-xr*. Ten ; il la - ?* ?? ' _* . ken in w - -, and r?--4? .. p*" _ a I ? ir?--" ?*- ' fu__.ll ??? - atami . I ? .. ?...o-1 "_?? I lei ?/'"_ t tei which a I This -' . si ?i-Ugh | e I a ' | -??es, of I a -a I thl asso laeeted ' P_H ' p:? ' .-? problem i?; - a no r 84 - 11 r si | l -.... - i of pror-v.nent by ? er in I - m ove d ' - ? - tip yester tei - '?i players ? - roun P 1 m - - : ? ftei ? ? ? a ng cour. . George i .-. ?' ? ? of - lob ? ? ' ? - Inning ? A-iee. ' le? t?o SEVERALCH?NGES IN POLO RATINGS ^toddard Advances Belmont Raised. I andteaai it*cr" ng over the i over - ! -w Vork ?atqcet i I ? e ehanpe? ira 1? the ? ernat.or.i*! ________________..~n ws. .Ut of the reason. Thu ?? Ii taken - has been 1 : .-actiee ? { match I'rook men from 8 to rbised from ? I from the Cal., elnb S? , Hoi . M ."'til It? ? I i* ir C:t)i nnat? *>?*? i**UD" and now ? ? ?r . from 3 to 4; ?amw^mw^mw^mm^Sgmmi t... it ol Mesera. Herbert _____J_H ' ti'tO to MARLLY IV? IN. DEVON 2*4 IN. ARROW CQLLAKS ^frtnjj&om t, co j kC troy n y. ^Jporil??hi >vnfJ?n?3ice On Being Piepared? 01 Not. lf you xifve out t , f h i. >:'.? | ' ' "' trying (o piek i*'! fl <:uy. itrt4,'(i you grab off a strwAn ' M he might look c p .?, a Mi>''re tfi'f': (o rf*atis j/,n? Far ani/frSinr; you might let fly? i blots ?<?*<-. could take hand htm. l vd foattfer t.? - -.<?_ 1 HoTce aPat? MJOS RO( hunt fig fr.>t,>> ??' mlsnff tfOntr pine*, in the n t, a bloke u-ko r | : | | ?.y / 'ie ratm/ia if had to be done! If you eret-e cut nt^rrting a ? ? ? ? ??,ae, Do i/mi frSiniV t/r>? vrti.',j bo* for the- ?Van 1 With a kiok in ench hoof on the ti And a pi.nWi packed away in oaeh > avdf Who ?-as roadtj to ?>.<?:? ? ? The minute you started te I tf they can establish amere ha.e'.'i'* magnato? there ouirht t0 ha rn great trouble for England, Prance ?r! Oat-many to pet l?->g.'he>*. "Gee, How Long Ago They Played." Wegner and Laajole are ?tartir.f- theT twentieth Hg las ra? "??-palgne. Pld it ever occur to yoo they were batting ?ver .300 !n the Hi? Show before-? 1. Trie Colonel, or T. R, we? drafted from ths rail ra1 t. Before W. J. Bryan hart ma foi I nceT ft. Before the r-panlsh-Amarlcan War wa? even thonght oft 4 Pefore President Wllaoa had gotten use-1, to hi? Job ... pre? lew! V? Princeton! f> Pefore the beetles were old I Ig. te ' t Pefore J^ss Wlllard wm w< 7. Pefore Joe Ptecher t??i four j. P Pefore Chriety MB4hew?ir?n vi ? 7e?r ,t nuckneU? P. Before Tr Cohb rench?ri t"-? ( :r*i j*:ido at the public ?choolT ML Before there was an American LaSSg rleml In fact. It wsB ?i'?e e erhila ago. It wa? - ? Afvr N'ap I.ajole and Ed Pel"han*y had torn down all | rhood, they heid out for more r-or.ey an | were turned dow: they asked for aa .1 I ? for $2,4 a year end were offered $2,000. Merely a Suggestion. Ai these two veteran? Napoleon tha Si ... ?