Newspaper Page Text
.iUARANTEE Your emloMetS) BOfM 11 You Want It. ... r?'? ? ?? '??*? I'd??-?? i xtowlijt?i ^wm fttiomt WEATHER. Fair to-'lay and |??Blorrow. Fresh west win'I*.. ' /a. .... / Firs? f o Last ? the Truth : News - Editorials - Advertisements Soi ? I.\\> \o _.!._.>_. 11 ....?it-lit I'I Hi? 1 l.e Irlli,me \.?n | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I. 1916. ? ? (kVI* a* ?|.'\',r In Ne?* *l?irk ill?. N-4? ark 1er.. ? t II r, '.si'? s la.? I ,,?| ii?i?,i?in Oeewhere l?. ?mi?. Bomb Fires Dominion Parliament House in Ottawa; 6 Killed; 2 Members Missing; Others Badly Burned LANSINGORDER FREES BRITISH ON THE APPAM Collector Braves Ger? man Rifle and Berg Gives In. CAPTIVES SAIL FOR NEW YORK None but Prize Crew Barred trom Landing Apology Ends Row. r> JOHN -' I EARY, Jr. "You ? ' ? '??? " who came i-i on - porati . . , ? . sjatioi ?hip." 7 . t was?de ton, < ? Hatz ? this af? - the ripht ,'.) not louve Hats ? ?.--.'. ? . trnvern ?? ??? "They ?rill I lid the ?? ? i.rrmir- I - I 'illector. ? I . ? with ;i ? ? ? ?? ? ?tenant ?? . in the ? im. ? at the ? ,'' ? ? hu'l ruled : ? which ?.??"* ? Sl? ither Ens. Ens *?* mi-' ? : all of the . they s ??Won thi irch the l-ag i ??ard. '[ Ight ? . : ? ?'? ? down to ? Norfolk .?>? hn.l ? -irre on ? Hide Hall? I nil. ? UM im nie! '? of Om a? ?v. i aoat Imi is? i ?v* ,""''Pr '? s.ppaw dropped hei J"*l si arrlv) g from Old Point n ?.?nli'd by ... i aptalfl I ? lor?, i .t \ , p short '???ore H ??,. A. .u. '_...? ?_ ? ? and Hnmilton ??.th. '??*" ?f are a German "You ' rther prosrri '?ritaH aw ' ' ' 4':i?l ? -ne off," II? itij , ' g came I I ??? ? then Ii Ha '"""""??'I "., ?-n, |. |||? | ??vu, h t ' ' '" ' .??St?, -1. .?., ? ?? Little Girl's Dime May Build Warship Child. Tired of Fund for Foreigners, Starts One for Own United States. \ I ttli -girl aentai fin**, ta The Tt t> eeterday. '?' th 11 waa - lowii .: ? Bro Februar) .'. '?"?l?. "To the Editor of Th? "Dear sir: I n a.i In youi papeT i loi ibout prepared -rroatgrandps ara. If I a bor I i-.oiild - ?Idler, too Bul i sin ? ot, 50 I : I car. to help. Mania Mar-ion?. Sterrett, and her bah*, ?iatcr. Rath. ? ai me a dime even weak foi belp . dime to help build a battleship for .??a a lot of other kids ??ho would p.4e their errand money if a fund. I am thir? ties yean old und tro to Public School ours, "MARJOR1E STERRETT. I ran! ; ? ' pare I to crea* n like ?.,!. "P S Please call the battleship America." r : '- letter, b it to tha hyphenated of l;t I ?ititliiii.-il ?n |.h??<* fi. ?.(.Iiimn 1 SUN A MASKED MARVEL; ECLIPSED, BEATS STORM Under Shadow for Two Hours and a Half, Routs Had Weather. Ni".? ': ? . . . . ; ' ? f the by ha i light i for a any - or team work on the part of th? . ? !.. ,* ' , sk'es ! sat wit .mulls, but -. ? ?terday when the i ; . -"1 h<-r for-women bla? ? ?? ei ? ' ? ip, th?' and th? pther ? ? of th? ?-."at Shine, hi .'??? . ? Ran. ? . ? ?'.'. ? . ? ? nom? : i ob? ? i is 1 pen? to read that ? 1 nobody ... eted .:. In portai *. ? was taking rliic- Bui those and laid in a ? ?' dark gla i?a, ? ? ?.*.i 1 d ie? the hadow h.'