Newspaper Page Text
HEART PLEA ENDS HIOHR DEFENCE t1 Son Self ( M?l fitnesses for Accused Woman? rfOROES TO GO >\ SI \ND lODW ,,r,v4 Gei Mtacks priest'? restimonj ?? \ lo lati I ssloaal. K , 1 \ VN ni ? -?ter. ? -. v na ? ' -? ? nal 1 ? ?.-a.'E.? ? a ' ' . ?? t 1 4 ? ' .. pite 1 i ?? ? . ? "? ' ted. The es . - - ? i ? - ? all ? ontradlrtet1 poin! m ii< alia'a a! ory its ni"" hn\i 1 . , ed. but no! so ? ancla isrti ?attorney Genets ' be able to ?' ? all doubt of guilt it is a ojue i tit'll. however, If he will h?"1 able ti eradicate fi??n? some of the uir^ra tl ? ? s' wistful littli id on th?? stam Final ? ' ? the defence thll i - -iin, a palle?1 ?' w'hiren, where Heal .- ? hoo! lag;, mul Pethei *>'' - McXamara, the negro chauf ? ? ? ? ,. feaaor. . .1 in cnnvrrsfi lion v ' after l ! him, "If I Knew like ara* going to be 1 i would i'< er have bi en i ? * made no effort to crc**, r\ai . I u! n hsrc!i>r tlm? M the pti-furcn ol .-.I that I i ? , ranston, wrier ? him a " *?' had in the et ne. 1 <? him, ho swore, ? ? a-1 ? replli ? She aerar said an) il ? attacked I 11 > ? ating hat he had vio .-<? the confesi i \g . a t wiped hi? bald, aa> ??? -?i tad gi ai ? r.tasl th? ?age It the canela i i I - T ' * ,-. - | ar ' ? rl t ered minced 1 el ?? i. B?rger, ?h" had ' i ? i ? icro.n nf hi *'. den! ? ? aras res) ?? ?. els and Jo B. i ? ' ? ? it the F i".li l ^ rhe adf ?*' the rted, ' ?? gtvi ? ? . ? is, who I Baa it Bureau chief of - - - ? itand , ': . -; ?.?'.? ' .... g . . ? ? i- ? ? ? ? ' * ' ? _ . ' RK BRi i '? M*K . : ? ? "Co. - ?? (^m^rTY1^} Style MGM Pnce S100 Mahogany or Oak WJhe_ AEOLIAN VOCA THE PHONOGRAPH OF SICHER TONE THAT YOU CAN HAY R ! ;GARDLESS of price, there is no . ther phonograph that equals the Aeolian-Vocalion in true musical wonderfully smooth, large-volun ed .: | in bai ?n treble, and ?balance. You never have heard phonograph so real, so ? very subtle beauty, as 'I lie -VocaJion brings forth from your : , ?Elegant simplicit) ol d< ?ig i and malce the Vocaliuns as hand tluA are musically efficient. THE VVONDER1 I L GRAD1 OLA, with its ? practical control ol tone, double? . ? >wer ol the ; gi iph? lyoul terall) may ???01 play guided . it musicians, Hm revolution . : , v 1 ;%l. with the V? calion. Aeolian-Vocalion Prices W ithout Gradu?la $35 to $75 With Gradu?la $100 to $2000 The AEOLIAN COMPANY ? ? - 29 W. Fortv-Second St., near Fifth Ave. T. R. BACKS PLA! TO HELP ALIEN l'r?es Americanization Immigrant by Raising Standard of Living. OPENS COMPETITION IN HOUSE DESIGNIN Country Must Demand l.oyall Mr Declares. Citing Qer many as Example. ' Make the immigrant lire ttraerican ?nd hr? will bc^n to feel l 01 ? ' rhis wa? ihr? theory rxronm! bj ihrodcre Rooaevelt at ? laneh? g" en a", the home of Mr?. Vinrent Aal aj for the Nal onal America .-a'ion Committee. I'nder it? atippi, ?ve Roeaevell tnerica Plrat fund h offei ?; p .-, i , . ? ? |M... bouse? I 'I M . - 1 ?nditions in liorj"??-'". \.,, wli va . cornfleld eighteen a nth? s and now ha? W?OOO inhabitants, a-.* Bridgei i v whi r? H ? are talking I oui ng the maaTl ?oai ?< lier ? because there are n HS -' - -...?:.r.l the r?. er? of the coantry to the Imps tanci of ? it hi u ng i rob em 'I "??