*-??, AT*, the inly big leaguer? entering upon their twentieth season, why not have ' burgh and Philadelphia celebrate a Wagner-Lajole day. ? Maekmen In an exhibition battle ? If eer.timert In baseball Is wanin?. ti sip along a revival, for twenty years u: 1er the li.h' Tent -ve starred in producing the most attra . s eomi wallop that f<? a clenn barebit. A :.:'?.-, for a lot of people, ard between then their output hae been o? : You Cant. 8!r?How can you e\er aatiafy the fan or the basi 1 recall ?-he day when both were roasting club owners for not pring out and buying pennant winners or ?tars. Noa ?* <?? an- mlakey for Tying to do th!? very tv || alway? wrong. Il B. K., Jr. The simplest way In the world to lnfui I to give bin everything he asks for. Ther, there Is not | n, which la a ten I situation lc any fan'a life. I exas Leaguers. Pre-raarednens? The Cdndnnatl Red? haie cone Bonth and prepared to ??In pennants for forty-one >ears. The remit being It'a the number of are?>ptcd ? hanre? thai .'rame the 'f.rr., not the litt of errora. ,_ 'WHard and Ootch to ; tour." , h ?hould be a bit war?. The last hi ig-to'jreil with v.a? James J. 1 ' on the eve of Reno. Ftecher Is comlig am! Gotch l? K?'rg details to be eoaaldcrred a? far a iph? 2, Ha? Ootoh gone far enough ** \T'restling Repartee. Said young Jo? Stecher to old Fmvk G^tch, * ll'ait'Zi you tackle the '?ci*nor* erot i Old Frank Gotch to yoxtn w, Wait'll you grappte th* Hyanboldt Wreektr As wa understand It, Wlllard and Morat. wIM rot be willing to accept the universe as e purse for a ten-roui.d hout until Europe is repaired cr t--e damage is underwritten. SQUASH LEAD HELD BY HARVARD CLU1 The Harvard club held on ?o th? to rung In the fight for the Clail B Mel iaaoclatloB ?quat-h tenn ip by wlr.ning a ( liea from the Princeton clu on th- latter's courts yesterda* es to 2. Ihre* cf the matche required ? third (ram. to bring abou a decision, but, peculiar' went to BBt, T. A. K. Harri?, the Cla?. B chum plon, directed the Cnm?on Invasion hut he had a hard time in d? Kenneth G. Stern, the captain of th? Prince'.on forces, by a aeora of 18 1 10 18, 16 9, The v .,- fort? w??> h.s ability to **i?kf a targi almost Impoi ,: rui'ie?. that rl l the contest he usina ? Stern had a tel and thsreby threi? y aces I ' ? opponent ton man failed to display his custom? ary ?aggro.