^ln lo ? . ? ? ? . lun'i ? : A? 11:84 the obscuration reached ?? ? . 12:64 It was all took only ;? 4' a i ? . ri.- ,-- - th. , thing . ? ? ? ? . r : 11 ? which i a mu oportunl ?? t. oh? . r. ? * ereat stn I flama aur? rounding the lun'i disk. Down in Con? i und Colombia, the luxurv of a full eelipae was enjoyed by all for rix mil MARRIAGE WILL FREE GIRL FROM SENTENCE Policeman to Act as liest Man for Guarded Bride. ?With a policeman In the role of best i man, ami n bridegroom who interponed ! himself between hi* brida and an in determinate sentence pi-rhai*** threw y.ars Ionia-. M SB Helen MoOIW ... light from the HouM i Good Shephord lata the ?t?te of matrimony. H?-r maiTiage is tha eon . iiae ?ruin th? institu .? , trat? Bai I a si.ui last night Night 1 "I 44 .] nut release lier until ll married," he told Charles Gaylord, a lawyi i rotaiped by the proapi Iriaieiv-room. Mu?a".-"?'* Barloa said thai he would .,, ? patrolman Gowd to accompany the young ?Ionian t.. tha CltJ Hall, i.' d that when I performed i.i had hope? that the Slater Superior1 releasing th? bride n. , from th? titut on. i.Ki \i iii.wt ssmtm ? UHl I ?a ?..*? stepBeraj Botnia?? ? aast? COAL WINERS' DEMANDS FA! A nt lira cite O pera tor Refuse to Increase Wages or Cut Day. PROFIT TOO LOW NOW. THEY HOI.I Men Seek 20 P. C. Mor Pay, Union Recognition and 8 Hours' Work. Aathrseite operators d< fused yesterday to mee! the ?'? of their miners for inereaaed pay hi bettei rorking ronditiona, 01 groa 1 ? rtssji of cnnl nti ; ' ?' ? ? ? price- \? ould I" I ? In g thi ? owner? hat : ' ?1 .? tat? 1 an induati la I ?ti ??.??k ->i>iv will be fought ou! a I tila, paper and statistic? ron ? g a I retreat loi The ? ineri baaed th? ?!? formulate,! last September on tabl? of househo! i account?, -hinting th compi - resae in the eo?t of lii imr t.. ilk;i4r-' their earnings. Th ? en based their rci uve? ?nd eating thai the m aera ha ?nftiie numerous miscall ulal on? an that they were no! s seh ??g in or fe a? they b? lieve. The believe th?' they are er to a I'll per cut increase in pa] recognition of the union, n two jiu 1. 1 sight' ho'i lay ai.d changes ?n tho method 0 g Wage? The nineteen ml.p eratori rred each claim in detail SI in almost every Instance ?rs had dorn ... Operators Offer tu \rhitrate. In refusi-,,- | ?' demands th< operator? suggest thai their be submitted to the Hoard o liation, provided for it 'he swan iollowinf* the 1912 anthracite coa -?rike. The n sr? have showed 1 a board, .? not known what thi will he. It is certain, however, that thi army of ?tatiatieian? that has laborer on the demand? and answer? on eithei ?ide ?? ' eontinus to produce the ? . Meanl by any hont.! that :nny br selected to act Bl mediator A'srring p-irt ? 1 In the iong answer that ha? beer ? to the mine workers the opera that compliance with tbeii demsnds would mean an 60 cant? a ton for anthrai sort no ??? ? in heating home?. Thi? itatetnent .^ joai hed by the bithert* inknowa fact thai the larger ?isesthal . ied :'i.r steam purpoi 1 must bi sold at a loss in order to meet bitu? minous competition, and that, w- a con sequence, the consumer ol domeai c - ? ?? m ."'