Newspaper Page Text
?^ Coru.ucte-ii by Sarnuel Hopkins Adams. Thi? department ha? entered the lacead ?tage of ?ervu* to Tribune reader.. Primarily it WBB intended merely N ?eparat? the ?heep of advortiiing from the goaf? ?and a bell on the fo.t?. But now it g?>ei blllld mer?? idi-ntitu-ation. It rmliricM a human nature itudy of l?oth ?heep and goat?. *l on art? invited to ?ifiit. For ?very letter printed in thii ?lepai tm.Mit de.rrih? ing upeiifiiifi |.le?i?ni or ?-mploaeenl?with advartiewo of merchandise, excepting only patent meiiuine?. The TiiSune will ? end $2.00. payable, in an? mrnhamliie of anv Tribun?? adver tuer. For the BBOOl import.nt letter each month a 8pariai prise of $50.00, payable ?itnil.rly. will he awfn?J?d. Name punte?! or withheld?a. you prefer, but inu.t bo signed or we will not linow where to ?end the prize order. Addreii: 1 be Ad-Yitor, Th* TriSune, New York. i*. afforda me a to hs4-e the opportunity presented by youi earn] ? .. ,:1 appreciation of oni ant In tl city which, in my humb.e n the | ? *?'? ? . ? their advcrtiaemei in ? th? ' ? 1 ?'nt? red t desk ai i I tlv) a jui clerk. Before I - whether ff? r young gen! ?man en ird, and i without a , ?, ? nt la noa le and b prompt ac; esconce. wii It? 1 car ? respect that such tro.' ? for a ad emploj i mow enough 4*v ? a chai over a prospective ? ter I urchased a pair of tan ?hoe? fron*, the con? cern, which si a alight the ' Ion and respom not quite pleased to have the ? ' leaied to bava though I had worn ? iccedi to. - fourth Street me in here," 1 ?aid. "I want to parchas? a ta," tod, put on Bnd ?'?-?' them," an.l r.ot a y. My friend ex lurpi ? -iied to h i te b'iiin? i eth? ic < . ? ? or real grie? where ed In the ? - ? i the de4-elopnr.ent of advertlrlng leienc? believe . very even to thin day. riter of a r.a ?? tment you rec? ' ?c: V?. T. D far a-- the format Rogers 1 ware tV . ? r, ii x"i' ? rk, at. ? lera fluence for merchai '. accords to il 1 an* f the fill and ? ' coml rrnetit" MThe to this el '? "om th,> i'fl1" . . ?ng aim. ? . . - ? ? -non ttle." ikery and ojuack ?re ram] f out it foul K -ho newspaper are Andrew Peck, of King; and 1 tt H. Cullii N. V. ri ir? among advi it v ? ? ? I WO VI . ??-.-. , ? .-.lilt i min 1 often 1 4 ? pl e s. Fun dam en ta ? ? , ? t lit i to who will listen, bu* ' clti mi nt, to I th your trouble; ? *.m ? ? my o 44 ? ? i .. ter at Abei rr? - New .... 6me ' theii tten ? ? to the i and i 1er 1 ? . . up ' " It stter te 1 hadn't ? . , ' - - . i ? . result that th a 1 ? - . . . ? ' mai the reputa ' . '"v T ? ? ? ?? i' the thoughtful and acute h. They will repay a careful reading. a " g Of th? '? : I ? wayi a remark ? , me- -., tone that you t* fair, however. 1 ' " a? the ? ? ?? ' ? ... rather than ties and' does not i .. . ?i afore f of the ... ???.I ara noi first-cl i ti-.i.