-su-? playing, undoubtedly ' too much Re . if ? ' ? ? ? Harris by hi? good "laying" o? ths ball over thi I Raymond H? Hand, the latest recruit ? team, showed an im? provement in hil In hi? defeat by Georgs B Kushmore after game? bv a score of 16 10, 18 16, 16 7. IlaroM Toboj ana! Croffrey ili?ham recorded the t4ro Princeton vie torle. in two straight game?. The M'orei? follow : Aa?r"-"?!!?.. ?"!??? B. ?'IHM"- ?????? ? I .'a!-'' -. ? 1' T A I lia: 1,. ll?'iUd .1 '?-.:< I '. ' ?'a?le1 It 44 44 ' ? ! I .. ? - 4- I?- 1 ? .1 - . Val?- i If ? r?-Uc, liana.-1. I 1. 11'.?' acp,?II?,?ar?l CSiab, I _?*?-*???: Pr" .?00 cara? i taaaaaas YALE SQUASH CLUB BEATS COLUMBIA TEAM Ti.e Vale i-l'ib at ac ? ? The to 1. ' ? eating 1 Platl ? - r? ... - ? - ? i. 1 T- ? . V? - . - ? ? fll. Cluta, I n,a "-? ?STOP HOBFY.' HOCKEY SLOGaVN ? nt ."-.ei 4-n to Watch linker In I,ame ??itb St. Nieka To-Night, .a UD tO * ? ? it a atop to the - ? ? ? ' ? ivor 1 to-moi it the St. i ... ... ' series. a Throe Regattas Arranged for Princeton Crews Princeton, F< b. l. Pnr. toi erew? I ? 4 ? ' ? i Yale and Cornell, ?v. H.? PINEHURST FIRE ROBS ROSS OF HIS GOLF BALLS Buf Tournament Starts on 1 ?me. with Phil Carter in Poor Form. 'ftr *r??lerr?4* to The *fMlmne>,] Plnehurst, N C, Feb. la?Ths fire '*"''?? ?ti red the workahop aad caddy house of the Pinehuret Country Club last ntiirit cost Donald Roe?, the pro faaalonal, about |ftoo worth of golf and daba, : pi mad almid SS a serir-? of exploelons ?OUBded the s'A an song of several do;,.., rubbed? cored gutty a, ih? gueets u-r?. mora ? a few stray r> ? f tha atan ,. of the .??-. ' Mne'i gu't tournamaat on acl time thli . srho ?lid a brilliant fl? rae pre ?tarda?, si owed that ho in only human, b:'.t ,? taking i for tha i * ?i ning. 1 be fui lor metn i llseovera : traps and ??.. , - . ? rday, si I it i teen, 1 ?? ? ., ?re? a big ra, and a?ven aixtOOl s > ' I Peall, of Unlontown, P-mn., lal Parker Whlttl ? ., wa* ieco ? hitlaeh, of Baltli ra, I rd ?enea of low seorti % ?rai a bly dui to tha high arlad that acroi ? . th? jrolfer? ,- ..-. ti a lia?, The euinmaries follow; rtr?t ttJeair? r. i *>i. . fnk?Btn?ra. |? -11 - '* ?*? - ' ?. 4 ' .'???'t Mar ? 1 4 ? r A. Keller. I . . .i II J II . . is?* r. a. rtieii.ii ? ? .- , . ? - ??-?.???.?. j i Becot -?? ii n " . i I; J I). ? ? ? i . - ? ? i - | ? i . , ? , - I I ? ! - j 4 hi.-iii ? > ? i ... ? M .. ? .??. I ? ?'.-? i a ?, -, ? ? - .. . - . ? ?. ? CUBAN CHAMPION RULES AT CHESS tablanca Maintains Ri^ I ead by His Defeat of F. K. Perkins. i big - mas 1 y dispos ? ? -. | no? ? ? . ? .. .'in of In his i . I when 1 remi !y his position ."m the t ted ? ' ? bun a pawn on thi seond move, ? resig? ?".coming. Januwsk;, of Paris, worked his way . i. - the :? ?ult of a well earned vie! - In a ? the i ?t Impor fOf It ** K? I the French ? ''?ay at the data foil '"-?'si Woe. laoat ? a. _.. I i .?"