. paj the eoai ; pi iwn, part "f thi.' | reducing thi ?nduatrial variety and the profit to the operator on both. "We are pera a? ?ow a ? ; ? t s? poi lible it we are to continue te servi th? ? ib] e," .? the operatoi 1 g thi? ( the situai Lit ing ( 4i?t llasi? of Demand'?. Then the operators' itatisticiana ? I the argument that the miner? had expected t.i !?.? n clincher, The mine worker? nad aaaerted that the ? if food had ni' resaed 40 per cent while their income had Inereaaed but f?H i?-? cen?. ir. the la?? twelve year? "Therefore.*1 argued l ie minera, "we would have beet tiflei in a.-kini* a much greater Inerea ?? In pay than v ? tHI4 1 a raki-ii " Hut the operators point to what they term a fatal error In the statisi - ' the miner?,. (?overnment eta' ?1 the] aaaart. shoe thai the cat of food represent? bul 10 ] I ol th? to! il COBt of living fif the m orkingman. s this as a basis of further Hfl on the miner?' tables th>v And little in creaaed eoal in recreation.?lodge due?, church contributions 01 othati exponeos that are credited with entering Into the daily life of the miner As ? con se? quence, they assert that the miner has ?hown i.n mcreas" of about 10 per cei * in the o st of living, ?? it come? to him, ! ring the period mentioned. "The lacrease in the opportunity for earnings a.s compared to the increased cost of living combine? to make the in creased prosperity of the miner fnr In adVanee of other clause? of labor," ?ay ? I ? operator? Sufi 1 oal Politics I-cared. Ro? the I rat time in the biotOl 'el.or dispute? In the C"?! Heidi the operators give their reason? fur r?-fu-? .ng to recognise th?' United Mine Work? ??i* of America They declare that by ? ?? doing th? y would immediately be* come involved In Me politii - of an or .' on that il Completel] ilntninat evl and controlled from the oatside. By ??? . ? Btaide" they refir ti. 'he bitumin? ou? membership and officers in the union. Since th?. bituminou-? mine oper? ator?' BIS looked upon by tae anthra.-i'e operator? ?? their eompetitora, they I onllniieil on i?a?e S. column 1 ?EXTRA (OMrVHlMKNT PAJUI fU'r'H . ? |. \ SI*? I At TO I ? i ?! l ?rar? K"?' ' ??"' ? "l1'- '"?' I ....> AtUatle Ceaat Uai '? III u ??> , WILSON GETS HOUSE REPORT Lusitania Case Dat? Reach President on Mis Train. QERMAN NOTE IS DUE TO-DA> Berlin Mas Not Mad? Full Compliance, Capital Hears. ;rr ? ifl at Tha 1 On Pn lent'i in- n, Feb. .1 A bun die of diipatcl ea 1 tha .--':.-?'?' 1 ?i ' l." '. ' "1 111 ripher, WCI ..,,.- ! . ? i . ill is i, ; - ' ..... ? i ,* ras e* iden .. ? ? i> gai ded 'hi IB a ? are lupposed t.i bes on the Lu . ! rei '? - ? I y r.ot dil lurbe : ' ' mut ion th? . took a 1 : aftei reading 1 Waal ' ? >' ??? the Lui tuation from 1 -, f? r Pre? . V. ion, are 1... ... i i. . 1 !?. ' ?. i ? e ui tram. Colonel !?? ? jatioi " ? ? ?gb '..ri?an officials, in*- n , them of tl l " ' it'"' Unitei States, and receiving in return tirst hand Information of tl eir riewj Detalla ware nol in i-uch du patehai ai i.a4e been received her?., bu '.hey reported I :i fouad |i unneceaaarj ;<. reman: in H? Hin an lon| a? he originally had intended. Colonel House to have dii cu??e<l otl.e: lubjeeti than the Lusl a ? thi German oflieiala but the Luiitai i situai dl spat hei .o th? ) !? ??' lateal communication to I ion HernstnrrT, It .?h? ?