- The?, may indica on th? part of the advertiser or quite as pi '. required to ?write "copy" 44lm*!i i-hall be at I ii' by the ?I Hoi rman . ted, 1 ? ? ? - . , | ..... : ? ? to the Ad-Visor "1,4. ? provi .in fact, a LIQ1 'ID BRI \ I'." claims the R ? tlorrman pampl "?'? i Ai ail, I sup] ? ? ' . . mder ; . V*oi ? pare to swallow ???? the thesis of the ? I ? man wh? - he streets and waving in the ail the remaii - got his at?-- j SANGER TRIAI. UP MONDAY Delegatlaa af Wawaa Will Baesrtl Do faaafaata to Caarl tdvocat? of birth cantrol ?rill again he repreaentod In a ????? gation of ?romea ?he will eeeorl Margare! I S?nger t.? eourl Mon dar, when her trial fi,r ?ending birth rol literature through thi mall? begins. Members ef the S?nger d? ferne committee, headed by Re le P? itoki ?. will i" prominent ation, .. trial, postponed Januan I ' '? ...ton in the Peder?! < "?"'. ,,. reaumed in Room ?31 In the V toftlci Buildi! .; II - ? ' (? ?,:..?. thai the 11. ?' -" U!l ' " ??' ntlnuc the caae, which ha mol ?etbaca alnet orig inally Inatituted. e FIRST GUM MAKER DEAD. .lohn i ..?gate. Mixing Baleasn ami i hi. le 45 ?eara Ago. started Trade, Louisville, Fei?. I. Johi i ?igate, , be America*? first chewing gum ifacturer, died a! hii home to day of ?event) live ?? ngaged ? drug buaine ? in I oui rilli, Mr. ? on a combination of baleam and chide, ou! of which grew the chets ng gum indu trj . ..? ? . reel 'd a : 1911 by a large N' " , n d. e BLOOD FOR GAS VICTIM Girl Improves After Tranafaaloa, hut l- Mill CacoBseloae. Palisades, * J. Peb I M i Mete Srhna n i, the eight? * | ion Avenue, ? I betn nneonselous since Is daj from Inhaling illumina! who vc iterday nndi rw ml a tran ? of Mom!, era I igh! to he h little Im ? i afternoon, though si ? condition. l?r. Edward Lindeman sayi it nu-y | take ? develop any ' repl ehange In the patient, end so her -iicss in not caue ?nc ai v nneaaine? POLICEMAN TWICE PRAISED BY WOODS "Honorable Mention.*' Second Highes. Award for Bravery, Doubly Won by ("onkiin??. ral men! ext I ? award for valor or meril tnco of duty, wa? accorded to I ? Thomas H. I ? .'mu. tu ice . kill g holdup m.. , giv? ng a! Rw i - minced . ? ? a irst, in Au .... ? II 01 .? ? I ? ? fir; Italian uho had .'-hoi and I ? -, man. The name ' tj one memher? of iwarda, g the 1 nned. were public. *-'? Ithin the la? the Commissioner had rewarded ! in si! - ? ' leven mea I ? ORVILLE WRIGHT SUED llrr.l.r Want, ISg.OM f-r Belliag 7.7<?fl Share? ol the ln\ertor'?i St"i k \ wril <>f attaehmeni igs Wripi.- I ? |l 0.000 wa? issued by Judge Julius M, Mayer, in the I rit ?. W, W illiamson, of Sears? : dalo. ? it 115 Broa Mr. tl all?gea trac! in comml elling ? ? loch Orvllle ?Vright held ; iny. Mr le de ; ht, but wat pa d, The action wa ? the Kes Court, but erred to Mr. Wright .?" Dayton, Ol Plays and Players of the Film World . ? ver, a dancer, ha? t...