-i ?'. 4 , , ... 4?4j Tt . ?? aal I ? ...... I I .. ' ? ? : BIG FIELD ENTERS FOR SQUASH TITLE Clubmatei Drawn Agalnfi One Another in first Round. i ? ..- . B any of tha tare ! representa i ? ? e na of tha National ' ?Irai n, which be? , | . : ?. - I1 n. In 'he craw, which was announced on thing to ? ? m ' The draw folloWBI -* ..<?-? -? H ? i ' . i '* . F II Pi i. Hartar ' a Pm?. --???' - a ; . . : . rlltl ? ur.Ma. P M Mat a ? 1 ? . ? :. real '. I. 1 i a ! "?rrt?. ?? . . : . i . -"-''" . ; i..a? . ?*? , | i I . ?a K ... ! i Pirates Sell an Outfielder. Pitti Feb. 1 i . ? ? ? ? Club. Smith ?a.? lecured from Moiit liau by tt d liait .a. : in,. PRODUCE AND [ GRAIN PRICES Wheat Market Has aSharp Rally?Corn Advances 1 to 114 Cents. *"??? T rV, F.t-r'iary I. lilla WHEAT. \ f?ir? 1 n\ h ?en in-tar*?1ned In fln?nr!?l ?nd .-..inmairUI 1 Irelefl "n M I ' Condition? a?v..,?.l I., I ir? l^au .?:,.'?' palled -?????- lea -1 I the 4?t,...-,* rnsrk?! th. r-, ?va? n ?han ??biet- lefl prie?. ; lata net Muh-?. Early In ft ? i . ?hang? ire ? feverlah r.r.d nt one tlm? th. mnri.?-*. ?? ,. ' .'.Cl'-.' helo*- th? flnnl of Mondar, but fr- m II I? point th?r? -a.?., ?ri optum of "?*, . iHe, ai. ! f.i ?! <?>! itatloae '.?ara onlf ill the 1 rhe ta leal . i of th? 1. .-??t -.,.. U .- * ... ii. ? been ran mrii .1 by the riv.iit Mlllaa ? I i ? that irrir..? had fkclliied .. nt I '. . ... rarinon fer ieri?y??-d rirti-rity on th? buying ?Mi. The forarlfi-n marient 4 -a??r? buraly ?tand-r ?ri.i Um ?sport 1 ?tton ? ' ? | 1 har? 44?. rt.-'l-a li'iyir.? nf f.ti.r... ?? I I ? ? - ? *, ni,.I Int. mi ?h?, da-, there war- ? ? a .?-ira |z> eitln.finir that tii? ?a??? aid probal t | In t. ? 1 mai -t ? ra ??-*? ?- st I 17 1 N then 1 ttb 11.'? a- .1 No 1 N 1 htm Mi. ?? . |1.( ? 1 o h Ni. v CORN. Th? ?trer-Ktri In -ha.-it ."d -re-in-al raHT ' thei mai ? -^t\ i-rmo-tared . i ?r.-iti n? on ,l 1 I lyina Ide -? . ?1 I ?rats ?arly '? > mil!*??! I ?? " 44fr1 I sry l.?var!?h el am ter, on. ?rat? ??...? , '. ? ? ' . - a l?rk.!n. It ??.. ?. acht thai '. n ?i ?? : ? ? ed at 89. I ! f *'?4T Vi.rk. '.41 ! Tha opt* m?rVa' <,???' ? ad prori" inn?-t flrmn?? during tl ? - ?a ' ? 'ay ral Ml ?1 - . ; 4 ?.-? ' , I 'I'.*? ?t i.rlinary 1 .|r.t? ?rare r ??r.ta? and ?i "? war? - . a . . .a I n.?i. I ' qtjoted ?t '* 4 ? ? ' ?, f.i- --. pped rhlta 1 ahita ? 1. .?tor. ? 4 g .?'. !-??r#ty Iteealyi N'o 1 Waat-rn M Ko- Y rk. *. i.? you l'un i - Va??-r '.4he?t' Opaa, High. low rjleee, '-. _ 1.40 1.41 July. -.1 ?18 ? HU 4.I.-.I I*IU' KM. Whmt : M.y. 1 ?TH. 1 II ? H ft? Ont? 1 May. . ? ? 4,4-'-. . 4 1 ? ' ? 1 ???*"??, '. 'I*. 1.224at "' ? ' - ? ?