* snisatioi I mil iflv gl romp? te hi ? ii Prominent capitalists, ho i reu? and arel - ? evell ?peak. He ' ? ,.? ? Inter? t in the competition lay in i rrn -'irai relatioi \o-nt i ig tn him, tnc immigrant can ? be expect.-. ' ? . inless he ha? Maq nur deal" hi re in :hr matter of m te--, ?here ciiiild ',>#?? . r jnipo tant done, not on Ij for thi - - hut for ourselves, thai I : ' ?Is! npon si \ ? dard i hn\n the kind of . , lid not i grant l hen conti nt that I ? ?rill not be | . month ? ? . irdi ? tract tubercul nd i the next gi a body ol nfer piritoa I Pt Cil ?' to th is fUl frontil his ci Pi -r-re v. ax rv Hers I the nu ' ? - f v who w? ?ra? eh . nto '??' o grou| ? . ng plana for a < .... f"t a combined family ai ? house ai .\ for ? boarding .. - offered for l iccond 1500, th, II , . . ?. ; tni foi ro esrrii prize? f I mes May 1 ? a ? " ? \ ? i ; ? ' res! . ? peaki rda Prat , , , ; i. road; Owen Braini e faite l.'oi fieorge / i . en, of ! e Pe awa e I ackawanna < ad; E. 1 Corthe f the American ?'??i . foi mei eti f 1 S'al all r. Katharine 1 Mrs Jonanna voi iVsgni ? ?. ? ..-?,. ii ? have ? ,. ? Mrs. John / srr.v 1 ? ? ?'? ? Mi Wi iam Boyard Cutl Mi i. (irai ? La Pari ? Ki II. 1 i ?e, of l ?'. Rice, ? '? ? ' I ? ? ? ? ? t h e AI .-? . Magnu Mi ?? ? " tl ...... ? ? Ida r.H bell ind Mi A n GIRLS FROLIC IN BED COSTS LIFE OF ONfc BlOfV from t hum's Knee (lause 1 ata! Injury a? t- ?f.?: ?. o n ? i -? Ka-' i- I, ' an , Peb. 1. Mia Id eighteei aughter of Mi Samuel < lark, of 0 estnu reet, New Bntaii ? ,. efl el of an injury reci r ago n a playful tusal? . . ? . . I, M Harry A. 1 er of Ne* Britain, lid to-night th? while pla; ing, "i ... ? ., gel to bed " wa? acctde I : ? abdomen bj the h ? ?hum CHAUFFEURS TO LEAVE TRADE FOR PROFESSION Man at Wheel Sa\s Public Musi Respect I lim. a mai >>' ,'r.e a keel has I ? a ,, case being a bauffeai ??"! ? an ta bi me an "p'r?'' prof? onal man. Such is '.he uplift? the name of a ea \- .... ay'? meel ng of e , ? \ ? ? tmst< rdam Ball J. Crillj ... | ? .. ? ? . .- driver? <>' autor ! pi n. (he facl that ? Pit pal : *" ? ,. ? hire a? bandit ?aid ' have < I ii . r,.v are te i ftea I d in t en o ADELE RITCHIE, FREE ONE DAY, WILL MARRY tm\ Hates Post Xnnotinces In g tgemenl to Actress. ? t?r, Feb. t. Adda Rite ??ell known mil ? ? ' '? **?? : ? e from Charle? .-. PI adelph ? .... i I e was married ?* '*?' i la! i rj Wi rully'a ii :taclaj ' Dmai ibi fentmaki l ?. S. AI RM!). 1 R. w IX) DIMANl) LOYAl In lu? aiaMreaa to the Anierir.ini/alion C? niillre, m the home of [\ \ ilM rut A?tor yeMrrd I lieodnir Roovvrll ?>.il(l : "I lirlir4<* thai one of reasoni 4?liy there bai b? , nonir evKKIKe amonj* German bnmigraBti of Rrr.itei loyalty lo derm. ; than to tlir United ."^t.i illltlliK the laal eighlt month? h,i?< Leen bei ai tli<-\ pa) the loyalt) t?. i . "iinii4 4\!u? h eapei ti i loyalty fron them, instead to .1 ? ??iititrv 4* Tu. h ha? be to ?.ii' it CX| demands loyalty. "Lei ui say t.. the imr gt.ini not thai we hope ?aiII le.irn English, hut th he ha? BJOl In le.un It. I the i n i rn i ?i i ml who flue*- n. Irani it *,?