- ? and from all I - glory. .luck Bai * i film si ping ? g of a H' ?i* e 1 ; ? VI, ? g, admits ! ? reformed i soprano. Mr. and M ? ? Drew w! BUS] ? fhe i ??'??-< ? ? ? ' lur out of the thil play, l ion or Drew, ? ? ' K .- N. Y , Young Men'? I l'hri-' \ tun theatn ring 750, ... . ? . ...... .. fhe Chaplin burlesque on tl t the pu need i : ? i Howard 11 iekman has i lin mustacl ? i Lu ;> ? ? The In?? -icenes of thi I - Pil ?. ? ? rtak by Ci ? nia. ! ? .. the j Booth' ' g Baggol .-i..'. ?? i., reeti ppearing a ? ?? ? ra. L R. T. REFUSED TO FIGHT EDISO Sconis$2a000|000inUndi 1 sel.iiifg Light Co.?Thow sor l lints Agreement PATENT ROYALTIES STILL PUZZLE HEDLI . Railway Maaager Says Ho Keo No Hooks (inn Hill Realty I irm Under I ire Bow the In te rborough company w ', Ingly gave up the opportunitj to mi , from i:.0 .i r< at aelling Its em plu., electric power a! rate far cheaper than aold by the Edil .. i broui ht out at vest daj '? ?eai ion of thi rhompaon coram Kranl Hedley, ?? iee-preaident n gei oral mai the li terboroui iv,m on the ' ind a! the time. By gly innocuoua qai i ilex ? i if r ; ? ? ?.?. er Senat ! Thompson und Bainbridge Colby, eos to the committee, led up te I ; lopment of the di " tin? plan fall through beeauae nn understanding between the ?nterin ough r? : -,. i ti, Edison company?** a?!? M r. i that I I ' ?' said Mr He ley. Mr Colby, ?rho did nal seek to hi j h;s | h if the I was any sphere ol influence rrco ! nized i:v the two companies. Mr, Me li;, replied he ? Ha aa tluro had been l?verai eon ft rene ovei ' - nrplu? powi i i nte ? Irew j ret dman '" ? Hedley test it he .1 d n kno* ? lie said 1 i mi m ! rand ? ? paten! I to N ? :. ? ?I \' ? I from ti ? ? ? months; : $2,7$ ? Railway 1 Coi ? ... ? ??1 la? . d froi berl4, 1915 Doesn't Kno? Bo's Preeidoat. owi I 1 .? and i ? cloekl ick h , purcl He O* ii bond the company fur which he pan ? ;. he 'in! not ? gard a ling. Mr Hvdli I thai li" at nm 1 ? ? ? boi ?? | the Hotel An Mi .-? ? ? mi ... i put I . Mr. P ? ? * 115,000 m note? i ter th? ? ? ek now pa) - ? snds. een h mu ? Hedli '. ? ' pa) ? .. He tl paid 126.000 Bw? : : i at SI Herii ' The pi the line I tl is be ? ? "Whei the I R tj <*om I ce, 165 Broadway, I thi' DU PONT FACTORY WRECKED i*. , ? >ded iri . ? ? I ? h'Tn, ; ? I, so far i the plan! ? the explo? I causa ire not ACCEPT WHITMAN TRIP B llniil/cd Voucher for $20.7iin I I l'a hv I ?nilrollet Tr.iNi?. Ilbany, Peb l The Itaaalaed ?ai er ..f |tO,7?M 11, ?ho aspeaae i al * erner Whitman's purl>? t? the Pan . Paeifle Eipealtlea, wai received aad I eeptod to??tay f>v Caatroller Traeia H hen the bill far the Oeweraort was originally areeentod reeently 4'.n? nil baca '* the Controller itemlsal Ion. II.e Itemised I"" I oa i the roll , ing r" "'*':'' Railroad fare, ?? ?, .11. p illman hire, 16,21.1 67: par! eai >1 Sal? I ska City, |80; dining ?,., ,. |l ,78 ". i ' - ipap? i ? m o-,i a BREITUNG & CO SUED II. (lav Howard Want? |8|b\SSI G ininslon on IVruvian < ont met. H ? lay Howard, formerly Ameti Minlater to Peru, brought aull yeal [ day f.T f?ZSjtti foi i.reiich of eontr againal Breitang ??"