- ? ? ?? ' ? ? " I I FEED I ran. I . ?I I in?:-? meat, > i I'KHVISI' || mdlict* was B ? ? ? ' - - . ' ? I I ' ' ? -. ' b-toon*. 1C 160 lb, 10*%.; 14 - a . . ? . ? I . ? - ta, il f iOe ; B it. 11 V. I (IK 4'.'? ! "10*4 islam?. Y. ?? I,nr" 10.20 1 : ? ? 10.4; 10 PI II ' - 10 92 10.90 ?) 11.05 : M li.o: 1'ork : r.o.50 ' 20.67 rHvnt? r-ni ?>? ?ere rt? ?'In tha in,-?] ? which - ? ? ??? ' ? - . a -..?-. . th? to any ^..aarr.rr-.ri'.t irru'i: ?. *-aO?-rcv?r, fall. - ? ? - .... ..a .?-..,., ? itaadlet I , ':c. in ? ? n ??-?. and Ann! I :.?; ! ? r-r -o I I i ' ? ' ' ? ? day 4?-?-o . ? . - trad ' a ?' 1 ? ? ' 4>. ', Or**n- nifh. Ix)W. ClflM day. FeSm.ry r |g 7 SI 7.8I April. I Mav . T.4J 7.44 7.8? 7.4i'?J,7 14 7.42 Jane. ?' " ' - . - - i ! " I N ? ? <? - I 1 ' , IUGAI M hi Af.,. ia; ?? i'.g qulr-t bill ; ?ng?*d ...?' mma a ? - mark??! ., with sala, cu t ? ton*. H O? ? JVh I 1 1.90 I -- ... ...4.00 4.01 4.00 4 . 4 1 4 .4.09 4.11 4.-D 4 1.11 4 4 ..4.14 4 '-1 4 :. ? 1.18 4 ? 4 4 i riTrovsKFn OIL. Pur? - - r:.ark??t ? ..f th? point? net ? ' 1 -. - o;?*'.. H.?h. Ixrw. I I . - ....t.ia i.i 1 ? .... 1 - ? . .: 9.18 _k.'i '.- . . 4 MK1AI.S. ( -;?-r ?u firm, with elect ? ? . - . It? ' ... .,-?.' ? ? ' ' ' - ? > ?ai 2M ton? ?pel u?i 4oo tons fut-xr-Ma OOrJefTEI piuhhice HABE1 Ynr weak ?nde<l Fet.ruavry 1. 191 lU'TIIMt. H4?"t.,tj? for week. MJSI raeVage? we..*, ?s.ros rmflrai?et Ei porta for * '*"i'lcal eottntrU? 415 n?_fcaiae TI ?teed nur.ttitliir,? r.ivtr ?>.?- I, ..In?-? i ? rriani tat talden nra not sl : ? ?n ti at Le da. i ' eaneei /, ??? i I hlfher i Unte, ?..- ; ? I'd?. .' . 2^,. | , ?coring . . ???. !H?; ei . ?Ute -i?. "-O' ra? . ? . Iu-?rer i/im!?. mitatl in i rean <???>-. fr?'.. ?:v.'.. In. '??. current n.i ir. BnU. SI ?' i J - ? ? . re- t n ake. Are. 10? ; t, , . 1 ' I i Be. t HEr*SE. Tiefla-uta for esaak, II 'i banae, fc_ for - I ? I Mil -?. ? ? ? !? i. nctive r en In aaklna pi , . i .'.. ? current i fair/. 1" j ?7'-,,<? ; held, rhed ' i-' k.-, ? ? ? ., ipeelale, ? ? finer, ,e ; twine, A ?? . ? ? eeial?, ''"'?'?: ?a ? ?< . . ? .- . !3<-. i:r;f;o. i.'.ir.08 eaaaa. fluctuated fi i i ? ... . ? ter am ? . .- f)r?ta, by, he:. ? ! I brown and rr h w ami trnuw. ' idium and . irru???? MAY, I baled, I - ? nver I'll I (Small ba'ee a: I . I . ?* ' ... - ? , Va. mixed, ' . G ? Rome 4 - ' in Wine " ?? ; I ' . ' ? ? ? ?i i . ORA! ! ? ' POi i | .- li "..1 or l.i ??- ? . * ? ? ? ? ' : i h . : i . * ? ? - !.?:. . .-hite la I I ?. . .. I ? . : ? . HOTHOUSI rROiirrr-. I ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ; : ? - a UVE8TCH ??. MASKET. New ai7 1, 1S1?. Ill r \ ES. ta. I - brade of Impor - CAU I very ?! ? ! I corr.m. I . >iii i p wn i tMBS. few i-in aale; ? ? ? - HOGS. ' : ?t ..?