-aid tat the em .. ha.l n..t arrived ?b Washington {ht It i ected to-morrow; : ?? ? ' fail through de? lay in delivering tha dispatch to the German Amba-r-udor, tha tentatiie ? arm . lettlement a non luggested ? ?? German !?"??. rnrai 11, ihould be 'era the i . ? ? ant retun to A'a blntgon to? mon'? ?. ' - aoon thei??..!tor 'l .'.? ? ' ent of the ( ?n- arded to thli country tl ? thai i? . lonabli ? hat ? eon i inicat on ? I i< h bad irti Counl 4.1 ri Bei - I -.4..u'ui prove satisfactory t.. tha United and diplo? mats to B .'mi that Gon ? I ? ?.:..; thf toi tativs form of proposal exact . ai 11 araa ? ibmittod i ba opi : ".-. aad ??? ; ?? rare ex?, plomata in a poi H Ion to ba familial tions ' irdinal poil ta sel forth in * bo tentai ? I approved b) i .? !? i i.? i!. It was said here thai there are cer? tain tooi ?. ? ? Bei n official? b? ln-4. ? i , included I ? . ? ? ; . t of thi ntrovei cause o? concern tur German public oj inion 11 44a- thoutrl I certain thai ? . ; hase ?.a? beei ? ? plaint d to < olo i ? l House, m .i ' turn has tiona to Pn ? ? Reports to nigl I Mid that th? , ? form of pi ope ' rotary Lansing ia.?: reel n regard to Germany'? expressed bepe that the I nitod State? do every? thing possible toward obtaining free? dom ..f tha leaa ' ret ?sed eon siderably, becaui idered that th" wordi mad mich! havi .. . ' the pression that, Germany of settli mei ; i was explained, um m ti" la? th? intention of th? eat. Berlin More Hopeful; aSees Use for Sea Code }?rr'. B, Fob I ba fueling l ha? been prevalent in Gorman eireloi thai a r r : - * -< il Bt I an I ir. i.erman | ?? i, -? ilarlj m re? gard to 1 ? litaaia ?ase, bai i ont lamed on pose ?. eotaaaa I ST. CYRS TO FLE TO ATLANTIC ? 'Phone for Rooms After Hours' Steady Seclusi in Philadelphia Hotel i .del] s, I sb I.?I -: . te Bt th.? Belli ford for twenty-eight houi kfrs Jean Harold ! ' Cyr, v - ? -? ? ated at * "o.i.'ii'h. ai i ? . ? ful huaband, ? ., 11 n 44.1 ; choro? i a ft'4V year? ago, *r, 4?- tired of tl avoid publicity, ar,! t itel Tray more, p.t ?afternoon, to rese ? tab ment explain rs. 81 ( | r or her h ban,-, ?rl I? i re than twenty ye ? il be ime ?ora i by thi ? gi l : a word to ? since they hurriedly lef! i''?r., Bes after the p? . ' a ?tory ti Saint C] r was. m real I ? 1.1.. ,?? U n.,., '! es 'A hen ti P . phla Isst i it f Wsahii . the .. '. hcsltst only four hour-; an.! hud then renew their northward flight aft.-r icing n ognised by curious crowds, they we traighl i Bellevuc at,,! Implor . \ then fin ? ? ?? r ..i ?? : ' oon when the ?train nerves of tile p;?-,r CS M I te 'I i ide t. mske .. bn sa f"t Atlani I I to?morrow. Mr?. Saint ' :r held a telephone cot rei atlon with her \m\v.\.ei .-. NewYoi during the day. rhe laeryer told h* ipread of the ?tori? ?'?i lier and chora? man, Instead ?.f th? tin gentlemen a as* ne to his of] i to morrow. 1 h ? '1 .m igh .