? Co., lue., <>f wh Rilward N. Breitung la the hi ad Howard say? that ho wun engai i the Breitung concern to obta ri ? to pul into .IT.'.:* an irri tinn and colonisation plan of the Pa 14:i.n government, for which ?,000,i had I" en appi opriated in Lima. Aft.-r his term of ofilee under i Taft adminiatral ion Howard ?-? n! Peru and obtained th.' contract ? ? ? '''.nt Breitung approved 'he .ir of the contract, which required the of $20,000 be placed i a ? Verk bank before il ara i ral I i Hi an' ?ny i that Breitung cabled l Im ,! the depoail bad hen made. ??-# $1,500,000 SUIT OVER DRUG TRAD Boycot! Alleged in Plot Chttrg Made by John I). Park & Sons. Suit for treble damage? aggregatl ?'..rinn/.'.'il, brought ye terday In I I i doral '?"' rl ? under the ^herman an tm?t nc; againat BB alleged drug trn hy John I?. Park A Son?, ? K?*ntuc eorporatton. Among th"?e namerl .n the lult forming the alleged drug combine a Bel ieffeltn I ' o., the < harlei N. Cr tei I ?'. I uni ai loi i. L Thomp* I Co., R. w, Robinaon .?.? Co ai , thi individual member i of Bi ii I Co, ' r rgOl thai tl i nut i . of the ? ' I I that it include! in it? active membe f the wholesi ? ? the 1.i and ? ? - :. 7.'? 11 , ? ? ? . ? ... duc?-. f art . ? iah drugg It ........ chai k-.'d ? ha? I with them are M per cen? f th? ? tinn-. e L'nited 81 I pel <??' ? of the patf ni medicine mske ? ' Pari that the defen? combined ami e In Ma en ? * 'ion, and I pii -co thi ? ? - -till on. arg? reotti ami oth? ? ? ?n.piraey el It i? Iso alleged thai trad ils wei the defendanl in the Job i' Park A Sun?, who are wh.>lr sali drugg I that as the i lull . rmal intl-trust in! brought by them In the district n . . ver" enjoined from d? eon plained of, bul that aotwithstand ! 1i*.i* thi? decree ?he alleged com tt hi i;h in a le*.er degree MRS. CRAM IN COMMAND OF GIRL PICKETERS Strike Leaders Say 10,000 More \\ iirkers Will (i?i Out. g?ant I ram'i offer tu h< '.; the 10, I? ei ??? irkeri on children'. dreaa? now ?m ''r-ke waa accept? Mr?, f'riitn will be in eoi pieket 'i .' 44 ill aid the ?inkers in other Her ? rst duty 4?ns to draw up i ??,-i- by 'ii- girl pickets, "111 till',.144 I "Do not itand In group?, but walk \ about in e<> :, ?"When you iee icabs going to wirk ? ??? ? l ted, hut talk to them rill gain nothing by rio? "When ordered away hy the police don'l ..r?ue 4.irh them, but do y.riir duty. ??When a pleket i? arre ted notify our 1. lay out on strike . ?' ? del .4' : ? ?