<> ba? k. 1 le ha? ??? to com I'lei the >,-,?,-, ? ; the 1 'nited -si .tea . ; | Iihould not -'.v. here I must br made to lee thai h opportunitie. in tin* < ounti depend upon his kiio44ii: I Inglish .nul observing Ame h .m il ind irdi 'I DO'NO NOVEL TO MRS. GOURA Wed Thrice, Confesse; lord Will Case She's "I miliar with Ceremony sa se Ci kei Oi lig Gob ? ? ? ? ? ? ' g eareraoi it pates 1 : - . ' .rth. h. ? ? : ? t.. ,i m sni ',.??, Thai howev? ? - , iture of her life i tesl 'the ? ?renie Ferrar . ;. \ I .r i-?altl ? ho . -rifts Mrs. Ff rrai Mrs. I . ? ? " . says that ' i? ? oom in : . ' ? It the til g i-er?n wa repeat? ??., <.r ma rthmg ? . " ?o n?ve I ? ? | Bl ' in other mcrBl t at hei mmand Vei S .? ri?? . untv, ? rd >"h a 1 el ?' F i ri a., *? i M ... i lid can I l ni : ? ? ? ' ? : ? to the 1 , ? to ?a ii iate I j ; I I ? - - man.' . , sn1 atri ind, as far ? ., lilV I ? . ? e.1 . ? - '..e law? . . know tb? i ? ? '? ? r r? ? bei ,i ..-ii m ..i . ???? i lapi ' then V ?he wor ? - ?a . \-t\ unhappy, thi ? . he ? i bei ii.u-i "i ? ? ? ... d Mrs, Gouraud. the eiec iton ff tl to exhibit ai interei re of the eo'jpls a:"'.? They agrei I t? lorn ?a to leai . -.. ?? e.- Heed, am how. si < the Identity f tl.irloui perno .. ? ., r-. ..[IV. a S18.5S9 IN PEARLS SEIZED Federal < oorl taked te < oadesaa .lr??el f,.r Nun I'.i? ment ??f l?ul>. Hai '????? \- yesterds - . ? rfeited 1 the g ? rifen sytnenl I ? ? ' ng 97 p. iris, a ?eca Uce of 101 pearls, i pearl ?reifhinj I o grains, a B??arl ?reighiag 1.00 I a black pearl neighing i, - I I'.. ? n' ? ' "' ? ?? I ' - ? rdlng to M i eoontrj ... *?rm? an, re ? Hunchaki't, a lociets w ? - ember ist, i ? the Fren? . i: . ' ...? d '" d? -? - ? ' ? i . irgs aine?! ?rere n . t of tl ? ? a prosp? bring . | ? ' , i . iraed to I lance. 'GIRLS CHEER T. R. AS JOLLY FELLOW 3.500 Sing Rollicking Song as Colonel Talks at Y.W. C. A. 50th Jubilee. _ MAKFiS ONE LONELY DEFENCE REFERENCE Even ihal I \.President Wraos , v. it h Pica for Equality for Man and Woman '.? ' ? | ' ' :- i 1 i ' ? a ? r ! r. nr Hi i jniir i ?? r>i At the (r' motilen* r.f the bigg? ' ^ affair e-. -i , ., \>.w y,,,; e, . ' ?'"m" ... tha ? ,- i?! Vounc We riatla \ <? - ation ' ? aromen ?yellow, I. blui wei ?? ave! ' ' ha? ' ."..".."i.i v nrr.nn role? I I . to song nail sll nor of a n ? | '"** Bag dri i ?;? Regimen! *? ? i ? ? ?? ?.venae ai Twenty .r\ r-r. 4 I ? ? - ' irv't. the "jolly, ttiioi! fellow," seemed to ? ? .i, Mr?. Jsnie.? St.- | . pre i g i fflea - ol : .v. | sen Mr? i i i the na lional bi IM " el, and ?topp, rj forward to - ihoie ? : ? ?r ? ? i *. ?. - "BitrT' ' ?? ? [?o?.?/.; der; the ep< , . lumped, thi .rmory i?ii- ? ., igl tel m <i tha ' olonej hail g? . .., ? Orgaalaaliaa Pralaed from H'.i formal , ?.600 ? omen, .ir.i agaii I truei / Good Fe bei ? .?..?'. going to get a .-. ? . "I am prou aaked peak * hi ?? i ' I . ? chance iving see si , ? t u ' ave ever witne ' indrc 1 and hu ? ? ' ? ? I .? ? or rr-i ? . . , thing our dei i ? We've got to gain aroma man" Here h ? ?entenee was lost in load i '?..'?; "Wail ! rotested "1 ??'?? may ? ? . , ? . g ? ? n, 1 say, ought to 1 ? ? ? .-' i, ? man, ? "v. exact ? for n orner, a? tor men upon Bul "?i ; i ?: ? . ? .