< friei d 4..' Ifn 1 ion ?' he 44., . ; .?:rr...:*..ii ti vi ti 1 thi . t Cyr apartmi ?;?-. it -va? . \ thai Mrs 8 lint ? yt will ? ? onl) an at ..hand by his em This admission 441.1 received "i"- onl] as bo? but a? ?> - 1 . foi : 4' as rumoreo earlier in th- daj ?> I -, 1 -H ? ,, . 1 did t.o*. return. This prow! em ? I ?, g to the friend, Mr-, -,i i 11 bai ? '? I v tna,le 1.1 I. r huaband through thick 1 nd thin. "Mrs. Saint Cyr ha? never had any doubt of thi lentitj et husband, declared tl 1 fi >?: '?? "She i? cea cinced . deotsendant of ? > .1 French family and not Jaca ,,?1. ,.1 Waco, ''? tX? a- Bill gl . ; f ir'.^er l le : that the -an.' ? - ?tely to enti r roil '??* " -'-' ?mat thoae re .p,,r libl? ri? an?! that the , ,,.,. ght to a nniah. The Greenhut Way ? tenhut'i .advertised a tale ol Ihe itock ol lha baakrupl A D. Matthews 1 ompany !: attracted --a:*'. .?-1 Hopkins Adams and lit- ??t-iit forth t.. see and t" I d -t both. l-isieaJ <?( ..:.!?. Mutfia.?\v . .: . ? the ?vdvertlslni indicated, he found the 4 il?- ?,.. be compounded ol lugfled label! ? : bled trash, and ol Mattbewi?oh, 4 es. *-unie: il,s story of tiii*? defiance ?'f the neu ij4.-rt.. ng la? rill be in Sunday's Tribune. V.>u 4*,ill wanl to it?but you maj BOt be arle t?i anletS 40u re4??rve -.our a'..;- toda) it 4,iur iu"*i. dealer's. albi* ^utt?ai? (?rilnni? ^iraf to lu.ll tha Truth: Naut Editorial? Advert? emenli I_-_.- I - DOMINION Ilorsi; OF PARLIAMENT AT OTTAWA. Zeppelin Wrecked in Sea ; Air Raiders Sank Collier Dutch Gunfl I lit Dirigible?Crew* Drowned?British Captain Refused .Aid?.Airships Invading Eng? land Blew Up V ease] on W ay. ? ;. .' -.-?? I . \ . ? of a "? ["*? ii I Zeppelii was n lated b ? - toa trawl? r K ng Stephei when it returna tO Gl i rew ?tat tl at on "rt edn? i g, . lit i" ! fora daj break, their attenl ; :re.ct.*.i !.. : ghti *'. ihii g at a dii ???? ? ? be lignai proceeding from a itaamar i diatreai .? ? ' ii gate th ikipper of the King Ktephi a huge maai ol wreckage on the ? ti'.-i-? ier Itood by uni d? II I that ?he Aieckag. ?4 u -lia* ..f a lai -re ' lei man ? bearing the idei til larb "I. 1'.*.' The .?;.' I 01 ? 11 ondai 44afer uni a part of the envelope m' also lubmerged bul th re --4 ?. a largi port ion ai. '? ?? ? i,.' watei itill fl .? with a ?.'? od lea ol bu< j ancy. O? h ? form on the top ..; thi ? volope were a. re? m ?? ighl rnernbt ? I ' .. ? ? ba men -i .. broken English, laying, "Sa4e j?, save u?. We ?fill give you - Th?- group "i: the platform ?*?? toon in.-re.a- thei IBM up ? ii.I hi. ionwa) lead ng I form. Th.- liihermen counted twenty? ?:.? ?.-...i declare they heard lound? a: of hammering proceeding the mieriur of the airship, .h'-re vere BVOfl more board eitl ? r attempting to :'? ? :?;, ri impriaonod m some . The ? '-"i... I a en nine handi ? .The skipper fell it would bo injudieioua to take tl ?'? (iiinii . . men ? sred, further, thai take f the trawler and .-arry it as a prize to Germany. He i ? reekage and pro . for a Briti ih im ? ai . poti i ?.: ?? eon enea. A Reuter dispatch from Amsterdsn yesterda ... guar? \ island In thi . i-"?'