*?" grant? d " ti - lers said 10,000 girl workers oi ? ?? ? ... and I | oui "n itrik? i two other sl 00 girls, it was an mi siso he railed if , satisfactory arrangements cannot be made ? th ei ployers, Twenty thou ir.1 d r r; - employed on ?hirts are ready to atril i 80,000 girl workers Irte ?ist?. ?? BIG GUNS LOST AT SEA Barge < apaise? as Port Orchard Baj >l earner PaBBOS It?. Bren arto -, (Vaah , Peb i tun .., the - i oloi .i !.. or ihipment to Wash to the Port < irchi rd Bay . - iron - were being 'a-.- n to Si itl i ? . , and iwelli from a pa the har^e Th? gun.-, the ea i whic thi 44 er loaded 4?:ere valued at IIS 1,0 * EL America's Leading Restaurant m\ ??A* "W^j_ g_ 1 vQ?p^ ? ?' nuHi? to soothe??and a divertinj?; enter- _fl (^NBjL s,,rvrd in tie 1 ?e-.iu11fti 1 Ballroom iron- 6 in 1 .it ^_L| jlffiifla $1.50 I rmcr and thr excellent entertainment il ?M MURDER REVEALS LONGSHORE PLOT Non-Union Men Charge They Were Driven to Join Association. PROTECTED BY (HJNS, SLAYER STROLLS AWAY Prosecutor Will Take Up Ac? orations Against Organization On Trail of Assassin. hi-'rict Attorney Swann anno u la il Bight thai hr> is Invi ting chargea tlmt representatives of ? Ion,? ? gunmen ?'"I even committed murder in order freight handler? on the North Rit er pier? '?? lev I : ? ,-??.??. ?,, o Muir their union, 'l be allegations grew out of the tu.ri i,f the murder of Alexander fer naaovitch, who wa? hot ? ?reek ago last Monday daring a i impu? be! ? * union und non-union longshoreiW ? piar of the Over?! . |ftb Avenue and Fifty-seventh Street, According to Assistant District At ton f. Mhucuso, eight witnesses have ... . :i examined, ?rid their testimony points to a mun known h? "T.. ? alias "Dan,** alias "Andy," n*" the murderer. Re la Still at lar(?e. Thi 'police r!c?rript!on of "Lousey*1 he is about twenty?one -.ear? ef ago, .*, feel 8 inches tall,weighing 14'? pounds Hr.d smooth iba 11. ?*' ?allow com plexion snd ?.?rnrinj?r a dark sin' nr d a light chinchilla hat Some ? *" tl ' w tnease? have test ?hat 'hev were forced into Joining ' I ? ? .rimer,'? association, which de mands an initiation fe< of ?''' ar d monthly due cents Dlsti t A! torn?-, Swann nay? there 2,000 i lonafhoi the North Rlvei ind In : ntimidal ? ? - manner Most ? ? ? rly members ot I but thi". dropped they i latist .... inces, \ itant Dial t Attorn? my i ? F a meet inp ol of the remei ition thai ? ? the murd Yernasoviteh, a* which it ?? to "clean up the Fifth-? Street nier." The witnesses d while three shift? ( i freight ? ? to the pier from luncheon on the ? mur der nea ri y 200 ti Ctufe 5 14th Street, near Fourth Arena*. Strand Roof (iarden "'"S Breaduras*, h It, 44 V CHANGE OF EVENTS NIGHTLY ta prrparail OOIJ) i OM PHILHARMONIR JOtsr.F ?iitivilil, I o MM i Toil.^*^ Ne?t I rl \ft. SlSe, CARNEOIE HALL, nr sciiULz Btahlbera '? ? ' ' sart?n, N. ?t ?i?tiinlii> Bra . fit SliS, f arriar?a Halt ALL WACNER ?-':FREMSTAD ' BILTMOR? ritinw noiiMMi mi -it m B. inn Kl mi i 'ii ut i . i.i. 11 at il. ALDA PADEREWSKI S PAL DING R.? - . ? Boxe? ? ? ? IM Orderefw i ? ? ,....'- i i JOHNSTON I. I -??-?