>:. C?.unt--y ttrtaieU bora stcaatr at IQUe. COTTON RECOVERS FROM RECENT DROP Trade Buying and Better View of International Affairs Send Prices Up. Wlillo still more or l<*?s nervou. an ! IrTOfXalar, the co'.fnn market ehow?*d n BWBetB ' ateadler tone ye.torduy, flr-itl. ?irices 4-rorriir.i? higher on *r Bad r*ov?irinn? of ?iiort?. Thi? form.T rulirp; of the ?tock market and a more favorable view of International palltiaa atoatrtbatad to the advance, latent of the ? sad 1 strengt] ? ?rartB sold up to 12.1a*??, or 19 : .' rve the ! rw lev-l of Monday, and Se, with the -reneial I steady at ?? BBS u ivai re of 10 to ; ? Into. Liverpool was better t.h?n due, ar.d .- it n*- advance of d ? i setive m. . ?< -eld ? to 13 point. .. ring thf minutu of col ? prominent ... k* of i ? *. : ? . I r con f u sed Priesa acted 1 I point P Mon bul ? kbsoi ; -? 1 sal I i the market iier. ittored ? ? i of the sfl ?he market rr flgurei ?r ' .i raeeived -? ' ? ...-, wai loi . ? n telling here, ly of ipot markets, as ,- - 26 pe.? ?-, lies of ? ? ? H ?al ih laid that a ' tniltlc an ? irtan . . ?to ?sablea ai ? es? of Ltverool I ind al ? . ' old - ? ? tterinj - ' ? i -reduced ? - - ; ? :? ?eason. against 5 last Ita-if. of pide?**! Xa*\ ? Op?ri. Hieh I"-"1*' '"'? ??*- day. ruary ? - 11.78 Bid II 8. . 11. -8 11.?9 11.77 ?? 11.1 , 12.00 lt.ll 11.98 . .. 12.17 12 E| 12.12 ' U.20 -.. - 1.28 12.13 12.2? 12.28 12.1 i .*.- .. 12.27 Bid - : i . 10 ? The !?"-?l mi--.*. I - - ?-. *i wm , i'rjr n.l ' - ?lei ?I. wt?B ? on?, follow: TeesstN I am I.*?t Pr???ent a . y.'?r. .;r?l?-e??oTl _18.750 12. ins.. ?,?01 17.126 4 , 1,421 I ' ? : - .,-! , 8,997 I 1 218.109 ? Its? .. N 1 . l.p ' * ? ... :i'. ? ? . rk. 160 1?1 85 I I ..... 1.011 110 4-< .1 .? . I2.8S1 11.488 ? .BMM I '? "48,600 - 188 2.IT4 ' 1.815 21 i ? ri ...'.? '. -..?ton dull : ' : ? ? .' a ,,. .... . ' July-Au?, ' ' . . ?h, "?!. Msncbester, y?r- ? Canadian Northern Financing. The Cans 11 Northern ! ?any ha? ?old to bankers In th:? . an lfsne of $2,5nf..0iVi or.e year f" tea The . . rod by * itoek for i it 4V? - ' : 00, a*. -1 f9t in, and i ; it* a trustee for 1 PROPOSAI?* m:ai ; BIDS ai ? - ? ? ' ?uklli - i : , ' ? < F ten ?1 * . ? - ; a? -? ? - ? Ton I Of the B ?rd of \V?t?r -, . k:-".' t H " . ? a ;, ? It 1 " ? I Mt f a. . ? "LOUR. a ? . <? .4 Btat? I - - ' - < furnUhlni ? .. ? ? , ? . | P;r < ? , '_ -I'l-.i'l'TS AUCTION BALaV .4*'Y. su; i ? ......