-. as bef ( imp rai inn Pleases Mayar. a ho (""??? ' ?d that the < \ m :? owed ?? ic: ea! deb( | Young Women'? Christian A.-.. ? tug ? ?? rhat il i ?ded to leai ? ? Roost tt I ? ? onlj one pri part dneaa, ?. re so I ' ? ??u i- hi?. - >n i ? ? for mi ? ' rii . . i.n n't fit t?? ? "l but tl ? i both - ? the table I ? ? I up I ? ? ?ti ? \ ?.-..,? member, hut ? . a- ? ither'a . ? I at whtel Mrs. ; ? ? nt of metr?poli! a associa ... . . Br. Ki - :' Geoi rVilliam Chin Mr ... II ? ? ' Mi rea' . i Fil ?loi and ! BRITISH COMMISSIONS WIN GUARD OFFICERS Bronk'yi Regiment Loses < ap tain "Non ? onis" Cross ! inc. Store? bat i' bei irrent in the Ne?*? \ ork l time that age gering ?era in tin- Guard ?rhose ree< . - known to be good to ta n ?? i ..,?'.. na or majora in th? h armv ,,f thi- ? eft*? ? h.,.. <? The latas! S'atioi * Guard ?fl known ,r> have B - tish i* i sptain Haskell I B Ii ;-. of l oi ; - hi, of the 47th 1 c * ? of I i ? ? ? ? ??? I ?i.a ?? la .-:?', 'ir-d in - ' First Lieuti ' ' ?r'0* H l igsr? * ' offei ??? ? I Rei i elj I ? ,: ? ? | I ??: ?: ?? . . - , . I eutei ?-* Ragei i said he km of j i i- ??? ? .1 ofheera ti e I ,.? ?- a Guard ul.o acrn-r. tl ? ' i - ? I Joined ! . ? r. a RT FUSES WOMEN A HEARING Ral Judleiaej L'asamiltee Will Dispuse i.t Saffragc I arly. ??- ? -a - V. . i . . -' ,ring on the - ? ? : l hearing - ? ' | cimmi ' get a', o.'r.ei ntattaif? | Thirty or forty writers and artists live as the Austrian Army's guests in "A War Cor respondents' Village," described by Arthur Ruhl as a combination of a tourists' bureau, rest cure, and military club. It's an unusual view of war-news gath? ering in this week's Colla ? 'co?9 ier_ TMl NATIONAL wtSSl.T ST. CYR, IN RAGE, ON HIS WAY HERE Valelless, Rushes Aboard Train?Should Arrive This Afternoon. IDENTIFIED, IS RETORT, BY TEXAS RELATIVES Tuns of Baggapp Still at Motel Talkative f riend loudly Denies Everything. Pal B -. 11, Pia., Feh l. Jean Har . i ! rard I ?lambered upon : :: ' at!.'.":' in, ?nil i? way 1 Mew York 1 . t, in hot that I sve tangled that " I...-v Thoinp ilerk, of arr in New " ... A alterno ' ? ? ' I to her sum h- Hi? Mr. akers, too 111, * ;? ?-. her apartments, Also St Cyr"s .d ' .? lei ?ions his man) changes of co-turne ar? ?till ?t the !?. ?. therefore certain he **ill re'Lirn. a ; , ,. h" v?ou'nl permit nothing of death to separate bin long from h:'i hourly ehange at attire, ? trip wm .-auiirlen an<l unpre ?raa Indicated bj th" fact :' Cyr had made i r?servation ? got ;o the iment, It is ge i ? i arrival of New i? ? ? ? is morning telling ..i i ? ? : I rove to su : ? '? ate, io omii I plu i promi nada ? ? -rl i amusement - that iv? igraram?. ? ir no mysterj k* ,:Ii shout .?'.....i |. . fonng ? belt buokl?- . . ? Jai m - ? ??? ? lentity as 1 lark Oaklei ?' . ib1 Hotel, 1 .\. ? ? forr , > ,,. thai froi Mi '?'? oodho ise's mi " had . ? ? menti houn Mr. ouse was here h ; ? tl ? ?' detail thai he had aeeom to Roches! er, -?here a Mi 4' il.) IS . ? I .1-1 ^ ' It 11 : ? . ? Mr. Wo. itely ears i ? ? . . effect - ? ? ' | - ??' ed here si roil r.ser'J? tila l-hs " elori I trs? I ?hi poiisi ? ., i Cyr" te ? ooks : well OB a thea ? ? trankt re-nsir, ?t 1ha I ? wardrobe n***;.; ? ? .