.'> ?! .? ?'? pm lit whic) g low, prol learings n the fog, The Zcppelii - bombarded by 'h?. c'iariU. it 4'.-a< More than (Iftj ?hots ?en ? aras bel ? ed, hii the a.r-ih i ?i, i 'hielt BBti ? ie northwar '. 1er Pram 1- i h left Hsrtlepool Monda; afternoon, wai iui i-: ?.' i ' by one of | Zap ? d E iglsnd. Thirteer, r,f the erew, Including the cantiiir.. were drowned. Three men ??ere laved, ' hief Kng.neer Birch, Steward Taylor and Seaosan Charles Hillier, The Prom Piaehei wo? a cap: ?m ? - si id *\* a ooast g '.liar. Ti llier .. nati ?? of Ne? - fo indlai I lei !l ! the di.?a-?ter as follows: "Abou* 11:30 o'clock Tuesday nigh* we heur,! a Boise over! sad roch a* we had never beard before. Preeently ? '? ? ante righi sa top sf us and dropped <? bomb, vhich fell near the engine room A tren ? i i rod, the '. remaining ' ? itea, "l hei ? time to launch Ufa? boa'- We all went ander with the When I eame tip ?gam I ?-aught febel! tfter swimn | some tims I eame seros? the chief engi i eer end ths ?toward, whe bad aleo red to get hold of lifebelt? By aid "- sept afloat for an hoir. "It waa pitiful to hear th? eitoa of -un.i.- of <he other men who had eoflse to the lurfaee after the diaappearanee of thi But soos their trie? sa id and sel ided the?,- were all drowsed. Meanwhile we continued ihouting ^or help. Whoa ere were ?1 most i -, ? ISted, a Belgian steamer heard ? sat and pickej ne up. we ivere transferred ??i ? m i s iweepei snd landed.** Aeked how the Zeppelin managei! to . In the dark. II. ?aid the eolllei ira? riding at an? hoi and her anehor lights mus! hob by the men la the Zeppa-lu. A ? itatloaary it was eo?y to drop u bomb OS her. RUSSIAN "FIRE BIRD" LOCKED OUT OF CAG1 Policeman (niards Stage Don Against Mile. Maclezowa (Br ? . ? ' Boatofl Pob I. Kenia Maclezowi "Fire Bird" of tha Sasalaa baile' He (light from tha organixatioc of Serg do I1!.?." su vaa expedited bj a po I iceman, wba ?rai itationed at th I order? to ihoo a ?a; '.? ? Uaelexowa. 1 ne difficulties between the tempera mental (U.-,ce? and the ruling power ? a ballet began ?b Neo Vori - -..?? refused to continue ; I ph:dea" af'tr Adolph B?hm bad bee. withdrawn. Mile. MMloaowa d? c'.ined *.'j dance with thi itil te IB . ??! becausa he wai il 1 No l '..? thoroabouti in the o?V.u. band! ? I.) ai? ! . - ?..? hastily re hear*.. ofl h: .1 appeared ?Ii "The I,!.- Bird" in place of the lepartod la HER SUFFRAGE SPEECH WON HEART OF ARTIST Now W. L. Hubert Will Wed Dorothy Nicoll. A Ham E. Hubert, euthat and ar? tist, heard Mu? Dorothy Ni? - BabylOB, I. !.. ?peak IB favor ?f suf? frage last 'a.. H? .a. -, ,i anfj aus . snvi rted H ? ici i l was introdneed gagemont wai announced ? of her father, "tVi?l ?am ti. N ;. form ?i Furrotajata WASHERWOMAN CLASS OPENS IN HIGH SCHOOL Girls Will Learn to Scrub and Iron Nursing Also Taught. - ?. ted, Conn., Fob, I a ?lve en ame'.;. . ? ?Ol stalled here, and girl ? ?? ,:e.l in ff end ironing. A ?' "'?" ? ars i g departmei t, fur nished ?