-.? : ? - 11 remp?ny had ? - . '. in ? ' ' 1 - ?JENNIS M.KVi'?. I>?p*ify fcb?rt!l PROSPERITY GAINS ON FIRMER BASI; All Sections Report Upwar Trend and Heavy Buying Ahead. Washington. Fafc 1 Report? fro ?he rwahre Federal Beaarve aVstvIsrl made public to-daj 1 ? Uta ?tOSW Hour l, iadli ? laeaa eaad ttor.? are etill improving throughtv .?.try. Hoeton say? the upwar 'rer.d has cor.Mnvd throughout Jar . ary, an 1 - 11 ? ?' ? t an 1 c i respondones i publia ??rvico aai ?, manufac ?r?rs a- / I I oases , rowfl 1 thi marke] impfovr ? .-??- *7 ef tga?? ai .atoatha Except for a feoltag that rr.-.-h r - g ?s? i? of a taasj ? character, and a com leal lack S , the Ph ilad ... m cor. a aaoal B< *.d d: - : ' ? very | il -ar, || ; - ? -i , ? ?.. ri.ore ? ?;- ??? jr . . ? develop-' iaaoa. In ? riet bastas? 1* sa l li ? i a vary i rge Or krfl ahes t trie! reporta ui I the aas ly ploati! iptli ? Dallas . *"i! frc-i thai basic ? .??? ? - g a ? Continental Can Earnings. "?-,.-?? port? for thi leember 31? ? f $118 toi ? ? ? : r recia! 1,114, equal to I - ? ? ?? i _ :'l BLK IWTICH Hit . .'.NT Oe? Pt'BL . It, ltl? - ? ' * ? ; ? -, ? I, 1*14. i i i I I - . < male | ' ? ?it ., - f a? d sut '. - ? ? :?*s or . i ' ' ?-'eej) EH? n ?* .j-.l ?CttOO Of lO'.i, dam. el . ? ??? ?? . t? *> I CONT: .a. T NO. 123 iRe-rtead? i Cana ? ig the ??b? and appro? - ..... a ?tailOO 4.4t)-4a. Mlrell i to ? II A, . ? ? . a ef the ? ?rara? I ??: .i i. ?I .i ?allea ?heats i te ?cationi I . .... . ' ' * indent of 1 f? at the office i el i i ? , ? i . *l , ? - ? ,,? : r ? rV eat ein ! i . .i ? ' ' ,? - i It Of I at ? - r eetlmetee ?rill be paid I ? ' * ? i the contract ] - ? ' I . ?. ? t .. t I all Ital I | - ? ? far See i . ? ? ai ? - ? ?? ?* . ' - t ?wart aereen er - ? 'i??a g;, ver. ; 11 tien of Um ? ? A ap the - - - : i . ? " ? i?so ? : ? I ti.? r-uper.- tendent et 1 i ' Trae drpotlta of bidder. oth?r than ?he ?an? ? ? ? ??? the award I tract ?li? I - ? - '. ? ?..*.? \ ha ? el ad f >r faith? | ; -? - ? ?? laf. I. .e * r? ?. rdlag to the ? la the lal - ' ' I ? act pri?e? ?? ? ? ? r . . a ? . ?, I ? by hint upon ! v. be d'jri. In tt.e, ? ? In tli- eeent that more than one etirarr Oft . ? r ? r ??I ? I aCi ?p'e t ' , the - ! . . i ? ri dor i i ? > i i ?? '" to tha ? ??? l - . sal eh?.i lie fur 4* < wltn ? e required - I . right Is '??? [...??. . the rei ?r il ' ? rat?ne - tai - ?? _r ; _ ? ? , SI i RUG ?TE"8 NOTH ES, . . i . ? . all pereoni ? . . , ? lia I ? ? , ' . I) of uajr of _ ? V ra. the llth dar ?f De? er. 1916 V. BCHlTTLBn SMITH. i.rn. 11 41 . ?A . :?. S?ITR. atesst ?VIP HKNNKTT K I? ? - ? Hfr . , LAVES SI ? POft. ? ?n a .' . '? ? ? ? ? i . . ' Sett "i .. . ... ? ; . ? hairing ' c.?l:n? art? ? ?I ' .untr ? .. ? lent the anme. wll ? the lub ... ' ? . a ' atesara ' ?Man Me ? ? n ' '?.?? . ned. New Torn, N ember 1 ma. u a v race ? ? .?xe_ ? EMI NO Ation. -a ' ?? ? i' * ? J !? ? ie?u HUOx I I H .rotia-i of, New l?ratClipi i