- Pal Bei - ' ? ng ".. for th? ?riel a van cou i ?. ? ? -*. Cyr ar.rl ? *her? ..-;.. UBI Mrs. Si. Cj r No. Vs Father Lefl Her Nearly :$4-00,000 1. InVI ? a . ? . . . - ? .. - :.. ?.r;, \. i ?? than a mit? ra when hi rtj I ears :'.- tl H k . irtun4 ?*? a ?'? *'? Ifleld irr ige tatei ih? itivt '- . , ., .* i? , .i i- r Hartford resi? st i i. bora m one of 'ne inda St, Cyr a i t n thi l>d ?, al : .' '*' i ? set, Hart luting I ? ? - ?r?s 1?.?* .?I! remembered. Hei rjr g ... Id, refused ? ? .-? Hrer.n.n. in a?'? gat? ' t. Cyr . - ? ir the po? ililed as ? ? ., ? -. r i im? ..aon. ??*??.'.' m F? TuarT ?>rtlv bvfov- d? i I, an 1 , ,? - ?state at 11,171, ?1-14.1;! ?Mfhieh 1 . tocki ? ., ave greatly appr?cia nee 1870 ? ? - - true of ' ? ? ??'. i.- : Oi . - ? ? ..? ?i ? - I ' ' triebt ? . . a | ?? ??half -ab t ? the i rhei . ' ? ? ... b distributed the e. tal ng hi field received 138*1,763.So. ' I ?>akf? $c (tatpatig ! FWidway at 34th Street _ Beginning today and continuing all week A Clearance Sale of Men's Shoes at $3.95 Regularly $5 and $h A rare opportunity to secure standard qual? ity Saks Shoe-*? for men at a reduced price. TpHE selection comprises seven hundred pairs of lace and button vid kid, tan Htissi.i calf and gun metal shoes from our regular stock, to winch has been added about three hundred pairs of dark mahogany ealf lace shoes to complete the size range. ? Kverv shoe offered i> absolutely perfect, the dark mahogany calf shots being modeled over i very attractive neu Spring last. I SUGAR PLAIT STRIKE V01 Ma>-hlni-,t? Plu to < l???e "?merl Refinei-A in It rook! 4 n. The Brotherhood of Mach - its ? terelay deeided '.men a itrika of rnachini'tai in the plant of the Air SI -'i^?*- Refining ?'"npany, So Third Stree' sr.d Kent Avenue, Hro l-.n. It is expected that thi? ?-?ill rl the entire plant and throw i esi its BJO ' ?*. orner?. I'm* itriks eommittec laid that strike, was precipitate,) by the r eharga of ,;!.e nniofl men. The msndl ure tor SB eijih'.-hour day, half day Saturday, tim? ar.d a half overtime und .lout.i" timo for Bunds PIECE OF NEW YORI LOST IN DARK AGE life in Renwich Street Aft Dusk like Paye Out of Rabelais. Running n a. erj 'ore on Itenwj treet, -:e;ir Canal treet a the Nor River, i- a | n..- i,i ng i I exi itii bui ness, according to Jeremiah a: Abraham Jeraliam, the pr.>; - h lit'-le shop ..t >a'u. CO. A gar.g \ouths make their living like roBB of old by plundering the strei They rob oni hooa? an i sail to *J nnt, and "aliray?, if thoy c^*? ?in ?.?r*.." a? Jeremiah ?a-.d, "thoy rob? tl grocery ?tore." Vesterday the loflg->safjr?ring ppipr. etora were hold up again by thn gangatera, who pelted old Mr. /?ralia 4-rith h:?> own onion? and potatoe?, ar then reached for their guns when tl y.iair.ger man rushed in to rescue h uncle. "They don't steal much b bread and cake," said th? yoanger ma "because vie don't dan keep a shout *he p h<-'\ and 1 don't mit 4?hat t.r.ev .in?? to me, less'SB thf shoot me. fher did the feller wr "*as her.' before. Hut I eouldn't ?;sr seeing 'em hit the aid bibb. 8o i kiel . ? e cop in 'he corner, btr lie \>..r. loti ing, ?nl I bet the..