< a bedroom, has also been pm- Ided. Leeaona in laundry work ?rill . ?a by Mis? Rosamond Cook. The ? i ursing depar'ment is under I i . of Mis? Marty n Thon i ? ? ?? AROUND THE WORLD IN 14 DAYS IS AIR PLAN Huston Man Orders (liant 'Planes To Spend $170.000. n ami ? T-- -. . rhe Coop? er Hydro aeroplane ' ompany of this la manufacturing a hydro-eei II Adams, ? ' Boston, in Irj to c\tc* the glo!"' ? irteen day? The machine will be ? - three -nth? liona,,1 W. Douglas, of N'ew York. ?laaamate of Adossa ?*- Boelo? "Tech." ia the deaigner of the craft S.-4, ?r; m. n will travel ia it lieutenant I? Doug? las, of New York, officer in the I State? Navy, will b- navigation eflleei rhe '"'a. c.,?t of the trip Will be |170 . Thi ' ' ' ' po? e. H i soaaeed. ? San Prs te "?Va ? [?land, G .a- la i ieigoi < hina, Ail.- ? uto. Sicily, i Gibraltar and the Atom CAPITOL OF CANADA LOST IN RAMES .Members Tell of Two Explosions, Indi? cating Plot. AID IS RUSHED FROM MONTREAL Two Members Burned Speakers Wife Throws Children from Window. Ottawa, r eb. !. I ai . ? Pa r 1 ia mi ? ? | been started ? . ': Two womi . -? of I Speaker Set ig ?*, wen amoks ai d perished Sev< ? ? and firemen were ;' irk the debria when one er., i building collapsed, : i ?? night. Two policemen a i ommona attendante, workii -? rhainU'i* below thi when thf r< tO hfl%e lier:; k. The main tOWl I It \v,? uas etill a llighj hop? tibranr, The fir?t burst of fla reading room of the I ' i. ded by at leasl ? ... The * . itatndtng sotm \iere burled tfl t: ' :' At mMiUght th ? Con i Senate chambera had been ai il ns tho great cl< the hour flamea were swirling up tu? magnificent tower and ... i I h- Pai library at the rear probabl) Bved. >. Idieri w< issigni carry out its COI ' T??o Member? Missing. The - hospitala bad nol been early this morning. Pr I Pardee, chief Liberal whip i.-m S. I.i ?-. ... Parus? from New B 11 a a <i [t la iean d they I their II Sir Robert Bord, it, the Cana Premier, who was in th< ?? eaped uninjui ? s r.ot ao for! ? ?' ? ? I. Minister of Agriculture, ? cverely about tho h sad, and Dr. Michael Clark, member for it I Deer, was burned about thi be Many of the legj ilal i had in groping their way through '?Ii*? uooke filled corridors to window*! and ladders. That, the fin ? liary origin ia pro', ad, 1 lieve, by tli?- rapidity with which tho flames ipread fron 1 ( chamber* to the librar) rhrt m-i-.i. Im ra of the Hou ' ' Martin, Mayor of Montreal, stand? ing at the entrance of the reaatn? room about 9 p. m.. whs I ? plosion occurradi wen d flu? on the floor. The) b that th 1 hi rary waa suddenly Pilled 1 flames that ? purted Wont real 4sked to too. The ?t.tire ?in fighting equipment of Ottaws V4,uh the fl?na - si I si 10 p m. Mayor Martin, of Montreal, .1 membet ti Parliament, ordered the Montreal firs brigade to this city. Half an hour after the fire waa di covered the glase roof over the ' on I ' chare! ? met it ep? ared that tho i sndseme '?? thi 1 itrucl ire 4?.,? doomed. Whei ? , the it I - ibuul messbers ere Ihi lest? I o <-ee,)i':K- ?> ? her 'aa? hroken by a 1 aabed ?ooi - I re! Run for your lv.-a rhe Ramea ? ! ale? mddea ? Igh it art ed not 1 thsn thiii ? ? isj ? ? ? gh 1 - ? rar', I leading loom- :iua corridors *hich