- ?' '- ? IB i SYMPHONY s o r I r t v of Ne?? Y o r h ?TAI.TKR llAMBOsMH, t ..mim tar. Nett Mlliiliiv afternoon, ul ! ,?,,? VAN DRESSER ; SYMPHONY CONCERTS A I lilt "till N(, I'l (ll'l !.. I Saturday Alt., Feb. 5, at 2:30 ? < Il M I s , -\ Ml'IKiM OKI HRHTB X ai UMIII li \M I.ii-i II toe . M XIII I X \ XN OKI --I.K -miran,, f Tl II II ?.- . ?n 4 n d? .. .1 Boi I ??" e. Can rgle Hall 4 XKVM.II 11X11. ?at. Xft.. 1.1. 1 Mil it III m lac H A ELMAN - | I ? i rieketa at 1 ?? ?? Mat. xx XMIl.l XN II XI I XX eil Xft . I r,. ?. ?i 1. P?RLGW HUTCHESOX X.-..linn II..I! I..m? h |5, ??.. , ,,?..,, N. Y. Chamber Music Society . n !? -? ? 4,?r..1)11 Bertie, Uuatuee l_uiceoiie IS I MINI m -hi i,|-|, II ?? BOOTH - ;? THE FEAR MARKET CAMNO. i ..- - Mai ? ro daj, THE BLUE PARADISE CL^A? 6HLBI RT ?a - U U? .- f ... : ALONE AT LAST! *4TM ST \..f. ? 0 Ml Ml i. l a:,w Nja^M. iv KATINKA COMED? Matinee 1 - i .'V : , HOBSONS CHOICE ?TH SI ? . II . r i, j I *IILY STEVl M, THE UNCHASTENED W01V1AN PRINCESS ' v : Pooiiltr Matin?. To day k Ham m . a i ? ? . r ,: ,, r --.. . VERY GOOD EDDIE 1 gated about the en*r.n e? te tl ? i '.n nkr a ml - Bp which eneaed th fiiini "Lousey" itueh a n rolvef i ? ..f 1. . '* tomaeb ari I...-I \. eordlng 'r> ' he wltn? - i i ' he n preoentol i revel i r it I? i ing from hia p dered the longshon men to f;>.l bai from "Tarea loi teh'i bed]. and In th ' wiv "1 ousey" escaped I I ;, .| '.. I,. ? ?? walked r , I This i lene? I b? taken befon th grand |ary. In connection with the h detective! nr^ look ?ng I mui df Captain John Ma dim , of tl P nanl laine barge, at tl Foil ? pier, leal ib li. Hhr.? ai d robbed of |I9 ? OPEN FIRE LIGHTS IRWIN WEDDING Writer Marries Mrs. Ine/ H. Oil more Will Spend Honey? moon on Battle Fronts. I he r.prn fire lid. long '"P 'h' symbol of gealui In N If th? ?ll\ ?ne f re bur:., i I 8 .1. yo' , couldn't 1... happ) - ' rou found i ?tudio - Green rieh Villagi that bad no furnace Maybe tbla love of the gei flninn had aomething I eith Mr Inez Haynei Gilmor i i ;? tlame hi for her wedding g' ? ? r mai i iaga to '?'? I - . ed last uigl I before an ope.-i Are in the hom.> of her lister, Mrs " ; Bl . it IT ""? Bl ? charming rith the soft relight II on Mra. Thompson' is, and .: ip th?' mai ? oi (lame-col? ored 'ul:ps and the jonquil? with the atudio wbi decorated - !<? had copied her co'or* ' I ?'re. T:.e flamO-COl ored ?. ?m WBI embroidered *.*.;?h gold rith blai ?. ;;...,. ceremony was performed hy th** R? ". A'-..', \v. MirCuray, pa Presbyte rial I irch, an riend whom Mr. r r-.*.: r, delight! t. <*a:l "the human preacher."" Ther. wer.* no ittendanta. Af'er ?he rere ** pHr-; ? alked ?are 'n the Hoti ? >-r waa mi I ere Mr. and Mr?, .-'am ? uel Ho| '? 'na. Mr. and Ml O'Hare Coigrave, Jame? Hopper Thon Erb, who wai Mr. tr? ? - ? .'?-?: Sara Hard Field " ii ? Mrs Waiter ??