- try to be i'ip ,:p ?..r it, ur ilae bust rail tl ? s ?1er?." The snarehv that reim? in Rer-wir street dates hai-k to the ' me **'-->,-i m deprived mat thorougl fare ? r' * . ? i -fu-i lamp, -:- " ? - "i there ha Stjrgii blaekiiess, so that n ?ron si larei renl ira out sfter ?lar ami householdari go irmed into tba cellar?. It ma] t"* romantic an. ? ?val snd ver) exciting, but th Jeraliams and their neighbors ran' an,- .' PASTOH AND FLOCK BATTLE IN PULPH He's Dragged Down Main Aisle on His Hack All \re 1'ined. rB* i*i . - ? mn , l-'.'b l. Tiotihl? 1 i ? t }:??-. John H D " ? i sry Bapt I st congrega - .i i iporarily I \4heri the. a I ' I.- a i four of h ' ? Its i Ifl the police court for fig! ig A we k ac? th? Rev - wai ,- h. but h? it r-eld I few i ,r ?vo the go? ? their relia . - eadei ?end.- i i ni| inothei tin?j .... ? ? roub ??. . ; ' 'dr. : i stieg? itch? ? ' a ?I . .. I EAST SIDE PORTIA FREED BY COURT Promoter's $1,600 Theft Charge Wins Only One Bl.tck Lye, So Far. Mr?. Fri-da Thomas B< 1er, rho be? fore her ^ia-t- ???. ? ? Will sai D Basles ??-at | n '??. t?a knos n as tha ??at r.rraiirr.ed be nell in the 1 . ?? e r i ", ' ? f Per *" rd, a i ? Hotr: MeAI| " ? la? f stei . . ! r g ? I ? > mean timi r, aa he i? tva^ being arraigned in the Hi court for gii g ' ? ?? la It eye according ! la? in : ? torney I arter, in eoort, Me i ara I reatad in ? Boston motion pid ? ? i ara. fa h ' M I ' ? '? that h? snd M re Kn?!rr had !?? n I gather dastatsssn November 14 laat, sad at shout n in the avaaing they boardod an uptown elevated train at ( ortlano' Street. Aa they smarted op the stairs, MeCord said, Mrs. Botler tripped, sn?l In trying to save her??!' |fcs thlWW hi r srms shout hita. He left the train at Thirty -third Stsaat sad ?real ta 'l-.<? M Alpin. The r.ext meralag, he ?aid, he discovered that hi? wallet, ron'a 11,600 and a pa.-?s to s Broad "-a-.- tha atre, was gane Some tima later, MeCord said h h ? t. he was informad b? Itaatin M MontajgiifTo, a lawyer, of 299 Broadway, thai he ha I seen tha wa'.lrt and a Broadway theatre pasa la tha 1 ? ? of Mi B 1er. Montegriff >, sraa was in the Torr' Magis? trate l ??? that he s ild ne! ary coi iborsting ? * ? he had bet sod to ! ahou; the .-. He added I aw MeCord and Urs. I ? r?- ? - ? id I ? leharged M I . ? griffo be! investiga! I l ? da>. "It v? . M ' ? ? ? A.-.-., ir, when arrs ...? ? 1 .'.?? ?? ? f*? rsterd? > Mrs apai t Mei !ard aa irsing a ?an rax -? ' - . METZ FINDS IT D? HARD TO BE GOOD DEMOCRAT - ere (a a? |ea?t or.? 1 fcloag DeSS I i New York who a ta ha f-.a? -.-. the aeai Demoeratie natteaal Herman Meta, ferner I re i the mai featerday he it I'm g tieketa and the plat ..? ? * am ? as? i. Al?man & (?n. Tailor-made Suits Afternoon and Evening Qowns ??presenting t le late; ates of i '< '.""?' - r:*:*.*;'. ' :'. ..' .??* ?*? s ' 'C ." f selectee <~ ie of !e exc!i :_ - to B. i : & Co. Su $enor v o ki lai ship. ."':-,e i te p 'ices. :.*.,??? ? s -,"'?. es! ???. ?r.s?ci" " ??!??"?*'.?; ?oc IS. De pa; ?.men t fo ? Importe ? ' ' * i s .-- ,* ... ? 4 - ? .Fifth Auriiiu-'ii.uViiiiiu Ai'riutr 34th anil 3jth -ya-rrtr. Mnn ?JnrU