-. Mr. ati'l Mn Harr;, f! en I. I'ugan and Mill Phyllii Dugan, le will tail ob Se.? irday, o the Chicago, for Eui will spend a neyi p ' ...... . .... - tuate and ol DOUBLE VICTORY I WON BY OSB0RK{ dels Order for <W j '?'stimony on Which |a dktments Art- Based BILLOFPAimajiJ RULING iAIDSWaH Westcli.'stfr Prosecjtur | ,,;,r(J ?0 K,(n MinuJes J (?rand Jury Veiled. ?* . ? ? - ? ? ? ? tr to see t ? - ? ty a ? r?vent tk? ?-?-?.- j from r J . ?a*" i anaea ? It s -? ? libia U ? ? .... Vr i ? ? ?-? i noon. ? ;??... . ? s I 44 liiKK H I.KADIMI flBATIES \ n 11 K C i' C t - .... finaude Adams LIBERTY ,,.'. EMPIRE V.'*-, ?nT1,Zh * s?r/V? NEW AMSTERD.AM in 1 M Bin* - "THE LITTLE MIV.ISTER. LYCEUM . * ?' ETHEL BARRYMORE ??OUR MRS. M'CHESN?Y. ' 4:d .-? !.. .--'-: _T .4 - JULIA noNALO 10SEP 6AN0ERS0N BRIAN CAWTHOR?. . SYBIL G??- COHAN'S . *' "\\ 4 ", OTIS SK1WLR "Cock o' the Walk" HI?H'sON - " r'* ?" ? """""?"?"?"?*?""""""^"""""^^^T?-'*-?!'? ?El ^^^ MATINEE TO-DAY ?f 2:&| ELSIE FERGUS?! MARGARET SCHILLEF ayTfa Vtit i*-JW ___ I : ?? We^SaSl 1KB toirioN?(vtsyrsisi ?-? GAIETY ' i MRS. HSKE I CRITERION ,J : NEXT MON. -EAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW The Cinderella Man x&siwiuie susan HARRIS Il ,viola h i -jAMcs _i SADIE LOVE a _S__i_li_____fl tro a MACBETH , * ROSt STAHL . BELASCO I' ' : LOI.GACRE ,.,' THE BOOMERANG "ai??afl EXTRA MATINEE NEXT TUEaHAr. M*S. . 4CTOD i ism i ?. . ? n - , CANDLER i ? Safttn'i-Tr^T'Tv, ggEpmSA ? ?? ra? i *?? ui i m ; r i'-m i ?at ? c. T,.rr MeVM Nut Mm U H?rrl? Ti.itra bLTINOt C?. v?irv NI6MT, fer. ?. vat, FrMei , THE COHAN REVUE 1916 *&???*" | JX \ JQ ; REPUBLIC . ' GL0BF __BLa__f?___?tSa GABYDESLVS < XHNIl.lK II XI 1 Sun Aft , I el? Il at S, .1 il II McCORMACK i . - at. Ere.", Feb. V a? I ?S SOKGLSKY-FREIO xi m l x\ n XI i . -,.i Ere., Feb. V at a:IJ ' -, -lit Ml n,;th it o-ni? B?erai ?? Mi ?. Kltrj I f ?I Morton B'Ile BUn ? l't ; ?' i-, .' ? |l Ollter i Olg'? ' ?Tfll ''VI il "*""' T'mh - ** a ?jLViiasr?.?-, ?, m | V MAT 11 mi' ' i Bee Wel a GARDEN " .:",./*..* ?'?<;.?. THE WEAVERS Punch &, Judy- "-.V... ?^???'* ^^-^-TREASURE ISLAND lata. Krt. a Sat -?-?,-. aINOBOX -4 '4. *asM_i_g_-_ i Loew's American Root ' ? . -i are ?.,,,?.- '. I .4 . Ht ?frIVKI. IRVING PL. THEA1 RE .) Mai - ?*. MINNA t?? n ? ii mi i i.\t COl.i.MWA. ? - I i I L 'Bf'RTV .? ? ? i . ! -- I.IRIS 48TH ST.*"' V . :' " ?? ' JUST A WOMAN LYRIC Mat to ???*?? "THE 1 OF HACl ? |i *..*i. 1 ?t- t .0 POTASH &PERLMUTTF.R :iETY rLAYrOUSE " MUIMI lO I) XX ?i .' lO GRACE GtORGE lernard Shaw's MAJOR BARBARA METROPOLITAN ci Trtur,. ? , ' , rime ' ; - f. a - - " ' ' ' A.?* ; ' ?a , M Miro. . *t> KIP-HIP H00M Sousa*iB-nd ? 'SUNDAY Mr. AliredNoyes. AUTHOR'S RE^ I it. ? na ?,,-', "i,";'?' \, 4f.ll 14V 11411 I MOTOR BOAT?M CLOSES SATOT^ Gun I ?hi npji blihsiim rnil?"""";;,,!' HE'irJl ?T b . i.[??0" STANDARD -roLLINC^ KNICKERBOCKER - 'fAIR?bci>^ ?Fatty' AriWhl.* * ?"" .^ ?.-and ' '.'. jg?*